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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 26 Jul 1906, p. 2

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those intending to have auction sales {hat he will be pleased to have a can » from Ihem. Terms reasonable. -- ~ 1. E. NEEDHAM, .. I 05mm Store, Millbrook, Om. ' KMEOP Dom. Hotel. ' 3F . ersons having small lots of ’vls, c., tosell, I will be . Pg 91cm up at auction any ' ' I E. N 1. E. NEEDHAM. AUCTIONEER. 6:! \our clothes made Ekc new u having them J) éd by I’arkel' s éve‘ Works. I’c terboro. Ham Ichards, Mtllbrook agent, at 1115 how, D. Chamber‘s old stand. Your patronage Is respectfully fificilcd. I am also agent fer the Beterboro SteanxLaundry, H. ‘Printing that attracts xmmedtate at ‘scntiou I» no doubt the kind you are {coking for. We print no other kmd. .6ng your ordcrs to the: Mirror Office, King St , Millbuzok A room has been Set asiuc far the private use of the within: which P-amone ma) use at any and all times to hold Ina-tings in or to tmmact their mm .private business In This is something which the genera! pubhc are much in nced of and which wit] fill a long felt want, and we think it Will bc apprecia ; led. Yours truly, ' 1 .‘Thc Ontario Bank, Miflbrook, cx~ feuds to all and everyone a cordial jimitatiun m cal! and inspect their new and uptu date fittings whxeh an: now in place and have hccn arranged so as :30 afi'ord every facility for doing bUSI- I . - 0 pass wnh unwcmcncr, dispatch roulfort. 'l‘hc Family Hc-raid a xd Weekly Star .8! The MIRROR will be sent to any 'addrcss in Canada, Great Britain or 'U S.‘ to Ian. Isl. 1907, for 50¢, Clinic: Wines and Liquor-s at the‘ .tighx price Thom: orders promptly flawed (0. A LEACH, Millbrook I .170}! UP-TOJJA'I'E JEWELRY. Jssucr of Marriage Lien-uses, MILLBROOK. fershandsaltMeats EBUSINESS CHANGE ragga-$3,; purvhased the Butcher "Business of Mr. Joseph Burns, I am prepared to please the pubhc 1'! FIRST QUALITY will do it. Snbscri be for Mirror Fish, Few! and Vegetables in season. A trial order solicited. _:l‘HE ONTARIO BANK There ls’one thing that will cure itâ€"Ayer‘s Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap- pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to youâ€"healthy hair, no dan- druff,n0 pimples,no eruptions. J. STEELE’S, F. R. HOWAR'I‘H, Tu- best kind of a. testimcnmâ€" "3313 Sat over sixty yen-s.” Qandmfi abwa_\s on ham PROPR IETOR . yer‘s wishes to infurm M ANAGER. SARSU’AZILLA. PILLS. CHERRY mom. >, and Small mirrors qn the backs of church pews. to enable the worshipers. while bending to pray, to see it than hats are straight, are the latest up tn date church Improvement. A New York firm puts in the soul satisfymg equip- msm for $399 ‘ :l Next Sunday evening the Rev. Mr. t[Johnston will preach 0n the suhject: “Unpaid Bills,” the Rev. gentleman m announcmg his subject last Sunday evening, asked the congregation not to make any application until they hear . the sermon. Appropriate muStc by the choir. This we understand IS the last Ser- _. mow Mr. Johnston Will preach until _ his return from a well earned vamtxon, he will be away until the first of Sep- ‘ tember. He purposes visiting the Bible Conference at East Northfield, Mass, these meetings are famous throughout the religious world for the catholictty of their spirit and for their undenommational character. He will have :m opportunitv of hearing some of the foremost scholars and preachers and singers and soul Winners, and will no doubt come back to his work to give to his people and the town the benefit of his information and his jour neyings, we my town bemusefew men take a more lively interest in every- thing that makes for the betterment 'of the town. 1 Miss Nellic Mitchell. of Pcterboro, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mitchell and child. of Emily, Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. j. Lang on Sunday. Mr. John McBride has secured the agency for this distnct for the Lindsay Marble Works. Parties desiring to have Monument erected to the memory of their deceased friends, should call on Mr. McBride before ordering. All a'bmrd for the Methodist Sunday School Excursion next Tuesday. Miss London, of Troy. N.Y.. is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs” W. W. Gillott. Mr. Nottman. Traveller for Ebby Blain Co., was a guest at the home of Pc‘.Irs S. Eakms this week Mr. John Crane, Manager of the Ontario Bank, Peterboro, was in town this chk. Mr Wilfre-l Gnllott has returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Rochester, N.N. Mr. R. T. Haney was a guest at the hmge of Mr. and Mrs. Proctor, Newmarket, this week. Mr. Edgar Burnham. of Toronto, was in town this week. , , 7,7--.., ..- ~~vu\., Lake last Thursday. 7 Don’t forget the Bethany Excursion next Monday. Mrs. (Capt.)]. Hunter was a guest of her son, Mr. Sam Hunter, at Stoney 1-1.; I,,A nu Mis~ E Hunter is camping with Mr. and Mrs. S. Hunter at Stonev Lake. Mr. and M rs. I. Magee, of Emily, were chstsuf Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Falhs, over Sunday. The booth on the beat next Tuesday will be in rharge of Mr. J M Knox. Ever) body amâ€"nd the Excursion next Tuesday. Rev. F. A. Robinson, M. A., of Iindsay, was the guest of Rev V’Vm jchnston on '1 uesday. Church Pew Mirrors. Mr J H. red who has been em- ployed on the Road Grader, finished up for the season on the nth mat. and is preparing for a good season’s threshirg. H:- mli be better prepa'ed than ever to attend 10 211 orders given him. Mr. Peel’s work With the: road‘ grader was highly satisfactory. ‘ Mr. Waltu Widdcss left on Tuesday for Frances, Sash , where his brother has a goud fazm. We Wish Walter success. MISS Dyer, of Lindsay, was a guest of Miss Ainlcy, the paSt WCCk. Mr. S. Lockinutm'p, of the “ Guide,” Port Hope, gave the Mirror :1 fricndiy. call last Friday. Mrs John Adams. of (,‘ampbellford, ‘ is a guest at the heme ofhcr sister Mrs. ‘ Wm. Pcndxy Col. McLean 1. Sandy (Eco Ramsdun Major Winslow Morgan Cary J. K. Enk‘us T. l‘urdon, sk 17 R. J. I)cak,.sk. )9 Mr. Dunk is connng to the front as tfirst class bowler, and Ins winning out with his ablc c‘oHcaguus Ins added another {rather to his cap. Mlllbrook Bowlers vnll slum: yet. Pm Hope. I. Hu: t. r 5. Lockington W. chwu‘k I). Muxr, 5k. 13 The Port Hope bowlers came out on Friday evening and [flayed a game With MillbrooK, wh‘ch n-suhvd in a tie. The game was very Interesting and ex- citing. The following “3» r the_ panch: " An accident to Master Norman Bruce occurred on Moaday evening on 'l‘upper St.. almost opposxte Mr. larmer.s Livery Bains. It appears imat Norman Bruce was speeding on 'blS wheel and not noticmg the ap~ proauh of Mr. and Mrs. Steele, who were out drivmg. ran mto the buggy, his leg getting caught in the spokes, and before the carriage could be stop- ped. Bruce's leg was broken and he was othermse badly shaken up. The poor feliow was carried Into Mr. Lar- mei’s livery barn and Dr.Sne!grove, .tssi.\ted by Mr. Charlie Walsh. dressed the “mind and alumted his terrible ~ufi'erings. .On 'l'uesday morning he was accompanied to the l’eterboro Hosiiital by Dr. Snelgrove. and placed in comfortable quarters, when ~ he will have new attention. We understand but amputation 2: not necessary. Magi-dent. 1 Bowling Match 8. Tie. RINK RIN K TWO MillbrookT Ja<. Leatclf J. my" R. T. Adams ON E. Kells, sk. I x You catch a little cold to day. by to- marrow It ha: reached the thtout, next day the lungs are affected and you wish you had used “Catatrrhogmm” which kills culds in five minutes. In the first place Cutarrhozoue mothea the irritated membranes and relieve. congeatiun,â€"-then It cuts «ut the r phlegm and deetrms the germs. 1t ' onublas the blood to retain a natural} supply 0, oxygen, lung-food. and vital» 1 lty. In uny'cungh, brouchitla or lung affection, it's unarauloed to positiwly cure. Decline any pullelilgle 5’" "C“ 1 MINIUZVPS-u [I y. f " Although white is the color for lin- gerie styles, the introduction of a note of color is greatly sought this aeueou' This is frequently contributed by dain- ty ribbon embroidery applied on the design of Valenoiennee lace. or iueer- tion in detached flowers. For this pur- pose the shaded ribbon comes in an extremely narrow width Much, how- ever. is equally suitable for treating even the coarser laces in the same manner. " There is no doubt." saws Elise Morien. in the New IDEA WoMAxs .MAG_ AZIXE for August, "tl at the combina. tion of laces and fancy stitches is being overdone. which fact may cause the disappearance mi lingeric effects at the end of the summer, or s reaction to simpler styles. \\'hne it is still with us however its influence is felt in many ‘ other lines of wearing apparel. Lace has never been more in Vnglle, and the combination of many «ilfi'erent varie- ties, which has already been mentioned is greatly encouraged by the manufac- turers. who produce in the same piece Venetian and (Army portions, em hroid- ered batiste motifs on an lrish all-over back-ground. or a Valenoinrws me- dallion with a Clnney border. '0! course ‘ these are not inexpensive, hut a good piece oilace is always a good invest- ment Making one'e on n Combination for u yolk or waist front decoration is a less expensive method of achieving equally successful results, especially if one knows when and where to dick up odd little Valenciennes or St. Gall me« dallions, ltullsn cut-Work squares. or eeroiliered wheels. How Pneumonia gtarts Concerning the Lace 1‘ immed Blouse The Origin of Angelsâ€"111L- Essenr tml Nam-re of Heaven.- Character of the Angels.- 'i‘est-imnny ovari; tureâ€" The Sure Way to Heaven -â€"l’ractical ‘ Tendency of this Disclosnrc.--Ennron- ment In Heaven. and what dctermincs it.â€"Socxet1es in Heavenâ€"A Heaven for the Non-Christian World.-Arc Earthly Relatmnships Continued in HeavenPâ€"Mcrténg and Rccogntlon Friends in the Horcat'tcrâ€" Personal appearance of the Angcls.-â€"chuven- csccncc and growth in I'Ic-avenrâ€" Houses and Homcs in Heavan.â€"(3ar- mcnts in Heavmx.â€"-Clnldren in Heaven.- Sex and Marriage in Heaven. â€"Work in Hc-av:n.â€"-'l‘he 'l'hrcc Heavens, an-‘I How Related.â€"Eternal Progress In Heaven.â€"â€"Consociauon of Angcls with Men. By BENJAMIN FISKE BARRETT 383 pp.. 5% x 7 inches ; Large Type ; Fine Cloth. For a linuted period this book is of {cred at tradc rates, 50 CcntS, with 9 Cents posragc for mailing. HEAE’EN REVEALED Mr. Edgar Bumham, of Toronto, was in town for :1 short time: this week. Mr ..\ \\. Kcnncd}, Baritone $010. I ' ul Oshawa, will 5mg a solo m the l‘xcslutcxianchurch on Sunday even Mrs. (D11) Gray, of Petcrboro, and her sister, Mrs. W. R. McQuadc, and Master Wilhe, of Omcmec, “‘ch guusts at the home of their mother, Mrs. H. Kennedy, this week. Mr 'l‘lms. Dunne-Hy has purvhziscd ll‘t‘ buiclicr business from Mr. Jos. H Burns, and wiili his lung cxpcliuiicc. he will bc in a position to Serve the public with choice meals. Also fish and poultry in season. ‘l‘om will be pleased to have a share of your patron- age, and guarantccs satisfaction. ADDRESS THE NUNC LICET PRESS Mrs. ]. A. V. Preston and hcr three childrcn of ()rangcvillc, arc guests of her .-.2olucr, Mrs. ]. chll. M I“. L. C.‘ Flemming, ‘ Principal of the Exeier High SChtiol, and his sons, Robert and Gordon, are guests at the home of Mr. Roht. Wright, (Tavari. i'l‘hey will Visit his father at Cobourg j b :fore returning limiie. Mr. Flemming ? was at one time a teacher in Millbrook school. being assistant to Mr. Hamp- ton. Mr. Fleintmng’s seVen year old son is in the senior third class. The Presbyterian S. S. and Ladies’ Aid lixcuision on Ciwc Holiday was a pronoutiCed success, view it from what point we may. The weather was ideal, the aCCUmOdallOl] by rail was ample and the boat was steady and the crew was courteous and Kind. Seldom has a captain and crew a mom friendly pleasant company than the one they carried last 'l'hursday. 'l'lic sail was delightful and the iitiinemUs stops gave ev e r y one a n o p- portunity to greet friends and stop off if they so desired. Stoney Lake is a charming spot. No wonder so many flock to its islands during the hot sum- mer months. It is said that Amen cans are a poor judge of many things, but I'0!" a delightful summer spot they are expert judges. On' every hand, on the return journey were heard expres sums of appreciation. The finances have we understand a balance on the Fig.1)! side. l Cavan Council meeting next \Vcdn ncsday at 10.30 a. m. 42 West Cuuher Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA CON'I'EN'I'S. WW foo: rake, 2 years old. m first-class shape â€"exchangcd for DEERING. CHARLES L. McQUADE, DEERINC AGENT. â€"tf QMEMEE. 2 The Canadian l‘uciflc Railway has made the wonderful growth of the West possible. In the saving of the wheat and other croys, the interest oi Canada and the Canadian Pitt'ific are identical. The latter is Canada’s Nat tionui Highway. It has announced that on Aug. Nth, 17th, and 22nd, it will transport from difl‘erent territories in the East farm laborers to the Cana- dian North-West at the nominally low rate of twelve dollars; in fact; this Ne- tlonal Highway Is offering an indece- ‘ment to European farm laborers by ’ making an exceptionally low rate over its Atlantic steamship service in con- nection With its railway lines. ’It now remains for the Ontario farmer to show his prlde in the growth of his nation by ”operating with the (‘anadian Pa- ciflc in sending every available able- bodiedman he can to the West . FOR SALEâ€"A Massey Harris to it Is estimated 20,000 farm laborers will he required from the older pro vinces In assisting in the harvest of their wealth. The sons of the West are now urgently appealing to the parental and patriotic instincts of the further.- ot‘the East to send every strung able- bodied man they can to aid them In this work of national importance The growing interdependence of the Provinces of this Domlnion must be apparent to all. The product of one 13 a necessity for another. Not alone a. the eyes at the Eadern Provlnces, but those of every country in the world. directed to the almost. phenomenal wheat producing qualities of Manltolm. S skatehewan and Alberta. l‘Iyery hamlet, concession and side line In Ontario has contributed to the settle- : went ofthese fertile western Provinces 'l‘he crops. according to the Govern mental reports for this seasan, if safely harvested and garnered, will for sur pass prevlous years in quallty and quantity. I would most heartily recommend Anti-Pill to any one sufl‘eringaa I did." All Druggista or the Wilson-Fyle Co . LI united. Niagara Fails, Gut. 505 I am entirely cured and cannot say too much for this wmulerrul remedn I “cum most heartitv "mom-“mu: "Sometimes a. great weakness would seize me and lwnuhl have to lie down ‘to keep from falling. My hands and feet would seem to no to sleep and a sort of nominees would come all over me and perhaps nmnedlatelv after the blood would rush to my head and a series of hot flashes would envelop me, " I took all kinds of medicinee, but kept gruduallv growing worse until about. eight weeks ago, when I began using Dr. Leoulmnlt’s Anti-Pill. From the start I Improved until now my apo petite has returned, l can sleep well and have no nervousness, dizziness, pulpitation, huntnees or anv of my other troubles. They have all entirely disappeared. I feel much stronger- look better, and altogether Anti-Pill has made a new woman of me. ered with nervousness, almr breath, dizziness, loss of a mothering and sinking Spells cxmld not sleep. Mrs. Eaton Recovering, Although Her Physician said She Might Drop Dead at any time. ASTDNISHED THE DOCTOR. The Mllllmwk ”and will furnish music during the day. Hut water will be supplied free (-f ci urge, Meals can be had on Steamer or at the Burleigh Hotel. R. W. (‘LA RICE, G. R. (‘LA RE. Slwerimendent, Pastor. To Avoid an Overcroddinu, such as was taken last year, Tickets are being sold only frrm M-Hbrm-k and Frazer ville. '1 his is a guarantee that there Will be plenty of room on Steamer for a cmnfortable and pleasant sail. The Speviul Train going and coming will do away with the unpleasant de' lava of the regular train service and give a. full day on these heanliml thlfll's. ' ()u the reimn trip a stop w ill llo made at a Convenient point lor Supper, after \\ hich the return will be made to Lukefiulql during thu Delightful Even- ing Hours. arriving there at 8 p.nu., where Special train will be Lakau u hich will run direct to Millbrook. reaching home at 8.45 p.m' Time Table and Fares as Follnws: To Lnkefield To Buck horn Leave Adult Child Adult Child Millbrook 7.30 63w 35c $1.00 500 Frazerville 7.42 56c 800 900 45c Returning. Special train leaves Lake- fiold at 8 gun. A S; eciul tram will leuve Mlllllrook Stntiun at 7.30 um." arriving at [alte- field at 8.30, n hen the Steamer, Stoney Lake, will be'tnken “ hich will convey Excuralml through Katchuvsanuonku, Clear, and Stormy Lakes tu Burlelgh, where an lmur'u amp “ill lue made for Dinner, after uhu-lx tlw Steamer Mll prut-eed through Love-sick and Buck- horn Lakes to Bucklmrn, where a few hours Will he spent. The Millhrook Me'hmlist Sum”! Sci-«ml arranged with ”m (i 'l‘.l{. and Steamer 'stmm) Lake" for an Exclu- sion to Lnkmfiead and Buck how, an Tuesday, any 3m. 19« (s. ' NA'I‘I’UNA L NECESSITY. XCURSXCN‘ "My tr: ulnle began four years ago with :. weak heart. I was olten afraid to draw my breath, it pained me So. "The doctor mm me] had heart dis- ease and was liable to drop on the street at any lime." says Mrs. Ruben Eaton, of Dufl'eriu, Um. of appetite, ] {vas' bot h- shortness of and l a. Modern Ruilwey': Reapected and dear sinâ€"Happy“ the men that hate his quiver {ul of them as the Salmlet says. I have got a. sweet led. he is a quick as lltenin, and in golng into his 33th year. At this time of life meet men would be only in their 21th year-4 he’s so kwlck. When he was a blatant he would say he would be e railroad man. He is full of the th wt of e reiF road life; and though 1 any it as ehould not. I never see a had hoe turnipe ee kwick in all my days. lie hue whote a verse which runs like 3 him, It lees follows: 'I choose to be a brakeemen, It I might be a. flower; '10 run along the tops of care, And screw up the brekee.’ glue like these: ; o ‘How doth the Janey bootblacl: Improve each shining hour, etc.’ 3 color He also wrote mother him which be- lend R“ No medicine can be [more oertein tr quickly cure Convenient to “It-duel ope plll et bedtlme' ale, became en- tirely vegetable: howling, been-nee moved hy thonnende thet Dr. Homil- ton'e’i’ille‘eet you up In e the do”. From Cheboque Pt . N.8.. comee the tollowing from Mrs. W. A. Beynolde: "A your ago my hum: begun to tell, I lost eppetito. become nervoue end eleeplees. My weight no down. I be come thln, holloe 'eheehed. end had black tinge under )1): one. I teeny telt u it the cherin’of llte Led left me and when spring time arrived I tree In the ‘Btuee.’ I reed of Dr. ,Bmittou'e title. and got the bezel et one. were good. 3 nine etrength likee on some. New m. and Vigor totem.“ nun-tomb emcely knew me. A medium the: will do thle ehonld be teem house.” Now, respected emcee you help him 3 Good ““1“ m.“ m‘“? ‘0 I... to reach hm gale? He in cute to 3 de‘ 30000.! ““1 happineu 5'9““ “PM “- gree If you went a good operator he I 1‘ I“ maintenance end neuron “ “WW could soon learn. " Do egood turn when l " found I" D" Hamilton‘- Pub. 150. you can. as the threedmlll says to the , P" 5°3- 0' 5". 1103” ‘0' 31.”, st all convict. please note: He eutere on hi: 1 deelen, M by null 9°“ N. C robo- 3let year on Wednesday. and it would a 6" 0°” ""“m' "“9: pith! M be eleuum to glue bill! your ”if?! 09 - that date. ... ...... lngetoil3 guy \ The report that Wm. Stewart of “a. f % deputy to commissioner S. E. Ferguson Proper medicine was cut. in twain on July 12th, inst., at Lindsay by the steam care, proves to be For The Blond groundless as the reported corpse is __ again at his accustomed poet and at his Drives Away The: Tired yuan“; usual Vocation, The product of his muscle. the natural reqiuremonleoltho flak» YO-u F“! but ' I flesh proclaim the utter folly othie T° "9'! "l. i. "HON“.“IS splritullafic existence. What absurd . tired. exhausted feeling. l rumors arise from fertile imaginations! ; “'an m. blood “v"lk- thin “d A Situation for the ‘Boy.’ ; debilitatedmlrculation 13 slow, aid in The following application for u onu- ' consequence “10 ”ml-ll 5' CMM alien from a fond, gushing parent, "uh poilom "“1 “a“. “l“ “30“” seeking employment for his Innocent b9 driven 03'. Iad,ouly 3‘.’ years 0! ago. was quoted n" unable ”"03 “to 0|! “I. by Mr. Joseph Taylor, tonnes-1y em- . teachingl 0‘ experience had “0“39“ ployed on the (ix-eat \t'euem 3mm”. [hm ”atom with a course 0! Dr. Bum-1 of Canada. now memed i unto the Grand ‘ llton’l Pm. °‘ Hindi“. 83d 33th!" Trunk in his book on "A Fast Life on nut. Some fail wheat is cut and promises agood return; appies and pears are he- iow the average crop; garden raspbero rtes are few owing to the plants enthr- ing {rum the open winter: many com- plain of the tops 0! their potatoes dying before the tubers have grown much in either size or number cherries ere an unknown local product; plums seldom mature owing to tho stings of insects. We noticed Mr. Harry 0! Millbrook in the Village last week, Sundaxs storm “as \uy light here. There “as a ver_\ heau gust of mud and u fe“ drops of rain tell but acarcely enough to lay the dust. Residemu oi the city of Peterboro. declare the hail atonn there was the Worst ever seen in that Mettopolnan mlumi cntporation; the stones “816 the size of marbles and «could he shovelled {tom the stunts. Fruit picked irmn the uses showed lu- dentations made by the bail The choir vas augmented and In- creased the pleasure of the service A 3010 part, 1in the anthem, was taken by Miss Curtis of Peterboro, in a very uc- ceptuble manner. Enthusiasm is excessive over a second game of base hall between the Bachelors and Benedicta. It may be pulled ofi‘any dag ~probably this week. “Om-('onversation is in llaaven," was the text from which Rev. Mr. Whitelaw preached a very practice; sermon. on: Sabbath last in the Presby- termn church. Master Bert lee ofthe ”loreuto Bank, Keene, visited at his home over Sunday. Dr. Thompsan, a former resident of our Village, made a sscialcallonSatur- .luy, He has about the same make-up as when he administered his potions in our locality. and time has dealt gently with him. The Dr. has resided in Co- l-uconk but anticipates removing to l'oronto soon. Have you ever noticed, when achlid ls mentally weak or physically de- formed, how the mother's heart turns to it with a tenderness that is not lav- ished upon her more favored children? How solicitous the father is to fend it from all harm. and in some way to make up ior’the disability from which it sufi‘ers? Even brothers and sisters show a pertinlity for it which they dol not show to each other. This may and l does take place when the sight or con- duct of the child is repellant to stran- gers. Its very lnfirmity euriears it to the members ofits own family. And this is a wise provision of Providence. How omen nt we sometimes see the treatment meted out to this unfortun- ate when circumstances make it neces ‘sary for him to be out in the world to try to do something for himself He is often limes mocked, mimicked and laugl'ed at, and tricks are played upon him. and his weakness. whatever it is taken advantage of to tease and vex him, and the more successful they are in making him miserable the more in sistent are they Ill theirdastard course. This is no fancy picture 1! tea too common occurrence, and one hears 0! grown men, some oi them fathers of a family, nmliciouelv making game of such creatures, one wonders at the {or- hearunce of their Maker. Mr. Goo E. Geroux, wrttlng from Pembroke; telle how‘he wee injured In a lumber camp. “ A heavy log rolled against mv leg and l was laid up with etifl‘neea and a hard swelling. When I applied Poleon'e Nerviline I get relief. A few rubblnge with this good liniment cured me." In the bulb, Nervfline is lndlepensible ; it cures neuralgia. colde rheumatism and internal disorders too- No person can afi'ord to be without Nervllhze. Useful for all external and Internal pain. Large bottles 25c, at all dealers. Reduced A Hard Sw'elling Mt. Pleasant News. THINK 0!" TH IS. , ”â€"7.-" "mu-w. Inn BIO black rings unam- )nx a: u. 1 ram- toit .- it the chum’of Mo had let: me and when spring ‘umo attired I can In tbo‘Btuu.’ I tend of Dr. Batman'- l'illl. and got 6" box» u once. Np medicine can be [move am“: to qmékly cute Convenient to fink-Jun ope pm at bedtime' uh, beam en- nuly vegetable: untuling, became. proved by moaned. the: Dr. Homil- ton'a’i’iile‘ue: you up In a few a." From Cheboque P: . N.8.. come- the (allowing from Mrs. W. A. Boynolde: "A year ago my hum: began to MM ' hue. ________ flak» Yqu Foal Brisk. To every on. in uni-moon- mg1 rod. exhausted tooling. thn th- blood an ink. thin uni One Door East of . 7,- vvr--â€"- -""'-' w I wxll have charge of the boot and shoe dcpattment and will as usual pav stnct attention to all custnnus, and “11:!th you want hand made or’factorv boots and shoes. hatnn-ss. c , I can supplv you with the best goods at right prices. We have a special line of boys' School Shoes, also a full stock of tzunks, vallses, c. I have phrchased the harness business of Mr. “’11:. Stmin. and will continue the said business in an up to date style, havmg secured the services of a first-class harness maker, who will attend to this department of the business. Bring in your Harness and get it repaired W’Before the Spring Rush.” I will have charge of thp lmm 5...: a.-- 3--..-._A_. -s , Naming Like LeameT! gflNTAfllflBANKé I have had over twenty years' experience in the ‘, and guarantee entire sansfacuon. Your natro mt“!- ' East of Mr. J. Stéele’s Jewelry Store. Io Manitoba and Salutation- Letc..with me. N5. 2 Stock. all “guaranteed. Antheabovcgoodswdlbesold at a very small advance on cost. I thank you kindly for past patronage. and solicit you further orders, which will have my hes: attentton. Wt. Trees. ”Sims. for all kinds of FENCING. You can build a Wire Fence in a Mad Hoie, if you get steel postsâ€"no heavnng out of the ground by (m. Also agent for Loading Nursaies. ve var :- order early {or to secure their fences in time. jAgent for the MAGNET Cream Separators-~tbere are none better. I sell thebest Hay Fork Goodsâ€" the only one that has the triple wer. Call and see Model before trying. Any person who has fruit trees or plant potatoes should have a Alnto Sprayer. C all and see sam- p e. for _A- PAYNE, . leave their pfdgrg eaâ€"rKv ‘tJ-ge‘able AAA, Fancy F'Enceggmi Gates kept constantly on hand. Samples can be seen at Ma]. D. Fair's Hatch ware State. Farmers Should the Lock of one of themâ€"THE PEERLESS ~31! galvanized. will stgx‘nd 3. Rigid Acid Test. NOTICE 2 -_vâ€"__ “I- G No Spr'ayer. Call and see sam- e. (3231} candy and leave vour order ‘1 538" secured the Steel Posts ence in the boot and shoe Your patronage solicud. $3M Em nan should be in am the Williams. .9 date styles. All “9%.“: Geog}: Dept. Full line 0! white and c Boots We carry full DRESS GOODS DEF reduced prices for 1 Wash Goods at Cl Grenadines. Gingha 0099 Special HILLlNERY DEPAR DRESSMAKING DE‘ date of order. We nude‘lo order from Chaper materials READYoMADE CLOT and $7.50. I carry 0394: In Capada. cq That Lead The Store CHA It W. W Judmo. 81. In. wind“! of the Hi: '0‘. 304 NM lamina 3:14 I»: m atny «tending |l of it! I T. Minna, 0! Gt“ III- Em Cock ha «1 hm on Mnnitnunu. Mr. Mosul“: In. Tuolo have a Intro! 0! the boundary bu has and Claude, north < (‘hltcla m. s'uhlflh. 29' ”do. 'lll ho Micah It: to .u but “pod-ll! u I Dr HucKm-xla 1. “101 mu '5“: tho Ed mm 0! Quebec Province. 7!» mini {m of 0:. Th of I‘obooonk, [and on! A Massey Harris B: McCormick Binder in (3".I.IS.â€"â€"In the to‘ do I. on Julv nth. L .‘o n Gums, a da :4; hter. “but William-on Call a: MORTON 9;. and see our july 5 tar pl:ot=rgmphs.â€" 3: 59km other dealers. kinds of shelf goods. thd, pork, and full “Cats on hand. 3-4an is commendab! that he and his csxima bermny yars to (-1 3-~.\LL Goods )1 ug rxiensirc impro buns: in the E251 m “all 8". PM! \Isck‘ b5 3 sptendid class in whom an prograsmg Send your auteur u TONS Studio. Linds: Hist May: Hales oa‘l‘hmsdayi Miss 31-01:“ see our stock but and other xxylc Hue your photo c Studio, Lindsay. Vic "as May: Clancy a guest of Miss Sara We am sorry to 11 Hessian is sufl'cring fl and in the midst of 1 more trying. His jam in Wishing him :1 Mt. “'Ilbcn Fee and Mn. Fred Cann,| omittedfromthe Mr. 10th Sagdcrso: CHARLES L. l DEERING 311' FOR SAL about fiv‘ BORN "I He

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