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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 6 Aug 1908, p. 2

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32f: ”Telephone Companv of( nnada .is aLout m puhhsha m: w issue of the W. Montgomery, 73 Just Arrived Mm» on? of'ln-M‘Hd ‘nonabvm Sun 8 mm Pnrtimm (fmmmt. Woano Ms" hnmhiug Hu- Lflfl'fiuld Mun- :srk Bran-1. Tln s~ an- Mw two In- q Brnmb ..on the quket tuauw. A car of fresh u'rry - Limo just aunt-«1.2mm! as.) :1. our of [finish Poluabfa Shingle-- Now Bnmsw‘n-k 2m) «Clear Shingles at $22,, per ‘~I. ('all and .w-P 'our [Sim-315ml!” In- " hmh. MI sacks or - 8"." mm pv-r hm'rI-l. 290 'M. to mrk. l-‘ur 1'72 weeknonly. Baum-ilk: t‘omcnr. $130 per banal. anhernnd I‘nlemml :m grades m ‘Dhiug Imonhund. \V'l-hxue jinn rem-Hm] rnnrofl‘ Inn 811% Shingles wh'wh \vIH be ”M cheap Grey Lime Taken 05' (Tar, 2‘20, Bush. (es, a ladxes’ chatchin, containing .a Church paper and some stamps, Ownet can have same by callmg at this office and provmg propeztv Elm TELEPHUEE DIRECTE‘EY 'Orders for new connections, changes of firm names. changns aof street address-s or for duph. .cate emjies, should I): handed in .AT ONCE to H. A}. TURNER, - FOUNDâ€"Between the Pes byterian and St. 'l'lmmus' Churfth gflroperties far Sale. :Msllbrook. 24th Dec. ICOT. Don't Miss This Grand Opportunity. The various pmpcrtmfi of the hm: \V. H. Sowdcn. situate in Mnllhrouk and Cavan, are offcrcd for gala: by Henry Mulligan, and may be purchas- ed m Separate: lots or othcrwisc. All applications must he made to th» undersigned who is empowered to sun and convey. H. MULLIGAN he own work Sn positive are the good effects fol. lowing the use of )Ii-o-ua that the rem- etlv is said IN A. Imam: under an ah Solute guarantee to refund the money hit failsto cure. A 50 mant~bux or Ml-mna will do the good 'the stomach needs which )8 simply to make it do It acts dim! Ky 'npmrthe walls nf the stomach .and boweis. strengthening and utmmlaling them so that the\' readily take care of the food that. is eaten without distress nr suffering. A notable discovery and one that ap- peals especially to'many ‘peui la In Mlanmk, Is the c nnbinatmn nf atom- ach help in- Hm Mx-c-na -trentment TM- prepwti :: Wurks Wonders in cage of luuigesciuu m- u‘r-uk stomach. Its of Spec'al Value to Many Here in Millbrook. A (301”) ONEâ€"slur. W. Pudsuy has a sow thatrgave bmh -to three ht; (as of pigs msxde the past year, aggr. - gating 47; 14; )6 and 'JJ rcqwctery. Thus surely is a record brca Km. VrcmvJ 'farmfl has a 50w that has dmu: hum'r, Mr. Pl‘dsey and the Mirror waulJ like [0 heat ab .ut it. lI-O-M MEANS S’IOMCH COMFORT M xrror Ofl’ice. {OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY mLLBROOKIEONTARIo. vrlwv. vwâ€"--J . W G Russell Sons fig Sale Still Goes On. Baby Carnage for Salt: ChcapnAs 0d as new. Can be sccn at the 'THE BELL Physician Turner’s E You should have an account for yhur spare money. Your Wife :hould haw: hcr imusckccying or pcxsonal amount f. . ~ Your Children s , ,Id each have an account to teach {hum the va bf umney. ' Accounts may be opencd at any time \\'c suggest your muting NOW. Small Sums ($1.3 gpfirfi) may '0: depositcd Interest is addéii a" bnianccs 4: timcs a )cm‘. \Xonc) Loancd.‘ Bmfis and Letters 0“ rcdit 15mm} Fverv Dust riptmn 0f Banknw conducted with satisim Iiun lu our cuslmucxs. BARK U? T8358 Attonicy S: Managvr, MI!.l.BRO()K, ONT. Omemee‘:Miilbrook Branch,’ Branch, Head Office,\TQronto, Canada. In OurSavings Deparimen B. L GROUT, H. AVSIMS, CAPHAL RESERVE FUND ASSETS Local Manager Manager. Surgeon, KTHEV In corpgrated 1 t5 0 5 m Ont ' and arm the Mr.jz1mcs H 1’ch ts now feml‘; to book urdus lor thrushium: 7755 rates urc $12 :1 dm 111 $6 a 511. 5 H1: I145 as .mod‘am umfit as can buipmchascgd and he gum 71m ccs thc be ofsnthfac- lion Hr: has 1 ncw trA,tiLll-‘r~vt+1gn1c and blow :r tin: httzr lwmg abg m.- friends thr: pm: week ' r j P- unney, “timer 'Howaru mummy. Mr. H tr 4.1 \ mung, son of @‘v. M Mr. and Mrs. J C. Kane, Miss Anna H K Y our 1." of Montreal. wasaha'es: 1.K(:”H,‘I\'liSS Molly liens, NJWS Amy Of “T “ “103’ C a'kc, recently Kells. M rs A.;-B. Lefroy, Masters line “1: Bud‘Aylnmrh:1‘ruy,l\lr and Mrs. A. Messrs. George Lock ‘and‘m I luflhsses Lem and Frankie of latexbum “ch wlslting 13$ friends tin: pm! neck. )cher (.cmgc Lock and‘ 1mm m) have gum: camping for da\.;. '- - Dr. and 3.3%.â€" A. L. Rugsc‘fi Slaughter, of Baihttb'orog-l mac vi: in town on Saturdav. A . Ni'Hbaonk 7 55 3-11 Fnaacnmc S 0.5 " Mls. [LW MCK "Mzs. Fred Brown. The Port DC“ pmpntn (“am is 515311 lint“ that Editor: All round Stones! ,‘Lukt: wzth the l’rcshylcnan Sunday Schooland Lad ( s Aid 15m ursivn (m Awiusl 20th. Nx'l ’bruok’s (Tivic -Hamd.f\'.s~'-1“mc and ‘~Farcs 3\f\1“0\\.33 «4,3 s'l‘imc Fare‘ Children Ni'Hbmnk 755 3-11). §5c ‘ 59c FnzmcniHc 805 " 9:594:500 r BORN- On Suturdayfi- Aug. mt; 1908, to Mr. and Mrs javnes .Hlchc}, a daughter. A” (10mg will: mocks and Dustcrs. M3113): sold for less than cost.2opcr'("1nt off for cash on Rm“ ’UOL‘. fqrz :Ww'qk; QM), .j, LANC’S. ' ”w" \Ir. and Mrs. Wm. fibocynfi Burke ton, was uuuts 0! Hit. :5th Mrs J H l’ccl (m Sund } ,i 33‘CLEARING SALE of. Ham- n‘ b- ..ll\. .,, ‘F‘I'H1. ..|¢!‘,.. 'l'hc folln'wmg gentlemen lcft on 'l‘ucsday tor their annual outing af “ Pupsy Wupsy'" gamp, at nghland Park, Boyce‘s Landing: McsxrsijAV. Walsh, lohn Steele, Wm. Archer, W. (i. l’cndrlc, j.’R. Walsh, Kcul 13:1“, (Ian '1‘. Walsh, Earle Soothcrun. and Dr jcmmm. of Millbruox, Rev. Mr B'ZILth, of IL:rhn,‘E\l:s.srs. AH“: Rapcr, (Tlarcncu Strclc amLAHm Payne, 01 Toronto. We Wish ywm a ~plcasant outmg. ' " " Only 65c to LakgficM on An". 20; with lhc l‘r‘csbytcriauiz‘v S Excursion. all» Lakcfivld an'd Sloncy Lake. @IMN‘I‘ MISS I'I‘. Mr. and .Mrs. Albert Brown have had a number of gucsts at theil rosy home tlnegpast week. Quel \Vcsl W'l‘uesday, Aug. 20th, Ei’Mimwook’g (:ivic Holiday, Wl’rcsbytmimi Excursion Fm: TEE??? BFEHS SEPT. 13L ENTER ANY DAY. m:â€" trnincd by our manage Inst ycar. Expcuicncc counts. ()rnduagcs must sucvuss ful. Spa-(2m! (qurse: for 'l'cnvhcrs. Mail (Tourscs. Send [natal for partic‘glurs. ~ Patarbaru Bnaiuass College. f‘afiillbmak Féewsg ()I‘IG. Sl’O'l"l‘()N, 'l’xuxcnnu ;ec, Manager. ,W Mclhmi's‘a 4,000,000 4,500,000 39,000,000 Ktmk' Ami}: rs, Mac’fg St lle’mphc‘rfi? and i' i \h'gmphcrs W 5A;E of Ham- .ii‘g‘xflfim snld‘for iucr'ficm off for ligafigst 1 Hr. ,. . nmvfiread‘; I iugj’His rau Sui. Hm hds ; bg'pnfchusc-t bc ' of sntnfin an .EWMgfi' 1mg :3 hfg m .. _I‘vj,q'.<,:4 . my.‘ a}: ith of 3. w \AIIIIIIm MI:- “is amI Ken ncth ‘.'iI' dcwzm \Ir. Hindus \m-dlu Mr. Ah‘j“ or, MIss IL 0 Brmn, Miss. Mir Hrs. Ruddy, sts Rusk; ~, Mr. and Ma. A. A.‘ . 'I‘ompiimsi Mr. ‘and‘ (re, MIss Vance, kiss; Mr. and Mrs. C. H Ru. Alex and Mrs. Allen, Mr. '1'. w, Allen, Rev. H. A: Ben-Ollcl, Miss Burton, Mr., Mrs.‘ and Miss Dean. Mrs. John Dawson, erC. R. -l):1ws(m, Misss Fitzgerald and Master Drum l"nzgcra'ld, Miss Ida Ezair, Marter Rfilh b c Fair, Miss Chen; Master Reginald (ll-Vcn. Mr. Allml Ht-thcringwn, Mr. I. F. Haney, Master ‘lloward Hundley. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nelle, Miss Anna :5. HHHERIUF. :{his match was vury closdy contested and it was only aficr a hard contest that Miss Wood. finally won. It was-generally remarked that it» was thus bos’t "Ladies Singlcs cwr [flayed in Mlllhnmk. 'l'hoseprcscwt Wcjrc.:’â€"'â€"Rcv \V. (I. "and Mrs._A1|m\, ' . - , , ...l _ .1 -- ‘------ v Hearty mtes of thanks “cu. passe“ Mxlllwock, Aug. 3‘ 1908 (0 those who had 50 kindly givcnnthc I ‘ ‘ 5 e( uunuzl mat pursuant to adjourn.- . uncut. AH the mcmbcrs )chscnl, thv "V- L “ 00d fur-thuvury “506”" man- § Rmvc in the Chair. 'l‘hc minutes of n‘cr in which the tmxmumcnf. had been last nwcnng Were Wild and confirmed. conductcd and to Mrs .Womi for “1“}, ‘ Adeputanun f-rum thc lcl’npcrunCc " [Cnmnnltcc‘ cunslsmng 0f Revs. H. A. hospunllt) ,uhvlc “It, tm‘.:..uncnt,.h.t- ‘Dén-Olicl, Rev. W. P. Rogers, Messrs \V. Snclgmve, j. [4. Hymn, 1.. S Clany the day ”f ”“5 finak. ..’<:;)lyx:xg()zx.be- and \V. G. l‘lcthc'rinqmn, y'mtcd on half of Mrs. .Wood, lhc Rev. Mex. *thu Counml and asked for :1 {cchng of .-\ch,-0l Onkhmd..(§al., espccmlly rc- (:Hllncd E25 futhc enforcmg of Local crrcd to the‘chccllcnt play §hown m UP”°” 1” “3“" ‘l 1. , q‘ I l 'l‘r,cxu)n~'l‘l ovndyhe â€"â€" That the J ‘ - ‘ (I :' .- ‘ ‘ , m“. finals. .,of “ht“ 'm'mh m0 ‘5 h (Jerk cummun can: \\1th the Provmcml (“‘Cr‘n Miss".(2crtmlle Wno'd andh’lws (kn'urmncnt tn asvcrtmn what )5 the Mollie Kells. As the score 7-5l35-7.â€"7 lcgn! disposal of fillth COHCtt d undcr . , . ; \ . " - - . ' HHHERIL‘R. :{hxs match was vm'yl‘hL 14””! OHM” [’3 10‘“: “ht“ '3 v ‘ . .. ‘ ‘ . . . ‘ . erctc-d undm 10ml mfmnmuon ox - mt sled and 1: W15 on! aftcr , ~ , ledy m C ’ ‘ y | otherwms, and also :lskcd thcm m apâ€" a hard contest that M!» ‘“ 00d finally pmnt our( onstaHr :15 a syn-cull nthvcr “'0'“ It was-generally remarked ”1‘" m cufmcu the Local ()ptum Hy-Luw in it was thc hrwt 'Ladirs Singlrs CVL‘!" thxs MnnivlpuhH': Curried. prizes for the 'l‘nurnmnent; and (0311‘. heenjn progress :n-ui more especiahy To avoid overcrowding, the manage- ment ofthc Presbyterian SundaySvhool lixcumion have the wriltcn guaranttc 6f Capt. P. P Ymmg, of lhc Stl‘ntv Lake Navigatiun (‘0. to carry part of the Excurqiomats in another boat if nccdcd, an August zorh, Millbumk’s Civic Holiday. The plizcs Weft: kim-‘h‘ domain-d by Mbsrs. R. 'l‘, Admns, UN). 15 Bum ham, J. D.‘Fnir, \\'.._l. 131 (Eillmt, I. C. Kells. john Steele, 1):. ..‘\Iom;;umcry, H. A. Sxmsand Mr. chry Ruynaids of Port Hope, and Hum presantctl to the mnnersln)‘ Lhclkcv W. (7. Allm. The winners War: as l'olluws:-â€" Lndivs' Singles (winner of lllc Kvmlnll Cup) Miss (lcrtz'ud: Wood: Men's Singlcs. Mr. Clmrlcs Needlz-r; lmllrs' l)mxl)lc<, Miss (lurlrudu anl and Mollie thlla‘ ; Men’s Doubles, Mr. '1‘. \V. Allen and Mr. (I. K. Dawson; Mlxul Doubles (Class A) MISS (‘mr mule Wnnd and Mr. \V ‘Tl‘. Woml; Men's Singles (Class B) Mr. I. N. 'l'nmpkms; Mlxrd vl)0lll)lcs (Class ll) MISS ()cxtrudc'Wond aml l\ll'. l. N. 'l'umpkms; Boys’ Samples. MastvrAyl- mer lxl’roy; loys’ lhmblcs, Masters liric Lel'roy and Bruvc Fitzgerald. Rcy. and Mrs. T. A. Cosgrove and family, and the MiSScs Amy and Kate Carvcth haw: returned {mm a pleasant outing at, High- land Punk, Mr. (‘osgrove and his 'familv left on 'l'uesdav for their hmne at Newmk, Ohio. The finals 0! thc Tcnnis Tourna- mcnt were played at Mrs. Wood’s Court on Wednesday, july 29”). Miss Hattie Courtney, Omemee, VlSltEd friends in town this chk. Mrs. '1‘. McBrlde was a visitor :lt Springvillc on Sunday. The. Equitable Lifv Assurance Society of the United Stains will he picnh‘cd to l‘CCciVC amxlivulions for its. (icncuil Agency for MILLBROOJx' and vicin‘ lty. To the right man CVL'H without lil’c' assumnvc cxpciicncc, but who can show a good past business record an atlmclch income Contract will he made. .-\ddres.s ¢‘<nifi(lmitiaily. if desired. C. 'l‘. ()lllcspie, Managrr liquimhic Life, 24 King St Wcst, 'l'omnm. Tem‘namm a Grand 811118838- Mr. and Mrs W. C. Tolton and Master Harold, nf'l‘mumo. spent the week and With Dr. and Mrs. Dcfvcll ‘ Most Interesting Contest was Witnessed by a Large Number of Citizens. Miss Pearl I‘urnham, of Toron- to, is \lsiting her gramlparcnts, Dr. and Mrs. Bur:-.nhun D1131) â€"1n Millbrook. on \Ved- nesdny. August 5, .1908, Frances Geraldine, Only child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.‘i‘)onneiiy, aged 10 months. Funeral from family residence. Ann St.. on 'l'hursday, the 6/11 111:! , at 2 30 p.m , and interment ll St. Paul’s L‘mnetcrv. Service at 'hc Imus - at .2 O'cloCk. Rex \V. A. BrmHev, President Ontario Library Assocmticm. Mrs 7 Bradley :mu daughters, thc Misses Alice' and I loxencc, 0t bulin, uxc spendlnguth vacation with DI- and Mrs. Deycil. ‘ Miqs and \lustcx Lock. Torontd .uc visitlnu at U c home OI Illcil uncle, Mr. Geo. Leek. Mr. Edgar Burnham was in tmm on Monday. A Good Position Open. TENNIS. ! Mrs L. H. Winsl’ow, 5.5 Wood, Miss Cer- Mr. W. T. Wood- of 'l'crontu, SEC Jun: rCCOVcrmg of Lima» 75 xccciv eJ fish} the Local Opthn fine and (orwarded to the Cov:r1.mcnt.â€"â€"-Car- Nce ihmn-lihcxtonâ€"~1hat the " nv- chng he C(mmmed \\’ est on Kin; St. to tac mnountp} 75 yd}; -â€"Can‘:ud. 'I‘hnrndykeâ€"â€"Tht xton â€" That this Council adjourn to the 2nd Monday in Septqujbcx Lâ€"Carrlcd Nun :le mlâ€" 1 hexttm-â€"'l hat petition he left on tubie, and 1|.c “huh: (,mm cnl be a comrmrlcc to look into the mattermâ€"Carriqd.’ Necdham- I Imxton-Jhat the I\Iit:\~‘ be authonzcd t6 comuIt a .UIICIIUI lo Necdham-â€"lkyell. that the («Mow- ingraccounts in: mud: lnmes MtNtish, wmk. ......$ 98 Hmmas Mllmr. “ ...... I4 20 . S Chum, (towrmg lulcuny x2 60 'I'homas MxHur, fur umform .. 20 00 H I) Thtxtmx, act-aunt. . . . . . 16 32 [as Lancaslnrc, Show Hm; snow 1 So \\ I. L. (hllut_,t latte J. l Llll‘tLlS funeral cxpcnscs. . . . .... 23 00 A petttmn was handed m by “Ethan: Lang, stgncd by A. '1'. Armstrong and fmntct-n others, askmg Council to open up \’lct0rm St. {mm the; (lruvcl Road West to Brock St. Messrs. H. L. Lnunt, of the Bank of 'l‘omnto, and Howwd Comns, of ma Bank 01 Montmal, Toronto Branches, wen: chsts at the home of Mr and Mrs. T. B. Collins Ovcl‘ Sunday. 1W4: dismnbarkutnl thulcigh Falls, whcr: We ~})clzl :1 plcasnnt dnmcr hour, than on ugnm through Low: 1‘ k Locks Ln BLI(~:klmrn. .0!) mm return WU mnk mmxhazmulc and were “1115 cnublcd mxmkc our (cu at Mt. juimn, from Lhcnccxm t0 Lakciicld. fil‘hc sm'Cr-ss uf the day W11“ szrgr-Iy due to the membersxrf lhu Band who distuurmcd swn't mmu: m m5. and also to thewcurc :1qu ifsn'cthnugl1t of our Supcnmcndcnt, Mr. 3.. W. Clarke, who spent the day 11) an endeavor to make cvcrflmdy ‘umnfmlublc and happy. «Cuum‘nl Chamber, Mlllln'ock, Aug. 3. 1908 :‘(uunozl nut pnrs [ant to adjourn.- man. “1 the mumbcrs pxcscnt, the Rmvc m the Chair. lhc minutes of The -MiHbmak Methodist Sabbath Schou] arc M, be cung'razulatcd upon havingsuch am up mum: Szxpurintcn dent, indcfatigiblu in his labors [0! HM; welfare, buthlcmmnul and spirit lull. AAmong those who visned Port Hope: on Monday were lx’ev. Alex Allen, \V. '1'. Wood, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. A. Mulligan, Mrs. Mchan, and Miss Millie Eakins. Mrs‘. E. W. Lamprey, who has been wsmng her parents. 'Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. B. Collins, rcturnud to Montreal on 'l‘ucsday. valying scenery, now ruggud and gro- tcunlc, and then again softened and graced by naturc’s mm mantle of moss and vine and waving buughs. 'l‘hc‘Msthudisl S. S. Excursion on Tuesday was a pvmmunccd smec-s. from all sides we (‘uuld hcar the l appy and (contented cxmrsiznfisls (“m-gratu- lath“; themselvcs on .Lhn wuuthcr, the Selection of the trip, and must of all, picascd with lhvir mm wisdom in .aruihug IhLllhch'L‘S .nf this splcndxd ollnurtunity hn arc-mg the beautiful amhpicmursguc watus ofthc c‘clchm‘» I vcd«Ram’arlh'lwakes. " Couldn’t have u hcenJmm-r. umihc unanimuus 'de- cisiun {or the day. Wu took the [mat at Inky-field, went (hruuqh the Locks at Young's l’ui‘nt, {rum [hcm‘c on tlnoLxgh Clear Lake and Stone)’ Lukc, cruising about among {11c beautiful isLaan, enjoying. the Mxllbrook Bowlers defeated the Oshawa and Post Hope plubs at Port; Hope on Mondav afternoon, and were in turn debated by the Pctcrlmro Club at Percrbom in the evening. Mcssrs.J. D4ws0n, _I. K. linkins. J. C. [{ulls. G Dam, C. lx’. Dawson, 5. 1i 15-1kins, 'l‘. Leith. J. Dew” and W. T. \\’oud composr-d the Miiilnook Clubs. Who Can Beat This ?â€"â€"I’ostumster .Vuncc Id! :1 fuw vincs of peas at the Mirror Office on Munday, that mans urud 8 it. in )mlg‘lhu This IS a rvmurk» able growth comidm'ing the dry 5033011 and if any one.- (511!) Dual it, why Ming along your vines and we Will put [hum on «:xhibitiun alongside of Hum: Imw displayed 1n the Mirror’s Show window. M r. Vance has ints nf vines 8 ft. kmg. We might State that we have :1 good phurc tn (Axhihit hlg panama, pumpkms C. Bring ’cm almw. (Mr-train left the )iilihruuk Station sharp on tinny. making it nuCL-ssary for a {cw bulutcd ,pnswugcrs to lay aside their digmty and Ill”, or else gm home and L‘fltIllCiI'-]UHCI] under their own vme and fig tree. “Cwldn’i Eava B6211 mm: TOWN CGUNCIL. l2 l6 101m Days” I". W. Hurnlnmx john Dawson sk 2 W. '1‘. Wood 511 16 This is :in instance where the {our “lacks” didn’t count fur much. Regulars C. R. Dawson Thos. chth 3 E. linking G. lhâ€"mn, sk 12 Reflulurs )‘nhn Lukms 'l‘hu'\ Vuhxntcers flay-d thc Rr-guhu‘s a flu: m “1) game on Saturday. 1]): result “as as {011mm . 1131333313333 “T3131111'333y” 13‘1 1333s In {#3 Es ate of James Portee, Late of Bevan, m ihe Geazity ef flur- ham, Yeeman, Eeeeased. Mr. and Max. 'l‘. W. MAYA-an and son have rcuu'nvd from llu-u' hnlidnys. The himzdx of Miss (h u‘d n! I‘ztls- burg, I‘m, Wore dchglmd tn hays: her call un than last muck. Sh: was re- tuming {mm Hm Tez‘rc'flrnmy at ()uchcc. Miss “011}(‘1 laugh! a public 'clmo! in one of our snlmms. at one time and is now a practicing physiuun. Rev. II I’ccknvvr occupied the pulpit of thc l‘rusMu-rian churvh Sun- day evening and dclm m1 :1 [hrmhlv sermon 'l‘hte svrvica \me hrighhmrd by a We” rcmlcrv"! Vm‘ul 5010 In‘ Mix“ Judaic: Lowcs. of Tumult”, who is now home on a uu‘ation. Bawling on the Green Pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897. Chap. 129; and amending: aEts, nnthc ts herehy giVen that all Creditors and others having claims against the LS tate of the Said late james Porter, WllO died on or about the zist day ofjunc, 1908, are required on or before the 6th day of September to send, by post prepaid or deliver to Mr. A A. Smith, of Millbrook, Solicitor for the Administrzttrix 0f the said lflatate, the full particulars of their claims duly Verified and the nature of the securi- ties, if any, heltl hy them. And further take notice that alter such last men- tinned (late the said Administmtrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deeeuSed uniting the parties entitl- ed thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have native and will not he hall: to nnv persons of whose claim notice shall not then have lit-en i‘et'tit‘ed. lltttetl the ()th tiny of july‘ 1903. A. A SMITH, Mr. Wm. (Brunt, proprietor of the l’mt Hupc 'I‘imm, was in town tu-dn' (m humwssaml gun: The MH'I‘O!‘ a (:le1. Mrs. Grunt accmnpnmcd Imn hum Messrs (Lsurgc fwd .\Hnur \Gmc 2nd (hildn n 0: \Ii 1‘ )2 (wk (unw'nnt in mmr (mm. 10 vi it uld hicndsgllm awn: (hhghtt'd 10 sec me, ““ 'erc was L»: (m “Minusdny even mg, Ink :9 h, IKUHLH (,‘mnm‘hlr- Station and Ma :1 ( MM 5 sh- :m' swim? but uith 21H)uc xihlmn 1mm] on \\fn£v wasprintcd “H. \I S Acum” {Hg findcr “ill be rcumdrd 01 wzuxn 8'1 mu in our lmul l’ust “main 5% .5 our IH'\\'£1‘H[)I)HN('C U) ”135 (WITH?! 0‘} me Mcihndist Churt'h. va. Mr. Mull Ier, pn'm'ht‘d “ith favorable L‘fl‘ccl, on Sabbath umrning. FOR UP-TO-I L-‘x'l‘E ] EWELW Mmtt-r I’rrt Fun was stunwgfiijin his recent linnunvc lixxlm at (Yméfil’cc Ht: was the (mlv pupil wim fi'mtg (~n mu Enlmnr‘p l‘lxam. from our Viuzzgc school :md C(mgmmlutions arc extend- ed :0 him as In van-h and all of the promutmn pupils \\ 1m \n-rc sumcsaful in thcir respcctiw vxuminutinns.;. ‘ Miss Funny Ruwubczg is holxdgé'mg ‘vnh hcr muthcr. ‘ z' Mi» Main-l 1mm hm n-xurnc‘d from hulu'aymg with {licllkih in l’ql‘rx'hzm . Mr. and MN. .~\. I”. .\l<‘l,v;m,fumily and Miss Hull, of l’vhrlwrz), visilrd Mr. and Mrs )us. Jul/run tfigfirsl of lhc \vch. fl. A very large congregation :lsscm 1)ch m the Prusbytcx’xzm Church lust Sunday ext-mug. The Pastor prcudmd u {outcfui sermon on the One of the worst e1ectricn1 storms that lmvc Visited this pvt econ-red on 'luncsdzw night. The occurred on lucsmw night. 'I he rhiumcv on Kw. \V. C Ach's house \vns struck. uni 1»tu shut- rcred. There was 21 strong sum]! of sulphur pervading the house in the umrmug. We hnvc heard of no other duuume being (hum in town or uummhate viciuiry. ‘l’owsr (2!" God,’ which was listen ex! to With mp: uttcrrinn During the taking Oflhc ()lTJl'lOl'y Mrs. 1’. Markham. of 131101111), sun" in good voice that hem itilnl solo. ‘ Om: Sww‘tlv Solemn lhought." \li's. l‘dllx’lHHM was an entirc siizinm-r to \lllll)l(l01',l)lll should she ieimn in the nunr iuture, she will he greeted Willi appreciation by the comm-unity. ' ' Mrs. Maxkhnm also ably assist ml the Methodist Church Chou at the morning seirvicu. Her solo was greatly appreciated hv those who were pi esmit Notice to Creditors. hn 1m '. Issuur of Marriage Licenses; Mo ‘7 at I) I flea 521' nt J. STEELE’S, MILLBROOK. Adlninirtrntrix Snfimmn Volunteers 1N 'I‘umpkms 1'. A. Sims A. Hctherington K F. Hanev, >k 2! Volunteers Rev A. Allen) Tum Allen Um] at her home In Mifibmuk, yeskxday morning, huh-3 Fruncxs Gar aidinc Donnell); only daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. 'l'homas H. DonncHy, aged IO months ‘.-’\.nd Oh, when aWcary, may we be so blunt, . ‘ And 51m; 1ch the innocmt cinld to ‘ rest, 'And feel ourselves clasped to the In.- fin'ztc hreasn’ Thusfiver a happy home the shad- ow of a httlé grave has fallen ; and. as another has Sam, ‘It is wonderful how long a shadow a Iittlc grave can throw.’ ‘ rest, And feel OHI'SCIVCS clasped to the In.- fin'nc hrcast.’ \Yé wov: the rows round her brmv, White buds, zhc summer’s drifted snow, i “’3th her from head to foot in Thusfiver a happy home the shnd- k fimvers, ow of a httlé grave in“. fallow 'and '8 And thus she \vcnt out of this world of , ‘ - 7' : ' ‘ ' V, another has sald, ‘It is wonderful how ’ _ ouyr.» . _ . V _ Ion r a shadow a link: “rave can throw." ““3 ““1“” 501‘“ “‘“h a large “€13 {5 n . . . This beautiful baby life was so wry . of frxends m extending smcere svmf urccinus, sn Frnught w'zth 1)‘ new: tnl athy 1” the ”WP-"“31 parents '11 they: her pargn‘gis glut sh: 5:“,qu a flower!» 1‘” WWW-bl“ 1955‘ o.v.t . 1' ‘ ‘ TONSOHIAL ARi'IST Havmg purchased the Barbers Busmess from Mr. Armstmng. 1 respecâ€" nvdy when. u Continuance ul [he hbcr a} patronage gwcn him, and will cn- dcavor to conduct the busmcss in such a manner as \va ‘mcrn your ~uppurt I have secured the scrucc» of a first class 'l‘onsnrial Artist in the person uf \V. I). DONNI'ZLLY. Iwfll keep in stock thc best lines In Choice cigars, Cigarettcsand tobaccos Al>o pipes, etc. (jail and see me. Pure Manitoba Flour, - $2.75. Pure Ground Coffee at 250. a lb. Tin CLIifarnia, 8333131 Raisins at 100. a. lb Cannad Tomxtoes - at 100 a. Can Pink Salmon at 133. a. Can Corn Meal for Young Chicks while it lasts 2c 1b. R. Oat-s at the old price again, 7 lbs for 2-50. Giass Fruit Sealers at 700, 850 8; $i for Pints. Quarts and 2 Quart Jars. 864‘; ST. CATHERINE ST, 7 Um: OX ‘IUONOR “'1” saw an entry fiomiiyâ€" n: 111:4 a lec-tinw, and then: is no xixpmmc uiur the 14m! apply ()X YUOXUR at lmmc \vhilc you rcsl or bhup. wili (tun: you Nu mcdicinc, drugs, CEct-mcny, smutal St‘it‘th or faith cure. But :1 natural, xuliunal method Jiscm’cx‘cu' L} a MgHLMUWH scienctial and physician. Mr. Wm. Burrs, 296 York St, 'i'm'nnlo. 0222.. wmm‘: “I have g. pkmsum :22 neonnncnding your (")xydmmr. “222122 I 22251 3402 12>c 222522222 I was suchruw from Sclutim for about four 222(222222~, and Mid 322222222 .2 22 inc WCCki it left Inc {222 :u once and haw 22222 but” [2922 2 2rd 222222 2: 52m A (an 222222222 2240222222232222' 2221; a fund 22222222} docmr,’1 2 'md uuuld not he “22‘ 22 for (20222222: 2.222 2mm“ Th ' ° '5 ‘ 3 Stem Mafia Well R. JACKSON, I? (successor to jns. Armstrong. R. H. SANCEE CO Emzowoow membow m Axmmmammmmmnm mm“ mmm mmm Nb“ ‘l'hc genuine: has liw name of Ur MIL! ,15 K( )()K, UN!‘ R. JACKSON, Furntrr (Hummus of the Onlmio inn]; Branch “ill be acmmmmdulul as huduimc. G. EHN, CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,400,0C0 REST : $11,CO0,0CO UNDIVIDED PROFITS : 159,881 TOTAL ASSETS 2 $168,C01,173 E3: 15 u 6"!) dcscriplinn of a Bauki. Hy, Business transactedfi a Year on CD all.» m. HE} yflu 0L AU ”est AC '6} f I. In Branches :1! an important (‘rntrcs in (11mm, and in London, England, Nuw York, Chicago, Syukunc, Mtxico, and I\uv[uund]and. OBITUARY. Opposite Bum; of Toronto BE Z'WARE OF IMITA'TIOKS. MILLBROOK STATION. EVITHOUT MEDICINE. (1.1.. Writv for FREE BOOK No 9-6. OXYDONOR Est. 1817. of paradise permitted to bloom for a briuf scasnn by the! aide, than reialled 10 its nature sides, lcaving the earth mad for them d.u‘k and lonely indeed. And when the m: Sanger came from the unseen lands to claim the dainty darling as his own : Slug only crossed he: little hands, She oniy looked xfiorc meek and fair, \\ c: parted back her silken hair, FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. l. Those who know best the merits of mm: sCh'w‘ nrzz llS wlaumflwst su ppurlcl a a, ELL“): u n _ This (70”ch standsflwt m Impulm'itg, t/mrung/mea'x and genuine "writ. (20 when: you will, you will find our grad- uates pushing to the from. Their sum-nor training enables them tugez and Imld first class pnsilions Collcgc upm all summcr. limcr any time. \Vlilc for catalogue. H. Saucim A“ (lo. pininly stampcd in Subscribe for Mirror ,.....-.,.â€"a~... - . , ll/l/O y'K/JIZ’WI/ 71a W. I. ELLIOTT, Prmmpal, (Ior. Yungc and Alexander 515 MAN AG ER. at, MONTREAL. at 250. a. lb. Tin at 10c. a. lb at 100 a. Gan at 133. a. Can Toronto, ()nt ma mnc. II .9 Mint. You “l have great xhc instx'unmxt applying n («r thou! wall um down ex'cni A put: 0’ 1'11)th 1:15:23: enjoyahlc at‘zcmmm Wednesday List. Linux: Landing. Mr. heil'had a fin raising of his new Eur". Master iamvrcm‘c ills; onto, is in :mm {of a :u (I Mrs. Summ Mrs Rogers spending a {cw at Norwood. Libs Huh: spent Sunda}~ Mr. H S Fcc 3:” Ta. dav in town. Mrs. J‘nks‘ mm. 3" Spending a mm}: mm f: Manv Vifiitors are x tower. south of Oman: The dredging of 1‘ is being procwdd \\ the most Sang‘une ‘ \p all citIz-ns 0:. 0 man surruuujing CUU'HIKH'. v age the crux‘ by {h ‘1: f the work-as proce‘ai RWcr towards Oman; 3 clean job is made u z: Mr. and visiting her Mitchell. Mrs. W. I. I are visiting in Curucll. Miss Frankie spuidmg a “11k 0| Mr. Thumzlb I and \[r5 _I. )I-‘Czci Illc Dredge is gress cm ih: Pi you about Mr. \VO()d.S 50011 “c “iii bc Omi-m-e. Mrs H. S. Fcc visiting frscnls an country. fluid. are. L::;: new Km: and Messrs. (lemon. 1 Rudden, thczty, («:13 t} Keeper, MI. I. I) Thunm is the ongmuu of HMS the importance of which ; maze and mo.;. 1):!th u most vazua‘uu: “marines Trent waters. Mr Thu certainly to be congraznia his ca:tcrpris::. The “023; done b‘.‘ l‘xc1.~0".:!uf. S Mr. Maxidufl in Pigeon River; Mr. and Mrs i are spending a :31 fathcr, Mr. iii: \‘.' Mr and Mr»; Englhh and M: a flyu g wait 10 The many f fish are ghd u as We“ as (:3. I Mrs. and M to. arc fishing Miss: BY'HIICH a Lun have rciurzu; apt." 12g 3 chk v . Mr. and Mrs. 10;. (3 bd e of B. C , are. :15. In Omemcc and Pets: Miss Hdcn R1 at Mount Homz. 5“. Lame Sis Tormno. is away done by the pomnfui . “ Bob Han," whzdl Liza? of water, and “Opus s-sow and rake in {mm of in: out 1hr: ngS, 10:5, \'.‘ roots as then g) along. a ing a Splendid 30b 50 f'gf. 'l he Sa'rviccs in 21‘. (hmches last Sundax‘ ductcd by their xxsgu c: and their eloquuzt g :5“ listened to wuh dos by large congregax§;:;s mesek-:c;\e:.' \‘CamC-x to \Veslev Lnrmcr, 31;} $11.: Myrror Offim. PHYSICIAN OMEMEE .\‘[r~. {\iadil! am: with Mn. 15m): lt- The stiff of hands. 1 capablc (Iagztam, Maui: Dr. Frederick m». 31.1%.. The fmxm rs are \ their {all wheat an 1 a! tough npunng good cap. .4...“ 4: 111th are «link visitms hexe. mciw ‘ Mrs. \\ alku, of Pczt ! field, Pupils prepare Term 5 British Canadian START? P.:. BEST 3”“ Ill :NT {H m an x to s“ Pmnn 2m l)“ (Hf->1 .‘U fnk TEN: am’, who \Ht it 'W

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