y'hich ww‘m'am much in need of and which will ï¬ll a long fell not. .ayd we; thgnk it will be apprecia~ A room has been se-t aside for the We use of the pubhc which anyone 1 -:.~ ’3; use at an) and all tunes to hold min or to transact their own Inc unurw Danx, BINDI‘OOR, ex tends to all and everyone a cordml invitation to call and inspect their new gnd upto date ï¬ttings whxch are now in place and have bccn arranged so as to 150“! every facility for doing busx~ pass With convenience, dispatch, and ' Subscribe for Mirror. Thugiflnnnaflv. freshandsaltMeats Having purchased the Butcher Business of Mr. joseph Burns, I am prepared to please the public it FIRST QUALITY will do it. FOR L'P-TO-DA'I‘ E JEWELRY. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ~MILLBROOK. BUSINESS CHANGE Get your clothes made like new by having them dyed by Parker's Dye \Vorks, Peterboro. Harry } Richards, Millbrook agent, at his ‘ store. D. Chamber's old stand. x Your patronage is respectfully .soï¬cited. I am also agent for x the Peterboro SteamLaundry, H. Richards. 3M LEM am] Vegetables Priming that attracts immedxate at i taxation Is no doubt the kind you are 3‘ looking for. We print no other kmd. 7‘Scndym2r'ordm-s to the Mirror Ofï¬ce, New St ,' Minbmok THE ONTARIO BANK. . ma season. A trial order solicited J. STEELE’S, anreTnaNSaflflflflflflf always on .hahd. PROPRIETOR. Bank of Tortonto. J . l of Assets guarantee the security of every Dollar deposited in the Mamas. l'he Sure Way to Heaven ~Pmctical 'l‘endency of this Disclosure.-Env2ron- men! In Heaven. and what determines iLâ€"Socxelles in Henvcn.â€"â€"A Heaven Friends in the Hereafterâ€"Personal appearance of the Angels.â€"~chuv’cn-l éscénce and growth in Heaven.â€" Houses and Homes in Heavcn.~(}ar. ments in Heaven.â€"-Chlldren in ' Heaven.- Sex and Marriage in Heaven. â€"-Work in Heavén.â€"Tbe Three Heavens, and How Relatedâ€"Eternal Progress In Heaven.â€"-Consociatxog of Angels with Men. unc ungm ot Angelsâ€"The Essen~ tial Nature of Heaven.- Character of the Angels.â€"--'I‘cstim0ny of Scriptureâ€"- The Sure Way to Heaven -â€"Pmctirnl By BENJAHIN FISKE BARRE'] '1‘. 383 pp., 5% x 7 inches; Large â€l)pe , Fine Cloth For a limited period this book is of- fered at trade rates, so cents, with 9 cents posrage for mailing. HEAVEN REVEALED MI. Robt. Gautt. of Toronto. ls vis itmg friends in town and country. Dr. and Mn. Clarke and Miss Ethel Richardson are holidaying at Muskoka. Miss Milljc Enkms has returned {rum a pleasant. us" With friends in Peterboro. AD DRESS THE NUNC LICET PRESS 42 West Couher Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Mr and Mrs. Alf Rapcr nm were \isntors m roan this week Mr. Sid thzgerald says to report be 15 down the river fishing for whales, as there are no trout left. Hc has a new dog which he says‘ts a great whale hunter. Mr. Inc): Nattmss was in town H- -“v bod on Norviri'm vforr the mmbazo. That rubbing relieved and lnafow houraI was no". No other limimout would do this." It's the penetrating power of Nervilino that make. tt super- ior to all other linimeuto. Nothing beats it. 35c. at all dealers. right price. ’Phone 0":ch attended to. A. LEACH BHE W'AS WILD WITH FAlN. From Willow Creek. Ont, Min E. Diesel rules: "A few years ago I was dnnched wlth rnln and go: lumbago; lt was like a steel rod plerclnz my back. I alto had oarache and was just wild «m. pain. I applied battingioak- ed with Norvlllm to my our and nab- Do you like it? Then why be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer’s Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair. But ï¬rst of all, stop‘ your hair from coming out. Save what you have. Ayer’a Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. It feeds the hair-bulbs; makes weak hair Strong. ï¬llers PILLS. cum C hoicc Wines Hbggg kind onummnm- CONTENTS. Alf Rapcr aqd family one orders promptly LEACH. Millbroak. and Liquors at the this or to W. H Being Lot :8, (Ion. 3, Cavan, con- taining zoo acres more or less. about 190 acres cleared. The land 18 in ex- cellent condition, bemg in a ï¬rsbclass state of cultivauon. There are a 5 acres ‘ of good pasture land. which is Well watered. There 15‘ also a good stone ‘ house. three good barns and splendxd stablesvand sheds. , 'I‘he're is an A 1 archaic! ":Tworrfountains _snpp1y pure water for the house, and also :he stock. The farm which is a ï¬rst-class gn‘ï¬n farm is situated about 3 miles south mm of Millbrook. For further panic- ulars apply to ‘ MISS A. ARMSTRONG, on the farm, or Mr. Rube Gardiner, of Peterboro, wheeled out on Monday. be m operation and cater to the atten- dants of the pic-me in thirst-coding beverages, c.. (‘. Everybody Wel come and brmg the full baskets. There Will be Intense excitement and superla. tive humnr over the second series of base ball between the Benedicts and Bachelors. _ _ ‘ _ on 24th of August at which a base ball match will be played betwecn‘the mar- ried and slngle men. There is pros pects of a match game of hall among the ladies of the locality. The games will be played in Mr. Jae Fee's ï¬eld near the Post Ofï¬ce and tea Will be served near by. A program of raCes, c., tor :he school children is to he carried out. . A refreshment booth will Farm to Rent. Mr. Iohn H nimble, of Kenora. made a call in the ullage rcCcntly as he re~ turned to Millbrook after visitmg Mr. Cedrge Shield and family. We are pleased to note that Mrs. J. D. 'l‘hexton has so far recovered as to be able to time out again. The Public School will hold: picnic A“ _l.l. -f Arr Mr. james Md.’ an has returned to headquarters after a couple of Week's vacation in and around Toronto. Mr. W. W. jardmc. B. 3., of Omemcc High School, Service In the Prcshvtcrian C Sunday evcnmg. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cakes, of Roch- ester, N.Y., are holidaying at the: home: of Mr. and Mrs. joscph Fcc. Mn. John Best, of Pctcrboro, spent a few days, last Week, renewmg old ac quaxmances. Master Percy Brown has returned from holidaying m Pctcrboro, accom- panied by his cousin. Mr: and Mrs. jackson Mel. guests at his old home from 1 till Tuesday. Miss jessic LOWc and a number of her friends visited her home and friends on Civic holiday. Special to the Mxtror. Mr. Allie Payne. of here over Sunday. Miss Florence Clarke Mrs. jas. Porter. Dr. W. B. and Mrs Rogers and Miss Helen, of Omcmcc. were guests of Dr and Mrs Deycll over Sunday. Miss Magglc Widdas, of Port Horc‘ was a guest of Miss Maud Porter last week. Messrs. 'I‘ . 8. Collins and Henry Mulligan left last week for a tnp to Manitoba and the Territories. Miss Clara Mitchcll, of Pctuboro, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thus. 1. Lang the past wcck. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Bwtty and Miss Beatrice, of Garden HI", were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Russell, 0ch Sunday. ‘ sts Pearl Jacques, of Rochester, is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wesley Fry. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Duncan and sons, Reginald and Allan, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Duncan. Mr. A. McGowan, of Ottawa, is a guest at the Sothem House. Mrs. R. I. Patterson and daughter, Miss Rhea. of Omcmee, an: guests of Miss May: Haics. was the ï¬rst rcCciV'cd by Mr. Needlcr this season. The mill has added a new process which is a great big 1m provcmem on its former plant, and is so perfect that it Will enable the proprietors to turn out as good flour as can be had anywhere. Base ball will no doubt be revived now that Messrs. A. and R. Duncan are here. Ab. is already looking up players and a game may be played on Friday. Mt. Pleasant has two teams now and no doubt games could be arranged with them. Redmond Bros. delivered over 500 bushels of No. 1 fall when! to Need- ler’s mill on Aug: 3rd ,and 4th. This Mr. Fred Burton is able to be out again after a bncf but severe illness. Rev. H. J. Bryce, of Toronto, Will preach mornmg and. evening in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday. There: will be special music also. M r. W. H. Armstrong, of Petcrboro, gaVc the Mirror a call Tuesday. Mr. Armstrong's many friends were pleased to see hm]. See his adv. in this xssue. He has one of the best 200 acre farms m Cavan to rent. .Rev. Manley Carr, of Michigan, has been “smug his aunt. Mrs. W H. Byam for a few days. Mr. W. A. Grifï¬n. of Bethany, gave the Mirror a all yesterday Mr. Fred Reynolds, of Bethany. was m town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bryce, Toronto. are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Snclgrovc. H. ARMSTRONG, Box. 448, quctbomngh. MT. PLEASANT. jackson McLean were Millbrook P. o. :. B. 3., Principal School. attended Toronto, was is a guest of Church on Saturday All Drug!“- ct â€:0 \Vfllnn F31. Co. .lelted,Nlngnn Fans.0ns. “5 “I am ontinly cured and eaï¬not ny too much for um wonderful remedy. I would most hem-my ncommond AMI. PHI to mix one Inform; u I did. 2‘1 took ell kinda of_ medlelnee. but kept gradually crowing woree untll ebont eight weeks ago, ,wllen i kept: 1 uelng Dr. Leonherdt'e Anti-Pm. From the etart 1 Improved until now my ap- petltehu retarded. 13cm sleep well‘ and {Jsgve . no nerroneneu, (helium. pulpltgtlon, fulntneee or my 0! my other'ttoublee. They have. all entlrely disappeared. l feel murh Int-mt". look better, end. altogether Autl-Plll has made a new women of me. "' iometlmen a great Weakness would ulxo mo mu! 1 would have to lie down to hub from (slung. My hands and 3 foot would now to go to sleep and 1 lot! of numbnou would com. nll our m0 and pump. immediately If“: tho blood would task to my bad um! I "Help! hot flulm would unlor ma. "Hydroumo began {our yvan 820 win: 1 . weak 1mm. 1 an often fluid to dnw my breath, it pained “88.nultlin'l‘ Knox me so. I was both- orod with norvoumon, Ihortnou of mm). dizzlnou, loss of appome, smo- thering sud nlukin’g spells, and I could not sleep. ASTBNISHED THE DOCTOR. Hrs. Eaton Recovering. Although nei- Physician and She Might Drop Dead at any time. “ The doctor told me I had hurt dil- ute and was habio to drop on the street A GREAT BAND CATCH. The prime mumcal «auction 0 the ('am'lhm National Exhibition. Toron- to this you. will be the band of the 2nd Life Guards, Ills Majesty tho King’s {Home band at all lute love“ uni high functions. 35c. for Mirror to Dec.3lst next. 1 See the Bank of Toronto adv. in this issue. wn~hcs if many fncnds and showrrs of rice for \mepcg and other points. They will make their home at Cancvalc â€"Gamsboro Post and Carivale Ncws. l At the conclusmn o! the ceremony a receptxon was held at the- residence of E. j. Conde, uncle of the bride, when fully chentvï¬ve guerts sat down to a damtv Wedding.supper' 'I‘oats were called {or and ably responded to, after which the evening was spent in various amusements. The bride and groom Were the recipients of a large number 0! beautiful and costly presents The happy couple left annd the best The bride looked very lgeautiful in a charming gown of cream silk ï¬guered eolicnne, \vtth Silk trimming and chiffon ï¬lling ;she wore a bridal veil of Orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet. of white roses and lilltes. of the valley. The bridesmaid wore a very becoming gown of mauve silk colicnne, wuli silk trimming and carried a bouquet of car nations. Mr. W. Mann ably supported the groom, while Mr. '1‘. Henderson and Mr. J. Ross acted as ushers. To the strains of a wedding march, played by Miss A. Noble, of Oxbow, and preceded by two little flower girls â€"Ruhy Robinson and'Mabcl Nuhlcâ€" and her bridesmaid, Miss LOUISC Rub inson. the bride entered the church on the arm of hcr father. who gave her away. The marriage ceremony took place in the Methodist church, which was most beautifully decorated for the oc- casion. The pulpit and chair loft was a perfect bank of flowers, whiie over the head of the happy couple hung a large floral bell which rained flowers upon them at the conclusion of rhe ceremony. The nuptial knot was tied by the late pastor of the church, Rev. P. I. "l‘hacker, now of Napmka, assist ed by Rev. Geo Noble, of the Pcnsyl- vania M. E. Conference, uncle of the bride. The event of the past week in Carie- vale was the nmrriagc of Mr. john Bulhcd .10 Miss Annie Variant Robin son, second «daughter of Mr. W. Rob- inson. Sioughton. ï¬ne young couple are very Well known 235d exceedingiy popular in church â€work and social circles, Mr. Bullicd uni-mg been for many years head clerk in Coadc’s gen- eral store. and Miss Robinson for some time prominently connected with the musical lec of the community. 9". Mrs. l). McBean was a vzsnor Petcrboro to_day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leach were visitors to Pctcrbono today. / Rev Wm Johnston Writes from Mill- erfs Falls. Man, and states that he is enjoying his lmhdays very much. He has been m attendance at the Bible Conference being held at N orthï¬eld an Interesting account 0F which wxll appear m next issue. A Mr. J J. Fair has nicely furnished apartmentsupstairs m the Post Ofï¬cc block. The furniture is handsome, of the best quality, and shows Mr. Fair to have exegllcnt taste; Miss H. Kerr, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr. A. '1'. Armstrong. Mr. Alfrtd Walsh. 0! the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. is Visiting his parents. Dr and Mrs Norman Allen. Mr. F Mchan and M rs Martm Were vxsntors here our Sunday, having Come down the previous evening m an automobile. Messis G E Burnham, J Steele. W Al'cher. Dr Jamieson, G Snellhcran, ] W Wabh and sons. Cha: and Geo. _ -v..~‘ Vuu‘. gnu USU. camping on the banks of the Ozon- HYMENEAI.. at in} “ma," 3'in Mn; Robert Elton. of‘ljpffetinrum. > NURSE BROS.‘ I.IVERYâ€"-â€" ‘ We will be pleased to have a call from you when you need a ï¬rst- class lively outï¬t. Tums ï¬ght. Uon't fbrgetjxhzfplacc, Union St.. .Mlllbrouk.‘w. T.. McBride's old stand. W: will] us‘eynu fight. ‘ Electors are called upon to examine the said list. and If any omissnons or any other errors are found therein. to y take Immediate proceedings to have ‘ the said errors corrected according to law. I. A. PORTER, Township Clerk. South Monaghan P. 0. Dated at South Monaghan, this 301!) day of July. 1906. l Municipality of the Township of South l DUUllUUU n 1‘ U I 1‘ Don 1‘ 1 fl 1 101‘ Momghan, County of Northuniber-' land, Province of Ontario. ' . , . l The Millbroolt Citizens’ Band recently met and presented Mr. Norman :imingiégnizcihgidiichngclii 11:11]: : _H. Dunford with a handsome gold ring. niCely engraved. The following ‘ rsons mentioned in sections and 6 l is a copy of the address as read, and a copy of which was printed on Satin Pf“) Vot rs' List Act the cos: 5 re- I and given to Mr. Duni’ord, who feelmgly replied in a few well Chou-n words, (oiunecd by :aid sections to be szctrans- : thanking the Band for the handsome gift, and he would always retain pleasant mitted or delivered of the list made . memories of the_ time he was associated With the Millbroolt Band. pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap I , pearing by the last revised Assaâ€"ssnwnt, go- )[o-Lmn. 9!. Jun/o LC!) ‘64?†I Roll of the said Municrpality at Elec I tions for members of the Legislative. DEAR COMRADE,â€"â€" Assembly and at Municipal Elections. l and that said List was [305ng up at m“ . We, your brother members of the Millbroolt Citizens' Band. oflice. South Monaghan, on the 30th MVP!!! learned of your intention to remove from our Town to take a day â€f July, 1905, and remains there posxtion in the Union Bank at Newboro, Ont, desire to express to you for inspection. our smCere regret at the separation. You have been a valuable member. ‘ Electors are called upon to examine always taking a deep interest in the welfare of the Band. Your departure the said list. and if any omissrons or W“! create a vacancy hard ‘0 5“- "0‘ only in "’83“! 10 the 10890016“ on any other errors are found therein. to Wthh you have performed so often and so Well, but also in the hearts of take immediate proceedings to have “â€53 who will greatly miss your assistance and cheerful companionship. the said errors corrected according to law. . Kindly _acccpt this Ring. not for its intrinsic value, but as a J- A. PORTER, slight token of the highesteem in which you are held by your associates , . in the Band. We trust that as you wear it th't it will arouse lasant l‘ownship Clerk. recollections of the time spent with the Millbroo‘k Band, and that Iit may South Monaghan P. 0. perhaps be a stimulus to urge you on to greater success. Dalea at South .Monatrhnn. this antb NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VO'I‘ERS’ LIST, 1906. In Millbrook. on Wednesday. Aug. 8th, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. W. '1‘. Mc- Bride. a daugl.ter. Mrs. Wm. Mitchell has return- eJ from a pleasant visit at Ethel. \VOu't Stand for a Higher Rate â€"-.~‘. meeting of the Electric Light u5ers was hell in the Councfl Chamber, Millbrook, on Monday evening, and a number decided to quit using the electzic light if the advunCe in price “1.15 charged af- Iter Aug. ISlll Inst. Mr. GlllOlt, Town Clerk, was instructed to notify Mr. Del.ong that the V11- lage contract term has not expir. e] and they expect it fulï¬led be- ‘ tore the Village would consider the proposed raise of 25 per Cent, which would mean $150 extra in A year. K0 Mr. John McBride has removed to the store lately vacatcd by Mr. Moore, next doc: to the Mi ror ofï¬ce. Look him up when you want to inspect ï¬rst class pmnos, organs and Sewing machines. H: is also agent for Chmxbcrs Marble Works, Lin..’sny. l , e.-.v...--- u.u\u\. ,u. A., of St. Andrew's Church, ’13:!“- ha, Ont., who is visiting hem, and is also a good Presbyterian, per- formed the ceremouy. Mr. W. J. and Miss SUSIC Farrow :u ted as groomsman and h:idesmaid. Dr and Mrs. Sneigmve. Mrs. Bradle) were also witnesses oi the pleasing event. The happy couple left for their home in Manvers, and have the best wishes of a host of friends. i The mzuriage of Miss Mary A. Farrow, to Mr. Walter W. H. Gray. of Mauvers, took place at the residence of Dr. 1. l). Dcycll Millbrook, on Monday, at 5.30 p. m. In the absenCc of Rev. Wm. johnston, Rcv.W. H. Bradley, B. _l‘('\. A number of parties from this town and Vicmity were ‘ relieved ’ of their cash at Pcterboro to day by picktmcket ‘gentry.’ One man is said to have had $7 5 stolen, another $23, several others smaller sums. There was a big crowd there to attend the Ci mus, which gave these ‘ light ï¬ngered ’sneaks a good chance to get in their work. One; of them nearly had his neck broken by" being thrown froma moving street car by one of our citizens. The sneak tasted ‘dust' in which there was no gold, and made himself scarce before he could be captured. About 200 from this Vicinity took in the Circus, some are pleased but ‘others' are sorry. AMillhl‘ook Citizen Rubbed, 'ï¬ak’iï¬â€œ o u p r. In Para. 0: lat-bee. I too: 7" or years otter my bodth been: to tell. my hood crow dizzy. one pound me. and my stoned: wu son ell the than. whlle overrun: I would out would seem to he be": ï¬re lend on In: stomech. The doctors cleaned the: it we: sympathetic trouble due to drspepult. end prescribed for me. end eltbouzh 1 took their powders mululy yet I felt no better. My '11. sdvlsed no to try Dr. Plerce'sGoldon Medical DLscover -uad stop “kin; the doc.- tor's mcdlclne. S no bought me e bottle and we soon found mu. I began tolmprovo. so I kopl. u the treatment. I took on flesh. In! stolen: become normel. the dlcesuve organs Worked normal: and I soon been: to look llke u dlflorent Demon. 1 can never cone to be grueful for whet your medicine has done for too sad I certllul lvo lt hlthost pulse.’ Don’t be wheedl y a penny-grabbing dealer mto takln Interior substitutes for Dr. l’lerce‘s med clues. recommended to be â€Just as good." To gain knowledfo of your own bodyâ€"- In slckness and hen. thâ€"send for the Pee- le's Common Sense Mcdlcal Adviser. A took 0! mos pages. Send 3l one-cent stamps for pa r-covered. or 50 stem for cloth-houn_ copy. Address Dr. R. ~ Pierce. 563 New Street. Buflnlo, N. Y. cal strength is derived from food. If a man has insuillcient food he losm strength. I! he has no land he dies. Food is con- verted into nutrition through the atom- ach and bowels. It depends on the strength of the stomach to what extent 100d eaten is digested and nsslmilutrd. People can die of starvation who have abundant iood to eat. when the stomach and its associate organs of digestion and nutrition do not gerfom their duty. Thus the stomach really the-vital or- gan oi the body. if the stomnch is'weak" the body will be weak also. because it in upon the stomach the body relies ior its strength. And as the body. considered as a whole is made up of its several mem- bers and organs. so the weakness 0! the body as n consequence of "weak " stom- ach will be distributed among the or- ans which compoSe the body. If the y is weak because it is iii-nourished that physical weakness will be found in all the organsâ€"heart, liver. kidneys. etc. The liver will be torpid and inactive. giving rise to hiliousness. loss of appetite weal: nerves. feeble or irregular action 0 heart, palpitntlon.‘ diuineee,_ headache, heart. alplmtlon. dizzinéss, headache backac e and kindred disturbances 1nd Im the greatest athlete In W dys pd: mg! hlsmqscles )1on «non rail. , hgï¬si- N0 MAN IS STRONGER THAN HIS STOMACH. BORN 3w MILLBROOK. JULY We 11 in your new home. . ‘ V.--" w-.. .IIIIIWU w: all") land gn’cn to Mr. Dum’ord, who {cchngly rephrd m a few well chosen words, 3 thankmg the Band for the handsome gift, and he would always tetain pic-asst): : mcmoncs of the: time he was associated wnh the Mlllbrwk Band. : The MxIlbrook szcns’ Band recently me ' H. Dunford with a handsome gold ring. nic: l is a copy of the address as read, and :1 copy of land given to Mr. Dum’ord, who {cclmulv n-nlml Last year was our banner year, but we are dctcmzincd to lu-c-p pace with our flourishing city and supply the dcmands made on us, for (:ch assistants, not only from Pctcttmro but from other phccs as well. We have not been able to do th" ' Any young man or woman who thorou-ghly understands Btmkkccping 0: Is a competent Stcnographcr and 't'ypcwritcx is certain of a good gxm’tiun. You W)" make no mistake in getting a NothingSucceeds Like Success! One Door East of Mr. .' J eWelry Store _,.-...... ....- w,» ocuuul anocs, also a full stock of t: valises. c. Ihzwehad overtwr-myvcars' experience in the 1:00! and :hoc trade, and guarzmlcc rmirc satisfactxon. Your pzztrcmge solithd. unks. I will have charge of the boot and 5 win as usual pay stnct ant-mien to all (us you want hand made or factory boots and s can supply you with the best goods at right Special ï¬rm of boys' School Shoes, also a valises. c. I have purchased the harm-s: business of h and will continue the said business in an up to d: secured the serviCcs of a ï¬rst-class harness maker to this dvpnrtmrnt of the business. Nmnmg Like Leather I Bring in your Harness and get it repaired WBefore the Sprung Rushw gummnm’g Business Education 'e unitedly and hanily wish you happimss mp, '. PRINGLE, Principal, Peterboro ï¬Write for Our Handsome Circular‘ .J. LANG This is especially true when applied to the on 3011), 1906. behalf of the Band. ’64acli1- géo-(fldy and shoe dq‘anmen! «1 shoe dq‘anmen! and rusu-mus. and “he-Hm" 1d time-s, balm“ 5r , I ight_ pricrs. We hau- a up to (lat-.- st) 1;, havmé of Mr. “'13:. Strain. '. Steele’s ', who will ant-ha >, Out. ‘ Ho B-_0‘LL “WANTEDâ€"50,00 “'00! manufacture yam. 20c. double. Even' flan should ‘ carry the W111i :9 date styles. Staple Dry Goods 1 Linoliums. Lac below other de kinds of shelf 5'. Latd, pork, an Cakes on hand DRESS GOO Us 0059 SD MILleizï¬ DRESSMAKISK READY$1501~Z ( and $7 50. 1 mad: 1:: (2mm prECes are abo Shaun See our folk and 0134c: Full line of white : Boots wc can; The Stox Tha Lew Subscribe FOR SALEâ€".4 [oat rake. 2 year: shape â€"â€"c.\rhangmh CHARLES i DEE Miss Ethel Mi l'ctcrboro friends A watering car: Call at MOR'I say, and rec our _} for photogrnphyflf A Massq Har: McCormick “11km “'c are giad tu Adams as in Her ‘ gs alsoimpros-ed.1‘ Um aver :s a: sh cl 5. 'can.:r :1 yacht V :5 bcu: neck. luv: gone to at: ncicc. We hog: next issm‘. Mr. R. 1. Col lion phoud for 2 Mr. W. ll. (L and the best of village. I! x» : fathers will 05: dresses were d1 cum. Keith an an 1 Dr. Smuh‘ ful refreshmcm: boo]: was we?! 1. weir and M: outlaw: I‘Cf'c Ban-J did them was :1in assisz‘ reduced price “'ash Goods Grenadmcs. ( The Presbytl Friday prowd evety respect 1! Th.- Bcthany E to the picanm date of OTJCT. nude "3 01x32! Cheaper mat: Send your : TON’S Sludi: on the Med“; yesterday cw Nr McOuadn W. R. M4 Qu: us a vxsxtor :- ‘s in ancm His: Edith present the g flunkâ€"n. â€"£ Rev. Mr. 3 CHARLIE: DEE Ym W35 3 115‘ r, as We F0 R