Tired Baby Carriage, ï¬ktc-rnd in Old Gold, r): Color. I! is practié } new. Dxl Stove (heater) one Io carry it. Good as IJEROOK will be sold at a great .ch like tbxs only ’EELE’S, while‘ when ‘03 ting right, economy. ‘Oshawa’ gbingl I ‘Osbawa’ ship'gh-d nor catch ï¬re, for ‘ic-ncc or faith cure. imowu sclcnctis! and Oshawa’ shmgled‘ Oshawa’ shinglcd‘, )ezus, if ‘Oshawa‘ ‘rxtL-S: “I have great ‘1 got the instrumcnt amt applying It ï¬t rim} wxlh it smtc. I .mld nut be Without amagc Lmenses, ‘m: m London. HRROR Ofï¬ce for .400,000 000,000 159,83] 8,COL173 ; the question you economy. fii )0]: patch it Not how long it r of Itâ€" DO\ â€I take care do a thing to it 2 ', )s the length of c at a Mme. It In" a>c pike. You can Io yearsâ€"a! least. f weighing )tats ’f by the length ’el Ropï¬ng, Conn. Lights, Finials, Doors, Prepared ran-.sactcc’. f} ,: ncc long 3mm}: will I): ,NAGER. Mexico, ATE )EWELRY. : .wa‘ shingka, LaWa’ shingled: m it stay .59. that Year (13 30:: have been sick, CNTREAL. Well time. s2. The Waldmg 10)k place at the: rust- dcxlCe of the bride's fathcr, Mr I) H. MOI'l'ixon, Bcustmt, on 'I'hursday, 25th In 1c. the cuntractmg p.1rties hcmgr M ss FFQIICCS Verna Murlson and Mr. Joim Howard Falhe. 9’)" of Mr John Fallis oft n: Falhs Lne, the re'emonv lacing performed bv the Rev. 1) A. McKenzie. The bride was assisted by her cousin, Miss Annie Morrison, and Mr. Austin Falhs acted as groomsman. The ceremony took place on the iawn under an arch of cvargrrcns, and in the presence of ahnut forty gues‘s Supper was served in he dining room which was very premly decorated. The near rehtMs of th: bth: and gxoon‘, uzu'mmg about sixty, \Vcrtf present. Mam beautiful presents cvndcnced the populnnty and high esteem in which the young couple are held. The happy rouplc Inf! amid showers of rice for 'l'uronto and Niagara Falls. Mass \Vcst‘lake has returned to her hon»- at Bethany fur the summcr vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Keegan Brown and chicken spent Sunday at the home (.f Mrs. Brown’s fatlur. A delightful outing may be had on Julv 215: with the Presbyterian Sunday School and Ladlcs’ Aid excursion to Burlcigh Falls, takmg in Youngs’ Point, juniper Island, McCrackcns. Mount julian and 3.†the beautiful Stoncy Lake summer rcso ts. Rcv. Mr. Brown matched his fare- well sermon on Sm dais laxt, Mr. XI ‘- Oudc of Ovnenmc wull h.1ve charge of the: work for the ersuing year. The bride, who was given away by her father, was beautifully gowncd m Mute taffctta silk, trimmcd with 511k he: and chiffon and war: a veil and orange: blosmms, and camcd :1 large bouquet or bridal rows. She was at- tcndcd by Miss Lulu Tuber, of Town- tu. why was guwm-d'in champagne: silk coli: n It: and carried :1 la gc bou- quet of pmk rosrs. A way cnjoyabir evening was spent In speeches, good wiahcs, :mmc and Mr. and Mn. (Ioheen, of Pontypooi. were guests of Mrs. S. Fallis, on Sunday. Mrs. Read Ba]! has returned from a two wccks visit. \\ 1h her son at Spring- Ville. Th: Ccrcuumy {00K Mac: on the large Iuwn and WW Iwrformed by Rev. Mr. McCanch of Omsmee. _ 'l'hc groom was supportcd by Mr. Wm M. Brown. brothcr of thc hridc. Mr. and Mrs. Olen, Millbrook, spent Sunday at Mrs. Olcn’s home. Macter Iawrence Fallis has returned from Cobuurg for the summer vacation. Anmng those who wete guests at Mr Huward Faliis’ wcdding were Mr‘ccrs. Arthur and Austm Fallis, M r. and MN. john FaHis. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ba“, Mr. and M rs. Frcd Fallas. Arthur McCrea of Toronto. spent several days in town last weak the guest of George Balfour.â€"Carberry Express. The Presbyterinns of Omemee held most succe' sh! garden partv hst evening. lull upozt next week. Mrs. Chas. and Mrs. T. C. Ivory were visitors to l’ctcrboro last chk. Summer Session for Teachers and others during july zind August. A ELLIOTT fl _-\, A very prczty wcddmg took place at the home of Mr. and Mn. Wm Brown Omcmce, on \Vcdncsd'ly, Iunc 24th, when their youngest daughtcr, Chur- loitc Eva. was umtcd in marriage to Herbert Edward Blackwell. Remains open throughout the sum- mm' and many students enter at this time W lawn a yrentar attendunw Min year than ever bq/bre. Graduates radii}? secure cmploymcut. \\'me to- dmv for handsome catalogue. It pays (0 attend the best, W. J. Elliott, Principal, Cor. Yong: and Alexander Sts, Toronto. A baby boy 15 the latest addition to the fatllily 0t Waltcr Hall, the villagc [urbanâ€"The Suburban Press. Sum- mit, UL, June: 18(1). Dr. and Mrs. Cook have been vusir- in): her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam (Brandy. Miss Sara Adams has gone to PhiL adclphia, Pa.. for an cxtcndcd viSIt. Friday night garden Party ended disastrously for the rubber tired rigs. PA PA H ALI .. Mr. George Wilson’s hor<c had the misfortune to escape fmm Its tic post and considcmblc damage was dune. sts Kate Cameron visxtcd Lindsay friends last week' Miss Smith, Mrs. Wylie and the Misses P.:rsons wa-rc vuizors to Peter- bore 1115: Week. ELLIOTT W Mr. jacoh Lowes had hisï¬mr’x}, rais ing \Vcdncsdav. The town is full of students wming on the exams. Buy your Paris Green at \Vylic’S.-.“ Gov: mmcnt Standard. Mr. and Mrs.) W. Mitchell were visitors to Pctcrbnro. Fishing is at Its height Mr Scott Rutherford succeeded in landing a 20 under. [)0 - r. Tono Cola 'm \Vylle's Ice Cream Parlor. WEDDIIIG BELLS. Fallis Line. EMEn‘ Toronto, Ont Afte the game an excellent spremlof rclrcslnxllexlts was pro- vldcd to which all did ample jnsucc, and as evidence to lllc libera‘itx oft}: ' I: dies of the con grcg ltion the amount of food un- LOH umczl would testify. 'l‘hc concext part of the pro- gxazmne began \Hlll a vow? cffun‘t by M'. Burns of To‘ ro:1to,(oxgamzcr for the A. O U \V ) who was most successlul In his rendering of “Annie Laurie,“ and in re5ponse to an undoubtuu encore sang ‘Scots \th line," In good sule. \Ve mav mcnti0n that Mr. Burns noss::ss:sa good trnor of wide mugs and that In appeared on tlns occasion 1n tlm pxcturcsquc gixrb of a Higlxlamlcr. Mr. Harry Neville Sung the: popu- lar song, “Harrigun†In his usu.:l gcod >tyle, and being deservedly encored rendered the “ Mdslxlp nuts,†wit") good 6 fact. ."he boys from Bethany have nothing to be ashamed of m then dufeat when the strungth of the opposuion is ink-:11 mto consider- aticn Nothing dammed, however, and being desn‘ous of giving the public the most for their money, th. ‘ Dmghlers of the King’ sent an emissary (\ir. J. A. Vnnx) to Pctcrbom to hunt up a team to play Bethany and Mr. Vance was; successful on the wry dayof my GurJen Purtv In roundmg up a (cam of the " anukcrs" of that City and they came over in the evening and plzu'ed liethnm‘ {on another Cup (also PrCSUHLUJ b) the ‘Daughters of the King. After a verv clean and Interest~ inggame (refereed verv nldv by Rev H. A. Ben Olici) the Q'mk ers were able to Claim a mum) by a score of two goals to ml. The event of the evening, how l ever, Was the PIJV, â€Dr. (lure All'l in which there was-.1 big array oil talent. \\"here ewqone acte-Jz‘ their pent so well, it would be invirlious to p:irticului'i2e, but mention must be made of thi ‘Doctor’ Mr. J. Arthur Vance,:in:l ‘Marria’ his maid Miss Huichinson both of whom were fully alive to the possibilities of the situation anl they were well supported l>_\ lollowin;,r ladies and gentlemen: MiSSes Vance, j. L)ugh, Edith H and Elma Sisson, Lucy Kennedy, Mabel Curtis, Bertha Touchbnrn, Mary McNeil, Elva Elliott, with Messrs. L. H. Winslow, F. Ben? After the play, Mr. Burns gavr ‘ 'l‘hiee jolly liii ons,’ and was again recalled, and then came a vesy pretty rendering of :1 japan ese L0\e Song. in character, in Miss Jtan Lough, supported by tour other laulies in character. Belhzmv Ci€=2cns’ lland gave selections of music at interrais, which were much a;)prccifltetl._ \Vith the weather on its hest behavmr and the grounds of Mr. ’l‘ouchhurn looking at their pret~ tlr‘St, the ‘ Ihughtcrs of the King" of St._l0hn’s Church. Ida, brought off one of the most successful social gatherings they have as yet attempted. The Garden Party was postpOnml from the Ioth, (owing to unfavorable Weathel) to the 24th The football m=-tch for a splendid silver cup. l)Ct\VL't‘n Ht'thatln' and Omemee. did not take llnce owiua to the latter team ï¬lling, at the last minute, to get together. The cup, therefore, went by default to Bethany. Ice cream and bananas sold likv hot pakvs, and the whnle affair passed off most successfullv. The receipts on the 19th were $31 and on 24th amounted to nearly $80. 'l‘hlc ‘ Daughters of the ng', Ida Branch, are Certainly to be congratulated. Electors are called upon to examme the said list, and If any onussiums or any other errors arc: fuuml thurcin, to take Immediate procccdic'gs to harm: the said crrurs corrcctcd according to law; Those Who fail to observe the fundr- msmml rules of heaflhmspeciallv times who neg‘ect cormipaziou,â€"â€"wfll haw: short liven (‘nstweness rugns health, destroys vitahty, weakens the blood‘ c ‘naes dyspepsia. vmrvonsxwL-s and m smnnia \th not use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills amine cured. Take one or two pills befure_ retiring and yuu’re we}? next mnrning. No gripe-Aw pain, no headache am! nausea v'vhen you use I); Hamilton’s Pilis.‘~they cure scion tiï¬call? Positivelv the hvst "laxative kno“ 11, 25c .3. u†Jeulezs, NOTICE Is hcrcbyglvcn that I have transnnttcd or dchvcrcd to thc pcrsons nu-ntznncd In Sections 5 and 6 of thc Voters’ List Act the coptcs required by said sections to be so transnnttctl 0r ‘dchvacd of the List made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assussmcnt Roll m thc said Municipality at EICCIIOHS fur members of the Legislutlvc Assmnhly and at. Mumcxpal Elections, and that said [ht was pus!c\l up at my ofï¬ce, in th: Post Ofï¬ce Block, in thc VH1 ngc of ()MEMEE, on the 3oth day of lune. 1903, and rcnmxns thcrc for inspu tum. Notice of First Postmg of Voters' List, 1903. Municipality of the Township of Iinnly, m the: Cnunty of Victoria. Ida Garden Party. Dated this 2nd day of July. 1908 LIFE WILL BE SHORTENED, RICHARD ]. GRANDY, 'l‘ownshlp Clerk Capt. G‘érmziln tn the Adjutant-y of the Rent; Ll'ent. Fee will take over the Omemee (‘u’_\', LieutJl‘imrn now being senior Lieutenant. Dr. Sutton has all- ways taken a. keen interest in Military matters and athletics and is popularly known In these circles Hlld the nflicers of the 45th feel pleased at his appoint- ment. \Vs'lie has the good goods, and the prices are right. \\ hile m c: \mp\ 'ingnra, during the ï¬ght for the \\ ellahd (anal [Englar 0. Banks, who was relieving hls suffering Comrades hy pushing far ahead of the main belly - 22d advance guard, for the pnrpnbe of ï¬lling his water pull and carrying H: to the boys, had the misfor. lnne m be captured by a acnntlng parlv of the enemy. Happily a mrmnled putrul from the Body Guard. relleyvd the bugler and put to flight. the auda- cious sunllts but. not before they had drank the water. 'l'hnnsuuds of Drug Fiends have be-vn stnned on heir downward cunrae Ulruugh ('aturrh sunll'a containing this habit furming drug. II yuntmtfer from ucnm sneezing or (‘nmrrhâ€"dou’t use asnnfT-nscu sensiLIe neutment like (‘umrrhozone. H. heals and ‘pouthes, brings rellef M. muse, cures moi'oughly. In bronchitis and throat. truuMe no doctnr c‘m do better than prescribe (‘atnrrhuznna l‘ry itâ€"eee what. “on- dern ‘n u'nrkSnwh‘m pnwsr it possesses. Dili'erent frum the old mugâ€"van in- hale (‘znurrhozrme. Sula m 256. and $1.00 sizes 1w all dealers. Epidemic Influenza. Grippe. Catar- ran Troubles. Pneumonia Increasing. A marked increase in trnnblfls of the breathing organs is noted in many In~ caliuen. It you Will onlv have H)nme1 at. hand to use with the ï¬rst attack of (‘old in the hem], I’neuumniu. (Innis Brnncumu, Hnurseness, Sore. 'l‘hroat, L‘ronp, in tétct any respitï¬tor)‘ nfl'eclion the trnnbhe xx ill he.quiukly overcmne. II" the altack is neglected and becmues severe, speedy relief will come in most vases and a. perslsteut use of Hymnei wxll cure The directions for using it vary, but the principal is always the same, that. of deutrnytug all the germs in the air you breathe and having it. reach the air passages with dry medication from the Pine and Eucalyptus forests. Lient. in "1)" (I()’_\', 45th Regt. The W.- cancy was caused by the prmnminn of Remember that liquids and moisture is barred from the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs. It's the dry air of [Ho- mel that. reaches the Spot. A.Leuch guarantees It. Military circles in the sister Conn- tles of Durham and Victoria welcmne the fact that. Dr Sutton, o! Omemee, has been gazetted a. Commission as BEWARE OF COCAINE MEDICINES. Soda Fountain gomg 1n full force at \Vylie’s. Mr. \Vylie is having a “Palm Garden" arrang- cd m his Ice Cream Parlors. Mr. (‘. H. Hale, of the Oriiha Pat‘- ket. has informed the ofï¬cers of "1)" iCo’y, Omcmcc. that he will give 1‘ Tprizc t0 smartest, most intelligent and best (hsviphned private in the (7035, I" the (taming camp in Sept. Mr Hale has each year given this prize to a man from the Omcmcc tidy. and the Ofï¬cers hth: felt much indebted to him for the mtttrcst which hr: has taken in the work and for good H‘BIIHS receiv- frmn the men who yearly, take this prize, it encourages them :6 stand bv their Company and consequently strengthens it and makes recruiting: much easier. Anaenna means eulorons bloodâ€" meanslangonr, blanched lips, rude-d cheeks. Ynn grow dyspeptic, nervous, mfl'er inncmal irregularity. This con- dilimx can’t. exist if there is plenty of healthy blood. Farruzone makes good blood, rich nutrmous bloodâ€"that’s why it. cures. In cuncantmted form F+~rrozone contains rare qualities that render it. unfailing in Anaemia, lan- unur. poor color and loss of Weight. ’l‘o hniul up-Jeel young and viuomne, nothing is lmttar than Ferrozone. At. all dealers in 50c. boxes. Phy sician ’s Prescrip- tions Accurately DIS- pensed at WYLIE’ S. Dr. Frederick J. Snelgrove B.A.. M.B., M.C.I’.S.O., Who will he the five men sclccted from each company for the composne company for Quebec is now the ques- tion, It is expected that the (To’y. wtll lcavu on the: 18th and will be absent for 8 or 12 days the ntcn who catch this trip will certainly have to be: ï¬ve of the host. Who the ofï¬cers will he has also caused much speculation, however it \Vlll be chtdcd soon and complctw’l. PHYSICIAN, The Rifle Matches of Durham Rifle As>1>eiation on july 3rd 11L Port Hope. has aiviikciieJ an interest between the 45th and 46th chts., Sister corps they are but for years there has been a frieiidl) rivalr) in rifle shooting i)c[\\ccn them, and :1 number or the 451hs ex- peits are expected at Port Hope. Hie 8th separate CO. from Ruchester are also éendiiig :1 team. The Ofï¬cers committee who have charge. of th: ar- miigeiiieiits deserve to be compliment- ed ()11 the excellent prize list which they haw prepared.‘ The detachment “ho were at Nia- gniaixith the 34th Regt returned on, Sutuidm last [hey reportasplendid camp and are We“ pleased With the treuiiiieiit afforded them. OMEMEE Echoes Fr3m Military mï¬Ã©les. CompleLe outï¬t. $1. ANNIE W IVORY, 1EACHER. Piano and Theory. upils prepared for Examination. ‘ Terms Moderate. ARE YOU PALE. ANAEMEC? Cause for Alarm. IAN. â€"â€"SURGEON. OBSTETRICIANâ€" TOM M Y SCRIBE. ONTARIO. The return match between Spring- vn‘le and ('avanville tnnt hall teams was plan-ed at (‘avanville on Mondzt , ' June 22nd. The Springville line 11,. was the same as played at Fprlngvlllo on the Hit!) inst., (‘avanville plat) ed two new men. Cavani‘ille u on ll 9 toss and Gene 'l‘oncbhurn kicked the ball elf; the ï¬rst half u as without . special incidents, the referee only m as ï¬nding it necessary to caution u (Javan- vtlle forward against. rough playing. The secmnl half was a much better ex. hihmon of the manly game, (lene Touchhnrn of Ida, pltu'etl a. good game 1 far (‘avanvills assisted by L. Parnell, l attempting last and «gun-salve work, ‘ but the defence of Springville was llll'l ptegnable. only twice did the ball get 1 past the hat-ks, once by a shot on goal ‘ from l’nrnell “lull'll “as well stepped by A, Bidgood, Sprint-'ville’s goal keen- er; Bobby Steele also made what seem- ed a dangerous shot hutsnared too high, White Bros. then tried the trick but. failed. Albert Re: nolds then got the ball and sent it twirling through space as though shot from a cannon Sprlngvllle forwards set'nred it and carried it past. (‘aVanville's halt backs and through the full backs, making a desperate effort to score, in u hicb the hall was fouled; Cavanville could n 3 stay the rush by Benton and (if Hey- nolds. \\ ho sent the cowhide through the goal The Referee however ruled that the ball had been fouled and what had been a must brilliant rush tor Springville was lost, they hnwmer took the ruling gracefully. The name new became fast. and interesting Springville’s forwards setting the pace a. notch faster than (Tavanville's line could follow and the game seemed t‘e- ctdedly in favor nt Sprittuvtlle when lthe ball was burst, there not being another the game was declared a draw. The game throughout was a gentle- manly exhibition on the part of bn h teams. The following was the line up: i l I Tell me not in idlejingle, Marriage is a blissful dream. For the man is wise that’s single, And girls are not what they seem. Girls are shrewd and dead in earnest And to wed’s their only aim: "Miss" that is to “Mrs" tnrnast, Anything to change their nnxne. Not flirtation, nut cnqnettlng‘ is their studied end or war, But. to act that. each to-nmrrnw Nearer brings the bridal day. Smiles are sweet and uhtnces killing, And poor man, bewildered thing, 'l‘hus hmnhoazled, may unwilling, Pony up and buy the ring. In the world’s broad ï¬eld of battle. In the flirting llltli-(‘ll of life. Be not like dumh. driven cattle, Be not humhngged with 3 Wife. Trust no woman, lmwe'er present: Do not heed her :trtless trash, \Ved, wed, in the fatal present And your future’s minus cash. Livas of hachelurs ull remind us. We can live our lives the muse, And til-parting, leave iehiud us No cross kids Lu hour our name. Kids, perhaps, to whom another, Hoeing out, life’s solemn row, Some l‘orlorne and henpeckcd brother, One day may step-father gruw. Let nu then, he nut demented And lured in through ll_\'nwn"s gate, Stiil nnnmrried.still contented, Learn to let the dumseis “alt. 'l‘lzal’u HIP way cramps cmneâ€"slril.o without warning. Nuthing no sure Lu instantly relievn as Nervltnm,â€"-jnst A few drops in sweetened water is all that’s qunired to stop the pain, Pul- snn’s Nervilme 18 a true cmnfnrt to every family, for a etnnmch and bowel derangenwnt 1t is an ulm'nlnle bpï¬lfl‘ic. Guaranteed {0 have at Ivasl. live times the strength of anv other pain reiio \'- ins: medicinegâ€"neer-uy Pnfe, plvammt. and useful for external palm: mu. Fur a reliable lmnavlmhl nmlicins- 'USR‘} Nervxline snpplies all that’s chessnry. Large 25c. lmnles enlrl evervwhere. AS UNEXPL‘CTED AS BURGLAES Marvelous in its rncnnalmm-live and rebuilding power, quirk to give relief, ulmnlntel)’ sure to CI)T€',--\\'l|0r6 mm you ï¬nd a batter treutnwnt than er mznne? Snlxl lw all (lrugglala in 5U}. boxes, try Ferruzona. N0 tonic so quickly fnruï¬es the m na- cnlar system, imparts such strength, such endurance and vigor. Any traces of [Mic Acid and rheu- matic poison are quicklv driven out in FHI’I’OHUIIO. [he lowered (:mulitinn of the system is ('hallng mm a resene of vigor that deï¬es inrther uttncks ut Sciatica. Rubbing on a greasy lminmnt can’t help very muchâ€"you must. treat. the blood and rehnlld tlm nervuus wstem 'l‘h’u can be promptly done with Fer- roznne. No builder of nerve fame is more powerful. !‘IPAI8 .|,, Sx-iaticn 18 real]: influmumtiun ofthe sciuuc nerve. Ll-O luau-L nerve in the body. SPRINGVlI.LEâ€"â€"Gnul-H. Bxdgood; full hacks-A Reynolds. '1‘ McCunneH; half backsâ€"W M-uncrlet‘, () Pew, B Bul- lemyne; fMWardsâ€"N Seatun. L 'l‘rew, Geo Reynolds,J Lillico. N Ballentyne; Captâ€"Gen Reynolds: St câ€"L ’l‘rew. ihis passtve iufl xmmatinn . is the product. (I! u run-dun“ culnlluun, and in Mary Cause you may be sure the nerves are worn down ï¬ne. CAVANVILLE-m-(ioulâ€"T Faflner, full backs-S McCluren, W 'l‘ippeu; hall backs-Sisson, A Haber. [sane Fxsher; forwa‘udsâ€"White Bros.. Bubby Steele, Louis Parnell, G 'l‘mchbnrn; Cab!â€" EL’ms Whne; Secâ€"Bubbv bteele The pain is the cry 0! vhe nerves for more foodâ€"fur richer. redder blund. Refereeâ€"F E Wilson. Time Keeper arï¬ Baptie. Greedv dealers endeavor to palm ofl a substitute for Putnam’s (‘urn Extracs tor. Insxst on "Putnam ’s" onlyâ€"it cures cams and u arts thornnghly The imitation may tail. ‘. _. Sure Cure Foot Ball Match. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES! A Spasm Life. for ciatica, g British Am man BusinessCollegc é Yonge and McGiH Sts , Toronto. 'l‘. M. \\';\'l'5()N. Principa i OPEN ALL YE WW Awm/ W ‘I~W Mr. Ff m. :d (hand), :1 flat chss mcclmmc, is in charge of va \“m‘K and all repairs Will be done satisfactmy and at reasonable pnces. Sn rvliu‘ Ie- is {Hi-01m \\ it!) m'ery 51h-.hnx he u'mrantw tn rufnnd the the rmne-ly unrus. ‘ 9. TE, A share of the pubhc patronage is respectfully solicncd. Yours Truly, All who are sum-ring with stomach trnnnles, and that means at least tvm «mtnfevery three ll) Millhrook and nther twwns, should use Min-Ha stnm- act: table's Nulhll'g eIse iq as sate \etrfl'ectivr’: t't'lfhlllg else can be .30 tlwrunghlv relied "le to rulinve all troubles from imligrstinn as Mz-o-n‘d. H 3534491 ’ CID save The stress and strain wt the strenu Ima He III bath ally and cnuntry make smnmch trouble-s Five yeople suffer w-duv whereuzm did ten years min with sirk Inewiarrlxe, dizzluesq' flatul- encmdiutreae auvr eating, sly-eke he- fr-ru the 9 ea. blunting, nervousness. Sl“"l'“‘S-""0“S HIM the many otuer m mploms of inuiiuesti‘ n ' Pulls so Hard on the Stomach it Must Have Help. 55%" ï¬Eï¬L‘a?iE£Ei£x25é5ES-§j V‘AWMMW‘ WE. LEW EH Our \‘nmmt-z' <v-suinn mmhlus study-H‘s Lu slili'l unv Hum :zlul lum- :\ ouniixmnlm comm“. Wrih- fur a: Yulngnu â€1' nur old- 051nm! must reliable M'hnui. lhc Aï¬nndsomeli mï¬ï¬t'mtzd-ireéil}: Lit-£5656 3|!- 311mm: 01 any sczunuï¬c journal. 'lerms 10" anadn. $3.75 a your. postage prepaid. Sold b? all nowadcaicm. MUM £9§‘i!§r°*1*aÂ¥-_Hewlerk 15-. ‘R Sï¬ï¬‚flï¬L . . . a! ‘ “MIL 35’! I ha -â€"v" v- \.u\ ‘UI ucLIl-uoï¬ r" "Enema mkcq' {ï¬roufzh Max :1 a: 00- mega! ï¬ance. £13119“ chit-Age, 1:: mg Unr manugumvn! [ruins mom young lu-nplv Nu: m an" mm- 1' in Hum] 10! '1'h-:ro- mus! :w n rmwu: write for i}. Sp'zclal Cmuso for Teachers. Mail Coursm. Petew-bcn‘o Business College. Hm, <gthm. X'Ilncipul. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS ‘ COPYRIGHTS c. Anyone sending a sketch and description a!†quickly ascertain our opinion free w xethct an invention is prohnbly ylgenmma. ommunlclp uona strictly madden: 11!. HANDBOO on Patent: sent. “‘06. O] ‘05: ' n ’ em: Dunn": 'n‘knn‘ 9kg .?°E.§£~B“.‘.“‘.F..“..m«'m fï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬fééfï¬ï¬iéï¬can. _.â€" w Ile I-I ' ,nch CHM 69.5 F St... Washtr .. m n. G T. J. Parsons, THE STRENUOUS LIFE L-.:wc on Tues days mpmm. OMEMEE, ONT. [51:3 3: £319 18 73 Sept. 1. 15. 29 66' YEARS’ gxpamauce that A, Leach sell<, ulvvs a money unless Mg .... V '1‘... u - SA FFIBL of? FEAR. Parlsflrï¬ï¬‚u New subscribers can have the I‘mrror to 181: J an 199%.:- for 400. WYLIE’S, -u...‘ 95;». vn- n... vv...ru..s- . . L-i- DE: and KIEP'EY comm TL", - . ‘K x. d: MVATECiscuc s. UAKNAIKX, bf. '.:::and womcn \ 13:}: A .1,'0youaviI.-tim? Have ovoulost hop“? Arc m“ ,mpndingmmamy a†,‘uflu" 3"UU!‘ â€194 IKE“ d‘Shfl‘Wd“ “h “ \m. um \u-nkpmasr 0112- NEW METHOD ; : Ln: .. rx illcumnon “hath hasdom m an.†ith do for .0†Connsiution )wm-st nnininn Free of « knryu ) .‘o m nor W141) haw. trca rd \w m-iw H. '3~1\J.S mama. Books Freeâ€"‘ 'ThL‘UOIdx-H.Elmi‘uxj‘ (â€instru- â€)0" Wot Men. 1 “I was sick and ye visited me,’ was Christ’s commendation. Should not a, richer benediction be yours if from a. loving heart your dollar makesga, golden visit to this hospital, bringing health and joy to those Whom other people fear, and whom. in many cases, nobody wants. \Vill you have the luxury of giving ? Faithfully yuurs, Toronto, 3:3. J E.’ ’...' A---‘AAAJâ€"i£“;‘_ The Muskoku, Free Hospital for Consumptives never refused a patient because of his or her inability to pay. It cares for those whom other hospitals refuse. 1t cares for those whom other people are afraid of. “ One has to lead a life of concealment. If I go away from this place people are afraid of me.†This is the sad lot of those who suï¬â€˜er from this dread disease. On behalf of the thousands who are sick and will not be received by other hospitals, I make this appeal for the Muskoka. Free Hospital for Consulnptives. Nearly 10,000 peopIe from every part of Canada aided in this 300d work last year, sending us $26,000. The Trustees have faith that :1 still larger number will help. The Physician’s ofï¬ces, throat rooms, etc., up to the present have occupied rooms in the hospital that rightly belong to patients. To make better provision for the work, and furnish more acmmmo- dation, a. new administration building is now under way. A cottage iii the Physician and his young wife had also to be built. A. bright young lawyer at the Mnsknka Sanatorium for Consump. tives some weeks ago, speaking of the but-dun placed upon him by having consumption, said: To provide for this outlay. and to care for patients for the coming year. we must secure at least $50,000. Dear Friend :â€" He was suvprtsed at sores Mlcd~ "1 tug. at)? \"Ir‘? )lmuun 'I'nw‘MEM‘ for a swious liloix'i dim-m0 with which I hm! 'm-u thHcH-d for twelx‘v yvars I had can.†h -L “$20": of physicians taken all “‘1.ij ut' Lluud medicin; \i itcd hot. bpl‘ihzs and Olher mineral water re 0 Ls I'm Iv|.i\' W! ‘m ‘ p . any relief. ’l‘lu-y would iw'iu n c f time. but, after (Facuumnxiug 1h.- modi- " aim-.3 the sympmms \zuxm lrL-uL 0: t, damnâ€"running son-s. Hutu} N am: pains. lmmnI-Ss of {m- or the: glands. pa ms of tho i . itchiness otiuxe s}: n. «23' â€1,: Sunan,‘ etc. Iha~lgivmr up in awnâ€. “sh,“ a Wen-I mix†‘ml me to nousnlt v0“. as \‘ou had curwl him of a gimflar disvase ’3 yawn 820. Md nu how. ‘ m took us advice. In tln'vu “"‘rkx 11.“; U isoms‘ rmmemfl when] up all 1 a“,- :un -(-n cum-:01. 1 continued {he NW .‘2! 11:41:; : .- ‘, 3-1...- {0 r m . dam-4! * 2h f‘" .1 Ethan ti'ueavt‘fy *3‘"‘-IJm“' h d $4 I": luv 3. 1 was}: red i' voars ago and â€0 «Eiskustnce. My hwy. threw yt-nrs a! L m gnumi mxd hrfl‘th". u cert-ï¬nk mu] your tremmem wim uil my h an. ‘wu c. n refer un‘fpvrmn .0 n“, .iumuy, â€m. juu am «.50 this {'Nrivmmia! .‘I\‘ you x 34L" " " “'_ ‘g. 5. AF [a "079.15" 1‘â€) mm: mm w'mom WRWTENgostm. cation .25: and cos: of Ham: 'A'reumcnt FRI“; V: - PR"! 1"†v‘VOHS DEBUT? VARICOCEI. E ‘ K 1 .‘-. d 1' “VATE Gimmes. U-KXN AL. A Problem cf Nationai Importance \VILL AT ï¬icixigan Ave., and Griswo! Drs. K. K. Established 20 Years. From W. J. NATE @NO NAMES USED WITH. OUT WRI'I‘K‘EN CL‘uï¬ENT 33353? “25.2.- 23 E‘ 15am: 2: E <2:- @é? Eï¬â€˜ ' "w: d 58 Sole Agent for A “If “I“ 'hfl‘Ti‘l TTI 4 OMEMEE NS EMT. Everythin‘ confidential. .STRYCTUR“ -. VITAL W‘AKNTF‘. 1...“... D21: and K11; P'EY comma 15L, Detroit, Mich. Aflï¬'n‘ «â€" v.15