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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 29 Aug 1907, p. 2

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Having bought the above stock before the recent advance prices, I will now sell the same for LESS MONEY than competitors can buy for at the present tune. My stock IS ‘ issoxtetl and I an) bound to sell. Please ca” and get prices before buying and be convinced everything must go. Lakefield Cement, Fresh Grey Lime. Dressed Lumber of pvcry kxnd. A large stock of Plank, both Pine and Hemlock, all sizes anJ lengths. A large stock ofmch lumber, both Pine and Hem- lock,all sizes and lengths. Red Cedar Shmgles, New Blunswick Shingles, North Country Shingles. uuuut IO 0 C10( K lunch V1 cr winch there.- was r gpsechcs Miss Bcrtic and Preston and others contrxhu‘ Between eleven and twelv Mrs. Manwllc and the Misses Anna paniylbmk; "P' everyone I“ ,and Mollie Kells, were Visitors to (:0 Quit!) vfieayoyfcli‘ themse'vis ‘bourg last Week. . Iss esta e 1s soon en E? 6 R' q ‘l n r a home 0‘ “('1' 0W". and has "’ â€" 3(7:P_rr1\\..rc nâ€"._- t, ~Mrs. Mam-xi, Mrs. Kells and Misses aft ‘Anna and Monu- Kclls, left on 'l‘ucs- ,day mommg {or Niagara on the Lake, 3for a week or ten days. I? 6â€"1351; 5C. Scriblflrrs for 15¢. while the stock lasm, or 12 for 25¢ , at the Mirror Ofiicc. For Quality and Quantity ask your ‘dcalcr for the new big plugs of “Bobs,” .“Slag” and ‘ Currency” Chewing 'I'o- bacm». Mrs. Jack and daughter, of Roch «user, is vxsiting Mrs. Wm. O’Brien. MISS Smith, of Toronto, who has been vmtmg Mrs. chroy for some @1613, has returned home. Miss Vance arrived home on Mon- ,day mght fmm a very enioynblc my “up the lakes, where she was the guest _of Mrs. Robert Neil. ?{Ӥone l3. Millbrook Station Mr. Adams of Donegal, the: new «teacher fnr our Public School, arrwcs .on Monday to take up his duties. _ .. Wm-..” .... . ,,,_.._..\..., . ‘ _ ,c'ening. wlnch was attentively listened I the had that lasts the longest, burns “1, and much apprecntcd by a l-xrgel‘the brightest. and does no: blanken ”number of citIchs and others. I ’0‘" chxmneys “kc poor 0"- Belt” Y” , ‘ ‘ -~' ” 'gct a few gallons on Saturday at W. CIA-“l TRIPLE r5 " Currency. H. Byam 8: Son’s, Millbrook Station, "‘ 3055" and “ Stag” Chewing TOMC' and save SC. on each gallon. “A pen- .6065: "1 blg plugs. Quality always the ny saved” is “ a penny earned.” and it :samc. applys to larger amounts as well. Dont Mr. Adams of Donegal, u", now forget the special price is for Saturday .tcachcr for our Public School, arrwcs “C“ ONLY- Mr. Walter Mitchell is attending the Mrs. H- h‘IcCar:ney_ has so” her \Cauadian Nauona! Ex. at Toronto. handsome and COnchcnt rcsxdencc . to Mr. Rexd Ball 0! Cavan. Mr. and Rev. Dr. Marsh wxll OCCUPY the Mrs. Ball and daughter waI take up jpnlpit of the Presb) terian Church their residence here shortly. and ml! Milllbrook, next Sunday. Many be Welcomcd‘to town by their many ‘will remember the exgcllent ad. friends. hIrs McCartney’s many .drcss delivered in the town hall friends wxll he pleased to learn that men: by the Reverend gentleman, she does not rutend leavmg Millbrook :and no doubt a very large congre- but w'III resuie With her daughter. Mrs. ggation will greet him next Sunday. ‘ J A Vancc‘ Mr Ba“ '5 to be congrm ‘ tulated upon :ccurmg such a fine ‘ Mr Std Fitzgerald is vxsxtiug friends home, which has been fitted up with an Toronto, and mi! take 111 the Ex. all modern conveniences Any of his friends may find hirh at the ' ' --_. King Edward from 10 to 12. He Will W. H. Byam 8% Son Upâ€"to-Date. not b: " at home” after the last men~ uoncd hour A We have just imtalled oneeof the The Citizcns’ Band, underthe able ’ Iendcrship of Mr. G. \V. McKim. gave a delightful open air concert on Friday (eniqg, Wthh was attentively listened Rev. Mr. Johnston will conduct services for Dr. Marsh at Springvillc and Bethany next Sunday. 'l‘hesc con- gregations always give Mr. Johnston a hearty welcome- Mr. Walt'er Mitchell is attending the \Canadian Nauonal Ex. at Toronto. Rev. Dr. Marsh will occupy the 7pnlpit of the Presb) terian Church Eu\l.tl.lbrook, _next Sunday. Many l Mrs Thos. Hunter and son, Harold have returned from a pleasant viaxt at lakcficld. ' ‘ Mr Wilfred Gillolt went to Toronto (on Tuesday to amend the Exlnbition. “Miss Olive Howell of Peterboro and Miss Ethel Richardson will sing $0105 in the Millbrook Meth- .0dist Church next Sunday morn- ing and evening. There will also he special anthems. Miss Stella Hetherington will preside at the organ. All are cordially invited to attend. EMiHhrnuk Newsg l Bank of Toma; l g An Old and Reliable Institution. J. B. L. GROUT, G. L. McHATTIE, Manager, Manager, Omemee Branch. Millbrook Branch. Interest addedé times a year. Age and stability shonll be considered in forming Banking connections. The Bank of Toronto was incor- porated in 1855, and has now been over half a century in active business. Its progress during these years has been steady, and its large business has been built up on the soundest business principles. ~ The Savings Department is one that has always received careful attention and this Bank holdsthe interests of its Depositors as identical With Its own, and grants as generous terms as safe banking procedure will permit. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT ve Stock betore the recent advances in same for LESS MONEY than my the present time. My stock IS We“ CAPITAL $4,000,000 RESERVE 4,500.000 life. a name or her own, and has th: good \viuln-s of a large number of friends for her future happiness and success m About IO o’clmk lunch wae :chcd. after which there.- was mmic and speeches Miss Bcrtic and Mr. Harry Preston and others contrxhutmg. Between eleven and twelve :hc com After the “shmver,” a very pleasant cvenmg was spent on the lawn, in the moonlight. where games Were played, in which everyone seemed to take a lively interest $37,000,000 00 umuc 0! Miss l‘alhs, It» present Miss Westlake. thclr organist, \xilh a Imen shower of some damty and uscful picres of linen. On Friday evening the members of the Methodist Choiz. gathered at the home of Miss Fallis, vtz) present Miss Westlake. thclr organist, \xilh a Imen Pleasant Party at Bethany in Honor of Miss Westlake. We have just installed onenf the best and most up to date self mcashr ing oil outfits on the: market, but don't think our customers will have to pay a big price for OH. nnw. ()ur idea is to Cut down the cost of handling it. So fora start the BEST American Oil will be me par gal. on Saturday. It’s the kind that lasts the longest, bums AI i Miss Daisy Ferguson, of Maxwell, 1321 guest of her sister, Mrs. S. E. Eakins. Mrs Wm \Vxlhamson and two clhxk rm, of Niagara, ()nt., are visxting her father, Mr Henry Cann and her master, Mrs. 'Ihomas “illiamsonot Cavan. Mrs. Carrothcrs and children of Al- wston ware callmg on old friends one day last “'Cck. sts Lottie Vance and her nephew Don Vance. spent Thursday of last chk up the: Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Vance and Master Austin spent Thursday of last week in Pcterboro, with Mr. and Mrs. G. S. McCartney. Mrs. Harry Johnston and Miss Rylcy spent Wednesday of last Week m (T obourg. r, everyone havmg thor- e 15 soon Ieavmg us for I. O. F. as any Insurance Company. All our securities, correspondence, rcc~ ords, c., Were carefully scrutmized. What was favorable to Us was pissed by; what could be criticiScd achrsely 1 was alone brought into 1h? Y’ght Cre- Speaking of the investigations of the Royal Commission he said, “I am glad Wchad it and that more than twice as much time was given to the Dr. Oronhyatckhn, no one knew better than he, as no one could deplore his dcath mute. It would be his purpose and aim to build on the foundation he: laid and make the order yct stronger: and more sccurc. In rising to reply the Supreme Chief Ranger was received with great enthu- siasm. the “hole High Court rising and cheering again and again. After feelingly acknowledging the warmth of his “'ch03'218, Bro. Stchnsnn said they were present to discuss frankly and fully questions of great moment to them all. ()f the ability and worth of Signed on behalf of 11):: High Court of Central Ontario by ALEX. COWAN, H. C. R. R. J NIDDRIE, M I). H.S. Dated at Midland; Ontario, this 20th day of August. 1907. We are glad of this oppurtumty to meet you personally and trust that your vr-zit may be as pleasant to you as it Is gratifying to us. Rest assured ‘ ofour dcvution tn the “ principals and aims" of Independent Forum-y and munt fully on our continurd efforts to IIH'I‘CJSC the membership and thereby cxtcntl the binning ofour nuhlc Order. Aux-pt uur best \‘-'l:~ll€$ for the pros- perity, health and l-at‘pincss of your- s:-ll and family. And, in. closing, per- mit Us to hope that for a quarter of a Ccntury Wt: may hail you, too. as our bc'm'cd Chlk f. We commend the wisdom of our Supreme Execu’thc in choosing you unanimously for thc [)Oailion that you occupy with such conspicgous ability and advantage to the Order. wr of the great ()rnnhytckhfbr a quarter of a Century the Mautcr Build- er of Indcpcndcnt Forestry, and whose loss you, perhaps even more than any of us, deplore. Among your claims on our respect and gratitude i.» your friend- Ship for our departed lender and your splcndxd co operation wnh him, ltght- cning his duties and inert-using his happiness by many invaluablc services to the Order. ' _, -.. v-u-n. We: extend to you :1 most h arty Forcsmc welcome on this your first visit. “ Your worth is warrant for your Welcome.” As a» cilia-n, a brother For- ester and the First Executive Officer of the safest and best fraternal Sm iety in thc wm‘lt', We recognize and acknow- Ldgc in you those qualincs of head and hcart that command our confi- dence and affection. ‘ In you we rceognlzc a worthy succes The High Chief Ranger Bro. Cowan read the following address to the Sn- prcmc Chief Ranger : THE HON. 151.1161? (1. STEVENSON. SUPREME Cunt.»~ RANGER, Indcpundcnt Order of Foresters. DEAR SUPREME CHIEF Axu BRO.: \Vc rejoice at having you present with us at the Annual Communication; of the High Court of Central ()ntarioJi the Home Court of our bcloycd Order. | V.“ . v... .4uuu..:n, n a. \_,.L\. 'lhc first order of business was the reception ofthc Supreme Court Offi ccrs, as Mr. Stephenson was obliged to leave to attend the High Court of Eastern Ontario that “as in scssxon at the same time. I , _V "“"t"'l’ uh (1.11.1 -, auu A. A. Smith, H. C. ' Among past High Officers present were, Rev. Alex. Mac- (}:llivray, P.H.C.R.; David Millar, P. H. C. R.: J. A. V. Preston. 1’.H.C.R.; l)r. Mallory, H.'l‘.; Mr Frost, H.C. The Supreme Court was ”presented by Hon. Elliott (i. Stevenson. S.C.R.; R. Muthcson, S. S: \V H. Hunter, S. C., and 'l‘hos. Lawless, A.S.C. R. The eleventh annual meeting of the High Court of Central Ontario. repre- senting 256 Courts and 18000 mem- ‘ bers, met in the enterprising town of Midland on the 20th and zrst insts. Upwards of 300 delegates Werc present. It is to be remembered that Ontario alone has four High Courts, the Do? minion u. and the Order as a .whole over 60. Proceedings began promptly at 2 p. , m. on the 20th Bro Alex. Cowan, of Barrie, High Chief Ranger, prCSIding. The other High Officers, F. S. Mearns, l’. H. C. R.;]. 'l‘ Scott, H. V. C' R..; R. ]. Niddrie, ll. 8.; Alex. Stewart, H. ’l‘ ; A. L. Murphy, M. I). H. l’., and A. MOM-I =COETR‘1‘ 01" CENTRAL ONTARIO MEETS IN MIDLAND. Best Year in History of Orderâ€"Hon Elliott G. Stcvcnson, S. C. R., Royally Welcomed Large and Enthusiastic Mnetlng Inflependsm finder [1f Farm”. Information will be gladly furnished by applying to Albert O’Dcll, Esq., Inspector Public Schools, County' of Nonhumbcrland, Colmurg; W. E 'l‘illcy, M. A, Ph. 1)., Inspector of Public Schools, County of Durham, Bowmanvillc, or Ba‘rnster Cowan Elected Cizlef Ranger. Model work, and w as selected on the rcconmucndatzon of J. J. 'l‘illey, Esq., Model School Inspector. as the: best in the Pcovince. Thursday, Sept. 5th, 1907, Past President of Ontario Assnciation. PflkT HUPE MODEL SCHflflL under the J W. SANDERS, Sec P. S. Buard, Port Hope- will Open on ‘c management of JORDAN, ESQ. Educational F Miss Rylcy' of Weston, has returned (home after a pleasant Visit with MISS O’Brien and Mrs. Harry Johnston. Mrs Wm Snelgmve and Mrs W C Pcndr) left for 'l‘ornntn on 'l‘ucm‘iay to nsxt [funds and attend the Exlnlnnon High ,. ,..'....... ... t.)\l\.l\l'\ Circles in Miubm’nk, being big hunted and jmial, and the 1ti of any party. He has resided hcrc for (n'cr twenty years 'and has always been fuund trust- worthy and anxxous to further the busi- ness interests of his employers. Mess"s. Percy Handk-y, Alex. Clark. Harold Nattmss. Willie Sandcrson and H. I. Griffin engaged Mr. L. Larmer’s handsome surrey and one of his good teams and drove to I’ctcrhoro on Sun- day laat, where they \vcrr. guests of ‘Mr. S. l‘crv‘y, an old Milllwook boy. In the afternoon they Went to src thc Lift Lock, the largvst in the: world. They arrival home about tcn p. m., having enjoyed the [19p wry muvh. Mr. Griffin is very popuinr in Sadr” n.0, . _ ..... The (‘nurt at 13csllzaT)S"-{ ted by Jim H. H. Rflcy. represented the Inc: :1 Court VA Verv lmrmomous and successful session ‘ as closed at m p.m., wnh the smgmg ( f ”Auld Lang Sync.” 7‘ 1‘ --- 7 _____,.‘,., , ... u. \ . n. The CI stom =ry votcs 0! thanks ware passed. A v.1y cordial om: lo the: local C0 :11 for many cmntesics. Ihe 01 mars “ere dun ins': filed by Br0_. 'lh(s Inu‘cs. A. S(. R. Messrs Cow,an French, I‘IchnU Stewart, Rm. A.Mu(nllnr1\l‘a I<~ hill, Presfon Mmrns, MiuI: cII Im- man, Ard Frost, K -I|\-, Galbxaixh and Davis. ' On'the‘xfmimmn of Wednesday the delegates WL‘I‘C entertained by the 10m] Court'to: delightful 53:! 01') the bay. The following (lclrgzztcs were clockd to thcnezt mcvtmg of the Supreme Court I as Meafornl was dcmdcd upon as the next place of "let-Ung‘ A suitable date in Angust was left to he: chcsm) by the High Committee. me local (Sour: was [Haunted by Bro, Parkblll, 1:.R., and replied to by Rev. Bro. French, N. O. An address of \x'clmnc frvm the Mayor, who was accompanied by Wm. Bennett, M. P.,« and a numb r of members v .Hhc (Touncxl, was prvsmttcfl. Rev. “A. MCGlevray. l’. H. (7. R , replica. An addrcss of Welcome from the local Court was presumed hv Rm, H. T ,‘ Ah x Stewart, Toronto. rt: ( Icct H. C., A. A. Smith, Mlllbruuk High Authors: E. E. Smdrr, P. A. Arthur; Wm. Hammc-H, 'l'ottrnhnnl. Thewmk of Organizer George A. Mitchell revcchd dcscn'c-d praISc. It is the inte: tion to put another ()xgan- izcr in the ficfd. Ncw mc-mbcrs arc the vay Ii 'c 0! the: Order. Thc‘following omens were clectcd for 1907 c i : H. C. .R., Alex Cowan, Barm-, rc elcc. P. H.4C. .R , I". S. Mcams, Tum: tu H.V. C. F... j. '1‘. Sum, Culcdun East. ' , 47' \_ .nu plus whick' now stands at $xo.(.».‘ 6, 564.65 ina'e med during the: past 1m Ive months by $1,:74.53167. The repcrts of the Secretary, 'I‘rcas urer, Audith‘s and various connniuccs were all ‘fou u! to be lughiy muisfuclury. The Trcasx I'vr’s rrpurt showud a hand some balan'c. , ~ I I V" their Importan'i others, but]: scnled “1th mldrcsscs lo \I made’ suitable n- plies. -- -....‘.vu- This may Suggest to the Supreme Court the admissibility of so revisnig the rates o‘btafiiing prior to i898, as to bring these into harmony with thOSe I then adopted for all new members. An Actuary and Staff were now employed collecting data on which to base safe conclusions. “He would suggest to the High Court that in co-operation with the three other High Courts of Ontario they name an «Actuary, who would see that the interests of the members in Ontario were being safeguarded in whatever action might be taken, Above all things they wanted the strength and permancy ol the I. O. F. assured be- yond peiadVeiittii'e and the benefits of the Order be yet more widely extended. He was glad of this early opportun- ity of meeting with them. He gate them his confidence, in return he wziii ted theirs, there was iiotliini,r to con ceal ; only by cordial, earnest to opera tion could the-'grezit wotk before them be successfully carried on. Bio. Stev enson was héariily thanked for his address and amidst ringing cheers he left to be present at the meeting oftl:e I High Court of Eastern Ontario that was meeting at the same time in Otta- wa. Bro. R. O. Matheson, M A., Supreme Seqetary and Bro. W, H. Hunter, Supreme Councillor, WL'l’C both present. ' It being their ill‘st ill)- pearance since their uplioitilnieiit ln dit seen' ed to be claimed in the report of _the Comimsswn by the Insurance Department for suggcaimg some chun- ges m the management and curtailment lof the I. O. F. He Wished it dlblllllfit- liy understood that long before thc Insurance Commission was-heard of, it had been dcctded, mainly on his’ initiative, to reluce their expendittiie in the foreign field strictly limit the operations of the Union 'l'i'Ust to train sactions m authorized Trust Securities and withdraw from all transactions of a speculative character, which they were able to do at a profit of hundreds of thousands ofdcllars to the Order. The Royal Commission’s suggestion that legislation lookin;,r to bringing of the rates of all-the members up to the level of the rakes of the National Fra- ternal Congress, be enacted I‘I ->-+< was represen- appointment to Dull) wmc Dre- [0 Much they ' \Ir. .\I.cach drnggist, has had a ,I.Ir;'c Inuit erected at the rear of his [drug stow, IIhiclI II”! he :I IleunlIlc addnion to hIs lar'c L-suzbhshnwnt, and .1 safe place fm kccpmg valuabl- papcrs, etc,” ItIs fiIc pmo! Muss” James \\'Illinm~'0n and A Rose have tlIL LOIIt._-.trt {OI budding the vault. Mr. A“ Lancaster of Cult, formcrly of l’ctcrbom, spent :1 few days in town the guest of his brother Mr. )0c Lan cashirc. ML-s Burnham, Miss Ross. and Mr. 'l'ed Burnham \vcrc visitox'sto Beaver ton last week. FOUNDâ€"On the main Street Mxllln'ook, a sack coat. Owner can have same by proving proper tv aml paying for tlns notice. Ap ply at Mnror Office: 'J‘hu Electric 1 ight adds much to the appearance gofuur \U'ccts and fills a long (cl: want. ”It: mm proprietors svcm anxmus to give a goul service, and we wush them suCCcss in their undextakmg. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Strike, of Des cronm “"6”: guests at the hum: of Mr and Mrsjos Hunter, of (Lu-an, thc past “cck. WCUAL OILâ€"--2oc. the: Special [’zivc per gallon for SJlurJay, A112. 31 ONLY, :1! B Y A M ’ S. Mllibz'OUk Station. What it wants is the snothinu atten- tion of Putnam’s (Iurn Extnu-tnr, which liftsmnl the mat and brunch in short order. No pain, no utter Ptfm-t, just clean \s‘hnleuume cureâ€"that’s ‘ Put mum’s." ’1 hey are in the air mrn II here, 1m. i minute to see but jnhl muting f. r II chance to get. into sour lumps. Hen t'IL-I' “iii 11"!) hm m: “it“ _\0I:r bruit: - lng apparatus, and you'll \I‘oIIdI-r “ hat to do The (lncmr \\ ill 53) _\«.II hud betIer inimle ( u’flrl’ilt zone for i! III] a Hay fever germs and mureuver is dead certain to reach them. (aturrh-i ozone cnrea every time, and uhsnlntei“ prevents the disease from returning Ybu i:IiI:I.e (alarrhuznne “ith the air brezIIlIud' . iI goes dirrcll) m the Source orthe trouble and cure: it by remm- Ing the muse. At druugists, or semi \IIlh guaranteo oi cure tn am auidreI-s fur $100 fnaunrded m l‘oiaon 6: Co, klngbu II UN. Hay Pever Germs are now Float- Ing about. "1 m Hurry. It ought to have been a red one,” but refused to quit 1: er s-n Lt. General Bonth finished undvr Hm obvious infiuPncP ofthe aggressive Ina! when he rebuked his stuff fur not sent 111;: the wmnan behind him Where she cuuhl he «mt «If his sight. She mnvml, nu: tn tlm place indicated but to 11.9 rupnrtem’ table, when: sly-- cnminnml her Hutu taking. l’n-nnlb' Genera! Barth utoppml again, and ex- claimed wuh Hunprmsud umm) "Thu: u hits feather in yuur but keeps bobbing about In mv visirm " The reporter, quite unabashed, look- ed up Fmiling, and said: El [309: "I'm Hurry. “ought to have Man a red one,” but refused to unit I. u- a-- M General Bnnlln, hen Army, I» not rumm! 9‘ his Hymnimity while \uuinn meeting at B reuenllv. A young '.\' llm muse “fit. The alum] repnrter. dreu mus sitting in the r sxenographiv "MM nl’ Govern! Bnnlh am speaking and said alon Once you were rcbust, bright and happy. ’l‘o-dny Von are dull. Worrie‘l falling in vitality and appearance. Just when you should he at vour hes: you’re played out and need acleanaiux. bracing tonic. Your Hood will 8mm redllen, your vivacious spirit will sown ruturu, _\'Ou'll he _\('tlrE('” again if )‘(m regulate the system with Dr. Hamil lnn‘a Pills. A truly wonderful medl- ciuo. It searches out dlseuae, punitive ly ulrlvesuway heudm-he, wearinons, and luck of vital fore». Give sonnet u chum-c. Usu Dr. Hamilton's Pills um] u utuh the result. Swill every“ lu-rel In 250. lmxes. Men Rule by \'0171; I‘;\ IN!" C”: Woman's BI: Feather o<°>o-v~â€"â€"â€" Booth, head Of the Suh‘ntinn mt rum“ eusilv, but he hm nity while addressing :1 Sn!- 1ting at Mmumnulh, ling, \ 3mm: woman's hut “as f it. The \wnrur u! the hut the \wnrur u! the hat dram-ml {aslnin-nnhly, the frunt ruw taking " FOPGG. Women by Charm. Hu- addrvua ‘Wp 'v~::‘gm ugh-cu", Department of Public Works. Ottawa, August 22, 1907. Newspapers imcrting this advartisc men! without authority from the Dc- pnrtmcnt will not be paid for it. An acrcptcd chcc‘quc on a chartered bank. payablc to thc urdcr of the Honourable: the Minister 0f Public Works, for one thousand dollars, 1($1.000), mus-t acrnmmny each tcndcr as sccmily depmit in connection with the dredging to be performed. The checque will be returned in case of non acceptance: of tender. The Dcpartmcnt does not bind it self to acccp: the Imvust or any tender, By order, FRED. CELINAS, FOR UP-TO-DA'I'E jEWELR V-.- ..- vuu'l ada at the time of the filmgof tcndcxs. I Contractors must be ready to hc-gm 1 work within thirty days :I-‘tcr the date! thcy hav: been notified of the accept- I ance of thcit tender. l 'l‘cndcrs will not lu- considered un- l lc-ss mmlc on the printed form supplied, ! and signed with the actual signatures~ l of tendcrcrs. "I‘ENDERS addressed to the under- signed and emit-rad “ 'l'cudi r for ‘1)i'r-dging at Port Hope.” will be rc- ccived up to and including Saturday, August 3nd. 1907, for drcdging rc- quircd at Port Hupc, Durham County, ()nt. Cumbincd specification and furm of tender can be obtained at the Usimrt ment-Of Public \\'mk~, Ottawa. 'l'cn ‘ (lurs must include thc plant to and“ from the wmks. Only drcdgcs can be ,' cmpluycd which are: x‘cgistcrcd in Can. . TENDERS FOR DREDGING‘ TENDERS addressed to 11... um: Mrs. Gm. Loak and Miss Elva have been nsm'ng at the holnes of Mr and Mrs. josqm Pcrrin Ind Mr. and Mzs Harry Lung, of Cavan, the past Week. 7 MISS Sara Cochrzme has secur- (1d thcpodzion as had trimmer in on: of the large nullincx'y stores in 'l‘orOuto. Issuer of Marriage Lh‘cns'cg M I LLDROOK. Miss Alla Richardson, of Peter- hero, is a guest at the home of Mr. .md MIS 12.]. Stx‘onv. (iongrutuixtions are due Master \Vrllingmn Pickup, Sm) of Mr. md Mrs \'\". ’5 Pickup of this town. upon passing (thh honors) :hejunior tu-nchcrs' and Manic. Exams. ".Vcllington is only 1.], wars of age. and his cxeeilent allowing ls inalced very creditable. One Door East of Mr, ; Jewelry Store School Boots. What’s 1hr use of buying a pair of Boots that max' u'rar thzn nr [our months (if carc- is given than), for that growing buy of yuurs. “hm wt;- run get a pair at LANG'S that “ill lint him tin hc nutgr-ws the-m, at 31.1.“; the same price. Call and sec Wc have also a Special Line of hem; K313 made: to ordcr. Also a full him: of harness, “hips, trunks. valiScs, ct We are not talking of scrapping, but just Wish .10 rcmmd that we have as fin: a stock oflMun’s Boots and brim-s as can anywhere. There is m) lwttcr time than the lflil'SCllt u); 55cm: ncut, stylish and durublc \Vc luu'c also a good lmc of buy a the 1.14;: bc 1" 1:: sonacILiJ J. STEELE’S, Repairing of Harness, Boots WMANAGER. g” Millbrook Branch ; chémwflggflwwa eff NEVER-VJEAR-OUT Former Customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodated as heretofore. GODEFXN, WEvcry description of 3 Banking Business transacted?) Interest Added 4 Times a Year on CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,400,000 REST : $11,000,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS : 159,881 TOTAL ASSETS 2 $168,001,173 Branches at all important Centres in Canada, and in London England, New York, C'hica 50, Spokane, Mcxzco and New.foundland BANKUF {vaTHHALg nk~, Ottawa. 'l'cn the plant lo and uly dl‘cdgcs can In: registered in Can- Savings Deposlts. Sccrcta ry. Est. 1817. [)f tore m cmrfl haxethc sic .l 4 no doubt “ill :the best than c , M 'ELacaISaI Ulhce in Turner's Drug At night I mav he got I phonr- message and at M Carl nu} ‘s t'esvdgum. LacalSalesmanWanted FOR I Hvssrs. T. H. Hassarl, and I. [Hutchinson have made Sc-ch‘a} entries 0! Homes. Redmond Bms. have :.l.so entered six head ("f their {smous Durham (rattle :z! the 'I'OIonto E).hll»it10n, and we hope that they W1“ be even 1‘. me Successful this year than over be- fore in carrying of?“ prizrs. Thcv havethc stock that should and no doubt wi'l show up well with the best there. and adjoining country ‘- Mlllbrook Exhibitors at Toronto BORNâ€" In Mlllbrcok. on Thurs- day. August 29th, to Mr and Mrs Harry Skitch, a awn Mrs johnâ€" Stcdt mother, Mrs jamcs Hop: VVVVVV 0“ u... u .4 1 “'cdncsday mmning on 1hr (' I’ mam him at Manvcrs Sum: r. rr-sz. ing in the death of Edward “av-.1» of Toronto let, 112:: narrow csm; «- A five oihcr men who 1;.miy :1»; by jumpmg, and the almmt mm? d strucnon of a locomom-c :m! S can a.» «mu 4: elm-Lu” Lint: 0X I'Iclu mess, “hips, trunks. valisw, c. Shoes promptly attcndcd to. M355 Mabel Clarrx~ has returned from :1 two weeks vasn at (mmw Park, where she was a (gm-st of Rev. and Mrs, \V. I. jullszu Mrs, H. \V. jolmston and Mr. Mclvillc will sing solos in IL: Presb) tcrizm church next Sun” 7v evening, MILLBROOK z “nom th: tcrr.t»ry ml} be I. I’Jy weekly Frcc cqmp- Wm: for particulars. Serious accxdcnt ocvurn d Situation for the right . ONTARIO. Surgeon, ‘. Steele's ‘90! Irv tr"- at Mus. Ma. xs \ ismng .‘osgrovc a: to represent 0C(‘urrrd :1! F '30 on the (' 1’ R 6 8mm 1:. “'81"!- Jward “an-J» yo Iarrow cam; «- uf L‘an : ~';( -§v: d alum: mm! dc- Store. cr Messrs R (am 9051an (our Forget. the Raver 4 fishing. T h at time 01M “5pm a \‘u the bl. (mu: Harry has a as Manage 1‘ Sask. '1; V pleRSei to 4 “~evcra: .. 1‘ am NOW F1 Busts: ECOLLEI STORIE Enfield, in 1 lingtoa, Co: 7th, by Re Omcmee, a Jewell, B. :1 Rev. Mr. H; tcrian Minis james Stew the Gas PM Miss M ay M the officiati daughter 0‘ 1 IOCh. COng excellent e: forded. \W azement oi courtesies 4‘ The Min invxtations the big g2 during the gratfully a: Did you steamer cor Call and sonsâ€"it is flourâ€"3t I'IOJ'S {O T21 accommo i 29 \Vicksq‘ in: Housé the Union .‘ S‘t. Car N3 Special att: mv fnends‘ brook. Pete Districts 5 must luv: it': nature the best t At any r: getting rid Principlc c-o-n-c ! ” With Aye: :misiy 4 no mistsk: as a rcgul: LAM B- wcdding 1 Charlcs Iv Emlyn Iv to 31!. Ht 27th Aug Popular dollars up re-built ty; suit us. Air Ship 1 if the Ma! He is was from I D at the Monday ("Ennist Dunn A‘ Soluists : New 1" We at and a‘ b. “1.

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