C9 "‘5 Iâ€""Na quamon at all away my daugnlu- two mow shu's returned to BI DYID . emu. “KI Hm '3 voucz " [$35.93 “33358 312-50 $03240. wm. {515, OR , Toronto We." Don‘t Buy until ticuhrs, or write for igns for 1908. .', Tcronto. mtaining in the strength-giving DINO {ï¬nding one of m the steps after a tsmm one or my in h's pocket? 'IAL EVIDENCE. changes .ve my doubts about: mine you she away fame of Holtoways. emu-Sly curtd of my 63; and l w'sh some friends. So “rites: zed, Toronto. ’ia, Headache, I, Pain, Etc. “5 COMPANY EX PERLENCE. LY‘AN KNOX Chi CO., Main 1311 ’RTAINO .GES The govémdr interrupted him. his Inca u'hlteningt‘with horror and an awful “treatment;- “\V have '15? 7" he asked. “Take me tn. her!" ’5 Thumate di‘sce'nded the hill :1 £on pawn: 1e- !he capiai n shivercd nr Li'l' rs \VL‘dEy nnz‘stionfng gagw. “ caSv. Sgtâ€"take it (-35} he 543010;- trembling “pm:- ’1: pretti: st \osng c} 0:).- enjV maxi . g? H! SQ}! “Yes, sir-crazy as 8. Icon.†replied Snyder, in a voice full of sorrow and anxiety. “0! course I cau's be Liam v.1 for what happened! The commandant at the for; says I‘am bfamvlosa an 1â€"†“No. sir." replied Snydn'. “Sh-1‘ told me, after she came abanl, Inat :IL‘ Wm: going to Muck'mz' 0n al‘counl Li a. suddf‘n death. I h-nk tho idea. and 5 did my mateâ€"and i guess- we wen». not far “'1'. ngâ€"ghat shv wasn't x'ivc Lin her head. ch. Dorsey?" Th" mate mnï¬rm d ‘h‘ sfafmrn‘. “Sm shut has“ up in h rafal -‘0 m aft-‘1' tho m4 meal." plus cl Smd-r, “and she had :1 mighfv fligh'r‘lrml and woe-begnne lock in her mus. rm! nu )- ;;dmr was the mod l:!}'<'ex“-;::s .mzzng waman I ever saw. 5:19 dam: :7! up any. and as If oni‘ng. Mn! 9.) :an u-uulu'l'n‘t have kvpl a bird nix.“ The governor ground. ‘The 1300: child had had a gor‘d deal of trouble." he said huskily. “Butâ€".s‘ng‘ wasn’t crazy? It was a pleasant spot where 0103' had halt-9d. with th‘ fort Irmvn'ng above "rm. and the shore and buy smiling in the sunshine bclnw. ‘I <upposc my daughter is at the fort, Captain?" rcsumt‘ the governor, with a {:18an in that directhn.“ ' “Your daughlvr, eh?“ returned Snyd=‘r, with the air at shouldcring a disagnx- able load. “Si: dmvn, Gnvernor. Herc 1m- scm‘ sturc< ha-dy. You 70"k tax-M, and had bdrm- 1e t a bit blurs you go on.†H“ ~u'l,.,~.,l his adieu to the weird. and [11' governor and Becwl follow-d his example. "Yea. sir. But her Mudkemhior. a: I lound ocwsion to notice. was marked Tillie Ward-at least 1 read the name in that way." The governor’s face brightened. “That was quite correct." he said. â€the young lady is my daughter. Will you be kind enough ['3 take me to he:- immediately. Captain?" The mnté re: “can! a few steps, av» rt- mg h‘s face, 3:41 .ooking coxxn upon the bay. - “Foul?" mined the governor. Io:king tmeasily at Beevll. “1 did, mvernor.†returned Snyder. his countenance Changing. “She spoke tr me jus: as I was pushing off. begging me to take but She was a slender young thing. as shy and wild as a favm. She gaye hf:- name as Miss Ford." “You {wk aboard at St. Clair a young {my a_l:.§rcd_ix1 de9p moum'ng. Captain?†The governor inhoducr-d himwif and his friend, point'nag out their shmp. and then. p:‘0?¢‘.(d“d: “We m». 511:," replied Snyder. 1m- capta‘n.†They rvt'nn-“J 10 their ixat and were rcwed asho ~. at once starting up Ihs well-warn ;.ath leadmg in the direction of the tent. “She has gon e ashoxe. you see." he remarked. “Wr- ‘1! ï¬nd her at the tort w? h the ca,'ta‘n. Ham-‘11!" 2;. governor turned to 869v a word cf thanks to the saifor. “H's someth ng in regard in) her," he rejoined, “that has laken {he cap‘n and male ashore together. sfr. You‘ll find ’em a: the tort, and they’ll tell you all abwut her.†The rough sailor recoiled, a look of thy overspxeading his fame. “Where '3 the captain?†asked the govâ€" ernor. addressing one 0! them. “HP has gone ashore, sir1 to the fort,†was the unflwr. “Is the. mu'e aboard?†“No. sir." “Na one else?“ pursued :the ovc'mor. “Where's the young lady who came aboard at St. Clah‘ as, a passenger? I am her father. and must see her at once." They were soon upon the low deck of the transport. which. was occupied bggflcoup‘e of m. n. He ordered the boat alongside. and m: two mien took mssewion of it. one o! the-'1' sailors rowing them to the schooner, a dozen mics dsbant. and ski!- Iufly godgfng the few capoa that had dagrie out. to the 3200;) for purposes of barter “That‘s the Snowbird yonder,†cried the unhappy father, ï¬xing his aze on the sphoomr. “We mbst lose timo in getting aboard of her. Time is douï¬t- 1953’ in bet cabin." The second day proved little more. than a x‘egéuuun of the ï¬rst. except that they made more rapid pm 9955, the bmeze being stronger and ore favorable. About nine o‘clock on the maxing)? aftgr ghe arrival of the gavel-um ‘t hamper! at Méckin'ac the Mike sloop q! the pursuem entered the islgud bay and dropped her anchor, the governor and Bsevu standing on the dock, pale, eager and excited. C +armm+§mï¬mmm+mflw LZI1.\P’1‘ER XII. The governor muse. wild with an- uish. . The ï¬rst day of the cruise of Governor g “wm-e is she?" ho d»;mmd€d. wxln \\'ar‘d :zngl Ben-11. xnopthwam passed m thk stemn‘ss of an awful despaix‘. 9°".‘LCFSE‘LL‘ n “510“ the “9535 nearest] The captain arose 10-0. to tho hearts 6! the two n'xenâ€"upon :1 9w flzgshlngï¬'easels they encountered and a sail or‘two in the‘distanw. When q‘ght came on they made thmnselves comfortable in the cabin. :mwmwm WWï¬+flWWWWWW§+§E goyez‘por turned to Beevil, after VOL. 20. N03 5. $1 per annum TOILET IN THE ATTEMPT MILLBROOK AND . 0L A TALE 0F EARLY DAYS mu unit's. ‘ Reaching tho wharf and swing that ii»:- sla-Jp had gone. he quauï¬ionecl a by- smndov, a'nJ was tam wh’n she sailed. F ‘1‘ a brief space he wma‘nod nhnost paralyzed by the shoals which had thus (â€no upon ht‘m. The governor had be- gun Io Incl kindly towag'ds ‘him. and naw this strange _und inexplicable 111- m must occur to 5mm father at Uzi “Stand aside!" he said, his brow: con- tracting in his deep mental agony. “I mmt go down 'to the wharf and make 5!.1‘0 that the sloop is gone. Oh! this mus: be a hideous dream. and not a 1'03 Ii! y!" g IL-svcd him lo graov! What ton! "‘Sarl'n sure. 1113151112 11101111“? You had 1112:1111 :11 11.0 11:11711a'r-m n1.Bazn1-11 (111 311m? .111?! the 1mm»! 1111's “11110 bf 11 111111 vo. 5 :;\\a f .1 w1 1:1 .30 11 n 113-: mm is 111111 111 b" '11. 40°11 if um ““11 h m." “\Vhaft d-n yvu mmm?" dr'mandcd Ol- I'n. aning tnwzn'd him quickiy. “NIanâ€"numn. mms'or! Young menԠbu wildâ€"and aid uns m)! ['vo LOOK care of you sum-o your fr’ends loft here this manning. and I hopes you'll maK: it right. maxwt‘r." Ho wu> thus ongugvd when the door opnnr‘d :1 mm, and thi- head of the 03'- OI‘N’} waiter wlm had served him wag Hal-m! into View. his jaws pariing widg- 13‘ a: his gum resifld upon Ollén. ‘You’ve come :0, nmrster?" he obscl'V- 0d. drawing in his b0 13' afior his head. “Up and piling on your ciolin‘s? \Wii. yï¬u is the quickest one I over smd i0 5100p off om of them things." he ad- dvd. with Hm evident intention of béing c .m“ liimminiy. “You’s a real old! hard- h 22d you is, marsh-1'." and he grinned, ~~11nving his teeth. Ho weaned that he “11» whh them in the dining-room at breakfast. and that tiny were on the point of departure for Mackinac. The sunlight without new Mid him that hours had passed since men. Where were they? Why was he hen»? Ho ~cpmng from his brd in a wild ox- cifcmcnt. He was partially undroswd. With trembling ï¬ngvrs he hastened to put on hts outer garmenta. H His amazement as he 03mprchondv~3d hi.»~ sunoundings may bgrim-agined. Where was Cmvernbr Ward? Where was the big dandy, his rivalâ€"â€"Be~evil? It was an hour pest noon when 011m Bain awoke from his drugged slvep and found himself alone and in bad in an upper room of his hotel in Detroit. He («moved aboard of the sloop with Beevil’s assistance, and was soon sail- ing. out of the. bay, hsmcward bound. “Take me homo. Becvil." at length said the govcmur. in a broken voice. “Nothing remains for me now but to wait for my rekase! Wild and daugh- ter b0!h gone fwrever in the same cruel waters! 0 , my God!" Thry could not leave. however, with out a ï¬nal (flat! to ï¬nd the missing g'rl. scarchlng lhe village and making countless inquiries, but. only to reach tm. convictivgn that she had indeed per- ished in some such way as Captain Snx'clnr had suggcstéd. Beevil asked a ‘ew further question:. and then gava h’s arm -.‘o the gowrnor. th< two descending to the town in the wake of Captain Snyder and his mate. A \ind cry of horror broke from the lips of the againzed father. \\1L and dauqh’nhâ€"bom row gone now! He cmercd his Iacc. xx th hs hands. “N . We took one boat ashore and went back in her. with the commandant and the (ON. surgeon. The other boat has not been loweicd. The men were on dieclx every minute while we were ashore. and they saw nothing of her. No one was allowed to come aboard. We’ve searched the schooner fore and aft, not missing a place a mouse could hide in. We‘ve also scarchej the whole village. high and low. and been to all the 'baverns and private houses. But it‘s ah of no use. The poor girl sprang overboard. some time between yester- day noon and list night. and must have smirk like a shell" unau- “Where is she?" he dvmtmdf‘d. wiln thtâ€" sternnrss of an awful despair. The captain arose too. “She's out them!" he answered. point- ing at the bright waters. “She’s drowned!†“My God! Drowned?" “Yes. drowned! She'd lost her mind, you see! She'd jumped. overboard!" The Governor and Bccvll stocd silent in their awful consternation. “ch. sir,“ pursued Snyder. “Yester- d'xy noon I 10':ng her door. thinking to keep her safe till I'd seen the com- manth and got his advioe what to do with her. She must have got wind of my intention. for she made a dum- my ï¬gure and put it in her bunk. com- pletely fooling me. Then. 01- .coon utter, she must have sprung overboard. She hasn‘t. been sren since yesterday noon.‘ ":‘Eu't w(:EJiJilidï¬shé not ha'vo been'secretpd somewhere on board and slipped ashore?" asked the horriï¬ed Bpevil. Mk? «1 the waiter a siixer doHar fiqshe-J pant him, hum _\ing damn ulnnn and the kumh! ~uxs. us he â€I“ b:1! mni _'__‘0~ q :.\\a\: ‘Du young N 1'! ~30 d n ng-i mm is do: d drunk. '1 1’" buige‘d if ym: 11 100k am:- I} kmnn l. he couLln“! stay to mkmg ark-r drunken inhh. dat‘s P“ Hi"?! our \\'th h'm s: 'd and n1 lh‘ 1051‘! {nichcd mu up hmo. WU†' 50m \xulc‘y uni ynur . murst-‘z'. wh’vh if you (ï¬ends? Have â€185‘ gm“ "tunno ‘ CHAPTER XIII. x 10?: b--hSn-l in a help- 'l'h- gov-‘12)â€? had m- bo drunk! \‘hat a (1L;- an undcscnvd degrada- «4 URL IH'SLI‘. ' Don’t you Ira..k!ns! with 'om Bum-hy lh-‘y comgs y-xu up how. ch uni yuur wh'vh if you \. nuke sure It)“ lh’s in- an: “\\imi "as \011 to: her?" he asked ejecting his quid of tobacco and begin- 11 ng lo I ok and feel uneasy. “She is m} pnomised .wii‘e," replied Oliin. with the frankness of hisgveat Sz'ilTOW. “and more than all 'ihe world to mus. Governor Ward and my father are near neighbors. but bitter enemies, and tire gm'ormr was unwilling to give his daughter to me, although she re- turned mv love fully. He desired her to marry Mi. Beevil, the man you saw with him.†Captain Snyder trembled a'littlenn- dm his visitor‘s pleading, half-frenzied gaze. “I saw mom and spoke lo 1th as we came into port." said 011m, his voice falbcring. “They told me she is drown- ed. Tell me it is not. so, Captain! For the love of heaven. V911 me she yet lives!" 'l‘hu sailors in re busy. with mvn from th- ~ho:'c. giiiing ready i0 tie up a! the wharf and diswharge cargo. Caipiain Snyd 1' “us superintending the proceed- ings. his hnnd< missed behind his back and n quid of [Obilccd CumIOI'lflbly lo- cated in a corner a! his mouth. It was not :i dimcnh mailer to single him out, :md Ollin went up in him. demanding In hhw- a I('\V words with him. “Cm-luiniy." returni-d Snyder nespoct- fifty. “Came iniO‘thc cabin. sir." H» Ld the way. Oiiin foliow'ng him. “Yuu Lack n young lady aboard at» bl. Hair. Captain," said the later, as soon as Ihcy had reached the cabin. “A Miss “EM?“ "1 did," acknowledged Ihn captain. in s m“ surprise. “IIcz- father has follow-q mi km hvre. amng of a dandy chap, as {hi-ls his hair in [he middle." (hptnin Tripp obeyed. placing the Is- In: 1 Irin ~rs< in the dvsirod position and 0H 11 ci mbed ubw: nd iho lmnspmt. With these and similar reflections hope Email Courage came back i») him. The aspen pallcx‘ in his cheeks gave place to a rising flush.. “I mus? g0 aboard of yonder trans- port. (luplnin.†he said. in a voxce ~o strange and changed that Tripp had to lxmk to st‘ whynx it came from. “Run aongx'rdc‘ :anl make fast to her." For a tvw minutes 011m rcmainmi ob- livious of every sigh: and mum]. Tillie dmd! lll<“"’brighl-e_vod, noble. sweet- souiod. T;llie, sleeping her last sloop un- der the waters of Lake Huron! The thing .sew'mod incv‘odible. He could not below it. H0 would not kyle“? it un- til lh‘ fact were provun byond a doubt. F’u‘hap-s Bccvil had deceived him for a plmpom‘. “0h! 1 seer eiaculegm Snxder. "And The anguish and horror of Ollin was such that he could not. articulate :1 s nglc word before the two sloops drifted apart. Governor Ward's proceeding on }m‘ course and Captain Tripp’s entering port. 'lhe transport “as still lving at an- chor in the bay. and preparations were bi ng mad» to unload her. “She’s 1mm†he announced hoarscly. “Sha' s dxownedl’ “Duo-“nod?“ echoed 011m, in horror and incredulity. “Yes. She killed herself. She, went crazy and jumped m'crboard!" 'Bcovil pointed out to the lake, as Cap- tairn Snyder had done. Becvil shook His head. pulling at his long whiskers in his uaual fashion when nervous. Ollin marked the governor's action and attributed it to aversion. lie forced h‘ms‘ulf to speak civilly to Bcevil whom li~ knew to be his mic-mm and bctiay - crâ€"ihe author of his diugged slumber. “Mix; “aidâ€"is she on your sloop?†ii(_ dmandcd eagerly. “Speak ta him. Beevil,†he said husk- ih'. whcn OHm‘s little“ craft arrived within communicating distunce. “Toll himâ€"I cannot!" Governor Ward otmerved his move- mmxt. recognized him, and ordered his mm lo shorten sail, at the same time turning away abruptly and retreating {a} the opposite side of the deck. “A: need not linger upon the deLajls of this trip northward. The wind which hgdjavorod Governor Ward‘s sloop and the govnmment transport favored “mm niso. Just as they wane saih‘ng into the Bay of Mac-khan they met the governor an.) Bcvil coming out. Tho two men stood side by side on their dg‘k. The governor was ghastly palm and towed like an old man under 1110 weight of his awful affliction. 011m saw them, and. comprehending that something was wrong, ordered Captain Tripp to run alongside. Slowing some or them int-o the cabin and corsi gninag the bulk of them to 'he dxminuthe hold remand of the mast 011 n spxang aboard mm the last hand- {.11 of m m and me couple set sail on their voyage up the lakes. In half an hour the trim little craft was at the wharf. where Ollin was wall,- mg with h‘s stores mound him. Th’s resolw was like an anchor to his sunnii-lossed soul. Without delay he set alou't his preparations for the renow- ai of his journey. his ï¬rst measune be- ing to look for a boat. Falling in with an old! sailor on one o' tlw wharves and entering invlo con~ \‘PX‘SUUOH with him, he found that the oli' man owned a mile ï¬shing sloop, al- m‘ust now. which he was willing to lot. with his own services. A bargain waa soon sï¬ruck. and cum hurried away to obtain his stores and other supplies. while. Cap-min Tripp went for his Island Princcsis. “\\'hcx‘e is she?“ pursued Ollin excited- up am Durham and Victoria Standard MILLBROOK ONT.. THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1908. Chinese Provinccf o! Haitian Dcvastated by Plague. A despatch from Hong Kong Says: A mis'sinnary arrived from the Province of Hainan states that people are dying of plague like flies. The soourgea‘s abat; mg in Hong Kong. Fort William [30y Pointvd mm- at "or and I! Went Off. A dcspatch from F011 William Ont. saV-zs T110 children of James “unison. section foreman aged 5 and 1), “one playing xound the mundhouse on Tues- day, wh'-en the boy got hold of a 11119. The boy in play pain ted the “canon at his. sisteï¬â€™hnd it “as discharged acci- dentally; fatally wounding the little one, who died shortly altenvards. Unknown Mnn Reported to [lave Made Great Discovery. A dospntch from New York says: A new pmccss of making stevl hunt be- yond the bi'enk'ng hunt. and which has made the poor inventor wealthy, is the [report being spread about by Mr. Jus. 5A. Wilson, a patent attorney. Mr. Wil- son will not. name the discoverer, but says he has \\'ol‘ki\l in poverty all his l in until now. and that he is sixty years old. “'l‘hi‘ inventor." said Wilson, "is now in England. He left ten days ago. in response to a cable summons from} a gl‘ulll) of English capitalists. They iirc about to purchase the exclusive British rights to the patent, for hull a million dollars in cash and 40 per cent. of the stock of tho company to be organ-l ind. with :1 capital of 350000.000. MyI client. spent over fifteen years perfect- ing: his process. â€c was aided by the! Unitrxl Sinks Gm'ei'mnent. Metal plat-es; tieatvd by the new process were used as targets at the testing grounds nt (leovgelmvn. ML, and the result aston- ished army and navy oxrcrts. The pro. jectiléxs ï¬red at the plates bent them, but left no other mark. The process takes the brittleness out of the steel." Mr. Wilson said that tho U. S. patents had been granted, and that this steel might soon be adopted in armor plates 111- the navy. greater than a .mile the train was stap- pod by the posts. The twain crow w. re forced to use shovels to clear the track. They report that ther-e were millions of caterpillars. and that they had eaten at- most every gram thing in sight, and had wrought pm't‘buylur havoc bu poplar trams. More thm an hour was Spent in getting the with past the sapot, and it was only by shuvelling the uatmpillm‘s of! the line and piling up gmvvt th-lt the trainnon sum-Nod tin uvuxoming the dilllcultfos. (LRR. line between Fledeliclon Junc- tion uni MMdam. On Thursjuy even- ing 1h pests staru‘d to c: 5.5 1110 L: d.“ and u hemy {might train that cum.- nlxmg and rushcda on them was soon stalled. Tmec times in a distance not Train in New Brunswick Stopped by an Immense Army. A diospalch [mm Si. J.«'uhn N. 13.5mm Oateipiiims are creating huwc 1111111me sections of tho vaime. An anm of them is quportid ham Yoxk count}, b:- ixxcvn True; and Coxk siutiom. on lhc N. B.. with regard to the Atlantic ter- minal of the new Trmmscont'mentul road. This ocean terminus the company is de- terminvd to have under its own jurLsdic- Lion, and Courtney Buy is designqu as the location. The Grand Trunk Pacific Will be a Factor. A despatch tram Montreal says: Mr. F. W. Morse, Vice-President and Gen- eral Manager of the G. T. P., has left tom the west to look over the new road as far as completed and decide as to opening a. portion of the line for traffic. it is pretty certain that the line will be engaged in carrying a share of this year’s harvest from Saskatoon to Win- nipeg. but it. is quite likely that before the autumn is far advanced it will be in operation from Edmonton east. There is_ however, no pmspect of G. '1‘. 1’. trains getting into Port Arthur this full. Mr. Morse will be away a tow \rooks organizing and preparing. Before loav- ing for the west Mr. Morse hurt a con- ference with a delegation from St. John. Inquiry by Major Wood as 'to who left hero in boat No. 113 shawed lhlul Nod Eifosl.‘ Emil Anderson and David Berg- man left in the boat on May 16. The nun-dcr probably occurred five or six days later. as that time would be ne- quircd to run from here to Selkirk. Wh-e- “201‘ the murder wax for [he purroselof rublxry or the result of a quarnel is not lumwn. The names indicate lhtaL all wow Scandinavians. either Norwegians or Swedes, people not given to quietly obeying orders, The supposition is that the close intimacy of travelling for sev- eral days in a small boat engendered strife and bad blood. which culminated in murder. Terrible Tragedy on a Yukon River Boat Near Selkirk. A despatch fmm White Horse, Yukon, says: Major Snyder of the h'lounted Police has received news of a murder on the river. a short. distance below Sel- kn-k. The telegraph line from Dawson in White Horse is out of order, and the news came via Valdez and United Slates cable. The message is es 301- Iowszâ€" “Nod Elfost arrived in Dawson in beat No. 113 alone. He had been seen 0:2 the river with two others en the way dmvn. The sound of shooting was heard by other small-boat passengers on the rrvor hank below Selkirk." the gal cut «off! Pour young wing! I don't wonder it. made her crazy to think or marrxipg a {90175.9 parts th hair in the midd!e and takes a goal. for his psltem for whiskers! I-t‘s a kind of Romeo and Juliet affair. and it's (3th like that, one did-upoolr gnu†(To be Continued.) NE\\' STEEL lil'LLli'l' PROOF. ARE DYING LIKE FLIES. MOVE THIS YEAR'S CROP. EATER PILLA R PLAGUE. SHOT HIS SISTER. T\\'0 “'ERE M URDERED. , OMEI \~A.v\4vLAv vA-uunkw Av vv ~v x...n.u\.r --- '- --~ - any CAVLHLJIW Wlu u tad-"16 Buen'ncn Lakei (mm Hesgeler. 'gapvpefled 6pm along «thostreeijx‘; 'lhcxc was no u m": in hog places sole-to R ireing stzll qu dad at $6.15. fed and \vatexed 11., lights and fats at n' n). ' Ewes were quoted at 34.2510 $4.60 per‘cva, and bucks and culls at $3.50 to 34. Spring! Iu:« bs were lower a: s3_ 59 10 SM Calves “me quoted at 30 to Lots of choicn stall-fed butcher mule sn'd [rum $5.54) to $5.80. with pic-kw}. slm' m quoted us) to $6. (700.1 laads’ mm} [mm $3.15 to 35. 30: medium cattle $4...) >7 In 82.15; medi um and rail maï¬a-fed cat- tle $3. 75 to $4.25. Choice cows sold from $5 to $5; commoh cows, 82 50 m 83.50 Smokers of abouf. 890 pounds “em qanLcd 1mm _at. 83:50 13â€"34. Good [cede s are w‘ozth 81 55510 $4." 45. Trade in milkq rs “as- quletfbuï¬fmrly steady. 'Imcmh Juno 23. â€"C [20: co 0mm}! steers 5 Id [mm $615 to $6. 45, “HI: bulls at 1.7;") wi: 85. :3 Nurthm‘n. old. 31.07%: new. 31.06%: 314:. 3 Nz‘rlhvm. 31.03% 10 31.05%; July. 31.06%: Soplembm'. 91%0. Plumâ€"First patents. $5.31) 10 $5.40: somud patrnls. 85.20 10 $5.35; ï¬rst cln‘urs. $4.20 to $4.30; second clears. $11.50 10 $3.60. Branâ€"1n bulk. $18 10 £18.50; \llhvaukoc. JlYï¬rf 23â€"\\’hmtâ€"No. 1 N1 z-lhm-n. $1.01 10 81.0234: Na;.2 Norlh- om. $111810 $1.10; .luly. 887.13. Ryeâ€"â€" No.1. 78 1f) 78%('. Barbyâ€"Na. 2. 65¢; sample; 50 to 60c. (turnâ€"No. 3 cash, 71 10 71540. New York. June 23.-.XVh(‘8t â€"â€" Spot; ï¬rnu'No. 2 red. 99c ill 'olevalox' and 99c 1.9.13; afloat; N0. 1 northern Duluth 31.15% f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, I" (\1' f .~_ $1.06 1.0.1). :1 float. Buffalo, June 23. â€"‘ \\"h~ul, _ Sprinn firmer; NW. 1 1mrlhmg1‘if'$1.0994. earloadsc' Winlm shady; No. '2 rod. 95': Com; [{2ghcr; No. 2 “hilv, 76c; No. 2 yellow. 75%C. (mmâ€"Higher; N0. 2 mixed. 5330; N0. 2 white. 56c. Burk-y ._ 55 1:) 60c. Ryeâ€"25th:. No. 1 on track. Ca- nal fre?ghlsâ€"-\\'hval. 5x: to Nrw York. Minneapolis, Juno 23.â€"â€"\\I'heatâ€"N0. 1 hard. old, 81.11%: new. $1.10}; No. 1 Northern. old. 31.0%: new. $113878; No. " \hn-ihm‘n nld 21 “71/. “a... (â€nu-v, Cheeseâ€"11w ninrizélfliiéfldï¬iet‘ and a shade easier. Westerns. â€age to 11%0. md {aak‘l'l'ls _ 11%910 11%0. The electric railway is be be extend- liggsâ€"S.~lcctw;'17).;c (5‘lech No. 1 10%: 10 17c. _v.‘ -...\.\. .vuuuuyv, 13:: to ISM‘: hams, 12%: to 141:, accn‘d- mg to size; bnul‘fust bacon 1' c to 15c; Windsor be on 15c to Inc: {rash k Iled aLquir dressed hogs 80" 5 to 89 50; “\C- $6 75. V. BulPTerâ€"I I'mst. cmamor), 2366; in nund 105.21% M 5:10L9xs., ‘ Provisionsâ€"Barrels short cut mess. $22.50; half barrels, 811.50; clear {at b’m-ks. $23: dry salt long clear backs. 111:; barrels pint/e beef. $17.50; hail ban- rnfs do.. $0; compound lard, SC to vxcv 9 pure la_l:({._ 12%c 10 13c; kettle rendered, Oatsâ€"No. 2. Me to 51c: No. 3. Inge to 4-89; No. 4. 460 to 413}4c; rejected. 45C; Man'xioba rojccled, Nye. _' (Ion-nmealâ€"$l.75 ta $1.85 prr bag. Millfecdâ€"-Onturio 1mm, in bags, S20.- 50 to $21.50: shorts, $23 to $24; Mani- toba bum. in bags, 82:2 [Q 323; shorts. $24 to $25. Montreal. Juno Rikâ€"Flam â€" Manito- ba spring pafcnts. $13.10 to $6.20: second patents. $5.50 to $5.70: mnier wheat putmts. $5 to. $5.50: straight. roller. $12.25 to $4.50; in bags, $1.95 to $2.10; extra. 31.50 t") 81.75. R‘Jllzed Gumâ€"$2.75 in bags of 90 munds. Oatsâ€"No. 2. 50c to 51c: ;\'o. 3. mm Smoked and Dry Salted Moa's â€"â€" I ong clear bacon 10/0 to 11c. tons and cas- es: hams. medium :mi light. 13%“: "to Mu: hams. large It}; In 12c; backs 16c to 16,140: shoulder: 0%: to 100; 1-0115. 10c to 1o>y., breaktust bacon 14c to 159; gxeon meats out of pickle 1c less than smokt d. Porkâ€"Short cut. 322 to 822.50 per bar- rel. mus, $18.50 ‘to $19. â€I here. No. 2, 87 to $8. Baled Strawâ€"Good straw is quoted at about. $7.50 per Ion. or a little higher. Inferior stock has been offered at $6.50. These quotations are for cur loLs on track here. Potatoes-Onim‘im 75¢ I/J SOC: Dda “ares 85c to 950 in car lots on hack Mm. Baled Hayâ€"Timothy is quutod at $9.30 tr. 310.50 pw- ton in car lots on track here. No. 2, $7 to $3. Honey~S!rained, no to 13¢ "per pclm‘d; 00mm, per dozen, $1.50 to $1.75. Butterâ€"Cremnery, prints, 210 to 23c; Creamery solids, 20c to 21c; dairy prints. choice 18c to 19¢; daily pr Db“ ordin- ary, 16c to 180; dairy tubs 17c“ 10 18c; ulterior 15': to 16c. Eggsâ€"Pricos rule any at 17c to 18¢. Cheeseâ€"New chocsv 122 to 12%; to: large. and 12%(‘ for twins. Beansâ€"Priniés. $2 to $2.10; hand- picked, $2.10 to $2.15. - Buckwheatâ€"No. 2, nominally qudled cage to 65c. Bâ€"ranâ€"Oftered outside at. $17.50 to 318: about $20.50 track here. ' Shortsâ€"$20.50. Oatsâ€"No. 2 while, 45%c to 460 out- side; No.2 mixed 440. camâ€"No 3 yellow offered at 78/0 a‘l rail and 780 lake and rail. Flour â€"â€" Maniloba patents, special brands. $6; seconds $5.40;st10ng balc- els’. $5. 30; winter- wheal palcnts, offer.- ing now at 83.30. Barleyâ€"No 2 55c lo 570. Peasâ€"No. 2, quicl, nominally quoted at. 02c. Ryeâ€"No. 2. none offox'ing; quotation about 88c. Manitoba Wheatâ€"Market quotations at. GLOIgiun Bay ports, 1'0. 1 northern, .51 11%; No.2 northern 31.08%; No. 3 noxthexn,_ $1. 063;. Toronto. June 23.-Onturlo Wheat -â€" No. 2, white and red, 830 to 840; No. 2 mixed, the same. LEADING MARKETS . -7. Vâ€"u-vv Lar'iwdâ€"I‘cxcos 11yc;tubs 11/0; pails UNITED STATES MARKETS 'CA'ITLE MARKET. MONTREAL MARKETS COUNTRY PRODUCE. PROVISIONS BREADSTUFFS. YIEE MIRROR ago pier t l A despatch from Titlsanburg says: “I done it. I told him 1' would get own with him." This is the statement which may (onvict Chester Bucktorough of wetting ï¬re 1,, the Queen's Hotel on May 20th. causing the death of three pvx‘sms and injuring many more. The confus- tsuxn was repeated by the last witness tul‘lod for the Cx'uwn at the preliminary hearing totem I’ohcu M-agist:=a'c Hare (u 'l‘hursduy, and it was sprung upon a cmwded'oouz-t room with dramatic suddenness. Up to that point the hem-- ’tng had proceeded without anything move deï¬nite being adduced against the. accused than that he had been hcard t.) say on 111931: than’one occa qlot! that he would get, evén with John Mend the. proprie'or-ot the Qern’s Hutch and that Mere statcxi ho saw the accused tn thgyimibs.’ $th12026! after the alarm 0' meme beef-given. That evidence was pmably.m9ugh to necessitate the cam- mitmenflf‘the prisoner for trial. but when Chas. possitt, mum of the di<- trict Division Couct‘. made his dramatic Jsiatmnent. thew éOutd he no doubt as’to what action'men Magistrate would be compelled, to "ï¬lm. ‘ . Crossitvtdnmï¬wyidenoe told *how hat annui ‘A-nh‘-"1__._ 4L- _A_.-_L __.L! Bailifs Startling Evidence at the T1llson- burg Fi1e Enquiry. BUUKBUBOUGH CONFESSED. Th0 Allertla Gowrnment has granted 510.000 t3 the Quebec Battlefields fund, and Mr. E. B. Oslor has givm 81.000. The lower Lincoln paper mill at St. Ccitliairiiies was destroyed by fire, on Friday. Causing a Ines of over sixty tll‘flU- sand dollars; Robinson Leach of Chippewa announc- 03 his intention of jumping Off the steel Serious forced. tires 31% reported mar Dawson. Fifmen miles of the Yukzm 1ei§graph line has been destroyed. Wiltsh‘nginn. a n51i€€ '61“th ESQ]; BSxxfnamIlle has Leon left a large jogacx by the 1an James H. “COâ€! of Joseph Huu'hinson, an inmate of the Essex House of Refuge. has inhmibud a million dollars in Manchester. W. G. Smith. brakoman. was killed by his head striking a girder of the Rainy ijor bridge on (he C. N. R. St. Vinwnl de Paul 1"an bonfiary is ov-ercroxxded. and prisoners are mm: sent to Kingston. Onbin Colby was crushed to death un- der load of lumber while driving mm Norwood. on F l'iday. A young son of Mr. Joseph Watts of Belleville was drowned .in the Moira River while bathing on Thursday. Ingersoll will contxact with the fix- dxo- FLocttic Uomm‘Lss'on for 500 hoxsc pewez'. As 0 result of the Banque St. Jean failure a state audit of all banks may be proposed. 1“"39me Briefs From Our On’n “00 011181‘ Countries 0! Recent Events. CANADA. Th: Complete can-1101 of Manitoba's unlephone system is now vow-d in 1m fawn-Lesion. The procedure is to be according to the BritiSh system; examinations will be held as often as necessary. say twice a your. The heads of departments will notify the commission as to vacancies. etc.. and the commission will advertise. stating the ofï¬ces which are to be cam- peted for. The commission will, while making appomtments generally by mor- it. be given latitude in the case of can- didatesz'who excel in one particular branch. and who may therefore be ap- pointed to 0mm {or which they are specially qualiï¬ed. The probation period wll.l be six months. In that time a HAPPENINGS FROM A GLOBE. CO Entrance into the civil service, which is now left “entirely to the judgment of the nominating power." wilt be by open competitive examinations. Under tth pmscnt system. candidates pass quali- fying examinations, but are not neces- sarily appointed. Herealter the ap- pointment is ho'be made after competi. the examinations, according to merit, by the commission. The most ' M f}. Mdt‘at on “b the atablishmeat-‘fo' independent. ciJil service oommiss on of two Members who will have the status and salaries of deputy~minfstcrs. They will control the entrance examinations and will give such certiï¬cates-as may be necessary in regard to pmmotions and salary increas- 05 The commission will have power to make legulal'ons and control examin- ations and the an angemenls fox carry- my outtheix work. p0. “8d “a reform " NDENSED NEWS ITEMS BRITISH SYSTEM. :1 one parlicular Y therefore be ap. L' which they are e probation period ALL 03.). THE iammatlons to Replace 'ary Nominations. ' gagns, Publisher and Proprietor The case [pr the Crown was tango hands 5)! Mr. R. A. Ball. C!‘O’WI§~5AH;OF~ ney of Woodsipck. At the outï¬cgng. Kelly shaded that. it was not the-inten- tion to (gall evidence at that stage ot‘the use. fund claimed, therefore, that it was What client to plead. “That mount-1g, “hen the hoist _\\is 51m burning.“ "“I boid mo Chief-of Police " replied the winness. “\\ hcn' as the question rapped back. and as quick game: we reply: W. E. Kelly. Slzmooc. who. with W. C. Brown, Tillsonburg. appeared for the prisoner, submittel Cnossitp to a severe grog-examination. “Why," agked Mr. Kcuy, “do you ask us to Mime that my new trays. 9nd. 1011: nobody?" Thursday. A gold watch. a pair of valuable dia- mond earrings and $499.90 were found or. a wnman be g ‘ in a New York police court. 7 D. H. Fawoett. Presidcntv 0! me Aber- deen Banking Co. at Aberdeen, Ohia, shot himself as the,police were trying to enter his house to arrest him on An organization of Jews. numbef-ing 95.000. are planning to erect a Jewish hospital in Second street. New York. A New York doctor announces a new cure for rabies. enected by dimct injec- 1jons of anti-mxin into the brain; \\'iihuri1 H. Taft was nominahd for the Presidency of 1110 United States by the Republicansin omvemion at Chicago. A Chicago woman. aged 76. ‘ the result of a brutal beating a 10ml hyAa burglar in her home. Thousands of foreigners are leaving New York for Europe owing to the low stowage rates. Snmï¬ unknown pennant sent 88.000 in the Government conscience fund at Washington. D.C. A 25-mon1haald baby of me East Side. New York city. weighs 110 pounds. Five Halians were killed by a Dream).- lure blast. near Scranton, Pm, on Fri. dm'. Hmse of Commons. The question of th: uniformity of pat- ent laws in the empire was discussqd in the British House cf Commons on Thuxsday. ‘ , :hn Ontario Agncui‘uz-al milege 5" Guelph and very sermuiv injured. ’ Mumn‘al City Council wants me Sim; Runway Company to “mt-r the sheet. and Hear of! the snow in rclum for «‘5 privilege at carrying freight \\-$hiu‘1i city limits. it: Tho socand wading of the old age" pension bill was passed in the British Mr. 'l‘h-s odore Bnmngu \as kicked in tho h" x ‘ho Ontario Agncui‘ Guelph and \ery .931 mu ï¬nch bridge mm the Dominion Day. M: Fsher. dealing mth an thaw uw tion. declared that it “as Irma-III? the new act to do away w: I‘n II: I p: actk of making sale \ appropri‘a mns m u. est! ma es “mm: I.h= tan ' :ng :.n,\thing '5 the (Evil Senicc Act _, The bill was triven Its ï¬rst was There are now in the service “tempor- ary clerks" who have been there in some cases thirty years. In the future a temporary clerk may be appoint-3d oMy for six months, through the com- mission. V All ' ental services at Ottawa m. to .lgaï¬guded m the in?!†W?†and ‘breught ‘ under the Q'M ' A03 'acL Angum’ï¬de service may r Might in from time to true by order- in-Council, anilwotherwizc they remain under the old law. The classiï¬cation ol the service is to he mude in three sections, the ï¬rst in- cludlng those qualiï¬ed for administr'a‘a tive. executive, and technical work. the second a class preparatory to the ï¬rst», and a third will include those doing routine work under dznect supervisiog. Those in the third class may enter the second only by oompettive examination and on an equal footlng with outsiders. PROPOSED SALARIES. In the ï¬rst class the salaries are to be from 82.100 to 52.800 and from $3.- 800 to $4.000. In the second class the salarLes will be from 6800 to 51.60:) and from 31.600 to 82,100. In the third elm the salaries will bi: from 8500 to 8700 and from $800 to $1.20). '1‘ will be a statutory increase of 850 a 5 fo-- those deserving it, ani this may doubled on certiï¬cate of merit from the canunission. D<puiy Minister may rcjo" 3w ap- pantie: {giving his r'éhSOiiR 2 cm!!- miss on may. ~ xx hen advisabk. We the probationer another appointment. UNITED STATES GREAT BRITAIN given its ï¬rst rear at P8 dicz'l as adminis-