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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 3 Aug 1905, p. 2

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‘Mlss Nellie Skinklc, of \Varkworth. 3». is a guest of her sister, Mrs T Maycocl‘. Mr. Geo. Paris, of 'l‘onawanda, N. ' ‘Y , will Visit friends in _Millbrook and ‘Pctcrboro this weak. , Mrs. 105. Wade, of Hofic, Mrs. _]:;hn Lang and daughter, Miss Clara, and the Misscs Clara and’Ncllie Mitchell of Peterboro, Mrs. Wm I’arScIs and son, Thomas of Hope. PMr. Wynn Tregwin, representing W. ‘T. Pember, Canada’s Hair King, will :be at the Queen’s Hotel. Miilbwok. ‘ on Wednesday next, Aug 9L1) Sec ; adv. in another column. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Kydd, of Mon- ‘trcal, are gucats at the home of his ‘mothcr, Mrs. Kydd. 'l'hcy will also 'Visit his sister, Mrs. R. Cunningham, .at Pelerboro. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral ot the lam Mrs. J. H- Peel on Saturday, Wcrc: Masts. Gco‘ and Arthur l’crl, of chlcy, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Johnston and Mr. Melville Johnston, of Mam-em, Mr. ,Mrs. Wm. R0 mm, of Bctham, .\Ir. «\ Mrs.Jns. Peel, of Manvcrs‘i .\Ir. and Cavan Councfl meeting next Mon "day, at 10.30 a.m. Mr. Robt. Robertson, of \Vinnipcu, ‘ls a guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. -and Mrs. T. Sothcrn. Mrs. ”105. Sharpe, corner Genrgc and King Sts, l’ctcrborn, manufactur- er and dealer in thtlc: Boys’ and ()xrls’ :CIothingâ€"Madc to Order and Ready ‘Made. Ladies’ 8: (Ecmlcmcn’ s C lothe> :Clcaned Pressed and Repaired. “ill the glad to sec: her Port Hope and :Hope friends. Rev. Chas. Lowery and son, Master g'Ariel, of Hagersville, are guests at ("us home of ins sistcr, Mrs jamcs 1) Arm strong, Cavan. coo ; Rest and undivided prbfits, $2,573,332; 'l‘ozaI'ASScts ova $23,~ 000,000. Savings Deptâ€"Accounts ,may be opened in this dcpartmcm thh _.a deposit of $1 and upwards, on which ~gnu-nest will be allowed from date of .deposit. \\’1thdrawals may be made day cheque and withuut notice to the Bank. For full particulars. correspond .with- Mr. A._A. Hollingshcad, Manager ,of'Petcrboro Branch, Pctcrboro. The Minor and Weekly Sun, “Can ada’s Great Home and Farm journal," both papers to jun. Ist, 1906, only 50c. Dont fail to take advantage of this ofl‘cr. Mrs M A Mayccck, after a pleasant Avisn wnh Baxlicboro fncnds, has re ._'.umed to town. ‘Millbrook’s big fmr, Oct. 5111 8.: 6:1). BANK OF O'l‘TA\\‘A, Head omce vOttawa, Canada. Capital (authorized) $3,000,000; Capital (paid up) 4:2 5° In Mfllbmok. on Thursday. Aug. 1. In Mr. and Mrs. Mama Ltuck, a gkflgbtu. Mr Gco “ilson, Editor of the Port Hope Guide, and others' bereaved by {be death of his wife, which took place ‘last week, will have the heartfelt s51] - pathy of their numerous friends. Mr. ahd Mrs. Albert Dunr'an, of CIcVeland, are guests at the home of Mr and Mrs G A Duncan. Mr Watson Clarke has secured a good position With The Gordon MC Kay Company, Limited, 'l‘oronto, and will go to the City on Monday. Cen- gratulations. , The Misses Hem and ane McKim have returned from a pleasant vim with their grandmother, Mrs D W MC Kim, at Napanec. Mr and Mrs W B-‘Moorc have com:- .to Mfllbrobk to reside. and Mr Moon: has purchased the gro cry [maincss from Mr. ] McBride. Mr Moore is no stranger to the people 0! .\I1llbxook am. Vicinit), havmg \\ orkcd 111 Mr Need! er’ a mill until he met wnh his unfortunate nccxdcnt which dcprchd him of an arm. {iowever we are pleased to learn that 15 m a poaitxon to go mto busmess and hope he ml! find it remuneralive. rIn Iune he took to himwlf :1 “WC, :mJ 'xe jom With many friends 111 w1sh1n~a I Inn) and Ins estimablc wife many years of happiness and prospenty, and heart .in Welcome them as cmzens. Mr and Mrs N F Coombc and their daughter, Grace L. Coombc, left to day for the ( ity of Peterboro to visit With Major Howden was in tow this week on a visit. Master Tom Shield, of Mt PleaSant, .was a Visitor in town today. Miss Cordie chhards is wsiting at the home of her aunt. Mrs A Woods, at Petcrboro. Mr and Mrs Bradley and child, of Berlin. Ont.. arevisitmg m town, .and .are guests of Mrs (Dr) Dcycll. BORN Once more dcath has vi5ited this Vlllagc and removed another of our mo>t highly respcctcd cimcns in the person of Mrs. jamcs H. Peel, nee Miss Mary Ann Lang. Deccaséd “as borfi in the Toxmship of Mu nurs, forty four years ago. She “as a daughtcr n: the late: \lcxandnr Mrs. Pccl was a fauhful m'cmbcr of that Mcthodist Church, and a truu christian. l)urmg hcr long ilhcss, whilc rcSId imr in ()mcmcc, she bore up with christian fomtudc and“ patience. She uxulcrwcx t an Qpcxation for tumor, and although it proved quite successful .11 the time, It 1ch hcr condition so m ak, Lang, who was bum in Fcrmanagh, Ircland. t. z“: aim was not 5 r ms: cno ugh to with- stand hcr last Him. as ef about hm \veck’s duration. Deceased was of a kindly dmmsnion and was beloved by all her acquain- tances. In the home, when: now there is a mum: chair she “as a mosfatfcc tionatc “it: and mother. The funeral on Saturday to Gardiners Cemetery “:15 inrgffly attendcd, the solemn and impressive scrvrccs at the: house and grave bcing conducted b) Rev. (i. R. Clare. 'l‘hcrc are 1ch to mourn her loss, 'a husband, one daughter, Lilli: M 13' and one son, Wiibxt Henry, besides four brothers, Messrs. Fred Lang of Cavan, john in the North West, Alex and Ed “21rd of Mamers, and four siitcrs, Mrs “111 Pu) ne of \I'clhxcn, 31:111., Mrs. john "lrwcnzm of \Ioonstonc. :\lrs. I. \\ ad: of Hope, and \Irs \\ n1, Rowan of Bcthany, all of whom have the heart- felt sympathy of their many fncnds. The Germs of Catarrh Not only attack the passages of the hand uml throat but finally reach the lungs find cause consumption Nulhing destroys caturrh so Quickly as frugratht healing (‘atarrhozoxza which reliex'ua the congh,stops the discharge. takes all sureness from the throat. " 1 con- sider ('atarrlmzone has 1.0 equal as a cure for canarrh and lung trouble" writes .1119. E. Wetherall of Brighton. ' It. cured me after many good dm-mrs failed lo even relieve my trouble" Cutarrhuaune can't fail to cure-it’s guarantee-(L 'l‘xxo months treatment $1.00; iriul size :‘5c. Mr Slater, In~ pcctor. was m town this xvcck. and Lhc \lillbrouk Fire Companv were gixcna false almm. but resound ed he: xtilx and m a few mmutcs had a stream ofmtcr gout" 0ch the tuxm hall. A practice about once :1 month would bc a great benefit. Mr and Mrs] H Muycock and chil- dren of'!‘or'0nto, are gllcsts at the home of his broihsr, Mr C 'l‘ Maycock. eart's Pulp: taticn at Nig..t Rutzles 9‘ en the s rongest man, but to the nvvraue woman it is a taste of general purgatory. Take a. little Ner- vilinsin aneelem‘d “aler and away goes we palpitatiun. You’ll be saved lots of Worry by keeping; Nerviline on hand “hich is a treasure for all arms cf pains and acl‘es. Nerviline cures headache, stomach and bowel troubles quickly. Costs 256. fur a large bottle. To those who intend 'to build wire fences, I wish to inform you that I am better prepared thanefierto supply ~ronr wants, truth in quality and prices. I. huvethe agency-0f live ot the Lest Steelle- Fence Coxnpanies in Ontario. ‘ ‘ ‘ Before buying your fence call and get prices and see samples. My Hinge Fence has no equal. The Portable Hog I’en is what every farmer wants. It xsvso easy put up and taken down. St: :1 Posts can be had on short notice. Fancy lawn funCes and farm gates of the newest designs. ‘ .- u . ~m .Vn .......... 75 pmrs Mer1’ 5 box Calf 1‘321ls., regular $2 50 and 2 ()0 sale price 24o pairsm .dics’ Choice Dovgola Krwd Lac-earl Boots, medium e\te11sxon,Good-\car welted soles, szzes 2 r 2 to 7, made to sell at $3,521le price .. . 60 pairs \\'on12ms sStrap Slippers, regular $1 50 sale price 7.1, pairs Girls’ Spring Heel Boots, made by \V A. Marsh, $-,. sale price ... . . _74 pai1s Men’s Fancy House Slippezs,1egula1 $5: 50. Vie will sell 'lhvr'sday aiiurccr my pair of Men’s and Ladies’ 85 00 Boots 221058.00. Come Early and Avoid the Rush. RF--- v7 Agent tor the \Iawnet C cam Separatoxâ€"none better. Try one The best hay car on the mzukct lne onh txipvle I)O\\CI‘ car made One hOlse dees the Same woxk as '\\o “hen the nipple can is use] Call and see model before bu} mg. - .- Opp. Dominion Hate}, Mill-brook. Ifthe men can’t come, they must send the wcmen, for it will never do tolet a chance like this slip by. The ladies will be generously en- termined5 as the special Ior them below sug- gests, . n ‘ 'v'1 1" I‘IIY, ,1!) -A, V»... “n“ uvv .VV‘. Pratt' s 17;)od al»\ .135 on hand. This xs the time' ofxe czar to feed it to your horses, cows, calx es sheep, hogs1urke,s,liens,chickens. lhe best evg mo lucer on the market to- -da_\. “ Those “ho want am thing m nmserv stock, such as apnle, plum and pear txees, or small finit, (Peal! and lczue )oux order. l’uces low, Seed potat0es., Order now. _ Call and act a box of Pmtt’ s gallgn-re {91" horses,“ Noue better. Oâ€" 300 pair5 Men’s Dongola'Kid and Box Calf Laced Boots heavy extension, Good year w: lted 9.an McKav sewn soles regular price $3 and 2. =0, \'\’e_u‘nesd;xv THE LATE MRS. J. H. PEEL. The Dfilffia' as SheS ass Paaaata In his Office every Wednesday and Saturn-av evenings. ». I“ g, _, grow, completely cures dan~ ' drul‘f. And it always restores 5., colorto gray hair, all the rich, :2: dark color of early life. Thc home 0f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. llancrson, “ Gold Hill Farm, ” (Tnvan, was the scene of .. (inlet, but V'lcl) prct {y wvdaling. whcn on \\ cdncsday, j u. lqlh, their youngcst daughter, Edith 13., was unltul in the bonds of holy mntrnnonyto.\1r Chmaccllm'l‘. White About 6 p m. the imnu-rliu’lc friends of the brillc and gmum :n.:1n'.:cd 11cm- sches on thc 1mm 111111111255 [11c (yum of the nuptial knot, sk1litu pmfonncd .)\ the Ru». Dr. Manin, M. \ [111 1)., (11 lh-Lhany, 111111131 the old 'Ipplc true, with a burkground of 6111 News and ferns. Precisely at 6 o'clock the groom en- tered the circle. and was nssrsted by Rev. Edward Rowland, of )memet'. The bride also entered the Circle lczm- in; on die arm of her lather, during which time the Wedding march was played by Mrs. A. Kennedy. The bride looked charming in a commie or cream crepe dc chene, with Irish l’oim lace and chiffon trimnmigs. She also wore .1 bridal veil and carried :1 shuwcr bouquet of maiden hair fetus and lily of the valley. -'l'hc i)x‘i\1c.~;mz‘.1d, Miss Emily \‘x'adu, of Rochester, N. Y., cousin of (hr In'idc, lucked very pretty in :1 drc<s of crcnm French netting, wnh lacs trim- mings, and carried a hoqml of pink carnnlluns. Thu groom's {41ft to thc bride was :1 handsome silvcr tcn not, and to HR: bridesmaid a gold flcur dc lis pm 51 in paris. Aftvr congratulations were cxtancd by the well wishing: fricmls, all rvpnirctl to the (lining room which was most beautifully decorated for lhc ovmsinn with ferns and roses. A sumptuous rcpast was served, Ltltcr which the lumpy Cwuplc (thc britlc dressed in her truv-ul- ling suit of brown colic-mu; with hat to matclg) left midx't «howm‘s of rice. and good wishes tor tlutii‘ future hmnc in Mam'crs, whsrc they will be at home to thcir fricmls after August 15th. 'l‘hc prcscnts Wore numcrous and costly, showing the high (:stccm in which thc bridc 15 hand. Awé 81.00 a. home. All drumming, Faliing hair means weak hair. Then strengthen your hair; feed it with the only hair food, Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It checks failing hair, makes the hair ‘- M'v h..h- was falling on: badty and I was a'rald 1 wanld luse it. all. Then Itried Ayul‘ a H: xlr V mm- It quickly stop ed the falling .uu nude my hair all I_ could \\ 501m I0 b'e.’ v r Failing Hair WEDDING BELLS. xv hnir all I cduld (\isl Ramses A E. mum. 'A L mu . .. -.. E1lzabcih,1\'. J. J. C. AYER RCO. ,angll: Ti : H0. 00 $5 2 150 15W wring-1V Werrm-‘mu- wv w Ul 75 A Stymh Milihrsck Wefifiing. Dr.S.W. Clarke and Miss Hattie Reid Were Married on Wednesday Last. One Hundred Guests Present An event of more than passing interest tool; placw on \‘Cctlnesduy. August 2nd, at the pretty home ltlic bride, when Miss Henrietta Reid was joined in the holy bonds“ ofmzitriinony to Dr. Samuel W. Clarke, both of Millbrook At 2 30 p m. the bride, attired in a buuutiiul gown ofwhitc nct, mounted on liberty _satin, and wearing the conventional veil, cn- lured the drawing room on the ill-m of her brother, Mr. C. Reid, to the strains of Lohengzrin \'\’t tl «lino Mulch p121) Cd b) \liss Mabel Clan“). The bride was zittended by her sister, Miss 15. Reid, Miss Farrow and Miss Argue, who Were becom- ingly gowmxl in light blue silk, with lace trimmings, and curried buqucts of pmk roses. 'l‘he‘rrroom was 35515th by M r. Larnpruy. Manager of H1;- Turonto Bunk. '1‘hc'lk‘c’v.‘l)r. Choivn, 'l'o'l‘onio, a consul of the groom, performed the ceremony, alter which some ninety guests sat down to a dummy dcjcnner, served by six young lady l‘i'icnzls ofthc bride. Miss Ethel Richardson 52mg: twurc in hcr usual (lcllgrhllul style The lnizlc and groom’ncrc the. rcciplcnts of many beautiful and (:05th prcscnts. The gl'oom’sgil‘t m lhc Ul'ltle was a watch and chain and to the hmlcsmaids, pearl rings, 21ml a gold pin to the bcsi man. Dr. and Mrs. Clarke wcrc ac- companied to the shtmn by a hos: offncndS, They lcft by the 5 IO train for Toronto, and mli go from there on Saturday on an ex- tended trip to ngston, the Thousand Islands, Montxcul and Qmslwc‘ [he ushers wcrv Alussrs. £111le Buchanan and Watson Clarke. W The bunny fl'lcnds. Phelp, of L.i”(15d\', Miss Lt‘ilh {uni Mr \\'m Lelth of OHHiu, Mr. and Q .C 13 \‘v CUIxS of \Oodxihc. n11 an ”4 “1.5 :. .\ LL11 ix. of Mczxfo h, Mx. mest Buchanan of onouto Mr. 1) Mann 01C \ :.,m \Iissl mun Funow of Goduuch, Mzs Ilen- thorn MisScs Maud .und 1.1M: \kma 1y, Mr and Mrs and Miss :‘loxcme Ix‘cid, MISS 13 1‘tu of i’ctchoro, Mr and Mrs C Reid Mr Bert Rev] 01 Neu‘toxxviile. Mr C L Rxce, Mlss Baum] of l‘oxt Hope, Mr and Mrs W qunmill of Garden 11;”, Mr Long of Peter- b010, Mr and Mrs T jamicson, of Mt Pieasnnt. AT C , G 2% TFQ M2:- 'l'hr ;:111‘St5 from a diatnnce wuz'c Rev. Dr. Chown of Toronto, Dr W. H. (fluke, Mrs. R.\V. (leu‘kc, Mrhsfcmnim,Remand3115.1“ The nmr\"el‘.ous decrease of 40 per cent. in three years in the death-rate in Ontario from consumption proves that; the fight against. this dread disease is no losing one. The zzskoka Free Hospital for Cousmnptivcs, for which this appeal is made, without any endowment keeps an open door. to all who are poor and sick, as long 85 a vmrunt; bod rémains. Nearly 40!) patients have been cared for in this Hospital since it was opened less than three years ago. This has only been possible because of the continuous stream of gifts that, have come to us from every part. of Canada. Almoqt every trade and profession has sent its representative, and of every ageâ€"- from the young schoolboy of 12 to the widowed mother of £0. Remember, too, these were patients that other humitu‘m as a. rule refuse. In helping to rescue a number great enough to constityte a. large prosperous village, the giving back to home and friends a. regiment, of workers, surely will arouse interest in this work of mercy. Each gntiénb cared for in our Consump- tive Homes, removes a source of danger, so than}, the life of every citizen in Canada is more secure. “"0 again come to you with our story of trouble. but. a story of surprisinu' and en- couraging: Iosults. ' Nb ap‘n‘mgy is necessary ; the great, work of the National Sanitarium Association, carried on at the Muskoku Cottage Sunn- tzovrium and Free rHospiml for “Consump- tivcs, is now well known. ..vu.‘ u lawn" .v. J v“. The large numbe’of lives saved, of those who a feW years ago were supposed to be “ under sentence of death,“ gives a. right; to your sympathy. The 1,501) patients cared for in thesé trwo Homos plaud for yogr Help. DEAR anxn, Rev. Dr. (Shown Officiated. 26,000 was received last year by the AN OPEN LETTER FROM ME. W. J. GAGE. happy couple have the good wishes oi .aH {Emil TORONTO, Cam, Dec. 1,‘ 190-1. lit J. P/IOBRIDE’g. The Methodist S. S. Excui’smn. The excursion to the beautiful Chemong Park, on l‘ucsday, un= let the auspices 01 the ‘Mlllbrook Methodist Sunday «School, was a 9mm! success. The weather was excellent. and the crowd very large. four bouts having been necessary to accom- modate the cxcursionism. Mr. R. ‘N. Clarke, the efficient Superintemlent of the S. S., and Rev; G. R. Clare, the Pastor of the Church, did all in their power to make the exeursionists com- fortable, and the happy faces Of all was sufficient evidence that they had :ncceecled. The Citizen’s Band added much to the pleasure of the outing by their excellent renditions. The scenery along,r the route was all that had been advertised. Each and all were highly pleased. A large number from Bethany and Oniemee Were in attendance. Mr and Mrs (7 '1‘ Maycock spent Sunday with Builicbow fi'lcnds. Mrs. Jam-s livrms and Childrcn. of Cornwall, are guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'I'. Sothcm. Net the Slichtest Danger In 1min}: I‘m Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and lhxtternmfor cdnslll‘fl‘ mm (villilés. Hi‘gHy recouuuemleal because they cause no grlpingpuins. For prompt and certain cure use only Dr. llmnzltun’s Pills. Price 25c. \Vill you not join in this great life-saving work ? Your dollar will bring gladnea Fifty dollars will keep a. sick one for two months; may save a. life. Three hundred dollars will endow a. bed for a year. Yours sincerely You have the joy of knowing that your dollar has helped in this merciful work. The pitiful part of it. all is .in knowinb how many more Iives could have becfi saved if the noedful moriey had been fbrthcom- ing to provide additional beds. The official Report of the Secretary of lee Provincial Board of Health tells a, surprising storyâ€"a story of a. winning fight, showing that from 1897 up to 1900 there was a. steady increase in the death-rate from Tuberculosis. “fawn of Cobourg From 1900 there has been a large de- crease each year, reducing the death- rate from 3,484 to 2,072 in three years, or ever 40 per cent. This is all the more remarkable in view of the increase in population. Sh r" I? ,_ ‘ . ( !\ . r . {2‘ r \ (;."( L‘, ,4“ Ifllnf ' _U h’ ‘n l 190:- $50,000 should be given this. year if the Board is to provide fur the inci'eased ac- commodation and maintenance of- those pleading for admission; ‘ Why should consumption not be stamped out if the needful money and help be forth- coming ? Trustees of the Free Hospital for ”Con- sumpth es through contributions and be- quests.‘ ‘ \Vhere will youf hioney do so much good in bringing health to the sick and preheat,- ing the lives of those inAyoar home? 1905, at the OF LANDS. I Ell-NR!“ “MEN GNP“... i Egan» it. lights. on '1‘ I i L‘ RSI ).-'\\", . 0. PROCTER, ‘ q“ \" Dav a- W 3* rim hour of 1km in cxccutxon lv,n1tcrcst,(lmn1, .d c0111!) of re- me 1.11:11cdjuhn 30 p. m scs~ situate If (;f Luis ion of [1:6 therifi”. adour Bangs fmm‘$4. rcsidcn'Cc if you leave months. 3-11.“ 1905 ”on! I “in be on via“ and \\ av CS .'- - ’J ‘vr‘. . *gct it is aruhcral, 1 ms acscnpuon .; so natural in dppearancc that y<)_u f0. all Hair Goods fmmjhis House. thopportunity of purchasing on the above date. The Scltclfm- placed before you will; be complete in cvrry respect, and the price as low a5 if; our store. Switches of Straight :md Wary Hair trom $3 50 to $15 09, 1mm“- adour Bangs friiiii7$4.50 upwards. - Inspection cordially invited. Will “all in nub-10mm if mu leave measage at Hotel. ”Shall not be hcrc again for film-«,- applics to SeiZc “cjnin 1'1'1 “1311111” 1‘11““.1‘x‘} and 01111111111” pant) (21111515111155 of his sons Messrs ( harlcs and George, and Mes- 51's J Sicclc, H1 MqCarmcy, \\ firchcr (leollurnhum, Claer‘e an! “chin" tun Pickup, :1 pin-“mm gunng. Mr Rub: Ruddy has returned from l’rcsmn Springs, and Ins nizin) 'fxicnds will be glad to learn that he 15 wreath impuned 1n hcalxh Having purchased the Grocery Business from Mr. J. McBride, I will be glad to welccme all his customers and as many new ones as pos- sible. By keeping. an up to-date stock or I hope to merit your patronage, and will give allcustOmers my very best attention. A can is most respectfully solicited. The Misses .33“: Carved) and Jen nic \‘fflmr Lave returned to Milinzook after ra pleasant \isiL \\_1lh friend‘s in Que-bus. MAN NS’ (Peter‘bomugl'1Bread) fush at john‘ Mc:b‘x'i;_ic’_s Gxocny. evcly Mondm, \\' cdncsdz}, in- dew and Sam. 'day. OYS'I'ERS ALWAYS ON fiAN!) IN. SEASON. . . UN DER NEW MANAGEMENT. ALL KINDS OF 'l‘EMPERANCE DRINKS, HOT 8: COLI). WA share of your patronage is re spectfully solicned. MILLBROOK. MS. 0. M. KNOX, STOCK may AN!) nu; LL'NCHES AT ALL Hm FIRST-CLASS BREAD AN , FANCY BAKING. Don’t fail to see the ex on View; including the CHES AT ALL HOURS (Represmuative) Nata Pal Scalp Partin g, PEMBER, 127-129 Yonge St., Toronto Opp. Town Hall, the exhibition of Hair goods of every description 11 nu the latest masterpiece as applied to 'I‘oupccs, \\‘E‘ sS'Jg‘ Milibmk, on Wed., Aug. 9th, MR. WYNN '1 RESH. Coming RCOmlng ECOmlng WPEMBER it is artificial, This description 'l‘hc‘Mirror- Goes Direct to the ”mm-S that the Advertiser Wants to Rcach. A GSEGD CGLD Tn “SSHSS I Line ucmlh 11:! m a Bonn C( .d The Seller, “hid: Is by far :1. c 1: >1: :t mid brst ewcr made, and 11¢ ( x J} Li! (3 that cannot jtossibly hurt }( ur Mn ( Is. Just bring alorg one “Incl watch me set it with this machine. you will never again have t1); m at other way. I can set it :1! chins i}: :cnixx1<> With this machine ::1 (1 Co a l‘um gt l: than any man can the old “3}. No more bumix'g or scaiir; rims, or boring nc“ lmhs, mm d h» :11], No More Owrdi had \\ l'. 1113. I also offer \ou the \ cry B151 \\ (1k in all branches 111 general 111213;. 11 1111 mg. “a" gon and marriage buildmo. 1 d repairing, painting, c , at 161) unsun- able prices. No matter he“ many ccn c will not be lupt “ailing, and excn posighcl) guarantad. ' l «flake a specialty of pramica! horsc shoeing and always gch It calcful at- tenngn. A specnal cfi'crt is made to M's-<6 every customer. and you are rcquum-d to can and give me a trial. Yours for business, D. Milli FOR UI’3I"O-1).‘\_"1151L\\‘11 I RY. Issucr of Marriage Liecnsu, V MILLBROOK. 'I‘RECWIN will be at the J. STEELE’S. 3s. Q! 5,1158 1 pm L5H LI EC C K any zltc n d h‘r. SQ!“ ROW-lit! fame, IS progrrsdn; airship, and emu-vb It next Week. If it 1 calcu'axd on M; i‘ llkcly b: engaged a~ Japs, . or pf‘rhap: m: l’olc m vmv. The Pctcrlmmug‘x ‘uiz‘u proved itself second 1n n farmers 31': {argcly buym D. Thornton, Dian-id A3 Miss Emma Hm. (q' a weeks vac-13m ;.L M , .( The union cxrur enjoyed bv our (i17 . again have the w similar reunion l i so much cngq ed :‘m made to havc our b; Mr. A. R, \chflick, a chsl at the hum: McCafTrcy lurt u cck. The Rev Mt. Mdf Mr. C. and Miss Ii: ronto, visxted at thc‘ :. McCafl‘rcy last \\ cck iting fncnds m to“ n in" a good illii)f':s\i() grewatiunsa .Itcnu 1m Mclhodxst ( ixuxc'u c; - Mr. John Boyd, of Mo; was in town last Week 0:] 3 Isaac Sherim 111 MrS. Gunderson, Mrs. Nevis, of Chica at the home of Mr English, King‘s: Mr. and Mrs. San} Master Earle. oi >1 were \‘isztors m town The l’rcsbvtcr'az‘. dcrgo comma. 222' c 2 “ m. (21.1»; is Hm energetic conunatc: in}: all spch [2 2»; proposed 2222; Hum The Presbytrrxazzt : apace with the 51243 the town. The Emily Mumczpa in session on 'l‘chdaj; adjourned as a token a damaged, and for the wading m a body the late john jamcs Mild Mr and Mrs \‘..u. 3 chiidren, of 'lorumn. 5. months vacation in ()m Spccial to the Mirruz' The members of M; i’Ecz‘r NO. [57, l. 0. G. l 1. All; five u'ccks, hcld a - With Sister Cum: 5.1:v George Lane :1: Cap; ,- vs 1 suited m favor ox hm. Sister Sutcliffc and C‘fzhgs Bro. Lane and Co'x‘: a;:;¢~ presclit'to a sumbrr. 11:;- c., intersgxrsai the cum“: singing the National Amt; home, after having 5pm: ;1 able evening. Mona: 1’ch 'l‘cmplars arc proud :2" man it is almost fifty yams :im u gauizcd. Rev. H. V. Mu was the guest of .\1 Shield last \vcck. Mrs. B18351") its sci .“I' of Bethany, 5; mm but m “other, 51!.- K‘. (1.133 A L...’ the a large numbm : in the. cxcursxon to {film-- Tuesday. We think 31 bend charter an ocean ': ENOTICE â€" I70! 1 30 Days I xvii! s ‘11 SA chines zit COST i'n‘h L'CBRIUE, Milibxo'uix. A \erv intrrcstfn; It.‘ the Mt. l’lcasulu 142.9. “oman’s lnslmru V. the home. 0: 31:5. li~£lii : \Vcdn:$da>,1hc .znn. H.>i diSCUSScd vas ‘ l’n'.\.:.. next meeting mi! i i; home 3iM1:.C. 1“." >13 of Supt. tops; 1;: L “ Unsulm" omemee and Vicin KEV-é};- restorcs color :01 to have. The hair 5109:: dandrufi’ disappears. f1 M15 [ii Hula} . who \‘ I" i“. s, “'c éuc g... ‘d rapidh Imploun g. Jamieson 15:05. am r and buildmg an u-Jquzo old Eliiolt home. Mrs Iamcs Uunk‘iey o: is visxtmg her paruus, .\2 “’11: Brown. Miss Gordon. of Pcié spending her holidays .1: of Mrs. W. B. Slucld. Dr. Kci.h,of Omcmcc it: on 01.! friends las; BOY WANTEDâ€"S with lair education, to printing busmcss. A” Mirror Office, Millbmxi aged 44 years. In Ouwmoc. on Sunday John James Micheal, agcd The In Mlllbrook, on Thursd ary A. Lang. wife of jaw MOUNT PLEAS‘A Mumcxpa! ('0 'l'ucsda‘i. ti": a token of res Mr ind ,hicago. t: he MC Mouma Md DIED Soul bur: If. am Mrs. R , who \\ T?" 3‘ d )HL‘

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