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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 17 Aug 1905, p. 3

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uneml of fl, Lakefield v v 6 late est er- ‘Dcyrn and £113“ Irv and daughter. inigan and child m. johnston 5: 181 Lindsay of To", and her guest I stop at a dollar bill midi-ling cold ? Go get “(‘atarrhozono" he a thing of the [.st witcher: in the rg returned home :ndcd visit to M3: )omts. Best Work bhcksmilh uildmg and my rcasom :3 no remedy In). is and cutanh as S? a subsfimlo am! y " (‘azzm- hozone.” m 20 minutes a better job way. scaring thg and best 0! Wheels. wheel and iacbine, and them set any ROgcrs and Miss mee’ were guests f Dr. Dayan last 1 zone kills coldl- er the penetrating, ic qualities of Ca- h’ s not so wonder; mu her guest Misg ’cm‘, drove down to d a most pleasant ie and daughter, . f'l‘onawanda, todav, after a 2h 0! Miss E 5' agr o: 28, wh ,' .‘lr. “" snc'g very sad one. L‘ in W!!!) 3w Jonday at n m rttt’rboxo mes Batten, : funeral took I » .akcfield, took of will give EA P. Ll) FOR 3:? a House cold Var the fastest the only kind )0!" wheels. 1CCK caneful at- come. you rd every job rtquealed )I": oih-r \V m at the homé CH LUBERS or house_ and children; nslon «‘5: family )' 0f Tovomo, :“80 a qua“- r and a cider 1nd children blight“ Mr. Snelgro‘.e rel urned greatly "8- She aPpendl- quantity ro with w, from I: place >me last Manito- When some men have no better occu- patiun the: bum up something {or .2419” wives to do. Such pain and endure the lovture u! nervous headache when 150, buys a sure cure like Nervilme. A few drops m sweetened water brings unfailing relief. You feel better at once, you’re braced up, invigorated, headache goes away after 'onu dose. The occasional use of Nan-Nine prevents indigestion and stomach disordersâ€"keeps ng health and strength. Every wonfiin needs Narvuine and should use it too. In 25:. bottles every where. How wonderfully developed must. be the furniture-mever’a bnmp ufdostmc- tivenesu! The Federal Business College at Lindsay will re open lor the fall term on Monday the 28th inst. During the past eight. years the Federal Uclleges haveeducated and placed in positions many hundreds of graduates. Pros- pective students desiring the very best in business training at. reasonable cost, should write at once to Principal Houston for full particulars. A woman norm-judges a. man ’8 abil- “3 an: liar by the compliments be hand: her Ifa git; refuses a young man's pro- posal, he thinks she dusn’t know Let mind,so be dosn’t mind her no. A Woman IS as old as she looks but Hers woman imagines ate :3 the ex- cgption that proves the tuie. If a lawyer’s success depended who!- ly upon the gift ofgab, there‘woukd be more woman lawyers. Many a girl has been sorely disagr- poiuted because a young man askéd her to many him instead of asuing her to accompany her to the theatre. W118; it needs is the strengthening influence 4-! Dr. Hamihon’s Pillsâ€"they work marvels where the stomach and digestion are poor. In one day the appetite increases and the whole sys- tem is rapidly strengthened. Nu stom- ach specialist could write a better pre- scription than Dr. Hamilton's Pllis «f Mandrake and Butternut. At. alldealers in a. yellow box, Price 25c.,or the boxes for one dollar. Many a man who has succeeded in earvirg out. a vast. icrtmne for himself would not be abIe to carve a boarding- 1.0mm turkey. Why Do Women Suffer? Your Worn-out Stomach. ciers. Dishonest grocers :‘ehlom res. rt to legal measures. Jokes on marriages are Iunny only to muse who are not married. When the landlord raises the rent he expects the tenant to raise It 2.150.: A :er seldom tehw es to eat (on: ttom the cob 1.113985 she has :tore tOeUi. 'Io reslore sleep you must get more boilly strength, more nutrixluus blood, healthier nerves. Fermzune solves the whole pubicm, makes you 3289:) s. and Ingiyesendurmxe, vim.nmbizh.n. .\‘o Inf-t0 moxnxug weaknessâ€"instead the fire of youth will run in your veus, mpplymg nbundance of energy and and ~i;.rr. Witchery expresses the in mam etfoct I)! Ferromne; try it. Sleep not only rests, but builds up the body. Cut dawn the hours nfsleep and you em down health in the same proportion, Rebnifdixrg then ceases nerves :0 to smash, _\'cu grow tired weak and wretched. BROKEN SLEEP-TiRED REXT MORNING Mr. J. Brown took Cameron and Omemee. The Board then adjourned till Aug. 23th. Mr. Fitzgerald then called Star, Dnuaford, Cambray, North Ops, Maple Leaf. The buyers did not feel justified in paying: more, and fur a tew moments it looked as if no sale Would take place. Eventually, the Beliefs, “11!: the ex- ception of Manposa. decided to dispose of the cheese at X0: 2 rut?:erthan carry It over for three weeks, the date of the next sale. Mr. Flawlle called North V'erulam Pine Grove, Reubora. Bubcaygeon: Palestine, Red Rock and North Harvey. Some rich thzeves me CuiIeJ finan- Mr. Fitzgeram Con n. enced ding at101" and cfi'ed six but all refused to se ’1. The follow 1n; cheese at the u Morning: Stu ...... Cameron ......... Dunsfurd . . . . ....... Cambray ...... Mariposa...... ... Omemee.... North Vernlam.... North Opp: ...... . Pine Grove ...... Reuboro...... .... Bobcaygeon .. Maple Leaf .....r Ptlostine ......... Red Rock ...... North Harvey . . .. VICTORIA CHEESE BOARD. POINTED PA RAG HA HIS. am VEGETABLE SienuAN Hair Renewer 3 A high-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and glossy and prevents §plitting at the ends. "Cures dandrufl and . always restores color to gray hair. ”Tm???" W“ " Omemee and Vicin 31y. Ifigh-class preparatiotg for the bait: glossy and prevents aiming at the c always restores color to‘gray hair; The Mirror and Family Herald and Weekly Star to January 181:, 1.906, for 500, Premium PiCture included; mun; factories boarded the meeting on Monday ......... 45 red H-e bid- six factories U! 112 NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Votera’ List Act the copies re- quired by said sections to be so trans mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap pearmg by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality at eleo tionstor members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections. and that said List was posted up at my offiCe in R. j. Mulligan’s Drug Store,in the Village of ()memee, on the Ist day of August, 1905, and remains there for inspection. Electors arecalled upon to examine the said list. and ii‘ any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate pro ceedings to have the said errors cor. rccted according to law. 'The SCZ‘HCCS In Christ Church. Ome- mcc, on 'l‘ucsday next, will I).V. be COIKlUthd by the Rev. Geo. Warren, M Lakcficld. The choir will rcndcr specml musxc. The public cordially mvitcd to cvery sctviCc. \Iiss Flo. Graham and M”. W Brown 0“ indsay, ware vucsts at the hon e of Mr. \V Brown Svnday last “IL-usehnld worries and cares had {what exhausted my attength. I was “‘lek um} unserable. My cheeks lackv ed the eulor at health, sun! occasionally lhad spells ui rheumatism. Then m 3;); elite {cl} (.5. and hut‘llnf; would {crypt ne :0 eat. Wnrn rut feeiings c ‘IiHs .md dv°pondex m fills-1 mv verv being, I becmne anaemic LJId dwind- led down touslmdnw. (Tonsumphon was very near. Furruzune put strength in my body with a rush. It built me up, strong. virile and happy, and I have been we]! ever since.” MUNICIPALITY OF THE VIL- LACE OI CHI? MEE, COUNTY OF \ ICIORIA, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Ferruznne cures sickness by curing the rut wtnseâ€"hxck of blood and nerve u-ne. It keeps people at their hestufit, ready and anxious for work. In 50c. boxes only, six for $2.50, at all dealers. or NJ). Polson ck Co, Hartford, Conn, U S A.. and Kingston, Ont. NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VO'I‘EZQS’ LIST, 1905. This is certain-Ferrozone restores fai'inu strength from any cause Th» expt-rience of M: T1138 Rowd, o Suhrxber, On! , pruws this: V Omemee, Ont. Dated at Omemee, this xst day of August, 1905. H. 0: is being circulated. Tired mus- cles are invigorated flesh and weight are added Nerve force developes, and boumliug,jnvous health is firmly es- tuhhshcd. l~'errrzm:ec.:res because ii can fur 31st the may with sufficient nutriment .md building mat» in}. Th'uk nflhe instant nfl‘uctâ€"at 0:109 the !p;2eti?e invreuses, delughtfu? color in the cheeks proves that rich, red Your limbs feel " draggy” and exces- sively weak. A night’s sievn seldom brings satisfying rest. (‘ontinucus headaches, (-ximustinn and nervous sev satimxs destroy your hralth. Soon every Spark of vitality is nsedup. Then you catch tuberculosis Star: to-day. Build up, get new Her" 9 force. and overcome this process of decay. Use Furrrznns‘, which phy- szcizms cmsider the moss vitaiizing. uplifting ti nit: ever made. Tired When You Waken---Lan- guid A1! Dayâ€"Eferves Worn Guam-Snap All Gone. [Nate.â€"Readcrs~--and may their num- ber b0 manyâ€"who desire to assist in this Worth work may scnd tht‘il' gifts mSir Wm. Meredith, Kt... Vice-President, National Sanitarium Associatiun, To- ronto, or Mr. W. J. Gage, Chairman of the Exocutiu 0 Committee. TorontoJ l The following letter, addressed to fill ? Secretary of the National Sanitarium ! Association, Toronm, from the Rectory, I Norwood, on, and signed by Rev. J. i McKee MsLonnan, a. well-known Angli- ! o n minister of the province, needs no comment of ours. It reads: “I tissue to secure the admission into the Free Hospital for Consumptives at. Graven- burst of a. young woman, a member of my parish. The case is averysadone, and if help can at once be given, a. pro- misinv hie can be saved. '1 hree years ago tie mother died of consumption. Smce that time it. has been my painful duty to bury two of the $0113 with the same disease.‘ Now Annie, aged about seventeen. and a. boy of fourteen, are all that remain of the family. The poor girl has been in Muskokag’ooarding ate. private houso, waiting to be admitted. She returned home last week, and within twenty-four hours of her return her father dropped dead in his buggy while driving into Norwood. The case is surely one that moatappeal to the sym- pathies of everyone, and yet, I fear, only one of the many that are constantly coming under your notice.” I HEW EQNSEMPTEGS STARTS GEORGE A BALFOUR. Village (31ch You can depend on THIS OFFICE féfir Good Work. Soon be Sale Bill Time. A SAD CASE. ‘oronto.] The aerial ship started last week from Mt. Nebo, and was progressing most favorably until midway across Stephenson’s lake, when some part of the machinery gave way and the vessel ladened With its human freight, includ- ing ‘\\'rong \\'ing’ and ‘Prince Mongo,’ tool: a dive into the dampening, yet refreshing waters of the lake. Only for the noted canceist, Percy, a much sadder tale would have to be told. We would recommend Percy for a humane Society medal, as it not the hrst time that he has rescued people from a watery grave. The ‘ Snowdon’ Will be indebted to Percy for savrng the life of its eXCellent cook. In the mean time, Sam intends to build a stronger and better air-ship ‘and expects to have it ready to carry two or three thousand of his Omemee friends, and in all pro- bability wzll call at Millbrook for as many more to convey them to the big circus at l’eterboro. His new hon is to give the cake walk and other such amusmg and simple feats on a rope suspended from the ship, during its ac.ial flight. Mrs. '1‘. M. Ox'ser, of Bobcaygeon, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wilson. Mrs. T. J. Parsons and daughter, Miss Lila, are visiting their friends in Buffalo, N.Y. lhc folloxxinjr persons registered at the Commercml House this Week: Messrs. C Marshall '1 A )IcCrea I Braden, \\ E I\Iontgox.1ery, IMCCabe, R Nichols, I) L Stalker, l Comport, \V H Ivory j A \\ r}lie, Mrs \V'x)“: and Miss I) Bell, ot "lomnto; "Ihos l 130)d of Poxt Hope, N A Wylie of Montreal, W R 1,)eeton, Hanover, \V Stephenson of Oshawa, \V 1) Camp- bell of I’eterboro, B McLarcn, Owen Sound, \Vilber Gordon, 'I‘wced, W} Moore and W White, Lindsay, James Stewart and R Pntchard, Franklin, E V SpenCer of Hamilton, Miss Provost of I’eterboro, G Simpson of Guelph, and 'I‘ Hickson of Reaboro. Among those “ho tool: in the ex- cursion to Niagara Falls wcrc: Mrs .-\. lmdlcy, tlic: Misses (irucc and Elsie Laixllcy, Mr. '1‘. Boyd, Mrs. :\. Wilson and dnuglitcr, Miss lficrllia, Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘. A. h'lacphcrson, Mrs. Wm. lizn‘lc, Miss McCrca, Master Clifford Mulligan, Messrs. Albert juncs, Sid Comm-ll, Willie Balfour. Mrs 'l‘. j. Miss Lila Parsons, Mrs. j. \‘i'cir, Miss jc-miie Boyd, Mr and Mrs. ]. and Miss Fcir, the Misses Maya and Malilc MC- Caffrcy, Mr.]olm Sanderson, bcsnlcs nIany othcr5\vhose naxnes are 110! to hand. Dr‘ Irvine, of Drs, Nccamds Irvmc Dentists,1,1nd5uy, has returned from his wedding trip, and wili resume his visits to Omcmcc, comingr here on thc: Ist anal last 'l‘uusdnys of cach 1110””), profcssionaiiy. Office In the Post Of- Iicc Biock, Omcmce. over The l’copics (Erocu‘y. .illiutt Business College, 'l‘oronlo, is nu: of the best schods of its kmd in .ins cuunzry. A large numlm‘ of new students mil Ultcr this school on Srpt. 5th, the dub.- ot the opening of the Fall l'cnn. Write to thc Colic-gt for 21 cam logue: if interested in a bUaincss; edu- cation. Mrs. R. 1. Courtney and daughter, Miss Rmn‘iim‘, were visitors to Lind- say this wuck. Mr. I. Richardson shipped another car load of hogs to l’ttcl'boro on Tues- day. Big; :mprovemcnts are bung made to .\Ir. and Mrs. j. McCrcu's reside: during their nbsmICc in Europe. The)" .va hardly be ablc to recognize their home upon their return, so extensive .m: the changes going on. I Mr. John Morrison left yesterday for Winnipeg, where he expects to secure a good positron. jack’s many friends \viiljoixx the Mirror 1n Wishing him sucg SS. LOSTâ€"On or about July 16th, between ~101m Sunderson's,l§1nily and the S. A. Barracks, Omexm-e, a child's long whim Bear SLin Coat. Fxmit‘r please lcuvc it at Post Office, Omcmec. I)r.and Mrs. Irvine, of Lindsay, \vcrc visttors t0 ()mcmcc on 'J'uesdny Mr. Harry Magcc was :1 visitor to Pctcrboro on 'l‘ucsduy Do you remember the little things that gave us so much pleasure when we were young? With what zest did we sit down to the table after our play was over and eat the mush and milk our mother put before us. But as we get older it takes more to give us pleasure. Mush and milk no longer tastes good to us, and our digestion may be impaired. The best advice we can give to such a person is to tone up the stomach with Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It is nature’s most valuable and healtlrgiving agentâ€"made without the use of alcohol. It contains roots, herbs and barks, and is the concentration of nature’s vitality as found in the. fields and woods. This remedy has a history which speaks well for it bcczs-se it was given to the public by Dr. R. V. Pierce. founder of the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo. N. Y., nearly forty years ago, and has since been sold by druggists in ever increasing quantities. Some medicines, tonics or compounds. on- joy 8. large sale for a few years, then disap- Eear from the public attention. but Dr. ierce’s Golden Medical Discovery has proved such a reliable blood remedy and tonic that it often enjoys the confidence of several generations in a family, and its in- creased sales year by year coming from the recommendations of those who have tried it, prove its lasting merit. so that every bottle bears the stamp of public approval. Every other blood-maker and tonic for the stomach that we know of contains alcohol but Dr.. Pierce guarantees that no alcohol .. --_.A ___ is. contained in his “ {edical Discover} .’\ FAMOUS S (f. H O O I..â€"The MANNS’ (PetcrborOugll Bread) fresh at W. B. Moore’s Grocery every Monday, Wednesday, Fri- dav and SaturJay. 200 acre Farm, Lot 25, Con. 10, Township of Munvers, about three miles from Bethany. Con- venient to market, school, and Church. 'PosseSSion for fall plow- ing at once. For terms, c., apply to Mrsjane Lee, Bethany. BOY WANTEDâ€"Smart Loy, with fair education, to learn the printing business. Apply at the Mirror Office! Millbrook. PHONE 19, Milllmmk, whun you want a job done on short notice, and see how promptly you will 111m.- )0!” order filled. and done RIGHT, mu. PRICES VERY REASONABHC. Your patronage respectfully solicitcd. C. w. RICHARDS, mummy. Head Office. Millbrook. l)rawcr 20 OUR JOB IHiPAR'I‘AIEN'l' has every Rc-quisitc for First-(.'lass Priming. KERREEGEQ. HNEW TERM BEGINS SICI’T. 5, 1905. Send for handsome circular. WM. PRINGLE, Principal, Peterboro, Ont. Many finish in 3 mamths, but 5 months is the average tune. We charge only fur the tin»; a pupil is with us. our not Nothing Succeeds Like Success Office 2nd Door West of Com- mercial House, Omemee. Farm Implements, o; McLaughlin Carriages, Flows and all kinds Plow Points, Cream Separators, Deering Wagons, Sleighs, c. ' av ' O-iiir' , 1" â€" ‘ Decring Hay Tcdder, Cossxtt Hay Loader, Deermg 1-1ght Draft Muclunel‘y, c. Your orders will have my best attention. llL'lle'l'S WILL BE ISSUED T0 WOMEN as wall as Men, but will not be issued at Halfâ€"Ran: to Children. 2C5? 'I‘ICKETS NOT uoon 0N IMPERIAL 1.:311'1‘1-21)lixvmtss 'l'nmxs. For {unhcr particulars apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or C. B. FOSTER, D. P. A., C. P. R., Toronto, Ont. - 7 7, . -.-......,..,......u ...w....w.u. 1f purchasers cngaged as FA RM LABORILRS at Winnipeg (prowded such FARM LABOkieks work" not less than 3o‘days 'ut harvesting, and pro- duce certifiratc to that effect), they “'1“ be returned to Original Starting Point at rates shown (thou: on or before NOV 30, 1905. ”TICKETS WILL BE ISSUED 1‘0 WOMEN as We“ as Men. but Postflfl‘icgflfl; W E ()I\l£-\\ AY SECOND CLASS TICK 5'18 '10 \\'INNIPE(} only wxll bc 501d, wnh a (LJCR'I‘II’IL‘A'I‘I‘Z extending the trip beforc September 15111, without addltionul cost, to other POHHS in Manitoba and Assinibom. grugur‘st 29, 1905 Augus‘ 29, 1900 Stations south of but not including mam lme To- ronto to Smniu, (indudmg 'I‘m‘onto). _ Sept. 2, 1905 Main line 'l‘omnto to Sarnin and stations north (ex- Ccpt north of (,‘aldwull junc. and Toronto on North Bay Sectmn‘. Sept. 4‘, 1905 From all points Toronto and cast, to and including WW I V I V' ' u . _ ,,, mg‘l,,l 01* 'IHEIR SUPERIOR ()UALITIES. OUR STOCK OF Grocerie s, Fruits 830 CANADIAN PACIFIC FARE} LABGRERS’ EXCURSION ”MELT; W ill Convince A TRKAFJ ( THE ' PEOPLE S GROCERY. The Millbrook and ()mcmce Last year was our banner year, but we are determincd to keep pace with flourishing wily and supply thc dcxnands made on us, {or olficc assistants, only from Pat-11mm but from othcr places as We”. Farm to Refit. \«Vas never before so complete or choice as at present AAAAAAAAA’ EXCURSION AMAAAAAAAAA $12. 00 Going $18. 00 Returning. Our Terms Are Most Reasonable : J'his is csmciull) , . * "â€""1: Shux‘hot I 1in am] ngston, and noxth of Toronto and ( anhxcll' .unc. on Noilh Bzi\ Midland Divisions. . fonths GOING DATES (u AG {\IT FOR fur any or :1“ Subjects. tum when applied to the Stone Wellington, Gardmersâ€"in examining Plants for insects, Teachers and Scholars in studying Botany and Everybody in a hundred dificrellt ways. ' Wme for particulars, and send 25c. for our handsome Alumifium Pocket Microscope, (a little. gem) useful to Farmersw-in cxamming Seeds and Grains. Orchardxstsâ€"i-n examining Trees for insects, Toronto, START NOW at the bestselling season, and handle our NEW SPE- CIAL'I‘IES on Liberal Terms. Dr. 'l'hompson, of Toronto, will open Dental Rooms, two doors East of '1‘. Ivory Son’s Store. Omemcc, on Aug. 15. Omemcc will have ares- Jdcm Dcutxst in future. At once for “ ,zmada’s Greatest Nurseries” for the town of Local Agent Wanted and surrounding country, which will be reserved for the right man. MILLBROOK. Fonthill Nurserics, (over 800, acres) OMEMEE. D - -â€"..... .v- Dr. Irvine, of the aboye firm, a in studying first-claSS Honor Graduate of the erYbOdY 3" a UniversityofToronto, Member of ways- the Royal College of Dental Sur- ngten, geons, visits Omemee. Ist Tues- ries, day of every month. Everything '35) up-to-datein Dentistry. Gas ad- Ontario. ministered for teeth extraction. Drs.Nee1ands Irvine. Dentists, Lindsay. Dr. F. A. Walters, DES'l’lS’l‘, LINDSA Y. flgnor Graduate u! Toronto Univers- ity and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. '7 All the. latest and improved branches 6f dentistry successfully performed. (‘ barges mndenue. O 1‘ F I (3 I‘ over Gregory’s shrug Store, corner Kent and William streets. W. F. MEEARTYHS 77 Kent-St LINDSAY is a gcm and a treasure to the recipient. And it will be all that it seems if purchaSed at Our store. We have a notablyfine assortment ofrings, pins, brooches, neCkIaCes chums, charms, etc Exquisite designs in beautiful wor lunanslnp. Rare bargains in jewelry here now. Prices cut 1-3 or more. Every article fully warranted. \VATCHES, CLOCKS, _[E\V- ELRY, SILVERW’ARE, CUT GLASS, NOVELTIIZS, c., c. The Popular Jewelry Store, For furtlH-r particulars and sample COph s o.‘ papers, \X‘rxte Mailed 10 any address an or U. S. {or 12 months for THE MIRROR AND (LE YOUR ‘53 We eddingr Prtasen Try the Best ! SHERWINâ€" WILLIAMS: PAINTS WEEKLY MAIL ft. The Paint That Stands the Test. THE MIRROR. OMEMEE Curry Co ,muda HOwDIO-whfli vii-~05.“ mumzn DENNHH. OREâ€"EH! Trilbys “7 in ks Alabamas Scotch K ccl Up-to-date Specml Vcncedora Havmg one of these Tire Set- ters in practical Operation, your patronage is solicited. All work thoroughly warranted. 25c. 'Pipcs - for 15 c 35 and 4oc.1’2pes {or 25 I5C Pipes for 10 10c Pipes {or 5 corn cobs 2 for 5 Tobaccog always fresh at Geo. English, Omemee. WM. COLYIN’S Bankruptsmck of Pipes It Sets them Cold. It does the work in a few minutes time. It keeps the Dish of wheels just nght. It does the work perfectly. It is a wonderful improvement over the old method. No more gee-SS work, but tires are reset accurately and quickly, without any chance of givmg too much dish to the wheel, or In any way injm'mg it. Cut in Cigars Tire Setting Machine. Ho I Everybody \n) man out ofcmplouncnt or with idle time on 12' 18 hands can make money rcprcsemiwr (anadas National Nur- series, “lllcll pay cash weckl), furnish the handsomest samples free, and ofi’cr the greatest selection of hardy~ acclim- nmtcd stock. Season now commenc- ing. \l'ritc todayâ€"CAPITAL NUR- SERY COMPANY. Ottawa. Ont. AGENTS WAN'I‘ED. Terms, $1.50peryear. or 81.00 per year J paid in advance. C. “U RICHA RDS. (‘hiuges of :idverlisenfiéits are to be In the office not lum- {hnn Monday. Advertisements such as lost. strayed, wanted, etc.. will he hxscrud lhree times {or $1,0m- insertion 5|) cents. each subsequen‘ hxaerflonffiwvms. { Births, I)(~aths,aud Man-(ages are inserted ree. Advertisements will be continued and r-hnrgcd 101- mm} [origiddem Prormslmml (Tums, one web and under. $5 per year. $3 1hr six menu», $1 tar on. month. Legal noflces Scrum per line first. hunch tion. 2 cents per Hut-ear): subsequent. In- sertinuâ€"Smxpark-l zncuxnremcm. 12 line. to the inch. Column $54! ('olum n 23 ‘ Column ‘15 A handsomely illustrated won-My. Lax-zest fir- culntinn of any scientific jnumn]. affirms. $3 a 3; {mar {cog/1.5.1; Sold by all peWsdppicm iiiijisii 69. “Wadi" MW 72!? Brunch 03% -.e (225 F St. Wuhinmon. D. C. nvuu Al“. VI'AVNL 61;: 'V ll“ securing pmnu. l'mcms taken tux-huh Mum: 5; Co. receive spciial (notice, wh bout chm-29. in the ‘ Tans: Mamas Desmns COPYRIGHTS «2:. Anyone sending a sketch and dam-infirm may (guts-Jay ascertain our oplmun free whuher an inn-Minn is probably pmenmble. Communion. tinny. strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents 30m, free. Oldest agezggvlfofpecnnpgpuenu, Millbrook and Omemee Is published every Thursday Morning n It. Office. King Street, Mlllbrook. Who has a Buggy or Vehicle of any kind, get your tires rtSct on 21 Henderson 5mm *Eééééfican. kMIRROR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Edi xor and Publisher 6 for 7 for 6 {or 7 for 7 {or 3 for 6 for 25 cents 25 25 25 25 10 ‘5 t‘ u 15 cent: 2 ' u 13 .. CC

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