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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 23 Aug 1906, p. 3

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Mona, wry f" nings every week n cum If possible, by if you follow king. :rxards. subject to of Mr. Wm. St: in. In «.3 JI‘: shit, haung inkcr. v. i: 0 “SH attend 0e dvramucnt and Imus, and uhellur DtS. huxmss. {KC , I prim-s. We ban: a I” stock of Lunls. :, Toronto. nds Bookkcejning or a good position. bitten-meaning on application. d to Imp pace with fut office assistants, their Banking tor collection. the boot and sl.‘ LIN)! age solicted. ‘erhoro, CB t. the last two years ’ANAGER 'ARIO. dud to. it repaired the ‘5’ Bank. except . Steele’s Success. ’9 In L 111111, on \Vcdnefidav, Aug. 1”:1d.1906, chn Mcguade, ag:d 7111:5115. . The funeral willtuke piace from his late :csulcncr, L0! 3, Con. 6, n Fnday. at 10 a. m., and inter- nu-nt at Emily Came-(cry. Don't forge-t to call at Curry’s for \our ncxt pair of boots for the full plowing, Gnod assortmentâ€"â€" all good, none bencr. The MiSScs BL“ lock. Mrs. Fur- niul an! Mrs. Richardsun 1th on “Educ-542:3: {or Manitoba. ('harles Ivon's Millinerv and Dress Making Rooms will In: Open the first we-rk in Svptcmimr, and will be m chaxge cf 2! first class Millincr and Drcssnmker. Mr. James Moore lctt on Saturday fnr his homcin Washington, l’a., after a plmsant visit with Ins parcnb‘, Mr. and MN. 1. Moore, Frank 1111!. The Family Hcmld and Weekly Star 'l'hc MIRROR will be sent to any address in ('anada, (Brunt Bmain or L' S. to Ian. 15:. 1907, for’ 50c, Mr. and Mrs A. W. Parsons and childrc-n. of Toronto, an: guests at the bane of Mr. and M rs. '1'. _I. Parsons. Dr. L A 'l'hompson. I).]).S.. and Mr. '1'. (3. Ivory, were In Bethany last «wk on business. We understand that Mr. Jacob ancs has purchased Mr. B. Laidlcy's- Miss B. Camcron returned to Port Hope on ’l'ucsday after a pleasant visit with but cousm, Minus Sam Lamb. 'l'hc Misses Stella Wilson and Annie Ingram havc returned from a pleasant v.5it at Fenclon Falls. Scnd your amateur wOrk to “ MOR- ‘I'ON’S Studio. Lindsay,” to be finish- Come in and let us explain all about the Universal bread mixers. Greatest labor saver of the 20th Century. \V. Curry Co's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowes were vxsxzors to Pctcrboro on Saturday. Static: at the house all 9 3o. g Accommodations for Exhibl lion visitors at 59 Dcnison Avenue. Talc: Curt-u Street Car. Mrs. C. Lou :5. 5:) Ucnisou Ava. 'l‘oronto.â€"-3 Sir, Qam Rowland left ycsterday for Ombmx. N.\‘.','l‘., where he has very brigiz: gunpccts. We wish Mr. Row. land cvcry success. Miss 1.. Godfrey, was a visitor to Petcrboro last week. M BOARD and LODGING Mdunngf F E D E k A L C 0 1.1. E G E NEW DRESS GOODSâ€"Our 'l' umto Exhibition, 1906 â€"Mrs. ! O 1’ E N l N G ‘ , stock of dre<s goods was never before ‘hc - 0b,; s- leaVe to state that she has l . . . so large or Well assorted as at present. 560"": 1 [9.- 2 kaso n Avenue, Res» . The Lindsay Federal Busintss All the very latest and stylish patterns “m9.“ E '6“ arriving at the Union , College “I!“ Open lur fall term ‘ and in almost any shade. The most c‘mf" P“; j a Yongc Shes! Liur to the : September 4th, under tlzetnanug . beautiful goods at reasonable prices. 33“”? m L .\mple accommodation in ! ment 0! A. Al. llousron who has i 1" faCl you can save money by buying 'lt-rnix:l:;y aiid quiet location. 'l'trms i been in charge f“. the past four , your new dress or costume goods from ‘ a "If-‘rcasummc. I M“ be pleased to! years. This Institute “m continue ' us. Call and see. \\ m. Curry Co. :3: Umemce. Mlllbwok. WNW“? ! to prepare students for high class -tf - and Lindsay Vi-‘NOYS ‘0 a“: my “‘3“ ; summons. lhe superiority of its Mr. Walter Stinson captured a this that headquanfls-“n systems and Its modern methods. 23 lb- lunge In Pigeon RIVER 9°?” “r. J }_ lamb chant-red Mr. H at once place it in the front rank l Onzcmee, on Saturdav. It is a swim- yacht and entertained a num- , of (:Zunadian busmess colleges. l common occurrence catching to, her gift-lends who cmoyetl themsch'cs! (all or wnte (or particulars.l 12 and 1.; lb lunge here. thoroughly 3W“ 0‘ °‘" “‘c‘ “amp"‘g; 9566 09C" dullv “0m 9 30 t0: Call at MOR'I'ON’S Studio, Lind- grounds on P1560“ Kin" . FI-3k0 3;;"1-9 2”;ng ‘9 SB‘“- [tooms g say, and see our july styles and prices @- Ar‘commodattons for E-xhlbl m I It: A l ue OCR, hent blrccl. l for photographsâ€"gt - . «more at :o Demson Atenue. e Will Open the first week in September, and will be in charge of and DrcSSmaRer, respectivcly. Our St0ck of Millincry and Dress Goods will exceed any we hav our prices are away below anything you mll see. Ladies New Fall Mantles Will be on Sale the first week in September. The Popular House for Millinery,‘ Dress Goods and Dress Making. Um Millinew and ”“388 Making Booms New Fall “ King " Hard and Soft Felt Hats. Full Line of the The Very Latest in Men's _ , _ ' bpecul values In Mens \V. G. an] R. make of Brass Shirts, Collars, and Cufl's. Shirts. Overalls, Underwear, Socks, Braces, c. CHARLES IV 0 BY, The Mirror - GOAL OIL, ETC. Trunks, Suit CaSes, Grips, c., at Mc DIED mm GROCERY DEPARTMENT MW GENTS’ FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. and fi‘aifiily Herald and Weekly Star 136 January 181:, 1907, for F‘ifty Cent's to new subscriE Messrs \V Howdcn. 1i Rowland, R] Guthrie and S Brown have gone to Manitoba. Mrjos T Beetty. Our popular Reeve, has ah‘eadv 50H 7 1-2 tons of bmdcr twine this Season. His flour and fced business is steadily inrreasing. Mrs White of Lindsay is here on a visit. Dr. Thompson, Dcfitist, omecmco, will usil Bethany on the first and third Tuesdays of cach month. His first \‘isxt win he on Sept. 18th. Messrs 1'2. Balfour, '1‘. ’almcr, ], Chapman and Vincent I‘nguc left yesterday for Manitoba. The Miss:s Mun l and Phyllis (,‘um' of Mm h n, are gliurts at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Curry, King skint Mr. N I’.(Ilurkc, Surveyor, is home for a th. ' Mr S. }. Best has sold his [arm to Mr. lohn Fee, of Cobourg. Muss Dorothv Curry, of Brockvillc. Is a guest of Mrs. N. 1’ Clarke. Mi>s Kane Cameron, of Port Hope, is :1 chst of 31155 Sarah Lac b. Mr. '1‘. H. H. McQuadc of Kirkficld, xs spending his holidays in Omcmcc. Mr. Hiram Galaughcr. teacher. icfl last Week for R:gina, where he has Sc- cured an excellent appointment m the: Public School. We Wish him may am‘Ccss. ”‘5‘ Dr Hamilton of Bethany, is in town on a visit. Mr 'l'hos. Ingram. spent Sunday in Lindsay. Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Carcw, of Lon» don, arc chsts of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. joim Carcw, Emily. Rev. \Ir Paul! of Chicago is : guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H Nugent. The: stses Lila and Amy Parsons were visitors to Niagara Falls and Buffalo last weck. Rev. Percy Thornton. of Colborne, is visxnng his mother, Mrs. J. Thom- ton, in town. Messrs Ernie McPherson ' Sherin look In the excursion ra Falls. Rev. Dr. Walter H. Nugcut, of Chicago, conducted the serviCes in the Methodist Church. Sunday evening and preached an eloquunt sermon to a large and appreciative congregation. Curry's for cuxtlery of all kinds; good assortment of knives and forks forflxe threshmg season. 25352525252. aady-to wear Hats on Sale first week In September. ‘arpcts, Lineohums, Floor 011 Cloths, Curtains, c. lvalue in Teas {ind Sugars. Try us for elsewhere. Full lune of Bread. Cakes, c. 36‘: at Money-Saving Prices. and Milton 1 to Niaga- :ed any we have ever shown, and FOR SALEâ€"A Massey Harris 10 foot rake, 2 yuan old, m first-class shape -â€"cxchangcd for DEERING. CHARLES L. MCQUADIE, DEERING AGEN'I‘, â€"-tf OMEMEE. A Massey Harris Binder and also a L‘JcCurnxick Bindcr in good working order. They lead to pleurisy and pneumonia Follow the advice of W. H. Powlee of Powle's Cornere.0nt., who says: "I used to be subject to attacks and all though I used most everything nothing relieved quickly till I discovered Ner- viline. I have used it for pleunay and sore chest and found it just the proper thing, For Lutubugo or Neuralgia it’s quick as lightning. I cheerfully re- unmmend Nerviline " Stronger-t, clean- est. nmst pain destroving liuiulant on earth is i’olson'a Nerviiine, 25c. bottles mid everywh'lre. Subscribe for Mirror 35C. for Mirror to DeCBISt next. A Story in gums the rounds of a con- ple of young people, who attended church recently. When the collection was being taken up the young man commenced ashivg m his pocket. for a dime. His face expressed his embar- raaamom, as he hoaraely whispered, " I guess I havu’t n cenl;l changed my pains." The young lady. who had heunexamimngthe unkmwn region" of woman'sdreaa for her purse, turned color and said: " I’m in the same fix." Why Chest Colds are Dangerous. Not of poverty, but of coma. aching cows, that can be cured by Putnam's Corn Extractor? Don't nutter. use .' Putnam's " â€"eo|d everywhere In 25c. bottles. Have your photo taken at Morton's Studiu, Lindsay. We: giv: satisfaction. The Bank of Toronto here is proving a great convenience to the peopie of this Vicinity. The Manager, ML]. B L. Grout, is popular, and the stuff ohliging and painstaking. '-__- vu- stuck of (lre~s goods was never before so large or Well assorted as at present. All the very latest and stylish patterns and in almost any shade. The mo<t beautiful goods at reasonable prices. In fact you can save money by buymg ”A..- u“... DO YOU FEEL THE PINCH ? CHARLES 1,. MCQUAIHC, DEERING Agent. first-class Mxlliner FOR SALE. Omcmec. Doctors Change Their Methods. Years ago they {ought catarrh by in- term! dosing. They saw this ruined the stomach and changed to the ozon- ated alr cure, better known as ' Ca- tarrhuzmw" This treatment issnte to cure. It goes to the source of the din- case; It destroys the causes that main- taiu catarrh and even In the wont cases permanent cure is guaranteed. Failure with (‘atarrhozune is imposslv ble. Antiseptic. healing and fur-reach- ing, it’s bound to cure emery time. En- dorsed by more than twenty thousand phyaicluns in Ameticu alone and sold In 25c. and $1.003izes by alldealeu. NO'I‘ICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST, 1906. on L. A. Mcm'm', Druggist «SE Optician 2nd door. was! Gough's, Lindsay. Properly adjusted glasses afford the only assistance possxble We make a specialty of relievmg tired eyes and gualrnuteo Batislactlon. You will save 20 per cent on your money by calling i‘viunicipality of tlie'l‘ov. nship of Emily County of Victoria, Province of Ontario. NOTICE IS lieieby given that I haVe transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 0f the Voters’ List Act the copies re- quned by said sections to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, ofall persons ap pearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the 51nd Municipality at Elec- tions for members of the legislative Assmibly and at Municipal Elections, and that said List was posted up at my office, in the Post Office Block In the Village of Omemce, on the 10th day of August, i906. and re- mains there for inspection. Tired EyeS.â€"EYEB TEs'rx-zn Fun.â€" Seusatlous 0:13! for our guidance. They are Nature’s warnings. Ovu- worked eyes demand rust. Eyes that tire easily call {or help. Can you afford to miss the benefit at this marvel- working medicine 7 Think of“. All dealers Bell Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, 25c.per box. or five boxes {or $1 By mail {rem N. C. Poison and Co. Hartford. Conn, U‘S.A , and Kingston: Ont. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or nnyothcr errors are found therein, to take immediate procccdings to have the said errors corrected according to law, Township Clcrk. Dated at Omemee, this xoth day of August. i906 Honor Gradna or 'l‘uronto Univers- i}: and Royal College of Dental Sur- goons. ' ' All the latest and improved branches 5f dentistry successfully performed. Chung” moderate 0 1" F I C E nver Gregory’s Drug Stufc, corner Kent and Williafiu streets. DEXTISQ 1.1mm Y. Mr, Ed. Maynard. an old resident of New Westmlulater, B. C.. writer: I don't say that Dr. llumllton’u Pills will cure everything, but they made a quick job of buudmg up my run-down aya- tom. 1 had kidney disease and com“ pnllon, and was wholly unfilled {0! work. Pains shot through my limbs and lodged in my back. Headache- ofleu made me desperate. Ilmd no appetite, an awful color, and tell: den- pondom. Sometimes I was 3 little; rheumatlc. After a few days I began to mend, and kept up Dr. llnmmou’n Pills till I was restored to my present tip-mp condition." Begin Dr. Hamilton's Pulls without delay. You’ll feel “ranger, out heart- landigeat boner. sleep lounder. and gain more in weight. Whether ill or not. thouaands rel." 0" Dr. Hamilton's Pills which are trulv marveloullu preventing dobillty and sickness. Physicians who have examined the formula of Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Plus say no medicine could be better. The system must be relieved 0! its burden If you are to enjoy almpp)’. heulthv summer. Some gentle laxative and tonic should be med A great accumulation of affine matter is clinging to the various organs. and must he moved off. Keep It Pure and Clean I! You De- sire Good Health. The Inside of vour body require! attention just the same as the outside. House-Clean Dr. F. A. Walters, RICHARD J. GRANDY, Your System! 0n Sabbath, July 8, I held commnn~ ion services in three country churches supplied by a seminary student, when we received into church membership fifty-two persona, all but {our of them on profession of their faith. and thirty- four of whom we baptized. These per- sons were in age from 80 years down to 10. We also baptized 29 infant children of believing pnrente. The student had leld epeoial stress upon the duty and privilege oi’infant baptism, This student is A. R. Evans, who has charge {or the summer of the Elizabeth Rehoboth, (lienwood field. I am glad to commend the faithful, loving work of than young men whom God in al ready blessing richly in hie work. They are all carrying the Gospel into homes of non-church going people, and by earnest, wise appeal, are doing a personal work. which God is binning. an the fruit already gathered abundant- i)’ Ihowe. preaching alone, but has vivited every family within miles of the churches, and hill won to Christ and the church many new families. reaching the old end young elite 0n the fields of theee young men in each church othere will be reached ere the manner is ended, for with great tact and large enthusi- um. they are every day doing personal work. Preaching Christ from houle to house. they are winning whole families to the church. What minister would not rejoice to see what came to young Even: so early in his ministry when within e single week over half a. hun- dred persona oinliegee united with hll churches, and the parents of twenty- nine Mile once stood with their chil- dren to comment with God under the: covenant so dear to our freehyterien Church? After September we in ii! place two ministers on this field. the churches giving 50 per cent more then ever before. - Young Mr. Evans has a wide field of {Our churches, and two other preaching points, but he in not content with DOES YOU R. HEARl‘ FLUITER? You know heart fluttering means vou are not as well as you should be_ In an evidence of impared nerve and 1 muaculur power To obtain cure. try Fen-ozone; It has a. special action on the heart as seen in llue one of Tho:- Glover, of Cole Harbor, NJ! , who says: ‘2 ll onorted myself it Would bring palpitation. To carry any heavy weight or go quickly upstairs complet- ely knocked me out. When bad attacks came on I lived in fear of sudden denth Ferrozoue gave my heart We very ar sletance it needed and now I am quite well.” For been or nerves We ‘ land to excell Fen-ozone, 60¢ per box a' all dealers. [do not favor student supply, I. 9.. churches depending on seminary atudenla for preaching 3nd pastoral work during the echool year. but I do henrtilv approve of the kind of work .theee young men and ollnra are doing, and what others like them have done ln pant eummere ln evreynod Henle- to-honee visiting and loving end wlee personal work are bringing to Chrlet end the church thou that before seldom When the stomach neede cleanelng lthe lmeele increased activity, the liver eddltlouel power. don' I. use mercurlel pllle, try Dr. Hemllton'l. Vegetable in compueitlon, exlremely mud, ye: sure to am: out. ell impuritlee sud wanes, no remedy In so well adapted for femlly nee Puei’dvely a cure {or bllioueneee md elok headache. unfeillng in conui patron and bowel trouble, exceptionally good for indigestion, no medium II In nnlrerully needed In every home at Dr Hamilton's Pills. Good for the young. the Olll. the elck end the well once, the benefits of Dr. Hamlltou'e Pulls are manifold. Sold everywhere ' in 25c. buxee or never attended church nervicea. More preaching, however able and scholarly, can not reach those not present to hear it. in our mission fields the men who are muting a anc- can at building up the churches uni touching the unsaved are the men who “autumn: the peopia doing per-onui work.-â€"Rov. Geo. Knox. Synodicni Suporiuiendont, in Cincinnati it 8- i o is Herald and i’tesbyteu. The Bobcaygeon independent has the fodowing somewhat remarkable story: Home few weeks ago Mrs D' Dain nent to Omemee to visit her sister, Mrs. Dick. She hsdacoilie dog. named Collie, about three years old, and as she expected to be away some little time, she requested that the do: be sent to her. Collie was accordingly placed in the baggage ear of the train here, and went to Lindsay, whereiie was transferred to' the Grand Trunk line, and sent to Omemee, chained in a baggage car. He ielt Bobcuyceon for 1 the first time in his life on a Tuesday morning, and reached Omemee that i ;day. Thursday morning when Mr. D- ‘ l), (lain opened his door, the first thing to greet him was Collie, wagging his lull, tired looking, but evidently much pleased to he home again. At first it was thought that he must have broken away from the car and jumped out, but at mini-day the mail hronghtapos‘to card from Omemee dated Wednesday afternoon announcmg that the dog ar- rived safely, and at the time of writing was tied in the shed. There was then no doubt that the dog had made his way from Omemee across country somehow, among turnings of concess- ions and sidelines innumerable winch he had never seen beiure. How did he start from Omemee in the first place. and how did he select the right turns? Was it merely a matter of in- stinct. or are you quite sure there was no reasoning power. BLUE PlLLS N-J LONGER USED. Good Report of an Omemee Boy. is Very complete, and the best values possible. Come in and you wfll be convmccd that this is the place to buy. Our prices are as LOW as any in the trade, and our goods are of the best quality, that's why this store is termed The Iâ€"Iofise of Quality CALL AND TEST US. Special to the Mirror. Mr Barry Biahd and {amilv are at Lakefiold, with friends. Mn'l‘homaa Ilandlov has moved to the house on Mill St. lately occupied by Joseph Morden. Esq. The Public School picnic occurs Fr! day of this week and l! Old Probe favorn we expect a. good crowd :0 see the base ball mulch, Millbtook vs m. Pleasant. and the races. The game will be called at 8 pm. sharp; tee at 5 o'clock and races after. A cordlnl Inu- tatlon is extended to all. A refresh- mem booth wlll be in operation. Miaaea Ella and Flossie March of Richmond Hill are holiduiug with their grandfather, Mr James McLun. .Iu our Hardware Store .we have a magnificent stock for r requrremcnt. Our Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries c. School has roâ€"opened with many 31;- procialed improvements to the build- ing. Dz. Keith of Oman)" ptyl frequent professional visits to on: town. ilr. um! Mrs. Joseph Monica “on in the village on Monday. _ MrJamu Smith is hondsyiug In Petatboro. Mr C H. Shield of the Canal (30.. Peterboro. was home for our Sunday. W. H. Catmy - Co’s, OMERIEE. NURSE BROS.’ LiVERYâ€" W 6 will be pleased to have a call lxom you when you need a first class livery outfit. Terms right. Don't forget the place, Union St., Mlllbrook. \V. T. McBride's old stand. We will use you right. AT IVORY’S Our Prices will Be Found as Low as Any. i Mare Than $55,000,000 ! GBOCERIES MT. PLEASANT. Q/OMEMEE . McCaffrey’s, Fresh and Good at A permanent Situation for the right party. Lube: a1 inducements. Pay weekly. Handsome free out- fit. Writciortcrms and catalo- gue, and send 25c. in stamp: {at our POCKET MAGNIFYI NG CLASS or 3°C. for our HANDY METAL HACK SAW. Stone Wellington. Fontlull Nurseries. Over 800 acres. TO RONTO, .......... ()NTA RIO. HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES in Fruit and Ornamental Stock grown and for sale by CANADA'S GREATEST “3888188. DAILLBROOK Some beautiful lines in WATCHES. CLOCKS, 15W- ELRY, SILVER‘VARE. CUT GLASS, CHINA. TRAVELING CASES. MANICURE CASES. 77 Kent-St LII! ankshire Whit: Bum NOVELTXES. c., a. SPECIAL LOW PB! I have a registered “@st Boar for sumac on Lot :9. ( Emily. 'l‘crms ”an moi}? LINDSAY, Wedding Pmsents ; You can buy Dainty Goods and surrounding districts. W. f. McEAB' Local Salesman Wallet T1105. KERR. The Popular Jewelry Store, at once for

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