Miss May Neaclham must be a good angler for she caught a :naskinonge at the river weighing 8 lbs. Mr. Iohn 13 Sam of Toronto, Tom in town. A. '1'. Armstrong who spoke for the .yzsitors. and expressed the pleasure It had always‘heen for’him‘to pay .a visn to the camp; by Dr. jemimn. who spoke 0! the recipient as a disciphnar- »1an, and of the CXCCHcttt morale at the ,.camp due to Mr. Walsh’s mtiUence. A" preSent agreed that the recngm- y’tion was worthy of the man and the . occasron. The campers at B\>)‘CC’$ Were very gsuccesï¬ul m landing ï¬sh. Among -'the catch were, ten large lunge, and , about seventy-ï¬ve good bass. chliCl‘OUS speeches were nzade‘hy Rev. W. A. Bradlcy, of Berlin, who spoke as oncof 1hr. recent addmons t0 the number of the campers, but he had nmwcd Mr. Walsh’s cfforts to make everybody around him happy; by Mr. ' A pleasant chnt occurred at Bnyvc’s on \chmsday 0t tlus wuck, when Mr. J W.‘Wal.~h was made thc meipicnt Ufa case and two bcauuful pgpcs by ' fellow campers. . ’miam Anclmz, in a Jew we“ crésexwesscdahc schtmlcnts of the campers 1n reference to the: par! Mr. \Valsh had played in making ‘thIS annual holiday (mung a success for the sixteen years, and his umclhsh efforts on behaï¬ of his companmns. Mr. john Stacie madc‘thc presenta- non. Mr. Walsh was 50 mkcn by sur- pnsc that he could warmly speak. He thanked the donors furihcir kmdncss, =xprcSScdhisrunwortMncss of such a rccognitaon, and said . that the othcr members of thc~ca~mp had done as much to» COILIEHXJCC:!O us success as himself. Presentation In Mr. W. Walsh o ’ e‘é Millbrook Bra. ch, Wranch, éROU’I" Iâ€"I_._A. SIMS, Small Sums Interest is add; . MoneyJAme . Every hcscriptlon o to out customcrs. T (- 7 yard») may be depositcd. . ancc‘s; 4. times a ycar. {Is and Lettq‘s pf Credit Issued. 11kmf‘1- conducted with sntiafmu {ion You snnuld have an an Cdunt for your spar:- money. Your Wife should [we 1‘ _ aflnunt. Your Children‘s-ho them“ the value Accounts may he? )'nur_ Slzlrtin r housdzccpin“ or persona] .11 have an account to teach .nrv- . " ‘at anytime. We suggest BANKHF WWW: Head ogéegtToronto, Canada. In Our Savings Deparlment CAPI'I‘AL .. RESERVE FUND ASSETS [it 72 BRANCHES in Ontarg, Quebec, and the \N'cst. Incorporatéd l 8 5 5 Baby Carnage} good as new. ;gz-Minh‘gggs G311- H'oiiday. WPre’séyï¬ckafn Excursion W'l'o‘ La; 5311 Stone? Lake. Q1)0N’TT" 55 1'1. _ The article.. :aded “ Heard ‘Round the_C 7ire,‘ on next page W111 p1'9?o"bmï¬grcstinv. \Ir. (‘. \\'.. Mehxm and his mothcr. Mrs. D. \V Mu 53111.11: Sunday a! Omno wnh fxi Sa- Millbrook eï¬tl'a-l’ Exhibitiun, Thursday a3} 25h$32k . Oct. I 8; 2 Prize Lists emg printed and will be reï¬cndmtnbuuon in about ten’ (he (h\ s 609 ï¬lhï¬ï¬ï¬ (Aug. zoth, FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. ist. â€" tratpecflb; uur manage _-_ last ycar. 'Exucricncc counts Graduates most success ful. Spear-.11 (Ioursc for 'l'cachcrs. Mail Courses. Send postal for particulars. Pete sf'bsrn Business Collsss ($156.8P"O|TON, Pmscu \s. Millbwak Hawsg ENTER AM DAY. Manager. $ 4.000.000 4. 500,000 39.000.000 $§y§€§§n 15m [.41sz >N_"i'. 5.9 I Bonk Igccpcrs, ~ Stcnugraphers and ,LL‘EI‘Qgraphcgs g5: Cheapâ€"As is seen at {11¢ â€"â€" 'l‘hc ntcd un Wk ‘Hmilks ability 0: Air boro, was csday and can. Mr. \\ auchopc, r his m- 1y “arm c error Peter f ricnds Fbom, '6’ the :93)" â€The presents to Mr. Larmer ggasi'stcd of a leather Suit Case and a well ï¬lled Purse.’ 40“ Friday morning quite a umber of friends went to the cpot to say larcwell to Herb. [we-1e: Mcssns. J. J. Fair, James tucker, H. Nattrass, Jas. Hales, '1‘. J. Lang, 1’. Hundtev N iLock, K. J. Jackson and others, and all cxpxcssed tI-cir regret at the coming d‘epzuture of such a highly tatucmcd young man as ME; Lar- mcn The hearty singmg of “ For He's a Jolly Good Fellow," bro: the meeting 10 a close. ' The Chairman then asked for addresses from thos: ptcswt, and .‘many responded with bxict but happy. temmks concmning the good qualities of the gllest of the evening. Among the speakers T. ). Lang, H. Nattrass, R. j. jucksun, W. H. Coombe. Mr Larmer was completely taken by surprise, but leellnglv replied, thankmg the donors for then' val uable and uselul gilts.' He felt that he had many warm friends in Lllllllbrook. and expressed him- ;ielf sorry to have them. HeJnad always fqund Mr. Lang 0. good lellOw. He assuxed the peopLeaof Mxllbrook that he would retain pleasant memories of the .lmp-py years spent With them, and wished each anl all (Ulllllltlcd suxCCess. Millbrook. Aug. 6, 1908. To Herbert I. Larmer. Esq, Dun Sir and Esteetued Friend; â€"It is with feelings 0! deep regret that we learn of your intended departure from our midst. We cannot, however, let ion :30 with- out in some \iay showing the esteem in which you are held by everyone in the community. You have always behaved like a gen- ileman, and always took a deep interest in the weltute oftlie com- munity, and we feel sure that Mitttrook’s loss will be gain to :im' town in which vou may settle. Wilt you kindly accept this suit case and purse as a slight token ofthe respect in \ihnh you are held. We are singers ly' sorry to pJI‘t with you, old boy, but h0pe that in the great and growmg West you Will continue to prosper. rind we trust that you Will think often of the manuwarm friends you are lea-mug iu Millbrook and surrounding 'l‘ownships, and if at a future date you decide to return, we in†welcome you with open arms. Signed on behalf of your many friends, Nuttrass made the presentation in due form : ree Wrnte, All, Passed, Two l With Honors. ‘mong the fair and handsome yuung l dies of this town, and he was of the opinion that he WIâ€. “ So mote it be." 'l‘hc following address was read by Mr. K] JacksOn, and Mr. H. T.) Lang, ~Wlll‘l whom Mr. Lar- mer had wox.ked as head 'rhanncss maker for the past three: \-'cars, hadulways luund llcrl: faithful and strzughtlmwvurd, and-thekind- :lv feeling of employer to employee was heartily racipxocated. 1.“ the course of his rcmmks the ohavir- man Slld hcahoped thatwhen Mr‘ Lumur intended entering upon the: sea of matrimony that he would choose his helpmeet from On inotton of Mt. H Nattrass Sec. by Mr '1. J. Langï¬md unan- imously canted, ye Editor was :lppomled chuirumn. After thank- ing thosé pl‘t‘Scnl for the honor done us, “WP," in a tew “well chosen†words, expt‘csst-d the re- gret felt by the people of thecom- munitygenerallvthat Mt Lanncr was about to leave town, and thought he only voiced the feel- Ingzs of the citizens whenvhesta-ted that w: were. losinga good Citlzcn, \\ houas alwa>s team and wiHing to pattietpate in (511)1r111ng that was to: the beneï¬t of the down and community. Mr" Lzmmet was held in high esteem by all hts ac-V quaintances, being true to friends and tx‘ustwoxt’hy and indusmous in his emplmer's interests. Mr. MR. HERBERT I. LARMER HONORED BY FRIENDS. \On 'l‘hursqay evcmng last a laxgc number of our citiz."us gath- ed in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall to do honor. to Mr. Herbert I. Lanner. whom they had learned was leaving next morning for New Llskeard, N.O., and flOlll 'therc to Portage la Pmirie, where he intends Scttllng. m the list of successful candidates e recent examinations for entrant‘s Korma! Schools, the (allowing from 00k school will bc notiCcd : um Clarke: and Gertrude Richards uh hunors) ;and May Manet-y. tend congratulations to both and their teachers, Messrs. I), 1 and J. M. Adams. Praxamalmn and Address. nk of Toxonto have had )ises re-paml_cd and h adds greatly to .en and-a jolly people {drove to day. 3 larke IS visiting 1‘0. “ A large number of \‘isuors attended the church at both serviCes. The ser- mon In the morning was based upon Matt. XL. 29. The subject was ‘Rest.’ This subject was very ï¬tting as large numbers of people, after the strain of business. during the' winter, are seeking rest. 'l‘rne rest can only be found as we hear and heed‘the call of the Mas~ fer. In the evening the text was Malt. XVI., 24. The -suhject the “Attrac- tjveness and the; “Exclusiveness of )esus.†Both Sermons were much 2113- j predated. The choir rendered good music. ‘both mormng and chxnl‘g:? a very ï¬ne quarteltc' was sung by Mrs. W. W. Gillott, Miss Reed and Messrs. Duncan and Ccombe. Mr. Herb Burnham, Peterboro, a lgadmg grocer, was In town on Monday. The serVECcs m the Methodist church Inst Sunday ware cspccmlly inn-resting. Messrs. J. M<Blide, H. Rvy,nolds and Mrs [\cynolds, Mrs. "l. McBndc, and Miss Cassue McBride have been at Bucthm-gathcring hucklcbcrncs. Miss ‘Kells,-of Toronto, is a guest of MISS Nellie Mcliean. Mrs. A.A. Smrth and children are visiting friends at Oshawa. Mr. G. E. Burnhn'm has gone to the l‘l-VCI‘ for a 1few days. Mr. Allie Payne is home on holiday-s. .‘Mlss Lillie Sm pleswas a visitor in town yé‘Sterday Dr. and Mrs. Deyell, Mr. and Mrs I. Steele, and their guests drove to the River. Tuesday, and spent a pleasant day. fOMy .65c. to Lakeï¬eldmn Aug. 20, with the Presbytcxziun S S Excux'siun. Mr. Fred 1. Roy, (I! the Roy Studio. .Pctcrlmro, wasm MIUln‘OOK Wednes- day anendmg to some spacial orders. Mr. Roy was accompanied by ‘Mrs. May. of Mount Vernon. Ncw York. Messrs. McBeam Brothers, of Toronto, were guests of ‘Mr. and Mrs. I. Dawson, Sunday. AH round Stoncy Lake wnh the} l’rcsbyterxzm Sunday Schoo’l and Ladxs Aid Excursion on August zolhy M1“ hrook’s Ci ‘ic Iluhday. Time and 'szrcs as follows : , . ‘ . Time Fare Children Millhronk 7 55 a m. 95¢ â€8 50C va-ascrvillc 8.05 " 95c soc On Monday oflthis week Mrwï¬arvey I). 'l'hcxmn. tr'achui'én the “Methodist Sunday Svhnnl, touk T'ns Class on an excursion to {he rchr. 'Lhc hand .wztgon uffprdcd u gum} cunvcyzmce to the rivm.‘ 'l'hc-rc Mr. 'I'hvxmh's clue Inc launch “Armintu†took the party on a "beautiful trip up the rn'cr-and nhmugh the locks to l’ctelsbom -‘ It 1 being Meta-how’s cwic holiday Lhc ; river was ï¬lled “:im almust cvny kind ufcraft, whxlc the shores were lined “1th tents ahd happv pleasure Seekers. The (lav was Ideal. 'l‘hc Muss was accompanied on their outing by Rev. Mr. Rogers, and Messxs. Byznn and ‘Snelgmve whn join ‘the boys in shout- mug thrcc (:hccrs for Capt. 'l'hcxlunuml 1th: Armmm. ‘17. W. Burnham, \V. Turner and 'Harry Ball. Among those who visited the \Valsh Camp the past wackwme Mrs. Fred FaHis and liabe, \llss ,IeSSie Falhs, Miss .Mnggm Bull. M £55 ‘Cmupbcll, Miss Turner. M 155 M £55 ‘Cmupbcll, Miss Turner. M 18‘ R 055, Mrs anmr, Mrs‘i Smith Mrs: and IWlSS \Vmch, Miss Burn ham, Messrs _I.‘\Vulsh. A. A. Smith Mr .A. ‘W. Smithson, of \\"arsaw, -.allcd .on MiHhruok and Buihehm'o frlcnds on Saturday and Sunday. Mrs 'Smxthson and duughu-r. Ailucn, will spuuda'fc-w weeks here and at Buxllc- "bm'n. Mr. Gcorge W 9. James, third and youngest son of Editnr M. A. lllltlL‘S. ‘Ui. thc liowmztnwllc Stntcsnmn, was (in August ist adi‘nittctl as partner in Tim Janics Publishing l'luusc, the firm name now being M. A. jamcs 8: Sons. 'l‘thtniior mrmhcr is thoroughly pro- ficicnt in all the branches of the trudc, and the Statesman will no doubt hr. gicatly buncï¬ttul hy thc additional assistance that will be given it. \VL' join in wishing The Statesman cx'cn grcntrr succcss than its enterprising proprietors might tcasnnahlyanticipate. A't bhefl: rmbxten n Sunda) S ‘Excursicmen Hunsduy Aug.20. Dinner will be Scxvud at Mount Julia-n for the small sum of 25c. FOUN I)â€"~I$etwccn the Pres luptexizm and St 'U-hmms' Church- es, a ladles‘ (:hatcluin, containing a Church papcr and 50m 8 stamps Owner can lune same bv calllmr at this ofï¬ce and provxng propeln .Mr. Philip Mnrttt left a few hc-an vitics at the Mirrorflï¬â€˜icc on Monday :that ilicnstii'ecg ft. 4 m., and MI. Wm. McIvor. the Crack dccr huntcr. is also a gund gmx'icncr; on Monday he left a stalk of corn in the Mii'i'ur Office that mcasurcs xe‘ft 9 in. Messrs. 19. Hampton, A. A. Smith and W. S. Given left on Monday for St. 'l'hmnas, to attend Grand lodge of 'Oddlc. Hmu‘, \xhid) was in SLSSiUH there [his “uk. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston left town on Monday for Northï¬eld, Mass , to attend the General Bible Conference, which is one of the largest annual in- terdenominatlonal gatherings on the continent. They are to jam Rev Mr_ and M rs. Burns of Lakelield. Rev. and Mrs. Reet‘es of Campbellford and Rev. and Mrs. Potter of Petexboro, all of this Presbytery. Mr. and Mrs. John- ston intend visiting North Adams, Springï¬eld, Boston, and Nantashet Beach before their return. They are certainly deServing of a holiday, as .both have been zealous in the work of their Church, and the continual and rapid growth of the Church here is largely due to the efforts of Mr. and Mrs. johnston, the popular and able pasto; and his estimable wife The Mirror joins with their many friends in wishing them a plcasuut outing and safc rclum, lllï¬ :flllllClQnH “d5 A VISItUI ."I‘. (,1 (.. s ' last to Pcterboro on Wednesday of WCCK, The funeral to l’crrytnwn CcmeteTY yesterday afternoon was largely attend ed. Run (l. C. R McQuixdc conduct ed the solt-mn and impre-ssive StierCcS at the house and grave. The ï¬ve brothers and a bruthcr-in-law wcrc pal; bearers. Deceasvd wss a memlwr of the Metlmdlst church. and a staunch Conservative. We jom with a large Cirr‘lc of friends in extcndmg sympathy to the bereawd relatives. He lemes ï¬ve brothers, Rnht. and 'lhOs of Hope: “m, Iohn, and i‘dâ€" \\:1rd of Cavan; and MW 0 sisters, Mm. H. anlanduf (avan. and Mrs jus. Alclu r of HOpe to mourn the loss of an nfchti )natc brothvr r. Dc-Ccascd ymn‘g mrm condurtei ll general store at Carmel for over [“0 year‘s, and deSpitc, the (net that 11:: was almost a Cripple. he persevered and worked up, a mce ti‘hde. Abunt cicvcn )‘cms ngn tiL'CPnSCd, 3 m while sh't-ping wzlikud out hi a window i I§ at (Inhonrg injuring his ham; and he an was at that time rcmuvcd "to Toronto i $5 hospital, where: he. remained fur three . g. (“QJHhS hcforr: he could have. He, m has had fun health sinCt: then till six. 5% months age, when he: wm‘ [ï¬rm to! m i’Ltcrbnro imSpItzil, \vhcrc ht- rcnnnncd '1‘ until about two months ago th-n hc % was brought home. Two wccks since . he was removed to Toronto hmpitzil, m and despite all that could hc'donc to] m proinng his life, iic pasccd away on Monday. He was very putiunt through- out his long illness, his sum-rings at times bcing nhnnst unbearable. Hisi m father the late Sa‘mwi Rom: prvtiu-t m gcased him ten years, and his tnothcr 4g died last fall. A On Monday lust, afm' mahy year?! of suffering, lht‘re paused away in the; person of Samud H. Rmvc, um: ofthc ‘.'. best known and ll)()5[ highly respected 1 young man of (fuvan 'l‘mmship at the 1 early age of 30 )‘t‘Ill'S. I Gm“ lug fastâ€"ï¬es, into weakness, 'bnt “nun". sxrenglh. Tired of Cong: she Isâ€"[un e and thin too She does ‘ em enough and dluk‘blu lurtonliulb. Hu‘s cumlibiun is 80 minimum, but. me seldun. nulived exen 1)!“le parents Hue her Ferrnzoneâ€"lhen watch her appetite impruse-see her < heeku and 1.1m gm“ ruddyâ€"mm ‘n hersplrn 5 rise. 'IMa guin- is an“, h Hm result of eating and digesting mumgh, and merrbl nuurishiug blood brain and nerves To a woman FPH‘UZnne rL-nturesstrenulh she has Instâ€"t0 a girl It brings strenim perhaps 91. 9. never kne“. 1 on ’1] tr) Jerruz -ne,.~30c. at all dealers. ' ï¬n DURHAMâ€"4V E Austin. C B Butler, A M Barrie. (honma). M Blackluck' honors ), H Bletcher, W F. liusuell. \\ M Cooper, \V Curran, L F Clarke, (hun- HHS), E M ('ullacnu, Humane), U M Fran- ;cay. N U Huufd, (humans), 0 M Gibson, \A E (ï¬llies, (Rumors), L 1; â€our, (houâ€" brn), O M Hour, H K Kirkcounell, hon- ~Ors, S A Mniue, I“ E Mnrrib.(l1(m0rs. H A Musim, A 1’ Mason, L M Nubia, D A Percr, lumoru, E (2 Peacock, humus, M l’eliswmth, U 1" Limve.;\1 M Huwmnd- K G Jï¬clxards, tumors, L‘ K Sing, hon- ors, 113151550â€, honors. E Stratum, hunnrs, I M Sharpe, .1) E Staples, B Tums, 1‘) 0 'l'humpaon. honors, E A T'l‘rmtar. honors, E Ugluw, S Y Walsh- A Wealheriit . hm on, E M Wood, M Wetherell. VICTORIAâ€" M A Cinnamon, honors, W Crowley, E A Frnm:e_\=,. L Fitzpat- rick, J L Fluvclle. homï¬a: L S Hurt, lxonqrs, N Johnshn, ISubelle'dean, M D Junking, 1C (3 Kerr, 1) Lumbï¬U Ii Laidlev. Julia M Murphy, J J Murpln', Zita Muhvr, honors, 1') L Mayo-e, M 1‘) Mitchell, L‘ V Mulligan, 1'} l5 Macdon- u’ld, 1' marginâ€, l~3 Mul‘JVn)‘, U Mchar- tie. .N McQuzule. Ii Mc(‘all'wy, honors, A â€Nukes, l.‘l’urker, A l‘eel, honors, F. Pepper; .W B liea‘d, '1‘ J Head, inm- ms, A A 'Rlclmrdsmn, W A Spence, hunorfl, R A Tum. I“. 'l‘nunuund, 3‘ J. Westlake, l. M \\’lnteside. E" ' NYAL'S Wild Straw- berry Comp., the Only Reliable Remedy for DYsentry. Once tried, Always kept in the home. 25c.a. BOTTLE The list ofstndents who passed the ri cent exai-ninations for entrancetn the Nurnml schools was announced by the Department of Education lanai night. This examination was written upon in almost every portion of the. Province. It lulu-s the place of the formerjnninr leacheru' examinations, and is the academic test for (itnusa for second-class teachers’ certiï¬cates. About August 17 the certiï¬cates of those nhopusxed and the marks oi those “ho failed will be mailed to the public school inspectors and high yahoo] principals Appeals should he sent in before Eepteniber 1. The list {or Durluun and Victoria follows;â€" It’s wally a ï¬-ilnplP matter to remnve warts and calluures H 5'0" qu‘Y Put- nam's (‘nrn and Wart Ex'ractnr (Inna is ceuan'nâ€"Iaimre ilupuï¬slbleâ€"li yuu use "Pï¬uxum’a." The easiest and pleat-mules: cure IS. “(V‘marrlmznnw which ï¬lls the now, “mm: and lungs with healing balsalns and pine esï¬em‘es that kl†a. cold m- atantly. Yun experiellCe a. pleasant sensation of rellef at once Soreuesu. congestion and irritutmn lPave the num- znld throw. the head la cleared and New have of cull! (yr (‘amrrrh l8 cured. (fltarrlmz me jg so gum, an pleasant, such a mare remedy fur winter Illls {hat you can’t afl'urd L0 (in \s itlmut IE. 51)“! by all (laalerfl, 25c. and $51.00, but Lul- urrlxozlme to day. at; Wylie’s Pharmacy. May N ow Attend Nnrmal Schools Examination Takes the Have of For- mer Junior 'l‘euchers‘ Test and was Written Upon in Nearly Every Portinn of the Provinceâ€" Markaand (’ertilicates to be Sent, 0m. The Late Samuel H. Rowe.†T0 CURE SNIFFLING COLDS. HOW TO REMOVE WARTS. PITY THIS POOR GIRL, mod.» m Miner 19 Jan. 131,191.19, The various properties of the late W. H. Sowdcï¬, situate in Mlllhrook and Cavan. are 0cher for sale by Henry Mulligan, and may he purchas- ed In Scparazc lots or otherwise. All applications must be: made to the undersigned who is empowered to Sell and con‘vcy. Mlllln‘ook, 24th Dec. xoo7._ Properties for Sale. 364 ST. CATHERINE ST., West, MONTREAL. Thc genuine has [lav main: of Dr :15 112cm] puma. will cure you. No medicinc, drugs. c-lcmrmzy, mcmul Miltm‘c or faith cure. But a natural, rational mclllod discovered by a well known sclcnctlst and physlcian. ()nc OXYDONOR wzll scru- an entire f;unll}'-â€"~mw at a tune. I! Will last a llfc'lllllc. and thcr‘els no «xpcnb‘c'allrr llzc purchase Mice. You can apply ()XYIKMVOR at home while you rest or slug). Mr. Wm. liters, 196 York St, Toronto, Ont, WHICS: “I have great pleasure: m recommending your Oxydunur. When I ï¬rst gut Illc‘ instrumcnl I was sul'fcrmg lromScmllt'u fur almut luur mumhs, dlltl uucr applyiug n fur ï¬ve weeks it lrft lllc all at (mm; and haw: nut lyccn tumbled mlh it smcc. I can highly rmrnmlncnd It as a good famlly docmr, and would nut be Willmut it for duublz: the putt." Havmg purchased the Barbers Rusmcss from Mr Armstrong. I respec- tively sohmt a contmuancc of the hbcr a! patronage gwcn hm), and will an- d -avor to conduct the busmcss m such a manner as ml] mcnl your «‘upport I have secured the SchlCes of a ï¬rst class 'l‘onsorial Artist in the percon of W. I). DONNELLY. Iwill keep in stock the best lines In choice cigars, cigarettesand tobaccos Also pipes, etc. (fall and sec mc. Pure Manitoba Flour. - $2.75. Pure Ground Coï¬â€˜ee' at 250. a 1b. Tin C'zli’fornia Seeded Raisins at 100. a. lb Canned Tomatoes - at 100 a. can Pink Salmon at 130. a. Can Corn Meal for YoungChicks while it lasts 20 lb. R. Oats at the old price again, 7 lbs for 25c. Glass Fruit Sealers at 700, 850 85 $1 for Pints. Quarts and 2 Quart Jars. TONSORIA L ARTIST No matter “hat discus: \ou suffer MN), m r i an Inn; if no Vital 015;“: is ixrc zlrabh dgstmycd. in :11! probahi‘ 2:13 The Siek Meade Well @SHEEEEEE H. MULLIGAN R. JACKSOI‘F, (successor to J45. Armstmng ,) «MANAGER. Millbrook Branch . Q 3 â€â€5 a . d@ Former ( unomt-rs of {M Ontmio Brnk Blanch “in be accommodated as hudufme. MILLBROOK, ONT R. JACKSON, Branches at a†important (R-nncs in Canada, and in Iondon, England, New York ('himgn, Spukanc, Muxico, and Newfoundland. EEFEVL-ry dcscriptinn of :2 Banking Business transacted.“ CAPITA L PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Attorney Manager, MILLBROOK, ()N'l'. Opposite Bank of Toronto BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Savings Deposits. MILLBROOK STATION. WITHOUT MEDICINE . SANCHE 825’ CO, Write fur FREE BOOK No 96. mum Lh-stzmcd n. 31’ 1'†;;!h: min OXYDONOR Est. 1817. £01‘ 23 CtS, Don't Miss This Grand Opportunity. W G Russell Sons Just Arrivedâ€"(NH! var "(the 4.0m Reliable-I Slur Bumd l'nrtimm Cement. We are ulsu humming; 1h!) Lakrnvld Mou- al‘k lh-uud. 'I‘lv-nvm‘v the Hm “G'hl Brnudu «m HM: Mark?! Ludsu‘. A our u! I‘th Urey Limo j‘ll‘ll arrived. and mym :1 our of British (fnlu 3|)?“ Shinglvs Nflw Brunuwia-k 2nd Clonr Shin-JIM "182.25 par *1. ('ml and see nur 18 Inch Sbuus In 2} lnvh. loo Sucks of Salt, :1! We lwr lmrrul. 200 '08. In «Ark. For 2 n‘uvksnnly. n..m-vm.- (‘01an $180 per hurrah Luxnlwrum! (‘ouLnnd all grain. or Shingles nu hund. “'e have just revolved apurnl'Flt-ar nun. Shingles which M“ be sum cheap V ‘ Grey Lime Taken off Car, 220, Bush H. Sanchc FALL TERM DPENS SEPT. 1 Those who know bvst the merits of tins school arc Its aluuuchua‘t supporters SLUOTTV‘ £7 ,7 Toronto, Out This college slandsjl'rst ll'l 7mpularity, Mormrg/mexs and genuine merit. ($0 when: yuu will, you will ï¬nd our grad- uatcs pushing to Lin: from. Their superior training enables them tog/(e and 120HK ï¬rst class positions College open all summer. Entu‘ any time. Write for catalogue. Subscribe for Mirror Sale Still Goes On. ,Ol‘ W rilnlia‘)’--(3H(f at a tune. II the purchase pliuc. You r Sim-p. I. ELLIOTT, Prmmpal, Yongc and Alexander Sts‘ 159,881 $168,C01,173 $14,400,000 $11,000,000 8; Co. pfajuly stampcd in at 250. a. 1b. Tin at 100. a. lb at 100 a. can at 130. a Can 3011 have been sick ‘. belch Breilisvlvlvi 0 na in SW PM “Iranians tn rvtmxd :he 1‘“ dam not give complem sum “â€"._, ‘ Call at the MIRROR pm in“ yaniculars. Both amides «in be sold rgain. A chance hkc comes one: in a long time. Bock headaches, palpitalinxh lithium! coated lungue are a the many diatnssing resnns n “Unï¬t!!! that Mi-o-na never fails A Rubber Tired Baby ('; Bfakc. and Upholstered in ()Ed “11! Parasol same color. In is all-y- as good as ncw. Also {Cual Oxri'Stm'c (heme WMMJI: to carry it. G new. 0 “ï¬ction; uun. net-vommm, â€rush: ! x z \ nights, and umrnse mums nltlonnl danger as stoumcï¬x an: to the “remnant life. There are thousands, [mm 1 Women, nuo do not, take U I ‘ properly. The: rmh throw, u a. result we have». an a 4e «1’ . ~ V‘V‘r uuucuulllul I'lz. Ml-o-na “Meta, strengthen U 0! the stomach and sximuiate St the dazeniive jmceï¬. Tin-1 '3}. “planet; cmuiurluble and I MISS Sarah Stimson of 1T0 < guest of h :r 55:: , Mu. .. .‘\ Mr. Geo. Stu son and M: >: ofl’etcrbom and “ms _\i;2: a son of this wllagc 5pc: :: L \ a canocing on ()tonabec Rzur Lat-e11“: report of (hex. ' ' fish†has not bccn rccdscd scribe. as yet. Specxal to the: Mirror. Mrs. Lancdrn Nicho‘. >( z: a tcrs, the Mmses Man I 1‘ Annie; her sum: .\1rs..\lx;u:1 and the laltcxs ‘ ssou, Huu'ard ester, N.\...\1Iss Em RIL; â€If and Mis: Baum Sting}; n g: 1 had a most c! in awe mu: Lake hat WCCK- 13):: SJ. Stan tr ‘Momrcn “2p dcizï¬i ing a: jubil :c, Gorc'a, Spunk wood. and ldy] Wyki A number of our Lu and other cin’zens g..\' Hull' crew a. recepizon upon reaching Omcrzz wm thoroughly enju} the nest of good {edmg throughout. The Ct'cv. hearty congmtuiauyn 1; good work. lhc rim-1' open clear from Pgun cxcursaons hcrcâ€"a d;>‘!:z miles seal. The bcuzt homes and scenen' on of the river are lookmgl best, and {yeah admzrd Aulcl'icuxs visiting has. Rsv. G F. Sixerwq Omane; b L , but nuw [1:051 poyular and cloqu crs in (h: Lih' of but? Sunday with his agcd 3‘ puents here, and occ: pulpit of Christ (Thcu eycnmg with much a4 \Vhere are our ui ball clubs ? '1 in: 201: spoken at for (Lute i bug day's spo:ls un ’2}: Water could be armng and domg'. Foot in .3; z {or a cup would (.zzn'.‘ of vismrs Pcugllc ‘.\' our bcauauul nwr. pnogram to attract t}: Our foot bu†{>038 pointed by theCiub c '1 own on Tuesday. quit work. paid tth‘ and town, but on ax‘ grounds the Lindsay i was couswcuuus b3. Ln? Messrs T. Rowaz' (Ourmcy 8: Son an. “0.1: thrcstung. The bulk of harm garnered. 'lhe qua but there sums to i of straw. Mrs. W. H, Robert; letcrboro, have: rcxum an, ending a couple of WC: 0! Mr. T. H. Fee. Miss Margaret Fcc Frankie: Wiley, of Tor mg friend: in I’zzcrbu last week. OMEMEE Dr. Frederick B.A.. M. ii, PH YSICIAN, __ â€"â€"â€"()BS'I‘E'X'1 Piano and Pupils prepared f; Terms M Wan 40pm)“. Our ul‘ tn] ll‘fla'nlc who“; u..'. me. for so «mm a. «m .22“) .hnnd twining. “'1 It â€ya to luveaugaw. British Canadian 8 C or. \ongc 1.x . British American Bi OUR NATI‘JML DA OMEMEE FALL at rcawmatm .TABT AN to Cry 3 Hal: Bet‘crl place Wreck Resulzs‘ BEST BUSINES BENSI-‘OR’I‘ N 15 4 m A- MMHH fits 11 G tlu