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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 8 Aug 1907, p. 2

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Please can and get prices ever-”hing must go. w. THEXTON, Having bought the above stock before th :prices, 1 will now sell the same for LESS bompetimxs can buy for at the present tune assorted and I am bound to sell. ILa’kefidd Cement. Fresh Grey 1. ,evcry land. A large stock of Plank, In §izes and lengths. A large stock of Inch 1: flock, all sizcsnnd lengths. Red Cedar fibingles, North Country Shingles. DIED. In North Menaghan, on Sun ,day, Aug. 4, 1907. Elizabeth Ann Lampbdl, wife of George Mon- .cricf, aged 50 years, .fi' 6â€"Big 5c. Scribblcrs for 15¢. .‘whilc the stock lasts, or 12 for 25c, at sthe Mines OtBCc. The MiSScs Gertrude and Cordic Richards and Klein and May McKim returned on Moudav from a fleasant wsit with Mr. and Mrs. ,A. \V. Smithson, at \Varsaw. Â¥Phone l3. Minbrook Station, --â€" . Miss Pearl Burnham entertained a inumber of her lady friends in Medd’s grow: on 'l'lu-sdnv afternoon. Tea fins served and an enjoyable time was spent by all present. In the evening ithe party had ice cream at Snelgroves. The Misses Laura and Jessie Clarke are visiting at the home: of their uncle Dr. Clarke. Lindsay. F0: Quality and Quantity ask your fiealcr for the new big plugs of “Bobs,” 7“Stag” and ‘Currency” Chcwmg 'l‘o- L- A H. and (;.'r. and Rev. “7","; Bra‘dléy and Dr. Jnmicson are enjoying a ,zwcck’s camp on the Otonabec. Messrs G. A. D Duncan tool: in the 38nd yesterday. rcwardcd-by :lcaC'ing it at Mirror office. Messrs john Steel, Wm. Archer, W. JG. Pcndn', J. \V. Walsh and sons. A. Mr. R. J. Gaut, of Toronto, gave the Mirror :1 call on Monday. :MSSuG. \V.. McKim and Miss yfive‘h‘n returned on Friday from fa pleasant visit with Mrs. D. \V. McKim, Napanee. LOSTâ€"In Millbrook, on luly nth, a Past Master’s jewel. Finder will be ‘rcwardcd-by leaving it at Mirror office. Miss Hattie Courtney. is visit- “ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. j. Courtner, at Omemee. firms“; \,.unpuemoru on Aug 14. Mr. 1.. Fred Clarry, Barrister, of Hasfings, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. 5. (Harry. Millbrook. COAL AND WOOD The many friends or Mr. Thos Richards will regret to learn that ,he is seriously ill at his home at IHigh River, Alberta. Dr. Berry, of Hastings. was in r-town lover Sunday. He was a .7guest at the home of his cousin, M r. James Armstrong. Millbrook parties who intend Making in the Sports at Cumpfl gbellfordron Aug. 14th, can Secure .excnrsion tickets at Peterboro, and make good connection. See large posters and programs giving {all particulars of the big days sportsat Czunpbellford on Aug 14. Millbmnk News“ 2" Bank of 'Tortonto ; An Old and Reliable Institution. Interest addedél: times a year. Age and stability should be considered in forming Banking connections. The Bank of Toromo was incor- pomted in 1855, and has now been over half a century in active business. Its progress during these years has been steady, and its large business has been built up on the soundest business princxples. The Savmgs Department isfione that has received careful attentibn and this Bank holdsthe interests of its Depositors as identical With its own, and grants as generous terms as safe banking procedure will permit. always “â€"14.0“. _ '. B. L. GROUT, G. L. MCHATTIE, Manager, Manager, Omemee Branch. Millbrook Branch. Assets HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. ONT. A.‘Duncan and A. E excursion to M id Fresh Grey Lime. Dressed Lumbei k of Plank, both Pine and Hemlock stock of Inch lumber, both Pine and H stock before the recent advances in me for LESS MONEY than my 2 present tune. My stock 15 We” all. before buying and be convinced. as Packet. servxces A large number have become canverted, about snxty at one appomtment alone h wing been added '0 the (Ilnn't‘h, and become active working nmnbers. AJnn'or Epworth League alm has been recently organized. All of“ this progress. hot-h financmllv and spiritually, xs largely due to the pastor’s untiringr energy. his fit- ness for carrying fimmc’ial prob- lems to :1 successful issnemml his dcvotedncss to the c:xuSe of Christ â€" therly correspondent in Orillia T) CAPITAL $4,000,000 RESERVE 4.500.000 - ‘ru. watul' ‘ I day and. disposed oi several horses to Messrs. \Villiumsou Bros. If you want Shingles, try our Far- mer Specials. ReduCed price for to days. Wm. Thexton. The anniversary of the Rev. D. R. Clare’s pastorate here has paSSed. and the Methodist peOplc are rejoicing that he is to min‘s ter to their Spiritual needs another year at least. Great progress has been made during: the Conference veztr. About $700 has been raism‘l for church purposes, and the‘ greater part of the ”debt wiped" out. The pztrsonngeiml church grounds have lately iniprovel by the erertion ol'a substantial wire lence. The Suntlav school has been re-crganized, with :1 mil staff ofteachers. The choir has he come a useful acquisitiJn to the services A lame number haw. I Mrs. \V. H. Mitchell, of Peter- lboro. is a guest :1 the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. I. Lang, King street. Etc-County Commissioner, '1‘. H. McQuade, Councillor \V. R.‘ Cottingham and Mr. I. A. Shield, I of Emily. were in town on Sntur- .’ $37,000,00000 \VANTED.â€"--Apprcnnce to learn Barber trade. Good chance. Apply to E. H. English; tonsor- in! artist, Omemee. Mr. H. I. Griffin of H.M.S., took in the excursion to Orillia last week, and enioyed the outing very much. He says it was the most enjoyable day he has spent since landing in Canada from 1 England IWenty yeais ago. Mr. ‘ Griffin has made a host of friends in Millbrook and vicinity by his genial dispOSition. He has al- ways done his duty. and since he has been in His Majesty's Service he has proven himself worthy of the position. \Veall jom In the wish that he will be long spared to enjov many more such excur- sions as the one of last week. Shingles dollars up=to $85. ‘Iflyou need ngoed 'IDr. Walsh returned from his vxsit re-built typewriter at close figures. can . to Ottawa ‘Wednesduy morning. sult us. ‘ , , Miss McCarthy of 'I‘orouto. visited “e also re": machmes. thh Miss Coclnune over Sunday. C. W. RICHARDS, Agent, Th b l H T I b . - . e asem ynme cu ues<a e- Mirror Office. MlllblOOk' tween the Scahssnnd Blisters resilted [m a defeat of the latter club by a Mr. H. I. Griffin of H.M.S. LA 7 ' ‘ ‘ V , | score of 2:. 21. Another «mm ...m In- rnn‘r :â€" ‘ . at“. â€"v-vl|l Axnua VIBIL' % .1 ed “' rommo 1““ wed" ' Typewriter Bargainsâ€"\V’e are-l Misst-S Margaret a‘nld Gertrude agcntwfor second-hand typewriters of 3 Wood rcturncd 0" b r [day “9'" a all makes ranging ‘in price from :1 {CW three "1°”th mp abroad. dollars up =to $85. 'If you need agood 'Dr. Walsh returned from hie nah roanCh b...‘.\..._'. 7 , I Pine and Hem- Ncw Brunswick umber of all Di ll ()1) 'l‘uesd_.ty afternoon at the resi- dence of Mr. 1053 Burns, Bank St , Millhrook, :1 quiet, but pretty double Wedding tom< plume, Rev. (l. R Clare officiating. \lâ€"iss Anna Burns. daughter of Mr. Wm. Burns, was married to Mr. A Ward, of the (};'l‘.l{.. Toronto; and Miss Emma L. Burns. daughter of Mr. Jos. Burns. was married to Mr. W. J. Johnston, of the (I l’.R.. Toronto ()an a few of the Immediate: relatives of the contracting parties were present. The ceremon)r being over, a dainty repnst was served and the Wedding party were driven to the CPR. at; Cavanville in Mr. Ed Christie’s new: surrey. and they took the evening tram l for their new homes at Clarence l Square, Toronto. The brides, hoth' popular young ladies, received many- l handsome pre<ents. . The Mirror jmns _ In wishing the happy muples long life, ' T , .1 prosperity and happiness .1: ,- ch! Sabbdih the services will he conducted Ly the pastor, Rev. Mr. Wm. johnston. ' .v... nun. , ‘ The (:I.oxr was in fine ‘form ung, der the able lcndership of Mr. C? V. P\ m. and the anthem rendered Iw the-m showed careful and thor~ ough trummg There are few chmrs that can compare with this outside of large: attics. The service in the I’reshyter inn church on Sunday evening ' I “as both titter«.:sting and protitu‘ ’hlc. Rev. Mr. Bradley, B.A., 0: Berlin, preached an excellent ser- nmn from the words as found in u f Isaiah 6: 1.5.8. in clear and ' forcible utterances he hronght l before the large congruentiun . Isaiah's nu-ssage to ltht|:‘*-5l)OW- ". int; clearly that the dam: we have offing! is reflected in the life We live. in other words, life 'it;-:{ transcript of Our conception of God. The vision of (30d given to man reveals the man to himself, This is clear from the prophet‘s‘ utte-runcvs. when he says, I am a ”’3’” ol unclean lite, and dw: ll . 311mm: :1 people of unclean her The \‘lSlOn of (Sod if appreciated l will make a man willing' to serve; and was true of Isaiah. for he said “here min I, Send me." Mr. Brad- ley's messnge was Well receivedl and a mum Welcome awaits him, when he appears before this.e0n« . greuzttion on the 18th inst. I); The el.on' was in fine form um, : (let‘ the able lemlmehin A" Mr "9 dl We had the pleasure on Wednesday of inspecting the unto-date hckmg cs tahhshmcnt of Mr. Wm. Snclgrovc. Since that gentlcman has added a new gasoline engine to his plant, it is Well worth a visit. The first engine that he had put in was not quite {urge enough for the work to hc done, so a [arm-r and butter um- h-u- It ..... t ...,....n Snelgroves Bakery and Restaurant. DOUBLE WEDDING score of 25 21. Anothcr game will be: played on Friday afternoon, when a {gr larger score is anticipated. Mr.A. H Walsh, of the Bank of’l‘oronto, Montxcal. is holiday- ing in MlIHJrook. “Toby's"many fi'mnds are pleased to Welcome him back to town after Several momhs absence. Mr. James Handicy and daughter, Miss Isabelle, took in the cxcursmn to Midland yrstcrday. Miss Vance and Master Austin Vance: rclurncd a few days ago from a visit in Cobourg, with Mrs. Vance. Misses Annie and Mom Kn”: rim- ? Mr. Wm. McIvor and daughters. the Misses Maud and Etta, left on Tuesday forlrondalc. They will be the gucrts of Raw: and Mrs. John Maxficld. They expect to return with chcral baskets of huvklcbcrrics. We wish them a pleasant holiday. ' GIANT TRIPLETS “ Currency." “ Bobs” and “ Stag” Chewing 'l‘obac coes, in big plugs. Quality always the same. Mr. Bert Perry, of guest at the home of Mn Dunford. Mr. R. J. Bryce, of Toronto. 132: guest of his son-m-law. Dr. Snclgrove. Coun. R. J. Doak, J. 9., wenmo M ldland on the excursion \‘csterdav. uoou supply of Chap. Bran and Shorts on hand just now at Byam's. at the Big Store, on the Main St . near the Station. Mrs. John McBride left on Tuesday for Bumley, Percy Township, where her brother‘in law, Mr. I'homas Blake is Seriously Ill. ~o<°>o Good supply of Chop Shorts on hand jus: Bvam's. at the Big Sta: Main St . near the Sm: Miss Lila Clar friends in Toronto. Mr. 'hc lame-did? rch'ti;¢; The Mirror Will not be pubhshcd ‘ng pvtiewvercprcwnt ncxt “'ccx. as we are too busy thh r being over, a dainty Niel [fiftz’zcdzsfs for the. Mlllbroox (,cl» 'vcd and thewadding I” ‘3‘" man. iven to the C RR. at; Why not secure some of the valu- Mr. _Ed Christie’s new {able prcmiums at W. ”- lh-n rn V- Miss May O‘Brien returned Friday ~~â€"â€"~~â€"- ~â€" from a visit to Rochester. e in the Présbyter- Mrs. Iamcs Luitch has on Sunday (waning In; a few days In ()ahaw fasting and profita- bccn spend a with friends Mrs. Ruddy and Master Robbie. If. Bradley, 15A» 5‘ returned on Monday night from a two lied an execllcnt ser- months visrt wrth relatn'cs in Mani- :words as found In tobn. 5.8. In clear and n rztnces he brought :5 visutingwilh his grandparrnts, Mr. large congrcmtmn and Mrs. Wm um... Master Rabbit: Carlin" of Cobourg ”C m ms mm, 1! us Well I The: li‘rst engine that Jan' 1 in was not quite {arge c work to I): done, so :1 SE Llcr UHC has been Install 'crminly Seems to be just lgrmc needs for his in- ]! runs his new dough harm, and does the Work quircd three quarters of I abm‘t tcn minutes. and 9r :1 tut of hard “punch- ‘Iting is‘ also attached to am frcczcr, and it is won- ila Clarke is visxting 'I‘-_- and Many Kells visit- ‘, and his rapidly 'ilI amply mpay expense Involved. the opinion that try can be made the Presbyter- mdny evening 1 1g and profita- :uilcy, U.A., Of It execllcnt scr- ls as found in t In clear and ; he brought 1: congruentlun a nncuhâ€"Show- the \ismn we s] :tcd in the “It: in oxrds, life is -a HIC rcsx- | H. mm St , St double ~ Clare 1“ aughtcr \‘Is I to Mr. has to; and of Mr. D1: , W 1 da) >ronto Iativcs I resent. "fl dainty ' 'c rdding [ml .R. at; “ ’s new a ”MC â€"â€" -- ..__' 1 Restaurant. on Wednesday late bcklng cs 11). Snclgrom J. 1’., weumo m yesterday. Lindsay. is a '. and Mrs. H. .} JAJ day. ' . V", .w-..... u. nu: \‘illUJ' fable premiums at W. H. Bx‘am 8' ' I D I Son's. Read their add. m another ! Column. ' GET READY fur my Millbmok (.‘cntrui Exhibition on (>41. 3 and 4 Mr. and Mrs. john Meyer". and Mr J. A. V. Preston wcnzl aw ,$_Lm_1cy 131k. ‘ 9.. ”2.”. Mrs. I. E Needhnm 3‘ Durham visitcd Midland day. Mr. Ihllinrd Donaldson rctux Toronto on 'I'ucsday, after a p Visit :1! his former home here. I has a good position .111 Toronto Rm. '1'. A. (. m 0., was the ' lust of Sta 1:.- the past w~c<k , -..q nuns mum-an 15' a guest at 1' the homc of Mrs. R. KcHs, l’ctcrbnro Mr. j. Cracker. of the Queens, is holidaying m Ruchestcr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith are guests at the hum: of hcr mothcr, Mrs. Burton. Mr. Chas. Wilmot, of Bell cville, was I ,m town this week. Mrs. 'l'hos. Hunter and: are guests of Mrs. Francis “Star Cottage." Mount Juli Miss Nclhc Mom-an is‘ the lgomc of Mrs. R. KcHs, Mr. j. Cracker, of the holidaying m Ruchestcr. Mrs. B'lcCurtncv spent last; week with her son McCartney and his wife, Mrs. MchHi; spent a few days in Millbrook. ..._ v"... . - ' .. .r'ur-V. ’ Mrs. Ruddy and Master Robhxc. ‘9” “may" " returned on Monday night from a two “'9 "N”“L' “'35 aomewh months visn wnh relatives in Mani- “”8 condmun did "0‘ (MET tobn. tendance MRS“?! Rubbie Carling of C01)ourg The Omemeu Bflyd “.1“ p ls visiting wilh his grandparrnts, Mr. 9"”"°-"°d ”'9 “F'CBM'H'JS and Mrs. Wm. Vance. appetizing "sum. 8 good 1 Mrs. M<:\\'xl|izuns, of Collingwood, speecheu,etc.,v.\'au ”Mm“! ' n-nn....s - 1'17" 1 t.‘ To new Subscribers TODAY 1 The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Mammal. and The Minor TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SPECIAL OFFER Bream! Newsuansr Bargain + » Ever flflsrefl. N‘cq'dil-mm and Mrs: th her son Mr. (icorgc ul his wife, in I’cterlmro. Hunter and son Harold. Mrs. Francis 1. Moore, ’1 \I A ..,., Homes Landing Lowrow, of Ncwavl, t of his ststrr, Mrs. I ..... “- Iv\l\l, last neck with fnends pcnt 'I'hursday of ‘1 Mrs. 139 on Wedne - Juliah. 'turnml In pleasant ' Hilliard made arrangements with A base ball match far to dcudc lllc dmmplunship ot'Cavun WI” be played hllhc Agfiruhurullwuk.BIUhuook,un Ffidayutufinounzu‘;303haq) body come and Sc: this great game. The l’cu-rbnm (Tn) Clmmpiuus must 355,111.: a game .wan Milfluwyk. Ii Vcr), Mr. William Haudley has the con. tract for the improvements that are being made to the Pnbflc Suluml prem- iseu. The Presbyterian pulpit \\ ill cnpied next Sunday evening I); Menzies who carries on the hm Presbytermnism in (he pruw Quebec. Miss Florence Piikey is Visiting her uncle, M r. Wm. Ureix. The sad news arrivedyof the drown- ing ef the late Mrs David Bust. It ap- pears ehe n ith one of her sons and his wife. were aboard the iii-titted utmuner‘ Columbia when the vessel] nus struck by a freight boat and sunk. The son and his wile were rescued. the hit:- Mrs. David Best lned tor many years in our village where her hushund, \\ lm predeceased her hut a short time, car. ried on n griut niiil business. She was leaving California to visit her only «laughter who resides in North Unkuttl, \\ hen she met her untimely undehm-k ingcienth. lter inuny relations and friends of this part, extend ti eu- warn-eateympathy to the mourning children. It is predicted tlmt this week “in bring the stem" shovel across the mid- dle road. Miss Olive Walk" of Blumusgrore A venue, Port “05m, la the glmal'ul Mr and M rs. T. Jumieson. enurelzed the pruceexliugs Arte-r thoe 1‘ 5”"“”‘”°“ “ appetlzlng erttat, a good program 0! Juce, “'3‘”?! 1"” speeches, etc., was carrled through to PM“ ”"3 {”0" “U the enjoyment u! a large audience ”'“mL The base ball game, unfortunately llms “er".“lm . . d Into Iltillrhltn. dld not umtermhzemumg to so many ll d l l J of the Benedict»: being so busily eugngo ”’0’ am an 8 ed. It is hoped that these rival tenma my}; tl will meet before the ball season clusm- ') erruzoue _ those brooding ll and settle the unrest. I u the u-uzds ol . . unnatural fears the bachelors n In. were Wursled tn the concentrate :Itth only router-t pulled 011‘ between tneae ~ Ihould be dome team»: The Garden Party underl of the Fresh) teriun chum: BASE BALL M .H'CH MOUNT PLEASANT, was somewhat em»! but ’urty under the auspices nlpit “ill be oc- veiling by 1 Mr 1: the interests 0! the province of present and :h came off a huge at ~ - v v vv- '1' A handsomely Musfratnd um. ‘ I. 2‘? -¢ .9 (1,. muluiun ul any I": icmmc 5""? . - 'h‘rm-. 3:. a y" w: four months. H. Sold In) an! n-- w ‘lll‘flhol' . .fiISI'l' fl ‘ ’ By I-‘erruzone the mind is relieved nf those brunding tun irncien, ot‘ morbid unnatural fears of unwitllngm-H-I to concentrate :it'on'iun on lhonid he dome Wun't 3m" t1; Farr. z m-? “'nu’t 3m: give it :1. chance tn “in 3Q” hack to health; it will dn it, just an it did {or Mrs ( reighton Z‘uck ut Pain: 51 . Lnnenbnrg, Nfi , ” 1 “ant to give my things that “ho m} a: t-xpi-rienve Mil: Fern z-n-e hemnm- I [venue it M“ :e ofztssiatunce tn thousands of “0:10” ‘ who need it lva I “an wry thin, run dowu in flan“ and lucked culur. my nerves were in a dreadful stat». if anything it)“ i “'Mlld j min and Hart At night I would sud icnly wake up, heut palpi'n‘iug an! all key ed Irp, Fi-rrnzwne Want right tn w-irk. It [autorvd my nuisu and halmce, unto me 86!! cantmi, (turcd Ill} nenune. c a Funny. uu tune-439.! my aim-rule and nu' Weight (mime up so fast. that l at li.‘ §c2 mm: Rm ' 9 .. J ‘ul ' PU?! ti: 3; iv“... u618'ond\a,.Â¥:;f: dtéua.‘ SLR-:9, no 1‘ fix; "jab: .Mqhwgp Thus everything you eat ed into nnnri~lm.el.t that 1 blood and lends new atru [IQ'T\'I.‘8. AH the vital activities of the hudy . . . l are quickened into new rigor by her. 4 ruznue. which contains an the (mu. ‘stituents neCussnry to (nuke strength. “(MTG It: first awtinn is upon digestion It stimulates the aecretmn of gastric juce, ensures perfentdluection and pre- l para-a the fund an I as to he ousiiy assim- Your Physical Condition 1s Below Par and Must be Built Up. Try Ferrozone. NERVOUS ‘? One Door East of 'n‘ {our monthsm' mn- i: am gt! a pair at l..\N( the same 1mm. (‘uil all made to (mirr. Also a I \Trhnol Boots. What's the We are not talking of scrapping that We have as fin: a stock of Mo anywhcrr. Thurs: is no lx-ttcr next, stflinh and durable , but just wish to rem; ”’5 Boots and Shoes as time than the prusrm to so We have also a good line of Boy's We CanBoot the Best 0f Them. Do You Brood? Have Morbid Fears? Toss in Your Sleep? ml Moots. \\ 1m 5 the use “Hm-din" a pair m- n: ()nti.s(ii ( arc is g:\: H {mm}, (or that "1 gr! :1 HM at l \.\(.'S 1!..x1 mi” km him til mum pum. (4.1:me my: “C I); He also :1 : to (micr. \Isu a full imc uf hamcas, “hi; Ixcpnirin ' of Ilarness‘ Boot.» Slums nm $3wa g1: MUNTHEAL mesa Former Customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will accommodated as heretofore. mug you eat is cunvcn lune” that enriciws the Branches a: all important Ccnt_rcs in Canadét'énd in London, England, New York, Chlcago,'Spokanc, Mai“), and Newfoundland. CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,400,000 REST : $11,000,000 UN DIVIDED PROFITS : 159,831 TOTAL ASSETS $168,001,173 fifiwrydcscriptinn of a Banking Business Jfitéfit Allowed on Deposits. 532 529% away: R S. MABEE, “MANAGER Millbrook Branch strength to the an; Inlturng is ubom to 3 {\I I LLHKOOK, ONTARIO Otiiuc in 'l‘mm-z's dim): N0 I .H my!!! I mm In gm; h" h Est. 1817. "l!n'=. "-1 Lu: 1m, ‘3 V $7.. Orders {or n w com chungns of firm names, of sheet addresses. or [L (rate entries. slum” in In {or the Distxh t of (but: including the: Mum}; a pair of Roots that may :m), {or that gaming buy of your iii km him till he (nxtgrmrs xhc-n N EKV Telephone Directory. Or The 41!: « no conum om: of the .W. H I Half 11 i i The nndvrsigm d has taken over the business of his futhc-r. til:- late Kohl. Humnun, and is inquired to attend to all orders {0 mmuzg of buildings. Satisfaction gimmu. teed. Terms reasonable. ALF. HUFFMAN. Millbrook Station P.0. Ont- THE BELL Iâ€"LLE COMPANY OF (‘A‘ (“ICC [0 BUILDING : MOVING Om: 1b, Poultry Food. The quality“! our 25c. Teas needs no comment. and fins I’oultr) Fund is om: of the bra! egg producers knou n. . Montgomery, With svery $2.00 purchase of any- thmgin our store, excqn Flour and Fud or goods in quantity M Spun! prmcs, we will gm: the chain: of Half 11). of our special bulk Bind: Tm. Half H). Green Crylon Tea. Half 1h. Mikcd ‘I'ra. Half 11). Uncolorcd japan '1': a, m; .. ,mu m “0015 that may wmr three {or that growing buy of yours, win 1) ya: as! him till hc (nxtgrmrs them, at almut :n'c also :1 Special Line of French Kips mcas, whips, trunks. s’aliscâ€"s, xc. Shucs pmmptly nut-ndcd to. SP own of Millbrook. hysiriun PESIAL PREMIUMS. Aug. 10th to 17th. M I LLBROOK STATION I’romptly Attended _\.>I 0.x “$4., U. A. TURNER, Local 31.3%..ka : .‘T:""I ' firm names, 511.1"ch ldz‘csscs. or Mr dupli- . shnuH ilbgwhandui m . Byam Son ‘alaphane Directory £1 OF (A\AD.,-\ pubhsh a new i:s oi the and Sm gum to rcmmd the public hoes as can be found 1 to secure something \r ”.m'. 0T com) gjuns. :al Outcno :3} :‘5‘.’ 319' PHONE bio", to. " out. [:5119 The Mirror cxtc tulations to Mr. am In the 3lc:§:n\\i:>z ("1 Mrs. Eaton is :nxzm pipe Organ. and dur'zn; at: drum; m the am was madc m {hr be had been held mrlm 2 Each of the x5 ed With a pain ~ In the evening in the Mcfinxifs The seven children . McCrca war :13} prac- (ration. l'ncy arc. McCch, of Umvmvr; tomo: “Elam. m‘ '11:. Mulligan, ()mcmcc. Eaton, of Tummu: .\l: mum. and Mus £114. .3 The bndc and gum: who are sad ha'c am mad: the rccinzc: 1:: v! of handsome and min: cndcnocs of the nun- who}: :hrv 4n: lucid. Th: catering w_-s wtbb. of 'I‘UYOZTIU, wedding Cinncr conga cs "rl’c given and .- Mr. Md'rca m a agu gave some izngrcszu' (of his cariy reside-'1 the ‘1'!in- 5 ,2 L 5 human i’nc mu...) decorated {m 152:: gal with brighg Mr: (:01. (he hd)‘ gurstr. {32: g: a Very prcizy appcats pcrsoua 3‘f. a: 1er1: wind the C0: .6 .C 502m pm q hcuzc GOLDEN 5 AalkU {371535 ALSO Sec 0 play of Nx‘uls F mcnt Standard ‘Ayvlit. PM“ I? We expect to st light. An cxncn Company, l'dcrh the wires. A new pipe or; placed in the Mel will bc pmercd ( Imaginbad Stu-201: mounts. leane- must give Good mount- leuugive bsd n Mr. and Mrs. “sited friends i assisted a: the .\ dist church. Marian “57a 12;, ““sz ‘ BuSiHESS h" Mu- ‘ ”Hm w- collflge' 21"“, “ :.- .0 fl ”-qu Teromo, .1; “I. K On Mm: Mr. and Mr- I'ctcrboro. spun parental mox’. Dr. Hughanj Icrclcr, will Thursday. Eye} Work guarantccd The {armcrs' I haying, and 1’41 Have you m Brad? If no! Messrs Ben and Chas. Bani buckle berrymg er enough of make nearly all paes. They 01 'plenic to dhpo! for bills. The joycd the main; to some: miles :1 caygeon and ba‘ cargo of heme: ballast far thcxr waves very nieci Miss Mary visiting her [1 James Morgan will be: mun: Mn Ali j glitz! at the ir Ber! Caumxcy a” you ICE CREAS‘ PARIS G will u lot" 1L1! I old-w: i 01ml: :w and M will .51

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