ls ‘a First-Class Rooï¬ngâ€"'Fjexilile and Durable, also FIRE. ’i’ROAOF. Makes a Handsome Roof on Dwellings, as well as 0n ,. all other buildings. Color, Steel Grev. This Rooï¬ng has been ’ in use for 35 vears and has given good satisfaction. REXFLIN'IX; \LO'I'E gives FIRE protection, 35 WIND, DUST and WATER ' _ PROOF. Manufactured in Four Different Thicknesses. ,: Beg to say anvone intending to do Rooting this se-nson,<now' “’is the time. to brain to look about it. .I can sell you Rooï¬ng from: --~.,§2.10 up to $4 60 per square. Your patronage solicited. DroP; gym: a Caro for simples and Prices. *1 STKAYED into the premxses “Y T- 1- 12mg of the subscriber, Lot 1x, Con 3, Harness “6 guarm Gavan on or about the 5th dav of make of Harness. but the best stock. 1 june, {908, a red and white steer. TORY HARVFSS ‘Owner vs anvs'ed to prove V ‘ .. ‘ ‘ ‘ l‘t a h d t t JCAM SE1 COmplcm 5; ‘V ‘1 P V c arges an ak e l I carry the best makcs 0 ‘ Â¥ If you want to save WESammex, lelbrook ha. 1. J LANG W. Montgomery, M. D. Ofï¬ce in Turner’s Drug Store. MILLBROOK STATION. P. S «We are paying 18:: for 1 Pound Blocks of good Butter. .'has been in actual use since 1873. and has given the best of sat; zisfaction at all times. .It is as Flexible at 60 years as when ï¬rst! : applied ; will not crack or break or go to pieces (remember tlliï¬â€˜ 155 no paper roof.) Can be put on Flat or Steep Roofs wrth perfecï¬ . ease. Only One Grade Manufactured-«and that the STANDARD; '«Tnmnting Prices for Summer Days : i. = Sugarrl‘Q lbs. for $1.00. Granite Preserving Kettles; 6 qt. 400; 10 qt. 600;14 qt. 85c. 'W.H.Byam.Son a. dozen. Jomf‘ort Soap or Richards’ Pure, 6 Bars 250. :Fancy Biscuits, a. nice assortment at 100. Laundry Starch 8c. 8. lb. fPink Salmon, 2 Cans for 250. Granulated Sugar, (Redpath’ s), 18 lbs. ; Brown I’PHONE 89. :Strictl} 515! class. Used extensively on all kinds of buildings, particularly dwellings. Never needspamtmg. I might say that I am in a posution to book orders 'for the» ï¬Peterbororlc’h Sand Stone Brick, now being larvelv used. Also Agent for the John Doherty Z,(Sarniag Engines, both ."Marine and Stationary. L. S. CIJARRXYQ Toasted Corn Flakes, 3 packages for 250. } Lemons, fresh and juicy, and of good size, 20d None' genuine without the Trade Mark, which is a picture-Io! a boy holding a roll of Rexflimkote Rooï¬ng in his arms. <>’ASPHALT ROOFING‘Q I wish to announce to the PUBLIC that I am Agent {01: Three of the LEADING Ready-Rooï¬ng Companies in the United States. Their Routings are approved of by Architects 8: But!ders,: also by Fire Underwriters throughout the .U. Statesand Canada. g Hflflflflflfli‘lflfs m Handy Bunting -REXFLINTKOTE ROOFING Physician and Surgeen, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO. CAREY’S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE ROOFING ,. Head Oï¬ce, Tommi \ Omemee Mii r5 Branch,‘ Br; ‘ Mum-y Leanna“ Hm’fl {$32 Lem liven; .‘rcscripnon of Baiflmw Lagging] to our customers. - .3 You should hate an accoux t for you Your Wife >hould hiwerlxerjwigqï¬ accaunt n : Your Childreii should unch‘ ua'vegi them the value-’02" nyoti- "39 Accounts ma) be innci‘al any )uur binning NOW}? ‘ , Small Sums ($1. and upwa ,) (n? Interest is added to all bal pct-5.4 ' A ‘ g B. L. GROUT. * Manager; _‘ AFIIAL .. ‘ RESERVE FUND ASSEIS In Ogr Savings 7"]? THEN (HF TUHUNTH FOR THE BOY In Try T. J. Lang for Hand made Harness. We guarantee all our Own make of Harness. We use nothing but the best stock. If you want FAC TORY HARNESS Ivan giv: you a TEAM SE'I'COmpk-tc for $26 56._ We ; carry the best makes of Boots «S: 86663, Â¥ If you want to save moneygbuy the For Sale Cheapâ€"A Rubber-Tire Top Buggy ('l'lnncy Bros make) almost as good as new. to be sold at a bargain for qmck sale. Particulamat the: Mirror Ofï¬ce. mated MILLBROOK, ONT. '3» 4,000.000 4.500,ooo ‘3' 39.000.000 Both tlic'if‘r'iaran'd-gmqm are ‘well and favorably kriown ,in Milllirc'mk. ilieformcr beinga sister-0f Mrs. Walter W, (lillmt, and the lattcr a son of Mr. Allnrt Payne. lhe nappy couple have many friends who will join the Mirror in extending the bar 41‘ 'good wishes). t9 tligmy. On June 15th, at the home ofthe hndc’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Eamcs, "Warner St... Rochester. N. Y., Miss H. BWamcs to Mr. William Herbezt Payne, of Ullchrsity Ame, Rochester, N. X. A 1 At Fraserwlle, on Tuesday, June 30 1908, Rev. Finlay Matheson, of Chats worth, to Miss Ada AnnetaiFishcr, of Frascrvxllc. daughter of Mr, .\V. J. Fishor; Rev. 1). A BICKani‘léz'bcing thc ofï¬ciatmg minister. Mr. J. M. Adams-has gonezto Leb- anon four the holiday-s. Mr. H. I. (‘mrï¬in wasâ€: guestof Mr. and Mrs. S. ‘I’rer-rm, Peterboro, Domin- i..n1 Hay. Rev. G. R; Clare preached his fare well sermon .to the h‘litlllmwk Method- iistcolagLegzitioi-i lust Sunday evening. [There “as a Ialgeuttendance, and the Rev. gentleuau’s utterances .Were very attentively listened to. Miss Reid sang a solo in her usual good voice. Duringthe evening Mr. Clare spoke of the .many warm friends he had in Millbrook. and he took the o'pportun-i ity to thank all for their many acts of" kindness to his faiiiialy.;.nd himself. He also referred to the excellent servviCe rendered by the choir during his Four years pastorate. all; -tr.-anked them most heartily and' hoped that they would continue their good work. The services were then brought to a close by the choir singing “God be With you till We meet again.†i 'R’IasterJamic 'l'nylor, of Midland, 1s spending the holidays at Mr. '1‘. A. Kelly's. A trL-sh car of l1keï¬cld Ct:.mcnt " also a car of (‘. B. Snnwlcs just to Hmnd sold cheap offthccnr; a car â€of; rhaln tilt: will be here In a few days. . . xx. 0. RUSSELL SONS»; Mrs. \Vitkersham, and L‘lnldr cu. «of 1; Seattle, \l' ash. arc gucsts 6? “tin 1r 3 cousin, Miss ’Ktlly, “l'hc Maples," l Cavan. l . Lipv J.-(.E..13rm':n preached farewell scrmbnsat (‘m‘anï¬mzth appointments on Sundaynoc. ery- large and apprccia tne congrrgations. l he pastorate of Mr. Brown has "ht en marked with in- nasal mcmhcrslnp, and the comrre- gallon: to shun thc npprct: intmn of bills ‘ good work rained his sulmy. Mr. . Brdwn made many warm frirnds in this part who “Ill join t-he Minor in; wishing hm: SlKLï¬SS In his new ï¬eld at ‘ llcavurton Rev. (‘1 (.. R. McQuadc! of()men1c~e,.a young man -of abilit), takes L‘lmrgc-uf-(ftwan Suath, and no“ doubt thegoud work will go on with? . the: same rXCullcnt results, as Mr. MC Quad: is' cncrgclic and wlmlc-smtlcd in his calling, \Vc wnsh him a most pleasant sojourn among us. 3. Mr. 1);." Hamptoniis 0pc (if atlas ex- umincrsatflhc I’m: 110;): rSC'nuoxl this weck; BORNâ€"In the Townst Cavan, on junc 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert S Hall. a daughter. Mr. R. W. Clarke hasmeturnet‘ltfrmn the big S. S. Cunvcntmn at Louisville, and 'ropOYS a must pleasan-tdnm. PASTUR Eâ€"Thc undemgncd has pasture forrcattlc only. Appiy to WESLEY LAR M ER. MT'ï¬b’rook. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McIvor and‘ daughter, Miss Maud. are. attending the sihcr wedding of \h' and Mrs lnhn Ma\w::ll at G! unorgun, to- -'da),=- July 2nd. I Baby Currmgc for Sale (jheapâ€"Asi good as new. Can) be seen at the‘ Mirror Oï¬â€˜ice. , ‘ 1\lr‘s.' I). Mulligan visited with friends pl’ctcrlmro [Ins Week. ‘ If you want bargains R «1d Byam’s new adv. in this Issue. The Misses Eva and Norma Wil- cock, of Zl‘m‘nnto. are gtncsts of Mr. and Mrs. G W MCme They sang vary 5“»: tly at the (men session nfthc ."\[(th()dlst Sum} h; School lastSunday. ..- ’â€" -_. v. .a-nv-n 1‘olu Jh'a Shingles. New Rrumawhk 2nd Cleur .hmgles at $2.251)†(.‘all um] see our 18 Inch ébulls Lu 2l tut-l). 100 ‘acks of salt. at 90¢ per barrel. 1200 lbs. lo #an-k. l-‘ur 2“.eck,0n;y. Bellevllle (‘emenl $160 pl'l' barrel. Lumhernnd Poul.andnll gradual Shingle-'5 on lmnnl. \Vuhuve j ml. rctwh'ed acarnffllour Bun Shluglos which wlll be sold cheup. Grey Lime ’I‘aken ofl‘ Car, 220, Bush. Requ. C. R. McQuade arrived? yesxerday .to assume charge oh Cavan Sollth Methodist C'ircuxt.' Big Sale 30111 Goes On. Jugg nrrlved~0ue ca! otthe(0ld “enable! star Br'gnd Portland Cement. We are ulau htlHdm-g 'he Lzmcnrld \lon- m‘k Brnml. TIP 8' are! the two hrsl Brands untln- ‘utarl'rl L «in . ,\ car ux' fresh Urey him..- j_u_s| gff{ngq,Ԥnd_gus(» ai cur o! Britiuh Don't Miss This Grand Opportunity. - W G Russell Sons The various propertms of the late W. H. Sowdcn. situate in Mlllbrook md Cavan, arc oï¬'crcd for sale by Henry Mulligan, and may 1):: purchas- ed m Separate lots -or otherwise. A†.xpplications must be made to the undersigncd who is empowered to Sell .md Cunvcy. H. MULLIGAN Mr. \C. V. Pym, 0f hindsay, spent Huminmn -l)uy in t0wu. Mlllbmdk, 24th Dec. 1007 Properties for Sale. Mil-ibnmk News. MARRIED MARRIED: .A‘t‘tm'ncy Manager, MILLBROOK, ON'I‘. Called forth by caHy dbom, just come to show how sweet a flower In Puradlsc. couid bloom. DIEDâ€"In Munvers there passed away on Saturday the youhgesfson of Mr. and Mrs: Samuel Kcmmgfy: We extend our sympathy to the bereaved parents and brother of the deceased. This lovely bud, so young. and fair Mr. j. Morton got a- very valuable- laml) killed by rccklcssï¬driying on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Jeffrey Powrllalsn Miss thgm made :1 HS" home on Sunday last. We wonder what attraction Eddlc has towards the North. We wonder how M‘r. Hanna enjoy- ed Ins walk Sunday last. We wonder when Ee'ny is going to takca mp to Garden Hi1} wnh hxs fashionable driver, Miss C. \Vmslow was visiting a few days last week as thc guest of Miss M. Sycr. Mr. G. Wilson was up to the Marsh Sunday last, no doubt George: lmd a long drive. The rain We had was very much favored by many of the farmers as the ground was Very dry. Mr, Tom Stimson of Norwood is the guest of Mr, john Powell. From Cavan‘vrlle station. the mater- Ial In part, ,passed through for the: 80 foot tower to be construqted on the farm of Mr. Edimrd Sheridan about 2 1- 2 nines north-“est of our villzigc. It is said the tower IS to be built (If Norwa) pine and steel upon a foun- dation of masonry. and is to he used for long distance views and Wireless tclcgraphy. .235 Rev. Mr. Peck-over is holidaying the pulpit of the Presbyterian church was occupied Sunday evening by a clergyman from Montreal who gave an address on “Church Union.†Mr. Wm; Brown who has been m \Véstern Ontario fur some time, has returned looking hale and hearty. Mr. and Mrs. Iolm Mitchell of Omemec were guests of Mr. J'bhn Boyd on Sabbath, The 10ch court of Forresters marchâ€" ~ed to thc Methodist church on Sun- -dayand Were addressed by the Rev. M r. Sexsmith in a highly complimen- 'tary and didactic manner. There was Tuesday night’s electric storm was very severe and lightening struck the ~esidence 'of Mr Wm. ()reig. 'l'he ~xhingies were scattered from the [roof and the current passed alonga clothes- lme to.a .post and then to the gmund It was tfortunate that the homewas not 'Ignitcd. Presented With a Purse of Gold. Mr. joscph Mordcn had the misfor- tune to-fall through =thc loft of a stable- to the floor hclow Om: of the hearth gave wayunder-him and hr: tell with great force .upon the lower floor; the cffcct of which was to render hm) un- conscious {ora mm: Hc was'hmï¬edly dnvcn'to Omemcc for nwdécal atten- tlun and We are glad to state that latest reports say he rs able to be out of the house but feels very keenly thc severe shaking 'up he. got. a large congregation present. the church was prettily decorated and the choir contributed a very pleasing musi- cal part. On Mundm (wk-1mg a number of [he Incmlwu (-l t .. \l ‘h » Int Churvh met at m: nu.» may“. .mu [)rc3cI1L64 GEO. LOCK. WM. PENDRY. 'INU. 'DUUGLASS. ]. WH'I'I‘FI 151.1). Although taken conn-lctcly by sur prise, M r. Clare made a surta'ble reply. met at m: nu.» may“. .mu [)rcacnzc. Rev. G. R. Clare with a purse con taining $55, and the following address was read and a copy of It given hlm : DEAR MR.(ILARE: ' - We ask your forgiveness ofour many short connngs and wherein wa have failed In our (’utrc; and opportunities and now as von :1 1d your fannlv go to enter upon vour work in Bloomï¬eld. “c wish you God Speed and ever) suc- cws, trusting that you may have the hearty (to-operation of the people of that mum, and that you may yet be spared .many years of successfu1 min- lstr‘y of the (iospclof our Lord and Saviour. Therefore as a slight token of out appreciation and good will and exâ€" prcmon of our feelings towards you, we would ask you to kmdly accqn of this purse, trusting that not its value but us Signiï¬cance may In some way continue to keep gl‘ccn in your memory the ï¬icnds you are lama,r in Mt]!- brook. \Vc the adherents and members of the Mcthodxst church, Millbrook. on this thc eve of your departure for a new hcld of labor, fee! that we would I): very ungrateful if we did not in somc: slight degree give evidcncc of ourJovc and rgspcct to you as our pastor. Not only in the Sabbath serwce of the pulpit shall we. nuss you but alsu in our Sunday School, Epwort-h Leagm em. where you havenlwnys been ready to lend a hand and have slmwn your- sclfa wurthy follower of Him whose life and prinmplcs you strove to teach During the {our years that you have labored among us, you have ever shown your interest In our welfare, both In and out of thr church. Your ktndncsx of heart has horn oneoftheprominen' [cnturcs of ym r Character, but pcrhap> if there is one more worthy ofmcntion than the ofl'crs it u: that of straight- fm-wanlncss and honmty of purpose You have preached the truth and the plain truth. Never have: you swervcd from right principles, nor have you hesnatcd to take a bold stand on those things winch you thought to be {Or our best interests as a people. ‘S'Lgnedon behalf of the Church, MOUNT PLEASANT. GLA MORGAN ITEMS. Mr. Herb. R. Armstrong was in To- ronto 1481 neck on taxman-a. ' Mrs. Walter W. Gillott has returned Ham 8 pEeuuant visit with her parents at Rochester, She attended the mar riaze of her sister, on account of winch happy event appears in this issue. i The ï¬re engme is un Bargains: repairs A new holler It: needed and an order has been gweu therefur. Mr. J. F.1'laney has gone to Dunvidle for a “ell eamed hohday. Mr. Haney is very popular in Mlllbrook social circl-s, and u painstaking and atten- nve to businens as teller in the Bank of Mon treat}. Masters Eric and Alymer Left-av are home {mom Lakeï¬cld for 1.110 lxuhda: 5. Rev. Dr. Armstrong, 0! Ultuwa. was in town this week on a visit. The Garden Party at Carmel last evening wasa success. The proceeds amounted to $60. Rev. \V. P. Rogers and tamil) l have arrived from \Vooler. Mr.. Rogers is a young’ man of more! than ordinary ability and tie is 311' able pulpit orator. His steatly' advancement in his calling bears out this statement. We had the pleasure of the acquaintance of Mr. Rogers and his parents who reside at Minder], and we can only Speak in the most praiseworthy terms of him and them. Wcjom in welcomingthe Kev. gentleman and his family, and Wish them every success, and a pleasant stay here. No doubt the marked growth ofthe Methodist Church Wlll con- tinue under Mr. Rogers’ pastorate. Mr. Edward Christie has gom. I to \Vlnnipc".1£d.wus a good g Citizen and we hOpe he will return ' to Mlllbz 00k at no distant date. I â€There will bc- a glonous dawn We aha†must to part, no never. ()1) the rgsurrcvtion mom X Besides a devoted wife he leaves two married daughters. Mrs. lames johnstone and Mrs jos. Todd, and one son, (leorge. We can only re mind these mourners tnat he is not dead, he 15 only asleepâ€"resting alter a long and Well spent hfe here; he cannot, and would not if he could. return to us; We can, if we will. go to him. Behind the storm clouds always lurks the rainbow and when the storm IS past it weeps upon the flowers of the land and the pearls of the sea. 1,):1rkness precedes the damn- mg and out of the blackness of night comes the sunshine and joy of the day. And so from the beauty of his life take an inspiration and go forth to live as he liVed, so that when the summons comes you may say, “All is Well.†“We shall sleep, but not forever, The Late James Porter The subject ofthls sketch was born‘ of [rixh parents on july .st, 59 years ago. on the farm next to where the tt'mblc an-xdwt uccunul on Monday of last week, that hurled him into eternity without a “moment’s warmng- He was prepared for the sudden trans- ition, however, and his friends mourn not as those’ Without hope It was thc: writer’s good fortune to have known him long and Wcll, and we only knew him to cstccm him more highlv as the years passcd hy. Today we miss his kindly snnlc and friendly giceting ; we long in vain to hear his jovial laughter and to {ccl again his genial prcncnce. We stood by his 01.6" gruvu as the lust sad rites were ptr- l‘ormcd, and as the (lay of earth closed above his silcnt resting place, we said With thc poet : “ Cold in thy. dust the perished heart In religion Mr. l’ortcr was a faith- ful member of the Presbyterian church. The funeral sciviccs Wcrc held at the house at 1.30 o’clock, Rev. 1). A Mclx'enzw ofticmtmg and paying :1 beautiful tribute to the memory of the deceased. The casket was covered with the most beautiful ï¬mal dcsxgns loving ï¬ngers t‘.\'(‘r wrought. all of which spoke of peace. purity and HI)- mortality. At the close of thc SCH'ICCS an unusual long processtun tulluu'cd the funeral car to the silent City. At thc open grave we say ‘farcwcll.’ 1\l.ty God’s purest angelsguard his slumhcrs. may lie, But that wlzieh warmed it once can neVer die.†As we stood beside his grave on Wednesday of last Week when the sky was trimmed With her gorgeous rosy line, in fancy we could see himâ€"nut in death’s cold shroud of soriow and despair, but smiling upon us from the halo that nuuks God's farewell to the dayâ€"smiling with all the Well remem- hercd grace ofhis manhood, love and devotion, and .‘uying to us: -‘ 'l‘he sunset speaks but t'eehlv of the glories of ' Another day. All is well.†He was a devoted husband and a kind and indulgent lather; to his sis ters a tender brother, to his fliends the soul of fellowship. But the greatest ul all was he as a man. And as a man it is that those who knew him best most love to contemplate him. He believed in the latherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. He believed that the man who scatters flowers in the .pathway 0! his fellow men. who lets into the dark places of life the sunshine of human sym- pathy and human happiness, is lol- lowmg in the footsteps of his Master. H1: cheerful, hclplul lil’e ; his deio- tion to his Wife and family and kind- ness to everybody Will long lii'glr as a fragrant memory in the home wh;ch his presence brightened and which death has now darkened. Though he 15 gone his record has been made. and will remain with us as a lustingtreas ure. His life was gentle, but like the still waters it vars dccp. In hi.» heart of hearts he carried those he loved, and his hand was never “'CZU‘)’, his step never failed in caring for and ministering to those “ho “'ch in any way dependent upon him. mu.» llow long it wtll be a G O O 1) root if you DON’T take care of it? How long it will stay good if 30:: don't do a thing to it 3 The real test of roof cost, the test of root economy, IS the length 0} [time the roof will Sta) \de proof,â€"â€"Without repairsâ€"100 years. If ‘ Oshawa‘ shingled‘ ’ Dump proofâ€"dvitlrout repairs-loo years. if ‘(Jshawa’ sliingled' 1 Rust and mildew proofâ€"wwuhout l‘epaits-râ€"JOO )2315, if ‘Oshuwa: shingled; ' Fire proofâ€"without repatrsâ€" mo years, if ‘Oshtwa‘ shingled Water proof~~ without repairswroo yrs, if ‘Oshawa’ shinglcd: P1 oof against ALL the dummyâ€"how long will it stay So than roof \‘011 me gomg to buy? ' I ’ ' l‘ha’t the test, and the 0an test worth Your while, when we spend good money to cover any building worth rooting right‘ . That’s theyardstick that measures real toof economy. A twentv-hve \‘ear guarantee salt-guards every ‘Oshawa’ shingl .1 ed roof A plain English guarantee that savs no ‘Osllawa’ shingkd roof will leak, nor need repairs, nor need painting, nor catchiï¬re for ‘xvent'vJ‘lVC years. . ' We can supply you with Steel Shingles. Steel Rooting, Corru- gated Iron, Conductor Pipes. Metal Shutters, Sky Ligfits, Finials Steel Siding, Steel Ceilings, Eav. Troughs, Metal Doors, Prepareci r)_-n,,. \V_..3H..on-- L‘AAL.___,, x --‘.vv. - â€" “w, -«u -. . .\I u hula, Row-An; \ emilutors, b-tatuan , Metal Laths Any “ Oshmva"-shinglcd root is good for 100 yearsâ€"at least. Roof economv is a plum, easy paoMem of weighing pars agnmst dollars,â€"of dividing the price of the roof by We length of time it will stay a good roof. How long will it stay a good roof? That is the question you want a plain answer to when you consider roof economy. Not how long’ it WI“ be a good enough roof if you patch it and paint it and tinker with every 3621:†or two. No: how long it will be a pretty good rool If you take good care of Itâ€" TON SORIAL ARTIST MILLBRUUK, ONT Having purchased the. Barbe-rs Busmcas l'rom Mr. Armstrong. 1 ICDPCC twcly when a contxnuancc of the hbcr al patronage gwen him. and will cu - dcavor to conduct the busmcss in such a manner as wxll mcru your support I have Secured the scrvchs of a ï¬rst cfass Tonsnrial Artist in the perion of W. I). DONNELLY. I wxll keep in stock the best lines In choiCc cigars, Cigarettcsand tobaccos A150 pipes, etc. Call and sec mu. R. JACKSON, Opposite Bank of Toronto 364 ST. CATHERINE ST., “Test, MONTREAL. ()nc OXYDONO R ml] srrw an entire familyâ€"â€"onc at a time. It Will last a hfc-tinw, and thcrcvls no mpcmc aitcr 1)): purchase pxicc. You can apply ()XYDONOR at 110m: while you rest or slucp. The genuine has the name of Dr. H. Sanchc 8: Co. plmnly stamped no its metal parts. will cure you. No medicine, drugs, clcctricny, mental science But a natural, rational method discovered by :1 Well known physwiun. No matter what disease you suffer with, nor how long )ou have been sick, if Im vital organ is im: aralllv destroyed. in all prulmbilily Mr. “"111. Bters, 196 York St, Toronto, Ont, writes: “I have great pleasure m reconnucnding your ()xyjmmr. When I ï¬rst got the instrument I was suffcrmg from Scmtiva for about {uur nmmhs, and achr applying 2! 1" r ï¬ve wecks it left me all at once and ham: not been troubled wnh it smcc. I van highly recommend It as a good family doctor, and \muld nux be Without it for doublc [hr price.†The Sick Made Well AGENT, MILLBROOK, ONEE‘; R. JACKSON, DR. H. SANCHE C30,, (successor to jus. Armstrong. ; Millbrock Branch Ml ‘ngéagggéga Sic: gag-gs 2%“? FU1\ 1111?. ed! 3r P9 ople, Gshawa, WmWWWWWWW “MW W WM WWW. Former (‘uslomcrs 0f the Onlaxio accmnnwdalcd as hcrclcfmc. CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,400,000 REST : $11,000,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS : 159,831 TOTAL ASSETS : $168,C01.178 Branches at a†important Ccmrcs in Canada, and in Inna-n. Entrlaud, New Ymk, (hire 0 S )okan: Mum), h 1 s . and Aux-foundlana. KEEPER-w dcscriptinn of :1 Banking Business transactrd‘ï¬â€˜i? Interest Added 4 Times a Yegr c BEWARE OF IMITATICNS. Savings Deposits. WITHOUT MEDICINE. G. DE EN, Write for FREE BOOK No 96. OXYDON’OR Est. 1817. FOR THE MW A Rubber Tired Baby Carriage. Brake, and Upholstered in Old Gold, wnh Parasol same color. It is practi- cally as good as ncw. Call at the MIRROR Ofï¬ce for full particulars. Also i-Cual Oxl Stove (heater) one hurncr, handle to carry it. Good 21‘ I]C\\'. s Both articles will be sold at a great Bargain. A chance like tlns only comes one: in a long time. J, STEELE’S, FOR UP-‘l‘O-DA’I‘E JEWELRY. FOR SA. LE. Issuer of Marriagc Liecnscs, MANAGER. MILLBROOK. k Brand, “ii! hr or faith cure. scxcnctist and Th: near 'cia'm 5‘ ‘toow. 11:11 i 13.2: ; present. A way clljuyJE‘ir .9 m speeches, gum] w solos. ll ss Frauen~ Vx‘rzlll J join Ho vani Fqiix“ ~ FINES oft 1c Fflw La being perfomud 'm- MCKcnzic. 'nl: ini :: her couein. .‘hSS .\ '3 Mr. Aus'tm Fallts 5cm The Ccrcmonv (wk 2,; under an arch of CY the prewar: of a!) Supper was served in which was vcrv pram! Tm: chdmé :0 fl. deuce of the bum-3, “Orrin", Bclhth. In re, thc cuntrac: MXSS \Vcï¬t'mke homv at 15am. vacation. Rev- Mr. Bro .m m we“ sermon on 51:: d; Omdc uf 0 mean :c m 15:: Wonk fur the c: 5:; “r. and Mrs. Kc chlldrcn spun S: :-d Mrs. Bran :s < 'l‘hc bridc, Wlm Wu: in father, W33 henna: white taffeta «'ï¬k. tri he: and cinfl'uu and v orange b!os.mms, an ‘ bouqud o! brxda‘. mm tended h? Mi-h I .1111: 1 (u, uh: was a Na -d 5i": coli: :1 1c and carri qud of pmk f0v‘S. The happy rompinâ€" of tie: for 'I‘omntu 3 11x: Ccrculu large lwm all-i “T. .‘id‘umx'h Mr. and Mr“. ("uh 'crc guat: of 31: Sunday. 'l'hc groom wax 5 “’m M. Brown. 1::0 Mrs. RPM I‘. two mocks vesi: Ville. Maw hexutiful ya the popular'tv and which the young csu; A dchghzfu! ou .n: Julv 2st with (he 1'. c5 SChHO' and 1 .lild ‘C‘ A Buddgh Fa-is.:ak1: Poinc. juniper Is'um “omit juiian and a. Stoncy Lake: summer 1 Mrs.('has. and .v‘x were visiIOIS to l'clcri Remains open tlzrm met and many szudem time I†[mm a {Ire (his yan- (lmu nob-r {:1}; readily securc canplovi dnv for handsome can ’0 attend â€I? Itch!" ‘ W. I. Elliott Princig ind Alexander SI Mr. and Mrs. Ole Sunday at Mrs. 0r: Mack-r lawn-nee F; {tom Cobuurg fur :h: s A very pretty “Cd": the home of M r. and Omctncr, (m \‘fcdncs‘ when their youngcst [one Era. was umtcc Herbert Eduard Bi u Dr. and Mrs. (Junk ing her parents, My: (handy. A baby boy as (in: the family of “'ahcr [urbanâ€"The: Subur mil, UL, juuc 18:11. Amnug dumc w'm Mr Huward Fï¬iig' LII-«rs. Arthur and .-‘.‘ and “n. Iohn I‘L'F Friday night gan' disastrously for the: ru Summer Session and others during J A, ELLIOTT Miss Sara Adams adclphia, Pa, for an H Ball, M: Anhur MCCrc'a J “Vet?“ davs m m“- guest of Georg: B. Express. The l’rcsbx'tcri held most succc s hst evening. 1 week . Mlss Kate Camera: fricuds last week- Mr. George Wilso: misfortune to escape: and oonsidcmblc da PAPA HAL! .. Miss Smith, Mrs. Misses PJI’SUIIS wcrc The town is full of on the exams. ' Buv your Paris (‘m (Sou-mama)! Standan Mr. and Mrs. J V Visitors to l’clcrburo. Fishing is at 115 h‘ Rutherford succccde Mr. jacoh Lewes ing “’cdncsdav. Tom Cab. in W? Patlor. - “Y‘v Aâ€" 3.23... Fallis L1 mfh 0f 0 "draws : Toronto. and n\' \\ L o bk :1 a fox