W. G. Pentlry, durmg their visa in town last weak. ' The Annex was pleased to have u. call from â€the Rev. gentleman. They are .On a. holiday trip. :Rev. G. R. and Mrs. ( lare, and daughter, Miss Meta, of Bloom ______ the Trip of the Sun Stomy Lake mm the Excutaionâ€"july goth 95¢- “BURNâ€"In the Township of .Cavan, on Sunday, Iuh _,th,19og. -to Mr. and Mrs. lien-g at 151mm. , ‘a daughter. grin-est); terian S. S. a Lxr ursion. ~j'uly 2cm, . :awn. mail for .it. Boots and Shoes hr And Childxen at l‘. I. I Kev. and Mrs. J. Harvey Strike ï¬nd family, of Campbellford, were gtxcsts of Mr. Mrs. jos. Iluntcp, lover Sunday. Mr. Stnke preach ed to the Orangemen of Fraser- ";vnflé: Lodge on Sunday-(afternoon ' and also conducted the grvxcL-s ,m the cvcmng. Both disqqurses .yve-re eloquent and listeucg! ‘to ,with close attention. DIEDâ€"In )Iillbroqk, on Sat- urday, july 10, 1909. Juan James Russell, aged 45 years. In our report of .the _I.udies’ base ball match on Dominion day we gave credit for good playing to Miss Elvy Lock Instead of ‘tu her stster, Miss Bertha, ,the .fonner' not having pI‘rvcd. It was the gnislukc uf getting namcs n._ixcd. “c xmght say that MissA. Smith played a bniliunt game, h'wing .maue Sevcxal safe .hxgs may the ,uuttL M (Lhcl‘e being dang-2;: of Vlosing the ball at timis), and She xau-{ht well too. I_t 'ging-S gymnast Vthxl Mrs. Nurse had yin'yég! {1); game before. as Scull by ï¬xer sure; u‘ 'ang and catching. .Xiss n. Mrs. john Fry and son, 3:34-45; of Bailxgboro, were viauingghcir relanves m townjast week. laxke also pin): . “c“ consider- Am: the lutle placticc she had. It «was man ellous the \\ ay she bat- ,ted the In and Out ‘cmvgs’ of .the .pxlchcr for Cavam‘illc. (,cnunt that makes tlxc whitest, mccst .andx most durable top Is the LAKE- ï¬eld Monarch Brand. lhcrc Is a (influenceâ€"which WI“ pa‘, )ou to look Into berm: _bu)mg. Bu} til:- best, which we are offcring at a wry low pncc. \\. _G. 1x35881914, §: 035, Mlllbrwk. \ Mus Mollie Falhs, (1f Boston, .3! spending the summer w: L!) \I:s;; B111. A BIG DROP g): ,qmzigx'.r.‘sx‘hc Mr. nkex Harkness is vis‘itmg at .xhe hom: or his uncle. Mr. "lcsdulc Harkncss. Cavamillq this wag. Mr. James Falling. .of (Iqbourg, am!) a guest of Mr Wm. Vance-,thls neck, and his son, Mastcr W. James, .js spcnding a few if his holidays with his gtandparents. Mr. and $1115. Wm. Vance. Mr. John Dean. of Brockport. N. Y., IS a gu st of Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘hos. Harkncss this week. The Mlllbrook Methodist Sun- t'ax School will hold its \nnual Excursion 0n Tuasda., Aug. 3rd bylrain to Peterboro, thence by Steamer. “ Otonabee,†over the ,celcbrated Lift Locks to Laketjeld and Stonev Lake. This is the ï¬rst Excursxon flom Alxllbrook over this route and will no doubt be popular. Mr. R. Gray, the star Lindsay l twnrler, made a new record by striking out 22 batsmen. In the, last two games he has pitched the i past week he has fanned forty- three men. The Independents Véhmfld get Mr. Gray {or pttglxer. In the game On Monday he pitch. ed for Valentin whtch team defea- teflxthe fast Cresswell team by .3 sage of u 0. Only one Cresswell min reached third base during the I entire contest, and only one balll went to the outï¬eld. Wouldn‘t pne of the League teams here put it 0\ er the others if they had a; .twirler like Gray ? OCTOGON MILLS, lJlLL- I BROOK. â€"- Having leased the, pbovc Mills, I am p'epared to do: (mopping and Rolling; also branl pnd shorts and coarse grain ; feed l for sale. A trial solicited. Sat- yfactton guaranteed. Rev Mr. Rogers 1ch yesterday fur a trip to the parental home at Mmdcn. At a recent meeting of the Executive 1 of the Kawartha Lakes Summer School Rev. W. P. R0gers,B ’.,\ of “\lxllbronk ,was elected Prcsidcnt of the School {or 1910. The Annual Excursion of tuc Pres- :bytcrian Sunday School and Ladics’ ’Aid on July 20th to Burlcigh I'ulls will be the trip of the season. 'Irain leaves MiHbzuok at S oclock.1‘mcs 10! round mp: adults 950. children 50c. Frascnxllc, “dubs 95:; . 22,12.2rcn Prepare for the Miil‘urook Central EXthlliQn. This year the dates will Ebe Thursday, Sept 30th, and Friday, Oct. xst. The Ofï¬cers and Directors .will spare no pains it; making this year’s Exhibitxrm a. record weaker. New and attractive features will be added. LADY CLERK WANT-ED for Best-imam. Apply to Mrs. Saylcs, Mllibrook. lubmak ï¬gws‘ S. S. and Ladics’ Aid ' zqth, the mp of thc the Sammyâ€"all round nth the l’rcabytcrian y zalh. Round my EVANS, Proprietor, 1' Man, Wonk-n Lang‘s. Rev. Mr. hogers Reviews me History of the Past in Eloqucnt Terms. The Loyal Orangcm n of Camn! Dismct, unaycd m It.“ rrgaha. aim:- dcd divine wrucc LII Sunday cvmnng an m the Mdlbrook McthUcLL church ‘ when) thcir worthy Bra, Rev. W. 1’ ‘ ‘ Rogers, B. A , dclchrcd an cluqumt and impresszyc sermon. Quite a Iargc represcnmmn of Orange Brcthrcn of the: various Lodgcs of thc Dismct amended. and cccupxcd the Ccntcr pews. 'l'h: audxtmium U! :12: large , Church was ï¬lled while many occu picd seats in ,thc gantry. We are Very "plgascd to givc a synopsis of the l:.crmon, winch fulkms : ORANGE SERE‘ON. 'l‘liX’l‘: "What mean ye h',‘ these stones? "â€"â€"}osh. 1V. chap,†part 6th v. The passage We have chosen as our text takes us back. in the hiswxy of the t'hildrcn 0f Israrl, to the tune what by the hand of jorrhua, God had ltd lsrnclhtto thc land of ptominc. Igracl haul br'cntn bondage in Egypt. During thc gn-at hmm: m Attica jaunt) ztutl his,t:hlldrcL: and children’s Chxldrcn, sevcrnty in numhcr, wcze induced by jus pl), wuo lmd grim power at l’lmr- oh’s cuurl, to go Lu l‘lg» pt ; Illcl'd they dwe't in honor anal plcnty. 'l‘licy mullip id] and bu; mu: :1 grant nation In'ihc course of time a Ruhr came to the Throne who knew not Juupll, and sccing the numbur and power of Isracl he bccnmc alarmed lcsl in time of war they might turn against lsim and dcfcat him, Task Masters Wcrc put ox'cr than and every sort of opprcasmn usul, but >till they grrw in strength and mum bqrs 'l‘hcrc was im'cmcd the plan to have all the malt: children lulled. It would alunOst scum that hum that time (lodlmzl dutcrmincd on Lli-ir dclh‘cl‘ anec. Thus, in accord. with His limp-m.- i m ddlwrnxg than; (ml, by :1 minder ful SlICt'CSbiUH of mints, mi ed up ‘ L\lc5cs,asuit:1bic lrudcr, trained him in the Vciy Court of l’hamh, and when th: time was zips by his hand, Godhd _!ilc people out of their bu..dagc. By a iniraclc they cross“! the In! 5ch on dry land. They cum: to Sinai where thc lauvkvas‘gn'cn, and rot long after thcy rczichvd‘licdibh anca onthc bordt‘rs of the promised land. But being fair kill and unbulicvmg they enrpxcd not in but turned back to \vzmdcr in the wildcrm-ss nearly forty years. After imany trials and h:1y€:~.ln}5, havmg left thclr luthcrs in m: wilderness. they i mum: again .20 the land of promise: but Jordan .roilcd hctwwn and now it was ()Vcrï¬OWIHg its banks and was :1 swift, turbulent torrent. From the human standpomt, to cross m‘cr was REV. BRO. \_V. 9. ROGERS, B. .x not possxlplc. Though God had a thousand times hclpcd and dclwcrcd thcm now again In their need He came to help. and. though good old Moses was gone He gave thcm a lcudur in jos‘hua, who, by God‘s comnmnd, cull- ed .to .lhc people “ Sancnfy yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do won. dear}: among you.†'l'hc peopic obeyed, and on the morrow, (10d again. by holding back jordan, suffcrcd 111cm to pass over the nver dry shod, and tn enter upon the 714m} of promise. Their dclwu‘um‘c ccmglctcd. There is one incndent In connection w .t'i this final deliverance that is of great importance. The incident refer- red to in the text, when they had pas:- ed over. God commanded that tWelve men out of every tribe. should take out of the bed of the rwer. each a stone, lrepreSenting the twelve tribes of Israel, and that they should carry them and with them where they should lodge that night. And these stones should stand as a memorial that when their children should ask them in days to come, they should relate to them the wonderful deliverance from hon- ,dage wrought out for them by God What you see to-day, the Orange- men herein a bony in regaha, what you see at a well conducted 12th of july demonstration, have in them something of the same purpOSe as the twelve stones pitched in (hlgal. They are a memorial to what has been, and as the Jews when their children asked “What mean these stones,†recounted to them thier hiï¬ory so we are justi lied to day in talking (We; a few of the eVents, events which are true his- toxy, which haye resnlted in what you 'l'her‘e was 9. time when (lod’s Israel, christian people. “'ch in just as great bondgge as ever the Jews were in Egypt. They Were in bondage to the Roman Papacy. 'lhe power of the Roman Church began to grow in the sixth century and C(mtinued until everything Seemed powerless before it. In the nth Century no King dared cross the Will of the Pope. We read how, on one occasion, Henry 18". 0; Germany, the only power .who dared assert himself. havmg CIDSSCd the will 0* Punt: Creggory V11†usually known as Hildebrand, was summoned to Rome. He refused to go. was inter dicted and excommunicated. but still went not. Finally he was outlaWed, and such pressure was brot upOn him that he went to do homage to the Pope, Greggm’)’ would not See him. Finally he was persuaded, but before are. l he was admitted through the ï¬rSt gate' the 12th stone; “ ServiCe.†We often i he was dtsrobed. when he reached) m“: read the history of the past and feel to 3:1? he was almost naked. but the! Up‘ mop a trur in memory of the great and has hurt. Me Call": thl’cc 0'4)“ l“ good ot old, when we ther of the - sl‘."cr.~‘.~“nn and all through illâ€? .lzm. l blm dy Pall! they trod in dett'nding l days in 1077, baretoot and almost liberty’s laws, lxlul), Lutillhel',RUgC151 l muted, he riltad {or pardon froll‘, ti): their holy heroic lives calls from every 21': pe. Shch wus the power or t“; Orangeman not only a tear but the) ‘ l‘ztpacy. This is only 00¢ “he 0} call for our noblest Servrce in the in- :Cm‘c.\ that occurred ourlng the ill] tercsts of those privileges for which land 12th Centuries. it they fought and died. Brethren it it l Early in the 13th Century» by‘tnaf- time that, as an Order, that the dut‘l ‘ lr‘g use of pressure within but ohieily oulumnv that has tested upon us was of Lewis J France, the POP? s-u‘w“ removed. Look at its members. Rarst cd i“ {UWlWA King lulu-10f briglarrdll‘f the standard higher. higher. the stand accept the crown at his ‘ hands ; XI†ard of hving, and let eVery Orangemm atablibhbd his Powermibnglund. l “i he in the forefront of Christian work ““WNW’" “'115 wt UP 1“ 59““l’ 4‘.“ that when men look they may seemer the tliunihscrew and rack Were the re- indeed in “th there is no guilc 1 hard of all who Would not conform to Amen. v .. e . .. -10 would .. . , . ‘ l ill: “-ll 0' ll": Pal’erflnd “L7 , om... lhe (.‘lloll' sang: “ Christian Soldier r i ‘I t t: if :t :r C the I‘CU was suprcnw. _ IL 13 Wonderful how. mst 1U Uvuuuuu IVA-n. _.__, voxc: in defence of an open Bible and {Radon} of consucncc and was hurrxccl away to the stake. \\'l1ilc Lhc flames \vcru kindling around him With nvomc so (:onhdcnt and clear that 1: was hcznd above thc crackling flames and shoutsvof dcnsion ht: sang a hymn of thanksgiving, and lns pmc Spll‘ll Wcllt Hulllc Lo \md. And 51111 the light slrugglr (l (,n. Lthcr, that mighty man of God, gunnxl 1t noun: rccogin- non, and Eduard VI 111 England dnl lll'uCll lor it. 'l'hcn lollows lllul. long, long cmuh guc oi bloody cxuuuons of 2th: muck lollchrs ol‘ the lowly NM.- an‘incâ€"Lhat made the Quccn of Eng- land known as " Bloody Maw.†Sull ‘ Lhc hght grew mm], in Crochll’s ‘Lnnc It had gaincd auch uscunlcntty in b‘n'hland that b‘llC Was uhlc to scnd help to Alsace and Loraine and other pcl'a‘cLUlLd lumla, and it seemed that papal bondage was man an cnd. After (immwcll wan LUHC Lhc tldc Illl‘ncd Clun-Wcll was song tin: Udc ttn'ncu and tor thirty ycuts Lllc moat cmng mjusncc was done to llntish StlbjcClS because: thcy would not submit to Rome. And when junta; 11.:1nuvow- CLl Roman Czttltoltccannc to thc thronc all rcltglous ft‘ccdom and c1v1l lll)t:l‘l)’ canâ€: to an end. All Judges who did not obey thr Ktttg, who tn turn was ruled by Rotnc, ï¬yur; dtgdiï¬cd‘. Tm: most l;1:ncn~t.tblc outrage was when “Bloody IclTuxS†was appolntcd Sn- lgrcnzc Judge soul on 1115 “ Bloody Circutt." 350 l’rotcstants wut'c execut- k‘d. England hardly knew what to (to. Louis X1\'.‘ol France, wttlt 500,000 soldiers was pcrsucuttng l’rotcstants tn Holland and Utrtnzmy. A coalition 1d their Bibk-s. 1n ul~ parties ismed an imitation to Prince ' William of Orange to come to England. Lewis turned to Germany, thus giving \‘illiam a chance to leave Holland. He came. His hztrdest work was in Ireland, but at the Battle at" the Buyne, jnly ist, 1690, junies was defeated. and William thus, untler the blessing of God, and through his wonderful power. estuhltshul l’r'otest.tnt-.tnd Brn- lbl) liherty, thus delivering us {run a bonnge grenttr than that ul Egypt. Well might \th take up Stones of Me :nnrtul and build them as :1 Monument of 'l'hunksgiving to (‘md for His Lleliv 1 unCe. But there IS a better Monument \ Millbrcck BP., H. A.Slms,1llgr, In this Bank for yo S;\l’li.â€"«C(msitic l’R(')l“l'l'.-\Bl.l“.. CON \'1£NIIJZI\"1‘ that we. can erect. livery true Orange- mm takes up 'l'welVe Stones and With those he builds :1 Character that mll stand as a Memorial to the goodness of God. aml the worth of our deliverer, under God. If he lacks one of the 3.324»: SSMESME‘Q twelve he is not :1 true Orange-man. Truth. The ï¬rst of Ihcsc is Truth. .-\n Omngcmzm is a sucker after truth and ms \vholc chumctcr is gowrncd by truth. He IS :11] round and foul square. “is wmd is as gri-nd as his note. He is honorable in all Ins dual- ings. Wisdom. The 2nd stone is Wisdom. \\'hatc\‘cr else a man may have he must huyc wisdom. “ l’rudcncc: shall guide all lus actlons †Earnestncss. Many a man has much prudenc: but «Ices not make a good ()ranucmnn because he 15 um earncst. H I “Zealous†and “hearuly desirous mJncalc thus. Love. The fourth stone is Low. We: read “A Sincere Low: to God," and {Chantv and guml-wnll In all mcn.’ “Without these things you are as soun- dmg brass and [Inkling symbols. V.rtue. Virtue is the next stone. Purity of character. l’urc In thought. word and 1p dccd. Enlightenment. No man needs light more than an ()rangcman in this would of darknch and sin and duet-it. Men are hlmdfuldcd of Satan We need light to gtndc‘, and to reveal to wu all things S'ncerity. All cl ie that a man may bc )5 based largcl) on his sinccntv- 'His love must be MIICCIC. He must be no hypocrite. The “0rd means without cnncnt. In our language of today It would mean ‘\\’nhout shoddy.’ Gbcdzence.Evc13 true Orangreman cbedxcnt to the hum of the lahd and 1to the commands of God. The man 3311;) takes the name of Gad in vain, hrcaks both. TcIIIpcraIIcr. The 8th stomp I5 tempt-mum. No man can be a {We OraIweIIIzm, aI‘cordIIIg to flu: gens ilu: non, and not be a IcmpcI‘ance IIIaII EspccxaH) is tlIIs Iruc III the lIgiIt 0! recent legislauon of the Grand Lodge, I read Ihe words, “'I‘eIIIpsrancc and SobI‘Ic-Iy. †And no one, who trafï¬cs in intoinatIIIg quum, can become.- an OraIIchIIaII. Energy. Note [his nth stone, “En n crgy. No man isa good man who has to be pmhcd to nzakr Ins move. Nobrlny. Let your character be marked by nobility in all things, noth- inglow or {nun}. , ‘ Scn‘icc: I Will npw conclude wigb Century, by mak- mm but clncfly the Pops sucCucd 01111 of England to his hands ; tlns :r In England. The up in Spam, and l rack wmc the re- xld not conform to cy. and who would n France the Pope mop a ttar in memory of the great and } good or old, when we lhtllk of the ’ hlm dy path Lucy trod m dcn-nding' libcr‘ty’s laws, lxrol), Lattnmr, Rt:g::5, " thcir holy heroic lit'cs calls from cvcry Orangcnran not only a tan but they call for our noblest Scrvrcc in the m- tcrcsts of those privileges for which thsy fought and died. Brcthrcn it isl ‘time that, as an Ordcr, that the dark I calumnv that has rested upon us was i rcmchd. Look at its mcrnhcrs. Raise the standard higher. highcr. the stand- ‘ ard of Irving, and let every Orangcnran he in the forefront of Christian work, that when nicn look they may set: mcn intlcud in whom there is no guilt-f. Amen. 'l‘ht: choir sang “ Christian Soldiers Onward Ho." A quintcttc Was sung by Miss l‘lthcl Rit‘llitt‘tlhtul and Messrs Hampton, llynnr. Duncan (foornbcf, , untitled "'l'ln: ()ltl Waysrrlc Cross.“ both of whith ware beautifully rcnrlcr- vtl. ‘Azitcr .thc service the. Orange lirtxthrcn .rctnrnctl totim Lodge room of No. 79, where Vury appzcuiatit‘c votes of thanks M'cl‘t: paswd, to the. choir and thoprg'stclrcr for than L'Xtici" lcnt surnccs. Mc‘llmdisl S S. I‘Zxcm'u‘iun August 3rd. Don't mims 1t. “Flynn: H‘e Slum and Stripes for American, yisitnrs is (m a par wnlu Sending: beautiful young: “when to leach chrisiianhy lo Uununmu. {t is a. case of “altering good “ill until it slow ovenâ€"Slur. BAWKGFTQRQNTG HARVEST TOOLS, Grindstones Fixtures, Green Momtain Scythe Stones, AND FILES, Your Agricultural Wrenches, Hardware Merchant, Successor to J. 13. FAIR, %>>%%%’>zz $§E$§B€ï¬â‚¬Ã©Â§Ã©ï¬‚£ @e 36 This Bank is Safe APTERETE contains a poison WlllCl’] is fatal to Potato Bug, and all biting and leaf eating Insects, They are very easy to use and cheap, They are sold only by A. PAYNE, To Ivavc in the housa, \\ from you, or to invest it. laliuns that so often in t camcd \chlth. Because it is govurncd on safe and wise principics. It is the cxpcricncu of mm 50 )cars of active business in (‘un thcsc years of steady growth a Rcs'cruc Fund of $4.5m $500,000 lurgcr than the ('apiml, has burn uccumulutv Bunk HL‘YH‘ retains on its books a singic bad or (iuubil'i prmidcd for. rids the 59“ of Wireworms, Cutworms, Cabb.1ge Lice, Onion My, 'lurmp Dart Moth Worm, and Countless Other P6515- In this Bank for your spare money will prove to youâ€"â€" S;\l’1£.â€"«Considcr the ï¬gures given above. PRO I“I'l'.-\BL1“..â€"â€" Interval ix‘ paid (m 3H Savmgs IEMnan. CON\'1£NILZI\"1‘â€" Mumy may be added tu your un'canncnt at will ban) you "Low â€"---â€" avings Accoun Capital $4,000,000 Money is too Valuable With a, Cc mplete Stock of In corporate d 1 8 Machine Oil and Oilers grow clean, sound fruit . Holhday} V3 FLUID V2 FLUID c, when- burglars, thieves 01‘ ï¬re may take It .t it with doubxful instnutions or in risky specu- in the. {ï¬st have rub'md men of their hardly any [mic Millbroak Base Ball Presbyterian 3 Anyhcau: 3 ;\.B C. O Inucpcudcms z The Independents won from [31: l’msbï¬unan: in an 8 innings gaun- on '1 ugml‘a)‘ txcmng by a 5Com ()I 9 to 10. We: understand this game wag; pluycd under prallest. The line up: | v l l‘rhbytcrlzulvs S and (3 Johnston. Bunncu, Russdl, Hunter, Belch, 153;}; Suothcrun, Gibson. Independcntsâ€"Sayh s, H Richards, Muddock, Rms and Robt Edmunds, Giiluu, Duncan. Nattrass, humid]. Rcfclcc-â€"â€"Clms. Necdlcr. The game: was a good one, u be. ing a lic,.6 a“ at [bucnd of â€16611). chl gunm. 'I;:1:sda);, July 2011), at 6 p. m., l’rcsbyuxians «'5. Anglicans, .unlcss date is otherwise arranged on account of cxcurszon. ‘ The Millbmok 13:15: 13:11] .Clubdc- fcutcd l’ontypoolI 0'1 zynday m a (j innings "amt: at‘lx 11)};001, sc01c3â€"2 'lhc play as ' L\I!]lbr0(;k-â€"â€"l)o\\ch, 1)le 1111,ylizu1d1c), S Juhnslon, .‘uylcs, Sumheran, Sanderson, Jim), laurnham. Cheap trip to Lukqï¬cld 65c. with the; Presbyterian S. S. ‘Iixcursiun on lely 20. l’untypoulrâ€"Donglus, .hifuu‘lv, HIâ€, thsnn, Williamson, (MRS, Benin. thunï¬ingmn, 1\lc(,‘0ncchy. 1: was :1 good game throughout i wise principles. It is strong with actm: business in Canada. During Scruc Fund of $4.5co.oco, mm; has been accumulated. and mu anilla Hay Fork Rope. Wm] Lust Draw To play and \‘egetflblcs' 01‘ ï¬re may take it doubiful dubi 1m- FM odlm Moth .5, 22.0 “’0 ‘ ‘U % kv â€\JK Prumutinï¬"Examinations. MILLBROOK PUBLIC SCHOOLS In the examinations for prunmliou trmn Hue Junior Fumth, Souiur '1 Mn! and Senior Second (Mazes, the mud marks “are 5:30. and the requirmneuts were 40 per cent. in each subject. and UU per cent of the Lulu] murku (nr 330) Juniur Euurlh l0 Entrance Linus. Junior hunt): to E1 Cmrke. Douglas ...... Dugezl, liatmeun . Fair, Allen...... .. (irm', Alvin .. Nvedler, Margaret .... Turner, Marv .... Senior Third [0.1 Arnmtmng Jnlnl (‘nrveuh Marjmie (‘uliunh Kane .... .. Fume-mid, Lmuglus. Hufl'mzm, Mae Lurmcr, 'l‘cd...... . Lord, Ada .. Luxu‘u, HIM ...... .- l’zlt, Willie Russell, I"re«i..... \X'estall, Huh-nu†Wright, RObie .. Senior Second to '1' Bonar, May...... .. ('rnssumu, A lbert...... .. Hegel], Ste\\'urt....... .. Dunnélly, Pearl ...... .‘ Fair, G90rge ...... .Urny, Gladyss ........ Hunter, .Ie.~sie...... â€lunar, Rwy ...... Larnm-r, Armuld .. Mutluw, Rachel .. .. .. ()rr. Marjwie ._.. Philips, Grumman†. lit-hauls, Alvin Smith, Marjorie) ....... 3'i‘lmrmiylw, Kathlren leliamson. Leanna . . The {11111111ng is a “at (1! pupils 11 I11 “ill puts it to \lhs Deal: 5 r0 â€1 Inn. 6 1 rancey. Illnl'H'l I r)‘, Svllit Sivan Horence \\ es 21H "381110: 1-! U111: lord, (cull Lnrumr, Elma Larmer. iramk McDonald, Bull Richards, Juhn' y Sluan, Johnny Thumpaon Sunley \\':ddi3. Injustice to M‘SR Fa r’s "him: as teacher we might say that humpâ€; have been prnnmted In her mum, on y a part of he names bui! g pub. l‘shed \\ (9 think injunice lut-‘ul'lmrs and pupil-.4 all names 0‘ “use prumuu-d should he pulnlsiveJ '1 his “hill! en- Cunru;e birth [up 8 and mezr inmtvm: tt-rs. 'l he parents :i la s ha able. 1:) Iullmv 1hr; prua'wa: nuns by the children. Soak the feat In lmt water and tin-n apply Putnam’s Paula‘s (‘urzx l‘lXLrw- torâ€"it rvmnves thee Mans quickly Be sure you get “ Putnam's" uni; . HARD CALLOUSES QUICKLY CURE!) The m'uSrs Mm wme digging so 11 Have r‘miud fa 11) their lubnra, Bu! \ve d aft rum, hr bless your soul W e burn)“ {mm mm ncignbn's. â€"'1‘0ruz.tu Shlr mus. }. w. mxmum AL “\Vclibcck,†thu x'csidcnm « and Mra. jnlm â€:‘xfckrhlidsv, \mml, (NIL, the“ (Lingizh-x, .v‘mz. puma] Ln hcr rcst :11 the any L 36 )cars. She was [named 1:) .m. _i. W. Ki-tth‘cd, (If ()U/“Lt‘lh‘ti, 311.11; I; : - teen and a huh ycuts ugh, 21:..1 1t;;\c hcr hurhtmd and lhicc (hi ,t (.1 ; A mourn hcr dt-Ltth. lira. Kin r .7 hccn in Elihu}; hvu‘th ht prctiuus to her th at}, anal rczn x t. tt. "\VLllt‘ct'k" \xiih 1h; hqu t ;.u change WUUH ht‘lp hu’. Sir, hum“ .. grcw gradually \vcukt-r until, bH mt 22ml uh., sh: [maxed (1 !:c 1)" unity. During her iih css she Hamill-flu} much patiencczmd christi;.n rrsigxu lion. Her cud was puma. She was wdl known and h'g‘lly rtspm‘tmi, uml thc 1)t:l'(fl\‘cd hmbund and (3111113 Law the: sympalh) ufu large (.‘h‘CL‘ ui' h'itrml.» "l‘ht' I‘cmmns‘ \Vcrc tikcn {mm hcr Lttc rc:idcncc to Little L'tkc Ccmctu‘y on thc 24th uh. 'l‘hc SCI‘VICU was con (ducted by the Rcv. W. Harrison (31111 the Rev. 1). M McDonald, nf chnc. ,â€"l{c:\'iuw of the 91h 'l‘lm pull [murals Wcre 31.x brothers of Mrs. Kindrcd. ht’CCllSCd is a sister of Mrs. W. J 13.01111111, (1f Miilhruuk. and to her and the other relatives the hearth-1t 5) 111p;1111y of their numerous. l;'i;'12d$ is cxlcndcd. “\\ ccp not 111.1t hur m' 31 is Jim“ . \\cc1111utth.1t l1cr ruCc is 11111. (10d grant \xc 1.111ay rest as 5m . 1h. When. like hers, our wmk i~ dune. Till then We would \jickl 111111 gladncss Our lovud ()HC to 111111 to Lcrp, And It] uiCc in thc ssxcci 215511. ance, He 3’11'ctl1 His loved ones munp.’ lluid is $1116 and Sudden Dent}: lieutmcut “ill kill the bugs in It \. out inju .; the tops Coopex’s Nephchs Sprzn to Potato Bugs. l'his Specific 20 Minutes {10m time of uppllicatici . and it ducks the bi!"it Other Gtï¬ce : Opposite Town Ha‘l, E3112 -...u QDIO €313 63:2? Junin Fourth. Third Class ‘363 Al i 3-H 2367 .411 Am; “(I “1‘5 lc \\ E1 'l‘hg’mltouing'me we namea of the successful candidate": fur Entrances to High hclmoh at MHanmk, Bethany mm Janelville. 'th munws an: ar- ranged In their cLaSHPB in order at met“: me ï¬m class cmrtanaa Um names of camdhlunm â€mm“: 7.3 ,mr cent. u! the an-p-I ï¬rznig'mli $31!»: 5cverlfl Hlfl‘jvreh'. léw. Fei‘H'HIX “1'15": .Vâ€" .. H. Al 21“th Hume Braking (57 751-6! cea. .; mu! rt‘CQ‘Wlug 0!: {It pcr‘cem, I r 'l‘hv marks (1 «Hclums u H: 1,: rear} «,1 me I MHJJHLUH}; (‘lasu ll.â€".Slanhw We»! bmltu Lemma \\ Mun (lass L.“ â€"-...mms H bill .:lm Icmm \urmau (in-Hal H: Imam, {\n-Uite Hamllvv .nr. Juhll Dueâ€, Jack Au (‘lasu II â€"L:~.nrn I103 "Ohm, Anny .‘dt'HrMh, Lilian Wcullake‘ (‘Lmd III â€" l-lurrncu Hubbs. Oln-e l‘wnmn.(aq uni) Jeane Arnoll, mum Van-H ( lam: w 11mm.“ Exdney Staples, lraulzl “ten-tun. For \Vc 1: um I" m Hm 131.1,} Telephone C 1111211.111.:115211011110159 11:1 1-110111 I)11':7ut01‘:. 1-:1 1111.1 01(11111211011t111r a! 51:.Xli1){1..\Hli\'.\:lz.nl«~ tlxc i’usU‘::.~h1(Emma! mi: ‘uc xv. mi :11 {Ham} mm} -.\mm, on lam thu :o 1) August, .1909. fur the «‘ \cmmc of H.s Mnjrsh s \1aik, Innpns: u (nmiacl {or four \cms : Limes par \xcck each “3), bet “can Eillbrom and Mount Pxeasant from the l‘mtmastcr (lc‘ncml's pleasure. l’rintud n1;ti1c~:, containing further 1: xi )2 m;.tiun as to condltxons of prupns- 1-1l(1>x‘tm1t,nmy b1: sun and blank forms of lcndu mm he obtained at Iltt: Peat 01131 11:1: of Millbzonk Mount Pleasant, Ida and Cayum-zllc, and a: the Ofï¬ce of the Post (Mic: Inspector at 'l‘oronto l’osr O 1-‘511‘15 DEPARTMENT, MAM. SERVICE Bxaxcu, Ottawa, 2nd July, 1909. 17‘ ï¬ gg 5.x â€1 li" uq Boots Show an! Ii'u'neas. 11111.1: :1 huge stock to pick \11 . hum: a large stock of 21:5, 5111! (1151s, Club lugs, 115. 1:11:15: :111'. Dustcrs Pricrs ‘1111131. 1 1>1a11111g of 1301115 ‘IH 11195 \1111 e \011 wait. Ur.) 1’» 151' H A 5 EUESE £39m; Poison . ANDERSON. Superintcndcnt “0;. holds, May rd 68:13:! Millbroo‘k. uhd ï¬broz‘ék. Ln MN 1*. Comp Mas", under mm». jcr b7 ()H :1 SIX nah CO†Tickets will in: '1' «Omezme for the Hm“ .odist S 5.. Exnm‘siuu Aug. 3M, 1:" Train 1.: xthenCc by Sternmz‘ " over the ccielu-au-«i IO [Atkifï¬cld and 51x \Vatch for postcrc. an gum.“ .us an the 3rd .. Mr James X‘fa’Lngr 1 £01“ Vancouver and > shout huiiday trip.-'l 3 Express Jun»: 24. Th: E. Y. \Yutn Jarld a. most S:1CCc:f“iu the home of Mrs. 12:“ on Thursday of has: \ marly ï¬fty imiics \Ku .After games, eta. hui ged in for a few hours repaixed to the tables We†ï¬lled \xiLh Ml 1h- .the season. Every ileartxly « nfm ‘ d .and are new lgzï¬u: .to the pleasant men-1: in the {u i 4 ' Open entzrc year. 14mg; Mas! Chances. ’3' :1. {PETEBBORO BUSENESS COLE SPOTTON neg-32m. Mara; TEACHER . ' ‘ANNIE w. wow, Piano and '1 hcory. Pupils prepared lor lixaminaf Terms Moderate. \,, {avomc Sumxucr Kc Special Coumc for Pu al‘rl‘¢3¢>l 'i‘e ac'n erg. ~Messxs. S. l’. A; Beatty intcnd guit‘ Houdini. It is my iutcnd ta king the (‘ u.) the per 1;“ u: drs fro} cd I): um. that $1.00 an in cumnzcx‘s tin: Ic‘ Dr. Roget: has a z birth to a colt in .\1‘ anothcr tho: last cf said then: is only m 01 the kxud on xscc Miss Mabel john: as wc 155:1. ust. Azzcm munths. 311C grcalcr. (Jud PIC JUN" A numbcrof the rub wax: to Lanctvxlic g1: Mundu} cmmw. .\0 new. all OCCHchd by 1 A number of toxin :1 for their yacation. u! othez \usitors an: gum; enjoying a lime wumg liver. \Ir. Rob; rt 1. ouxmey spun ‘21}: Izzemis m in Rev. A. \\'c'h.<!er, two \cars' “01k 2: passed through 0: week cu mu 6 10 15 new ï¬eld of labor. Maths. aucuuo Aduefl i. 116‘! g3 a 13 FIG PILLE A number 0: our (WIT/4' pose gomg on the (-xvursz Sa'urday to Tormno and F3115,. N. Y. This um; good for three «L135. 1112» Omemee at 6.25 a. m. < Return max' be taken by tram up :0 8.45 pm. 0: :1 When a sgwcia! “‘in lmw ( The trap via. thr N1.:::n'.s‘ non Steamcxs and the Route cars will be one o and scenery un; 32.:11ciui comes :0 those who Everybody raced»: 1i: cause they build up spire you With new and DESTROY 1 HE I or two will work m runâ€"down system. ( 25¢ a box. or ï¬lm 2: â€mmwdmmfl -.. .1. m E; [11 Cr‘i m n": f {2'3 LEA-SE ARTICUL EOPLE. H ~ egg?â€- s‘N‘Q we wt \ ï¬Â§ï¬ï¬$®€ fléh*:fl m1 ruddy: up Unukuk School I. 8.1!} Lam“ For sale by R J 5132:3001 “31"65 bcst u he: COI Even one X mzh uh 1C I A la! ugnra l the one 0‘ lllckd