3’1 PAS’l‘-UR!5â€"'l‘hc undcrsxgned has pasture for cattle only. Apply to ECU-“RING SALE of Ham- mécks and I)u>[crs. \ViH be sold for 1:55 than cost. 20 per cm! off fur cash (m'Boy's Buots for 2 weeks only, at T. J. LANG’S. ï¬gingï¬Vcst Half in! 12, Con. 2. zManvers. containing 14:, «was (man: "o'r'lcss.). about 4-40 acrc> dcar : balance fwood land. (20ml lrumc dwelling ; :framc: bum 30x82. Lotsuf hard and :soft water. 'l'lic N. W. cnrncr of the {Farm touches l‘ontypnol. a prosperous image an the (I I’. R. The Farm is in a good state of cultivation. For Yurther particulars and terms apply to CHARLES GIBSON, l’ontypuol l“. 0;, julv 4. 1908 77 or on prcmiscs. 3 {101: the District of Central Ontario including 321.5. TURNER, -Telcphone Company of Canada is about to publish a new issue of the Big Sale 'Stiil Goes On. 10rders for new connections, cï¬auges of ï¬rm names. changes of street addresses or for dupli- cate entries, should be handed in AT ONCE to fiftflhrmik. xzath Dec. 1007. fiz'Dorft Miss This Grand Opportunity. W G Russell Sons The various properties of the late ‘ W. H. Sowdcn, situate in Mlllbrook ;and Cavan, an: offered for sale by Hcmy Mulligan), and may Inc-purchas- ed 11) Separate lots or otherwise. All ;applications must be made 'm the ,undcrsigncd who 7:5 cnqu’crcdio Sc†; and convey. ,H. sWDMGAN Just Arrivedâ€"(NW (-nv ofthe(01d Rallablel Smr Brand Pm'tizuul Cement. W0 am also handling (hr- lunkefleld Mon- ark Bran-l. Thvm-nrv the two best Brands on tho \‘IuPY’PI t-ulay. A our nt' fresh (ire; Mum jua: urrivnl. um! msu :1 cm‘ OI‘BrItish Pnlu :Ihfa Shingh-s. Sq-w Brunswivk 2m! Clear «hingles :n ‘-.:.’.'. per xv. Foul Mm! 509 mu‘ [5 Im-h 5 hulrs In if Im II. 100 hacks- ul‘ saw. num- lN‘rlmrrL-L 2m â€15.": «wk. For Qweo-ksonly. mum-mu ('vmt'nt. 3| 80 per hurrel. anlobrand (‘mcLumlnH grades u! (shingles on him". Wehave just reoclvvd :acarurmnnr Bu'L Shingles which \rIH be and cheap ._ ‘ . Grey Lime TnkPn "(T Ctr. 2‘2". Bush. New TELEPHBNE DIRECTORY ; a Church rapcr and some stunps .\Owncr can have same by calimg , at' this ofï¬ce and pmvmg pmpe tv ‘. Montgomery, M. D. FARM FOR SALE ‘! FOUN Dâ€"Betweex‘} the Pies- 'bvtexinn and St 'l‘hvmas‘ Church- . €5.31 ladxes’ chateluin, containing ‘MILLBROOK. Physician and Surgeon, ILLBROOK. ONTARIQ OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Properties for Sale. in Turner’s THE BELL WESLEY LAR M E R. â€Your cmxdre hould each have an account to teach thrm the gm: of mom-y Accounts mar Onencd akin“ time We summer Head Cï¬fMoronto, Canada. Omemee Millbrook Brandi), Bran cl}, J. B._ ;. GROUT, E. “A. SIMS, Money I qaneé Every Description 0“ to our custoinci's.- .4 guitmme)‘ \"\' N'lanager, v MI I. l 13H? 00K, ONT. Accounts ipaf'ï¬e Opened aaï¬ny time. We suggest your s‘amgg NOW. fj’ ,’ Small Sumsflé, ($i'landupiï¬rds) may be deposited. 4 Interest if) liddegtmallbalances 4 times :1 yvar. " 111 0111 Savings Depart ment Youloldheax’ zrtfor ry) srparc ._L »'.‘.._ |. ,.. LA. . I. '_ 3.. , “an.“ ‘IT:';. I t n Your Wife >110: :u count. â€"mHV‘_â€"" BANKUF TUHUNTfl/ Local M :mager. CAPITAL RESERVE FUND ASSETS Manager. Millhrook. '72 BRANCHE in Ontario and the ‘Jave hcr houSckcé-ping or pcrsonal hr. Chas. Wu) his full n tamed. In granulatim \hss G. Chmy who has been v \uth friends in New York. rcl home last WCt‘k. \___A, M r. W. :H. iLough, of Mia; Dissident ()l’lhc Millbmok .‘Xgricuhuï¬ik‘Sooicly, was in town on 'l‘ucsday. Mr. lougih has hren ailing for some time, .but his numerous frirnds will be: pleased 29 learn his health is much imprgvcd. Mr. j 1.. Moore, ofthc ï¬rm-of Kelly" Moore. merchants, Edmontpn; was} m to“ n Monday, the guest of'Dr. 'l‘. H. and Mrs. Hasmrd. Nyahï¬hggx’s partner, Mr. jos. Kelly; m‘ibtfgr df Ucp-Rcu’c 'l‘. A Kelly; :‘n "s’omc years ago he was manager for 4 Icssrs '1'. Ivory Sons’, Hcthuny S'orcv EJQC'S ' many friends In this part at the country mil he Jgjeasrtd to learn that he ispros pcriniï¬ the West. The h’Ivrror‘ï¬x-as pleas to have a call from Mr. madam. Mrs. G. W. McKim arid “Miss Evalvn, are Visiting with Mr. and Mrs; A. W. Smithson at Warsaw.‘ ""†"“'""-~ Me‘ssrs. Suywa rd watzer ahd‘k Aflan Casev. and the Misses Florcnce "f’vmicy, and Florence Casey. 0f Buthelgwérc guests of Mrs] C.‘ W. Richarï¬ï¬ibn†Sunday. . 3;, ‘ 1 Mrs. F. hurl-shun so ' worm), will sing in .thc ‘= Church next Sunday. lfts and l.cttcrs of Credit Issued: king conducted with sntisFuctiun \fr. an! \lrs Géo. Vance and daughter, accompanied day his sisters the \IISSc- --s Alahe and Lame uent to Patcrboxough by auto .01) l uesday. 4 - Housekeeper VVï¬htedéApplv to \Vesley Larmer, Millbrodk, or the Mirror Ofï¬ce. Mr. Hancock, of St. John's, N. 15., is visiting tricndsiu town. Mr. johnscn, of New York, 'is a guest of Dep. Réeyfg, Mr _I. A. Kcfly. v " ‘ M Master (‘morgéf' E. 'l‘mklvr, .mac A of the Emanuel Elifscopal church choir boys, of Pittslmrgflifpn Is the guest of Mastcr Boyd Fradï¬-nbmg, Centre ‘St , l‘Ilnlll‘OOk. _ Mr. I,."F.'Cl;xrry. of Hax‘tjngqe, spent: Sunday with {Iis phrcnts, Mr. and Mrs. 'l.. 5. (Harry. Dr. Haudgdi‘ 'imom horses take ï¬rst place at n" I“ all thc'lhg lixhibl nous. "hat 1% Clydesdale “First Baron,†won eve'léyllung vm'lnsnlass at the great Brandtï¬'t ‘I’axr Baby Carli‘é good as "‘2! Mxrrm Office; Miss 116:» “(2 Run “as a must of Vhss Mabel M'ilson uf Pctcllmro Iasl “Cck. , z; Mrs. “Int: 1: \mtmâ€. her son. Dr \‘. hyte _m New \ (91k mu IEBM .DPENS smfï¬ Bank Kurt-pus, Stcnogmp'rtrs and lclcgraphcrs “- trained by our" mana're last )enr. 3Fxpcricme counts. (lraduatw most success ful, Spvcml ( nurse for 1cm: hers. Mail Courses. Sun! 2poslal for pd‘fticulurs. Paterburu Business College. (1 EO. SPOTTON, Pklxcmu. MER ANY DAY. Manager. hmuk News. $5 4,000,000 4,500,000 39,000,000 ‘r Snlc Cheapâ€"As Ian be scan at [11c l l’ntlaicx This ï¬rm has alsn purch- ased the lmcK business from Mr. Ross (If the Il)0~.nini0n Hotel, and tlny will meet all trains and conwy passqngers and their baggage to any part of the town, or will call for parties going to tiff depot. Unity IS strength, and the: unï¬tedmffnrts of the above-ï¬rm should do Fund) to increase the business. M; and Mrs. William R. Sandham, of “ï¬lming. Illinois. the former a brotheT “f Mrs. Hamilton McCartney last 'l'hursday for :1 mg“ r, and Name, Mrs J. A; 'seven years smcc their CHANGE Oll" BUSINESS.-Mr. Martin l’ctllllck and Inns brother. Mr. Bmck l’c-thzidk, have formed a partner» ship and the Livary Stables on Uninn SL, l\l,ill.l.-\r.onk, will, until further nnticc, be run under the ï¬rm name: of Pc-thicx Mr. \\ m. \‘IIbC’th IS wisnmg hh son Mr. heurgc Mu In] I], at Ethel. Mr. I. l-luffmzua has gone: to Roch- ester on a Visit. zKeepain:mi‘nd ttF-he ever popular *Excursion [of Millbroek Metihod- Mist 5.8. 10 $110an Lake, on 74th Lof Amg‘nzst. See po:::ers. . =l\h:.;amd Mrs. G. M, Vance and daughters, (of ï¬hulbume. an: the guasts ‘of Bosunastur and Mrs Vance. 'JEhcy .cume xto Lown ‘11 their ‘covm'red mum. Mar. (and MRS. \V (P 16lean mm ..m [1!C.F‘»‘(UUI'SIUH tn .Rochcstur. "Mr. Robart (Cochraue has ,gone 'to Rochester on ambit. 'H'hc:nlalvpfniemlsmf ‘M'r. m1. Argue \wzll be pleased to 'lcm‘n what his health as somewhat improved. B‘lastcr'Cccil-Casey. of Bethel, us 11 gurst of Ins aunlers. C. W. Rwhards. Mr. A. St. A. Smith, of Keene, was in mmmm Ilfucsdny calling on (Hands. He was still nursing a 5m: hand can» an] byllnsafallingzsm lhc Ice-.3: iK'ccnc somcmomhs ago when hrs shoulder “ï¬svdhlocatcd Mr. Smith ihRS ‘max'xy warm friends here. Miss Storey of l’ctcrlnwo and Miss Ca:npbcll.arc visililgg Miss Margaret Ball. ' Mm] I). Howell, of Pctcr’huro, who is ï¬shing her hruthtrs Mcsrs. {} and Br l’crrin, 0f (:zu'an, spent \\'cd ncsday wnh Mrs ()no. Lnnx. acmm panicd by her daughter Miss Ohvc Mr. Robert Stafford, of‘Parkcnsburg \Vust \‘Lrgmm. Ls 21 gllcat of his sister. Mrs. l’hlhp Murctt. Mr..Staffurd has large intcrcsts m ml wells .11: :\'irginia. He visual hcrctthrccq‘cars-ago. Miss Ethel Marc". who has <l)een attending the Central Busmcss-Collcgc at El‘nruntu, is home for the vacation Mr. james Paul has had lns thre-hmg outï¬t all overhauled and as now me pared to book ordcrs ‘fur thrcs‘hing and guarantees satisfaction. ‘ Mus Lillian ‘Marctt :rctumcd on? 'l'humlay .l'mm a pleasant \‘l‘alt wtthq hcr Shlt‘l‘, Mus. John-L.‘hamhcrstofg Toronto. 1 Hr. letnison was a Visitor .to t|1c§l ‘lowcr (.‘tty thts Week. : Miss Bertha Lock 'l~S «pending a couple of chk5 tn MUSKnKa with frtcnds. Mr. \\'m. Earl oflhv 2nd lmc, (favan has his grand new house completed“ and It is a credit 10 the owner and also to Mr. _I. W. ‘Fr_\:,.C(mtractor. Oshawa shingles were used-(m the roof. Mrs. (futhhcrt, Of London, ling†has bccn visning at the home of her nephew. chicf Mlllcr. Miss II; -m \Ionm “as a must of Muss Mabel “115011 01 l’ctcrborm this weak. 'l‘hc Alilliinmk Band ml! furnish mu<ic during'lhc day. Hot and cold water-gull he supplied free of charge. ‘Mcals can bc'lmd on Summer. Dinner 40(:; supper 2‘5('. R. “'F'd‘leRKE, \V. {1). Rouuks, HA. Superintendent. Pastor. 'l‘lch Syncial â€-lranmguingnnd cmmng‘ \\ ill do away IIIIII the unpleasant dc] l)5 uf the Icgular 1mm same: and mu: ai full -da) on these beautiful watchs‘. ‘1 lo avo-Id an ()VCI’CI'UWd ‘l iekctsg‘ arc 1»:ng sold fImII MIHlIrook oniy [his IS a "llnrulllcc that thcrc Ml†be plenty of mom on SIc-nmm [or :1 com. I tortable and pleasant sail. lhc MilHIrouk Band WIN furnish Millbrodk Mkeflem. To Stoney Lake leave. Adult. Ch Id Adult. (luld Leave. AJilll.rCll€ld. Adult. Child. 7.1.5 65c 350 $1 00 50c. Rcluming Spcoml 312mm lcavns WWW ups 1mm. III-[Inning to Swncy Luke an hour’s stop will be made at Mount Ilulian for Supper , after which thc Stunner “ill Inn up through Boshink m the upper part (It the l ukc and rt‘llfl'll to Lake- li‘cld IlIIIiIIg the dcli rhtlufl cvcninu hIIIIIs, ‘Jllhin" there at 8 II III., “ht“: Special Train “I“ be taken which will he Iun dire“ to MIIHIIIIIIII, reaching IIOI‘III'.‘ at 8 45 p. In. Time Table Fares as Follows I 'l‘he Millhmnk Mcthodist Sunday Scino’ have arranged with the: G. 1\.anu Su- uncr “ Stnncy lake†for an lzxcursiun to Lakeï¬eld 81 Stoney Lake on 'I UESDAY. A Special 'l‘rain will leave Millbrook Station at 7‘15 a. m.. arriving at Lake- licld a! 8.15, “hen the Steamer “Stun- cy Lake†will be taken whiCh will con- Vry Excuisionists through Katchamm- ouka, Clear and Smncv Lakes to Bu:- lcigh, “her: an hours stop will be made l)!‘ Dinncr, alter \\"hi( I) the Slcumcr “ill pimccd through Love Sick and lnukhurn Lakes in Buu khorn “11qu an lioui “ill bc spcnl. Aug. 4th, 1908. EXCURSION ’f'mmer Resorts. Ivterian 'Suhdny School ‘d will lmlq their annual year on ugust 20th, ic Holid_ay; to Burlei gh 11% beautiful Ston- ()n Tuesdav, the pupils of the sul» high school class prcsmited their teacher, G. H. Deane, with a handsome smt case as a partingr gift and a token of their affection and esteem. Mr. Deane,‘ who was coxnpletelv taken by surprise, and much touched; warmly thanked the young peOple for their thought- ful ,«Eift. Although the class broke up on Tuesday, the ‘pupils of this class, who are 'going up for thel departmental examination, will rontinue their studies du’ring the remainder of the week. ~Vict0tia ~ DallyvColo'nist. Signed: Frederic G. C. \Vood, E rnest Campbell, [OSeph 15 Clear- ihue, \V. Suttee, D. L Thonns, ]. Cunningham, Isabel F. Barron, Louise Sylvestcn M. Gibson, Laura Blackwdl. â€"V ictoriu Daily Times. Although we do not fear that 3'01: will forget the old Boys‘ Central School, “e ask you to accept this writingr cabinet both asadaily reminder of the time spent in supervisingr its destiny and as a slight token of regret from your colleagues and well wishers. past two years and We trust that gnnd fortune and pr05peritv-may attend you in \‘our new vocation. Dear Mr.‘l)ezme-: This is an (occasion in which regret and pleasure are equally mingled. We regret that the time hzis come for ivou tro-sevenvour connection With our school and to withdraw from om‘ midst. ()n the other hand, we feel gratiï¬ed that the ed- ucational authorities of the p 0v- : ince have recognizer] the sterlingr qualities wr ich you have exhibited whilst on the teaching: staff of this city, and that they have desired you to accept a post of greater importance and wider scope. “’6 shall miss the pleasant in tercourse and assocxations ol the fl‘he teachers of the Boys’ Cen‘ hail-school milk the opportunity lieforcxsc'liool closed ‘lor the holi- (luv (if ipivesenving 'the rotiiing principal, ‘M-rxGrorge H. Deane, with a hamlsoune leather writing w-ubinct. Mr. Deane is Stavering ‘lus.aonnectton with the S(‘.ll00l tv lwcomwone of the school inSpe' - litors. ‘MinDrane's cme r it": the Central 'lms lmen a distinguished one, and it is With regret tlm‘t his ifcllowt-eH-(‘liers harle‘liim farewell. ’l‘lie Following 'is the address \ï¬hic'h was read by ‘Mr. E. Camp ‘ ‘bc’ll:: ‘ â€Presentations Were Made to G. H. Deane. l A't‘tha 'l‘mm’is Finals plan-ed yester- duv, the 29th inst" the "‘Kendallâ€(‘up ’«wna again won by Miss Gertrude Wand, and the‘(‘np, present -il by Mr. Harry ‘Rewnuhle of Port Hope was “on by MneterAvlmPr Lt‘fl't'fl'. Full account at the 'l'onrnmnent “i‘ll be given next ’wuvk.1\lr G. \I. Vance K (‘.,0fShel- hurne was: an interested spectator at Lthe'l l",ennisÂ¥inals a-ml “rm snrprisml and pleased tn nae sunw of the 3 mnhs 3of1‘wenty years ago still "playing the 'l‘liACHE-RS 01“ BOYS’ CE] rDRAL SCHOOL DO “ON ‘OUR TO PRINCIPAL. game.†Millb‘rook “‘ Old Boy†Honoured. Miss'Wood and Master Aylmer 'Lefroy 'W‘in Cups in Finals. ‘Mr. ]. ‘W. hum-ms of \\ (mdv,llle made a lmsmcas trip in Mllllnonk (m \\ cdmsday. and “as the guest of his Sister, ‘Mrs.'(l)r.)]. 1). “eye“. Mr. Ru’ht. =I.og:m. of l’rtcnlmro. is vxsmng at. Dr. j. I). Maya-H's. Mrs. (Dr.) Beatty and Mrs. Brodle of Garden Hill, spent Sunday at Mr. Herlmt Russell's_ The Misses Smith of I’Merboro are guests of l‘hcir aunt, Mrs. “J. Turner. Mrsffrull and daughter, Miss Elva, of Lcskzlrd, are guests at the home '0! Mr. Herb Russell. B. Kelly and Mr. (Seouge Johnston 0t Millbrook. An rmellent pm gramme ofgnmes. music, 8.13.. “'21: gone through with, after which dainty refreshments were served, and the huppv gathering dispersed after thanking M r. and Miss Kelly for the delightfulevening’s enter- tainment provided by them. An enjoyable house party was held at the home of Dep. Reeve T. A. Kelly's on Monday evening. Among the guests from a distance were: Mrs. chkersham and the Misses Hvlcn and Louise, of Seattle, Wash, 51111.14. Moore of Edmonton, Alta., Mr. F. w. John son, \Jew Ymk, Miss Virgie Fee of Petal-hero, Mrs. Milligun Miss Mrs. H. McCartney. accompanied by her brother and wife are going to clerboro Saturdav to wsit her son, George. for a Icw days. Mr. N. F. Coombe and chil- dren, of Denver, COL, arnvcd In town yesterday and are guests of his brother, Mr. W.H.Coombe. Mr. F. W. Johnson. of New Ymk. IS spending a few days in town, the guests of Mrs. M. E. Milligan and Miss B. Kelly. T‘ENNFS TOURNAMENT. _ “H, _.w... “o'k for her children, she is indepd m be pith-d What a return to make $0 the poor nmlluer {ur all her sell-sacris ï¬re, fnr Hm vparflnf patient trials ohm fully pmddml through, that her dun (or might enjoy advmdauea that she her ynum. never dreamed 0f lâ€"-Gui ‘ AS‘HA M ED 0F MOTHERâ€"{t in a sorry dav tor a. mrl when she {9915 1-3.â€: aelf superinrlo her "mt-her. and was“: era heme†called upon to apologize {qr bud grunnnar, mwx-rm-ounced Word“: foreign accents, nr Hips in her speech W hen a girl bec:,nn,es an sum†that Him is ashamed to appear in public with her mother l‘ecauseshe is nhlfashimwd and dedy in arpearanoe. Iwr hands hrawny, her face prenmtnrely wrinkled and her fnrm l-ent by lung years of Cnlmnrg, July ‘28 “Police Magls‘rate “011qu this Afternoon imposed a line of $75 and coals upon (iwrge 'l‘eumlu‘e of Colborne, a local rotinn ttm'n east of here, for an alleged breach of the 'law in selling inloxivating liquor on .lnne llth lm-t. Mr. James llaversnn de fended the 0336; Mr. John Ageust, if tl-e Provincial Department prosecuted- - Globe. Stnnvillp,Jnly 27.--;\lr. F ll. Mlller of the Munsinn Home, Stumh’ille, and Mr. W, Watson ('f the same Nave linve each been ï¬ned $75 an 1 trusts fur illegal sale ofliquur in the mnmll nf July. The cases were heard at Itivlmmrd lhll bv Jus'iccs John ll. Sanderson and John Henderson Provincial l-n- apectur Ayearst proueculwl -â€"Globe. Nine people out. of [an anfl‘v’r kiln» dyspepsia null dnn't knmv it. 'lellTCh- pale cheeks, jumr uppelit» and slaeplésg mums are the direct results nf llysg‘ep sin The camp. llus Ill {allure Mill“ almmuslu and the kidneys are cluggo'ï¬l and unable todutlwir work. N tlv‘m puts Hum- inlo these organs RoJast as Dr. Hmnlltnn’s l’ills. 'l‘luey Nine In- the whole dlucstive sysem, regulate and strengthen thestomach,absolutely cure (thvepS‘in Simple In take and sure to cure.-belter try Ilr. Hamilton’s n,†Pills Once a Svmclmmn was visiting New York, and coming :mrnsa a whine 01 Wushlngmnlstnnd gazing: ,uti'g‘. Jnsv then a Yankee came up nlnï¬d; snï¬i t. Sandy. "There’s :1 gum} may: 3 1i. never passed his lips " NW: 15a†'Hu Scott-hum", "I suppose - ha ~ age. through his nose like the rrst of__v.o§ Haven’t, _\':)11 a urak;_"x~i‘n\', aphwe lwhere mhl and it Ilumlh‘mfuxigaluatys settle-1’ Win-[her It. is' in tam-ck, shin-Joints or limbs-41.6mm" inn-1c --n “:0 d rub uith Ner\‘l'5qe ‘ gt .- then rpply Nerviline Porous l’laatern‘ffl‘hese grant ruhefzwiun‘s Invariahl’yï¬cure strain, smelling, werknesu and nï¬man nrpuiu. There is no nnqwrï¬ï¬huut this. Nervilineisthexx»o~tyenetga1inu liniment kmw-nuvmmequentb“ It gets where the‘trnulvle reuly is Nflfliline Purons Masters are gmit -heal'q‘rs and draw out conuvmion. Be sure‘yml get me ’uenuine, substitutes muff-"Q; the work. 3'! Snurw m: I‘x'r'n-r.\',-â€"A MM man In New Jersey advances {he mast. unique reason vet fur the _I:se n! a‘i-orset. He sax-a it keeps the maul-ï¬ngers from biting lmn. I‘m-s should fate the man who wears a corsvt â€"-I‘orf llbpe Guide (‘urn Extractor; It. never b'urns. uluays curesâ€"buy "Putnam’s †But, he will never again use a cheap corn cur? con'uiuiu" acids The nnlv safe and painless 0.er js Putnam’s Scrum“ ('3!) Hand Lady distribut- ing trams, hands one to cdbby, whn glances at it, hands it back, and saw; politeâ€: " X mnnt, ladv. I’ m a. mar- “Pd mun †Lady neth-Insl)’ looks at the title, and reading ‘Ahide with 111:" hurriedly departs, tn the grew: amuse- ment uf cabh\‘.--i’urt Hope Guide. You may be weak, sleepless. Nervous â€"digestlun may be pnor, but don’t des- pair. Never any «he ull you have used Ferrcz-me, lhe most wonderful lmdy 'bullder, the lest nerve and systmn tonic kmmn. J-‘erroz am given tune and vigor to the who e body; it null-es ymx em, Conseqne Hy inruvuleuln. rreused nouri! lunent. lhu‘ by day 3 on grow in s'renuth â€"weuknéss, loss of sleep. apprehensinn all paws zmav. You 29!, welLSIay “all, look well. Do try Fern»z~:ne, it's sure to beneï¬t. All dealers in am: buxes. What do you lhink nfthe two Candi- dates?†asked one elector of another during a recent contest. "What. do I think 0! them?†was the reply. "Well when I look at them I’m thankful only one ofthem can get. in.â€"Londou Ad verliser. BORNâ€"In Millbrook, on Sat- urday, July 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hcrlmxt RHbSCâ€, a son. Mr. J. J. Fair went on the Iixcursir; to Rochcstcr and had a good linn Pursuant to R. S. 0., 1397. Chap- 129, and tunendingt 'acts, notice is hereby given that all Creditors and others having claims against the Es tate of the Said late James Porter, who died on or about the ztst day ofjune, 1908, are required on or before the 6th day at September to send, by post prepaid or deliVer to Mr. A. A Smith. of Millbrook, Solicitor for the Administratrix of the said Estate, the full particulars of their claims duly Verified and the nature of the securi- ties, if any. held by them. And further take notice that alter suvh last men- tioned date the said Adxninistratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitl- ed thereto having regard only to the Claimstof which they shall then have notwe and will not he hahle to any personsof whose claim notice shall not then have been receiVed. - Hated the 01h day of juiy. 19c8. A. A. SMITH, Adniinistratrix Solicttor In the Estate of James Porter, Late of Gavan, in the Bounty of flur- ham, Yeoman, Deceased. (.'OI.BORN E M A N 191 .V E D Notice to Creditors. ARE you A DYSPEPm-i‘ .‘ BURNT HIS TOES BAULY, L ARE YOUR JOINTQEAME? FUR. ILLICHA I, SA LE. NEVER CRY QUITS. a good time. Fire proof-- Awilhont rt‘pall‘S' mo years, if ‘Osh.:\\'a‘ sliingled, \\’ater plOOLk without rcpaiis» 100 _\'i::, if ‘Oslizm‘a' sliinglcd. l’ioof against ALL lllc alumni».- how long will it 51;!) so, [hilt roof you me going to buy ? ’ l'lia‘t the test, and the only hit worth vour while, “hen you spend good money to cover any building won!) rooï¬ng right, 'l‘liat's the yardstick that measures real moi economy. 'A twentwï¬ve war guarantee salt guanls en en ‘()slia\\'a' shingl ed roof A plain English guarantt'e that saw no ‘Osliawa' shingltd roof will kink, 1191' :iegd rcpans, nut nac' painting, nor catch lite, for: Manly-ï¬ve wars. 'VVe can supply you with Steel Shingles. Steel Rooï¬ng, Conn. gated Iron, Conductor Pipes. \lctal Shutteis, Sky Lights, Finialsl Steel Siding, “Steel Ceilings, Iiave Troughs, Metal Doors, PR pazed Rooï¬ng, â€Ventilators, Statuary, Metal Laths. How long will it stay a good roof? Tlmt 35' the qmstion you want a plan) answer to when yen consider roof economy. Not how longy it mll be a good enough roof if _\ou patch it and paint it and tinker with every )car 01‘ No. No: Low long it 'will be a pruttv good roof If you take good care of "â€"- How long it mil he a G O O D roof if you DON'T take care ofzjt? How long it “ill stay guml If 30:: don‘t ('0 a thing to it? 'lllaé real test of xoof cost, the tut of we! uulun} , IS the length of (lime the roof “ill Sm) _‘ Wind ploofp-wvitlmut repairsâ€" mo years. If ‘Oslznwa' slxxngled‘ ' Dump prool «Villmut repairs 100 years. if ‘()slw\va' shingled; . Rust and mildew you? Without uvpuixs- loo )cruxs, if ‘Oshuxxg‘ slungled. 7n Any “ Oslin\\'a"-Sliingled fool is goo Roof vconOiiiy is :1 plain, easy pic against «lollai's.â€"â€"of dividing: the price of of time it will stay a good: roof. How long will it stay a good roof? AGENT, MILLBROOK, ONT 364.- ST. CATHERINE ST., West, MONTREAL 'lhc genuine has the: name of Dr. H. Suucisc ( its metal punts. Mr. Wm. Ike-rs, 196 York St, Toronto, (ML, Wl‘ltcN‘: “I ha pleasure :n rccmnmcnding your ()xylonnr. When I lint gut Xllc in I was suffering from Scratica for about four months, and all†nyplyi ï¬Vc Weeks it left me all a! (mac and have nut been truulllcd wnlx it can highly recommend n as a good fannly donor, and \muld nut bc it for double the pm'c.†But :1 natural, rational muthud discuwrcd by a Well known .stm' physxciun. ()nc OX YHONOR wrll scrvr an entire family-â€" om: at n Inna last a life-time. and [here Is no cxpmsc alter the puxchubc luiw. apply ()X YMCNUR at home while you rest .or slvcp. \viii (fun: you No matter “hat disease \uu .sufl'cr wilh, nor ho“ long: )()u if nu vital m" an is irrc matrixâ€"'- de-stmytd in all prulmhilil) Havmg purchased the Barbers Busmcss from Mr. Armstrong. I respec- tIVely sohmt a continuance of the lxber al patrorfage given him, and will en- deavor to conduct the business m such a manner as m“ ment your support. I have secured the serwces of a ï¬rst class 'l‘onsorial Artist in the person of W. I). DONNELLY. Iwrll keep in stock the best lines In choice cigars, Cigarette-sand tobaccos Aho pipes, etc. (3:111 and see me. The Sick Made Well TONSORIAL ARTIST DR. H. SANCHE CO MMANAG ER. _ Millbrock Branch Ȥ {3.165;}, I l ,. I . a 3'4"“. â€/37 1 6?: V wwgggéég :434: ::«:. (:4:~: €44 R. JACKSON, (successor to J45. Armstrong.) (mar 1’6: ople, CSL; Furnwr (‘usmmvrs of 111 accmmnudatul as huuofmc "r: you. No medicincy drugs. ckwlrivny, mental Suit-nu: natural, rational muthud discuwrcd by a Well known R. JACKSON. Branches at a†important Ccnn‘cs in Canada, and in I ondon England, Nuw York, Chicago, Spokane, Mcxico, and Newfoundland. E312x'crydrmtriptinn of :1 Banking Business transacmifq Est. 1817. 3i» 6i ggigg CAPITAL PAID UP : $14.4C0,000 REST : $11,COO,CCO UNDIVIDED PROFITS : 59,831 TOTAL ASSETS : $168,C01.173 Interest Added 4 Times aYcar en M ILLBROOK, ONT Opposite 133le of Toronto BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Savings Deposit-s. QDEHN, WITHOUT MEDICINE. Write for FREE BOOK No OXYDON'OR FOR THE r001 is good for 100 yearsâ€"at least Ihc Ontario Bank Branch will be (153' pxobhtm of weighing 'J '6‘ 3! FALL TERM ems SEPT] Those who know but tins school an: “S s' O suppul‘tct's This college slandsjirxt m ymlmlurity, More: glmcus and genuine merit. (in where you will, you will ï¬nd our grad. uatcs pushing to the trout. 'l'hcur superior training enables them to yet and hold ï¬rst class pnsitions open all sumlncr. Write for catalogue. College Enter any time. Subscribe for Mia}; W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Cor. \"(mgc and Alcxand'cr Sis. L: roof by Toronto, Ont uinly stamped the Mngth “I have great the insxn. mm x apphwg n {.r J: it smu- ] have been sick, the merits staunchcu or faith ('nre. ‘sucnctiax and I: You wnhmu ml] can will bc'souy (u chm ‘ nnmval to Lindsay 1 fly: nu) ham: :1 spew Mn. Slcphwson an: holding‘’ a Pic-m4: Tee’s laudmg, l'igcor MI. Ned Grands: smith. is :llghlh' Indus Major English and in 'o m yesterday to 5: Suite. Miss lingual Mrs. â€any and t! and KM: (Tauwrun :1 a few nys b :zlurc m . Hop: to 'l'orumo. Mr. Bani“ has vacation to Muskuka, Mr. Belch is [an phcc at the sumo; holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J childrcu, Mm- -._" arc spcudiug a shn Blather, Mn. Ed“; Mr. Tom Siam Is the :u umcr. About twenty {Iva y enjoyed lhc cxcux's Falls. Miss 3L"MXC~'. of: Suï¬. Pctcxlnr.), arc ; Mrs. Melville Cunu Mr and .\I"~‘. j. 31 returned from M Usm)‘ a {car Weeks mm and .l. C. Eaton. A party of 511' 3: days dawn '13:: {11' com; . SONIC Spitï¬xild 2‘: In Pigeon River. “1' MW: rcailv WWKHI; on our rin- good by: Lu 1h: 1m, Miss luvidsan hive brctl (m :1 through K‘HI'JYUH l'; nur (.1 B nut-J hl \V: juzn c n'::'\'. Mrs Curvy and 3 short us". :0 Mrs ( l «c luatw i Batty will rcgr till 1'! .1113" a tr‘uhic, a; (El: Hzr sister. _\I.s‘- Valuablc Huun 1 Fee ixud :1 valuahic Friday last wililc 2:;- 'l'nc parties scumg ‘ will gct a jolt 1f U13 Thc Voluntccrs Quclocc. NYAL S'J berry Gan; Raliable R D15935ry.( Awnys ke lune. 253. at. Wylie’s I Misc Inrln have gum: in 1 [in (shad. AL; sum nut. alum: 50 pcuinc. Mr Lsuc (élcu an 1 grandJua-hzu (1.1g. It is safe ha: K-uuu u'u'l inc L um: this 3:43.)“ hm A plenum um (irccu's iamdmh' alum: :0 Dunn's. MIS. [15 Hii‘ 3 Am) and Mb crn 1.].I'4rsms. z‘lia's Harrow 02‘ l o" Lilia SICHE ‘11?“ Mr. R. j. (:11 traction cngmc 1111 for (h: Scasu {5 Mr Cuurmcy‘s rr; ls‘ cc“ kxuwu : hum- J 4:. Mr. Wm. \Y a new LhrcMniu Lord Rob-ens few days With 1h. (ï¬aflufl's Lamina; “Alligator†has tcl: Mr. jnhn \l4.’ .. '25 I" [own ycszcn Miss Ot'crcnd 31 l’ctcrlmm, aï¬cr z; {fiends iu (wax. Miiï¬ Brunet: ‘ Lu“, Toronto. days with Mrs. I Miss Carcy .1 1 (cl: days m Alderman (inc-r OMEMEE Dr. Frederi 3.3., M . l: PHYSICI AN, _ -â€"â€"ousw‘ :Sumxn Piano : Pupils prepare. Tcru a S Y u.(,'. H. H " Olden and l’. at ("in July am. I up {taâ€"«lute (mun. otunucd 2:. NA»: British Americ British Cam} OMEME at runs†.‘I‘A RT BEST BUS! Ill Vonge- a D m .33 cull “A I‘lfr cud