Ivory Flour only $2. 75 per cwt, W. H. Byamgg-Son I'XSTU RIBâ€"The yastu Don’ t Miss This Grand ' Opportunity. / W G Russell Son}. ‘» Jun-c Arrivedâ€"0m: (-51.6! lhuOld Reliable) Star Brand Portland Cement. “‘0 are also: handling llw lmkeneld Mon- .rk Brand. Tho-ware the two best Brands ‘0» um unite; today. A car or fresh Grey ‘Jmn Just arrived. and n4“) a car oi British (‘nlu nbta Shingle-s New Brnnswh-k 2nd Ci'ear shingles at. $2.25 par U. Fall and 5438 our 13inch Shun! to 23 inch. 100 winks a! +au at 90c po'r barrel. 200 lbs. to «wk. For avenkuoniy. Bollovllle (‘amvnt $1.80 per than-oi. Lumber and Coul.nnvlall grades or Ihlnglm: on lmml. \Voalmvo just n-ooivod .Ocnrofillflnr Bun. Shingles which will be gum cheap jiny Limo Taken ofl’ Car, 220. Bush. Big Sale Still Goes On. T23 variouspropertles' of the late ~W. . Sowden, situate in Mnllbrook â€and Cavan, are offered for sale by "Henry Mulligan, and may be purchase f wed 1!: Separate lots or otherwise. All Japplications must be made to the {undersigned who is empowered to sell ‘Ennd convey. ‘ >13, MULLIGAN ,Mlllbmok, 24th Dec. 1007 Unscrnpnlons dealers often prepare torn remedies with caustics and acids. Refuse such, andï¬nsist on Putnam's fuiuless Cum Ethan-tor. It.’ a purely quublo, ode Ind sure. Good But term: 11111111 :3. 200 a Pound LPearl Tapioca '80. jKo‘onna. Ceylon Tea, Black or Mixed, 25.0. jNice fresh Lemons 200. ;18 lb. Granulatedvor 19 1b. Yellow Sugar $1.00 ijegular $34.00. This Flour ‘is made from N o. ~M'ANITOBA WHEAT. éProperties for Saie. CONDEINED BY >PHYSICIANS. {fleet Valencia Raisins 7c :lb. or 4 111. for 256. Nine fresh California. SeededLRaisins 10c. ,Half size Tins of Rich, Red Salmon lOQ. HutWeafherPrices Attorney 8: Mï¬ager, MILLBROOK: ONT. J. B. L. GROUT, H. A, SIMS, Manager. Manager. Money Loancd. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued. ‘‘‘‘ Ever) Dcscriptnon of Banking conducted “ith satisfau tion to our customers. x You should have an account for your spare money. Your Wife should have her housekeeping or personal account. Your Children should each have an account to teach them the value of money. Accounts may be opened at any time. We suggest your starting NOW. ' Small Sums ($1. and upwards) may be deposited. Interest is added to all balances 4- times a year. BANKUF TUHUNTU Head Ofï¬ce, Tjrb‘hto, Cana‘da. Omemee Millbrogk Branch, Branch MILLBROOK ‘STACETEN In’ Our Savings Department CAPITAL RESERVE FUN ASSEFS 72 BRANCHES in Ontario; Quebec, and the West. Incorporated 1 8 5 5 V‘THE\ I Millhmnk News. Mr. Wm. johnstcmm .bzmtiher of Mr. Hugh johnston,~of Mwiilbwuk, is visuing ineii‘dgtig‘ Ontario, after ‘an absence of igï¬iï¬y yezrrs. Mr. jobnston's hdnie'is at Lancaster“ N. Y.,?whcre be 123528 large un- dertakmg festaï¬'ï¬ï¬gient. He is ; an old soldier} itiii‘ifa. number 0! 3 our older residenters were pleaSed l to renew acquaintance with him. and. conveISe on topics of their younger davs. Mr...I.ohnston, al- though weiiup in years, retains an excellent memory, land 15 quite active on fobt, no doubt owing to his military tn' ining ,and temper- ate living. 'l‘iile Mix-rm was pleas- ‘ ed to have a .call from him 5’o‘n_.- Saturday. By the way, Mr. juhn- ‘ stou, as :1 boy. 613's? {b.jnteï¬sdevil‘ in the ofï¬ce‘of theme Mr. A. E. Hay-tenizut deeided‘tha: he had ‘missed i‘ ‘jumped' the job H""Kp. The friends of MISS Cora E. Rogers will "be pleased to learn that she has successfufly passed the primary uxh‘fniwmtionsiu Mano. held in Lindsay rec‘cmly, by the Toronto Conservatory of Music. â€"Minden Echo. Miss Rogersds a sister of Rev. W. P. Rogers, of Mxllbrook. we ' $ 4,000,000 4,500,000 39.000.000 r pOpular ' 3'9th0d- P 0k'4th 'or pasta-rs, 'peltv Ires- rch- ~ing ps In thc. morning, through the kind ness of Mr. R. Kerr, a bowling matrh took place, when the followmg, Messrs 'l' A- Allen, W 1' Wood, C'R Daws‘nu, Revs. H. A Bcnthcl and Rev. Alex Allen, were Victorious over a‘ rink skipde by Mr. Kerr, by one shqt l'l‘he Club was very much pleased wtth thc: kindness .shnwuu them by Mr 'Kcrr nfthe Bowling Club and Mr. H C Hill of the CrtckcttClub. It is ex pectcd that. a return match mll be played m Milllnuok m the .m-ar {uturct Good funding by C. Needlcr and. 'l‘. Stephenson, good hamng by 'l'. A. Allcn. and good ï¬elding by thaRev.’ Alexander Allen were the distingmsh mg features of Hit: Work of the Mfll~ brook clcvcn. l On ’lllmrsdav. <t-l1c um!) :inst., .111: Cricket Club Went w- I’czcrlnom and played a game will) It‘ll: :l’etcxbomugh Club, at zt-hc-Oval. Alter a very enjoy able and exciting game thc Mill‘lmmk Club won lgyv61'uns in axme innings match, the score lac-mg l’ctcrlmrn g9, A-lxllhrook 65. .Millhmnk team can srstcd of Messrs. 'W '1' Wood. Charles Necdlcr, R 0H Edmumis.] B LxGroul, 'l‘ (l Stephensun, H H :Rchy, } Lamb. .T A Allen, C R Dawson, J Bateson, Revs ~Alcx. Allen and H. A. Ben-()ltcl a ‘ ‘Mustcrs Encand Aylmur Lelroy .ac 3 com panicd the team. ' Miss Minnie Adamsrreï¬zrmedtto .her home in Canxplcellfozd on Monday, after a 'plcaszmt VlSlt with her aunts, Mrs. William G. Pcndry and Miss E. 'Krlcger. ; "Rev. G. C. R. Mcgnade was a "zyisitor'to Omemee cu Munday. Mr. C.:Samiersun was a visiter to Pcten‘ooro Saturday. Mrs. S. Smithson returned to henmmegm LSaJliet-zoro, on Satur- dav .asï¬wr a pleasant visit mm!) fr-icnés at W a-rsaw and Peterboro. 3 Little Miss 'Hclen Fradeiï¬nirg had a . .few of her girlfriendsat her birthday party on the iéth, from 3 to 6 p m. "A very ciijoyahle time was spent In games. music. etc, after which tea was served on the lawn. Which was Very prettily decorated With flags. etc. Helen is still qiiite zni Amcsuuin and the Stars and Stripes were conspicuous lainang thekUnioii Jacks. Many pretty â€birthday presents Were received by the charming little hostess. and the Mirror joins in “'lnlllllg Helen many more} happy birthdays. Immediately after supper. the partv broke up and the "‘guests†returned to their respective “homes, having'had zi Ireal good time" The Presbyterian Sunday School i :and Larlies’ Aid will hold their annual ‘ Excursion this year on August zolli, ‘Millbroo‘k’s Civic Holiday, to Burleigh 'Falls, calling at all the beautiful 'Stcn- l ey Lake Summer Resorts. Baby Carnage: for Salt: C heapâ€"As good as new. (3:111 be sec!) 111 the ermr Ofï¬ce. _____ J , " T4he Maples,’ Czrvan. Mrs. Kellv was a resident of MIHbrook forty vezus ago, and this was her ï¬rst VIsit heIe since s'he In0ved zIwav. Her husband. the late Mr :[us Kelly, Wasnt one time in the IIIeI'cantIIe business here. Mrs. james Kelly, of Petrolia, spent a few dusts art the home of her nephew, Dup. Reeve Kelly, H WTLA \l...-l ,_ H 1‘ Mrs.-M. E. Millignn returned last .week hon) a .pleasant visit with friends at Trenton. Cavan, on Friday, Iuly 1011),“) UL and Mrs. 1.. H.1x’oddy,.a (lillghï¬ï¬. Miss Rose McN: 1H, Poxt Ha pc, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. E. Milligan. Hot and Cold‘wal'cr Will be supplied: free of charge. Meals can be had on. Steamer. Dinner 40c; supper 25c. R. W. CLARKE, W. 1’. ROGERS, 3A.: Supermtendcnt. Pastor. l The IVIilllSrook Band wfllcfuruish†music dunrng the day. 'l‘o .avoxd an ()Vchl'OWd 'l‘idkuts; an: [mug sold {rum Mlllhrook only ‘ This l5 a guarantee that rthcrc m†:ch‘ plenty of mom on Stcumchfur a=com ii fortable and pleasant sail. ! 'l‘hc‘Spc-ciul 'l‘rauygoing and commgi will do away mth.themm)lca‘smltï¬dclnys of the rcgular mun scrvux and .glvcatl fulLday on tlxcsc-lx-auuful waters. Leave. Adult. ‘Child. Adult. Clnld. 7.15 65c 350 $100 50c. Returning Spccml ‘Frzim leaves ngyï¬dd at 8 p.m. Time Table Fares as Fallows MHIbrook to Lakefleld. To Stoney “Lake Returning to Stormy Luke an hour’s ~stop will b: made: at Mount Juliaufur Supper, after which the Stcamcr will run up through Boshink to thc upper part of thc Lake and return to Lake:- ticld «luring the delightful evening hours, arriving there at 8 p, m., where Special ’l‘rain will be taken which will be run direct to {\lillbroo'k, reaching home at 8 45 p. m. A Special 'l'rain will leave Millbrook Station at 7.15 a. m.. arriving at Lake- ï¬eld at 8.15. when the Steamer "Ston- ey Lake†will be taken which will con- vry Excursionists through Katchamm- ooka, Clear and Stone\ Lakes to Bur- leigh, \\ here an hour’s stop will be made for Dinner, after which the Steamer will proceed through Love Sick and Buckhurn Lakes to Buekhoru where an hour will he spent. ‘ Lakefleld Stoney Lake . on JUESIM“ Aug. 4th, 1908. BORN -â€"At Necdler's Mills The Milllmmk‘ Methodist Sunday Schuol have arranged with the: G. 'I'. R. alLLSLcithr “ Stupey Lakc" for an Excursion to‘ EXCURSION CRICKET Orders for new connections, change‘s of ï¬rm names. changes of stréé't‘addresses or for d‘fl‘ph- cate entries, should be handed in MI ONCE to for the District of Central Ontario including Telephone Company of Ca: is about to publish .a. new issue of the New TELEPHONE DIRECTORY THE BELL Rev.nnd Mrs. T. A. Cosgrove are visiting friends in town, guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. Steele. Major \Vmslow and bride have returned from their honeymoon trip. MILLBROOK Mr. A. A. Smith, Barrister, Was «m Toronto last week on a profes- siomcl wsft. OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Miss Linda 1-11â€, of Pcterbom, in chmgc nffln: â€chntral’ 0mm: of I die†'l'clcphone=(‘lo.. Milllnouk. Miss Anna l:)ra'ke.nf Pctcrborough, is a guest of Mrs. H. Natxrass. . A. TURNER 'I)r. T. H. Hnssnrd returned home on Monday, after several weeks ~tuy 'in-tbc North \Vcst. The Doctor re- gmrts the: crops generally-4,15. tucking: ï¬ne, and the prospects are at prcscntl xvcry bright. Hcattcndcd tile-ram-snt sC-Sainsbom,.which Were very exciting: and interesting. and were attended by many "IE‘IiHbrobk 0M [10) 5, among thcm being Messrs. H. W. 'Johnston, .jamcs and iohn Elliott and a host of others. a“ oi whom the Humor was “plea-56d 'to meet. ' l i t W‘ULEAHING SALE 0f Ham- mocks and Dusters. Will be sold for loss Hum cost. 20 per :cent' 05 for cash on Boy’s Boots for 2 Weeks only, at 11'. j, 'l.A‘NL‘-’S. I Rev. G. 05R. AlcQuade will conduct the services in the Mill- brook Methonst Church, Sunday ‘morning next. Mr. Mcguade'has already made-"a good impressnon upon his congregations on Cavan South Circuit by his forceful and eloquent discou 86:5, and no doubt a large congregation will greet him next Sunday morning. The Mirror was pleased to have u {call from \\';u‘den l’eake yesterday. Rev. \V. P. Rogers. Ii. A., will conduct the Quarterly Services at :Carmel on Sunday morning next. There will be no services at the :Fullis :Line or Zion appointments rte-it Sunday. M Housékeepex \Vantedâ€"Applv to Wesley Lurmer, Milwmok, 01 the Mirror Ofï¬ce. , WCLEARING SALE of Mr. Harry Reynokls, cht-lcr. Pun Hope, has vely Kindly gin-n a cup 3.x :1 [)I‘IZL‘ to thy wmncr of the Boy’s Singlcs‘. pmycu on rrxaay. Inc 315: OF fuly. 'l‘hc “Kendall Cup†was dOhatcd by Mr. Hurry Kendall. fo‘rmcrly n â€5;- dent of this town, but now residing at Pasadena,California, and IS 0ch for competition to ladies residing in Millmook or (32mm and beccmcstlm property of the lady winning itthrcc tunes. The present huldcris Miss G. Wood. Miss H000, Int: “118368 A. L. Kells; G, S. Kclls, Mollie Kells, Lottlc Vance. U. Dean, and Masters A, A. chroy, E. B. Lefrny, (‘1. A Dzlw'sqn, K. Mc- Bcan, B. Fitzgerald and R. Given. It is expected that the: ï¬nals wt†be played on Frxda‘yxghq 315: OF I’ulv. Bunk Kcrpt‘rs, Stunogmphers and V 'l7c1cgrulmcrs I.- trained by our manngrc laxt yum liwcricmc cuunts. Graduates mast sucvess .ful. Special ‘(Tourse fur 'l‘cm‘hurs, Mail (Zourscs. Send postal {or particulars. The Annual Tournament of the Millbrook Tennis Club, Including the cuntqst for the “ Kendall Cup†IS now bung held on thc various lawns m tom). The following are [mung part: Mdssrs. W. '1‘. Wood. (Ihas. Needlcr, A A. Smith, 1‘. W. Allen, A. j. W Mulligan. C. R. Dau'son. R. F. Haney, F. " W. Mcdd, I. N. 'l‘npkins, H A, Sims, A, Hctherington, L. H. \Vmslow, Rev Alex. Allen, Rev. H. A Ben-One], Muss Wood, the Misses A. L. Kclls, G. S. Kclls, Mollie Kells, Lottlc Vance. U. Dean. and Masters A. A. Lefmv FALL mm oms 3m. ET. Pemrhura Business Cullage. (HCO. SI’O'I"I‘ON, l’k'lxcm ENTER ANY DAY. petition to ladies residingl in ::k or (3mm) and beccmcsthc ' of the lady winning itthrcc The present huldcris Miss G. Manager. of Canada 'A I , IS the Mr. J- N. Woods, of Point Rock A Oneida (‘0., N. Y , had a hard experif“ mice. "A bad attack nfCatau-h astt‘ed in my forehead and the pain We: mv e= as was so intense I thought my head Would burst. _My voice grew very imam and I coughed everv nicknamj through the winter could scarcely speak My voice was gone. Two dur. lora didn’t he“) me at all The, next doctor 0rd. '! "Cutnrrhoznre †1g cured me anh’nnw many other. here has Ca’tarrhnzone also. My doctor says he doesn't kunw aawthing so good for l‘atarrh and Throat Tronh‘a as “(‘atar. rhoxona.†Use it m-duv, you’re hone r to-morrnw, 25¢: ail-d SI 00 at alldoulera. Try (‘atanhoaona \ I Miss Guy, of Toronto, Miss Hulchimon and Miss Elliott: of ville. were guests of Mrs. ], on chncsdu)‘. Mr. A. 'lihnev, of Cavanville. gave the Minor a call yesterdax Many women anfl'er nntnld torture from nervous debility arising mm disorders or the feminine organs. Day by dav they grow worse. A {Mae sauce of umdpnn- prevents them using a good renmdy like l"err(\znne,â€"aml it wnnld cure them. Lnsc nerve force is brought backâ€"men vital energy ls _etrppliedâ€" irregularities disappear. Ferrozn'e dues restore. weak pale women. Fur those who adder and ï¬nd work hard to hearnnthlnd‘snpplies the health and vitality tlxntd’ermmme manrely brings, GnarantN-d free Irvm alcohol and cure w cure, 300. a; all dealers. Mr. W. A. Jakeman was unanimous I IV rc-clt'ctcd as President ; Mr. J. Fci: I Vice Prcs ; Mr. J. J (flarkc, Sec . auu‘ . Mr. Ehcr Preston, Treasurer I! was decided 1-0 change the datr of meeting from July to January. and I that the next (kmfcrmum be held in: the Presbyterian (Ihlnch, Pomypool. l PECULIAR WEAKNESS IN WOMEN Miss Hc-athc, of Pinnypnnl, render ed two solos vcry acceptably. .v‘h'. Clm'kc‘~' round table confcrcno then was hcltTLand the urgency of 0!)- serving and pr‘mpnring for It by prayc-I and pcrmnul Interest was strongh dwdt upon. In lhcfcvcmng very in terestmg nddrcsses \v’crc given by Mr ()mnm. Mr. Chapman, Mr Snowdon, and Mr. Clarke. \lr Snowdtm séycrc Sundax nslthug. . 1"}!aner subju} discussed was a course of study forftszurhcrs. It was chldcd ‘to invite the pmvmmul organ- izer of teacher traungg classes to V1.51! the sclnmls of the township. I Mr. (Ilarke, of Mxllbrook, President {of the Provincial Assocxzmon, was ‘prcscut, and made some remarks of what :m‘IdL-al trachcr should he. Ht: should ~he calfrd-tof (Sod, dwiucly called to the \\'()rk;’1.l()t entirely upon it haphazard. ‘ He .‘shuuld be present 52 Sundays m the war, not 51. A mere headar‘he ur}00lhuche or some- thing MS: was no .exquse for being ah- scnt. he must b¢}c_ick m bed. He might as WC" split “(rod on Sundays as ‘ be absent [mm his class Without a‘ legitimate excuse. ' “ Mr. .lukcman t ugh: It would be Very difï¬cult to'gcï¬ï¬‚r. Clarke’s type of h-aéhcr. e 'LO‘ST HIS VOICE E'NTIRE‘LY. Mr. jakcnmn suggested reacrve tcaChcls as a remedy for this diï¬ivulty anti‘nmntioncd his own cxpcncncc as a resent teacher. 'In 27 Sundays out of 28 he ncn‘r \éanmd a class. It was thankfjjlly arknowlcdged that ,2 good proportxon of the children of Manw-rs wcrc receiving Sunday School instruction, 51nd that good work was hung done. Mr. Richardson thought his greatest drfï¬cuhy “as in the irregular atten- danvc of the teachers. \lv’ era] dismission of Sunday School dn'ï¬- cultics. Mr. Snodon mentioned that at one of his appointments (Mt. Horcl») he had thrcc Scrwces in suc- cessum m the afternoon, and the other sauces somewhat lntcrfcrcd thh the Sunday School; Assocmï¬on, was presunt. Dr. Marsh and Rev. Ms. Adams unfortunately could not come. The ï¬rst item taken up was a gen- 'l‘he annual C(HIVCHHOI‘J of the Sun day School Asscuxatmn 0f the Town- ship of Mam'crs, was held in the Methodist church here on Tuesday 7th mst. The Weather was not very favmahlc and not so many wen: present as otherwise would have been. but 1) 01h afternoon and chmng mccungs sccm- ed to he pm‘mcatcd With an atmos- phcrc of cnlhusmsm and good chccr. The good cheer Cuuld hardly be absent m Mr. Snowdcn’s Church, as he al- ways 15 enjoying hfe. and makes it his bllalllcss that othcrs shall do hkc- l WISC- Annual S.S. Convention Held at Janetvllle a Success. persons of whose claim notiCc shal not then haw: bccn received. “died the 6111 day of july. 1908. A. A SMITH, Administratrix Solicxtor Pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897- Chap. 129, and amending acts, nutiCe is hereby giVen that all Creditors and others having claims against the Es tate of the said late James Porter, who died on or about the zist day ofjune, 1908, are required on or before the 6th day of September to send, by post prepaid or deliVer to Mr. A. A. Smith. of Millbrook, Solicitor for the Adniinistratrix of the said Estate, the full particulars of their claims duly Veriï¬ed and the nature of the securi- ties, if any, held by them. And further take notice that alter such last men- tioned date the said Administratrix will pi'oCeed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitl- ed thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then haVe notice and will not be liable to any persons of whose claim notiCe shall In the Estate of James Porter, Late of Bevan, in the Beauty of flur- ham, Yeoman, Deceased. Mr. Jakcman, Notice to Creditors. Presxdcnt of the L‘ly dcnouncw iss Edith ofCavzm I. Marlin was a gen- IOR THE :Pe/dlar Peï¬plé, Cs}: Wa. 'We car} supply \'0n with Steel Shingles. Steel Rooï¬ng, Corru- gated Iron, Conductor Pipes. Metal Shutters, Sky Lights, Finials, Steei‘Sidin‘g, Steel Ceilings, Eave Troughs, Metal Doors, Prepared .Rooï¬ngyli‘elitilators, Statuary, Metal Luths. Fire 1)i'oof-~\\'itl1011t repan'sw 100 years, if ‘Osh.iwa‘ shingled. Wafer proofâ€"without [‘L‘paiIFâ€"‘ICO 315, if ‘Oshawa‘ sliingled. Pioof against ALI- the dummyw how long will it stay so, that roof you me going to bm' ? l‘hu't the test, and the only test worth vonr while. “hen mu spend good money to cover any building worth rooï¬ng right. That's the yardstick that measures real roof economy. A twantv-ï¬ve \‘caii guarantee safl guards new ‘()sliawa' shingl 6d roof A plain English gnaruntr-e that sens no ‘Osliawa' sliinglid roof will leak, nor need repairs, not need painting, nor catch tireffor twenty-ï¬ve yours, How long it Will be a G O O I) roof if you DON'T take care of it? How long it will stay good if 30:: don’t do a thing to it ? The real test of 1001' cost, tlze test ofrcol ccmzcmy, is the length of time the roof will Sta} Wmd prooï¬â€"withom repairsâ€" mo years. if ‘Oslxawa' shmgled’ Dump proofâ€"without repairs» 100 \‘Lms. if ‘Oshawa’ shingled; Rust and mildew proofâ€"â€" wnhout xepuilsr 100 yezus, if‘Oshawa‘ shingled; AGENT, MILLBRQOK, ONT, How long will it stay a good roof? That is the qmstion you want a plain answer to when you consider roof economy. Not how long it Will be a good enough roof if 3011 patch it and paint it and tinker with evcxy 3cm or two. N02 how long if will be a pretty good root 2! you take good care of itâ€" Am} " Oshnwaâ€-shingled roof is good for 100 rearsâ€"at )east. Roof economy is a plain, easy problem of chighing years against r-iollnrs,â€"~of dividing the price 01 the roof by the‘ length of time it will stay a good roof. 864 ST. CATHERINE ST., VJeét, MONTREAL The genuine has the name of 1): its metal parts. _ â€" â€" v -1 V AU will cure you. No medicine, drugs. clcctrlcn)’, mental science or faith l But :1 natural, rational method discuvu'cd by :1 WC†known scxcnctist physxcian. Um: OX YDONOR mll saw an entire familyâ€"mu: at a tune. It last a life-time. and there as no cxpcnsc ant-r the pln't‘llusc lllltc. You apply 0X \'l)()I\'()R at home while you rest or sleep. Mr. Wm. Bet-rs, 196 York St., Toronto, Ont., writes: “I have g pleasure xn rccmmncnding your Oxydnnm. When 1 ï¬rst got the instrlzx I was suffering from Scmtica for about four months and altcr applying 11 ï¬ve weeks it left me all at once and have not [men troubled mil) it .snuc can highly recommend It as a good family docmr, and Would not In: wn} it for double the pm-c.†No matter what discam: you .suchr with, nor how long if no vital organ is irrc arulilv destroyed. in all probability A“--â€"-â€" 65:? a; an Egg %% %%% %%~f*$2 “J5. EF 1%!" C233 Havmg purchascd the Barbers Busmcss from Mr. Armstrong. I respt'c- txvcly sohmt a contmuanc: of the lxl)cr al patronage given bun, and will an - dcavor to conduct the business in such a manner as wxll mcent your r‘uppurL I have secured the Scrvxccs of a ï¬rst class Tonsorial Artist in the person of W. I). DONNELLY. IWI†keep in stock the best lines m choice cigars, cigarettesand tobaccos Also pipes, ctc. (fall and sec mc. R. JACKSON, TONSORIAL ARTIST MILLBROOK, ONT Vï¬geégézééééééééa «4%: ég R. JACKSON, (successor tq jus. Armstrong,) Fomu-r ("unomcrs of the Ontario Bank Branch “in be accummudutul as huclofmc. G. DEAN, E3 Every description of u Interest Added 4: Times a Year on CAPITALPAID UP : $14,4C0,0CO REST : $11,COO,COO UNDIVIDED PROFITS : 15 9,881 TOTAL ASSETS 2 $168,C01,173 Branrhes at a†important ('cntrcs in (T lilxgland, New York, Chicago. S vM‘\MANAGER. Millbrook Branch Opposite Bank; of Toronto BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. WITHOUT MEDICINE. . SANCHE 00., Wri u: name of Dr. H. Sanclxc Co. plainly smmped ‘rizc for FREE BOOK No 96. OXYDONOR :FOR‘fHE‘ Est. 1817. . FRY, York, Chicago, Spuknns, Mcxico, and Ncwfoundland. Banking Business transacted“ Call at the MIRROR Ofï¬ce full particulars. Both articles will be sold at a great Bargain. A Chance like tlus only comes once: In a long time. -r - VM’.“-A A Rubber Tired Baby Carri Brake, and Upholstered in Old (i wnh Parasol same color. It is pr; cally as good as new. ulunc, uuu upnolstcrca In Old Gold, wuh Parasol same color. It is practi- cally as good as new. Also a Coal 011 Stove (heater) one hurncr, handle to carry it. Good as "CW. FOR UP-TO-DATE JEWELRY FOR SALE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, MILLRROOK. 'anndn, and in London J. STEELE’S, he. Mm. long )ou have been sick, Lilf. “I have great the insm: mu t uppbing 1t for h it .anc. I Baby â€Carriage, or him cure. In: wnhuux and ml] can for 39:50.12: How often we hear have had an achingjm yam Nd more Speed “opt-«I than to rub «.x then umly Serviz’ine M «he. 'he muacles h “80,5! l‘omod vigor aw! ï¬mgwwy cramming par. Norviline l’mste ht up most dellcate cl‘ ‘ f-ThOV are invnhlal‘ “7 ‘7 can: Any muncn] Qtflfl'um. Try them ’nalge fur yuurself. 25c THISCOIBINATION The Fall term of (‘ Chain of Modern, Hz; Busmess Scmmls, low 0f Clultuu. (ludcm‘h. Reno" and Orangcx 1!! 0! Pclcrlmro, “mi up ,1 )l. The Pclcrhxm lcgc IS 1 worth-,- lxuk : Of Its graduates has m The new advertxsmmq is m be found nu pug: changcd Week 3}: Mr. Cardwdl :Lt un Omcmcc and Rim 1: Peterbom, and has this part will join 1?).- bim OOIHUIUCJ succcs mcrltS. 8 1th drug smws K under thc um: mm Cardwcll. For inc ; Vcnmry of the drug ‘ progress and this wm caliv campictr. Mr. Cardwcu it: the mmagcr of Eur ‘ the park (or dz: ' has taken a dcc') : x up the trade of the twpicu: of Human on has sum-cs5, 7â€" ,; 0131911. july x 7 A [unnsrdup' u td bclwccn H urv Moat: â€harm u zcs (Afdt'cu. who Hu\ 1" drug store a: N0. 01 opposuc Cr¢<cC.a: 51! years. (he am the two Moore 3;} u and No. uoo Sm: Mr. Rum. C45»: On rucsahy after vcrv pl-aimt x4â€; £116.! Is 11: M 1r. â€"-s[ml¢x. 13,33 Mrs. (D .- > and sun. .‘si ;s: M «it. 0 It , 0 mm 2:. th; Mrs. W. x M P usician tmus Accu paused at ‘ Th: (2):â€: mcnccd (mum Riva-r. an i hit) Cocuies B ijg M: ss M: 9.0 In fouuuh {wichnr passcd through .‘ uch4y on hcr Na in Smnhupc â€".‘\l Tana ( Lola Palm: MISS [18,13 A! Nellie M gm“: To: onto last \\ kw. Mr. M,» Circuit. is man: sion upon In.“ his able and talk >-< Ice: C. mm s. 1: Pac Moos, etc“ .-.. . and Mt! ï¬rst-(:11- (opcu all summc “The for (mam: \V. j. ELLI‘ Cor. Yong: :1: This coflcze Sta-x wrung/sue“ and when: you will, 3: and pushing a superior training Those who km this school FALL TERM MOO K E x {Sum OHEMEE PHYSICIAX -â€"â€"OBS Dr. Frede‘ OMEME Pianq Pupils prepa' Tern: (mm July nu; .‘ up-‘u-duw cum Obi-Jud! at. 111‘ British Amer British Cana A WORTH Cor. Yangt- Man. 62 (‘u 014m! and 8 at rrn< .1131: BEST BU I U! ANNI To: oi