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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 27 Sep 1906, p. 3

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ch. dals are Valuable 13295 for this year rnt With ited. ators. {0118 on s for ist sthds ~ Cattle 'alises, kc eele’s nk. All. monev kc all our ed. SAFE every ‘9 NEVER SLIT YOUR BOOTS. That dosn’l cure the corn. Just ap- ply the old atandhv, Putnam’s Corn Extractor. It. arts like magic. Kills the psin, cures thg corn, does it withmxt burn or scar. Get. the bestâ€"H’s [“ht- 'The'fimeral took pile: 0h M6ndny to the Prcsbytcnan Cemetery, mely, anew-as largely attendcd. 572mm Mr. Hiram Galagher’s many Friends will rcgrcz to learn that he has an atmck of T3phoid Fever. We join In the hope that his recovery will be speak. The ber'éaficd relatives have sympathy of the whole Community. , NEW MANTLES AND - E EDresS Goods. Display. Early in the morning of the 26m in L, the Pres!» tenan manse here was badly damaged by fire. Rev J M “hitelaw and his famrly “ere aw-aken ed by the smoke and had a narrow escape The fire was confined to the krtchen which was destroyed. The log is estimated at $1,500, and 15 said to be. covued by insurance. In Emily, on Friday, Sept. 215k, 1906, J95. thbcrford, aged 67 years. At the Bethe] church on Sunday evening last a‘ special service was held far the members of the Sunday School., of whom a large number attended. and listened to a most interesting and elo quent dtscourse delivered by the pastor Rev. F. Johnston. The singing» was sperm! and hearty. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasron, and altogether the services were very gratifying to all present. . Mrs. Robert Casey and son Master (Tu-i1, were visitors to Mindcn this week, combining busmess with pleasure Mr J H. V\\'ilson, of Mt. Horcb, anrndcd the: unVcIling ceremony at Emily Cemetery on Sunday. Ehon’t forge‘ the dates of Chas Irory’s Grand Milhnery Openings, viz: Saturday, Sch 29th, and Monday and Tuesday, Oct 15! and 2nd. ‘ Miss Pearl M:tchcll, of Peterboro, is a guest at the home of Mr; and Mrs. C. E. Mitchefl. Emily. Send your amateur work to “ MO R- TON’S Studio. Lindsay,” tobc finiéh- Mrs. M J. Wilson and children, of Port Dover. are guests at the home of Mrs. A. Wilson, Stprgeon St. Mrs. Wm. White, of Dunsford, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. R. J. Court hey, the past week. Grand Miliinery Openings at Chas lvon's, Omemce, on Saturday, Sept. 29m, and Monday and Tuesday, Oct. is! and '2de. It will pay you to CORR; to Omcmee for your fall and winter hat, mantlcs, c. Our stock M“ be the finest ever shown in the County We extend a cordial invitation to mi ladies to attend our Milluxery Open- ings. Sec adv. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowes, of Frank Hill, attcndcd the unveiling ceremony at Emily ('cmetcry on Sunday. The many friends of Mr. Walt" Wetherup wxll regret-to learn tfiat'he. has a serious attack of Typhoid Fever, and he is at present in the Barrie Haspixal, where we are pleased to learn he is getting the best ofallew zion and no doubt he will soon bc‘ able to resume his duties, .......................................................... Miliinery Department in Bharge of MISS Beikiéy. Dress Making and Ladies-Tailoring Dept. in Charge of Miss Thain. ‘ A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL-LADIES TO BE PRESENT ON OPENING DAYS. The Popular House for Millinery, Dress Goods and Dress Making. mmm The Mfor and. Family Herald a‘ndWeekly Star 1'10 Januar y 1813, 1907, for Fifty C‘ents‘to nevé‘subscgfiersr " l I )‘I E I). Salurflav,Mnnflav and-Tuesflav, the: IVORY‘S 1906‘I)isplav Of Millin- ery will surpass all Of its predecessors. A large congregation m the Presby- tenan church, on Sabbath evemng, ltstened to an tnstructive Missionarv sermon by the Rev. Dr. Nugent of Central Indta. Messrs, Robert Boyd and G. W. McLean attt-ntled a meeting In Mill- brook la~t Wednesday“ afternoon. The address was given by Dr W. E Tilley on the requirements ofthe New School law relative to School Boards, Municx- pal Councnls and Teachers. Inspectors Brown and Lees of Peterboro were present and ~made short speeches. at the concluaton a'heurty vote of thanks was tendered them. A large number of the citizens of Omemee and surrounding country will be in attendance at theVMillbrook Ex- hibition. OMEMEE. An old Mount Pleasant boy in the person of Mr. John VMCSkimmings of \\'innipeg, dlove out from Omemec last weck and called on many friends of Ins boyhood. jack, as he was familiarly culled, looks fine and has donc WC“ in that Western Metropolis. time. Into the insatiate orenn of forewr.” x 0 ’cr \\ :1er ‘ Rol‘s down the irrexocz‘il‘m‘ fifcani of “I was born to die; "I‘is but the expanding thought, and life is nothing. Ages and gcncranons pass away, And “ilh rcsxstlcss forge; like “'m'es Cemetery, Emily. He is survived by his widow, 3 daughters and 2 sons who have the dcelxst sympathy in their hour of sad bercavc mcnt. ed the spark "of 11ft: had sped. rHis death was: a great shock to the family and to the surrounding dustrict of which the late Mr. Rutherford was an honorable: and respected member. The largely att-cnded funeral took place, on Monday, to the Presbyterian On Friday night, Mr. Joseph Ruth- erford passed away very suddenly. H:- had been In his usual health and be- fore retiring showed a jovial spirit, but near midnight. Mrs. Rutherford was alarmed by a moan and nwestigaung found that Mr R. was unconscxous. Medical aid ‘\\'as=smnmoned with all due speed,'_ but " ere thé‘physician arr-w? Many of our village attended the. Fair at Lindsav and report a good Show, a large attendance and a down- pbur of rain the closing day. Mr. Will Huhday of the C.I’.R. offices, 'l‘oronto, visited friends .the first of the Week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pctty called on fnends in the Village last Sunday. tune to lose the entire thiid finger and a paition ot the fourth finger of his lelt hand, in Mr. Best’s saw mill. is about his usual busmess and the injur- ed member is doing’well. Mr. (Sar diner was assisting Mr. Best and find‘ ing his foot about to be caught he made an effort to extricate it, throwing his hand up it struck the saw with the above result. A valuable horse belOnging to Mr. C. H. Shield, injured itself while on the way home from Peterboro. The animal was left under the care of a Vet, and anticipations are sanguine for its recovery. l We: are plcascd to report that Mr. Thomas Gardiner. who had the misfor- tune t0 lose the cum: thind fingrr :md Special to the Mirror. MT. NE ASAN '1‘. THE DEAF MADE TO HEAR. Deafness because usually due to Cu- tarrh, is quile cur able In a llmnsand cases this is ab solmely true, Success invariably attends the use of Csmrrlr ozone which has cure.l catarrhal deaf- ness of twenty-five years standing. Penetrating through the passages of the ear, the soothing vapor of Catnrrh- ozone relieves the inflammationde stroys the seeds of Csturr h and there- hv allows nature ‘0 re-assist herSeIf Try Catarrhozone yourself, 25c and Si 00 slzes sold by ail dealers. the local Camp. .r "'1 he Head Adv. Llent. sdv D, Cinna- mon of Lindsay, then gave an oration in which he paid a high tribute to the memory or the deceased Sov. and spoke very feelingly regarding the great loss sustained by his parents, His address is sure to create a. good impression of the Woodmen of the World Sov. Harvey then gave abrief but interesting address. Sov. (‘opeland also took an important par: in the pro- ceedings, reciting a number of beauti- ful and touching stanzas. The camp honors being then given. the ceremony was brought to a. close by the Consul Cotnumuder,Sov. W. J. Robinson 0! Ometnee camp, and the Sovs. marched back to the hall, where votes of thanks were given Head Adv. Lieut. Cinna- mon.and to the \‘laltlng Save, “ho were then given supper at the Commer- cial House. as guests 01 the Iocalcamp. At the cemetery the Sovs formed as a wedge around the grave of Sov. Swit- zer. Inside the wedge were the parents sister and aunt of 'the departed, and also the male quartette consisting of Messrs '1’. J. Par;ox1e,___VY,_ J. Lamb, R 38 McPhersong/u'fifb J D. “mm-ton: who sang with much feeling the sacred selecuons used on such occasions. The Save. met at the Braslhurn Hall at 2 p m , and marched from * there to the Cemetery, where probably. over fotxr hundred visitors had "assembled to witness the beautiful ceremony. Sov. Robert 'l‘oole was grand marshal ofthe processiori,and killed his position with all due reverence and dignity. The monument was thanc (19311321; ed by Sosa. Robinson Muls§andi scottkul the local Camp. I On Sunday last a most solemn 'and impressive Ceremom took place in the Emily Cemetery, wnen the monument erected to the memory of the deceased Sov. Wilbert Switzu‘ bv the Canadian Order of the Woodmen of the World, was unveiled. Peterboro and Lindsay Camps Were well represanted, as follows ; LIN DSAY CAM P. Sovs. D. Cinnamon, H A. Lt.. D. Turner, J. Miller, A. \Vatson, G. Crawford, T Bell, F Babcock, 8. Cameron, R. Corley, J. Han, R. Chambers, F. Armstrong, J. 1 Mills, 8. I’Ogue,] Mark, and W. ‘ Bretliour. Sherwood Forest Camp No. 50. Peterborough. Sovs. Bert Wallace, W. Gibbs, [05. Kyle, Geo. Armour, G. F. Mien, A. C. Leslie, R. N. Jones, lhos Duncan, M. LakeHJ Gibbs, R. \\ aram, C. Gunsolvs, H. Phillips. R. Copeland, B. Trotter, lets. l’olson, Fred Dummitt, F. Adlam, R. Ryan. The Laté Wilbert Switۤ~ Monument UnveileddK Perhaps Omemce can boast of send- ing more young men to the ministry than any other town of its size. The excellent Public and High Schools, with their splendid teaching staff, no doubt have much to do with the steady Pdvancement from bright childhood to ‘ élever manhood and womanhood, and 1 hence they go out in life ready to takc their part in any position in which \brains and energy are rcquired. I Among those from ()memee and Emily who attended the Lindsay Fair were: Mrs. Robt. 'l‘oolc. Mrs. A. H. Tools, Mrs R. H. Casey, and Messrs. Wm. Casay, H. Beatty, Sr., \V Beatly, H Beatty, jr., Jas Johnston, W Magee Jas Birncy, H 'l‘hompson, J Rainey, Sam Brown, '1‘ E Rice and J Morden. W ork is a great blessing. You can- not see now but. some day you will say thntvou were fortunate In your boyhood days because you were com- pelledto work. Because you cannot get power m do things save by doing them. Look over the successful men you know. Get their history. Nearly everyone was compelled to work in boyhood. They toughened their mus- cles by hard work and sharpened their brains by looking out for them- selves. Mr, Powell “ill verify every word of these statements. 503 Dr. ‘Leonhurdth Anti-Pill Is for sale by all Drnggists or by the Wilson-Fyle Co , Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Many who m now suffering from this complaint W)” be glad to learn from Mr. Powell's story that there is hope for the most stubborn casa. He continues: " 1 was induced to try Anti- Pill by readtng the testimonv of some one who had been cured of constipa’ tton by it. I had sufl‘ered for eighteen years and had taken tons of stuff re- commended aqcures but which made me worse rathfir than better. Doctors told me there who no cure for me.” ‘ W [IEN‘LONG BREATHS HU RT. You know that tumble exist that need quick attention. Proper action cor-sis: in a vigorous rubbing of the c’hgst,and side. with Nerviline which sinks Into (he tissue; where the pain is seated, and relief In a few minutes. No liniment so clean.:§o 3trong.so powerful. Results guaranteed “in: new 250. butt); of Poison' s Nervmne Getit to-day. .. ‘ Rcv.‘ F. Johnston will dcliver an addrcss at the nmcting of the Epworlh League of the. Methodist Chuzch on Friday evening, when he will gch an account of his trip to Ireland and oth er European Cities. It will be quite Kingston Man tells how he Suffer- ed and How he was Released. "Fur years 9. mar- tyr,” is how Chas. H. Powell of 105 llcglau Street Kings- ton, begh-s his story “A martyr to chron ic constipation, but new I am free from It and all through the use bf Dr. Leon- Cms. H.'P(ani.1..f1f'hdt‘s Anti-Pm. intcrvsting. The fellow who etofie his paper be- cause he becomes offended at some item that does not suit. his fancy al- ways imagines that he is getting even with the publisher, but he is never missed. This only happens occasion any. for there are only a few people in every community 'who imagineapaper should comm}! nothing but. what they approve of. .r"\’\-. t’ Croakers ” There WI” also be Smgmg arid Recita‘uons by b‘ést'local talcnt. Admission 25c.and 15c. Cnrdial m- vitatmn to all. Rev. hr.e(3.\V. Marvm, Pastor. W. H. Lee. Supcnntcndcm. Notice to {the Public. glad of an opportunity to hear him.' The Anniversary $crviccs othc Ebenezer Methodist Sabbath School Will be held on Sunday and Monday, Scpt 30 and Oct. 1, 1906. Sunday, the Rev. Joseph Ward, B A., B. 1)., of Janctville, win preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p.m.‘ On Monday evcnmg tea WI“ be sched from 5 to 7, after which the Rcv. G. \V. Hendcrson,of Port Hope, mll deliver his famous lcc- ture,enml:d “Ploddcrs, Loafers, and The undersigned begs to announce that he has taken out an Auctioneer’s License in the Counties of Victoria Durham, and he' will be plea§cd to have a call or a communication from those who intend toilhave auction sales during the tailor winter monthsu The Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, ()memee Branch, was address sed by Dr. Nugent, late of “India.” After seven year’s labor there 'during the famine and plague his address proved most interesting to all pnsent, among whom were many of his former school mates. Ur. Nugent is among the leading ministers of the l’resbyter ian Church Our citizens are always glad of an opportunity to hear him. The Anniversary services of..the Ebenezer Methodist Sabbath School 7 Téms very reasonable, and n§ay be had by applying to the undca'signed. Satisfact‘on guaranteed. Addrcss Iâ€"‘ifor he’s a ‘jolly good {cummâ€" every success. J. H. WILSON, Mt. Horeb, ' Ontario. WiISOn was auctiéneér, said he had never heard a better auctioneer and very tcw his equal. We wish Jack As will be Seen by ref-Hence to our advertising columns Mr. I. H Wilson, of Manvcrs, has taken out an auction- ecr’s license in Victoria and Durham. Last season his license was only for Mam-ms, and haying met with even better success than he annerpated, he has decidcd to extend his territory. Salcs entrusted to his care will have his bcst attention. One man who at~ tended a sale last spring at which Mr. LOT. 14, CON. 13; MANVERS. MARTYRDUM DESCRIBED. 13; By nature these organs are intended for the removal 0! the waste particles of matter which accumulate in the system. Hablmal coetiveness is best over- come by Dr, Hamilton’s Pills, which es- tablish regular-Hy that is exactly cox.- sistent with nature. Retain these wastes and you poison the blood. ruin digestion, bring on per" vonsneas and anaemia. Not a. drastic purgatlveâ€"not even 9. pam or sensation of grip, because Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are vegetable and tree from irritating mineral substances found in so many widely advertised remedies. Why the Usefullness of all Organs is Destroyed by Costiveness. Most important to health and com- fort is proper action of the bowels. In every case Dr Hamilton's Pills do cure and bring sure relief from head- ache, biliousnees and other manifesta- tions of constipation. "Last winter 1 read through the Poison’s Almanac and decided my trouble was constipation. I used Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, and can hardly tell the help they have been. I am now as fresh, strong and well as a boy," Just try the wonderful magic of Dr Hamilton’s Pills. Sold by all dealers, 25 cents per box, or five boxes for $100. By mail from N. C. Poison 00., Hartford, Conn, U S A., or Kings- ton, Ont. Here is a minister who appreciates the editor. At a recent editorial con- vention he offered the following toast: “To save an editor from starvation, lake his paper end pay for it promptly To save him from bankruptcy. adver- nse in ids paper hbernfly. 'fo save hint froin despair, send bin) every item of news of which you can get hold. To save him from profanity; write your correspondence plainly on one side of the sheet and send it. in as soon as possible. To save him from mistakes, bury him. Dead people are the only ones whe never make mis- takes. :‘My appetite was good and strength kept up, yet I knew something was wrong. "Frequently I took bnious attacks and violent headaches. My stomach was d‘sordered, skin was murky. under my’oyes were heavy dark rings. Jae. McConnell of Walkerton writes: ' Since I was comparatively a young man I have not enjoyed real good health. A well known .gentlcman in Black Bay, Ont, °Mr. John Cowan. has dis covered an absolute eplciflc for rheu- matism. and writes: " I wee afl'ected wlth sciatica and chronic Rheumatism which I contracted years ago. The disease had a great hold in my blood. and It «as hard to make any impres- sion on it. Reading of Ferrozone I was convinced ol Its ment and We cer- tainly the best Lever med. Why it. just drove away the Rheumatism: Even stiffened old eufl‘erers \vill exper- lence qulck reeults. The reason iethat Ferrozone‘acts through the blood and thereby destroys the cause of the die- eaee, Price 50 cents per box at all dealers , But our stock is not limited to jewelerv. Silverware, Cut Glass Art Chink, \Vat’chcs. Clocks, Souvemrs.‘Leather Goods, Sla- tionery, OpticalGOodsund Lodge Regalia, are some of the: other lines in which we can serve \011â€" as directly and with the same price-advantages as though you dweltin Toronto. . Our Autumn Catalogueâ€"now on the pressâ€"will gladiy be mail- rd you on- Its cdmpletion. if you will send us your name and ad- dress. ' On all orders of$I.oo or over, we‘prepay'dchvcry charges. A tnp to Toronto is not neces- sary. Practicglly you can visit Diamond Hallany day-through His Majesty’s. Mail. Our exten- sive Catalogue, with the photo and color illtJStratxons, puts you in closest tou‘ch thh the largest [ewelry l-Iousain CanaJnâ€"One of the three largest, indeed, In America. Have your photo taken at Morton’s Studio, Lindsay. We give satisfaction. on L. A. MURPHY, Druggist Optician 2nd door went Hauuh’a, Lindsay. Pxoperiy adjusted glasses afford the only assistance possible We make a specialty of ‘relievlng tired eyes and guarantee satisfaction. You will save 20 per cent on your money by calling Curry’s fogcufitlery of all kinds; good assortment of knives and forks for the threshmg season. Tired Eyes.â€"F.n:s TESTED FREE Sensations cans: for our ‘zuldancé. They are Nature's warnings. Uvnr- worked eyes demand rea’t. Eyes that tire easily call for help. Come in and let us explain all about the Universal bread mrxers. Greatest labor saver of the zoth Century. W. Curry Co’s. Sin Agamst Health. A NOTHER GREAT DISCOVERY. J. STEELE’S, FOR UP-TO-DATE JEWELRY. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, MILLBROOK. RYRIE BROS. LIMITED, I34â€"-â€"I3S,Yonge St , Toronto. Hnw to Visit Diamond Hall. Subscribe for Mirrar. .â€"...4.b. â€"â€"â€"-- Do You (in Dcxsâ€"Lnts of people re- ‘ 23rd every request made to tlcetn, either verbal or in writing to settle a hill, as n dun. A dun is supposed to he more or less ofi‘ensive. Just why any man should find fault when some rme to whom he owes money asks him to [my It is more than we have been able to comprehend. ”you owe a man money you ought to pay him if Von can. if you cannon. it is your business to explain why you cannot Most people intenl some time or other to pay their bills, but not many are as prompt as they should he or as they. would like others to be. It. is a very easy matter .when asked to pay a bill, to explain to the creditor why you cannot pay the bill and ask for more time. The debtor wlll generally get extra time if he is dealing with a. ress- 1 onahlenian. 'Ihc exesperating wins“ in Connection with creditors is to vs rite I letter utter letter or send statement] after statement to a debtor, and have! him ignore them apparently with ' silent contempt. It is under such ctr-l cumstances that the creditor gets irri- tateci and gives the account perhaps to an attorney, when exercising a little sense on the part of the debtor, the debtor the matter could be easily and amicably adjusted. Do not look on a dun to irritate you. it Is right for a, creditor to ask ’or his money when he does not get it, and to keep asking at lnterials ti“ he does eat it. I I I l i In om Ilaxdmne Stoxc “e have a magn Iificem stock {or awry requirement. Our Ste-ck of Dry Goods, Gro‘cerizs 8w. Nothing Succeeds Like Success. TheHol- se of Quality CAEL AND TEST US. Last year was our banner year, but we are determined to keep pace with our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us, for office assistants. not only from l’eterboro but from other plaCes as well. - We have not been able to do this in all cases during the last two wars. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping or IS a competent Stenographer and Typewriter is Certain of a good position. You Will make no mistake in getting a t is wry complete, and the best values possibk'. 23 Come in and you Will be convmced that this Is the place to buy‘ Our pliccs are as LOW as any in the trade, and our goods are of the best quality, that's why this stun: is termed FonthllI Nurserius. ,m Over 800 acres. T0 R ONTO, ......... ON'I‘ARIO. get the Familf' Herald and Wealth Star and such a beautiful picture 3! tor one dollar :5 certainly big value. at mm: for MILLBROOK HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES The Fo'uaib Herald and Week 3' Slur coutiuueu tn gum in pupularily pear after year. It it Let-pa on at impress-m nut:- it “ill won he III every home in the D miuum. It deserves H. too, for It cevtaml: ‘ ia a great family and farmer’s p21,?" without an equal rm the continent; .ue Family Herald’s new premium picture fur this snmon ls en- titled "A Tug of War" and is one of those pivmrna one was in an art IItore with a ticket. "price two dollars." To in Fruit and Ornamental Stock grown and for sale by A permanent sxtuatlon for the- rightbarty. Liberal inducements. Pay weekly. Handsome free out- fit. Write for terms and, catalo- gue, and send 25c. in stamps for our POC K ET M AGNI FY I NC GLASS or 30c. for our HANDY METAL HACK SAW. Our Prices will Be Found as Low as Any. 7Business Education x Stone Wellington, CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIES. and surrounding distncts. Luca] Salesman Wanted. GROCERIES Growing- in Popularity. O/OMEMEE ‘H. Ganfly Co’s, cCaflrey’s, . PRINGLE, Principal, Petertoro, ODt.‘ Q’Writc for Our Handsome Circular. Fresh and Good at This is especially true when applied to the OAKEMEE. Lunk «mf for medium or dun-cu... See‘ If (hare 13 not I fldrurhr, bud. ache. restlessness and tho "Mun." These symptom: indicate ”an 30!: need the gentle assistance d'llr Hun» iltun’s Pills. They are Iomsu'l gnu. est tenet. prevent funcunl dens..- ment, remw the life of the blunt, pur- ify and clean the 8.) stem Chmughoot. No tome so potent. no fault: no nurt- ed as follow the use of Dr. Hun-monk Pills. Frice 25¢. per box at an dealer» Some beautiful lines in \VATCHES, CLOCKS, jE\V- ELRY, SILVERVVARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA, TRAVELING CASES, MANICURE CASES. NOVELTIES. c., c. SPECIAL LOW PRICE Yirkshire White Bear farServiu 77 Kent-St LINDSAY I have a xwialcxcd Yolkafiit'r Boar {or scrwcc on Lot :9. ( limiiyc Terms ysuat tin»: of; '1HOS.K£RR. Oman»: LINDSAY; .3; Wedding Plesents; You can buy Dainty Goods Div; :1: a [hostel cadmium” mdyoufrr: qfchazr "(await- W. LMCEAHTY’S. BAROMETERSâ€"Thue my be had a: from $5.00 to $50.00. ON W Book is you: far Ihc THERMOMETERSâ€"Our full and reliable line ranges in price from 50¢; to 82.50. FIELD GLASSESâ€"Our ' "Ryrie Special,‘ with 12 Lane in Aluminum Mountings will he delivered to you for $12.50, Alikeondnfmudinh townd-ue’sefowRyriemlam never to being necessities dun Necessities \\ HES \WUMI‘ZN 31'! FE R. onesâ€"$1.00 to $3.50. The Popular Jewelry Store. I ,

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