OCTOGON MILLS, MILI- IROOK â€" Having Leased the ;- Dove Mills, I am p epared to do L'hopping and Rolling; also bran and shorts and cause grain; teed {or saie. A trial solicited. Sat- ; faction guaranteed. Boots and Shoes for \Ien, H .omen ,and Children at I‘. I. Lang’s ’ Mrzhodist S S. Excur§ion August 3rd. Don’t miss gâ€! Miss F’orence Reed, of Peter-bore is a guest of Dr. and Mrs, S W. :Clarke. . V. Montgomery, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, MILLBROOK. ONTARIO. ‘ ï¬g! i_n Tumgy’g Drug Store; Prepare for the Milrl‘broork Gentml‘ Exhibition. _ This year the dates will : 31x: 'l‘hursday, Scpt. 30th, and Friday, I Uct. tst. The Ofï¬cers and Directors 1 will spare no pains in making lhisf year’s Exhibitmn 3 record ‘prvakerJ va and attractive featurcgs Will be" added. ' Mr. I. A. Smith. pf SW3!) River. .was the guest of his bun“.- Mr A. A, Smith last week. Mrs. W. H. Russeil is a guest of hcr cousvn, Mr. Isaac Cardmcr, at I Rondeau†Park, on the shore of Lake 'Erie. We wish her a pleasant outing. 1‘1,- and NII'S 10h" Bateson and board and their CffOl’télO make the son. of Belleville, are “siting friends day all that could be dcsn'ed. and relatives m town. -"1ac:k,†aslh‘e '5' ‘Ommnn'v know" “Y "ere, (“'5 Minbrook Boy Winé First-class former home), has a good sntuatlon vmh that large and enterprmng ï¬rm, Honors- Messrs Ritchie C0. and Ins num- . 6mm friends here will be pleased to 'Stanlcy “’ CW1â€: 50" Of Mr. Wm. lknhw of his pmSperity. Jack is a I ll cstall, and a pupll ofthc Millbrook 'l-ase ball enthusxast and a good player, ‘ PUbhc SChOOL made a clean swuep at .and his chances for a game next week the Drecwt entrance exam , thereby} éhOUld be good. lreCc-Ivmg ï¬rst-class honors. Mam-r W. W._~EVANS, Proprietor. Miss Stella Smith of Toronto is :1 guns: of Mrs. I. Leatch. Mr. D. George Smith, of CIeVeland. .Ohm. ie a guest at the home: of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mulligan, Ann St. Mr Allie Payne, of Tororxto, )s a guest of Mr and Mrs. A. Payne, King 5". , E381. \Ir. Wm. Grifï¬n, the popular Livery n-rm. of Bx-thany, was in town Tuesday. .01) busxness. Miss Alice Hawkins, of \Voodville is a guest of Mrs I. I). Fair. Mrs. J A. Porter is a aunt. M rs. J. ‘V. \Valsh, Mr‘ and Mrs. Wm. Payne. of Roch .e<tt~r. N V.. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. 2V. \V. Gillan, King St. \Vcst. MISS Mollie Hassard 0F Matham, was a guest of Miss Hclcn Armstrong ville past week. Dr Fred Mulligan, of Petrolea, and \fr A. W. Mulligan, of Cleveland Ohm. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bfnlligan, Ann St. Master Cecil Carey. of Bethe}. anlv. 15:: guest of his aunt, Mrs. C. W. Richards. Miss Myrtle Reid has returned to Pctcrborn, after a pleasant visit at the hem: of Dr. and Mrs, S W. Ciarkc. ï¬rst Excurswn from Mlllbrook o‘er this rou‘teaud WI“ no doubt be popular. Don’t forget the Morton Studio. ‘\Vc have just come from tbc convcn (ion in erhcster and can give you the beneï¬t of the latest styles and :dcas. ()pcn every Wednesday. ‘We regret to iearzl that ha: rcsrgned as teacher in brook Publxc School. Reeve Given has proclaimed Tuesday, Aug. 3rd, Civnc Hollday {or \[Ii‘brnolc The Mlllbrook Methodist Sun- day School will lmld its Annual itx'surs'on on Tucsda., Aug. 3nd by {rain 0 Petczbom, thence bv Steamer, “ Otonalxee.†Over the Celebrated Lift Locks to Lakeï¬cld and Stone-y Lake. This is the Mr. Charles Thorndyke wan a visitor in London this week, Amateur Photographers, remember we ï¬nish your work and do it right The Morton Studio, open every 'ch- mcsday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Robmson and c'nldrcn, nf Cleveland, Ohio, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. Robinson. Misc Jeusie Allen has returned (mm .a pleasant visit with Tomato .fnends. Mm Ins. Riï¬hardsm). of Torohzo. was a gueSt of Mrs: "l‘. Nattrass the gas: week. LADY CLERK WANTED for Restaurant. Apply to Mrs. Saylcs, 'Millbrook. Mrs. “1]. E. GtIlottwas rhc guest {III her parents Mr. and Mrs j W. heckenndge. at “Wellbcvk,†Was: r; md. over Sunday. Port HOpc and Mullbmok will come mgr-that in an exh‘httlon game of base Iball here: next week. Port Hope Methodist excursion glzsacd Vthrougb here yesterday .‘=;r their annual tnp to the re- "‘wncd back lakes. Five coaches were ï¬lled with a happy throng. Mr. Lorne Sisson, of the Bank of Toronto, Omemec, was in town jester-kw. IS’Don'it Miss the Methodist S. h Excursion on '1‘17951ay.the 55? of Aug. which is Millbl'ook's ( i\ ic Holidav. 5s 5 :n‘ .vd' L- "bleak Ia?! roork (:‘entml As a chain 15 no stronger than Its 18 dates will .- mcakcst lmk, every link In Canada’.~ and Friday, 1 Greatest Chain 0' ngh grade Busmes~ nd Directors 2 Schools has bccn kcpl‘ m the highes.‘ making this {state of proï¬mcncy known to business , _ .4 AW -L ,, a (7 nest of her prrakcr. lscnenee, Whnlc over one thousand ml] be‘studmts “etc: enrolled last year. the demand forkraduales was three: tunes :terbnro. the supply. . The I’ctcrboro Busmcss s S W Collcgc, which reopcps August goth, " ' invues the most crmcal Inspection. romï¬mspecuvc students. Owing to Women . the prcstage of this chmn,_eucrygradu- Miss Rage Sklner n ate of neat appc‘aralncc and good Mme In Keene uflersp character IS guaranthd a good sxtua of u‘eeka with her an" $qu“, tion. The new advcijtiscmcnt of tlu: McLartuoy. pollege appears on pagu 2. _ Muss Cauie Davis c'an Port Hope to appâ€"n? twerms, thexe were on tickets 8.0131. Ladies’ base ball and now tho lamina games According to the new I committee they will he letlc Park every Zl'uesd evenings Miss' Fair the Mill- It. Is a Inga: plenum by, dressing especially for Indian,†ip makes m. ,hair soft. and Iustrinus. The price is Only 50 cents a large bottle at A. Leach’s. or by express. all charges me. paid, from Girnux Mfg 60., Fort Erie. On}. It cures dandvnfl’ in two weeks by killingtbe dandruff microbes; it ytops falling hair; it cures gm 8,9:th alga-sues! or money hark A Leach is (it-NI to Fate that Pgrc istan Sage is a rigidly guaranteed hair re.- toter. Mr, A. Loach desires to announce tn the readers of The Mirror that the: have secared the agency for Parisian Sago, the marvelous dandrnfl' ems and delightful lupiydrgssing. ~ ...........~ ‘A‘illl’ LIICICUy [receiving ï¬rstâ€"class honors. Master I \Vcstall IS quite young, and this is a gclcver showmg on his part as we" as {that of his Instructors, Messrs. I) EHampton. and J. M Adams. Con gratulntious :9 my. Stz‘uflcy‘, and con- ; tinned success. ‘ ONE THOUSAND POSITIONS ........~v-\. Spot thus making it more comfortable to all concerned. The tlip was up as [tr as Burlexgh Falls calling at all points of interest both going and comma, arrxving at Peterboro at 7.20 pm. and returning to Millbrook at 9.35. Altogether the day was a delights ful one and expressions of approval were heard on all srdes; the thanks-cf the people were hearty to the com- mittee for the great kindness to all on board and their etl‘orts to make the day all that could be desired. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. “Stoncy Lake." It Scrmcd when all got on board that standing mum was gomg to b: at a prccmxum, but in a short time the large crowd seemed to adjust themselves to every available such a day’s outmg. -and .thc crowd ï¬lling thrcc special coaches was enough to tax the capacity of lhc Strumer ..l.., '7 'A , ‘ ‘ _. “Cum“. l The Iixcurswn on Tunday of this Week to Stoncy Lake Vla- (S.'I'.R. to Lakcï¬eld, under the auspices of the Sunday School and Ladxcs’ Aid Soci- ety of the Presbyterian church was a grand success. The day was ideal for PRESBYT’ERIAN EXCURSIGN urday night, the seventeenth. With a ng from Pethick Bros. upâ€"to date Livery. and have all the tents up and are having a ï¬ne tune ï¬shing and playing ball, the Weather ï¬ne except for a few thunderstorms. There being few Mesqux 0:5 so fat. Sanderson and Bennett hold the record for eztttztg ï¬sh. Mitchell holds the potatoes down and the cleaning of the ï¬sh. While Burn ham looks after the pies and cookmg department. Peter, the dog, looks after‘ the cleaning of the illhllcs and guard- Ing of the tent. Signed Smithson’s Landing, Iuly x9th.â€"W. Sandcrson, \V. Mitchell, J. Bennett and F W, Burnham arrived here Sat Miss Bingham is a good pitchel and in fact all the girls on bod) teams played wcll. In Iecd. how could they help it with the zulmir- ing eyes of Joe and Ted laukmg on. Avgiicans, Chff for the Independ- en's and the Misses Mmme and Pearl are catchers for the ladies’ team. Miss M. Nattrass played a star game on Friday. It Seems to be the ' failmg’ of the Nattrass family to be good catchers. Harold catches for the Miss McBride led m the scoring â€"mak1ng four rounds of the diamond. Well done (Iassxe. It was “all day" With Cavanvifle Ladies this time. Mil'br ock . ‘ Miss B. Arnlstfpng On Friday the Millbrook ladies’ base ball nlne drove to Uavauyillc and crossw! buts With the speedy niqe of that town. Thu game resuited in [m or of the how: (can; by a score of 17 to 16. The players and score : Camus-inc I 2 3 4 5 M rs. McBride 1 M 158 Lee ' The Ladies’ Base Ban Game ‘6 to H 66 (I ll (I C. MchiJe ‘ x M. Nattrass I G. Clarke B. Lock I 11. Armstrong M. Hassard E. Clar kt: Bingham Hutchinson 'l‘wamley McGiH Johnston Tunney Dolan Hilton BREEZY CAMP. NOTES H A PPY Docr wry ï¬ne and appropriate unrmhn to the Oranuenmn here on Sunday, July 10.11, tumg [or bus mu Hebrexw 12m chapter lot and 2nd urges. cup won by our boys np there pn the 9th “183., or are they small gnome}; to keep n 93 it was won lab and agu‘aye and we hm; not 1.0 impugn men to plyw- fooiball c'lub ever pmnnd giving n}; the M911 Lepreapnthxg Squ‘res 6! Lindsay are hate pulling pea runners. "hev say peas are a lair cm i ' . ll ' w“ ..,....:.a m†. ‘ p inns vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. A. E Blrphan erboro were visiting vi-m- I Miss Jennie Leg oyer Sllndny Men remnanthm Rani-n- - Mnsa Cauie Davis o'ame Toronto on Saturday for weeks holidays. Special to the Mind; All the trials and tribulations form-Hen drlenL' home and to‘ from the noise mere was a whale time Ted led again in the songs reached .our ears," as they came: Dawson's Hm and into tl.e"olJ Lc Margaret. Bingham ï¬ns sprinter all rigid and whac‘ 'u few’ all right, bringing h runs. h, .......... --v cpnaul' ed the previous ovenzng and was unaMe to play, but her sister, Miss Minnie, tilled her place epienuiidly. It. was an inspiring eight to see Cassie make a home run. Miss Pearl Nannies Mlllbrook‘s clev- er little cauc' 9r, had he: ankle sprain. A1. ‘1 - .. ..... The game started, Millbrnnk going to bat ï¬rst. and they scored three runs. They then took the ï¬eld and It Was a treat 'or them to watch the Cavanville ladies fan out The sight 0! the supper table to un- nerved TM and Joe than: was with great dlfï¬cuiw they were restrained from plllering the duinnes. Doc Mitchell 15 “able- to be arrested for he had serious designs against the "Crown" of Will Smderson's Christy. Reg Duncan, Joe and Ted did ‘ the grand†helping the ladies out o! the bus. and “human act the ‘gcu’lmen’ better than the)? At ï¬rst it was thought by the more nervous ones of the party that one at the group would have to move to the other aide at the rig to keep it balanc- ed. but an reached (‘avanvllle sale and aimed. Joe Bennett wus so excited he forgot to get his supper, but be revived Some- what after he had partaken of a few biscuits that Mr, Harry Nam-ass lam him. They didn't wait umil the burg was reached to Man the julliï¬t'atlou, not they. On the way out. 'l‘ed Bumlmm led off in real masterly style In the sonca- When Ted takes his last trip up Dawson’s Hill to his last long rest- in]; place, he will not. be accumpanied by such a gay company, bu: nls ab- semo will be felt. In such happy groups as that Mulch took m thls oullng. Promp'lr at 6.15 on that eventful and never to be forgotten evening, Fr dav. Julv ltitln, Messrs Petnick Brus’ large bun rolled away from the rumor of K412 and 'i‘upperb ‘Is It wasn’t empty â€"oh no, not b) ujug full T1 era was a jolly crew en lomd, for “ere not the Mlllbtook Ladrea’ team there in full force, auppurted by two male chap. erouea and six masculine admirers. They were ofl'lor Cwumllle to show the team of man city how the gmue of base bull should be planed. The Journey of the Millbruok Ladies’ Nine. "Mews can be had on Steamer at 40c. by these who do not can-y lunch. R. W. CLARKE, W. P. ROGERS, B A. Superintendent. Pastor. The Steamer is 50 per cent. larger than that used in other yearn and ii necrsuarv a second steamer will be llï¬t‘d so thatan overcrowri is not roared. 'l‘wo deckn are well ï¬tted up “in: modern conveniences providing pro- wetwn In case 0! Storm and is Electric lighted throuuhout. Omemee 7 45 a m 8|.00 60c. Beliumy 800 Si 00 500. Miiibrook 8 25 $1 “0 50c. Frauen-ville 8 87 $1 00 500. Don’t. be fooled. Train wili ion-a sharp on time Returning Train leaves Peterboro at 8 pzm Returning Steamer will arrive at Peierbupo in time to take the special twin at 8 p m. for Mlllbrook and other Pulnts. A stop will be made at a con- venient point i'ot Dlnuey, after which thehteamor will run up through the most beautiful parts of Stone? Lake and fetus-Hing astop will be made for supper. The Ball down through the canal will he made during the delight- ful evening hour to Peterboro. Time Table and Fares as follows: leave Adult Child Omemee 7 45 a m 81.00 ‘50c. Bethany 800 Si 00 500. Mlllbrook 8 25 $1 ‘0 500. Fraservilie 8 87 $1 00 500. The Millhronk Methodist SundAy SCIMOI have arranged With E; 0 U ’l“ K and the Steamer 'otunnhev" [M an Excurs-on to Polerbum and Storey 1m“. on Tuesday. Aug 3rd, 1909 (Mill- brouk'a Chic Holiday) A special ‘train will leave stations stated below on time Maud for keterboro. She» Can will be taken at 6.1†R. Stationtn the what! where the Palace Steamot Umnahee will be taken which will cam Excu rumpleta over the celebrated Lu’t Lock through the Tram Vulley Canal to Lakeï¬eld, than through Kalcllawanooka and Clear Lakes to Stnney Lake Methodist S. S. Excursion BE'I‘HANY ms came home from ‘urduy for a ponplï¬ 9‘ k'. E mirzclfard of Pet- uu-v home am) i0 judge 'l] tribulations were Nth her“ side! â€'9 Bones "that Hwy came down in ~9"01J tdoyn.†ofa contains {1.poison Which is fatal to Potato Bug. COdlm M°th and all biting amt-leaf eating Insecxs: 'They arenVery easy to use and cheap. lThpzy arie sold oniy by ' 5%mwwwmeeéegsw Hardware Child 50c. 50c. 500. 500. Agricultural ernches, HARVEST TOOLS, Grindstones Fixtures, Green Mountain Scythe Stones, " AND FILES, ( A N“;A11A1+Q1nï¬1 TIT..-“ ,1 ANTIEIWE YUUH NEEDS mwsgwgwmwgaï¬aegw contains_ :31 poisoï¬ will help 310;; rids the soil ,of Wireworms, C Ely; Turnip Dart Moth \Vorm ._ .fl. .-. u The funeral on_the morning of the Tweltth mstLWaS1 'vféry largely attended, the Brethren'ot L.O.L. 79 a'ttendmg in a body. BHNKOF TORONTO A Savings Account HIS father, three brothe’rg, Har- ry of Cobourg, Robert of Bethany. Levi of Mlllbrook, and foursisters, Mrs. Henderson of Pontyponl, Mrs. J. \Vard of Carmel, Mrs. D. Fisher and Mrs. Ed. McCorry of Mlllbrook alsp survive him. V V. . - "*â€" â€"I “""b" circle of friends, and his untimely demise IS mourned by the whole community. " This Bank. is Safe Deceased was a staunch Con~ servative, a member of the Home Circle and Orange Order. flew-as most highly respected by a large CirCICVOf friendg’, and 5;: nnhmaln ,--,- -..\.y .ya-uuu in Millbrook almost continuously since their marriage. ‘ His death took place on july 10th, after a short but very painful illness, cancer of the liver being the cause. ‘ ' Besides his wife, one son, Fred, survives him, while three children predeceased him. His mother also passed to the great beyond some six years ago. Your Money is too Valuable 'l‘he-sanm-t ofthis brief sketch was born m Petewmo on August 30th, 1864. being the eldest son of Mr. Wm. Russell. ‘ He was united in marriage to Miss Thirza Ward, daughter, of the late George Wa’rd‘, the cere- monv taking place at Peterboro on March 9, 1887. They resided in Millbrook almost continuously cinnn sL-:._ -7 (I ""I' The services at the house were Mlllbrook Br'.,' H. A.SIms, Mgr. 101-] N JA M ES RUSSELL In this, Bank fdr you; spare money will prove to youâ€"â€" S.‘\’FE.â€"Consi<fer' the ï¬gures given above. I’ROFI'I‘ABI4E.-â€"lntcrcst is paid on all Savings Balances. CON VENIIZN'I'.â€"-I\1(mcy may be added to your Investment at . Q . any time. Bccausc it IS governed on safe and wise principles. It is strong with the experience of orer 50 years of active business in (Ianada. During these years of :tcady growth :1 Reserve Fund of $4.5co,ooo, being $500,0001argcrthan the Capital, has been nmrumulmrd. and the Bank ncvcr remins on its books a smglc bad or doubtful debt un- provided for. ~ ‘â€" To leave in the hou5c, when: burglars, thieves or ï¬re may take it from you, or to ian it with doubtful institutions or in risky specu- lations that so often in the past have rubbed men of their hardly earned wealth. Merchant. Successor to J. 5.15AIR. With~a Complete Stock of OBITUARY. grow clean."Sound lruit and vegetables. Machine Oil and Oilers, Manilla Hay Fork Rope. Capital $4,000,000 ReServe 4,500,000 Assets 39,800,033 In‘cor-pcrated 18 5 5 5, Cutworms, Cabbage Lice, Onion on". and Countless Other Pests. Millbrook. For the Most Beautiful Designs m IEWELRY, CHINA. CUT GLASS Go to J. Steele’s. A 20-year, gold-ï¬lled WATCH, with Ameri- can Movement, for July 7. 19°9- Iunmedl‘éte possessxon. Leaving for the \Vcst. Apply at once to MRS. JAS. COA'I‘ES, 1’ 1 Substantial Frame House, catcd m excellent condition iently situated, with good extcnswc grounds. Upon rvquisilion of the merchants of the Municipality of Millbrook to me directed I hereby proclaim 'l‘ues~ day. August 3rd, Civic Hollday, for Millbrook, and respectfully call upon all our citizens to so observe it. W. S. GIVEN, Reeve. Millbrook, July 25, 1909. the grave bv Rev Megqrq F .. .. .. ennel and Rickard. ]he remains were interred In the th I l ‘ Th†M...†3;“ ne (,cmetry. con_d uctgd b1, Rev.Wm PRCCLAMATION. J. B.L.Grout, Mgr Omemee BL, Millbrook, Ont Hoase, well 10. unmon. conven. good barn and . Joh‘nston, W; my and fa! Hamlin:- Mvmeg-gg.ï¬ Arno: «$.an a. A“. Toronto. om mm was ' no ems: at cm 32m? '3‘": ‘12-â€? ' “m“rm Max:3- widE‘ZBEnbumh. TOURIST stzpmc cams am. Godard-hitch.†ow“th «mar-LN No Early gppllcauon must be mad. AUK â€ï¬‚ flOICUK§KIR.' PAIPNLIT Special Tait-lav. Tonn- 2.0b p... on INC". 5. an HIV C, 1' JUNE 1. 15. 3! JULY 13. 27 AUG. 13. 2‘ 3!". 1. 2| Mela-Whom Ont-tie union In M Nanhwutpouuu Low ROUND-frat? RATES mum. sukitéhmn. "hem vs. A.B.C.â€s. Anglicans Independents Presbyterian .-\.B C. Next gamc Tuesday evening, July 27. at 6 p.m., sharp. Independcnts l '\I" My! but didn’t 'l'mlur Wood do ‘lhc granu' by pulling m some sky scrapers. Who says Will is not cligihlr for a sit with an Eastern League Club? Hunter played his usual good game ’ and scored thrice. Gcm'gv Johnston caught a C(.uple of - daisies. Gcorgc is bucommg a ‘Moosc’ l :at the game. torily. Dawson played a nice game at first. Grandy IS a great base runner. His practic: at Lacrosse makes hum a good one. Some one said he can run like a “dear " Mlllbrook Base Ball League Standing. Howa d Handl.y and Dug Clarke play nicely for “midgr',s.†Needlctr c0uld bat them anywhc e he: liked. PORT HOPE vs. Ha’old Nattrass and Lev! Russell as usual did great work for their res- pective clubs behind the bat. 50 to 1 was offered on the Angli- cans when the score stood 10.2, but no one would accept thc odds. 0t course no em: wanted to bct, or get money so "easy.†It should have been a win for the Anglicansâ€" but 2: wasn’t. NOTES Handlcy, for the Anghcans,uitchcd a great game until thc 8th, when his arm got tired. Bcnnct apparently was not in his usual good form. and the Anglican batters "found him†easy. 'l‘he Iipe-up and score by Innings : ANGLICANS z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Naltrass ...... 001 101000 Handlcy ....... x o I o o x Necdler ...... .1 o 1 o o x I Wood .......... ' Dawson ........ 1 Grandy ........ ' Fisher ......... I H Handley ..... 1Clark ........... PRESBY'I‘ER'S z z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9‘ S Johnston ...... G Johnston ..... Bennett ........ I Russdl ......... xooooox Hunter ........ I x Belch ........ 1 Ball ........... x Sootheran ...... I Gibson ........ M r. W. W. Gillan refereed satisfac- The league base ball game played on Monday evening last between the Anghcans and Presbyterians was at- tended by a large. number of enthusmsâ€" tic spectators. 'lhe game ï¬nished in favor of the Presbyterian nine by a score of 13-12. although it was [0 ta the end of the 7th in fav‘or of the Ang- “cans. Base Ball Match EXCURSIONS MILLBROOK Next Week in Mlllbrook. Presbyterian Win Another. F ......OOI 101 I.......IOIOOI ...... .lplOOX ........ I Iley..... III-.0... TO Won Lost Draw To play The BELL Telephone Companv of Canada is about to issue a New Telephone Directory for thc Dis. trlct of Central Ontario, including New . . Telephone D11 ectery For Boots, Shoes and Harness. We have a large stock to pick from. .\\’e have alarge stock of Trunks, Sm! Cases, Club Bags, \Vhlps, Rugs and Dusters. PriCes the lowest. Repairing of Roots and Harness while vou wait. Highest Market Price Pam. W.W. Evans, MILLBROOK. b. Phone 42. ed Contract, may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Ofï¬ce of Mxllbrook. Mount Pleasant, Ida and Cavanvillc, and at the Oflice of thc Post Ofï¬ce Inspector at Toronto. POST OFFICE szm'mzx'r. MAXI. SERVICE BRANCH, Ottawa, 2nd July, 1909. G. C. ANDERSON. Superintendent. FLOUR FEED MERCHANT. Printed ’notices, containing further mformation as to conditions of propos- JIV from the Postmaster General’s pleasure SEALED TENDERS addressed to the: Postmaster General, will be much-- ed at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the aoth August, 1909. for the con- veyance of His Majesty’s Mails, on a proposed Contract for {our years SIX times per chk each way, bet ween Mlllbrook and Mount Pleasant TRY T. J. LANG WOOL WANTED Seed Buckwheat MAIL CONTRACT. J. LANG, IN ANY QUANTITY. FOR SA LE. MilIbrook. grove: Mr. and Mrs Percy Mr. and Mrs. T. Walter McL (Du) Rogers, Miss Helen Misg M. Adams, Mr. Isaac ( Some of the excursxom Omcmec were: Mcssrs. Rot: \V I jackson, Emu: Mel‘hen Wylie, the Misses Parsons. l Ctedxt 1: due to 4h r emerge agemeut of Mr. Gillies and1 unts who exhausted their ; we the excursiouists the ï¬ad ever been uncorked and st. The dew o! the Gram trams Were extremely cou every particular and the exd expressed their apprecmtlon‘ werbosutv Let us hope that mg wi" be an annual affair d0es. don't miss It next tim to save for It nght now. ihc cow; that tricd to stop night spcczal on its return jou Biackwatcr There was s a: in; all lhc tune and abou: cur.~:om.~t.~ has. thc time of ti The Warder’s 3-day Em Toronto and Niagara Falls l into hxstory as one of the pi: door pastimes that help to m of the rut, rest you. educate leave a pleasant taste in you around and about the saw which. hang memories that 1 rating and enabling that recalls and the tongue red many and many a time. Th was Ideal. the arrangement the territory traw'elled over fu est and histotic lure and ":1 went merry as a marriage be] with the unfortunate lady ( ‘ svmpathize with) who had In picked ty some mean scour Miss Ethei Huldore, b :lbwlle, viSIted her si51 Thelma Hildore, recent Mrs. Sparlmg and her Dons, of Toronto are the Mr. and Mrs J. A. Wylie fl The Misses Parsons a: tamg a little nexce and a of Toronto. Mrs. “. Neil! and ch Toronto, are hohdaxing Wm. Neil! and famxh. Miss Madeline Mc Toronto, is visxting her a '1‘. A. Macphenson. Mr. 1 Edward, hlS Chlld ten, are guests of f Miss Hclen Rogers us ing two of her Toronto The Misses Lord. of are visiting their fricm L411: 1). ‘ Cedarvxllef Rev. Mr. Earle pr Christ Church on Send at the 0! her appointn: er ted with the Omem‘e the Church of England V rs. Blacku'ell, ¢ was the guest of h Herb. Blackwell. \‘r. l. P L Grout, the Bank of Toronto. his holidays he 15 Mr. Phelps . AUG. drew unmet!" home 5 Thmw dull c re 1 and a tend tl.e Ga: the Athl- ctic G can: the zgth inst. See I On Tues zy. Mn. returned home after and pleasant trip a: (erecting places of A itoba and Saskatcl McCrca was a visito: garry Fair; he look m reports favorably and of the «est. Mr. Bert Henderso u ~,~. be guest of Om an r N nday. The Janetville b‘ swwped down on and took our nine in game was an aver: and the ï¬nal score 1 The granolithic u west side of Slurg‘ the Station platfonr On Monday, Mrs} was a visilor to thci returning Tuesday 4 Mr. H. Batty, o1 cial House, has gem Mrs. H. J. McLe Wat. was in to Pupils prepared t. 3'15. (Dr.) , neigro M r. jack English 'the painting of :ndenson's reside} OMEMEE ANNIE W. Terms M construct: TEACH J and 1H(