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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 5 Jul 1906, p. 2

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4 .. . .. 4 .1'7 Fury .1, All the above goods Will be sold at a very small advance on cost. ' I thank von kindly for past patronage, and solicit your further finders, which will have my best :attenuon. ' A. PAYNE, _etc.,with me. No.1 Stock, an 'guaggnyceq. Fruit_ Trees, Shrubs, for all kinds of FENCING. You :1") build a Wire Fence in a Mud Hole, if you get steel postsâ€"no beavmg out of the ground by frost. Also agent for Leading NurScries. Leave yon: t order early for to secure their fences in time. Agent for the MAGNET Cream fieparators- -there are none better. I Sell the best Hay Pork Goodsâ€" ahe only one that has the trip1e p0 .ver. Call and see Mode! before buying. Any person who has fruit trees ,or plant potatoes should haw a Auto Sprawr. Cm! and see sam- -- Call early and leave vuur order for New Seed Potatoes. Pnce fight. 'I have secured the Agency of all the leading Wi're Fences on ,the Market. The above cut shows Rhe Lock cf one of themâ€"THE ', PEERLESS -all galvanized. vii” :staud 2 Rigid Acid Test. Fancy Fences and Gates kept .constamly 0n hand. Samples can be Seen at Mr. j. D. Fair’s Hard- ware Store. Farmers Shouid leave their oyders early to be able ,NOTICE 2 JOB. H. BURNS, Having purchased the Butcher 'r'Business of Mr. John McBride, I :am preparcd to plane the public nit FIRST QUALITY wili do it. iT. Donnelly in Charge. A trial order solicited. EBUSINESâ€"STTMW :‘fleshandsaltMeats always on' hand. Fish. Fowl and Vegetables in Season. Steel Posts That’s too had! We had no- ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough or late, but naturaliy did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per- fect hair tonic, The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft and smooth. Ayer’s Heir Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. {133. best and of a toeumonuF Drugs mly relieve, pro- gglzfiodapted glam alone Your headacheswin ceue. PROPR IETOR. 3161’s .Turner, unnnuo'ok PILLS. Priming that attracts immediate at tention as no doubt the kind you are locking for. We prim no other hnd. Send you: orders to the Mirror Ofice, King St , Mfllbmok l The Presbyterian Sunday School ‘ Ladies Aid have arranged With the G. T.R. and Steamer Stony Lake for what nomises to be one of the most delightful mps of the season, on Thursdav, July 19th, to Mount Julian, Burleigh Falls and all points 0t interest on Stony Lake. Lcanng Mxllbrook by regular 7 55 train Fare for round trip: Adults 95 cents, Children soc. The Garden Party under the auspic- es of Christ Church. Omernee, and held in Mr. Wm. Adams’ beautiful lawn. on the evening of Dominion Day, was a grand success. There was a good crowd, an excellent supper, and a first class program. In fact every thmg was done to mane everyone feel at home, and enjoy themselves. The proceeds amounted to $65 A pleasant feature was the fact that Mr. Adams was able to be out and give a hearty welcorm to the crowd of happy people Rev. A. K. Edmison, of Brighton is the new I astor for Cavan South Methodist Church. Mr. Edmison was stationed at Tyrone last year. where he was very popular. We extend to him a hearty welcome to this vicmity. Mr. W. A. Crifiin, of Bethany, the popular Iwery man, gave the Mirror a mi] Saturdav. The proceeds amounted to over $90. The Committee deserve special praise for their untlring efl'orts in making the garden party such a grand success. Mr. Morton, whose beautiful lawn and fine residence was used, is also de- serving of the heartiest thanks for his great kindness. The Garden Party at Bethany on Friday ercnmg last was largely at tended, notmthstandmg the very in. clement weather. ()0 account of the rain later in the evening, the musrcal part of the program was rendered in the house. Miss Brereton sang twiCe in her usual sWeet voice. Mr. Robin- son, of 0mm, also delighted the audi- ence mth seVeral' comic songs. The foot ball match between Cavanvvlle and Bethany resulted in favor of the later club by a score of 2 -o. Messrs. L. Fred. E. S , and Miss B. Clarry spent Donnmon Day With Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Clarry. The Ontano Bnmt has added stiil further improvements to its Millbrook Branch, by way of new windows wnth gold lettering. The Ontano is bound to keep pace with thetimes they are certainly succeeding even beyond their expectations. Every Orangeman should be in the Church Parade next Sunday. The: Millbrook Lacrosse Club an: in good form for their game to-day. Muss Vida Wood, of Bensfofl, was a. visitor here over Sunday. Mr. Stanley Fry was in"town ova Sunday. Get your clothes made like new by having them dyed by Parker's Dye Works, Peterboro. Harry Richards, Millbrook agent. at his store, D. Chamber's old stand. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. I am also agent for {he Peterboro Steam Laundry. H. Richards. Mrs. Jefl‘rey Widdis, of Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Maitland, Lyleton, Mam, were in Millbrook on Friday mlling on friends. Mrs. Maitland Isa daughter of Mr. 1‘ hos. Wilcox. whom many will remember left here some twenty four years ago. He and his family have been very successful in the West' It was only recently that Mr. Wilcox sold his farm for over $30,000, and his auction sale brought him about as much more. Mrs. Maltland notes numerous improvements since she re- sided here. H0 FUR STUNY LAKE. Last week we inadvertently omitted the name of Coun. Needham in the Reception Committee. There is no more enthusmsttc man on any of the committees than Mr. Needham, and we therefore rchet the omission. The Misses Gertrude and Cordie Richards were Visiting friends at Can-am ville the past week. Mrs. Wm. Mitchell is a guest at the homc of hcr son, Mr. and Mrs. George Mxtchcfl, at Ethel. Mr. Mllton Weatherclt, of Bethany. gave the Mirror 3 all Saturday. Dom forgct Presbyterian cursion July 19, Mxllbro‘ Holiday. Mr. C. O. Pherrell has gone to his home at Brooklin for the holidays. Miss Lucila 'l‘hcxton passed her we :mnnaxion m Art with first class honors at Albert Coilcge, Believillc. Congrab ulnions. Several hundred persons from this vicinity took in the sports a: Port Hope Campbcllford and Omcmcc Domimon Day. The worst electrical storm of thq Season that has struck here occurred Friday evening. and as a result nearly all telegraph and telephone lmes were put out of busmcss, until repairs could be made. There was one bolt struck the wircs m Mr. Lcach's drug store, whtch sounded like the firing of! of a double barrel gun. ' Give the boys from. Scum three cheers and :1 TIGER. Everybody come to the Agricul- tural Park this 'l‘hursdav' afternoon. Lacrosse Match, SOURIS vs. Mill- brook at 2.30 p. m. - The town belongs to the SOURIS Lacrosse Club to-day. Half Holiday in Mtllbrook to day. Mxllbrook’s Cinc This is a chance of a. life- time to see the Champions of the West play Lacrosse. THE CITIZENS’ BAND AGRICULTURAL PARK, BALL FACED AT 2.30 P. M. Admlssion, 10c M A T C SOURIS 2:??? They will be met at the Station on arrival of Train at 12.10 noon. . Everybody Welcome. GOD SAVE THE KING. Millbrook Citizens will give the Souris Lacrosse Club a hearty welcome to the “ Old Town” to-day. Thursday, July 5m, 1906. Welcome to the MILLBROOK l’. S.â€"Pérsons having small lots of stock, chauds. c., to sell, I will be pleased 10 pm them up at auction any Saturday. I. E. N. The undersigned wishes to inform those Intending to have auction sales that he WI" be pleased to have a call from them. Terms reasonable. I. E. NEEDHAM, Otfice and Store, Millbrook, Ont. Kipg St.. op. Dom. Hotel. Mr. W. J. E. Gillott was down to Campbelllord on Monday. Mr. H. I. Grifl‘in took in the Ex- cumon to Cobourg. Mr. Griffin is one of our most popular and obligmg young men, and fills his posnion on His Majesty's Service “ith credit to himself and the satisfaction of the public. aaaH aaaaaaa :aaa Paaa aaaaaaa OWN HALL LA on Mr. Geo. Needler's pond and fished it dry. Then he fished down stream, and then up sxream and cleaned it out both ways. Now he says there is more fun fisbin for Mudvat and be Is going back to Omcmee to clean out l’xgcon Creek. i. E. NEEDHAM. AUC’I‘IONEER. Mr. Jimmie Saunders, who has been living a quiet retired life in Omemee during the spring months, returned to Millbrook some three Weeks since and went to Camp with Col Syer's gallant boys. Since coming back from camp he has been fiishin. He commeHCed Mr. Enmcs and daughter, Mrs. W. W. Gillot! took in the Bclhany Meth- odist S. S- Excursnon yesterday. SUBSCRIPTION RATES _. Tel-mu. $1.5" per your. or 31.00 per your .I ”Id In mvnuco. - C. W. RICHARIIS. wpu nvu. vim, In! I): "1erth lure» "In?! It." fl. one Inn: lion 50 cum. each nubuquant noermmficonu. ‘ Births. Dealhnmnd Martian- no lmerlod no. Advorflumrnt- will be continued and charged mr uuul ton-hidden. ‘Chungou o! Mverllucnmntu are to be In me Bmco not. later than Monday. Inga! notices Scent. per llno um hm"- uou. 2 «nu per line each uulmequum lu- wrnouâ€"Nonpfl-iol men-urement. l2 Mne- to an Inch. Advent-unem- such 1.: Nut. strayed. 1301.ch elm, y"! 9: [muted "area Mme-s for (‘olumu $50 25 I5 88 ('olumn 2‘5 515 3 8 ‘g 1 Column 15 B 5 2 We. Prorexnlonul Cums. one web nu! under, 35pm- year. 38 (or six monthu, $1 [or on. month. . In published ovary Thursday Morning at. It. omen. Km; um“. Nillbrook. Millbrook'and Omemee \MIRROR “ Old Boys ADVERTISING RATES: Jyr. amo. saw. “no. lwk. will be in attendance. ,otg‘ .§r:.»§£#_iy..o .xtx.k,rn\t.;..nuitt.\r. x.) .1». 033$??? 3‘ ant-£95; ... A W e do not do things to meet con - petition; we make 21 Roofing that m- vites competition 'Ihc Carey Roofing ( o. Agcntâ€" L. S ( larrv, Millbrookg. The Famxly Herald and Weekly Star 'l‘hc MIRROR will be Sent to any address in Canada, Grant Brxtain or U S. to Ian. 15:, 1907, for 50c, Choice Wines and Liquors at the right price. ’l’hone orders promptly attcndcd to. A LEACH, Millbrook. Can't even steep-restless any and nlghtâ€" brooding over imagined trouble all the time. The disease Isn't in the bmin, but in the blood which is thin and innutritlous. Do the right thing now and you’ll be cured quickly. Jun take Ferrozone; It turns everything you eat into nourishment. consequent- ly, blood containing lots of imnand oxygen in formed. Forreznne makes flesh, muscle, uerveâ€"alrengthene in a“ week, cures very quickly. You’ll livel longer. feel brighter, be free from mel- - ancholy if you use Ferrozone. me cents blH‘l a box of this good tonic (titty chocolate coated tablets in every box) at all dealers. filo“; B tllouululul, B thankful, _wlmlever B tldo; 8 just and B jo) ful, B cleanly B slde. B pleasant. B patient. B gentle to all, B but. if you can, B humble withal ; Bprompl and B dutiful, but at“! B not; B sure that one sin wnl another 8 got. 3 just Ind B generous. B honoat, B wise, B mindful o! (hum-mi Bcertaiu itfliea. B prudent B liboxal. of order B fond, B uy love than you mad B foroBuyhxg tray ; B tender, B loving, B good 6: B Menâ€" 3 loved shalt thou B, and all else shall 8 thineâ€"American Boo Journal. polite, B revonnt. B quiet. B sure 6: B rigm B calm, B retiring, B ne'er led astray, B gratelul. B cautious of those who B B yond. B cnreful, but yet B the first to B stow, B temperate. Bateadfast, to annex B You Melancholy Woman I fair, 13 u: ofnll min: B havior B sure to 8 ~ «are. B think or. you stumble. of what any B fall; 8 true lo yourself and B faithful to all B btave- to B ware o! the sum that B SWA RM OF 3’5. 8 hopeml. B cheerful. 13 happy, B kind, B bow of body. B mode“ 0! mind, B “men, B truthful, B firm. and B Champions of Western Provinces vs. Millbrook, Orders taken at office of this pap” {or The Weekly M at] and Emplro and The Mlilbrook and Omemee Mirror, mailed to any address in Cnnadn.GI-eat Britain or the United States, from now nntileuary In, 1907, to new Inb- scrihera for 50 can": Send In ynur ordn- atonoe tn tenure the npanlng chnpmn n! "Hue Lad; Evelyn." "The Lady Evelyn" is Ihe third of the Authors' and Newepapera' A sane!- atlon’e great $150,060 sex-fee of new In- ternational novels. chh the Mailand Empire has‘ been appomted by the association to irsne serially prior to phblleallon between covers. "The Lsdy Evelyn" will appear ex- clusively in me Mall and Empire in serial form before being published as a book. The first Instulment will be published in the issue of July 5th, and it will be continued each week until August guvl. Now it appears that "Etta Romney" was none other than the Lady Evelyn daughter of the Earl of Melbourne. On her mother's side she Inherits gypsy bl0nd,and is forever amazing people by some “ihl, daring prank. Her theatrical escupade, hoeever, has had another and far graver result than mere scandal, and one that threatens tolnvolve many persons in decadedly thrilling adventures. These adventures are described with brilliant detail in Max Pemberton's splendid novel. ".l‘he Lady $3391qu a book that operates with epleode, action and mystery from cover to cover. 'It is a story such as ls written once in ten years and is read lor thy. As will be remember“, Mia: an- ney appeared at the door ofthe Cnrlton Theatre. Londcn, on hearing that a leading lady had thrown over her part in a forthcoming plav and asked leave to try tho rejected role Tn- ghe man. agemem’s astunishnmnt she acted as though inspired; scored the hit of we your and vanished. As Manager hard. of the Carkon, expressed it: "She came from nowhere and she vanished into nowhere." The mystery surrunn-Iiug the humus “Etta Romney" has at Inst baen clau- ed M ay. Often causes a good deal of trouble. The best care ls a prompt ap- plication of Nernllno whlch instantly stops the pain, prevents swelling: ro- moves all blackness and discoloration. Nervillne ls antisepticâ€"prevents blood poisoning. No llnimont so strong. so penetrating. so swift to deotroy pain. You min a lot of comfort. by not using Polaon‘s Nervlline. For nearly fifty years i: has been the standard family llniment of Canada The local skips were Messrs J. '1‘. Pmdon and D. Muir. The lormer was matched against skip Julmstnn and the latter looked after me redonbtable J C. KoNs. Skip Ken. is cnnsldered me best bowler in Millbrook and it is neldom that he is defeated. Skip Muh- however, broke the winning sneak and when the game was over, the score stood Muir 25 K8”! 9. The rinks and score “ as as follons :â€" Porl Hope Millbrook. M Carry R .7 Dnak G Brown E W Lamprey F Garfut R '1‘ Adams D Mair, akp 25 J C Kells skp 9 3 Lockington ’I‘ Lem: G Hog; J Dawson J Caldwell, J linkins J T Pardon, skp 19 H Jnhnston, skp H Totals 44 Port Hope Guide of Ftlday. Two rinks of hen! bowlers went out to Mlllbrook Friday afternoon and played friendly game \\ ill: the bowlers more. The Millbrook club extended the visitors every curtasy and a very pleasant time was Ppsnt, the game taking place on Mr. Henry Muliigan's beautiful lawn. "In reading about Dr. flannmon’a Pl“! I noticed symptoms like mine and I bound-1 six boxes. These pills went right to work on my sick condition and aim-red me from the first. My supposed female trouble. which was bladder disease, was cured. My weight Increased eight. pounds and never before “no I as “all as 10-day. Dr. fiannxlt-on'a l’illa did It all." All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton’s Pills 25 cents per box or live boxes Ior $1.00: By mu fmm N. C. Polson 03.; Hartford, ('onnw U.S.A', or Kingston: 0m. As delay is always dangerous, 30m- plaln duty is to follow the example 0! Mrs. F. Rowe, who sends the following letter from Gravela. Port. Au Port, New- foundland; “Four wars ago I got kid- ney and bladdvr trouble. ltlwught It was "female trouble" 3nd treated it ac- cordingly. Even my doctor in St John Iald It was so. THE REDOUBTA BLE J. C. KELLS Better get. a few boxes to-dav; purely vegetable, {tee {ram injurious Ingredl. onla, healthful and antiseptic, Dr. Hamilton’s Pills will assist you in a thousand ways, How much better 03’ the nulem in without the poisonous accumulation- caulefl by conutipation. How much clearer the complexxon, how much lresher one feels when tho system is pure and clean. l‘hmk it over vouraelf. Isn't it apparent that a bowel regu Into} and lint stimulant like Dr. Ham iltou’ 3 Pill: is sure to do good ? Gay spirits. good helm and happy health huVe returned to many a. sick Woman through Dr. Hamilton’s Pills Not Hard to Cure if Properly and Promptly Treated. Ask any intelligent physician what cannonMno-cemhs of all female dil- eaae, oven including anaemn, ner- Vouanoaa and consumption. Back comes the answer quick and sharp “ Constipated bowels.” There.“ scarcely a single female ailment than had not in In enrllel' Itagee exmptome of constipation. About FemaleAilmenls “ The Lady Evelyn." A Bad Bruise. Yours IVIILLB‘ROOK, Toronto, or any other place. Come to our Store any day Within week (except Sunday), and we will to give you goods at prices that de tion in We are cfl’crirg first (la-rs Teas at and below cost. to clear. Also all other goods such as Baking Powder, Spices, Syrup and Vinegar. Just a few Stove and Scrub Brushes left. Breakfast Cereals at Cost While Stock lasts. Shop Furnishings, including Two Show Cases, also a good Stove and a number of Stove Pipes, Will be sold at and Below Cost. One Door East of Mr. J Jewelry Store. Bring in your Harness and get it repaired W'Before the Sprmg Rushfiw I will have charge of the loot an-l slaoc depmtment rnd will as usual pay stnct attention to all custtmexs, and “hellaer vou want hand made or {Jetory 10015 and SllO('S, haxmss, c , I can supplv you with the best goods at right prices. We have a Special line of boys' School Slices, also a full stock of Lunks. \‘alises, c. Specxal [me 01 boys' School Slices, also a In}! stock of hunks. valises, c. I have had over twenty years’ experience in the boot and 51:0: trade, and guarantee entire sansfactun. Your patronage solinkd. I have purchased the harness business of and will continm: the said business-in an up to secured the services of a first-class harness makq to this department of the business. Naming m6 Leamfir ! At the price we are offering the goods they won’t stay with us long. Are you securing your share ? MILLBROOK, H Ylll Want Bargains Veterinary Surgeon to His Majesty's 14th I? . vv. Fisher, Millbrook Branch. % F. R. HOWAR'I‘H, MMANAGER Deposits of $1 00 ard upwards received and interest allowed at current lakes. Interest added to principal twice a year. Every facility afforded Farmers for thrir Banking Business. Sale notes cashed or taken for collection. Office on King St., first door \Vcst Collins’ Bank :32?) WW%%% '35-2 W Below Cost SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Farmers’ Banking. WW9§$§§$§$§92§ Special Sale Note Forms FREE on application. Established 1857. Head Coco, Toronto. .J. LANG Calls by ~Tclq-h0ne promptly attended to. 5 business of Mr. \Vm. Stnin. in an up to date style, havmg harness maker, who will attend ' Within the next Ive will guarantee that defy compe- 3g“ . Steele’s ‘9 Every Man should be in the 5151‘ arrv the \Vzlliazns. Greene to date styles. All kinds 01' Staple Dry Goods Deptâ€"‘Prices Linoliums. Lace and Ghana below other dcaiers. G70ce kinds of shelf goods. Diane Lard, pork, and full line of c Cakes on hand. WANTEDâ€"5 o, 000 Doz. Eggs 2 W00! manufactured at {0110“ng m, 20c. double. \Ianufactuxe 96% Special Vain MILLINERY Dummniix' DRESSMAKING DEPTâ€"Ha date of order. \\'c make u; lunch: to ox‘drr from our 50; Cheaper nutcrmls mil cos; DRESS GOODS DISPT.â€"l)x'< reduced p: ism {01 this 11. on \Vash Goo is at ( L l p: i0 Grenadi: acs. (Si: iglxams .\ :1 READY-MADE CLOTHING and $7.50. I carry the 50v mud: m Canada. equal m Iii prices are about five doIIa-s should see our stock of Men folk and other style suns Irc Thai: Leads rull line of white and chocolate Boots we curt fun 11:10 of t The Store CHAS. FOR SALE -â€":\. Muij; Harri foot rake, 2 ycnr~ 01d, :t: 3h! shape â€"exchang:d {or “Iii-IRIS CHARLES 1.. MCQUADT DEERENG AGE}; stark ”(divs :mx‘;~ “1H 1:(-\~rr hci 50 large or “c” sump «3 ;.,~ .1: Draw A“ [hr “:1" hncxx awi ~13}th 1,1311: and in 211111»: any shade. 1.»: :1 Immifu! goods at atom-11:13.:- pm In fact 3011 can .- r‘.".«»:’.r \ ‘1 'mn‘ your new dress 01 m1~Â¥1zmr 13411131? I“. Can and set. V‘- m. ( 1:11} 1\‘l -â€"tf Q Râ€"ALL Goods MarkeJ to Th:- memlwrs of I. O 1. H4. 6.36 and 0:31:33 Yum}; Britons land: to the Presbykâ€"rmn Chum" Sundav. jnh' Sih. gnawul «and Rrv j M “mm-13w. 1:. n. m: (:1 Frame" of onmzzn 1534. m3 roi Master of Vicloria, at 3 p m. In evening I 23 im'ucx 91} why: breti tho can to accompany :Ewm 1m Methodifi Church. to Ink-:1 M .1 51 L11 sermon by the Rev. R. khfullt FOR L‘l’~'l'()»!fi "Hi Issacr of “an: 94c MILLBM :( 'I'hcrcisa ‘pull' lwtwcen .‘11 A laltgum Wfison and “I ch‘cli, Ilsk‘h is 11. have the (7 P R >2: The odds 1111-111 :0 {11101 Langzc the Lion 11111117 ha» 510511111311 {used 10 us: his an s: '111 1:0 carn‘i any funk-:1 Fax‘t 1.1111 1.11. 1:.11011'5 (‘ ascy also' 1.~ (:12: 1c :11111111 111: to the Manon at m (MALLKIII a 1 and why not. ali 315- wndd Law: 11 Would be m 1131‘: his grain thrc and ham: 1! shipped 11: 11:10:. mate-11 having to stare it away. No wo: there's a pull as above 5:21:12! Miss Dashnau was : Prxcxbow Dominion Day such a good a juin in cxtc! (ions to Miss NE\\’ D R [C SS GOODS Hr '1‘. N. Harvey. Attorney1 at 9!! Laguna St , San Fmen‘x- son of our pmmiar High Sch'x a, Mr. W. B. Hark-3'. Th mam- warm friends' of M r. Ha Omemcc who \\ I. be pleased :1 of 1m success Mrs. Hugh Murray ‘.:a< gun cxtcndtd trip to Pcfll‘, '1~ nerd, Quinn; and Halifax Hm lriends nil! join in xu h: "i: . En' : p‘casant vi it. fl, The Mir it 1 Raia 3' Alta. fix . H . Eng ’ctcrboro. flcdgc' of mi 9m“ 116571 0d .-.iluat:on :xtenu‘mg he Iiss Sandie. liah Swine: pent inc: and Dominion h 5pc 05.117.“ (‘CHSCE \‘lsl (1:1 U3

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