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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 10 Jun 1909, p. 2

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v ‘vvvv‘vvv ' ~. .‘zuests of Mrs. C i, gSunday. ’ ' A BIG DROP m ..eiiiri3~5;r..~riae (lenientthat makes the whitest, nicest .and most durable top); the: LAKE.- ltald Monarch Brand. g‘ii'eié‘is a diflercnceâ€"wlnch will pay you to look into before buying. ‘Buy the ,best which we are ofl'ering at a ‘very .low 'pmc’ W. 6‘ RUSSELL d: SONS! that 'sl-ioll he also reap.” The bad ,evening at 8 p m.‘ Everyone ‘welcome. =I‘i:arl Burnhsm are delegates to the 2W M. S. Convention at Lindsay this week. was a guestof her Sister, Mrs. Harry 3Richards, last week. iBKOGK. â€" Having leased the :fibove IWills. I am pxepared to do atlumtiing anlli’o'llrig; also bran ' .3 nifshorts and coarse” grain ;' feed 7, _ for sale. .fifiiction guaranteed ‘We havoc large ~stool: of Hand Made Harness to choose from. Trunks, Suit. Cases, Club Bags, V’hips, Rugs‘ -- ' :and Dusters. ;Don’t forgot tlie.l5henezer ,3! ur. lfpliJVlilta. Buy your Scnbblers at H. Richards’ Mrs .(Dr.) Hassardhof Markham, ,is a guest of Mrs. J. R; Eakins, “tilts .week. We thank Mr.-,W._I. Collins ,forua ,Copy of “Cutter’s Guide,” which is a neat booklet. with much information Parties contemplat- ing a visrt to ‘Ark‘an-saw’ would do and to read this descriptive booklet. ; and illustrations Mrs. H. Richards and son, Eddie. .were Visitors to Peterboro, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. 'a call. Mr. Robt. Fair and daughter, Miss Eileen. of Peteroorough, canieheure in their auto on Sunday. Mr. A. H. Stratton, of Peterboro, Church intend lioldin garden Jul!" on Friday. June 18th, on ~Lawn Stevens and ‘son. and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Burnhani and daughter, read. of l’eterboroUgh, ,.Culllu ,out on Sunday by auto, and Were goests of Dr. and Mrs, Burnham. L‘r. Snelgrove, of Omemee, was in ,towu on Monday, and gave the Mirror Mr. John Whittingt n, of Chatbam, 3 ' '1' ' who is a gtiest of his brother-in-law. I [00 BWSi : Mr. John Fry, Bailieboro, was in town ‘ yesterday, )acconipaniedbv Mr. L Fry, and gave the Mirror :1 call. of last week’s ball match, we referred to the good support given by Messrs. Belch and Ball of the Ii‘allis Line to the Presbyterian Club. We under- staiidthatlfrom the notice (which was J A Misunderstandingâ€"In.our report only complimentary) that some of our readers have been led to think that the above gentlemen and also Mr. I". Gibson, of Carmel, should not belong to the Presbyterian Club, but we have learned from good authority that the said young men are eligible as they are adherents of the Presbyterian Church. We had no idea of leading our readers estray in the matte-r. We thought reference to their playing was well deserved. and we don’t go back on our reniaks in that regard. We hope general good feeling will prevail througout the season. We enjoy a good play whoever r: akes it. Mr. C. E. Weeks, Barrister, Wood- ville, was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Clarke, over Sunday. Mr. Albert Payne is attending the richestiii natur. l Assizes at Cobourg, as a juror. The Ladies Aid.of the Presbyterian was in town on Sunday, having come about the last of June or beginning ol :in his auto. Scarlet Chapter opens on the 14th inst. - Mr. Sam Hunter. the World’s great- _est Cartoonist, of 'l‘Oronto, is VlSltlll" 1 his rather and mother, Capt. and Mr Ionn Hunter, prior to going to hisl I i . I Will not be so ‘modcst’ about the large l Sunday. .mtch of fish that he is sure-to " haul of WOOdV'lle' occupied the "nip“ both l‘ubl" l)- - ‘ ' - l l m» when he settles at ““3“!“an morning and evening. Large congre- on K 'J'lllmi‘i I"’;”"‘I:””’ mt “in“ i . . , . . . 8 uses t ieir wt ( I" 'inry verse as Landing for the summer months. llie tattoos, “"99“”3’ m [ht evcn.ng, there are so 0 1-. m ‘hl ‘ tub lgrected Mr. \\ ecks. to whom be ex- man) ileum.“ WW “ It is quite a Sight to Mirror would ap ,un’s. Mr. and-Mrs, R. Fee, on Sunday. Mr. Forest Guthrie and daughter, I 'Millbrook. 1/ The inanthly onSccration Service I .of the Epwortli League was held on The president, W. “ Lift: lessons from the Gospel of Luke,” was Monday evening. ,6. lletherington presided. the topic. Superb lessons'were drawn :fNNll the Life of the Master. traits of His character, the beauty and depth of His thought and the examv pied Life of our Savrour, were fully ,discnsSe-d by Miss Hampton, Miss Elvy Lock and Mr. G. 'l‘. Walsh, with profit and into-rest. “ lbeallill Dilli- _t:ulty” the- 6th of the Pilgrim Series .Wl" be cap'ibly presented, Monday Mrs (Dr) S.-\\'. Clarke and ans: Miss Emma Husk, of Peterborowhi ocrocou MILLS, MILL- A‘ trial solicited. Sat- ] July. Watch for date. g a Garden Party ’ ll Brian liter from Arkansas I'l‘lilnk Nothing of Killing a Man J Down There. We Hone Our Correspondent and Popular Citizen will Return Unseathed. Mr.W. l. Collins Says Mlllbrook Beats Them All For Beauty. We Have Best Looking Women on the Face of the Earth Says W. I., But What Does Port Hope and Peterboro. Our Neighbor- ing ‘Hamlets’ Say ? I Hot Springs, .-\i'k., June 3, ’09. . EDITOR MIRROR. J Dear Sir,-Just a line from Arkan- sas, (pronounced Ark-anâ€"siiw). It is quite a little trip from here to Cavan something like twenty live hundrct miles. Iexpcct to be hick tliercaboui ist Aug. Say, this state is away he hind the times, although one of the d resourses in America, but the people are so give” the “cows wouldn’t eat them." They conline tlieinSelves to growing cotton and mak- ing “Moonshine whiskey.” and that is about till they know anything about l-ltilftlie population seem to be “Nig- .will hall-6 apatil‘ 9L599o TRubber Heels out On FREE, This is for ONE MONTH ONLY. ‘7‘ l I BANKOF ronouro V J Capital $4,000,000 1, f l J l I l Reserve 4,500,000 Assets 39,800,086- Incorporated 1 8 5 5 le- Your Money is too Valuable To leave in the house, when: burglars, thieves or lire may take it from you, or to inVcst it with doubil'ul institutions or in risky specu- lations that so often in the past lllth: robbed lieu of their hardly cairn-d Wealth. This Bank is Safe Because it is govt-riled on safe and wist- principles. It is strong with the experience ofm‘er go years of :lt‘lH'c liii<iiiess in (Titiiuda. Duringr these years of steady growth :1 Reserve Fund of 334500.000, being $500,c00 lzii'gi'rlban llit' Capital, has lll't'll accumulated. and the bank nevur rttaiiis on its books a single l).ttl or doubtful debt un- providcd for. Iireciatedan ”article on . "bane of the liairbreadth .hscapes’ pounded able discourses. In the Scehundrudsof i’r‘ ns -'1Cll\\'ltll'l lit- by trying to haul in some of the big . morning be briefly referred to his for- do on ) d . . ’ l e so ., t. .. : n:er residence here some 20 years ago, l t” ’I’ ,“nl‘lnl-l WM” 3“"05‘ b"‘ll;‘.‘r’ . .. . lo. tiStUit '- l‘ l)Ull:l\'t‘ aid was dad to have the )l’lch‘"t: of . l e a ”KC pace, visttii‘ig the town again anii renaviz‘fl stills from me that 01" 0W” “tile 'l‘U‘V" old acquaintanCes. His address on ‘ llnlm’o" beats lllcm all, and ”"3 ”‘0‘“ J l J. Mulligan and Mr. and'fiirs. J. M. McCrea. Omemee, .were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James, . “f. Richards. over everyonou.M iss .Ethel Richardson sang ‘Eternity where,’ most acceptably. Mr Fillnily” w Week's addressedtlie .S. S. in the after- no‘on. and favored those present .with a splendid solo. ' were delighted With-hisfine efforts, and will await Wltll pleasurevhis next "min: isterial” visit to our town, when we can songs. salely predict even larger congrega- tions than greeted him .last Sunday'- andChildreu at 3‘. 3. -ll.ai§’§. WOMEN and M ISSES can purchase the choiCest in Footwear 'l’. J. LANG’S, at most .prices. Call and see his Stack sI Boots and Shoes. 5. . .are Czesars.” 'l‘he ed those of a duties we shouldrender to our coun were is hearers on “ Character,” his text Jbeing, “Whats0ever a man sowcth, seeds sown in early life reaps a full and perilous harvest. Evil thoughts and actions culminate in crime, deg- ifiqd theyarieties of ‘seed, the forms of Sin,.\\'lll(:ll “develops into WiCKCtlllCSS. :Habit exertsinfluence, detrimental or J radation-and sm. With effect he class- The rbeiwficial. H‘lie good seeds reap a .prolitable, bountiful harvest Good acts and line traits of character ,fl‘owcr in righteoumess. His discourse was practical. charactt‘r building, helpful. MLWeeks, in a deep clearvoice. sang "Where’s my wandering boy tQ-niglit.’ with the greatest of volume,-harmouy, and earnestness, and which delighted All who illeat‘d ghim Boots and Shoes tar, Men, ~._ "when @Wm. Thexton is sci-ling Lum- a! . her, Lath and Shingles, Lime and. Cement at very low prices. Calland Saturday verify this statement ‘for yourselves, XV. XV, LVANS, VPL‘Oprietor. ‘ if in need of any of the above lines. . now ger." They think reasonable “Citizeufihip” showed a deep and can:- fcl study of tiie'Comprehensive subject embodying the vital problem in the VMIss Pearl, of Fowlers’Corners. Were coloniza'l'i‘on of our fair Dominion. 5‘ Render unto Czesar'the things that ‘ privileges enjoyed by theBritish subjects greatly cxcr ed- Roman citizen, The ttry in return for such bountilul favors, presented clearly and forCibly. At the eyening session he addressed fi‘tll‘s‘llltd -tb ‘mli'f'lilil-Cllsl’ersc‘l, all, with one accord: is a guest 0" . Mrs. W. G.._ Pcndly.‘ blood diseases. t'll"l‘8lilc trip I ever take is whcn I water, most homely looking men and the earth. With best wishes to all, I remain, Yours, w, I. COLLINS, :‘Ark-an saw.” l cAidiuisi‘ "haltâ€"'12s. ()ne of the most eagerly looked-for 9TH“ "l luv season, is the annual (Cumin iv‘i‘ill‘ wider the auspices ol mt I. ll‘l‘l'illzlers of the King,” of St. [Jim’s (*‘i‘k'l'Clli Mn, and this yeai’s, “in”: {Wk Place on Monday last. fully wilfullcll llicir reputation. llle beautiful grounds Of Mr. Ed. “9"0", Where it was held, Were most laiisbly decorated, \vilh flags, hunting and Chinese lanterns and presented ti Very fem“: appearance. ‘arly in the evening a base-ball match between Ida and the Anglicans 0f Mlllbmofli altrtictcd a large crowd, and proved most exciting, Ida winning by a~score of ,4 9. An.” slllll’t'l‘. it splendid program _ was S‘VC". The play; “ 'l‘he ()bsuiiatel ”S“ ls'l‘cat treat to all present. h Was "iiiqtffillnglyiw'cllipnt on, eyery Chili-acmrilrfililng his or her part with- 09st agflaw. I .< ’ ‘ Misglcan ,Lough and,l\:l.r- Morrow i . Ali“ illlfee ringing cheers and ,3 ”scrim Mr. and Mrs. liquor-Libs V27 -._. ”‘5‘“? Orange meeting next at 2 30 p in. Miss Min Ic'azvan me Adams. of Pctei‘bOm, no more of killing at one down here than they do ofa dug This place, Hot Springs," is a livcly 0f Clll'- People come here from all part: Cl ill}: globe to take advantage of tilt EXCellent sermons were preached in ilcdicignl l’ ”mes 9f Ell? “ illels- l camp “slum “Ike. \Vc hope .3”, the Millbrook Methodist Church on i315“? "it! 2"“ 1‘. ‘lvswvtne BMW“. Mr. c. E. Weeks, Barrister .““Ch “I“ am1 you an Mic-1 of busniess done yearly. 'l‘bcy haw board the train for “ Needler’s l’ond,” ““676 We have the balmiest air, purest llic best looking Women on the face of A SaVingiS Account In this lilllllt for your spare money will prove to you« .SAFlILNConsider the figures given above. \‘ ’ROli‘l'l‘Alll.lC.â€"~~Intcrest is [midifonall Sayings Balances. CONVENIENT _. Money inay'lmdcd to your investment at any time. ' u .‘lllibrcok Bra, H. A. Sims, llgr. J 52â€"5.“ Cmcmee Bl’., l J B.L.Grout, Mgr. Seed 3;“? wheat Quickly ascertain our opinion true wlicther an liivcntlon to probably putcntnblo. Communtcg. tions strictly conildcntuinl. HANUBEDlt on Patents lent. free. Oldest agency for securing‘patenta. Patents taken tlirouch Mann 3.: (.0. recetve special notice. without. charge, in the Scientist criterion. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest, ctr- ’ l Yrs-3:: MARKS R? yy, ...,., ESIGNS IN A\\ (“L Ah I I l\ ' l -. ' Commasâ€"rs are. l Anyone sending a stretch and doscri tion may I Highest liltiiil Fritz Pall. W.W. Evans, FLOUR 8: FEED MliRCilAN’l‘, MILLBROQK. >_ Pnone 41-2. all ncwudcalera. lillillll 8. Cosmo?- llew York I l I l cumin. $3.75 a. year. postage prepaid. Sold by I I Banach ounce. 5:5 F St. uhtngmn, D. c. l I l Overcomes and completely destroys all insects which do damage to ROOT CROPS FLO WERS in the soil. The damage that Wireworms, Cut- x are (10mg YOU-1" Steel Lath and Ccilin worms, Onion and Turnip Fly . Crops cannot be seen until too late. It befores Seeding or Planting you destroy these Pests c audience will} fil!¢.t!:J-W1fi1 APTERITE you may look forward to re- aeeiVing the proper reward of your labors this Season. When Enquiring regarding this won- derful Soil Fumlgant learn all you can about "T-Plti‘illlg that this Garden Elfaijty :VflS V2 (SE V3 FlUldS from M26 best eVer. A, PAYNE. . I â€" , ' - MillerOk. ‘ l ulction 01 any scientific journal. Terms for ' ___.____ â€"â€"____._____‘4â€"â€"-â€" “Which-Will be sold at ROCI§ BO'E’R‘ORK PREQEEEi». ‘We have a large stock of” Men’s and Boy‘s Boots and Shoes to .pick from. Anyone buying a. pair of Boots in June Women’s lnstltutefs Annual. The District Annual Meeting of the East Durham Woman’s Institute was held in the Town Hall, Millbroolt, on Tuesday, June 8th. A short program was rendered, the 5.}: . following ladies kindly contributing : Miss B. Armstrong, Miss B. LUCK and Miss E. 'l'hornJyke sang beautiful solos, and Miss Hampton gave a very fine rCCltztllOtl OFFICERS ELECT: Presâ€"Mrs. Frank Irwin, l’errytown. Vice I’res, Mrs. Jno (il’cfl'. Bailiel‘mro. Sec. Twasâ€"Mrs J. R. Eakins, Mill- brook. Auditors â€"Miss Vance and Miss Hampton, Millbrook. After a program of real merit and profit to all pieScnt, the ladies of the .\lillbrook Branch Served refreshments to about sixty ladies and about twenty gentlemen who had accepted the in vitation to attend. Altogether it was the best District Meeting that the E. l). W. I. has yet held. The retiringr President, Mrs. (Dr) llassard crave a magnificent address, and the effluent Sec.-'l‘rcas, Mrs J R. IiaKins, gave a very interesting re port, full of information. We regret that time and space forbids of their publication this week, but they will appear in our next ls‘stlt’. Watch for posters announcing the grand Celebration to be held in Millbrook on Dominion Day. Mr. \Vm. Snelgrove, of l’clciboro, was in town yestert‘lay, and gave tbc Mirror a friendly call. Mrs. (lli‘ ) Sin'lgrriyt; Illlil ('illlill't‘”, of ()llltfllltit‘, were Visitors In town this week. The l’ii'cnii-n [L'sli'tl llit‘ iirw litm- last night and it swim-d to be (i, K. BIG HAS-Eli BALL 'l‘Olflx‘N July Isl. .u vi-r: iris-r,» ‘ l l‘..\lli‘.l\"l' IN .\lll-l,lll\‘()(il~fi. t-iil pic-inc soon. , notice. 9 a l Mr C. Johnston was in the Village and took one ol our young ladies {m- a moonlight drive. Miss Anderson of Ottawa is visiting friends out here for the good of her health. She used to be a resident of Millbrook. TO CURE SNIFFLING COLDS. The easiest and pleasantett cure is "Cutarrliozune" which fills the num- throat and lnnus \\ ith newsman-4183."; and pine essences that kill a Cold in- stantly. You experience a pleasant sensation of relief at. once. Soreiicss. congestion and irritation leave the nose and throat, the ““4186“er and every trace ofcold or catarrh is cured. (‘aiarrlioznne is so sure, so pleasant, such a safe remedy for winter ills that ion can't nfl'ortl to do without it, Sold by all dealers, 25c and 51:90, (let (‘aizirrlioz me tn-dav. l PCNTYPOUL Special to the Mirror: Dr N. J. lleatlie liar-i I'Fllll'l‘t’tl home from a ”-3) in the Southern States - he has been travolling for his In altli.'\\‘e regret be is still in Juror health. Miss M Staples took it lril. to Toronto ' last week. Mrs T C. Gifford and daughter mg intending to move to Ottawa ultul’Jy, Mr Thomas Iliilge , Law secu'ed a position on the C. I’. ll Mr Meredith Strip'tis has tit-cured a position 11' llze Fairiiiei's liitllh’ here. Mr. Arthur Alttllobertn left for Sits. katt-bt-wun “here he is engaged in cit ll engineering. Mrs James A ‘ilrentl has recovered f on: a severe Hltalt'k « finneuinnnm and [Mfr “Lilly lrl‘flhlfl are glad toot-e he: in ‘1)Lléll circles once more. Mr. Wm. lyeiu is ill at time of writ- l g. l’r and Mn- L l.-p;n,nl'f.i.:;.laln .l:~lill:; Mr. lli.‘;.. All" . I - l._' Mr W In, ,I i. '. -tch for further lbc‘8tli. Anglicans :iddcd :3 Pinbyleriuus {Ultht 9 i l S Johnston and base (iibsoii 3rd base Sootlicrun S. S. Referee-Willa) lidiiiunds Notes on (lame. n ll'llgtâ€"lllc score bt-nig 8 all in AngliCan's. The Line up. l l’i‘csbytcrians posriion Anglicans liclllltlt pitcher Russell cultrlici‘ Natlmss i (i Johnston lst base Handle-y. “70ml ()‘lliit'ii ' Iiclcll R field (iiuiitly . Hunter C field Clarke . llall I. field “Sh” t, . ‘ : vi . Best Game of Season. gm..- 1 -777 JJlil'F‘i'i ', lint, - - . li'vl’ '.'i‘ -u.‘. Anglicans Defeated Presbyteria S' , ‘,‘ l‘f" ‘ _. lt‘.tl l-..\.';_' .‘l :‘lll-l .. â€"- ‘ I-l li tr! .; e llic gziun" (in l in stun Jii’t‘l not i:- l H“ was \yiiiiisSi'il l:\ :i l~i;.-.- il(,‘\\(l_ l .‘xiu..\w-r.~ .~ .-, . . n I . vol. I ‘f . ,, i i nil\' till \lw [lil- .s' ..iid t 1m saw . .t l s. gum. 0. iii. J . ‘ ‘" J1. i‘iiu' l ‘. l !' -\‘l " . ' League st iits. l c llhllll\ \\;i.~ ; ‘r ”l i "a, l’ l l ' l i .\ll' ill” ll ill)? I‘ .hi l ~ .‘ - ‘ 4‘ ' " u n ' . \Li_\ Liflll (Liilt.lti., us tilt). iiz‘eg‘myl, 1P, . ‘ were a lit: in the 5th. 7th and bilil Mm,” in, M. .I... I'lllrlt‘lll‘. it“ i. In the gtli ll0\\'('f\'t5l', the “”‘" "“"W‘ - " -‘ “liiic the (me, the ‘ game ending 11 9 in fl'.\Ul' of the, (v.0 U l“. DOES YOUR SIDE A552? \\'l on line l-irst s llililwli.‘ ii‘lill .\c(‘r\'lllllnâ€"r:;ll it in Jeep. | Ipeteirntes to the tiiiiscles arid chords ili..i- are Sotoâ€"takes an :t\ st'fl'nesw’re inui rs ail Hrnlti and l! llamnmiimi If Needlcr the Condition is chronic, put a Servi- ‘ ill.“ P. nus l'laisier on the affected gsyot T: lb (ll’il\\5 out any \‘lrn-i ur nen 'r.il«;it‘ irritation, restores the tissues to fil-i'ir “mile-l liPitlllilneHs. pernmiienily curt-s uni \ieziknesu or tender at to 5 “in. \\ 1...)“. j Neiviiii e l'lnsims absorb all the delv- ‘li-rious secretions through the relaxed ; port-s and when usi'd‘nlunu with Nero acl.e mi st go. 1115 l‘HAAY K'i’,'l‘;| , r-ili ,viliire itself, every muscular pllll or i Nccd'cr pitchcd good ball, only one. man getting a base on “four balls." lied all as he gave his decisions with- out lear or favor. did gout. service at short stop for the Uinpiie lidmunds Sll('lll(l have satis- V Di". While, an old Millbiook boy, Midland League (Fan-e. . Spt‘i'lstl in the Mirror. Here “ill be a Font Ball Game in Le .‘.tiiletlc l’ark, lieiliiiiiy,oii NEX l' , hattirtlay, June 12, between Bow mali- . ‘7 ‘. llli- or ()i-bawa and Bethany. (Slime ailed ii! 4.30 p It]. :‘i iinissirn l5 4% “to. Hire ot the i . liiiiils Anglicans. by all present (.‘cllcnt work behind the but. Ilennctt is ali right as a pitcher. at 3.30 pm .tleuts. lioii't miss it. e 046». MT. I‘Ll‘iASA N l‘. :' Special to the Mirror. A very pretty biiilida ' party took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs Wm. (ircgg, last week, in honor of their little daughter Jtan. About 25 children were Illt‘lc, tln;y had all sorts ofamusen'enis includingr a delightful tea onilie lawn. Miss Jean receivul many lreautiful birthday presents. Mr. Tom Ford of'l‘oronto is Vishnu,r wrlh nis uncle. Mr. Joseph Lowe. Mrs. John Best of Peterboro is visit- " gii‘g friends here for a few wot-ks. A young man from Bcthnnv gave :’ "*‘L'elfll‘lt‘ 3"“ ['99 “W" J"“""'9 "'1- lerlnls nu remedy cquuli-i Dr. llami. Jli n’s Pills tur Kidney and our village a call on Sunday Our Sunday School intend givinga on Cattle. Posts .fcr sale, Levi RusSt-ll’s catching was admired Naitrass also did LX' ll lyley, last net-k. BURNâ€"On Lot ‘25, ('mi 9. on Maw 31 to Mr. and Mrs. C. ’l‘. \\ Lite, a son. , Pills. 5 fort er A. gs. c. NO BETTER MADE. C31“ and see samples and get prices. Farm and Lawn Fences and Steel Gates. All orders given for Fences and Gates in Mitch will be allowed five per cent. off. Coopers 8; Nephew's Spray Fluids and. Coopers' Dis- infection Sheep Dipâ€"sure cure for Scab. Mange, ’licks and Lice Sprayers and Pruning Saws kept on h.md. _ l'léiv Fork Goods, also some good Cedar Anchor Posts and small Call and see samples and gel prices of all the abOve Goods. ~3-Vill be in my office Wednesday and Saturday ,eyenigagg, The Annual Meeting of Manveta The next game 'l'ucsdziy, June lslll l "mm" l‘ 0. l‘ “l“ l’” i" 0"“‘3’ .-'\.Il C‘s. vs. Indepen- llall, Bethany, on l'iicsilay..liiiie 15, iii 2 pm. ll. Johnston, listrict Sec 'l‘l.e (inrdcii Party iii-diâ€"r “rennet-ices of St l‘xui’s ( l on b, 1-]! Friday, was a Stand ii mess ever) \i in . 'I be yn Liam “as nust eljii31tliie. l'rrci-etfs L'I'fltly $5ti,iiti. Dr. and Mrs Irwin, of (inlmurg, were gill‘b‘ls cl her parents liero,b'utitlay. HE DIED 0F KIDNEY DISEASE. How often we liearof these molt-uses. The backâ€"pubis and headache were noticedâ€"but not treated llizzv spelli l'rcq .eiitcalls and languid ouiiditiou appeared, but '30!“ng was done till t' 6 disease was ltll’ advanced. (ane invariably results from Dr. Hamilton's 'l‘liey restore perfect lieultl;,tle°- tr..y every 83. inptnii of diseased kid- no in, bni'd up constltutinnu tlmt dely onzbrmks Because i-urely l.i\er cinn- j plaini. Sold in 25c. buxi-s by «I? dealer»: a, -~\ M‘ * it tell W in I it? é-é ii if it? . Li“ I: Lg. ‘ ‘0- ;S [.5 if, 5 Eli El 2.5:: .3. is; .3. .i.E 5 3 2 . ‘1‘ . iii; 1... Ni x . V -* ,flézg; ‘ igtezeei $1‘1ingfiee‘o Corrugated Sheets SIDINGS Tolton's Ghee: OleQSlie Town Hall, lllllbroot, ‘ l lllr. Jon. lit-(Bill. ol lieloriiiiw, Mun , “its visitiiiu with his sister, Mrs H. ANNIE W. IVORY} TEACHER. I Piano and Theory. 1‘ Pupils prepared for Examirt Terms Moderate. SUMMER SCI’IOO JUNE 15 the best month to t, as we remain Open July and ust. Attendance being lower month's, attention is better an greater. ‘ Cool Premise-2. l’eterdor; favorite Summer Resort. .Pol-l Conn-so for Pu School Teachers. Open entire year. Mail Courses. “(3 PETERBOBO BUSINESS COL POTTOR : chONE, Fi‘lnci larder any OMEMEE NEW At the \V. I“. M. Soc Meeting ilcld at tile letL‘ of Jardine (in Sturgeon 5:. Wednesday. a pleasmg :e was the talk on Mission Wu: Miss Ingiatil \lec has Just :' ated from a 'loronto Missionary effort. will." Mr. anl Mrs jno Homer: left for a holiday in ll::~1«.ol;.: Mnanl Mrs. A. “iii; in Peterboro on I‘ ll lay . CST \‘t'YlJEISH h CGlicgc but 't;: it... o.isolidaic-J 5 ,iith. {)5éi‘»,'.“, 'S‘kii‘..4 flip»... to“ I .t- 1‘; . ~ I \Vvlie‘s (or and Cigars. .he n-rw Masonic i vii dc :icatcd East um}: . number of brother if isous a pftSt‘lll lrom ire «twin (nuns. < or whom were A! US$15. Mali: r Matthews of l’ctet'boz‘o and Ll \Vallaceof Linds l\_'. 4 ,u [Arne Lodge No. 3,75 ire it congratulated on liming sou commodious and eirgazfi i which is ranked anon; {lie I of our town. Many of the Craft were my taincd at a supper given in ,Hdll the evening follow-11.; dedication. The firm of 'l‘ McPherson 8; CO. were caters! The many friends of Dr. Sci are glad to see him able to 2. again, even tho' he be no: our in ‘Statuquo.’ Their wishes for the Dr‘s early and comp convalesceooe. Division Court was hell (liner-ace on 'l‘hursday and 1 p esitled over by His Honor _Z :ii Mi Malian. Legal lights guts “we. Moore, K.C. MC.-;.i:gii K C., Weldon and Jordan. The first case was ifs-nu l Order of Chosen Frieii ls vs. l Municipality of Oiiitniee :9 refund of tastes paid under proti judgement t'cServed-J0;-.l.tn 1 Plaintiffs and McLaughlin Defendants. l The second caSe was Maul-f vs. Vatuttoâ€"a balance 0: a stI account. Case was adjourned next Court to allow plaintfil produce book of original out Jordan for Plaintiff, \\‘cl.lou‘ Defen lant. The third case called \l Dancey vs. Sullivan as to plitic two COWS contracted for (in whl $1 llZlLi liec'tt ICCLJVCtl IO llliki l bargain. lire dvti-n lam (‘l H {becoivs yum-writ liis‘ ,lfllzc" in favor .2." :9... : 1.1.7» 'H.t .ttii g {'K'SE‘l-iji. \ "1 l‘.‘ 'i \‘v’elzici‘. for isvgi’e: i {Bill-'illldeit' c: c :: H , I either dis; (TEQAi v‘. .~ adjourned. The C'..'l‘.;'l'2"‘ ii} let in!) 1:5“1‘ .1 recipients 1., ..1 3 . i l .ippcui lot after noon. 'l‘bc lit “ u. «3‘. (ii‘i """ ‘ ‘ t i‘fllj V Yul ,. t3; mil-.1 . . 2 'lll « 1V3: i: \ lit ~,, I I i: .. i.‘ ii.,i oi pout-z I pi‘tc‘iit il ~i;::iilit:tnce. »\.’:«: i the tli‘aw'bicks aial bright sidcol Missionaryeriterp; i the Rev. gentleman spoke Optci istically of the work. ‘ Vlcw’lllg Gleanmgs from Missioni Sermon of Rev. Mr. \‘l’rigbip-l 73 degrees below zero ‘ Dawson City. Frost zoo feet . the ground and further in ii Yukon. Many homes in the Yukon mat of logs and moss is: altcmai tiers to the height of 8 fed surmounted by rafter: covert“ With moss overlaid wiiia card The Window made square ail filled with empty bottles. 1 ' ‘19 till: L'iktCity: l’rcsbyterizj l um: , .A _ . /j . l ,. * 1 'p

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