Hood deed'saéel Shees " 0c! - .Smei Shoes, common -‘ 33c. ff naught Salim New; Shoes $4. 00 i ' Resctmlg, '.$2 00 i 1 1.5311325331331913 New Shoes $22.00; We, the Horseshoes of M Illbrook And sun-ouudlng many, in order to hire: the advance m stock and labor, $33: charge the following prices on and "3,3: tembcr 13:, 1906. New ea, 30c- Re Setting, 15c. 509:1“: Weight, 35c. At the‘ home of Mr. P Metheml, chbum, on Wednesday. Sept 26th, 1906, Mï¬ Meta Pickup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. 8. Pickup, toxMr. Fmtge A (Iowan Shearer, Rev. J. ‘G. , secretary 'of the Lords Day ‘. K " ,7 ofl‘lciating. They will reside , .’ chow Brag-53151:. ‘ ï¬w‘iï¬â€˜ghcst I'lxarkctnangéï¬for-{vhcat ï¬tting paid at both mulls, m factat present owl-mg to sum deiivery more dun thy market pncc is being paid. Manitoba flour, \incl'udmg Ogilvxesl Royal HouSch'old and Lake: of the. Woods F'yvi: Rose's. Now IS a good time to purchase bran and shorts as! thgymées gs: new lower than the) are likely to Ife later m the Season. I ' He is in a much better position than ever to meet the ever mcreasmg 'de mand f It mm feed. The tarmmg mm- munitv In" appreciate this as at tunes 1! is vet) difï¬cult to ï¬ll that require ments '1")th gdmg elsewhere lhe MMS“ of flour are better than ever aM h‘e wflP’a’hays keep on hand a good su‘pply of \the best grades of Mr. George Needlcr has recently} made extentiv: improvements in hrs mill in Millbrook. The very latest and pap-to date machincty has been Installed 'and the bapacnty of the,mill has been increased so per cent. He IS now in a better pm'xtion than ever to acetym- ‘modatc the public and give: satisfac Dr. W. H. B.n|lantyne,graduzite of Queen's University, Kingston, in charge of Dr. â€â€™lurner 5 practice, to be found at Turner’ 5 Drug .Store during the day, and at the: ;rcsidence ofs ame at night after :10 p.m.fâ€"-4t mm Notice 1‘ o The Public. For $1.75 a copy of The ' Farmers’ Manual†or “Handy Home Book†Will be included The Millbrook and Omemee Mirror will supply all local news, markets, social happenings, etc., etc, and the Family Herald and Weekly Star will gin: you a combination of the greatest weekl) newspaper cover ing every portion of the Globe. 11 great family magazine, in: surpassing any of the English or American magazines in interesting family reading, and mthout doubt the best farmer’ 5 paper on the continent. No paper printed in the English language gives its readers such big value as the Family Hemld and Weekly Star. Sample cepies of the beautitul picture may" be seen at this oflice. Call or send your subscription to And with the Family Herald and Weekly Star will be included the most beautiful picture ever giVen to newspaper readers. It is a gravure 22 x 29 inches, entitled "A TUG OF WAR." It is easily worth a two dollar bill. Tn: Family Herald and Weekly Star, THE TWO PAPERS YOU WANT. THE MIRROR lBOTH FOR J. B. L‘ GROUT, E. W. .LAMPREY. .. Manager, Manager,_ Omemee Branch. Millbrook Branch. Capital, - $4,000,000. Reserve Fund, .: $4,400,000, AsSets, Over $35,000,000. We give particular attention to the business of Farmers. W‘e cordially invite them to make this their Banking Home. Every courtesy extended to customers and strictest secrecy observed with regard to all transactions. FAR M E R S’ [ BUSINESS. i Bank of Tomato. (1W. RICHARDS, “ ' The Mirror Ofï¬ce, Millbrook,'0nt. MARRIED and that Best of all Weeklies, ’FHE 3 missions. Mr. Victor Martin, of Newark, N.]., is a guest of Mr. W. H. Coombe. zoo page Scribbling Books so, each or 6 tor 25c. at the Mirror Ofï¬ce. .,.,_Special services of Thanksgiving will be held in St. Thomas Church on Sunday Oct. 7th at 10.30 am. and 7 p.m. The music will be special on the occasion and the Services WI“ be conducted by the parish clergy, and the Rev. R. B. Grofl‘, B.A. of St. John’s church, Port Hope, who win preach in the evening. A special collection will be made for Canadian and foreign Dr. H. A. Turner returned on Wed- nesday' evening. after a well earned holiday and a trip to the coast, Mrs. Turner and daughter stopped; at Otta- wa for a brief visit. The many fnends of Mrs George F. Elliott ml! rcgrct to lcam she is seri- ously I". The numerous friends of Mr. A. E. Hayter wxll regret to learn he is ill, Choice Wines and Liquors at the right price. ’l’hone orders promptly attended to. A. LEACH. Millbrook. 'Then your blood must be in a very bad condition., You certainly know' what to take, then take itlâ€"Ayer’s. Sa'rsa- parilla. If {on doubt, then consult your doctor. We know What he will Say about this grand old family'medicine. This In the ant question your doctor would not: “Are your bowel: "gum?†He knows that daily action of the bowel: is theolutely essential to rocoverv. Inez your liver led" 1nd our bowel- réguhx taking native done,“ Ayers run. ’ Pale, Thin, N ervoué' .7 I 0 mi DENIAL Womb Idea-cu! Wo' publish the tundra of :11 our Main“. z/erfs Mr. R. J. Gautt, a partner of The Toronto Shade Cloth Co. (a former Millhrook cilizen,) gave the Mirror 3 cgll last week. Mr Gautt was a ‘ typo‘ at one time, and was connected with the News for a number of years. He was mniated in ye old " Messenger†ofï¬ce, by Mr. Hayter, who was when in his prime perhaps the fastest type setter thc world has ever known. The Anniversary Services of Fallis Lme Methodist Church Will be held on Sunday, Oct. 7, 1906, at 10.30 a. m. and 7 pm. Rev. W. C. Clarke, B.A., of Sterling. (a former Pastor). will have charge of both serï¬ces, at which a free will ofl'cring Will be taken. Spemal musro wrll be rendered by the choir. Cordial invrtation to all. Rev. M. E. Sexsmith, Supermtcndent ; Rev. E Edmrson, Assustant ; R. J. Fallis, Sec- Trcas. Trust Board. by illuminated Texts (their own work) of neat and artistic dcsxgn, which en- cxrcle the interior, midway b:tween the ceiling: and the floor. The Harvest Festival at Cl rlst church Baxlieboro was most successful in eVery way. The weather was per feet and the congregatrons large many not being able to ï¬nd seats m the even mg. The Rev. Herbert A. Ben Ohel preached in the nmrni‘ng and the Rev. C. H. Brooks of Grafton in the even ing. Appropriate mUSlC was rendered by the choir wrth much heartmess. Mrs. W. C’. Allen being organist. The tea In the basement Tuesday evenmg, which was followed by a lecture by Mr. Brooks, and a short SerVICe of Praise by organist and choir. was Well attended, and the proceeds of the Festival amounted to $70.00. The Daughters of the ng in Christ Church Baiheboro have very much improved the appearance at" the Base- ment, where the Sunday School'is held The Mirror and Weekly Mail and Empire, mth a copy of the Mall and Empire’s premium picture “ Grace,.†will be sent one year to any address in Canada, U. S. or Great Britain for only $1.50. 'l‘rial Trip supscnptlons for both papers (without picture) .bal ance of year for 30c. ‘.Mr .J Lang has ï¬tted up a num- be of {he horses. m thx-s section “ith ne“ Sets of hamcss [or the Milllnook Ccntral Exhibition. If you see same h'Orses with flashicr harness than‘others \‘ou can pretty near bank on it that the harness was made by our local harness maker, Mr. 'I', J. Lang. Mr. I. Richardson IS a good judge of stock, and was m attendance at the Linds'av Central Fair last week; which could hardly go on without the pres- ence of 'Isaac. ‘ Mr. and WIN. \V. S Given, attended the Lindsay Exhibition last Week. Miss I’carl Mitchell. of Petcrboro. was a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. T. J. Lang last week. Mr. Bryce of Toronto who preached in the Prcsbytcrian church most accep- tably during Rev. Mr. Johnston’s ab- sence, will conduct the services next Sabblth. ~ Mr. I. N. Cosh, of Port Dover, was a guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. (Rcv.) G. R. Clare, on 'l‘ucsday. Mr. Cosh is a judge of poultry at variou.» fairs in Eastern Ontario. Mr and Mrs 'I‘. J. Lang ware guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mitchell of Emily on Sunday, and attended the unveiling ceremony at Emily (Seme- tery that day. Hin selfa practical farmer and an intelligent charter of the varying con- ‘drtions ofagricultural pursuits, his ex- perience and ability have largely con- tributed to the present great prosperity ol the Millbrook Agricultural Show. A prosperous merchant and farmer, his genial manners and honest dealings have made his customers and neigh~ bors his friends, and we feel sure many hearty greetings from exhibitors and others make his duties a pleasure at the Mtllhrook Fall Show. Mr. Wm. Lough was born on the family homestead 1n the north part of the Township and resided on the farm up to the time ofhis removing to Ida some 30 years ago. He has since con- ducted a general store at Ida and is also postmaster. He has always shown a keen interest in ’agribultural affairs and has' been an interested and useful member of the Carvan and East Dur- ham Agricultural Societies during that 'period. Mr. Lough Is now ï¬lling his third )ear’s term as president of the of the C. A. S. and has been a director on that and the Board of the E. D. A. S for many years. One of the Gentlemen Who Has Helm“ to Maka Millbrcck - E‘Xhimnun Great. Christ Church, Bailleboro. W, H. LOUGH, IDA w..- ~u~sr He The funeral, on Friday, at 2 p. m., Igcr†from the family residence, Lot 1, Con vlnen 3, will be in,charge of the Canadian type Order Foresters. Scrvicc at tlig house at 1.30. -- ‘ ~ . In South Monaghan, on. Wednesday. Sept. 26th. 1906, William Henry Rob- ertï¬pn, pged 38 years. The heartfelt sympathy of the whole community is extended to the bereav ed relatives. The funeral tbok place from the res- ' idence of her son-m-law, Mr. George! Dawson, on Monday, the 17th inst, : and was largely attcnded. , In South Monaghan, on Saturday. Scpt.15thx9o6, Sarah Hutchinson. aged 78 was. The many friends of Mrs. Harry G. Dunford wfll regret to learn of her scr- ious illness, but we are pleaSed to re- port that she has had a change for the better and hope for her a speedy res toratxon to health. Dr A 1. Russell has purchased the Medical Practice of Dr Montgomery of Bailrcboro, and left for that Village on Monday to take charge of same Dr Russell will makea good citizen and we predzct for him that success that awaits Sucn "cléxer, pamstakm'g and persevcrmg men as Dr Russell His many friends in Millbrook wxll regret his departure. but will be pleas ed to learn that 1115 new l19me IS but a short distance from here. Mr. and‘ Mrs. Wm. VLuxon and chxldrcn, of CIarkc, Were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomas Luxon. Mrs. L. S. Clarrv is a great aunt of the bride. The Mi'rror joins with’the many friends ofilhe bride in wishing her and M r. Steel long life and happi- 1188i. A pretty wedding was solemnlsz when Miss Edith D, Jacques, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Thomas Jacques. 104 Alexander street, and John W.Steel of lllbbing, Minn., were united in mar- riage. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Frederick W. Lewis of the First Presbyterian church, at four o’clock} in the afternoon at the home of the bride and was witnessed by the immediate families only of the con- tracting partles. Mr. and Mrs. Steel left-at six o'clock for Detroit and Buff- alo. The groom is ezrsduate of the Arthur Hill high school, graduating at the same time‘his bride did. He is at present a minin‘gehgineer it. Hibbing. The bride has made this city her home the better part of her life and bass host of friends, she being a very pop- ular young lady. Saginaw News. The Special" Harvest Servuces of Trinity church (The Marsh) will be held on Sunday 14th‘October zit 10.30 mm. and 7 pm. They will be: con- ducted by the parish clergy and an envelope collcction wrll be made for painting, and otherwxse improving the church. 'lhe weather showery and cloudy did not materially mar the success of the clnldren's Day Service in the Presbyterian ( butch last Sunday morning. The pulpit and platform were very tastefully decorated wilh choice plants and flowers {or the occa- sion; the pastor gave a. brief address to the chlldren along the line of lmlta- ting Christ. aiming at leading the scholars for decision in godliness. The sen-ice in the evening was largely st- temled and the muslc by the choir was good, supplemented by a dnett by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Johnston in good taste. an Intimate Knowledge and experience can make possible. The modern Greeks and Armcmans, their religion, customs, ctc , were treated in passmg. Miss Macdonald, of Bethany, will hold her Millingry Openings on Friday and Saturday. Sept. 28th and 29th, 1906. A cordial invitation is extendx] to the ladies of Bethanyand surround- ing country to attend" ,Miss Macdon ald will'have the very flatest' styles in Millincry, in fact it will be the grand-' est display she has ever shown. Don’t fail to call on Opening Days. The Rev. C. HJ Brooks of Grafton gave a very interesting and instructive address in St. Thomas’ church Sunday School Room on Monday evening. The subject of the Lecture was “ 'l'he religion and people of 'l‘urKey.†On Tuesday evening m Christ Church Bailieboro the same subject was treat ed, though from a drflerent standpoint and on both occasions the Rev. gen- tleman, who has been 18 years in Constantinople held the attention of his audience by the clear and forcnhle presentation ofa subject, which only Kclls. Fowler 8: (30., Millbrook, will hold their Grand Millinery ()pcn- ings on Thursday and Friday, Sept. zyth and 28th. This Season’s display will be far superior'to any previously shown, and Mrs. Whyte, our head milliner, cordially invites the ladies of Millbrouk and surrounding Country to call on the Opening L)uys.â€"-2t ' _ Mr. C. V. Pym is now starting :1 Vocal and Piano Class In Town for the winter. Terms, etc., on application to Mr. Pym, Mlllbrook. Anniverxzarya ervices in the Presby- terian church on Oct. 2lst conducted by Rev. Jan. Wilson M. A. of Toronto. Mr. Wilson is nine 01‘ the popular, elo- quent and gifted soung men of the Queen City. The ladies thoPrashvterian chchh are again In charge of the dining hall on the Agricultural grounds which en- sure: satinfuchon to all the hungry who call Meals 25 cents each. The Family Herald and Weekly Star 'l‘hc MIRROR will be sent to any address in Canada, Great Britain or U S. to Ian. 1st, 1907, for-50c. stenngrapher’s Note Books~ 5(- each or 6 tor 25C at tlxé Mirror 0mm:â€" just the thing for our High School Students. Trinity Church. Jacquesâ€"Steel. DIED I Having purchased the Butcher | Business of Mr. Joseph Burns, I £am prepared to please the public [it FIRST QUALITY will do it. Fresh’andsaltMeats Mi. Ted Burnham has been promoted to the Ontario Bank at: Peterboro â€"well deserved promo- tion too. Good luck Ted. BUSINESS CHANGE Among the Out of town guests “ere: Mr. and Mrs. Peel, Bexley, Mr. Ethclbert Hooey and Mlss julla Hooey of Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Rowan. Mr. and st..Alcx. Lang, Mr. and Mrs Ed. Lang, Mr and Mrs. and Miss Nettie Iohnston of Bethany; Mr. _I. and Mlss Minnie Coultcr of Fleet- wood; 'Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Stinson of Springvxlle; Mr. and Mrs. M. johns:on of Manvers, and MISS Risbm ot Brantford. T11: groom’s prcscnts; to the bridea gofd brsuzelct with ame- thyst setting, and to the flower girl a gold ling with opal setting. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland then bid adieu to the guests and Were driven to the dcpot in Mr. Lon Larmer’s shiish cal) which he keeps tor such occasions, and they left on the 5.10 train for Toronto, Niagara, and other points west, being showered with rice and the hearty good wishes of a host of friends. The bride, who is one of Mi!!- brook's most highly respected young lgdks, I‘éccivgdrby way of mhowxhdgn ent of her man} good qualities and the good will felt toxxards her, man) beautiful and costly prvSt'ntS. After hearty congratulations of the guests had been extended to the happy couple, a dainty wed- ding dejeuner-was Served. The charming little flower girl, Olive Rowan, of Bethany, looked very pretty in a dress of white Silk, trimmed with pale blue, and carrying the ring basket of white roses and maiden hair ferns. The bride looked charming in a dress of cream sublime with lace and ribbon trimmings, and carried a boquet of white carna- tions and Sllllldx. Her travelling suit was of blue broadcloth, with white but. The wedding March was beau- tifully played by MISS Hattle Couxtncy, who is an accomplished pianist. A pretty wedding was solemniz- ed at the home of Mr. J .mes H. Peel, King Street, Millbrook, on \IVeclnesdav, Sept. 26th, when his daughter, Miss Lillie May, was united in holy matrimony to Mr. William George Rowland. :1 p0p- ular young man of this town, and one ofour up-to date blacksmitlis. At the appointed hour, three o‘clock, the groom entered the parlor, and was iinmedi itely lot lowed by the Lride leaning on the nrmof her father who gave her away. The contracting parties stood under an arch of evergreens and flowers, while the Rev. G. K. Clare periov med the ccremOny, which was witnessed by about forty guests, principally relatiyes and close friends 01 the bride and groom. .always on hand. Fish, Feel and Vegetables in season. A trial order solicited. Pierce. Biiflalo, N. Y.. for a. little book of extracts from eminent medical au- thorities endorsing the in ients of his medicines, will bring a. ittle book free that is worthy of your attention if needing a good. safe, reliable remedy of known cmnpwltion for the cure of almost any old chronic. or lingering malady. Dr. Plerce’s Pleasant Pellets cure con- stlpation. One little "Pellet " is a gentle laxative, and two a. mild cathartic. The most. valuable book {or both men , and women is Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Ad- viser. A splendid loos-page volume, with engravings and colored plates. A copy. “ 1Exporâ€"covered, will be sent anyone sending 31 cent: in onecent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing only. to Dr. R. V. Pierce Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth-bouncl, 50 stamps. Used as ingredients of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discover . Black Cherry- bark. Queen’s room, Go den Seal root, Bloodrootmxd Stone root. specially exert their influence in cases of lung, bronchial and throat. troubles. and this "stcov- mu" Is. tln‘rcfore, a sovereign remedy for bronchitis. luryu itls. chronic coughs, catarrh and kindre ailment-s. You don’t. have to take Dr. Pierge’l say-so alone as to this; what. he clmms for his "Discovery" is backed up by the writings of the most eminent. men in the medical profession. A request by ostql ggrrd ormlegtey, addressgzd ‘0.sz .. V‘. The above native roots also have the strongest possible endorsement from the leading medical writers, of all the several schools of pmctlce,lor the cure not. only of the diseases named above but, also for Indigestion, torpor of liver. or bilious- noss. obstinate constipation. kidney and bladder troubles and catarrh, no matte: whore located. sued by Dr. Pierce._ is foilowing after Nature 5 plan of restoring health. He uses natural remedies. that. is extracts from native medicinal roots, grepared b processes wrought, .out by he expen iture of much time and mone , without the use of alcohol. and by sk ilfui combination in just. the right. prgpogtions._ The function strengthening and tissue bulldin plan of treating chronic. lingnr- ing pn obfting‘te cases of disegf‘t} a< pur- WEDDING BELLS. ROLANDâ€"PEEL NUPTIA LS. Nature’s Way Is Best. PROPRIETOR. mWW-N¢m " .«:~a~m : Ask for prices. Special quotations on Iquantities. KL! H. 83/6111) 81 Son Delight Pastry Flour, mixed Chop, Chicken Feed. Flour and Feed Your Patronage is Solicited. .Strain’s 01d Stand. T. J. Lang, One Door East of Mr. J. Steele’s . Jewelry Store. Write Maior Wins- low, Sec’y, Millbrook, for a complete Prize List. ' to be held on Octob’r 4 and 5. The MEDALS are really Beautiful and are in pretty cases. Write Maior Wins- Millhrcok [Jenna] Exhibit Our stock is the best ever shown in town. \Ve make all our Heavy Harness and Guarantee satisfaction. A full line of Fui' Coats,~ Ro‘bes. Blankets, Trunks, Valiscs, 8m- For Show Harness J. w. Fisher, Ofï¬ce on King St, ï¬rst door West Collins’ Bank. MILLBROOK, : : ONTARIO‘ P. S.â€"Calls by Telvphone promptly attended to. %% Millbrook Branch flagggmmagawmmï¬ Special Prizes for ï¬st and 2nd Best Helds of Durham Cattle Repairing of [Iarnéss'an«i Boots promptly done. Veterinary Surgeon to His Majesty’s 14m F Boots Shoes to Please All. Jubilee Fyfe, Mikado Five Thistles, Ivory Quaker {3% %%%$§5%2%3§%3§%§ but how about your ambition to Save it P T. J. LANG, effort to safeguard the business interests of deposxtors. safety by the Ontario Bank. Our hobby is SAFE Banking. UNTAHIHBANK, BORROWERS Our Savings Bank teaches you. This Bank wants your account and makes every Are acccrded every accommodation consistent wnh It’s a good thing to be ambitious to make monev SAVINGS BANK . R. HOWARTH, MILLBRO OK STATION. These Medals are among the Valuable SPECIAL Prlzes for competition this year at the MANAGER " ‘9 EIDress 3 Sfllfll NEVER SLIT YOI'R PA Th“ dd!!!" cure the Pas-31. ply the old sundhv, Puma Extmtor. It acts like Ina: Chopin, cures 99;; .’ "3 do - (/"1 burn or least. "1.9. â€W. 0/ est-J ine funeral 100k Man to the Presbyterian (fun. and was largely atlcnu’cd The beravcd rclatzws Pr 4 sympathy of the whole cnmzztu A! the Bethe! church wining 125! a‘ special serx’iac‘ far the members ofthc Sumia; «(whom a large numbcr can: listened to 3 mos: intermsï¬ug qucnt discourse dclivrrcd b} 1‘ Rev. F. Johnston. Th: .«Eu «.1 and hearty. The (El bautifully decorated for m: and altogether the servic'cs 1 'glmfymg to all prcsem. 7 escape The ï¬re was (‘umith latches: wind) was; dcflmfl loss is estimated at $1,;co. :5 to be covcred by msuramr. Mr. Hiram Gallagher's mar will regl'ct to learn that 1:: attack of T}pl:oid I‘m-c: In the hope that hrs rum u.» In Emil}, nn Indm S:- I906. [as Ruthcï¬md. age‘C n Eady in the mormng (:f in L. the Presbyterian mum's Indly damaged by ï¬re. R: Wllitdaw and his famxlv war: ed by the smoke and had Mrs. Robert Caxy and m: Cd‘il, were visitors to 325 week, combining busmess ué ‘ “w I H. \"iiaon, of}. attended the unvcmng c» Emily Cemetery on Sunday. anon? forget (h: C: 2: Iraq’s Cmnd Miilmcn- u; Sou-day, Sept. 29m, and .\ Tuadav, Oct xst and 2nd. Miss Pearl Mxlchcll, of is a guest at the home of M C. E. 'M'ltchdi. Eméiy. i‘ Dress M Send your amatcur WOrk TON‘S Studio. Lmdsayfz Mrs. M J. Wilson and c Pm Dover. are guests at 1! â€rs; A. W ilson, Sturgeon S Mrs. Wm. “him, 0f “1:! a guest (If he: sister, Mrs. 14 ney. the past week. Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Low Hi". attended the unvexli;: I! Emily Cemetery on Sun hat, mantles, c. Our 526 the ï¬nest ever shown in 1% “I: extend a cordial inviu ladies to attend our Milin ings. Secadv. Grand Millinery 01mm Ivory's, Omcmcc, on Sun 39th. and Monday and Ta: Id and 2nd. It will pay 3 to'Ometnee for your {all The Popul ï¬at and no doubt in: able“) msumc his dulics Haepital, when: We are learn be is gating limb 111: many friends of 1 -Wdhcnlp will regm to k:- has a sedans attack of Ty“ an“): is at present iul A CORDIAL I The Mir MRI) O h" MaCt' on Bet: