â€" ""5! v". - a . Jar, a.†Mm Mallory. of comm. u... ' 17. William ‘l‘homatxwgthride, son guest at the home: of Mr. Whack of jnhn MCBridc. aged 3: years and thumb ' ' ‘ “ - ‘ :1 months. (nuke. Miss Dolby returned on Wednesday to Lindsay aka a pleasant visit a! the home of Mn H. Nauruâ€. Miss Reid. of Pctczboro. us a guest a! (If; home 0! be: com. Mrs. (D1,? \It and Mrs Chance Heath hau- retumn! to Rochester. after a hplcasaia! visit a! Ihe Queens. " 3kg. am! Mus Dobbin are guests at. {he home of Mts. '(Dr)_Hus:ud. Miss Edna Cunningham. Toronto; is mixing}! the home of Mt and Mrs john'l’iu. [7' 6â€"85,; 5c. Scrihblcrs for use. while the stock lusts. or ‘u for 35¢ , at line Mirron Ofï¬ce. Remember the M-thodisx Sunday School [in-union to Orillia on july 30th. 0an $1.15 [mm Rimbrook. Tickers good for TWO D.- -'\\5. See bins for full particulars. Miss McKinnon, of Pclczboro. is l guest}! the home of Conn. 00:11:, ].P. Mimu’ook will shortly be out of datkncfl into light. lhc Elccltic Big!!! plant will soon be in running ‘3' Do You Low: \IUMC? If -,ou 'du, you will ï¬nd no Music maker :0 as) to buy, <0 easy to May. and so easy to listen to as the ladison Phono- gmph. For sale a: D11? can’s‘ Music Mn] â€eye“. Miss Louie Vance returned :ï¬lm: the back lake: on Monday. Mr Glenn}; Manager of the Bank .0! Manual, spent Sunday at Oshawa. Mr. (3. 1.. McHattie, Manager of the Bank of Toronto. was in Toronto ore: Sunday. »MILI.BROOK CIVIC HOLIDAY, Tuc_sday. ’01} 30m. 1907. -EXCURSXON 'I‘O ORILI.IAâ€"- ' 20 lbs. of Sugar (0: 81.00 mm! July _ 31:: at Byam's. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Jones. of {Garden Hi", mm in town Tucs- ‘ day. Just in band A full line of \ iolins Flutes, hie-s, Mouth Organs, and anything in the Musical lnstmmcnt line, at Duncan's Music Store. Messrs Pcrcy Fitzgerald of helm, and Howard 0! Toronto. are guests a! tine hgmc of their mother, Mrs John For Quality and Quantity ask your , dealer for me new big plugs of “Bobs." ."Stag" and “Currency" (,‘hcwmg To- Mm. Wm. O'Brian returned on -Mu)mla) from a short visit with In-lahvcs in Rochester. ‘Mr. Saunders Finlay has left 2, the mill at Garden Hill and gone do his home at Liskatd. :3 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $3.00. a: Bram's. Get a good lot {or the preserving season at this low price. We have also a good supply of gems. Mr. Arthur Vance went to Ma's- koka this Week for a few days. .Mr. and Mrs Stewart Kirkpat nick and Mr and Mrs Elias jones :spcut Sunday with Mr and Mrs _'.Jo!m Chaullice. Fallis Line. Miss Olive joncs has returned to be: home at Garden Mill. after a pleasant visit with hat aunt, Mrs Robert Laurie. Hamilton. Mr. Allie Payne returned on Tuesday from a visit with friends in Rochrsu-r. Mr. and Mrs Elly jonos were guests at the home of his brother, George, at Newtonville. Sunday. ~Majm' Winslow took in the Excur- >snon to St. Anne's. Quc.. on 'l'ncsday. Mrs.) A V Preston and children of mugging-ft: gucsu of her mother. 'Millhmnk News‘ iOn the grounds of our ability to serve you “c solicit [' ~ g your Banking Business. . {Cap ital and : .' Reserve Fund J. B. L. GROUT. G. L. McHATTIE, . Manager. , , Manager, . omemee Branch. Millbrook Branch. Bank of Tovonto Assets SAFETY, CONVENIENCE. PROFIT. Every description of banking business conducted. Consider the advantages to yourself of a Savings Account in which to keep your spare money, from the standpomts of Interest is paid {our times a year at current rates on Savings Balances. Extends to its customers every facility consistent with sound conservative banking. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CANADA. INCORPORATED 1855. . THE. ‘7 A K' Kidd Ii “'ood j W Green j B Sandy Dr' Marshall I R Eakins n Ilcllcghcm-sk u' (:lgmcuamesk :2 TB Plan '1‘ Lcizh J E McIntyre ' _[ Dawson I): Holloway Capt Winslow ‘ E “'qu 51: u R] Dunk six 14 $37,000,000 00 l‘cterlmm A K' Kidd Two rinks of bowlers from Pcterboro visited the local club last Thursday and suffered dcfcat at the hands of the home boys. The game was played on the beautiful grounds of Mr.‘ â€cmy Mulligan. The lawn was in splcndid shape. and some good cud: was the re- sull. The score : In Cnboutg,__qp 'l‘uc:sd§:)[. 1“}? 33- ‘Ivvu-t Isiillbrusl Wins from Paterbnru For the rcmamdcr ofjuly you can gcx hulk starch at 6c. a pound, Rom! (iruss at 8C. a package and Cum Starch at 7c. a package at Byam’s. Mr. “'11) Strickland, of Port Hope, wash) town on Monday. He and Mr Parnell, both lacrosse enthusxasts, went to the park and jpmed in the pfactzcc with our boys. ' In Cavan, on Friday. Iuly 19th, to r and Mt: Wm l'ud~cy, a daughter. The Misses Aggie Hampton and Pearl Nattrass attended the Durham Old Boy's Excursion to Niagara. Mrs. (P. W. M Kim and (.hillrcn “NH: and Eve!) :1, are guests ot Mrs D. W. McKlm at Napancc. , 38.500.000.00 Mrs W. H. Russell has gone to Lcammgton for a visit. :8 me. Mrs. H. W. Johnston Is with tho: Excursion to Niagara FalIs (0-day. Major james Evans. of Omemee, was in town. Tuesday, nn business 1:) connection with the Electric Light Plant The Mirrur was pleased to have a call from the Major, who Is one of the city fathers 3nd proprictm of the Omcmee Foundry. We understand that he has the contract hf making and putung up the smoke stackâ€"it will be done nght. GIANT 'I‘RIPLE'I'S " Currency." “ Bobs" and “ Stag†Chewirg 'l'ubac coes, in big plugs. Quality always the Q'WAII for the big Excursion {mm Millbmok to ()rillia on the 30111 of this monthâ€" Millbrook's Chic Holiday. The Presbyterian Excursion “ all round Stoncy Lake" proved to be: a delightful trip for the 300 or more ex curswmsts who wcnt. The weather was perfect. and ever) body who went enjoyed the outing very much. Mr Walter Parnell, of Pctcrboro, was a guest at the home of Mr Harry Nattrass lhli wcck. ‘ The Misses Ethel and Laura Crock er are whiting friends 111 Rochester. Good supply of Chop. Bran and Shorts on hand just now at Byam's, at the Big Store, on the Main St , near the Static". \Iiss Pcrrin was a guest at the home of Mr: '1. Medd last week. CIVIC HOLIDAYâ€" In compli ancc With a rcquisiuon of the businc» men of the Village I licrchy proclaim 'l‘uesday. July 30d), 1907. Civic Holi cay fur (ht: Village of Millhrouk, and respectfully call upon all our Citizens to so obScn'e it. W. S. GIVEN. Recvc. Dr. Charles Walsh is visxting Ottawa friends. Mr. and Mrs Ben! wcrc guests 0! Mr and Mrs j R Eakins the past week [.051 â€"In Miilbrook, on Iuly 12!!) a Past M astcr's [ewe]. Fmdrr will b( rewarded b) leaving 1: a! Mirror omcc, Mr. and Mrs Eames are guests at the home of thcir daughter. Mrs. W \V. Gillan. DIEDâ€"In Millbronk. Thursday. July 25th. Mrs Wm Batcson, aged 79. Funeral on Saturday at 2.30. Scrum- a! the home at 2 o'locK. BORN DIE!) Millbmok I An execllcnt address on the "‘\\ wk of flies .S “as (Iekivercd h} [\cv. Dr. Muvin, M. ...-\ B. D‘, â€1.1)., of Bethnm'. A Round 'Iable( onfcrence on “ S. S. “'Ork," and led bv Mr. K W. Clarke, of \hllbrouk, “as ex- cchnt, and lnought out many interesting and helpful points. Session closed thh benediction. 'l he report of the: last Conven- tion was read by tï¬e Scc’y. Re- ports lrom several schools Were‘ given, aftrr which a proï¬table dis cussion.or1“ I) fï¬cixlties m S. 5. Work and How to Mcct lhem," was led by \h‘. Jakeman. PICS. The [mu came on just in time to kccp many away, It was thcrc- loxc poorly anemic-xi, but the ses- sion was interesting profitable, It Was opened With dvvotional cxexfctses Ld by RM". (E. McKee ol Bethany, m the absence of Rev. Dr. Mayan, who-was detained by illness. The Manvcrs Sabbath School Associauon held their annual con- v‘ rum!) in Presbyterian Church, Bullmny. 0n 'l'uesdny, july 16th. ( 0111 I some: one: sumn st to thc Orangt men of ( man District :1 means to Sprml the 'surplus' they hiu‘c from [he “ 11'†sub. <cxiptmns they mecixui {10m thc hotels and othcrsvfor the Twelfth «lecm‘aHCns. Too bad to let It go to waste. ‘ I After which the visizinq Broth- ers made a few apprupria'e re- marks. At the closc a lunch was SCIVCJ. To the Editor of the Mirror. HM: evening The newly rlcctcd nï¬ivcrw of M21!- bmok bulge. No 303, 1.0 01“., were duly installed my 'l'uculay evening, 16:11 imt . by I) 1) (1M. fro. Nxcholls of Coiiuurz, and his staff. 1.12. . Bro. \V. f). Leach. .(2.! lixo. H. R. Axmstmng. V. (2. Rio. 1.. Smith R. S. B: a \V. 8. Given F. S. Bro; G E Bnrnham Treasfl Bu). 1). Hampton War. Bro. I. N. Hicks Con. Bro. H. A. Faliis . K. S N. (2. 15m. W. B. Ii liott. L. S N (2. “:0 H. Earle , K. 17. V. (2. Bro. H. Swncv L S. V. (2. Hro A. Fullis I‘ G. Bro. H. Falhs Admhsmn, Adults 23 Cents dren 15 cum. A Cordial invul cxtcndcd to all. Committee ~Mrs. W. 11' Brown, Miss _['. Rnyd, I. Hayes, W. F. Rem, H. (B. Best, Axmm Best. Kev. H. I’cckovcr, I’astur. Base Bull Match, lizlchclurs vs. Benedicts. The Omcnnce Citizens Band “'1" aka furnish musm. Al‘Idrcx‘scs “ill I»:- (It IHCN‘LI by Rew. M. Schuith,IL-\.. I.. I.. 8., and II I’cckover. 'l'hc Omcmce Quartrtte. Mr. G McNeil Wright, Mrs: (Dr ) Snclgruvc. 5010151. and His; cht, Sulmst of Brantfurd. A Cardm Party under the Auspxces of the Mount Pleasant Presbyterian :Church, will be held on Friday, July 26th, 1907. Tu: will be Scrwd on “the Church Lawn from 5 m 7. after which an exec-11cm l’rugrauu of Vocal and Instrumcmal music will be: rcn dcrul by the following ï¬rst-class Tulcnt : Garï¬en Farm at Mt. Pleasant. 'l'ickcts from Millbrmm and Ome- mcc junction Inclusive will lzc valid to return on following day by any regular train. R. \\ Clarke. Supexintendcm. R. Clare, Pastor. There isifgo'nd seating and'tablc .ac commodmion in the Park. Hot and cold water ml! be provided free. There mil be no danger of an o‘Vc-r crowd as plenty of accommodation will I): furnished. ;_,()f'._lli§;i‘ .F'"'§F)' prcnyjmvn, Situated nn ’ILukks Stï¬icoe and: (fouchiching where there: is splendid boating and ï¬shing; (fume along andwnjoy the- brcc-zcslofl' these Lakcs qnd 3 ngod' day's outing. 7 . Tl'hc train mll landfthc 'Excwsnon Isgs‘ayOrxllm l‘a-rk. winch ls situated on 1110.. lmtluufulnlakc Cnmthxchingg and N only ï¬ve minutes Walk from" the: Centre tgfjhc‘ 'I'énvn. ' '“llmc lablc and [arcs as follows: Millbrook at 7 30. ,$’ 15. Child 6°C Bclhaq) 7 40.1.10 . ; “ 55c .Brunsmck 7 .50 1.10 , 1., . 55c Franklm ' 7 5-5 1.13 = .1. 55‘: 0111cn'1cc Jet 8 1a 1.85 ‘_‘ 55c Reabow 8.18 1.05. , ‘ “' 55c I 111d$ay 8. 35 _ 9; 5°C Returning. 8; 1m 1.1l "lram will leave Orillia at 6 11111. 1111611111}; Mxllbrook at 9 11.111. " The Millbrook Methvodxst Sunday School has arranged with the (:.'l‘.R. for an Excursion to Orxlli'a, on 'I‘ucs- day, July 30, 190], Millbrook Civic Holiday. A Spcria} 'l‘ram' wnll lean: Millbrcmk Sta-lion at 7.30 a.m., nrriv» ing at Onllia at 10.30 am). _ - A report having been circulated to the effect that I intend to leave Mill- brook at an early date, I‘wish to-State that the report is not correct, as I have no intention Oi leaving here. I have entered into pamiersiu'p with Dr. MOntgomery for a term of years, and I intend to carry out that 'cb‘mfa’ct. Faithfuily yours. : H. A. TURNER} "M. D. To the Editor of the Mirror. SIS. CONVENTION. EXCURSION . A False Report. chszI) opened at 0100 hxhs 23 Cents. CH1] A cordial invuatxon is Orangeman. Tl! I‘ZY A LL FAILED. “any hnvo tried tn deviu a corn rnru oqnnl to Putnam's, but After ï¬fty your: nothing hu en‘mo upon the mar- Lpl Hm: on gaining!)- cnro- cnrna and warm. Don’t untimrnt. .nae Hm belt, and thu‘s "Putnam’s." The)! cut "nu-thing that disagrevs catch cIIlII have (Jr ramps or chuliv. If than 13" [DulllJuM apply NerviliIIo,-â€"lt's good to rub on. and fur the inside it'- «3198! condoning. E fl'ectho and plans ant, J on can 'I ï¬nd a houa'eh‘om Inma- cvn. to equal PolamI' I Nervimm. Used with aatiélactlon {or halt a century and III heuer demand nary day he-‘ cause it due: “on pmn ease suffering: and cure the Umnaaud and one ma that cnnuunUy arise in the lamily. Large bolllu II: a†dealer: for 25¢. Altogether the '24 pages. which com- prise The Weekly Mall and Empire. are a library in themselves. the raguiar price fur which is One Dollar :1 your. Send in Orders to " The Mirror Dulce." Mlllbrook. Ont. Thy Magazine Section will alanho a mine 0! Infurnuunm upon subjects n hich nre at present. attracting public unemion. Many of the articles will be brightened by lllnatmuum. The Aurimxllurnlflecflnn will he re- plete with infur'maï¬nn fur the general udrnncéuwm ofngricultnml science. (.‘omrllmmn to this suction will he man eminent in Hue lmportautjn- dusky. ' The Weekly Maul and Empire and The Mlllhrook and Oulemee Mirror mulled lo any nddresn, postage mud, in Canada or (iron! Britain until January ~lat.,1908, for 65 cenln. To look weâ€, to tee] well, tulenjoy the unlimixod advmnagen of robuut, bounding health me Fermzone; 3-H by all dealets in 50c. boxes, and refuse I substitute. VitnIizIng blood mnrsu through the body. makes delightful color, happy lpirnu, true womanly strength. “'11 ES CHILDREN A BE SN'K. Ferruzonv makes \1 oman strong, plump um! hoaltlnlul became H. mm- tains lull of mnnuwnt, the kind that forum nnwclmulnew, bone and nerve. What the weak woman needs in F9:- mzonoï¬l renmu, rutores und vitallzea mummyâ€"it’s a "\vmuun's remedy"â€" thut'u why. No \wak woman can lm happy or enjoy half the pleasures of life. I‘and clneelut, sunken eyes, exhausted nerve:I all tell of a terrible struggle lo keep up. The glnr)‘ and satisfaction n! bounti- lul wmnanhood can be kmm‘n onlr to mum running the unlimited am am- tauea of health. Nothing cf More Value to Woman. THE CHARM 0F BEAUTY. , Excursion to Orlllia NEXT TUESDAY. The) Cd'nvcxitio" then closed Nah I! e Benediction. A Round 'lable Conlerence, on "I ea'chérs and Ofï¬cers," led b3 Mr. Clauke oi Millbxook, was Vcr3 incercstiug, mans taking part. It was decided that the Con- ventio‘n meét next sear at Janet; thlc. date to be fixed by the LXL‘C utnc Com. An Interesting“ dxscussion by several Superintendents on the “Best Method of Conducting and Flnancings 5.2"! took plaC‘e. After a few words {IOU} Mr. R. W. Clarke on the ‘Aims of the Provmciul 5. 5, Association of Ontario,†it was moved by Mr._G McCartney, sec. by Mr H Preston that our-Association give $10.00 towards extending their work.â€" Carried. Special Offer to New Subscribers. A splendid address on the ‘Aim of the S. S.’ was delivered by Rex I F Chgpman of Form pool.‘ Another very proï¬tabic and in- xeresting address. on “ Teacher Training," was given by Rev. C. E. Ayiwm of Bethany. 7-30. With ‘3le 200d attendance. Devotional eXcrciSes were led by Rev’. Dr. Marvin. The nominating c0m. reported the following nonnnatlons for the ofï¬cers for 1907 : President. W A jakeman Vice Pres, G McCartney Secretary, J J Clarke Treasurer, Huber tigeston Which were adopted by} meeting; L’ Maura Wm. and Ed. Smith down the river ï¬shing , We regret to lenru of the serious Illnaaa of Miss Le! a Finlay, who has laen koaching in Hethuny Pubic School. Mr. um! Mrs Johnston Funls of Mill- brouk have been the guest» . f their many friends HI and about onrvillaue The Steam Shave-l is daily cutting down the distance between in: pnint 01 commeucunent and the Middle road where it is expecu-J lnacouple 01 weeks. ’ We had a hqnvy down-pour a! rain “I: Saturday: there was tome hail ac cmmmnim! H but not any dunug» reported. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap- pears, had to disappear. A healthyscalp means agrcatdcal to youâ€"healthy hair, no dan- dru if, no pimples, no eruptions. M and Mn. Wilbert. Best, «sf “'xnu‘r peg, Man , “era gneuts of Mr. and Mus. J,l). 'l'zmxton last week Wilbert u- an aid Mount Pleasant boy and has done well in the West. [In is It mm- mercial travellnr for n large House in Winnipeg and cus‘era the “011.41 fr. m Kenora to‘ Regina There is one thing that will cure itâ€"Aycr's Hair Vigor. his a regular scalp-medicine. It-quickly destroys the germs which cause-this disease. The remains oflhe lute Fusmr E):- xlesmn Sr , “ere interred in Shiel i'r Cemetery and a huge number orde- ceast-d friends amended 1110 unlenm occasion to par theirlast hibute o: respect. Mr Egglnmn had :«tzninen over {our score years, and by integriu and chum nueutimx lo luhotiuus m-rL "hide a comguudiuus Md rmnfnrml-L hmne to which [A attached am «stau- of value. A wife and three sums are- left to mnurn his loss and the sywp thy u! the who's comuumily is vxunnl- ed to them in their hermn‘ement. The (htrénn Party to be given next Friday awning by the I‘reabytrrians budes well {or a [Jenna-It and rhjm n- Me outing. The [man hall mun-I. should muse cnna! lamhle amusement as the Benndivtu Won the 13*! cnnieu. besides the unzL’VZU'g rel-up: thut mil be served them will be music by [he Omemve â€and and a prugram bv nr tin!- of high merit. l! is huped Hm! ()ld Prubs MI] smile sweetly nu .‘luum Pleasant next Friday. Mr. ‘karge Lane 0! Frusen‘ll‘e “u a visitor last week’s end. Mr. '1‘. A. Minn, wife and children: are visiting among the- nuuu‘ friends they made whom Mr. Mills “'45 (cache.- in our Public Svhool. All the Entrance to High Schoolcau- (names were succesvful. James H- came ï¬rst with 530 marks, Pens») Bum“ next thh 506 and Annie 'l'hox ton thfnl with “7 marks; 1h. latter pupil is l-ut ll years nr 2129, and bur Mandi"): on the vxuxninmiuizs Ino- speaks a. hrilliunt educaliunai future. The best kind of s testimoï¬lal~ "Sold to: over sixty yous." Mrn. T. W. McLean“ and little son have returned from a visit. £039“ Yurk Stale. They are acmn'pnuied by Mr! J. 1'. Messumre n! Lucknow, India, [mother of Mn. McLean) who will re- main fur a \ isil and rest. Mr. Ben Fae: (nflhe Bunk of Tom" tn, hvm'e, in home holidaying. Mr. and Mrs. John Beat. Miss Luke n! Peterbnm and Mr. E. 8. Best of Min- neapulis, railed un many of their \‘iJago- friends the ï¬rst of this uevk. If yo’uw’vaplt, Shingles; try" ‘ our Far. mchprérials. erucm‘l price {or 10 days. \\’m.'l‘hcxum. For that Dandruï¬ l'l‘he' casket was literally mvercd with. . boa utiful ~ wreat-hs and cut flowers. One 0f the; wreaths was from l..0,L. 570,346! ' . ., ,. ,. C. R. (flarh ' At the (fcmctcry thc- â€Orange Burial Service: was: Cuuductcd by Bro. (Eco. Fowler. ‘ , A‘ large» number from Omcmcc, Cob’mjrg, Port Hope. Bafliebbn’) a‘nd Frazentillc 'yvc‘rc' also present to pay their lqs‘tfrcspg-cts to the departed. ’ nu - The news of the sudden death of ‘ William Thomas McBride, eldest son of Mr. John McBride of Mxllhrook was received with deep regret hy evc'ry dun-n of Millbmok and vicmxty. I): ceased and his wife and child had just moved to Cobourg to ï¬ve, and had just got comfortablyscttlcd, when Mr. McBride was taken down thh peliton itis on Thursday 9! last week, and ï¬cspxtc all‘that-rlovmg-fricnds and the .«bcst of medical skin-could do he pass- ed away on ’l'ucsdaywof. :hts weak. HIS death was a great surprise to all who knew hlm, as he: was not quite 22 ycars old, and was a strong. healthy looking: man. The funeral to-day to the Presby- terian Cemetery was under the dime- lion of I..O.l.. No. 46, of which dc- ccascd was a bulovcd and worthy Brothqr, 'A large"riuxnl_)er of ,thc members of the different Lodges ofthr District turned out in a bndy and marched to thc Cemetery. The ser- vices at the house Wen: conductéd‘by Rey. W'm.’]uhnston. assisted by Rev. 11 Ill Much sympathy is felt for rcaved rclativcs. M b J. O. A or 09,, La.“ *{w mam-urn of I. ’ warm; yersaazmm MOUNT PLEASANT. Sudden Death. ,thc be- are _ â€"-- V a I A handsomely mmtmted w am- y 1] Inflation or any scientiï¬c Edam-nu] at. ‘ (our wombat-1.. 3â€,“. n BOW-ulna .... mu “.n-rms :33 (our mouthina. “801d dbyzul lnowsdealen. 6.18;.“ 31:†esmmdnm ‘22†Puma omen. 6' ~ if [it w nan! ’ H‘IBISWRISS‘I'RENHTH. Just think of the enormaus streng- ‘thening power Fen-n2 me pnasasws â€" consider what it did Mr I! V. Putter \er knnwn in Kingston. " I Was sub» on-ct, Inspells uf dizziness. For eight months I had Inteme pain In my right side hemeen the ahr ulders lwas a! must Im-nra‘uln “in: \xeukness nnd luck of \‘ignr Often I scarce!) me any breakfast and {e-lt miserable nli day. Nervous, vastly exc ted, trunhled uilh heart weakness, Imus in bad shape l-‘errum be restored and nourished mo hack to health In shurtv-rder." What- uwr ynnr weakness may he Ferrnzuuw will cure Price 500. per bx at all «Jvnh‘rï¬. I "mm... m wnuner III Invention ll probn |y puuntabfo. Communicaâ€" urn-u Itrtctlyconnd mnudbook on Pmnu gent. tree. Oldest": my forum scaring neuu. ran-nu taken ch: )1 Munna: (‘2. receive metal now“, with honcch charge In the ‘9 _“‘o‘.- vvr I “I“?! I3 1 Anyone sending I. sketch 1nd cumgnon “flaw â€certain our opinion free I! «he Ins-cm qn‘gl probnuy munmm. hawâ€"u- Subscrib the Mirror 35a. 1908. §§é§§§§i§iï¬iï¬Ã©Â¥ï¬w . One Door East of Mr. J. Steele’s Jewelry Store. Svhool Bums. What‘s 1hr mu m nr four months (if rum is giwn I!) (ran gcl a pair :11 I..\.\'(;'S {Lat \ the same pucc. (:le :nnl 5m: \ made to order. Alsu a full hnc u We are not talking of scrapping, but just wish to If†that we haw as ï¬ne a sIOL'k of Mrn's Bums and Show anywhcrc. 'J'imrc is no lu-lzcr time than the IIH'SILX 1;, 5,: neat, stylish and durahlc We have al>o a gumi ï¬n: of Jim's We CanBoot the Best of Them. 111111111 Changing glasses for reading 1nd distance is entirely done away with by using our Bifocal Insetâ€"they may be med in rimleu eyeghsaea. Repairing . _-R. s. MABEE, I ._7 “MANAGER. Millbrook Branch. , ‘ . . " no men. 62:: F St... Wumham NEVER-WE Farmer C astomcrs of the: Ontario Bank Branch will be acctnmmodatcd as huetof ()rc. ‘ Branches- at all important Ccntrcs in Canada, and in London England, Nari/ark}.Chicagq, Spokane, Mcxico, 21er Ncwfoundland. CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,400,000 REST : ‘ $11,000,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS : . 169,§81 TOTAL ASSETS : $168,001,173 T J. LANG Q’Evcrydqscriptinn of 3 Banking Business transacxu is Jan. 15L Interest Allowed on Deposits. of Harness, hots What‘s 1hr usc (pf buying :1 pair of “nuts that may urn: lime 1~ (arc is giwn than). fur that gruwmg buy of yours. “in n ya; I..\.\'(2'S Klan “ill 13>! him ti“ he mugnms lhrm, at :dmtz'. (In!) :nnl 5m: \Vc have also a Sprx'iul Linc of Frcnrh Kips Alsu a full hnc uf harm-as, “hips, Hunks. valisrs, c. “if. 13.7.." e for Mon any [01te an Est. 1817. % Toronto, Ont Tife undersigned has taken over the business .01 his father, the late hold. H’ufl'xnan, and is prcpaxcd to attemd to a" orders {0. nun-mg of buildings. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Terms reasonable. ALF. HUFFMAN, Mim‘mnk Station P.O. Ont. Ofï¬ce in annexs Ding: \turc. At niuht 1 mm be got in n. :- phone message and at Mrs. 5h ‘Cutney' s residence. BUILDING : MOVING A permanent summon for the ugh: man, for “hum lhc 1cm! :ry ml“ h: reserved. 15y Wet‘kly i-‘rvc (qmp- mcnt. Wm: {01 parxxcuhrs. Stone Wellington, mess, “hips, trunks. mlisn, 8 Shoes promptly anemia! 10. Canadas Greatest ‘ ‘ Nurseries. Subscribe, for WM“: Orders for n w coxm cliuns, changes of ï¬rm names. chdngt‘s of SN'CKt addresses. or {or day]:- rate entries. should be hunJv-d m at once to H. A. TURNER, Local MA!) tgrr. “â€"“ 7 LocalSalesmanWanted 1’0 R pmcial Telephmm Directory for the Distxiu‘. of ( cntial OntI-no including tin.- NE\V Telephone Directory. and adjmmng cou'xtrv Physician and Surgeon, MILLBROOK, ONTAHEU THE BELL TELEPHONE (OMPANY OF CANADA. .: about to publish a new I sue of the ‘. Montgomery. M. Town of Millbrook MILLBRC OK Promptly Attended to. Fomhxll Nurscrms, (Over 800 Acres) wish to rcnmzd the: :5 «tan be hard scrum €ng T ‘0 n'prc~cut UUHC dose: attrnli w. :0 'W ' ' ing hcrc, a 1! :3w 20‘“; Toronto Bulk Enu szca until now i: is ac}; hm couvcnicmc a~ \\ ~;. ;; ‘ Grout has man: :2: " town and $icini' \. ..:I jcin in wishim ‘ ‘ “ JIM-"'0 ~ q ' un lav-51th â€N†ma'u'l . 25 5' Menu .Hlf yum: arr mm ICE CREAM 27y m. vii! b: mar: 21mm: ~.1: 'Miss Gladys ‘ l‘ to her ham; am- the home 01 32‘ Parsons. I“ marl: (ailing in Its miur gou cared is the cum mm; L ‘) run- 01 Ht. Hummnu'o 1. ta (:1 it 13min: lwculso Iv- Ihe. tiling organ, {1 sh n has!!!†manor. and mm: Up Ich "‘ It" Dr. Hamilton's aum nah g". .. Mum-v :u r‘ Mr I. B. 1- (inn: Bnnk of 'l'umntu. $2.; dav trip. Mr. Grout On August 14:?» :22: land will hold :hc'hggc {ash ï¬eld 53mm cx'cr (2c Ontario. Th: fulé Pr: "alldn 02' :11: 48:31 H "ï¬KlDWJU" FUR Yul'li 11 El .‘Ir. U Swwazt, At- his aunt. Mr» I. A. engagtd. 53092:: mess, {osmug Cab; thrawiug haunt-rs. cit. Sgyscial train - 'Asc- Ham us c.1190 an n: t ‘ hgrd in mm 1.: at t the at al-d h-mels. A n-u'l )0.‘ c‘ h'ul your Ifn-r a'ugglsh, .‘faï¬tcr Javk $111.73.: 3.;;< Vial! iu Penman) and N -.' 1.1).'l'§‘lOR.\"I'U.\'. 1‘3: Clerk. Issuer of Mar't;‘.__' Insurance. Rea: Esau: ;. Agent, Omcmcc .‘Icssrs. Wm. \ 1:1 Rehill spent .1 firm Sunday ‘1) Pct???“ m ‘ Have _\':)u tried H 2 Bread? If not. win their saw n'ili {($112 poet (0 mm in 1§;:~~ have many on}: xx The" are ccrtamiy :. 7 The trip is so «it? pcctcd to he morc dun last rear w Excursuon. Sc: 1,: PARIS 63:: went Stan-hm {o \Vvlie. thn Ii 3.55 3.111. Kcmr; Excurqon trains M Toronto Bcllcniic Lrlursm for liq of - ALSO Sec 01:7 \\'21 play of NV'IIS [:4lein ix' Miss Fee. of I'.:::: for he! 'nnmc. after with {he Misses .\<i.: The Qixrrn 51‘ (.5: .111 conduct {Ext 3’ saen to woo him; will: on Saturday ju julv 29. gnawâ€"32' . ; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. (I a: home to flu xr fncnds ‘ baht. Miss Hupnood,o ’K: ï¬n and: at the ho: Inc of‘ . ‘ncil lhc past «cc‘x. lfla-lcrsuu, u: hcuum: ‘V. H H 41¢, 02 Curbsry Miss AV M. Bell. of Ru- amud 3d tin: ('c‘a-brar'u-x anniversary of Mr. and E. Nn'lar's woidnx; at 1;:4 Aylmtr 5L, I'czcriumv COR R IiCTK Mr. and Mrs. Lzuzt llmndcrson. and Mus oanlcmx; Mr. :12) 1 and gran: urn: c :l'aik-r. Rcv W, Yul RC". (L K “3-331. Bunk: Chun‘fz. Lin ' TUESDA‘ In the: obituary anti“. Mrs. S B. Carcw, we m: , Hrs. Hugh Murray w; fetaboto on Tchday. Rev. J. H. Tcney. Rel Church. was in Pctcrimn Call and get a In.“ of : sonsâ€"it is nude {rain Mrs. W. G. English : named m that home at Saturday season: Tickcts from 1 $1.05, good for TWO! stopping over czm rczur: : ht tram on \\ cdncsd.. â€v.1 (. pastas gi‘ing full pd HCCS The Omcmce Mcz’m deol Excursion to (n 30th. proitiiscs to be :3. Mrs. Reid left this home in Edmonton. Mr and Mrs. J. A. Sunday with friends in . ‘Orillia N Messrs. (‘mzrtnm Excursio OMEMEE Kg orgnm‘, [1 sh a tuner. and tone up [h Ur. Hamilton's ‘ go". a alum-e to n that ha: â€if Sc s. and ( I'J‘ a “I Hamil": \ 9""! p" b] 43:31 Hi; ‘ars I ,s \V \‘ al~0 C215 )C