OCTOGON MILLS, HILL- J’ROOK. â€"â€" Having leaSo-d the :znl'ove Mills, 1 am pIeparcci to do {hopping and Rolling; aisé bran :"vd shorts and Course grain ; feed for sale. A trial solicited. Sai- igfgntion gnaranreed' Rev. Mr. Rogers conuuctcl tuc Methodwt S. school Anniyexsury kervxces at Ehzabelhuim. Messrs. ‘hestcr Fee and jack Arm- stmng wcrc vi<itors to I’mcrburo lint ,chk, and “ mspcctcd †the Suldzcrs m ,Camp :11 Nassau. .Vcry succrsstul In his work on 11.:- \Vcslcy and Chcmong Circuit durmg the past metcrcncc year, is lhc new Pastor (or Cwan South, [11qu {I}: Supcnmcndcncy of Rcv. ;\_.r Rogers. “c wish Mr. LaiLimc-r cvcxy succws. Miss Dora Campbdl, Miss (2r:ch ,Camp'ncll, Mr. Stewart Campbcll, M Mnlsun Campbell, \liss Sh mum, and Miss Dot Comm 021:, of Ch:1than:, 'pamc here by auto and are guests of Mr. and \Irs. I. E. Needi.a.. Rcv. H, } Lanimcr, “ho hm bccn @Wm. 'l‘hcxtou is Scilinsg lum- bcr, Lamb and Shingles, Lime and ('cmunt at \‘cry lnw pricc; Call and venfy this stutcmcnt for )mmcivcs, it in need 0: an). of the ilbUVc tines. Mrs. (Ixev.) \\ P Lovers and Master Ra) mond, are v: 5321);; her pareziis at Descxoxlto. Congratulations are due Muss Gertrude Richard; for hm‘in;,r passed the Neral SJhOQl Ex- ammation. Mr. Edwards, of I'ctcrbom. had :1 largc numbcr to 5:: 1h: twu-lzcadcd, Six-legged calf he had on cxhibitmu m tuwn on Saturday. I: IS certainly .one of the greatest curivsxtics that has been shown hcrc. 'l‘hcrt: are many fortuncs to bc made cxhxbitmg tms warLl's greatest freak. ()ur own Mr. W. 1. E. lelott has an mtcrcst in 11115 monstrosnw that wall make him inde- pendent for life. We undrrstand that the ca“ 15 to be in But Hop: on tin: 12th. The services In the Miilbxook Methodxst Church on Sunda) last were conducted by the "w. M1. Hone of Canton. I115 :enngns _\\cre greatly apprec. ated. The garden parties at Marsh and Bailieboro were both grand successes. \\'e hoge to have full reports next weék. Service in St. Paul's Chaprcl next Sunday at 3 p.111. Mr. 'l‘hos. (‘1. 'l‘hompsnn. reprcscnt- ing The Manson Campbcil (Sm, hat» ham, is doing a big business in this district, espccmlly m scilmg Kitchen Cabmets. Mr. Thompson is a hustlur. -Bro._]. L. Cumcld. of Ccntrcton, Orgamzu for thc C. O. R. is in town for the “ good and welfare†of the Order. Mr. Gafï¬cld did guod wozk at Bailicboro. Rev. W. P. Rogers, 8A., and Miss l’carl Burnham arc: attcnding the Sunlmcr School at Chcmung ï¬nk. Mr. (,has. E. Johnston. rcprcscnting Kllgour Bros, Toronto, was In town on Tuesday. {ï¬r-the conviction of any purmn found fishing (‘n thecre'ék {mm Cavanvilic to the 8111 (Ion. Linc: of Gavan, (without pcrmit from the: Company } will have a. pair of @9c. Rubber Heels put on FREE, This is for ONE MONTH ONLY and Dusters. Mr. Reg. Duncan, of (Harland, is in town, the guest of his uncle, Mr. G. A. Duncan. Millbrook ball thrlcrs ought to bring home the siIVcr mug from l’cnty- pool on Friday. â€wmmw REPAIRING OF BOOTS AND E'f‘RNESS ‘W’HILE~ YOU fr" 5. I 3 33m ebx"{\"g:"2, 1:7. W. E\ .\\5 Proprietor. FI F I'EEN DOLLA RS R E\\'.\ R!) Millbmck i3 ~VJe have a. large stock of Men’s and Boy’s Boots and Shoes to pick from. Anyone buying a pair of Boots in We have a. large stock of Hand Mad eHarness to choose from. Trunks, Suit Case 3:3 QHHH H8 85 Q QQQF )QQ QQQ 1% Q:Q QQQQQQQQ I}!!! iJ‘i‘JSs Ted Burnhnm g)itg})_:d .ayd Eel} worc thc mask for fl): A I}. (L’s. Needlcr. “12);: and 7’ Handlty pitched and hattrass 311:1 Nccdlcr caught behind but fox the: Anglicans. Huu’ard Handlcy caught all nght in the llcldf Douglas Clarke made a homeruu. Idmunds refereed satisfactorily. Harold Nattras§ had the mlsfortnpe to get his thumb used up. Purcy Handluy is a good .all round player. Handl_cy, limvmfl ,Claukc, Douglas .. Nattrass. Handlcy . . Whytc. . . . ;\ ccdlcr Wood . . Dawson AN ELICANS The Leaguc game on Tuesday last, A. I}. (L’s vs. Anglxcans. “as closely contcstcd. 'l‘hc score at the end at the 8th was 17 to 16, in favor of the Anglicans. The lxn_:: up and 5Com : Aaalaaana WI‘ 1113 AaaI‘I Isaa Gaza-a imn d y :\., will prcach. 'l’hc Band will also head the District on Monday, the Izlh. Bethany Banal is one the (:Itizens of ï¬lm: an u-llcad little town «)uglxt to be and no doubt is proud of. Ixev..\1r More “:15 the guest of Mr. R. \V. Clarke, Sun dm. 'lhc llcthany (Iitimns’ Bum! has hL'L-nengng-d by (jamn Ihstrict for In: Orange parade to the Millhmuk ML-lhudiat Church next Sunday even ing, when Bro. Rev. W. P. Rogcrs, B. Lï¬â€™b‘uur trains stop at Millbmuk nu Mondm‘, the IZLh, to convey p.15- Scngcl‘s to Fort H 3pc, ht at 8.30 mm. 2d at 9 43“, rd at 10.45,.1JhuL 11.10. Kunming, lczu'c Port Hope at 5, 5.30, 6 and 030 p m. rcspcctn'cly. Fare. 65c. from Mllibmok. Train from Munklxn at 9.15, Brunsxwick at 9.2 Bcdmny 9 3o :1 m. ' Mr and Mrs. Hurry Duncan and babe, of Bllffllk), N. Y.. (mm; ()VL‘T to wcnd Dominion Day with Ins parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Duncan,;1nd also to takc in thc hull tournamant. Mrs. Duncan and balm are staying in town for a few days. The Annual Exvursim] of thu I’rcs- ,bytcrian Sunday Schuol and Ladies’ Aid on July zolh to iurlcigh Falls “in bc the trip uf 1hr: scuwn. Train lc-aves Millbrook at 8 o'clock. Muss fur ruund trip: adults 950. childrcn 50c. Frasuvfllc, adults 95(‘. chnldxtcn 50c. Wood puiicd m swual ‘ï¬ys’ Ru -mr‘n bcr the Strawberry 1csma1 under 2h 4 auspwcs of the Cu! 5 Aux- ihnry (zf St. 1.10m.» ,( humh, to be held on Thursday, July 8, 1900, at the hunutflul home: of Mrs. Geo. Fair, Ann St., Mlen'mrk.‘ 'l'ca served from 5 to :5 p m , after which a gum] pro- gram will be rendered. Admissmn 25C. .(jhddrcn 1:,c. Ev‘cryonc wrlcumc. Prepare for th: Hillbwok Ccntml 1531: Union. This year the dams will be ’l‘hursduy Sept. 311.11, and hid-.1), Oct. 151. 'lhc Oiï¬ccrs (11.11 l)11:~(1ur~. “ill spare no pains in z1.11k111;~ 'his years Exhibitmn :1 record crank-1:1. Ncw and attractive fcï¬tunss 1111] be addcd. Total I 7. Rcfcrceâ€"Bsb Edmunds. Total 16. I have laced in stock a full line of p n icc} The Annual 'l‘ournmncnt (if {116 l’un‘typnul Athletic Club will bu huld on the Old Rucc Track, north 0i (ht: village, on Friday, july 9, 1909. 132156 Ball 2 p. m. Silvtrr Mug. Milllirook vs I‘onlypool. Races 3.30 p.111. One mile, open, prizes $125, 75G, 25“:- Ioo thrtlzsiacc, upcn. $tf23, 750. 25(3- 200 Yards, boys under 16, two [)I‘IQ’L‘S~ Suck race. twq plecF. Relay I‘zICL‘, (teams of thrqc). ’3 mixes. ICntruH-CP ‘lcc for ziliojsc rates ion. (iirl’s rflCC‘v two prizes. Foot bgill, 430. 5"“? Cup. llctlimiv (runners upin Midland League) 3‘s. Pointipool. Icy: Cl‘t’amu “etc“ on the grounds. 'lla will l5: Scrvcd to competing teams. Othergs bring their baskets. Grand (lancer: at S p m The popular entertainer, ll'altfcr Edwards. of Town“). W!†he 9;] hand to furnish his usual instruc~ {we and entertaining program. The best lm-nl talc-m has also been sccurcd. Admission ul‘tcrnoon 15c. evening 25¢- (lrn. Douglas. l’rés. J. J Riclnudaun, ScC’Y- P0 Mrs. Robt. Bar} is :1 guest at the 'l'hos. Lcith. I‘rcsbï¬cï¬an S. S. and Ladicv’ Yd Ii muraion. jul) 2cm, the trlp of thc scuzun, “ail tor it. Immediate puss 3551011 Leavin the ‘Vcst. A pply at (mm to MRS. jAS. COATFS, July 7, lgcg. Suhstantxal Frame House, We†10- catcd m execlicnt condition, comm- icmly situated, with geod burn and cxtcnswc grounds. Desirable Town Property For Sale. The Mirror joins WIN) a host of (“ends 111 the wish that cvcxy blessing mzw attend them. The b1i1ic, M10 is very 110111.1111, receixc‘d many beautiful 31118. '1 he 1111111111 coupie‘ 11-11 amidst showers of 11c and 111 211:1:011111111- 11116111010111 SilOt‘S, 0112111Lx1c11dcd bong-11110011 trip. The altclztoon was one of the britrhtmt, and the little ceremonv â€"â€"fxom the ,9athenng,T of thc In my “nests m thc beautiful C ‘lurch, to the close of \lr.s Stock en's sgcn :1- ous and attmctlve rcccpttu: tâ€"xvas almost perfuct. A pretty “adding {CLk place On Wednesday, june 30th, 1909; at Sr [ohn's Memorial Church, in the: Angiican Misrï¬cn on the Blackfoot KLSt‘lVC, (zicia‘hcn, the Rev. Canon Stockau oitiuulmg‘, when Miss lithe} M.t('llc§l,{or8 \"cars past Matron of the Gills’ Hume, and daughter of Mr. and .lrs. \\'m. Muchcll, Mxlliu‘ook, was married to Mnjusqfll Edwin McCanm, comlator. ofï¬ieichcn, formerly of ‘x’rmm: [CL-ward Island. 300;: and Shucs Ln‘ Man, Women and Childien at l. I. Lang’s. Next gsunc, Presbyterians vs. Indu- ‘pcudcnts, 'l‘ucsday, )uly 13th, 6 p. m sharp. Players must be «m time ur gamc will go by default to Club ready to play when game is cullgd. Miss Ethel Elizabeth Mitchall Be- comes the Wife of a Glelchen Contractor. Millbrcok ‘ Old Girl’ M .‘-.\.13.C. Independents 1 I’rcsbyterxan 3 Anglxczms 3 Millbrook Base Ball L3ag= typeet Aeppet Teptp eeeeet. Won LOst Draw To play Milllmmk, ()n {0 r contains a poison Which is fatal to Potato Bug, Codlm MOM] and all biting and lczxf eating Insccts. They are very easy to use and cheap. They are sold Only by A. PAYNE, "r ‘ ‘ , .. V- ‘_ .j ‘ .f‘, 1 Hardware Merchant, Successor to J. D. FAIR w .713 An. Irumvvsuk vWiF . flaw/aw; WIRFuirfrrflnf... .‘kKï¬kvamWW BUT "‘- ’1“ ‘3: 3-,... n "1 " '1‘}. Ha bani-e Ramble mahés e; Ggees Ham; we Invite Your OCntinued Patronage. A Savings Accom: will flew you grow dean, sound fruit am] vegetables. Your Evioney is too "Valuable rids the soil of \X’ireworms, Cutworms, Cabnge Lice. Onion fly, Turnip Dust Moih Worm, and Countiess Other l’ests. ILA£1m5,1i.gr. l‘iillbrcok BI’., Ircausu it Is gown ed 021 safe and “'15:: prim‘iplcs. It is strung with lhc L-xpcriancc ()fm‘u‘ so \‘czn‘s of active lnx~i21ms in ('nnudn. During Ihmc ya. us of stead) (mmth :1 Rescrvu Fund of $4.500 oco, hcing $500, 000 Lug-1r than lec (npital, has been acculmx‘mtui, and {he bunk hcwr umins (n ts books a \n. "2c bad or doubtful dd): un- pumidcd for. To leave in tln: hm sc. wlmc burglars, llxicveï¬ or ï¬re may tukc it from )‘(M, or to ln=c~t it with (lm.l»1ï¬1l insmulions or in risky sputu- lutiuns that so often in Lln: lust lave rublmd men of their hardly mum-Ll wcalilx, Capital $4,000,000 Reserve $500300 Assets 39,800,509 1‘11 . mmaamU Incorpcrated mmwmvwwmm‘wpm FLUID FLUID Millbrook. grP-Eâ€"w . .1 ('5 Ii 1 "£0 une Cooper's f: Nephew’s Sprnv Fluid is Sure and Sudden Death to Potato Bugs. This Speciï¬c Treatment will kill the Bugs in 20 Minutes {mm time of al‘xplxcatiun, It won't injure the tOpS and n chuks the bjtght. Miss Gertrude Clarke. and 31155 Luck played Vcr)’ \vcll indccd. Mzss Pearl Nattrass was catcher for Mrllln'ook and played rm! well. Miss Bessie Armstrong is a good catcher. and :1 pretty safe butler. Mus. Mclhidc pinycd a great game at hrst ham: for Cavanvillc, and 15 a 3.5000. lmsc runner. Mim 1)1;\111 1-1 1‘ 11. bunt 1111111, «11- 1111 men 1:111:11c1u. '1‘11c 1111111111.: {11111 halting 111 1111 11:1»- good,11n111y1111111:111t 1111115 111-1111.: 111111112 1.11111: M159 vaton did 111111}; 111111 1111: “war. boy†spectatnrs jmncd 111 1111: appmuse. Miss [1111;111:1111 11itc111-11 \vcll fur 311111111110 , (11111 with :1 11111c1 111016 pm 11cc, (.n1a1n111c Ladies 110111 11311: an easy mark “111,-11 1111: retum game is played. 15 I’m: Mrs Melinda N Huwrmr . . . CHiIUI1..... (I \‘cGiH. . . . \ 1 11.111] ) M Nuuun . . . L I’luuzhinson. T0211] ..... MILLBROOK \I Binnlzam . l’ V2111 (.1155 (x Clzunc ..... Mrs. NurSc. . . Grand CAYANYILIJS ,. . . , Hus went was somcllnng new {01 mam of the swcuatm‘s. '1 11¢ Ladic‘ uf Cznwanullc “as greatly strcnwtl: thud 1)) Mus Donner, Mt. l’lcasum’s 1nd) f ;;itLl)Lx'.m1.cr\'15c the ~gumc £01.18"; haxc been closu. “(mucky M: iHnm»k| Ladies put up :1 goud amclc of haâ€, and the cxcncmcnt throughout was ‘ mtcnsc. 'l‘hc 12:): up : I The cxmtcnum was at fun-r hum tlnoughuut. The memb’ers of the Millhrook Base Ball League put on a good nth-moon’s sports on Dommitm Day. The Mt. Pleasant. Cavanvillc and Millbrnok Base Ball Clubs competed in the 'l‘uurnamcnt.’and the CIIVQHVIHC ladies played the Milibrook ladies. Millhrook wan the draw which left quumllt: and Mt. Pleasant to play the ï¬rst game, the. latter Club In a 7- inning’s game winning out by 11' small margin. The game was keenly con- tcstcd and )t was a pleasure to witness thc: good plays made by members of both Clubs. The hnc up : Total 1-3 Rcfi‘ct, \V. .\\'oud‘ Notes on UM: Game. L'ch pitclzcd a grand game for Mt. Pleasant whllc Mcasrs. Staph-sand U. Mchll dad good tclViCC {or Cnvun lelC. Joe Boyd ’5 hom -2'un was a feature. .N. McGiH pl;1)cd a star game at ï¬rst base O MCGJII . . . . l‘mncy ...... N McGill . . . . Staples ...... [“ l-Iutchmson. Culhcart ..... Lough ...... . S Hutchinson Southworth .. Boyd 51.0%,... Shicld .. - - Bland ..... I Lowe. . . - C Best†(ZAV;’\I\'VII,I.E l)0\\'..cr Brown . . . Total 12. MOUNT PLEASANT U llct .. yam; Base Ball Tournament Held in Milibrook. .._â€"-â€"___â€"â€" Ladies’ Game Proved Most Exciting and Interesting. lick-rec, \\'. '1'. Wood MCJEridc The Ladies’ Game. game alum: w udmlsuiun. mcrs‘ gposite Tewn Haï¬, £13 worth 11):: duil)‘. 'in fact every livicjl;blc‘fv 0â€"1?th . Mxllbmok Club did hcr best to wm, int ; but they were up against it this time. MILLBROOK, ONTARIO. Ofï¬ce in Turner's Drug Store; W. Montgomery, M. D. d 1 A BIU D‘ 10? IN ( I .\Il..\l .-~~'I'hc (,cmcnt that makes {33c “hm-5:. I]!l‘('>l Millhmok SEALED TEN!) IRIS addressed to thc l’uslmnstvrCentral. wm be ram-h- cd at Ottawa umil Noon, on Friday, the :01!) x'lhgust, 1909. fur the cm) \‘cynncc (.1 His Majesty: Mails. (m :1 pmpuscd Cuulract for {our years 51X limes pcz xxx-:1; each way, between F1 Mt Pleas'hii; m t‘Iï¬f b‘vï¬ï¬, 'sequJ to have plajcd 50 hand if: win igamst Cavan’vnlc tIut thcy were somewhat may for thIs game, but dad theIr best, but Milibrouk dcfcutad them casxlv. Hmwver, w1th Mt Pleasant boys fresh me scurc. which was large, Would have been greatly rcduCcd. 'llxc lmc up: Mr. john ded, of Mount l’ltasam, was pn-scnt to back Up “his team.†Seats fur the speculum Wcl'c kindly :mm d by Mrs. Mung-an. and tin-y m-rminh' “‘t re much mnm-ciutud Mr. '7 ’n-unds is u,» b: «ungratuhzcd ()1 his foresight 1n SCCUHHg the salts. 'i‘hc- ladies of HMS Byum’s Sunday School class had an ice cream booth, “huh did a guozl business. Thc pru- cm-ds of this month goes In clunky. ‘Mr: 8.1}‘a'rs alian‘ hall' a?) iCc crcam booth and was kept busy. Dominiun Day (Zcicbz'ntmn could bc mad: an annual ch-nt hcz‘c Mount Pléiéï¬ï¬? Vi mlmi‘e‘ék- inyd . . . Luwc Sllicld . Bland .. I Lowe ‘ C â€est Downer. Brown Bust c nlchcr. Several homc-mns wuc made. 'I‘cd Burnham played a good £81112. 13c}! and Nazdlcr Were the pitchcrs. am] they dld good wm'k joc Boyd has not forgotten the game by any means. Mn: is a grcat \\'(Hka. The Sc Vuml hundred monk: prcsmvt «cl: med “c“ [Icuscd ml!) the after- mm†s cn‘xcxtainmcnl. MILLBROOK. Naurass ...... Robt lidmunds Rogers ....... Ncudlcr ...... Burnham . . . . Handlvy ..... Kussul] ....... lidmunds . . . . Bull ......... Notes. in!) Edmunds is great on 'stcaling’ bases. )m the P( -snnssu-r (h-nurznl's ulrasun l’h) sician and Sm‘gCOn, .c\'l root and Mount P' easant {ct ’LEASANT Rcfcrcc, Norm MCGHL Ru:scll Vpluycd a nnlu'cs .C. AEDESSON. Total 1 3. Total :3. 9‘}. It!- 24w.» l 2 q 45678 game as In In Our base ball team c with lanclvlile ncxt E at garden party in Ith Emzlv mcz rcspectucly A pic-me under ans; E. V. \V. I. this Thux: Isaac Fee's. Mr. O. G. \Vallimus made a quuck passage on Monday, In ins :1: launch. Ali aboard 3 for th of the Glorious 'l‘w: 110p: on Monday. [IE-lib: (0: $1. Miss Hcien Currv, 0 was In Omcmcc for Day. The Post Ofï¬ce Blw embellishcd by a coat Mr. Hart 2 teaching: “ti shoot,†{'5 1;: ï¬rst uriukic «'9 pH :31: holidays. Last Satuxd run over on K ly driurn hox‘s tuxlatci’g'. Ill: serious but {in There’s a lily-i make it Opera: (h Mr. Fred Evans r Friday evening hum h 3‘ bt'al-xhushm." On in the Churo and 5 charm cirruii rezuiar mom home of His: Mr. G. Gr; successful {6‘ capturing t! nuns or km a ï¬sh Dr. and vilie. an: t Stephcnsc Monday, the x: ers to Port H0; [010 am. Kctt at 5.30 and 6 i Omezcc 5mm: l'asxcngms { (Zaguc's (Iran‘siv Mrs K! a holiday H I’lk'c. and Iii In: in Added Energ if SUM MEI: comes to those who Ink livcrybudy nerds than cans: thry build up :hc spire you “1:11 new ink: and Dusmov THE Bu' or two will work wondc run-down system. (let 25c abux, 0r ï¬ve hum: Fur sak‘ b3" R l. .\l Mattie. Exams. dos special < Mrs. Dornan. 5: m l‘hc Conn The \i'. †TEACHER Piano and TI upils prepared for F Terms MO in nr' won‘t FI G PI aâ€! 52‘? F Fifi U: W his.“ n}, the 12:31, to ( Port Hopc. :5: Lin. Returnmg E yand 6 inn. 1" cc functmn. «sugars from 1‘. s Crossing 11*: 5 nd «turn us. E‘. tau: $1 25. K. i. Mulligan: :iav m Muskuk I'm-n tm‘ BORO BU led R 50!}. NIB \K'. 1‘. ue It ¢ ofC m