{ho know b0»! â€)6 merits of 5 whoa; arr: Its sluummcst ;uupurtcr5 EL... .z-y }-;_____- w ;/ WM‘J/{éï¬% 'l'uwnlo, Um Hag: stands/int m popularity, Imus and gmau'ine merit. (30 on will. you will ï¬nd our grad- Inabing to the from. Their naming enables them to get .I ï¬rst class pnsitions College H summer. Enter any time. 1r catalogue. TERM flPENS SEPT. l. FICINE. 0:11.. wntcs‘: “I have great "H I in»! gut the instrument lbs} and :Iitrr applying n S»! n Imubicd \nth it .snu‘c. I r, and nuuld no! be without 'ATIONS. milywonc a: a tune. It vnl) 1c punhuac pxigc. You can Jen). cribe for Minor J. ELLIOTT, Pnnnpal, Yungc and Alcxandl-r SM. how long mba iyiï¬t)‘ :clital Stricnrc or faith two. a my†known _sucnctist and XL) ()6 E CO, de Well ‘hat is‘ the qucstion you roof economy. In moi if )0!) patch it mo .\o: 1w: long it I care of 11â€"â€" Mou DO.\ 1‘ take care ’don‘t «'0 a thing to it? 'or 100 )earsâ€"a: leash :m of weivhing )cars n: 2005 b} the length \our Mule when 3033 .3 rooï¬ng right, 1905 economy. ewn ‘Osbawa’ shingl 330 ‘Oshawa’ shinglcd ting ,3303 catch the, {on . If ‘Oshawa' shmgled‘ ;_ if ‘Osbawa' shinglrd‘. â€"-l()0 )caxs, if ‘Oshaxxa‘ if ‘Osh.:wa‘ shingled, if 'OshaWa' shingled. vng will it 31a) 50,1hat SteelRooï¬ngz, Conu- "Sky Lights, Finials [an] Dooxs, Pnpalcd ight. MONTREAL. ), 35 the ltngtb of , ONT, Csmva. [thtihiy stamped in )0u have been sick, NYAL'S W'ili Straw- batty 01119., the Only Raliable 3.3111de for Djsaasry. 0333 tried, AinYS kept. in the h ; n a. 250. a BOTTLE ac. Wylie’s ngarmacy. I'm: manv friends of MISS Liiu Bruty m†regret to lcam th It she: has In! to u tin-g: an opamtiun for car tnmblc, at thc Roqhzstcr Hospital. [in 4istcr. Max's \Vnmic. want to the FE nut (:itv m b.- with her SHLCF. Allis H mm: hi! bxn m trauung for a nursc \V: join m wishing her a speedy rc- C n'cx‘y. Mr, Isaac (:lcnny has his daughtcr an I grandaughicr hcru fur a short huh- (by. Mist hrdm: and Miss G Paton have gone In Hui; (Iurrcnt, Manitou- lin [-shnd, .‘sfns l’dzuu's hamc, for thc sum ucr. Valuable Humid Puisoncd.â€"â€".\Ir. S. Fcc had a valuable dug poisoned on Friday last while hr: was in ()mcemcc Tm: panics settmg out puisoncd bait will get a jolt 1f th:y are caught. Mr. juhn McBride, uf Mxfllwoor, was in tum} ycstrrduy on husiuuss. Mr. R. }. Cm‘tucy has his new traction cugmc am! hluwCr 1“ ready for the scasons thrcshing lmsinc<s Mr Cuurmcy's rq.uutum as a hustler h’ wcll known to all who have employcd bun. Mr. Wm. Windrcm, of .\[.uwcrs, has a ucw [lucnhiug outï¬t“ [t is suic- betting that Mn'l'homns Rum: m†bc m mu [hm-smug .xrcna 3.11m this ScJSull. 11).“ as u 3,ou onc. tun Muss Unidson and Miss Cornwall luv: b: out] on a pleasure trip up thruugh Kuwartha Luncs. A Mean": um»: was went down at Green's 'lundmg by a picnic erty of alum: 30 pcuplc. Mrs. Jas Hill and children, Miss Amy and Mdsicr Ray, arc \‘iaing Mrs. '12]. l'usuns. The Voluntccrs ham: .rcwmcd from Quebec. A party of SIX are spending a few days duwn‘flxc m‘cr In Mr. Grifï¬n’s cottage. W: havc rcaHy got the drcdgc Wurxmg on our river at last, and now good by: to the bugs and weeds. Some: splcndxd ï¬sh are being caught in Pigeon Rn'cr. Miss Bsrmctt and Miss Clcla Mc- Lcuu, Toronto. are spending :1 [cw days with Mrs. J A. Wylie. Miss Overcnd has' returned home In l’ctcrhoro, aftcr spcnding :1 week with fricnds in town. Miss (Iarcy and friend are spmding a (cut days m town at me hum: u! Alderman Cut}: Lord Roberts intcnds spcnding a few days With ML}. I). l‘hurnton a! Carroll‘s Landing as soon as the: “Alligator†has [cft the rwcr. Mr. and Mrs. joscph EdwarJ and children, Mums â€"â€" and Master \Vllhc, arc spcuding a short holiday with [us mother, Mrs. Edward. Mia‘s (hrmw of Pctcrburo 15;: guest of Mm Stella leson. Mrs Curry and Miss Curry arc ona short vmt to Mrs Curry m I’ctcrbom Mm Mamaâ€, of the Richard Hall staff, Pctcrlmro, an: gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Mclwllc Cornell. Mrs. Harry and the Misses 8:551: and Kate (‘amcron arc hcrc spending a fcw Lhys b: for: m MnD ' from Port Hope: t0 lurunto. Mr and Mrs. ]. McCrca, Sr, haw: returned from Mumwka, after spcndmg a few weeks wnh that daughter, Mrs. J. C. Eaton. Mn. Stephenson 3nd Miss Lamb ‘a‘rc holding a‘ Pic-mt this aftcmoon at Eye’s landing, Pigeon River. Mr. Belch plucc at the holidays. Mr. Bowler; has. gone on a Short vacation to Muskoka, Mr. Tom SIQPK IS bJGK in town for the: au nmcr. About twenty ï¬ve peoplc thoroughly enjuycd the excursion to Fenclon Falls. Major English and Miss Phyhs, were in 'o m yestcrday to see Ins Sistcr, Miss Sadie. Miss English's many friends will be souy x0 learn of her illness and lcmmnl to Lindsay Hospital buttrust 31): may “have a speed) rLcm'cry. Mr Ned Graudy, our popular 'tu‘.-' Smitl),L slightlymdlsposcd. Dr. Frederick J. Snelgrove 8A., M.B., M.C.P.S 0., PHYSICIAN. â€" SL' RGEON. â€"â€"onsm'rm(:mN_â€" OMEMEE ANNIE \V. IVORY, TEACHbR. Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Examination. Tcrms Moderate. British Canadian Business College Cor. Yonge- «Either, Sis , 'l‘ornmn v .- 7 a \- .1"... \ OMEMEE NEWS. at rcasonab‘m prices. ITAR'I.‘ ANY runs. BEST BUSINESS 1mm is taking Mr. Bowlcs' station the be is on ONTARIO. ‘switthtd†by a rival "barker" to Young’s Point. Upper Stoney. the Hurly Burly, or Hully-(iee-on-the- Ma'sh, should the Alexandra man fail to cinch him at Lakeï¬eld It has been ‘ (lone Mr. Disk Choate, a bright and ‘ trustworthy young newspaper man from l’ittslmrg, who has been spending a part of hzs holidays at McCracken’s, tells me that hypnotism even is resort- ed to. He was corroborated by an indignant hotel man from across the lake, who claims to have lost main prospective guests through this devel- ish agency. “I was at Lake-field Sta- tion," said this gentleman, “kinda standm’ back as y’ might say, waitin’to meet some old guests of ours when I see a fella from an up the lake board in’ house crowdm’ lor’ard makin’ loony lookin’ signs an‘ signals wtlh hls hands an' fate in front of eVery passen- get that got off the tram. ‘ You're for the HulIy-Gee on-the-Ma’sh hoardin‘ h )use,’ he’d say. reachin’ for the valise after he’d made two or three lightnin’ passes in front of a pasSenger’s. face. l'ake yer place back there In line with the others, please.‘ he says, ‘an’ I'll see to the lutggiwe. †“And say," continu- ed the l nhgnant one, “he did see to1 it. and blame me if he didn't reviewi 'em a minute after and march erery; gazelle of 'em in a line down and ontol the boat and tuck a seat in front of 'etu like they was a l’rotestan’ Orphan's Home takin' a trolly ride for the first time an' he was scared some of ’em might it“ off. 'l'hez‘e was four folks from Rochester in the dopey lookin' hunch that I knowed started from home intendin‘ to come to our place. so I Went for’ard and helt out my hand. But not one of ’em batted an eye. 'l‘heysot like they was seein' little lira in lie-awn or havin'their tortygral's took. ‘\\'e are all for the Holly Gee-oucthe-Ma‘sh and we don't know this gent; says the phoney signs man wavin' me hack with his hand, and they all rcpcnh as solemn as a perchful of owls, ‘\\'e are all for the Hully-Gee-on-the Ma’sh. and Wt: dbn’t know this gent.’ “ Did he get them all?" asked Mr. (Ihoate. “ He got ’em all. fourteen of ’em, includin’ a timid little man from Peterhoro who was takirf a bag of new potatoes and a hasketful of gem jars up to his family cottage four miles from Hltllychc. When the little man's wife ï¬nally got trace. of him she was ohliged to take him home by main forte, and hold him in the bottom of the skilt, while William lames (from: rowed them. hack. He’d got it into his head that his name was Alexander 'l‘hurston Brncroftâ€"which it wasn'tâ€"and that' he was from Columbus, Ohio : an' he had tlifled away the most of lns tune throwin the new potttoes at squir 's. l"i~hing, owing to warm Weather. 15 not quite what it should he although it is said that Mr. 1i. L. Roberts of 'l‘or- unto, brought into camp 2) nineteen pound lunge yesterday. It was taken wtth rod and reel and afforded Mr. Roberts and an interested crowd twen ty-ï¬Ve minutes of keen sport and ex- citement. It was taken In the same weed hed \Yhere Mr. R. (Ihoate lost a six pound bass on 'l'uesduy evening last. Stoney Lake. July 25th. S. H. A marked increase in (roubles of the breathing organs is noted in many in calitles. if you nill onlv have H) mum at hand to use with the ï¬rst attack oi (‘nlli in the head, Pneumonia, (‘nllis Bruncniiis, kinarseness, Sore Throat, L'roup, in fact any respiratory afl'ectinn. the trunbfe will he quickly overcmne. Epidemlc Influenza. Grippe. Catar- ran Troubles. Pneumonia. Increasing. H the attack is neglected and becomes senate, speedy relief will come in most cases and a: perslsteut use ol [bowel will cure The divertinns fnr using: it vary, but the principal is always the same, that oi destrnying all the germs in the air you breathe and having: it reach the air passage-n with dry medication frmu the Pine and Eucalyptus fore-sis. Remember that liquids and mmstnre is barred from the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs. it‘s thedry air of HM) mei that reaches the spot. A.Laach guarantees it. ' A muriï¬ booked by letter for thc Alcxandcr House, say, is liable to be “.swlulud†by a rival "barker" to Young’s Point. Upper Sloncy. the wad are not neatlyso much in evidence at sum: of the boarding houses as is desirablc. And there is ï¬crvc (romp:- mion {m such as do strikï¬ Lakcï¬cld (m the way up. The: murning boats down, it is said, now carry rcprc-Scnta- tives m the difl‘crcnt hotels and board. mg haunts who mcct [he mconung trains. Don't go kicking at the heat, FI-rget it. Dnn’c go (musing down the street. Fnrget it. \[up yona brow a. bi! and smile. Sayp “ This weathersjnlt In" st) le" Forget it; Is your collar snaking w.eI 7 Forum. It It’s no cnnler if you fret, Forget It Paar the weather like a. man 'I‘hrrm awav that palm loaf mu, Take ï¬fe o'm-w while you can, forget, it. 5,. 2. 1‘ Compared with past years this may perhaps be: called an off season on UN: nurthcm lukcs This. of c0ursc, from the View point of the steamboat man, the hotel proprietor and the guidc. Due to the financial stringency. say some. the cffcctof a foolish fen-r scarc dating from last ycar; say others. But whatcwr the cause, the gamy and tuuthsomc tourist is a scarcr: bird this season. His jointed rod and joyous SOME FAC'I'S AND FISH STOR- IES FROM Ul’ NORTH. Told at Stoney Lake. Complete 0"th S]. FORGETIT. Cause for Alarm. â€"D8trvit Ewe Preps. An nï¬â€˜uluvit must. be furnished by each exhibitor at the time at luaklnu entry certif; mg that all the grain ex- hlbited'by him was grown on the plot “him. “‘asjmlgeil by â€.6 Ofllcinl sent by Felle‘ral Depnrluwut to judge the grain u lnle stund‘fllg in the ï¬eld. I trust that )0" will am-reniate the desire nf the Minister at Agrmnlture to improve the standard of the grain «Tops in the Province of Ontario and give us vour hearty ('n-upel'aHOH in this very importu“Horn-an] movement. Faithfnlh' yours. â€Hue g7: Iiu wmnmglhe prizes at these “i ter F: Hrs \u'll ht‘LOIHe the prnperty ol the Department and “in be used for experimental pnrpuses All gruiï¬ exâ€" hibited miner than that taking prizes “in be amid hy :mNiun at )0 a m. on the morning 0ft! :1: last dm’ 0! the Fair and the proceeds rammed b) the Da- partmem ln‘ the owners. â€" Qwing tn the fnct‘thut there were not a Pnflicient numbero! Sm'ietzea antered m other kinds of grain we are vnnï¬u- im.’ H118 (Ymmuemion at the Winter Fairs to Oats. Further particulars will be mailed laler. 'l‘he lllcfezlbed number of Sncieites \x hiuh are taking part in the Standing l‘ie d ( ruu t‘mnpetioiis this user and the inellent results thut have it 'iezul) ziccruetl have been so marked that. the Hun Nesm: Monteiih, Minister of Au- riculture, has cnnseiited tn extend the Competition NH“ tiirtlier by arranging to tune the five prize winners in each of the different Agrlcultnriil Eucietlea Colllpetlltg enter into ti. Pruviuciul CU“. tent at the Winter Fulrs at Guelph a‘ d Utiau‘a l‘luch exhibitor \\ ill be requir- ed to furwuril [Wu bushels of the grain with which he tukeu u prize in the Slxtlldllig Field (‘rnp Cniiipeiioii this year The amounts offered in prim-sat each of the above named Winter Fairs wlIlvhe: let $35), 2nd 334), 3rd <20, 4th Silt), 5th $5. All societies \t‘pst. nf Tor- onto “ill compete at Guelph and those east of l‘uruntu at Ottawa. ENC-ll exhi- hittir will send his gratin by express (‘. U D , addressed tn the Stipi-‘rlttteudeltt til the Fair at Guelph or Ottawa and the truiisportutiuii ct urges u ill he paid by the liepzirtineiit of Agriculture. Is one {rum snflicatinn and some- times follmw a had attack of Asthma. l‘he old fushimxed remedies may re- lieve, but never cure. Best. results cinme from tamrrlmzmle, which cures Asthma after lznpe is abandoned. It’s because (Iatmrlmzune kills the Asthma germ that H cures. (Ilmking spel sand labored hmalhing are relwved, suffu- cuting sensations um! lnsslyfhrealh are cured. Every trace of Asthma in drlven from the system. and even ohl chrnnim experience immediate reliflf and lasting cure. Equally good fur Bronchitis. Throat Trouble amH‘ut- :H'l'h suld In all Heaters in 250. and $1 00 s’zus Gel. l‘uturrthm.e tu-dayâ€" it. does cure. '1'†Fox 'rA'l‘-- 'l he editor of the Bee- ton World thus hands it to some of the funny man of the Toronto press, "Duesen’z it make you weary to read the mt, ground out. by some of the gniplLHgB of the Toronto press, who are repeatedly ridiculing the Country newspaper on their locale? These tuo by Iour lunch counter ï¬ends think it a“ fully funny when some country neuspaper announces that "Hiram Slocum has said his HnISteln cow to Ed Hopkins.†But of course it is juet me proper caper when they say: "Mrs. H. Franklin Lowden Jones husjust re. turned from lhe Monueal Kennels†On that’s great! That. bull pup nfhe 3 would hnng about thirty cents in dog Provincial Prizes to be Offered. DEA R SIMS 2- l‘o Cmnpetitors in standing Field Crop Competitmns. p0 III while Slnnum’s Cow would easily sell for $501" the dark Recanse Gus- sie Greene was over to ThULupsouviue un Sunday to see his beat girl they mrow a shoe, but, if Wm Henry Mont» gnmery Punk. the society leadâ€- of 5; Gauge street, was in ‘Humilmn [flat samrday to see Miasï¬Genie Mountain the" would slnhber o.\'e_r hall a cnlnmn and have three plum-ms of Gertie and \\ uliam Henry on Una front pagu, Seven girls procured :1 team of horses and :1 double mg from Mr, A. Jewilt’s lwery, Lindsay. and drove to Pcterlxn‘o, and had the horses stabled In‘ Mr. Lipsett's hams. The horses: at that time Seemed L0 be all right, but in: from blllltll‘ll l‘ulL..~. nor must )1. be ex- XK'I'tod to cum- cnnsulxmtion in its advanced stages-no Int-divine will do that-hut for all flu: uhstinale. chronic coughs. which. if mu!- lcrlud. or badly H'vuu-(l. lvzul up In vunsump‘ “on. It. is the best, medicine that. can be Lake‘- “hen the gtrls plu. ncd for their Hg, the stableman informed them that (me oftlxctr horses had passed pcacctully awav during the afternoon The girls sta_\cd in Pi-tcrh'wo till the next day ln coughs and hoaxwsts caused hy bron- chial. throat and lung: affections. MW!“ 1'0"- summiun in 11.»; ndvanvud stamps. Hm “Golden Mt-dh'al Disruvcry" is a must (-flivivnl. rem- edy. “Specially In (hum: obslilmlv. hang-on coughsvausvu by irrilulhm and rough-Minn of tho brum‘hial mucous lnmnbl'ulws. The " Dis†yon-11v " ls um so good for :u-111c00ugh§ aris- and minuul hum is a spl-cilic for all Llisvuscs of the mucous membranes, as -at.:trrh, win-Llu-r 0f the nasal passage-s oruf the stomach. bvas or pelvic organs. I‘lvvn in its nlcm‘ntive stnzvs it, will yield to this sovereign rom- etly if its use bu [H'X‘Sl‘Vl'l'Ud in. In Chronic Cutarrh 0f the Nasal pa sngus. it is wv“. whilv taking the "(iuhh-u Alt-(lival Dis- COVM‘)‘ †for the: nocvsmiry conslixlutimml n't‘iltllu‘llt. to ch-mm- the [mssagvs l‘rmsly two or three, times a day with Dr. Sugu‘s CuLurrh Rmnmly. This Lhumngh course of treatment generally cum-s the Worst cases. (ilycorine plays an important. part in Dr. l’irrcu‘s Huldc-n )lvdical Discovery in the cure of imlignsuun. dyspepsia and M'Puk smmzwh. alu‘mh-d by sour rising». hvurt-buru. fnul lm-uth, coated tunguu. pour upputiue. gnawing {tn-ling In stum- ach. hiiiuusncss and kindrud (ll-range- n1«_-nts 0f thv smmuch. livvr and bowels. lit-slaps CIIriIIg :IH LIIU :Ihme distressing aIlmmIts Lln-"(mldm )h‘dit'fll Dim-owl“) " .. ,Q .- §~â€"-;»If -~~oh - '9 n, :5 agent ppssesses lmrmsxc me H; n ropertinspf Its own being a. most valuab n antiseptic and mm- {ermont‘ muritive and soothing dcmul- cent. Is ï¬gured you when you buy Dr. PIeru-‘s family medicines-fur all tkn- ingredi- ems entering into lem are prinwd on the bottle-wrapprrs and {kn-Er ramming are attoswd under oath as bviug cunlplriu .and correct. You knowjust. what. yuu are paying for and than. the ingrmlimus are gathered from Nature's lulmmwry. being selected from the mom. valuable native medicinal roots found growing in our American toms x while potent. to cur. to the most delicaig wom . Not. a dqu olm rainm e‘r v x :. Toronto, Jnlv 213L1908. A FRIGHTFUL DEATH. Ii‘csurv ; q _ . 11.“!an varw J. I U( K] E W ILBON, Superintendent. A Square Deal 'l‘aking the story of Elekicl's vision as a groundwork. the preacher stated that the only true foundation fora Church was jesus Christ, and only as the Church sought to promote the true principles of christiaiiity was she lullilling her missron. In the Apostolic Days men Were called members of the Church only when they had the ex- perienCe of being saved by the trans- forming mlluenCe of the Spirit of God. This he stated was the only entrance to the Church which the Scriptures taught, yet we regret to ï¬nd in the Church to day many who had not this experience. Some entered by the door of fashion, some by the door of avarice; some entered through the society portal, this gave them a better standing ; then they might attend charity balls and have their names appear in the social column of the tlaily papers Others became mtm- belt; to satisfy the whims of a friend. The speaker exhorted all, whether members of the Church or not, to seeiqfor the baptism of the Spirit, as it was its only rated mark; of inerti- berahip. 'l'lie preacher stated that nothing would Kill a Church quicker titan strife and divisions among its mem- bers. luactivrty of the members and the indifferenCe of all was the reason the Church was not prospering as it should. He asked the workers to be diligent in their purpose, and cltiSed with an appeal to those ()lltN’IdC the Church to enter the life of Christian service. To a Good Sized and Apprecia- tive Congregation in the Millbrook Methodist ~ Church. \ The Rev. (2. (I. R. Mqundc last Sunday (Ln). preached m the Millbmnk Mcllmhst (hurch for the ï¬rst time, and delivered u pointed sermon from [us 'l'cxl which he took from liltkicl 47-1. : \hion. The Quebec 'l‘ercentenary series 0t postage stamps are on Sale at the local post oi‘ï¬Cc-s. The series costs but 61c , and form a most suitable souvenir of one of the world's greatest celt-hratlons. special to the Mirror. Muss Jessie Lowe: is home from Toronto for the holidays. Miss Ethel Rickard. uf Peterboro, la visiuhg at Mr. Jus. Lowes‘. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Shield have Hone to X’mweslmmt, North lmkuta, to Wait her aisler, Mrs. J. \1. Shield. Mr. George Lane, n!(‘entrevil19, wal out for his usual trip on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Bull and daughtvr, Miss Elsie. were guests at. the home of Mr. J J Hunter, last week. Mat-1m- Tom Shield ls home from [.iudSay,wlwre he mus a. guest. at the home of Mr. Gray. Rev. G. C. R. MeQuede Delivers en Eleuuent aee Painted Semen on Sunday Mr. Geo Price Section foreman on the G. '1‘. K. hue, ha: been somewhat indisposcd for thu past two wuks. and Mr. R. Mitdlcll is at prcscnt in charge. The foot bull team expects to have a tournament here On or about Sept. 7th. Watch for par. ticulars later on. Master Willie Hunter has returned from a pleaénnt \isit nith his uncle, Mr Frank Anderson at. 1" ruuklin, Pulls so Ham on the Stomach 1-: Must Have Help. Bethany Victoxious Againï¬ Our toot ball team went to the tournament at Lotus on Friday and playui with l’ontypool (or a silver cupand defeated them by 'etscorc 0t 1 to 0 This IS tlw second cup they have won tlus Sll [I] "161’. The stress and strain of the sham: Que; Me In bath city and country make stomach troubles Five people snfl'er 10-day where one did ten years ago with sick headache. dizzlneps. flatul- ence.distresa alter 63,“qu Specks be- fore the eyes. hloating, nervousness, sleeplennoes and the many otuer avmptofns of indigestiun. Miss Perry of Peter} oro is \i mg wuh Mrs. D. Caims. All who are suffuring with stomach troubles, and that means at least, hm out of every three 1:: Millhrook and amber tuwns. should use Mi-n-nn stom- ach tablets. Nothing else is as sale yet. rifectlve: uothmg else can be so tlmrunghlv relied upon to relieve all troubles from indigestion as MI-o-na. Sn relia‘ -le is Ni-o us. than A. Leach with every 5%.an he sells, gives a guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy cures. Miss Lottie FraZwr, Hen-worth, who has been VISHIHL’ \xith her aunt, Mrs. W. Wcsthck, returned home last Week. Special to the Mirror. Mr. I. A. Huston was a Visitor to Mlllbrook on Saturday. He has pur- chas:d a handsome new drchr and it can step sum: tub. We are pleased to am: Lhat [he Bethany F00: Bull Club has won :umtiu. r Cup. Mr. I". C. H. Bent has bccn cutting his wheat, and the weld [)l‘OlHiScS to hc a good avuragc one. Mcssrs..Chas. Bcnt and Robt. 'l‘ouchburn, of Ounc- mcc were but: assistmg Fred. Mr. ('lconge Howdcn was a visitm lo Millbrook on Saturday. Specxal to the Mmor. Muss Ethel Bannan, of Omcmcc. IS Visiting the: NIHSCS Huston this week. Mount Pleasant SuhjcCtâ€"lxssuna 1mm lizykicl’s THE STRENUOUS LIFE BETHANY ow. 111A. xt- was held dangling from the roof of the fast mull train of the New Y0il< Central Railroad tor almost two miles through the Park Ave. tunnel, \‘ew York, by three C0111- pauiuus, who risked their own lives to save him from instant death. . . The man referred to about. we understand, is a brother of Allen Murphy of this town and “'sz here less than ten days ago on a vistt.â€"~â€"Midland Argus of 23rd. Mr. Murphy at one time lived This is why it gives colur, clearnefls to the skin, bun) awry m the Bth, brightness to the e) esâ€"hecanse with 20ml digestion and "(fllvitv of the body in all its puns there’s henhh. Price 50¢ per box aL all dealers. Kinmrdine Reporter : â€"â€" “ If you don't like the ton: of this pamr tell us in :1 latter contaiumg :1 dollar bill, the plicc of :1 year's subscription. Other~ wusc lccrp still, as It's none of yuur LUDILwa‘.’ in Manvex‘s. Umzonsï¬ous anl dying, from a fractured skull, Jo;eph Murphy, 30315 old, of Mirdlzm 1,7011 Mondax' Fern-1, me curt-‘8 by makina good bland strum: nerves and a healthy lwdv. "I am quite nilling to give a pullin: tesllmolnal fur l“ â€ozone, believlrg It in b» n tunic of super". rexcellence and one [hut will rapidly build up “rangâ€: and supply new energy to anyone not feeling well. Last spring I wne In a. wry poor (inhdlliull uf health. 1 “as nervous, tell tired, and cumplale'y worn out. No dimht it's quite a cunnnnn eunxpluint with ladies nf my age. but I plan-ed greul reluu on in Fern zone, and to: k it I'm Sax-grail weeks It nnula me quite strong, and In fact. I lune been In lmner health ever since i can heart- ily N‘Clnlllllelld Ferr‘ zone.†'l'lne woman who “’«nrries has n poo: appetiteâ€"she sleeps pmer. II it only lasted lur a day ur two It. might be of small mm «quenceâ€"lm! she grows lmnp. miserable and unhappyâ€"worse day Ivy day. "9, She needs Ferrnzone which cures \mrrv by curing Hm comlmuus um render worry anHihle. Fur nervous weak women, no tonic is 80 good; thunsundsit has cured jua‘ like Mrs M E l'ltheriugmn, nt"l‘ru_\',\\'lm writes: “hum. pity nb’men don't realize that )1 [he\ were “ell-“H L: :8 Mom] Was nutritiousâ€"it the nerves \\ ere strongâ€" †all the organs were activeâ€"then the things that Irritale and prey nu the mlml kuldn‘t receive a. momem’a tlmngm Worn is a diseaseâ€"and it’s more- It produces other diseases. because It breaks dmxn the names and amps the vmduy of \he budy. WHY DO WOMEN WURRY? First Sign ofEâ€"iling Health W.’H.Eurrvflu. 0h, he preached lt from the houumpa and he whlspered lt. by stealth . He “rote wlmle- miles of stufl' azutnat the a“ fut curse or wealth; Ha «hunted furllte poor man and be called the rich 1mm down. He rnusted every king and queen who dared .0 Wear» crown. He clanmreu {or rebellion. and he said he'd lead a. hand To exteruunale the millionaires Mn} sueep Ilwnl hunt the land; â€8 yelled agairsc amnopuhsls. the†P‘N‘er he’d deh‘, _ And swung he’d be an anarchist and blow them to the sk \' , _ Heaturmed, he fumed and ranted ull he made the rich man Winceâ€" Bllt an uncle left htm money and he hasn’t shouted aince. 01:, he preacl The Angry Anarchist V: J PR?“ QM F? a?“ ï¬lmy“. GOING DATES April 14. 28 June 9. 23 And, t. 18 [my 12,26 Juiy 1. 21 Sch1,15,29 Tlgkelu dood to return within C3 do“ V“':)\ L!) ‘.V RATES from all In. .mcs V.“ § 1.“.â€" I‘l-“ pl" ~- _ .Â¥___,‘ ...â€"â€"â€"_â€" xu ‘ihtflno. “3“:sz Winnipeg am! return $32.00 lwuwcu H'.d':|m.?uu 5.1M return 54230 'I‘xckels Issued to all .\urth-\\'esv. puims_ T()UR‘.‘5’1‘_S‘_.§EPEPS .-_\_ 1mm; Tourist Sleeping Cars will he run un euvh excur‘iun. quy equipped whlx bedding. etc. liorths should be sevurcd nndpnid for through lm-u! "1, 1st least six days before excursion [ea-veg. uu-‘u . - Rates umlv fun ihfnrmntiun cuntmncd in free Hmueseckers' pun: JIIet. :\>k_rxe;.r est CJ‘JL. uncut for a copy, or wnte to C. I. FOSTER. District Pass. MEL. CJ’JL. Toronto 2ND CLASS a. Round-Trip Exsursians ‘i'nd MA TITGSA SASKATEEI SWAN ALBERTA â€"-Port Hope Guide number uf A {‘32. ABLEL"C.1.. SALESAZAX and adjoining country to repwwm “CANADA'S GREATEST NURSEHES" While budnees in some lines may be dull, farmers were never mnvre Himml- agerl as regards fruit growing than at the present season High prices for all classes of fruit have been obtained the past season, and there is, as a col.â€" seqnence, an increased demand tor nursery stock. Our Stock is complete in every de- partment including: a new lint of spec- xauies which we alone handle. The right man wxll obluiu a. permaâ€" nent situation With territor} renewed fur him. Pay weekly. Free sampie 0mm, e'c. ‘ Write for Particulars New Work Shep and Everything Necessary in the To iiii Mr. Edward (irandy, a ï¬rst c];15\‘ mechanic, is in charge of New Wow and all repairs wal he done satisfactory and at reasonable prices. Ashare of the puhhc patronage is respectfully solicncd. Yours 'l’ruiy, T. J.Parsons’ Stove 81 Tin Emparium. ' BEAUTY PINS, SIDE AND BACK COMES, HAIR PINS, VVYLIE’S P HAR MACY New subscribers SPECIAL Ofl‘er. can have the Mirmr to lst J an, 1909, for 35C._ Stone Wellington Toronto Ontario m; ‘{ râ€"Hr :" F1"? "7-“ T Tâ€. J '\‘1 h. u L , » m . ‘~' 1‘ mm ‘- 310“ m 59? 1 USCG? if in d nzht OF C11 sXK‘xZJE. I‘- “\nA'ue or rciia?‘ ‘itv. ‘rs. K. 8: 35.00 NSEASES T. J. Parsons. FOR MILLBROUK Tjoining country to 1 “narrowâ€"J 3.1.8:- :33. Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. Fonthlll Nurseries (850 Acres] I f e} : trd look like a di: E‘erent peNm. A l casts we: at: an. \v.e 'u'e‘ï¬t for treatment are guarar. eed a c»!!!- p‘wtc cure if mszru cu'ons are folloxvcd. Fer if} .1 d nzht ni‘ 10W» »ur Condition, you can consult us FREE RG13. amuse ofi 4 prtcnt 'irx mr< wkn have r0 reputation ma K. 8:. I: 3', we own zen-11:3} he 1 our 20 369.119. : "E .4’~ v~us : ebititv. ‘vnricncfle, Stricturo Hood and . .504 “$4.15!"! and l" dder Compiaé 4ts. ( onsulration Free. .; to gas. .u'm .or a Qqesticn List .J Home Treatment. chig‘an Q Griswold Sts. ()M EM Eli, ()X'l‘. flivvmcs of the Worst chaixactcr. leaving no bad eï¬ects on the system. Our New Method Treat- ;1'r‘cnt w'il p-~r;{y aud enrich the blond, heal up :;?Iu3"urs.;1cur:hc skin. remnvc honepairs, fallen “Ht 11d“ Will grow in, and swulk‘n glands will re- turn Ma'nurmnl ";,1:di'i(~n. and We paï¬sï¬t will If you ever had any contracted or hereditary blood disease, you are newt safe until the virus 0f Poison has been removed from the system. Yuu may huve had some dxscase years ago. but DO}? and then sat; e svmptom alarms you. Some poxsnn still lurlts in your system. Can you aï¬â€˜md to run tlse rink of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the p"§:;on multiplies? Bwvure of mercu:y or mineral drugs used indiscriminatelvâ€"they may ruin tlze s 'szcm. Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enables us to p-escrihe sjpeci llc rcxnc-(l let; that will positively cure all bl: ~0d AT‘W Some beautiful lines in WATCHES, CLOCK/5'} jEW. ELRY, SILVERWARE, CL'T GLASS,CHINA.TRA\'ELIN(; CASES, MANICL'RE CASES, NOVEL’I‘IILS, c., c. 77 Kent St LINDSAY handsomely musWâ€" weekly Les-gen “- amnion of '5“, scientiï¬c journal. Team a: Canud 21.83.75 3 your. postage 912de 6M .1 w nowadealen. munuxca. mm mm Brunehomcuaésï¬â€˜ M... uons nnctly'conndexitfnl.‘ ““1330“ on Pm lent. free. Oldest agency form Patents taken t much Mann rpccau Mme. wuhoun cha_r-co. mung JEWELLERY LINDSAY, 'Sï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬‚ï¬Ã© ‘Hï¬lï¬â€™im * Wedding Plesents You can buy Dainty Goods at MCCARTY’S, W.F.MBEAHW’S. Detroit, Mich.