bbv is SAFE d makes every to make monev 'onsistent \Vflh " Mr. “‘11:. Sfl'ain. mat:- shit, huvmg ‘cr, “1:0 “Hi anmd the Loot and shoe tzcrz-ge solicted. anch. . Steele’s be last two years. [is Bookkeeping or i good poaitmn. 'oronto to Sarnia. t. repaired department and ms, and “hetlu-r =_. hznnss, ï¬e, I Ecrs. We have a stock of hunks. ’ARIO. ‘4ch to. '5' Bank. to ktcp pace with u 01'!ch assistants, mmmm deposntors. Success. rhoro, Ont. ‘NAGER rbot Lake and on North Bay in lauihln 54:2:1ï¬1w-W'1- m ‘ ‘m - ‘ ., .. a ' I," «ï¬x .. ' j'f'iThe Mirror and Family Herald and Weekly Star to Januaryist,‘1907, for Fifty Centg to new 311' gnu; Mm"'aha"'n're‘snm“m Haersl'1'113nksgivnug Scn‘mcs “111 (1)35.) be 11cm in Club: Church, OmemL-c, St. Iamcs’ am1§l_101m's, Fmilv on Sunda., Scpt.9th.'1'hc RevJ’iucst Mzuklcm, of"‘.1rn:ty(‘ol- ‘1 "c. '1' arm :o, “:11 preach on that oc- casiém. '111crc\\111b<: SpuClu‘ musxc, am] ahogckhcr the scrviccs wxll be in- lcrcsling and insmmiw. Omcnu-c has good matcria! for a haic bail team. Why not organize? And. by the way. get after the Mount I’lcmam bunch. Mr. Harry Lamb has rcturmd after a mopth's Visit with his unclc, Mr. Geo. Lamb, :1: Mouse jaw. The Fannly Hvrah! and “Eddy Star T'nc MIRROR win be: bent to any address in Canada, (Ircat Britain or U S. to Ian. 15:, 1907, for 30¢, Mr. A. W. Parsons, (‘nmmcrcial Travelicr, rcprcscnnng a large Ameri- can Manufacture-r of Druggists sup- plios. aftcr cox-wring thc Domimon, uysflnc Midland district 15 his choice. Rev. Dr Nugcnt, of Chicago, Iii, conducted the scrvxccs in the Presby- tcnan church here most acceptably 1:5: Sabbath. - cd to notzcc thc'slcady advance he is makcing in thc Christian Mmistry. Hts subject was “Enthusiasm in the Christian Life.†Dr. Ntzgent is an Omcmcc "Old boy,†and we are pleas 'l'hc Omc-mce and Fundy cuizens are wishing for the radial lmc advocat- ed by Mr. I’Icasant cui'ccns. Send your amateur work to “ MOR- TON'S Studio. Lmdsay,†to be ï¬nish- 1):. Sutton and bride have returned from their honcwnoon trip. We join 1'! cxtcndmg hczmy congratulations and ind them :1 warm Welcome to-Omc- A‘numlk‘l’ of our sports went to Lindsay on Smurctly to witness the lacrom: match. Johnstou, rc'? Chjry sailed n‘ lozh for 13?. 3 Boston Lm Sam T he; 3:33:13} Ir‘ Land and Pam. MN 31.32:: Courtney was in Ome- mee mr Sunday. SuiiOn take a Y 1:5:th Ample acwmmc datwn m an d quiet location 'lgrms , I m" be pleased t0 \hllbrook, l’clcrbom MEOmemcc: . and Lmdsa) visitors to the cuy make this then headquarters.â€"â€"2; who. has ‘Mnss C355ic 31cm 11%,- R0“: COUTIHCY days. this wcek- 1-K ' and LODGING during $0430 Exmbition, 1906 «Mrs. tb? i.‘ ‘-’ 9 kave to state that she has â€we'kg‘ , 1".nlrcnn ‘\v:»nue. RC5- ', The Very Latest in Men’s New Fall “King †Hard and Soft Felt Hats. Full Line of the \V. G. and R. make of Dnss Shirts, Coilars, and Cuffs. Specigl values in Men’s Shirts, Overalls, Underwear, Sacks, Braces, c. The Popular House for Millinery, Dress Goods and Dress Making. Will open the ï¬rst week in September, and will be in charge of and Dressmaker, respectxvely. put Stock of Millinery and Dress Goods will exceed any we hav 01" prices are away below anything you wdl see. Ladies New Fall Mantles will be on Sale the ï¬rst Week in September. Full line of Staple and Shelf Groceries. Specxal value in Groceries, You will ï¬nd our prices lower than elsewhere. Latest New York Styles in} Ladies’ KENYW wear Great Values in Housdurnishings, Carpets, Line L, Fred. Clurry -, been touring with her ï¬lth?“ COAL OIL, ETC. Trunks, Suit dases, Grips, c., at Mc Dudkut‘v lw- .. v _ jlrcland, Scotland, Eng cd. Clarry 0t Hastings, an tourin" in Europe all her fathrr, Rev. Prancxs W'nc'd \londay. Mrs m Montreal on June .;001 and rcturncd to um last from Glasgow. and bride have returned McBride was a guest of :nch a! Omcmcc a few mm GROCERY DEPARTMENnggW GENTS’ FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Rev. Mr Scxsmnh delivered a Very punt ca! ui~coursc Iaalb uhhuth morn mg on " lhc [Cm-mics of Chxixlim ty. Rev Dr. W. H. Vllgmlt of Chicago, ocrupimi the I’xcgbyzcrian pulpit on Sabbath cvcmng. Mr. “'1†Holiday 01 'l‘orontn, paid a visit to Mr‘ '1'. Walter McLean Ln Saturdav. 'l'hc Rutherford brothers arc busy tl)ra>.lnngund am: having great satis faction with Lhcix' new gusotiuc engine, “1: are sorry to learn that Miss Myrtle Shlcld x5 unwell. Mr. John 1) 'l‘hcxton is compicting his new rcsndchc whxch will soon be ready for occupation. OMEMEE. Mr H. Argue and (h:- MisSvs Germ and inl Argue called on f1 icnds at th: \vcck's cnd. \Iiss Pm: .y lxuscnhcrr returned to Pctcrboro on Saturday. after a well earned holiday. \\'c nutcd Messrs. H. Johnston and W. 1.15. (ï¬liott m Milibrook present atthc game, also Dr. Ruth, of Omc mcc. Messrs \V. Graham, Mums Rosen- berg and Tom BJVd Were out from Pcterboro on Friday and played in the: ball game Base ball is just as attractive as the olden days in our town and th A return game of base ha†“’3‘. plant! in \‘leibmuk on 'l‘uesdz‘.) after- m on of [his \\ cck, nsulluw iuanothcr “in fur the She†n rs. Mr. (Eco. Duncan was ofï¬cml scorer for Mlllhrook and Mr. 10th Jamicson for our boys. 'I‘hc refreshment booth did a land- (sfï¬Cc trade andï¬ddcd to the plmsurc of the afternoon. The Public School held their picnic on Friday and the affair, as a whole, was a SllCCch. A has: ball gam: was pulled off between the Millhrmk team and the Shcrring base ball team of our village, the lam-r tram having a httlc the better ofthc argumcnt and win ning after :1 struggle: of nine innings There was quit: a larnc attendance to see the game, which was: under the umpires] 1p of Mr C W. Richards, cdltm‘ ol' the Mirror. 'l‘ca was served on a near-by lawn and. the races for the pupils Wen: carried through; thcsc created a good deal of cxcitcmcnt for the conte~tants and son): amusement for the Spcctators. Speck! to the Mirror. Curry’s for cuttlery of all kinds; good assortment of knives and forks for the threshlng season. FEDERAL COLLEGE O P E N I N G . The Lindsay Federal Business Codege \nll open for fall term 5 p1exubur4th underthemanagr- mcnt o! A. M. Houston who has ban in chmgef r the past but years. [his insmute mil continue to pxepare students for high class situations. lhe superiorâ€) of its 53 stems and its modern methods at once place It in the from rank of C madian business colleges. Call or Write for particulars. Ofï¬ce open duilv from 9.30 to 11.30 a.m.. and 2 to 5pm. Rooms in thc Milne Block, Kent Struct. MT. I’LE.‘~\S.’\N'I‘. :zldy-to wear Hats on Sale ï¬rst week In September. arpets, Lineoliums, Floor 011 Cioths, Curtains, c. will exceed any we have ever shown, and at Money-Savin g Prices. in Teas and Sugars. Try us for re. Full line of Bread, Cakes, c. ‘ 2‘0" .Subscribe for Mirror foot rake, 2 )1:an old. m ï¬rst-class shape â€"cxchangcd for DEERINC. CHARLES 1.. MCQUADE, DEERING AGEN'I', â€"â€"‘Yr OMEMEE. 'l‘lml’s the experience by Robert Price of llecton. Unt. He knew it was scxutica and ofcourse used " Nervillne." As usual it cured and he aaya' “ No limmem can excell Polsou’s Nerviline, Severe pains made my slde lame. It was like a steel kmfe running through the flesh. I rubbed in lotsof Nerviliue and was complekely cured." A regular snap for Nen‘llne to ease Sciatica and rheumatism. It sinks into the core of the 1min, cures it in shurt order. Large 25c bottles at all deulurs. A Massey Harris Bmdc-r and also a McCormick liindcr in good working order. Lylu Peacock ................ From Part II to Class II. Cusry Peacock .............. 35c. for Mirror to DGCBISt next. Alma Windrim ()rman I’oast ................. Elva Bradley ................. Elsie \Vethcrup ............... From Class II tn Class III. Total 4 50. Promotion Examinations 5.3. 11,1511:in Call at MOR'I‘ON’S Studio, Lind- say, and see our' July styles and prices for photographs.-â€"â€"3t Have your photo taken at Morton’s Studio, Lindsay. Wc give: satisfaction. The tgachcr of the pubhc school takes thm means of thanking the. ladies, the School Board and all others who so kindly 215515th him in provid- ing an afternoon of outdoor amuse- mcnt for t \c pupï¬s. NEW 1) R E S S GOODSâ€" Our stock of dress goods was nevcr bcfore so large.- or Well assorted as at present. All the very latest and stylish patterns and in almost any shade. The most beautiful goods at reasonable terCcs. In fact you can save money by buying your new dress or costume goods from us. Call and sec. Wm. Curry C0 Mr. Harry Lewes has returned lrom a tnp to the North-west and looks well. We have not ascertained if he intends removmg to the land of golden grain. IS no more en John Boyd, 1?. STEELKNIFE IN THE FLESH. FOR Si\LE-â€":\ Massey Hams xo From Class III to Class IV. Total 592. CHARLES L. BICQUADE, DEERING Agent, FOR SA 1 .13.. ï¬rst-class Milliner :thusinstic supporter than ()mcmec. 4‘9 4‘7 412 NURSE BROS.’ LIVERVâ€" \Ve will be pleased to have a call from you when you need a ï¬rst- class livery outï¬t. Tums rxghl. DOn't forgrct the place, Union St.. Mulbrook, \V. '1‘. Mclhidc’s old stand. We will use you right. l‘llccmrs'arc called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any olhcr errors are found therein, to take immediate proceudings to have the said errors corrcctcd newt-ding to law. Municipality of the'l‘ownslnp of Emily County of Victoria, Province of Ontario. NOTICE IS heichy given that I have transmitted or deliVered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Voters’ List Act the copies re- quired by said sections to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, ofall persons ap pcm'ing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municxpulity at Elec- tions for members of the Legislative Assunhly and at Municipal Elections, and that said List was posted up at my office, in the 1’05: Office Block in the Village of ()memev, on the 10th day of August, 1906. and re- manw there for inspection. RICHARD J. GRANDY, Township Clerk. Dalcd at Omemec, this xoth day of August. I906 I‘l‘ RINGS IN YOUR EARS. That same cough is everywhere you go. deep and hollow because consump- tive First it was catarrh which could have been cured by Catarrhomne, moral, never neglect a. cold. never trifle with caturrh, go to your drugglu and get Catarrhozone lt’e instant (hath to colds, cures them In a few minutes Throw. trouble and cuturrh disuppea‘ all by magic. Cutarrhozovw Is the great throat. .nose and bronc. iul remedy to-day. Thousands use in. doctors prescribe it,â€"shy, because it does relieve quickly and cure thor oughly. Twoslzes, 25c and 81.00:“ all dealers. NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OI“ VOTERS’ LIST, 1906. New to the man who never La! corns is the pain relived by Putram’s Corn Extractor. Old coma and new ones cured quickly by Putnam's " Sold every \A here. on L. A. Mummy, Drnggist 6: Optician 2nd door west Gongh’s, Lindsay Properly adjusted glasses afford the only assistance posmble We make a specialty of relicvmg tired eyes and guarantee satisfactibn. You wlll save 20 per cent on your money by calling Tlred EyeS'.Â¥â€"I'Z\'Es TESTED an-zrâ€" Sensations exust for our guidance. They are Nature's warnings. Over worked eyes demand rest. Eyes that tire easily call for help. The institutions of the National Sanitarium Association, including the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium and the Muskoka Free Hos- pital for Consumptives, are under the distinguished patronage of His Excelioncy Earl Grey, Governor-General of Canada, and Countess Grey. Q] Readers of this announcement wili be glad to know that there has been an cncouragl; response to our request for help for the __.__...=m. ' . ~ 4 '33 ‘ e Musmka E‘PQ Etï¬â€˜Ã©aï¬ LIKE A NEW DISEASE (llOur plea for help is that the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives cares for patients that all other hospitals refuse. If the needed money is forthcoming, this dread disease might be stamped out. t] Within the month the accommodation has been increased by twenty-ï¬ve beds, adding to the burdens of maintenance, but in the faith that a generous public will come to the aid of the trustees. Contributions may be sent to Sm Wax/R. MEREDITH, Kt, Osgoode Hull, Toronto, 0:- W. J. GAGE, Esq., 54 Front St. W. 9 I)“. T. (l. RODDICK, an) eminent physician of Montreal. eat-president, of the Cuumliun Medina] Association, and ex-presidcnt, of the British Medium Association. stated at a meeting of the Montreal League for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, his ï¬rm l)¢ll“f that. in twenty-ï¬ve years, provided proper means are udoptrnl, a case of cansumpbiou would be a. curiosity. Not a single appdcant has ever is: n refused admission to the M:- .wAa Free Hospital frâ€"r Con- sumptivcs because of his or her poverty. Q Q a AT IVORY’S Subscribe for the Mirror. ANNOUNUEMEN'I‘.-â€"anmg purcnns'ea the Drug Business formerly carried on un- der the ï¬rm mum: o! ORMUND «V: WALSH. I will continue it under the snnge name. It \\ m be my care to maintain the high repu- iallon m long hl-ld by Hm business for re- â€:qu goods and for accuracy in the prepar- mlonntmed‘cim-nand prmcnrflmxs. The stock will be mainminod at n nigh stand- ard ol‘excelienc-e. Inviting a. coulmpanco of patronage. very respectfully, DICKSON A VlSDON.-â€"8n". ‘ All the latest and improved branches 6! dentistry successfully performed. Charges moderate. O F F I C E over Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent and William streets. DENTIST, LINDSAY. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- ‘ty and Royal College of Dental Sur- goons. Dr. F. A. Walters, -HAVE YOU SEEN MY WALL PAPERS ? Hundreds of peopie have, and pronounce them the most beau- tiful collection they ever seen. We do paperhnngingjust right. We will be pleased to recewe your orders for painting kalsoxnining. In our Hardware Stoxe we have'a magniï¬cent stock for 1 requirement. Our Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries 8w. TheHoï¬se of Quality CALL AND TEST US. \Ve will be glad to Show them to YOU. W. H. Cat-my Co’s, OMEMEE. is very complete, and the best values possibie. ome in and you wfll be convmced that this is the place to buy. Our prices are as LOW as any in the trade,_ and our goods are of the best quality, that’s why this store is termed Our Prices will Be Found‘as Low as Any. H. RICHARDS, W'l‘hc Old Reliable. . Chambers’ former Stand. GOMEMEE cCaflrey’s, Fresh and Good at HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES in Fruit and Ornamental Stock grown and for sale by CANADA’S GREATEST KURSEBIBS. l‘IIILLBROOK A permanent sxtuauon for the right party. Lnberal inducements. Pay weekly. Handsome {rec out- ï¬t. VS rite for terms and catalo- gue, and send 25c. in stamps for Our POCKET MAGNIFYING GLASS Stone Wellington. Fonthlll Nurseries. Over 800 acres. TO RONTO, .......... ONTARIO. or 30c. for our HANDY METAL HACK SAW. Sonxe beautiful lines in \VATCHES, CLOCKS, jEWo ELRY, SILVERVVARE. CUT GLASS,CHINA,TRAVELING CASES, MAN‘ICURE CASES. NOVELTIES, c., c. SPECIAL LOW PRICE “Wedding‘Ptesents Yorkshire White Bear» [0118mm 77 Kent-St LINDSAY I have a registered Yos'kshirc Whit: Boar for Service on Lot 19, Con. 5. Emily. Terms 7 5c. at time of mice. You can buy Dainty Goods and surrounding districts. W. f. MCCARTY’S. Luca] Salesman Wantei THOS. KERR. Ouncmee P. O. The Popular Jewelry Store, at once for