n .. .~ * . "'lh()ll"h all men shall leave the: ;"-'_:"~:l" and we ‘WOUI‘J‘ not be '5‘â€? will I hever leave thee.†How limit" to see huh a leading 80mg" harmony here between profes-sio: ‘ 3“ 5h" .Peterbbro Bfmd° MISS practice. Thus we learn that ,, ',S‘_‘.V,P".‘.CKâ€â€œ has been f1 member professions of love and loyalty ar .5 " “‘¢a;lz‘odist_.§:l,i91r, and m ‘ _ always t0-‘be relied upon. Well a mm CITClt-‘S Shc l’eter soon found out that 11 Id†be missed. Mrs. McKim and one thing to make vows, in the he: aSte'r Will and the Misses ,May'e ly atmosphere of the upper room and Evelyn wtll'also‘pe missed quite another thing to pay thOSe , in social circleS- The;Mu-roijoins m Gethsemane and the‘judgement . Wllh a host of friends in Wishing Many a'l’etcr 0", to-dny has l' r _ them conï¬guul saccess in [hair out that It IS one thing to be pro inew hox' _‘ ent in a religious meeting and 1 %~ \I . A124. . r f N. ianother to be loyal to Christ whet \.. "15 ‘.. t"? ,,‘"?5“°"1~' o l'ltorches of the enemy are in < t‘fgara be: a guest-of Mr. and . proximity. If professxon and pra ,t‘ “‘55 Hampwmg made men gr at some of us WOUll 7 a-Thr: numerous Handsof Miss Edna giants. If virtue lay in the good : , Given will regret to learn she is ill. lution and not in the execution n ,Wiï¬ï¬hdchtand {hat the Doctor has of us Would make our mark in yrun't‘ghnped it a use of typhoid feVer Tcllf-{IOUS world. , J 'l'mt ski-e will 54:11 recov,‘ is the “ï¬sh I 1 read â€"3 other day Of a boat Of aâ€. ' H I carried 50 lnrm» n which) fl‘w. h i ï¬'icers“ and†Directors of] to the blowing, you would think the brook Agricultural Sovietv Mlucmu’“ had come. p ttir u forth Pverv effort In the next [)laCClCtUSlL‘aTlla lesson u r - , " . or two about how the full came about. KL the Millbrook Central _ 1._ Following out the theory presented t i-Xh‘b't‘o“ 9‘ 1909 a presiker Oh-‘last Sunday, Wt: must look for its be- , a“ previous records. Colonel D- anings where Peter smote Malchus "Srtton, PXC‘SMUâ€, i5 {11†or tile‘ You'reniem‘ber Peter asked the Master ringht kind Of enthusiasm for "5 whether would smite with the sword t 5!}{TCcsS, and Major Winslow, the or iiot._r',. 'lien Without waiting for an SCC.'TI'CU.S _ is fully alive to his ggi’swg‘he forthwith began to smite. l .I'"Sp0n$iblllt-iPS, and with the} “rnféhen that most disastrous result< cwoperntmn of the other ofï¬cers may‘ grow out of an act regarding ' (l the citiZens generally, we which we have asked divine guidance, ticipatt‘ that the Millbrook Fair simply because we do not wait for an ear will be the best yet. answer. How Peterlike we often are . . . and mistaking our own self-promptings ’l be aspectal train (0 ’ for God’s direction we dash into a - ' ‘lt‘léw. Oct. Ist, at matter and Peter-like We fail. Ifl’eter's % 39 p. m., the last . dziv. _Of the blow had been divniel'y directed in afiuprotjk Central Exhibition. ,stcad of self-prompted it would have Single fare to Millbrook dur- 'cutoff Malchus’ head instead of his . t . - _ her Dawd’s divmel 'diret‘t- ‘ ‘ t k n ral Pair. ear Remem , . . l ' ~tf .he qubwo Lt: t ed’ smooth stone. I here is all the dif- Ample and ï¬rst-class hotel ac- ferencein the world between a divin- cmnmod'ttion for all visitors is ely guided :inda self-pionipted act. 'q-iyiured People ask _ God’s interposition ~ E’iTh‘e Military \thel Transport and guidance in the destruction of of Eire 3rd Cavalry, composed of "1:" Spiritual enemies. then instead of s . ,7 _’ Wm parade for inspection trusting bod, and believing them to it Young. death they whip out their own little d . swords and strike at some old preju 1 “‘55 Band Wln furnish diCe and only exasperate the old man instead of killing him. “â€1291 “they inté'nii to reside ré'ni-éqml from town will ‘be nétmct. R355 to Millbrcok. Mr. K 1m†be missed m the S.S. Baa, ofuhich he has been «em l (01 chzenl )enxs. He xs'g"ï¬rst-c lass cornct and viohn payer..th no doubt his serviCc-s .wnl be in dqymnd in the Efectric- on next page: for-particulars. ‘ 'lhe chany Athletic Association do â€:3 by halves, and all . \cm Afonday Master Aqu. Harkness is Miss Minute Sicphcnson, of Pilot Muund, Man.,' is a guest of Mrs. Robt Nurse. Don't fail to attend the big pelcbrauun m Bethany Athletic Park next Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 6th. Sec posters, also adv. l'hc smvxccs in the" Mrthodist Church last Sunday wen: much cujuy- ed. Spccmlrmusic at both sc-rviCcs WAS a‘ .fcatarc. The soloists Wcrc Mcssrs. Street and Mornéon. Miss Mabcc, of Fenclun Falls, 15 the new tenchcr in our school She .hx»s the place 0! Miss Fair who rcsvgncd. Mr. and Mrs. H S. Nash, of Swal lowï¬dd, near Rcdding, Bu kshirc, Eng rare guest. of their son. Mn] Nash, ~Mlllbmok 'I‘bcy czmxc met on the S S “Virginian.†Mr. Nash has a large hardware busmcss at Swallow- ï¬cld‘. Rcv. W. P Rogers, of Minbrook, accounnnicd by Mrs. Rogers and son, alter vmting fncnds in lawn. returned to their home )‘cstchay.â€"Mmdcn Echo of Friday. Miss Urcnycr and Miss Dubson. Milliners, have returned to Minbrmx and as Ihcy have many warm friends here their return wxll bc wdcomcd Baseball Match, best game of the Season, Hastings vs. Presb) tcnuus, in 11): Agricultural ’ark, MIHthR, on Friday, Sept. 3rd. at 2.30 p m. Ad- nnssion noc. Come and chccr our boys to victury. Mrs. Philhpx‘ and daughter. Miss Philhps, of Michigan, spent :1 (cwdap' during the past WC‘ck with Mrs. john Stcclc. r miss the grand Concert iay, ch’n Istâ€"lhg' best Miss Gertrude Clarke )5 visiting friends in Bcllcvillc. The Misses Elvy and Bertha Lock returned homg: last Monday after Spending a couple of wecks very en- joyabl) in Rochestcr wnh zhcxr rcla- mics, Mr. and Mrs. â€,lodd and other friends. Miss Pearl Nattrass IS wsning fricr’lds in Toronto. nporti :3 Notes next. p..gc. Mr. and Mrs john Homcr are: at- ,lcnding lhc Toronto Exhibmon. Miss Margaret Fair left this week to visvt fricnds at Toronto, Huxmlton, St. Cdztunucs and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wood. Bens- iurt, Wen: guc~ts uf Mrs. K. Nurse on Monday. track Film. -: . Bingham ‘is Vlsxting Okliu, Ont.‘ th, of Toronto the“: of Mrs. j. darkness is vxsnting ggï¬ï¬‚ï¬e‘i-Iowdcn at i. goéd “pkg; Ec'flaxim and rough this "7 Let u: draw 21 Vlesson :00 from the [E danger of “followmg afar oï¬" because. th It almost surely leads to dguial. Guard p l I read the other day of a boat that learned so large a whistle that it took all the steam to blow 2t, so, whenever it whistled it stopped running. There are too many people like that boat, the-1r whistle IS too big for their supply of steam. It takes all their energy to blow it To see a number Jf‘fhEs‘e'Chl'fs’ ï¬tehming about conven 1 mm harbor on revival inlet, and listen to the blowmg, you would think the Millemum had COmc. l , ’77-‘â€" --.v --ubi.lllllb llflll. Many a Peter of to-dny has found out that It is om: thing to be promin- ent in a rchgious mcctmg and quite another to be loyal to Christ when the torches of the enemy are in closa proximity. If profcssxon and practice. mad: men gr at some of us would be giants. If virtue lay in the good reso lution and not H) the execution many A: __~ 4. ,1) I - l’ctcr soon found out that x: was one thing to make vows, in the heaycn- ly atmosphcrc of the Upper room and quite anomcr Lhmg to pay thOSc vows 1n Gethsemane and zhc'judgcment haâ€. Again: ‘fPetcr follUch afar of?†“Though all men shall leave thee, yet willI never leave thee.†How little harmony here bctwacn profcs-non and practice. Thus we learn that loud professions of love and loyalty are not always ttr'bc~ rclxcd upon. But he must remember that Jesus was peerless both as a preacher and pastor. Peter was one of His favorites, though he was impulsive, and impru- dent and had much to learn. None of the disciples had given the Master so mUch concwn as he, he was thought less and mqursttive, givrng aclvrCe {without being asked, taking even the ‘ Master to task. The most scathing as Well as the most eulogistic words ever spoken by the Master Were spoken to Peter. He saw the “diamond m the rough.†He foresaw his dangers, told him of his enemy’s purpose, warned him, prayed for him. No man ever hadhetter teaching and better pastor- al care. and yet he fell. Let us not imagine that all people need to keep them from backsliding is faithful teach- ing and Conscientious‘pastoral care, Peter’s experience teaches us better. “The best uf men are» but men :1! hcst,“ And no man of’us Is “thor- oughly furnished.†Each prcachcr and ' trachcr will present the gospcl largely ‘ from 1115 mm pmnt of yxcw, and human wants arc: many and varied. ll 15 not an easv thing to gn'c to each his “portion of meat In due season" and In know just when to give “milk†and when meat. We become discouraged sometimes when Wc Sec members of our congregation and members of our classes drifting away and “followmg afar off†and well may We become concmncd. â€Then a man may hackslidc “'th hinged with the must faithful and cl‘ï¬uicnt gospel tcachmg and pastoral care. The power of lcadershxp xnvnlves tremendous responsibility. Rxghtl)’ usul, the nian who wwlds becomes a captain of lhc Lord’s hosts. Wrongly usul he becomcs a power for evil aw- ful to contcmplutc. There: Is no ofï¬- cial posnion, and no time In life liUWchl" ndvanvcd when a man canl Cunsidcr himself safe from sin. Angels' snmcd m lmavcn. Adam sinned In Paradise. David smncd thongh sm- rounded by holy th'nga l’ctcr sinned m thc very prescnce of Imus. “'l‘hcrc- l'nl'c‘lct lnm that lexkcth he stzmduh Sic." 'l'hcn Scniority and high position in the church docs not ensure against falling into sin. Peter was the: ï¬rst chosen of the Apostles. He was also their recognizw leader He: was of the inner circle of Christ’s friends. His eyes had been pcrmittcd to see and his cars to hcar things that Were dcm ed the rank and iii: of the: disciples His fall was therefor: all the more disastrous. For atimxd and doubting one: to full hack would not be much to? The lessons of “Peter’s Pall†may be gathered by Considering two things, 15: ‘\\ ho It “as that fell’ and 2nd Ho“ hc fell. l‘irst then, who fell? Peter r. The followmg is a synopSIs of the Sermon dclhel'cd by the Rev. W. P. Rogers, B. A. on Sunday :vcning last m the Mxllbroox Methodist Church. 'c-xtâ€"Matt. XXVI. : 58 8: 74. Peter’s Fall. the On Saturday evening the Rev. Mr. Clarry and family, accompanied by Rev. Mr. Hopkins were entertained at the Milwrook parsonage by Rev. \V. P. and Mrs. Rogers. Rev. Mr. Hopkim remained over Sunday and preached missxoncry ser- mons on the Cavzuwflie Circuut to the dclight and proï¬t of large congrcga tions. - U rrflewaw. .u Avultb- Mrs. Clarry proud herself to he an ideal hostess. 'l‘c-a was served at nine o’clock. after which reminiSCenses were indulged in until the early morning hours. In the morning the parting came again, when Mesus. Snell and Robins returned home by C.l’.R., and Messrs Whattam, 1):; Mills and Young drove to Millbrook, and after calling on their ‘ old friend, Rev. W. 1’; Rogers, B. A., took train for home by CT. R. f 1) want Landing, his prescnt hcld. ‘ In: the ï¬rst time smcc their ordin- ation the class and last Friday evening at 1hr: parsonage at (.‘axanwllc, thc home of their class mate, Rev. J. N Clarry, B. A. ( nminv,‘ from thc East and W est and \uth and South alter a separation of six years, they had man) interesting L-xpcrienccs to relate. J Sunday, June 7th. 1903, was a red lcttcr day in thc ll\'cS of such young llllcl) in the Bay of ()uintc Conference. It was the occasion of their ordination to thc: ofï¬ce and work of the Christian Ministry. Rev '1‘. J Edinison, who has since been called to his long home, ,was then President. The Ordination: 'Class consisted of Rcvs R A. What- tam, W. A. McKim Young, ]. U'l Robins. (I. \V. DcMilIc. B. A , Chas. F. Hopkins, Isaac Sncll and J. N. Clarry. OlthCSc, ï¬ve still remain and1 labor in the Bay of Quinta Conference. Mr. Young, soon after his ordination, want to the Manitoba Ci,)l1fcl“ll)CL', and Mr. Hopkins to Alberta Confcrcncc whcrc he labored four years at White Whalc Lake: and two years at Atha- lmsm Landing. his Drt‘ï¬t‘nl mm 5 Mr. Joseph Bums is attcndmg the Toronto Iixlubltxou Mrs. H. R. Armstrong is visiting her parents at Ripley. Mr. \Vxlfrcd (Elliott, of the Bank of Toronto, Keene. was home over Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sisson, of Peter- boro. were gllcsts of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘. Harkncss. over Sunday. Mrs. Herb Ixcsnolds is \iutin" at the home of Mr. \rchic Reynolds, Sprmmillc. Messrs. Frt-d Smith, J. Clarke. N. Lock and Robt. Nurse left last wcck fortlm North Wcst. \Vv: wish them .1†success. Miss gimme Munroe. 01'0“" has secured the position of Snflcs’ Rcstaurant. Mr. I. E. Nccdham has a stock of corn with 30' cars of com thereon. \\ ho can heat It? Mast†Walt vr H trkncss ntmnrd .ns't \wck after a plcasant Visit “ilh his friends In l’ctcrlmm and Otonubee. The many friends of Mr. Plumes wxll be pleased to Icarn that he is re cox‘crinq from his rccmt injury. Master \Vakw Harkncss n-tm'nr'd Rav. (Z‘F. ankinc, of Athabasca Landing, Aim, dincd at thc parsonage on Monday, after which he took the 12 4o tram for pmnts North. Mr Hopkins is an old fricnd of bath Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, they having spent two ycars at (30â€ch together. Dramation Class Re-Unlon Mrs. jns Todd and bubc \Vcrc town yesterday. The Children's Song. p. I ; 'V'imi Laxnpadu, p. 395; The l’rivnlu of the Buffs, p 359: Mm First Spring Day, p :7; Autumn Woods, 1). 103; To thc: Cuckoo, p. 196; The Maple. p. I41 : Hcat, p. 128; Aladdin, p. 247 : Dost Thou Look Back on What Hath â€cell? 1). 289. from “ In Mcmorxamâ€; Mysterious Night (Sonnet), p. 394: On his Blindness (Sonnet), p. 393; The Harp that Once through Tara’s Halls, p 174 ; Ruccssional, p. 409 For High School Entrance Ex- amination 1910. SELECTIGNS FDR k He has aClllchd SUCCcss who has hwnlwdl, laughed often, and loved [HUGHâ€"T who has gamed the: respect 0! intelligent men and the love of little: ‘chxldrcn; who has ï¬llcd his niche and accomplished his task; who has lull the world better than he found it, whcthcr by an improved poppy, a peril-ct poem. or a icscucd soul ; who has nun-r laskt-d appxcitxtion of thc Earth’s hczluty or failcd to express it ; who has nlwms looked for the bust in others and gchn the hcst he: had; whose hfc was an inspiration ; whose mcmon/ is a bencdiction.â€"A. _] Stun- lc-y. Truly the above could ht: Sfll(i ol thc: lute Win. Archcr of Millbrook. NEW ONTARIO IV. READER I know of no better advice to give in conclusion than the. words of holy writ, "Let him that thinketh he stand- cth take heed lcst ht: fall †and, "Ab- stain from all appearanCc of EVII†that thus you may be faithful unto death. jealously against any feelingthat would ' cnablc you to feel at nomee Whllc con wClUUSl)‘ at a di~tamzc from the Master. \thn a Chrxauau begins to mum lmn self at the world’s lllc he IS in lmmm cnt danger ol‘denymg hlS Lord. When u (.flm‘uan lwgms to ha‘ng around harrooms and ball rooms he better look wall to his spiritual lift: because he is m glcut danger of lalhng if ha: has not fallcn already. I have never yet been able to understand why so manv Christians run the risk. If there “a: auylhlng worth whilc to be gained 11 we ran the risk successfully It would be: different. But their is nothing to 3am and cvcrylhmg to lose. SUCCESS. MEMORIZATIGN. 11 Sum d, Clerk at Miss Maud PICKUP sang a solo in the Presbyterian Cliurc-h (m Sunday awning to the delight of all present. A marxcd improvement in her former execllent voice wits notiCcd, \"hu‘ll shows that she is progressmg in her musical course at“ thc mecrvatory of Musxc, Toronto. ' ' ‘ H] Hardware Merchant, Successor to J. 5. FEAIR. Agricultural Wrenches HARVEST TOOLS, Grindstones Fixtures, Green Mountain Scythe Stones ' AND FILES, A Am: -..u....-1' 11-7-- _ PRINCIPAL. His Honor, Judge Benson. (Zmnumx H. 8. Bomb, (Notc)“-l"m' the accommodation of out-of town pupils. the schoul wxll open at 9.15 A.M. each Monday. BRNKOF TORQN?Q A Savings A0001 mt Students are prepared for Junior and Senior Matriculation, Junrorand Senior 'l‘cachcrs. Royal Military Col‘ lcgc. and forth: Cormucrciul Mploma Examinations. ' Further information will '11:: gladly furnished by thi- undersigned. The members of the std? Graduates and Spccmhstsï¬nf icncc. ' 'llle results of the rCCcnt Depart- mental exannnations show this school ‘0 bc One of the most successful In tllc Provmce. - at 9-15 a m. All students should be Ullulland lhc~ ï¬rst day if at all possible. This Bank is Safe Th3 PORT ‘BPE HIGH SCHUUL . E. Snider, B. A Your Money is too Valuable TUESDAY, SEPT. 7th. In this Bank for your spare moncy will prove to you-â€" S:\l"l‘3..â€"(;'(msi(lcx the ï¬gures given above. l’l{(‘)l"lil‘x\_l%l.lC.~~-Intcrr>t is‘ pmd on all Savmgs Ilalnnccs. (f0N\'l£I\'lliN'l‘.~ Money may Lu.- adch to your lln'cstmcnt at any time. Becausa it IS govcrm'd on safe and wise principles. It is strong with the rxpcrichc of our so years of :u-tivc blls‘inuss in (funnda. Dunn; these years of steady growth a Reserve Fund of $4.500.oco, being $500,000 larger than [he ('npital, has been accunmlutvd. and the Hunk Hcver rcmins on its books a smglc had or doubtful (IL-ht un- prm‘idcd for. To leave in the home. where burglars, thieves or ï¬re may take It fmm you, or to invest it with doubtful Institutions or In l‘lsky spun- latitms that so often in lhn- past have robbed man of their hardly canned Wealth. will rc-upcn fur the With a Complete Stock of Capital $4,000,000 Reserve 4,500,000 Assets 89,800,033 Machine Oil and Oilers, * Manilla Hay Fork Rope. OI) Incorporated 1 8 5 Omemee Br., B Grout, Mgr. L J Mflww mm are all exper PETERBORO Busine‘és College. GEO. SPOT'I‘ON, PRINCIPAL Wt““‘“‘$“"§“ ‘Qv‘Q “$%“‘%“v‘â€â€œâ€˜ï¬$$~“ for 80 cents. For the Most Beautiful Designs m IEWELRY, CHINA. CUT GLASS Go to J. Steele’s. Graduates of two years ago are now earning $2,000 per annum. Three ¢1n‘sesâ€"â€"COM.\IER- CIAL, VSTI‘JNOGRAI‘IIY AND 'I‘El.g(;RA§Hv. $8,90, At J. STEELE’S. - A 20-year, gold- ï¬lled WATCH, with Ameriâ€" can Movement, for Other schrmk engage our graduates as tcaChch. A spucml course for teachers. Plusiciun and Suâ€"ngcuu, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO. Ofï¬ce in Turner‘s Drug Smre. “‘ The demand for our grad- uates is THREE TIMES Lhc’ supply. .Over one thousand stu darts cmullcd by our chain last )car. It pms to attend 'azlmk of (his great (hain, {qr “m L.\I()1\.' 1111.1st 5': RENGTH.†Fall Terjn Opens Aug. 30. The Mirror Writefor particulars. . Montgomery, £3 TO ]AN. 151:, 1910, To New Su bscr' be: s. 'lhe senices of such wodd rehow n_ed arilsts as ‘ ~ Bert Harvey, C. LeRoy Kenny, Miss o. Dickens eon, of Toronto. in the Town Hall on Friday, 'Oct 0 ssusw‘sssus‘sswm‘o . s9~t““ ‘ “‘ . "' The Biggest and Best Exlnbition avg held 1n"M~« conclude wuh (In: Sucinty‘s Annual ' A’a GRAND - CONCï¬m‘ 6Ҡ.w...) umugm mamon and 30f!115';;~15 0‘19â€.“ 1 V3, 2 $6, 3 $4- The Military VJhe'el Tlia-ESFO‘TECf the 3rd Cavalry, composed of 9 teamï¬'; Wlflgï¬arade for inspection by Col. Young. D.A-A.G-"-“ Hinh Stepher in Hnrnn=s_19t $3 on 2114 $6 30 3' l‘zumcxs’ â€slurnoutâ€"I t “s8 00. 2nd :6 oo 3n: $4 05, Heavy Dr: uvm Stalli on and 3of hls'ggts of 1905:. I a; FIRST-0L5 SS BAND tha ’ has eV ’91" been " DIST Lu l _ V others, have been secured to} {Ul'nlSh the program J?! in the Ag1icu1tura, 1 Park, kg ~03}: B CO. E: CETTLE, .’ SHFEP. POULTRY, 8 WI N E, . 1813, at 8 pm nab-t"; tEs _3I'd $4 ow 'rook will Wk Lani, Mrs. 1’0 3; ‘ . "7:" we: when: sh " (cm aubrance Ibis town 5] lea-awed rel; and particula: Mrs john! havc nciux'ue H huh-Jay wuh I ,and were ace ‘ her mother. i‘“ who WI“ be th ' Vi _ Miss “innh 1 L T. A. Macphe 2' 10 onto altez lathe: on '1‘th Mr and H15 daugmc: he! Mr. Fn, Id} 90 ‘3 cuntsda‘ he in uh: A when Mai-1x- sons in 0'30 j; Get you r p G. .2? â€(.113211': lmn- \« PM , ms. ti. 1. McLean and chï¬dwn ‘ ofMt. PicaSaut. were t « he gdcszs gilt their many Omemce 111}:st week. ' ‘ I. 4 residence on Sturgeon Strek . am Wu! board ,wuh some pzï¬dh (““3 Mrs john Bennett an. ’ chimps: ha»: {clunltd from a picma n huh in mm benelon Fa}. snicz: :s ~.aud we: :2 accompamed huuzc i\ her mother. Mrs. Ham-4mg m1. who Will be their "nest fa: ' {link- 4 ' Miss Winnie Beatty, Millinerat T A. Macphcrson 8; Co. '5 is m . (canto attending: the â€Lu.“ ,a O;enmgs. a; >-. 3* Mr. \\ E‘ liott. Inspector of P *3“ S. in iuzomo w sa "ms: 0: 1:29 lathe: on lhursdzu. pietcd his L‘tdlcllt (outrags .' {humus}; Mrs. J. A. \‘Cylic took th: “2'3"; on Saturday morning fox :1 m. day with friends in Toromo. Rev Mr. Ferguson. Pc'er2>0:: ï¬'bo has been heard here or: {1-3: get 9ccasions. delivered a set: ' gflfom the pulpit of the Presin’ir' â€Ian Church on Sabbath atte: a: “f. {ardimz prh-nï¬nal Mr. .Iardine, Principal ' 29(- ~ 1’qu School, has ciOscd . hi3 ion: 5: R. 5111’ «u a. wuyu: UK (12155 1.151 \s‘cm. Thesad news of the dcntle hislau: wife’s mother in Albert; waswnrcd to Mr. \\. “... _'!£1Xdi1v hst chk.1he intclmcnt 101’ plaa: at Manitoulin. ’11:: chcdSu I‘dy, Mrs Potts, has vista! 0:. we: when: she id; man, happx rcmtmbrancw and her friends :21 lhls town synpalhazc “uh-- 112:1 lercaVcd xcla. was and {Ilsa-.1; and particularw Mr .ardinc. Mr. T. \‘V. McLean v. as his old home at Mount i [or a cough: of dd) s 1.15: u Miss Sarah Adams. axe of popular young ladlcs, 1:2â€: l’hdadclghn. “Len: 54: h»: capted a posxtmu. \ ’hotos 4 S Mrs. L. “’llson Went up Toronto on lucsda} {or d with illcuds. t as The poison route {or dogs Ea become popular again 10 Outth a (no of cuumcs having gone ‘ur the dump' iust weak. stcus:3 is I: mess. Mr and Mrs. 50m: Morton, LiLdmy, arc calm: on {llcntizé â€(Jmcmcc. Mr. Tom Henderson left! W:St last. weak. Mass Daxidson has gem Montreal foraso;oum of J or Wacks. Mr. Harry Beatty toe}; train Saturday {or a few day-5' \iéit his {miner homc town, 'i'wtcd Eir. and 11.5. Kimpton and I Klmpton. ot \\’oou>:0ck. are guesxs 01 “(5. Cun‘}. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raw-an. Greysto It. were an the nil: ova Sunda . Mrs. “'allace and her son, xx have been the guests of her we er, Mrs. Duran. took the “ Ru: on Monday mowing for their ho; ,n 2. Paul. Jinn. On 'rxiday, Mr. j. A. W made a business trip to Paul; Rev. H Earle who is sup; ing as Rector in the Parish ()mcmee, was a visuo: to law: last week. h Wcu‘ nesdax raidence latcï¬r-occupicd b} hrdine ou‘Sturgcon St. E. Ernie Macpherson isâ€; bigat the Toronto In lusum ,V VI) this-week. ' REsh-imo Bu'lletiu as pï¬ntcd ï¬e Amie Circle at Cape Princc 315.9" It is issued «My w" ‘ 1s amt! to be chuck It claxms to hav: the ' ’fintheArcticzno. Wake: to “ml: OMEMEE Dr. Frederick J. Sneign 13.11.. 51.3., nuns 0.. PH \'SICL-\N. _, SC KG 1. â€"â€"-()BS'(‘ETR1(IIANâ€"â€"â€" ANNIE \V. IVORY, TEACHER, Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared (or Examinai Terms Moderate. OMEMEE NEWS. a“! Kt Mrs \‘x'aitcr Bro-u; Kane, accouzpam etc {or Vino-nu. : photos taken at \\ :1: Studio, 170 Chg: rtvthoro, near G. '1‘ The" are the Ms: ? Lmus‘ay, has to mull: contragis .and '.â€"If “icy lntcn ’Spapudum ONTAR hzldrer “36' san for 1h