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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 8 Aug 1907, p. 6

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' W-W ~A «3‘15»: r. 'i “J. ‘ - w ~--.~â€"â€"- *0 WW» “5’93“" $.42?me a..- ... .. H Aâ€"--4’.o~'~‘~“.~l~‘ ‘ Vfiufif-‘W . . . ,. fl: u. g. ., r\ - ~ ' ' 4 ,, . , ‘ . an". ..y Main St, near the Station. Mr. I. Richardsou is taking well earned holiday this week. GIANT TRIPLETS “ Currency Bpank of Toronto same. ...n................... Age and stability should be considered in forming ‘ Banking connections. The Bank of Toronto was incor. : porated in 1855, and has now been over half a century it --~v ll . here. in active business. Its progress during these years has ; been steady, and its large business has been built up on t the soundest business principles. Peterhom, The Savings Department is one that has always M" l" H- received careful attention and this Bank holdsthe interests I of its Depositors as identical with its own, and grants as ‘ generous terms as safe banking procedure Will permit. :l Interest added 4: times a year. drive near M t. l’leasant l l CAPITAL $4,000,000 t Improvements at the g RESERVE 4.500.000 ; “”3533???" 3 . ; Mr. I. N. Hicks recently made and l â€"â€" â€" i put up ‘1 new aw iiii for \lr W H , . i «I i . . . . HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT- l Coonibe of th: “Corner Grocery,” ! â€"â€"_ l opposite the Batik of Toronto. The l awning is one of the best in town and l J. B. L. GROUT, G. L. MCHATTIE, iifiitciiis iniiclivc‘rledit on the local Itllnll . ‘ rer. ‘I i ie new pate gas~ ‘ Manager, Manager, I front, Mr. Coonibe’s store is made Omemee Branch. Millbrook Branch. j biiulit and cheerful, and gives a better ' . 4 View of his exec-lleiit stock which he I i â€"_ keeps well assorted. Mr. Coombe’s ' business is growing fast. , r ewri BP Bar alns-We ml *5.“ Million News. y” t ‘ agents for second-hand typewriters of l Diii'liam Old Boys’ EXClll'Slllll. all makes ranging in price from a few . ‘ dollars up to $85. If you need agood ”“3 26‘“ dQY‘Of .lllll' l9‘3’7' “'35 re-built typewriter at close figures. con Selecte l by the laxecutive Committee sult us. Iof the Durham Old Boys on which to We also rent machines. hold their annual excursion and the C. \V. RICHARDS, Agent, weather conditions were very favorable. Mirror Ofiice. Millbrook. lhe temperature was below the mean _ for the month and the gentle zephyrs ‘“ \vere cxhiliarating; not a person on Is Millbrook Ready for board being sea sick. About 8.30 a. Local Option ? in,'tlie spccml excdrsion train from l’eterboro and (Iobourg arrived at the foot of Young St., 'l‘oronto, with a monster crowd of lliirhamites‘. 'l'liey wee met by President Hughes, Sccrc- tary Vellowlees and the city contin- g nt. all embarking on the 9 o’clock boat of the Niagara Navigation (.‘o The sail across the lake was ideal and nothing occurred to mar the pleasure of the trip. After touching at Niagara onâ€"the Lake, the party proceeded to Lewiston where the l'llt-Ctric cars oi the Gorge Route were in waiting to convey the pleasure-seekers along it~ lines to Niagara Falls, NY. The trip from Lewiston to the fall-‘ via this route, can not be understood or appreciated by any person who has not taken it. The cars run about on a level with and close to the river whose might is shown in the specta cular rapids and the deceptive and irresistible whirlpool. A better point of observation than that afforded by the Gorge Route seems impossible. When at the bottom of the gorge, one “““ Millbrook Fair, Oct. 3rd 4th’ -and don't yoo forget it. Miss Edith Tully. of Peterboro, was :a guest at the home of Miss Stella i' Hetherington last week. ' Mrs J. W. Taylor and children, of l, . Midland, have returned home after a i three week’s visit at the home of Mrs. 11). Milligan. tVANTED.â€"Apprentice to “earn Barber trade. Good chance. .tfipply to E. H. English, tonsor- I ial artist, Omemee. ‘Dr. Clarke and Mr. A. A. Smith at- tended the meeting of the High Court of Foresters held at Midland this week. Mr. Chas. Gray, of Toronto, spent :.~Sunday with Mr. 1.]... Fair. To the Editor of the Mirror. Kindly allow me space in your col- umns to express my opinion regarding Local Option for Millbrookma ques- tion which is likely to come up at the next Municipal Election, and probably a vote taken thereon. Naturally the first opposition to hav- ing Local Option is on account of ac- commodation, which some think would . . . not be Intplc Were the hotel licunses ' . ' 'o r . . l'or Quinn) and Quantity ask ’ .u" cut off. But if these same persons .dealer for the new big plugs of Bobs, . ‘ "Sta n and “Currenc n Cheivin" TO- I would look mm the matter for them- .‘baccg y ” l selves and ViSit some towns where the l' . l Local Option Law is in force, they Miss Ada Richardson, of Lindsay. l would. unless too much prejudiCed, ;is a guest of Miss Alethea Kelly. i change their minds. Local Option in ' _ . Midland is working beautifully, and Miss Linda Hall, of Peterboro, was i the hotels are doing a big business : a guest E“ the home of ll” "Mict M" i without the use of the bar. It is said ' { J.l- 1* Fall" last “'5‘!“ that many families who were in desti» “up”, Bsrtha Kelly, of Toronto. is .iiute circumstanCes a few months ago .spending her holidays with her sister, “21“" ii“: in” were open: 3": "0W br‘ Mrs. D. Milligan. ginning to know some bf the comforts can appreciate with greater COIltprc. . _ 0f WC. “'lillc before they had "02 SUl‘ lbcnsiveness, the distance from the Mr. H. Nattrass, of the big;r East ficent food or clothes, and little or no i surf“: of the water ‘0 the top of its End Restaurant, is improving the ap- fuel to burn. Now, everything is banks and the unusual color of [hr _ pearance of his store 11" repainting and changed J" ”1083 homes. 'l'lim‘c 15 water from the reflection ofthe foliage. repapering it. Mr. Nattrass is bound plenty to eat, sufficient to wear. and The bed of the rapid; seems to be to keep tip to date. His Soda fountain ample funds for fuel. The father, son composted of large, irregularly shaped ‘has had a big run this season. and his or brother, who formerly spent the and pirced misscs of r()'_:k whjch im- jbmincss ssnmllr is steadily incrcas evenings in the bar~room. go to their - Ptxlc the llifltl dash i ftlie water, throw ing. Courteous attention is given homes instead, and happiness reigns it into the air and cl.urn it into foam. every customer by his estimable daugli now where sadness was before. l The spectacle is niaciiilicL-nt in gran- ters who are in charge of the store. Midland is booming now more thanzit deur, awful in its “mules. power and e- 5.13“; 5c. Scribblers for 15¢, "Cl: did bait)": .EVCT)‘ "ml who wants one never to be forgotten! _ The ex while the stock lasts, or ,2 for 25¢, at WOW can 56011”: it, and flit" wages are cursiomsts spent a great portion Ofthe the Mirror ()fi‘ice. . used for to support their families, "1- ‘ day in sight seeing on the American . . . ._ stead 0‘ purchasing liquor. an OVCT'Iand Canadian sides, and inspecting M'sf 31'3": F“, or PCICI'l"){°‘-l.'-llli “if indulgenceof which degrades and robs :’ inany only: power liOUSt“‘. When one spendmga few, WCCks at “6 mm“ 0 men "film" SCI‘SCS- meditates on the volume of power Miss Alethea helly. lam 0f the opinion that ll Midland represented by the rapids and the Miss Lena Sleeinan, of Port Hope: can flourish with Local ()ption that Falls 1;: is 10,-; in amazement and the was a guest at the home of Mr. and Millbrook can as Well. . result m figures would be beyond the Mrs. 1.]. Clarke, this week. Many men who are addicted to comprehension of the human mind. Miss Gertrude Clarke is yismng her drink would be glad if the bar \ . "315 ' Think of one channel that taps the Toronto friends. closed, as it would help to keep temp. . rapids near Cliippawa and extends ““0" away (“ml llltlll- and many near cr to the balls with a series of a would become good respectable citi- Cl ‘ It 4 The Misses Emma and Diner“ ...... ...... 90 " i ’ . ; l’r ner’ille ..... ..................... 58 . ‘ . . power houses utilizing the water ofthe completed on time and to the satisfac- if?” terli-Iitgry and further ”Minn“?! ) I 1. i River 95 ,Olver, 0f 19mm". “'ch £11351? at thc zens were liqu )I’ out of their reach. same C'iannel, then calculate how tion oftlie Socitty is putting it mild. mm e "um" stations °"° “3’ "‘ '"" home of we" aunt, M'S- .l- RichardS, If avote was taken on Local Option many s'.nilar Channels can be con- last week, and this Week are guests of ‘ next Ianuary, at the time of the Mu. l _ niCipal Election, I am satisfied that -it I would carry by a very large majority, l as I believe that the good and loyal l citizens of Millbrook would gladly'lia ' ,their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smithson, at Warsaw. . Mr. Stanley johnston, of the ,G. T. R., Port Hope, is visiting his parents. Rev. and Mrs. Win. Johnston. structed, the American and Canadian Falls would yield and you are near the power of Niagara. A large deputation of the Durham as generous invitation of a monster Cereal plant to viSit it and inspect ilie proCcss and manufacture of grain- and foods A very pleasant and instructive hour I thank you, Mr. Editor, for the privilege of expressmg my sentuncnt-. in this matter, and I hope that the people or this town Who '0'”: 30°C} , was spent with every attention front order will see l° it that something is l the management of the plant and con- done *0 510i? llic "{Wdi'lsm that ,pre- cludcd with an appetizrng lunch served vails from time to time, and I believe y by the proprietors. that one sure way is to close the bar. â€"â€"â€"A 0.... DIED In Manvers, on Monday, Aug. 19th 1907, Howard Byers, aged i8 years. The funeral took place from the res ‘idence of John Fallis, Let ’r 7, Con. 6,- , Good supply of Chop. Bran and Shorts on hand just now at Bvam's, at the Big store, on the I) “ Bobs” and “ Stag" Chewirg 'l‘obac COGS. in big plugs. Quality always the Miss Alice Coosman and Miss Bertha Groves of East Hamlin, N.Y., who were visiting Mr and M rs' 'l'lios. arkness, left for their home- last Week [after spending a very pleasant time Masters Walter and Alexander llarkness are visiting their friends in Handley .in company With H. I. Griffin took in an enjoyable . on 'l‘uesday evening to see"tlie dredge workitn,r in Ill: Long Swamp WANTED.-~“Forty Girls at the Quaker Oats Com- pany’s Plants. Peterboro.” - 4th. The Prize Lis s are printed and “M-‘l'm “"‘l l’wflmml- "Mill"! for Will be in the hands cl the Secretary, mm": ”Wit” trouble and ("iiiiirrii corn- Major c. n. windmi, Alillbrook. this We “it" “Merrhozmm Week. l’urties who unend to make “hem-2““ “"‘l “-0”- cntrics may secure the 1 rue Lists and entry forms at the olli :e of the Sccre played tary or by Writing to Lini for same. all ofits predecessors, and the ()lllCLl'S and members of the SOCiety Will put forth every effort to nuke it s0. (Iver $3,000 in prtniiizms RJI'C offere l. and for slyyeding‘ III the )ring big lion-aw are 0 cred tor :1 “Met: lor Al ’ and , f] f l .. .. l . .. ’ ,1 ‘ .. Mr. and Mrs A. In. Duncan and fam- .tst) or iotscs tn tit. 2.00 L ass ”_ have ”m It (‘1 ' l i 'f There will no doubt be many good ii i "m”, I"! 1”": "I'M "‘ t" a e- I ' . . horses to enter, and all lovers of spccd- l’ “a“ ' ‘ ”n “ ” ' ”e'" " '"e mg will be well pleased Willi lliest’ Mr. \i'm. events. success of this big Fair perhaps more than anything else is the splendid way the officers and members do their w vails. The President, whoever is dates or the Milli. clioSen from year to year, takes off his “lilcll they had lie“ crai, rolls upliis sleeves and does his north. share of the work in band, and all under him being imbued With the s :m ‘1‘ ~ , _ ' . berta to assist in liiirvtve‘iiiu,iiiici to ”numb“ Ul‘i‘m ---------- "‘23: 15:31:]: h:;::;:d :iiari-lizeofgiibiiiiiicl? I meet the demand to Some extent the “mile Leaf............. ”"130 which have b.2en found neCessary tti Canadian ”emu has “tang“ m rm Mime 1:0 supply the demand of the steady in- low rate hm" laborers.- excursion ' [immniie NW iiiiiii 00 Iticticasc in entries. To say that Mr, 1'3“ng “files are A": 2" 3” “"‘l 59M \“m‘” ° '“"""““ Leitli looked after tl 8 job and bad it 4. (Advertisement. In another column Lani: Millbrook (‘ci‘tr'il liltliibitionof 1907 $l2. Men are engaged at Winnipeg Fast Finily ........... ................lM I l l 4 , _ . ‘ - will be a reccrd breaker, especrally I: and are given flee tickets to paint: Irene-rm 10a . ve ' Old BOYa’ excursionists accepted the for many yearr. the bar banished from its mid-t. ‘0" has ,1 good position m a hp“, make something more than prellaea, . C v l‘ . mercantile house at Bellevdlc. FOUNDâ€"Outlie main Sheet seesaeeeeeeseeeseeso . , ' linerllnlninli‘l W Est. 1817 ., a CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,400,000 REST : $11,000,000 “ UNDIVIDED PROFITS : d d d § TOTAL ASSETS : d d 159,881 $168,001,178 The House That Jack Moved. The brick residence .on Peter street operations and the house was undam- formerly occupied by Mr. George Gar aged. which reflects much credit on butt and purchased by Mr. N. B Gould Mr. Julin Iliifi'nian t f Mlllbrook, an! has been successfully moved to a lot his eflicient stuff i f wo'kmen. Mr. on the same street “'th of Mr Dona” Huffman has acquired qniiea name in McLean’s residence. The linildii 2* It a part as it mover of buildings. “is bad to be moved come distance over tl next operations take place In ()niemee quarter ofii mile and the work was ae‘ \\ here a. warehouse owned by Mr. ‘ cninplished in two and one half days. l Betitty, grain buyer, will be moved.â€" Tliere was not a hitch iii the whole Port IInpe'I‘inies. Branchesiat all important Centres in Canada, and in London, England, New York, (Chicago, Spokane, Mcxxco, and Newfoundland. .U filivery description of :1 Banking Business transactedfia Savings Deposits. Former Customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be llr. U. E Biiriiliam attended the accommodated as heretofore. Grand Lodge meeting oftlie 10.0.47. at Orillin last week. Miss Alberta Tliexton was a visitor to Sturgeon Point last week. The Mirrorjoins in welcoming Mr. G. Dean, the new Hammer of the Bank 0! Montreal, iii-d his wlfe and daughter, “.4 cit lZPliS oi Milliirm k. § ‘WMANAGER. ‘ .R Millbrook Branch to k" . ,w Vite eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 9’3? o t d Interest Added 4 Times a Year on g t d d d i ocean, â€"\ Warden McNeil niid lleove Given went to Cnbonrg yesterdays in E ()RIGNAL cori‘x‘cunn. No substitute has ever been devised that gives the quick, painless results of Putnam's (‘orii Extractor. For fifty rears its success has been unequalled .19“; safely and thorough cure use ' Putnains” only, -“ We CanBoot the Best. of Them. We are not talking of scrapping. but just wish to remind the public that we have as [inc :1 >lt)(.‘k of Men's Boots and Shoes as can be found anywhere. There is no better time than the prefix"! to secure something neat, stylish and durable We have also a good line of Boy's N EVER-VJ IARCU T (Z‘Hle and um will be relieved in two School Boots. What's the use of buying a pair of Boots tb lbis year the Fair wtll be held on iiiliinten. (‘uniiniie the treatment and or four niontlis(if cart- is given them), iortliat glowing boy of yours, “lit n you l‘hursday a lid Friday, Oct. 3rd and cure is assured. can get a pairat LANG’S that will last him till he oiitgruis lllt'lll, at about the same priCe. (Tall and set: We have also a Special Line of French Kips made to order. Also a lull line of harness, whips, trunks. \‘alisce, t\~c. to 4 llcv. .‘lr. Bradley will cntidnctitlie services in He l‘rt-i-byterian church next Sunday. ,A song service will be hold in the evenii g. W; H. LOUGH, Esq.. l’residcizt of the Millbr50k Agricultur- al.SOCiety. Ni it‘s as bad an ever. Nothing 8991MB M IS YOUR COLD lllfl‘Tl‘ill. 7 lo help. Why i'nttise the up-to-diite Tneldllllinink Central Exhibition out coll lil one diiv. liilialel-‘aiarri.- at may wtar three Healing. uerm ile- ‘SUM ever)- Repairing of Harness. Boots Shoes Pr‘mll’ll)’ attended to. Several base ball matches list ‘9 been between the “ lasern’, and "Never Winners" and the "Swim and Blisters,” all of Millbrook, during the past few weeks, and the enthusiasm of the players was great. The line] and deciding game “ ill be played shortly, nlw'liirli further notice will be given later. The Fair this year promises to surpass PETERBORC CHEESE BOARI‘. . At it meeting nfttie Peterlioro Cheese Mclvor returned from , , . Board on \\ ednendnv. the 14th inst , Huckle hurrying. at Bark Lake last . . . . . . the following factories boarded [the week, bringing Willi him several 1 r it no indicated' baskets of choice fruit. Otibday Wil- “m“ er 0 i w ' “um was rather startled by meeting l\90lle. ............................... 80 J? FOR- two Black llearfl, but ”my pruved “ariiiini-ter ...... ................ m ‘ friendly. merely enquiring as to the q'"“'""“' ' COMFORT ' ..“_""AND-v SECURITY ’ P -7- fed There is one thing that adds to the out. Almost perfect harmony prt: ..... ..........I'.’5 rook Fair, about l‘vniral Smith .100 rd much further Sela-yn ....... . ........ ..............lil \'illiere...... ...... ...... .... 70 Harvest Help Wanted West. Warsaw ...... ...... ......... 9f! “entwootl P. R Runs $12.00 Excursions to tiakdule ....... . ......... ...... ...... .li’l) lllilhlitsm to see the good work pro C. Good mount: with bed .... .............. ....lU0 1 . easel renal gross, get their shoulders to the wheel Winnipeg. liaiu)‘ I).......... ..... 49 give b‘d to. illltl Iii) wonder tilt: RIiIHNiOUk CCHHia] U-m ards of ”0000 men tire W‘lll't‘d lmktillt'lil ....... .... ............ ...... 70 1 Bad mount. W111: good . ' . ,. , . . , , ' . ' ' ‘ ’ . , em; 'v xliiliition has l)c(()ilic \ioild famcd in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- p,"a (WW... ...... . ....... ...... ...... ".260 81 e badmulu. Just now when we think of it, Mr. ......... . 45 Sta-Zora mounts, and our lenses must give ‘ood to- unite ...... 000.0. 0.0-. ...... (=5 let 1“ do I,” 0,. her In" and the tickets will be sold to Winnipeg for North Dnmnwr-nu 1 s . 4 < l , t . ...... ......... 4.5 ' ' “ - . - ........ ........130 We me fitV'JTCd with as g'OOd Weather “here help Is needed eiist cf Motse Be arm L 6 IS I W t d has l)rcvailgd on such occasions Jaiv. After Working at least thirty (‘ederdule ...... ............. 60 0 a a esman an 8 days and having the employing farmi r Cavauville ........................ I30 FOR --- certifi to the fact, it ticket back to o;- Crown .......... .. . . .... .... . .100 Mi“. and Mrs. [Olin Baiteso’n, of iginal starting point is issued on pit . \louut Pleasant ...... ................ 42 MILLBRC OK Bellevdle, were 'visiting relatives "‘9'“ ”‘ sls- This is “ “‘l‘mdid °l’l’°" “WW“"J """ """ '160 and adjoiniiw countr’ to r- "i t in town the past Vi‘eek. Mr. Bate- trinity to see the golden west and to Oak Leaf ................ ............. 30 h ) “1“?”Ll , Buckliorri ...... 85 S-ntli Burleigh ...... .......... .. 20 H.it-B............on. ........l.. . 30 Canadas Greatest Local U.l’.|{. agent. is well posted and will be glad to give iiiivbiie full infur- iiia'ioii Brickley.............. .......... ....... 50 N , _ . l About 5 p.m.tlie major portion took Millbrook, a sack Ct at. Ownei Messrs Walter Moncrief n . Kiilariiei' -------“’5 urserleS. ,.» .. . '- v . . .. . . ‘, .. ., .. . .. . . . ‘ - ' a ‘i . ‘ .yesterday at 1 30. and we.» largely at. (11. fordoii‘f. tljiiiiklhéilltgrook is good cars for Lewiston and had adehchtful can liaie same by p.0vni; pi0pet- C E Mitt hell of Emily “c c in The buyers present were Messrs, A permanent situation for the right ~ Htended. Interment took plaCe at I‘allis 3" ”a Y 0’ ‘Ot-a P10" return to loronio by tiie steamer tyand pay'lnor for ”“5 notice. A) . ' ‘ i . v . . . , x, Marlin Fm," ., man for whom I y . 'll I -~ ~ ’ . .. .. Cl' . . l‘ i town On Sunday and called on “““l'l‘m' ("M ' ' ‘ “"' ’ “c ‘crm’ry “’ ’c ,Lemetery. LOCAL UPHONISI' iiliii'i‘i?‘ - , ,. ply at Miiror ()fliCc. \l‘ T L* , Squires, \i’iiuioii, Cook. Gilloi-pie, reserved. Pay weekly l-‘rce equip- . , ,__ __ __,__ _________.__ _ . llie illumination of llanlans ‘ . l 1- - ,l dill-u J (‘l. s ment. Write for particulars «2' i' _. lslandand Scarboro Beach drew forth 1 he Misses Laura Lang' and, Messrs l C Kclls, R Ruddy ”39,3. \i'iiiniiii " t“ k warmhm" f g . . ‘ . . o . many eaglgmations of their inacnifi l\t.llie Mitiihi“.[rel.i”“ed1\io idllt.ll [and R. 1.3” returned last “,ch Mild" ”at. “dusk”. .rrewem and Stone wellington ,, ' ' l “”3.“ “" “f?"‘l' . mm“ m C c' "0."? "" O” “3’ i from Elmore, where they eiijovcd East Eniiii at ll 5-16 cents, time fac- i . lhe excursion of i907 was an_un- after a pleasant VISJl at the home la Six Weeks' visit . ,,-,, , me highest price I”, . , ., l qualified success, due to the skilful of Mr. and Mrs. 1“] Lu”... l “ . ' ‘ .. ' ‘ ~ ,‘ “me“ "cf " " \i F ' t 1‘0"“1‘“ NUTSCHCS, ‘ . i I management of the Executive, con- ILXHIlll l ION VISI'I 0R8 to cheese punt at the side. ‘." tlz:era it (Over 800 Acres) ' __ spicuous at; ong whom was our l‘resi3 A very enjtwalde day was Spent 1 Toronto will find a home-l kc "fTOrOd W 3 4 “W "8:; ”‘8‘“; Ali-0L1": ~ ' ~ . . , i '. . .' . - ‘ '1‘ ~ , . -' 3 .- .l - .' A .t v.9 ruisodt0101316c.,. i- .times i- ; x, . ‘Lakefield Cement. Fresh (trey Lime. Dressed Lumber 0t dent ant. Secretary in then unstinting on uesd iy do“ 1.1.1,“: .“.v r by (lit. l place with its Lowcs, :ii 5 4 Cool: ”c” \vnglitmi ll l-s; Squires ll Toronto, Ont. . , - work to have everything systematic. following,r pthOIlb. Mi. and Mrs. \Vilton Ave , loronto, Last 0 'every kmd' A large StOCk 0f Plank, both Pine anilillemlock, all and work out for the pleasure of the: Homes Dr Smith an" Mr V" Parliament-St Terms right For- ;. .sizes and Lngths. A large stock ofinch lumber, both Pine and Hem: ‘ ' ‘ ‘ “ ' ‘c' ‘ ’ ' den M r. . . . . . well be proud of its people, they were ; :bhtngles, North Country Shingles. - ii good-looking, well. behaved and in- i" 00 A A IQ l 3 vv 00 I , centres sentlarge representations;from if ' . L . ‘ . the age of prattling infants ' to beyond a. ,prices, I will now sell the same for LESS MON BY than my faced Durham Old Boys. It was competitors can buy {mat the present time. My stock is Well . . ' 't . l) 'l . C t a ' ilock, all sizes and lengths. Red Cedar Shingles, New Brunswrck excursioniss m nm oun y m y telli‘gent coll'ection , Urban and rural. Having bought the above stock before the recent advances in the {our 5'3"”: Sm" “c": the lli‘l’l’y' \‘S‘OV:'.U and I am bonnd'to sell. - m?st-go. his-eightysecond year and tramped ford We hope the event may annually traits- pire with its benefiCIal results. L , , . >... Mrs H. Duncan,of Hartford, (1., _ Mrs C Schultz. of Newark, N._l., will receive special attention.â€"2t Walsh and A. leinison, Mr. II). A mmbPOOR Lady Gatehes A "Md' Vilitern‘. Lang’ Shun.“ Mr Hampton, Mr. llich. Nurse, Mr. \-V, H. (ioombe, and the Misses On \l'edriesrl'tiâ€"(ifâ€"l'ist week MiSs xillfifizfd1ldk?u‘iiiiistZicrfsifijcestit iii: £12,:132322,,"Pid'iihgunfizgwmig Nora Ross, daiiizliter of Mr. Ross-Io! ii" 10.7: “:0: auger???» Zediio villaue It); ihc cilia-rite north east corner Hales’ Bridt'e and took Wetllock's the limninion Hotel, captured a ”x cm a w u I. i i ' i e call and get prices before buying and be convinced, as " . . . » . . ,T. Burnliam Myrtle, Fraservtlle, North Diiniiner M _of Gavan 'l‘ownship, that he was iii film yacht and went to Lee’s l’oint tcenpoundlunge M' “l ' a :- - . iV . - - I] L] (1 out, South Bur-Icicle and Hope were ‘ about as much as the younger mem at Gore’s Landing and Idyl Wyld, l fish his Ross may “c ce prou ‘ V b b - t d t ted d tl t ,l 1)., h th ' of her big catch, and she showed great called by Mr. Cook but refused to cell. . ' i ‘ ers. enignan .an m eres ' an ten 0 u 1 cc ll ere eli i rve in liOldil‘l' on to it. It was w'ith ' MILLB '1 _ . ; .l The fraternizing element of the ex- had tea. The return trip to llales' disfiiculty that ”E: was hauled into the J. STEELE'S, ROOR, ONTARIO. ‘ r ‘ ‘ , curs'ion seems so commendable that was‘niade by eight o’clock. Our American Visitors thoroughly en.’ joycd the trip and the beautiful “s, 7 , . 7 y ' . _ . ‘DURHAM BOY. scenery enioute.. . -- ['46, Al 11 1-46 Alf. SqulTES called ()f- M inonde, hilluriiey, Daisy 0.. Oakdalml S . ubscrtbe for Warsaw, Brickley, indium River, Oak Lest. all accepting. At the same price . Mr. Wl-ilton bench! (lavaaivilie. West. the error. n Weir at. ii i 4 took l‘eutrul smith. 398. to Jill] ist Solwyn', Young’s Point; Pine Grove. ' Lakefiold. (‘ederdule, Otoiiabee Union. 1908 - . C burg, of Kocliesitr, Mr.anil sons from Omemee, ‘Mtllbrook. Peterboro, Lindsay and Districts, and \V.\V.(iill0tt,1)rs Chas Sixteen Pound Lunge. ’ inner and afterwards called 'ass‘swd Miss Ross m landing the big “William “M Buckhom. Mi. we“. W“ outgomery. M. D. Physician and surgeon, canoe, and even then it was only sub dued‘ after a good heating by ‘.led. FOR Ui’-"‘O.I)A'l‘E JEWELRY. Office '" “me” D”: 5‘9’5‘ Issuer of Marriage Licenses, At mid" I may be got by tclco , ‘- who still carries some marks of the phone message and at Mrs 'MC- r" flfili's “Mb" ' ' _. MILLBROOE. Cartpey’s residence. ....~.‘* » A e a a i é I A large number fr the funeral of the lat Lindmy. git. Menzies ‘.'..’.\ n licking: m ii." interei A in. 'y. 011' Ittt' :r'i. 4.. .. t "reel: “7. ’ a}! r Law bif'i'c ‘ltt' ' S" r .‘b 1‘ (7' t' i‘ an epic” u ‘ , r)of:tc : . iiilzrtre ii: \ f. ”””” i ~ .. ii’igcni. l‘ii’i'ci LL, 9, ‘i‘vh‘l‘ll will the Rivet The fall wheat and fairly good in this part The threshers are a: paring for the rush. Miss ll. Caz-.ii and M l’eterboro. are ViSllllZ; friends Miss Vera Carin. vrsrting Onienttâ€"e {i tend Miss Ella McIntyre . her home in Bowman . mg her holidays. with M Mrs. W. H. Robertc and Miss Ada Strazzi. were the guests of .‘dr. .1 Fee, last week. Mr. H. Hearty. of the House, was in l’eteerm business. Call and 2:: a loaf ni’ ' sonsâ€"it is mad: {tom flourâ€"3t Messrs. Robert (jourzn Rowan are running pr: t. the season's; tixresafn; ti and Morton Lave had good tlirnshm: out much for :lie Mascot William Gallaghar 23:: tion in the Bank (ionimer William. We are Agenzs for Wi’ Insect l);stra','er «an: oti'y known to annihilate the fi l. ft. \VYI. Mrs. C. W. Richards '. returticd :0 {liclf bonit- : On Sunday after a {Lesson home of her sister, Mrs Mr. (i:0.’;: English, w ily are spending a week d rol's landing. John and Waite: Care: dav under the parezxzai m J. D. THORNTON. ii: Clerk, ls‘U'rr 01' Marie InsuranCe. Rea: Esau.- Agent. Omemee. A t‘ut‘nlc.’ of out oz: spent Sendai Gown azr Point. I 42 b.4211 in New FOR hr,“ l3 Busmrsss‘. Teri; E511 COLLEGE. 5.7-. r.‘ â€"â€"..._-- ni , y E K. it. ldi‘.‘~’c5.’ii§ II. B.‘ r. . ,.,.‘,. ,.i “g 996 Y‘nzc-fit. I": firfii===jigii 31'? are " \ - di\ ,7. .LL '\ ~ BI'CSJ: \ .'44 the Orange lie. ' nesday. the 7“... 1! of Protestantzsm. number preSenI. at. ; i“ most interesting , R. Cottivigfiz'n. i’ t .‘d . He delivered a ii-zct ' address: lit: was L» the evening. attj it: i...~ would be 31‘s.: r": ..:'. ‘ ‘_ Hughes .\1 r. i .1 Grand Organ . ' of Lui‘t'isav; .; . .' . OIHCIIICC. \1x‘i.'-f lL'~ C\ 1 dressees. Mr 1‘ Vi" ~ l rendered Senna: v I'hlclt Were also met" z Staging of tile Nuts " brought to a t‘:CSL‘ , Successful met”... ; u: .t l mee, and no titiiiii ::: .~ ; accomplished :Ezcri‘sy ;‘ i ney'is a gifted Speak/3.: .. ‘3. 2i tm’afd [lid {(336 “7HK ." ~73“ He is proud of tlzzzcrzzse .; Lodges. â€"_â€"â€"-â€"â€"+â€"â€"-: lil il‘ l .. 2 . 1 In Omemee. on Mo, tin. l I907. lessie. yo:;:‘.;:e~: are,“ J. Lamb Nearly every one likes hair dressing. Sometlt make the hair more 1.1 iblc; no keep it from too rough, or from .81 it the ends. Semi-thin that W'll feed the hair. some time, a regular haii Veil-let; hair will be site: will rcmzir. v. 212:: .: bzlc on the head, not on :11: mmktndofomu «gold {or over otxw 3’" .MJâ€" _ . are? Comm 2 1:0 c...,gu:.o:ure:: t SW5. er’s as”

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