Mr. 'l‘hos. Hunter and son. Hufuld, M’crc visnors to the exhibition at Pet- crboro on Samrday. JILLS, MILL- ng leased the repared .to do 13,: . aiso bran nd c rse grain,- teed A trial Soliciial. Sat- i.. faction gua ra Mead . MP. and Mrs. .Wm. 33mm “'ch at Fort Erie last week, where they “’ch the uncsts of Mr. and :\!-s A. T. 13'1â€)“. They also visizcd Lizc fair :11 Toronup. --â€"â€"- Mr. R. I. P-attérsm},-Qf Ops, was m mn last wcqx. ‘v--..~ Reeve T. A. Kelly alfï¬lmlC‘l lb?“ _-Exhlhnion at Pctcrburo. Saturday. l Messrs. Henry Mulligan and ,_l- R Eakins. and Dr. F. Mulligan Wt‘l‘c 1hr -gucsts of Mr..and Mrs A. J- Mulligan "at Cleveland, Ohio, recently. 311w)? had a delightful vtnp. l .‘Millbrook Fairâ€"Just one ch'k (run. to my and tomorrow. The Ladies Aid of the Prcsbytexian Church WI“ SCH": Hot Dinner and Ta! :35 usual in the Dining Hall at Vthx Exhibition Grounds, M lllbrook, (m wï¬Fï¬day. October 15:, at 25¢. per meal. ' " Mrs. Shaw, of Otonabcc, is :1 chSI :of Mr. and Mr; N. Henry. ‘Mis‘ B. Payne is a guest of M155 M i Winter at Ottawa. ' 'Mlss M. Eakms has been the chSL 401' ‘l'orouto friends the past week. Rev. Dr ï¬lm-st: of B rcCcmly. aoaro Fair on Saturday. ! D IVER FOR ISA‘I..15~â€"_.-\lg-t)od; ‘ ar old roadster huts: tor sale. - PAYNE. Mnllbrcmx. ~' TALL C()RN.â€"-.\'IY. Wm. ,VaHCc’} glefla stock of corn in oursmctum last. week that just touches {helm-1w: fool cci'ing. It is the second growth atlhuï¬ Who can beat 1! P Reeve T. A. Kelly attcncicd thc‘ ‘Exhlbltion at Pctcrburu Sntm‘dnv- w. w. EVANS,- r and Mrs. Yuunr wen. the Mr. and Mrs. ;R. \1'.Ll;1rkc x- I A. 5|!Mï¬unagsr of the: game, was a visitor to 'l‘cr Egg‘vu'p to 1‘th11720 last but In a new school, Alla. “c «Wish her 'ance has been 1: clcct Postqmstcx > Assoc :- u‘ssxon. . tton has sold two of- "g hackncys for oycr mum, of Sunni]: Z!‘.wp., on, of Jakcï¬cld, ï¬llet! was in Tlfuronto 1C011 he [ï¬n-Y, "amt: aster, 2 :5. Thus will be} waned to a ' Ncw York. .3: was 1,115 KIKGC Nears. ken W. R170 Char- CEU' {Go T. . .0! Regina, Mrs. William t - - The eve-mug suhject was “ Redeem. the best. in; the Tune.†After pointing out the Clllldan's I {act that the long autumn and winter 3 ‘evemngs were at hand. bringing with playwrame lithem hours of leisure. the preacher sdav -g “’13“! “1058 present ' ' ’ v- ,‘ 15: to econonnse their tune H be Ff ya“ “ 3nd to systematrze thcrr work. 3rd to chltivatc the habit of reading “good htelmtuire _ . gmed to at 4th ,to never drssnmte. New York! And in concluston to talc: Christ F: “3'15 Ins; With them epperywhere the ' go and in ".66 ~Yt:;r'5. E5111 they do. ~ I 31:35:13,; I'l'he services next Sunday, all day. , , ,E; m“ be specml, xt bcmg the Annual , Rally Day and Flower Sunday. The I mornxng subject wrll be .“ '1 be Sunday etexhoro .’ School as a Means of Grace,†and the ;e\'ennrg subject, 1"l‘he M mum; of the F 5’) er, 1 Beautiful, a Lessun front the HUWCIS-’ Charge in the afternoon the Sunday School essrs. wrll rally on the lawn at the Superm- ; g, Ila;;tertderat‘s home, and march to the Messrs. : Chm-ch. A good programme wrll he :W cm.- ’ngen. Special mustc all day. 'l l 'elves m During the past week the various allrsorlyISometjes of the Church which have 1 "CD. but I been closed for the summer months, 1‘ shes for ' have resumed then work On Monday g st. eVenrng the Sentor League was re- {( ‘ I: on l opened, and a yery enjoyable time was { ~d alspent by old members and new. A! INN)“ moummme \vasglyen at the be: ‘tmg gnnnng, followed by a sacral tune, {q .tpe. I when the executive not only extend- ~l ehigh ed a glad hand to the old members,’ 'tock but also gt .warm M'elcorne to the new; w] .ahd ones. the Socml Connmttee did then u i work WCâ€, and should take great credrt V ‘ 40 themSeh'es for the .(lumtv lunch afternoon h._( r12 prietor, on: We as § "323.5th pom-y [or good m a few TEENS- On Friday evening the jun. League and Mission Band also resumed their work. Their ï¬rst meeting was 151mg:- umrly interesting, being entirely in charge of the boys. They prpvided the lunch and Served it, also furnish- ed the program. The few elders who were so fortunate as to be admitted, enjoyed the novelty as much as the boys themselves. The little girls were- the guests of the evening. If these luniurs continue as they have started Millluook Methodist Church will have a band of yojang people which WI" he . .v... up which they sent-d at the conclusion Last Sabbath the Pastor preached morning and evening. El‘hc subiect of ,tghc morning (hscqurac was “ The Class Mcgt‘ng as a Means of Grace.†It ‘ must have .bcen cyrdcnt .to all present “that christian men and women are losing much that gqcs to make up _,ch,nstq;1,n Me and character by neglect- ,mg this means of grace. .vlabbll U the general management. It always pay; to do your best. We: Wish Man- ager Leach continucd success The Traders Bank has opened a new branch at Chapleay, Ont, and ; We are pleased to notice .that Mr. H. R. Leach, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leach, MHIbrook, has been appointed Manager. Harry is to be congratula :tc-d upon his promotion, which 15 well deserved, as he has been most pains- taking in all his duties connected with the Bank, and his rapid nse from one posnion to another was forscen by â€in nun-urn] ...n.-..‘_ W Miss Ahmed. of Iakcï¬cdld .“as a gurst of MiSs ‘Illmnpson last “Heck I Mr and Mrs. Isaxah Magee and } daughlcr, Miss I )orecn, of Emily. ware guests-of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Fallis, ._of the Fallis Linc, ovcr Sunday. Messrs. Wm. and Cccfl (use). of Bcthcl, Emily, were in town Saturday, on busmcss. Messrs. C. F. Thompson and H. B. A'Ilcn Wc-rc wsiturs to Toronto and the: Exhrbition. ‘ Muss Mabec was a visnor bow on Saturday. Reeve Gwen and Messrs and A. Hunter wcrc m 1’: Friday. M155 Lila .Clarke 15 vnsntmg friends fnqnds ‘at Newcastle. ‘zu .umouk. I'II'JHC 35' Mnjand Mrs G A. Duncan, Cam. and Mrs. Leach, Mrs. ([)r.) Burnham, Mrs (Dr) Days“ and (knights): Miss Kuï¬hlrcn, Wcrc .visxlors to l’clcrboro on Friday. Methodist Church Notes; The: Misses Marguerite Grenyer and;1,(jochranc Wcrc \;is:tors to Peter boro on Monday. Call and See A. Payne's W LADDERS. They an: thc strm and best made. Ofï¬Cc oppoaitcl hall, Milllxook. â€"â€"â€" ‘ UV, of Bethany, announc- es her Millinery Openings :for September ‘28 :29“ .‘â€â€˜â€œâ€˜ MISS EAKINS AL’ Mr. and Mrs R jxwlu wen: m town on Mundny. ' Among the nuturs to Pctcrhuro on Frxday ani Smun a; mu: Mr. and .\1rs.]03cph Hmnmun, Mr. and Mrs. R. ]. Falhs. Messrs. A. Payne, James Henry, I. Rachardsun, ]. Donaldson, j. Hales, W. Rapcr and I. Chm-to. 5 ll! the .dzimty lunch gunning an(_ arm in a i >1CS€TS.I. Dawson m I’ctcrboro on lht: stmugcï¬ Oppmitc town to ,Puter- I Special to .the Mirror. ' Mr. 1.. Morton rs the man to tvrcah I whxlc Mat and Edward {egg} their horses fancy outs. (is: your scnings 533’ eggs for {next : Sear from Mr. l’udscy. Hr: certainly E 41.38.8111: has; 1:595. He gc;s 5 dogcu , eggs a day. The Millbrook Methodiw’. base ha†1:: are patiently awaiting the prom- lscd visit of the Bethany mun. Omemrc will he we‘lcï¬mt’d 3‘ any time, too! Wnte Sec. F. W. Bumhanl and arrange: datcs. I‘ll! in a race on Saturday 1:15: the: lime Mad Harm .Crczlm Left the bxg soryc! bchmd. 1.001: T J Opt for straulurm SPORTING CIRCLES. I gmééa |l FARM FOR. SALE 0’; '1‘0 KEN] -â€"â€":oo gems, being the Easy: half 1.0; n. (Jon 3, .Cava‘n. 5011 good clay loam, good buys: and barns, .t.\\'o‘ good orchards, wall watered. good hinges. pm; my}; song!) of Mlllbmnk. Terms easy. A. RAYSE, Mxllbmok. ___ - vyvll‘ travels on Sunday, September 19, which .wns greatly appreciated. Not only his own Church people but the whole community are glad to welcome him and Mrs,‘ Allen home again. I Rey. Rural Dean Allen gave his congregations a talk on his recent DIEDâ€"In the Township of Hope, on Friday. Sept’r 17th, Margaret 'l‘rew, beloved wife of james Trew and mother of Saun’l Trew of Oshawa, aged 61 years. The funeral on Sunday to the Oak Hill Cemetery, wasthe largest ever seen m the district, the cor- tege being over two lmles long. \\-’e extend our sympathy to the bereaved xclutives m tlns time of sornow. I IRE home of Dr. and Mus. Cï¬xl'lice‘ Miss Minmc Nattrassis Vlsi Lindsay fncnds. Miss Lottie Cadc is home of Dr. and Ms. Mr. (I. H. l’cnrt, of Shelburne, and Mr. W. R. l)ccton,of Bcllcville. sccur cd large orders from Mr. Wm. Gillott on Monday for high class furniture. The brick: IS a neice of Mr. Christa of Millbrook The joms in cxtendmg best \nshcs happy young couple. Int: Misses \‘crricrs and Mrs. Rochun, besides many othrrs. The young couxnc left for the east lllfhursdav.and after the honeymoon will take up residence in Winnipeg. Both parties are well known In (fal- qary. Mr. Fox havmg been for a num- ber uf ycars connected with Bradslrccts commercial agency, both here and at Edmonton, and afterwards wnh other big enterprises hen: â€"Albcrta Stand- arqfflul rScpt. 81h. Mr. and Mrs. Fox Were the rccrp tents of numerous handsome presents, Including a handsome silver cabinet from the hrxde’s mother,’ a substantial cheque from her father and a srlver chocolate set from R. H. Walker; dainty hand-painted coï¬â€˜ee set from Mr. and Mrs Lloyd; cut glass pxtcher and goblet from the brrde’s grand mother and uncle (I. H. jacques; half dozen cut glass dishes tron) Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jacques; hundszmre cut glans berry bowl from M r.Vass;1w, of Mich- tgan; tabie hnen from her aunt, Mrs. Vassaw, of Michrgrtn; piece ot cut glass from her brothers George and Harry ;grandfather’s clock from Mrs. ]. 1‘3. jacques. Berlin ; cushrons from the Mtsses Verriets and Mrs. Rochon, besides many others. Wudncsday night witnessed the eel cbrauon of the nuptials of Neil R Fox and Miss Wmnifrcd Alberta )ucqucs, at the home of the bride’s parents, 21:: 'l‘hlrtccnth avenue east. The ceremony was a qmct and a pretty one and was follmvcd by a splendid supper m ‘1in 3‘- about thirty friends or the young couple attended. The Mirror joins With a host of friends of the contracting [)fll‘tiL'S In wuhmgthcm long Me and prospcrily. -f:rns and evergreens. the: groom im~ mediately taking his placc at her side. 7“)†were unattendrd At 2 p m., to the lively strains of the Wedding Bells March, skilfully played by Miss H. L9urfney < {(Mnemee, the bride, leaning on the arm of her father who gave: her away, enzcred the parlor imd took her plan: under an arch of \V. P. Rogers,‘B‘ A" ofï¬ciating, the ceremony being performed in the presence of about 40 guests. A very pretty wedding was solemn- izcd at the home of the bxide’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J‘ B. McMahon, Mar- shall St., Mtllbrook, on Wednesday, Sept 22nd, when their daughter‘ Miss Charlotte P3,, was united in marriage to Mr. Hilliard Lang, son of Mr. and Mrs; Fryd Lang of Cavapr â€PC REV- MLLIS um; I *viii’n‘ "VQ \ LL15 HALE, \ - Mirror. Lon Is the man tg t weal) FOL-J ACQUES. :17 guest at [he of Mr. James McMAHON. The Mirror Ll'ke. Visiting her :nship of ‘t’r 17th, ‘ Wlfp nl' - Parlslan Sage. that most elï¬clent of :st at the ml huir restorers. js a very delightful (e. and refreehlnu hulr dressing. Besides . possessingLhesegnahties it will poai lsmnghcr tirely make any wmnun’s halr sun, luxuriant and attractlve. A. Leach , sells nand will return your money if lShID of yonarediasatiefled. 1' 17th, Just read this : "After using one but- wife of .Lle of Parisian Same, I now have a he!- - . , ter urnwth ofhnir and I found your 'l 53W] Hair Restorer pleasant to use, After ; years, the ï¬rst application, the dandruff dis- [hc Oak appeared and my halr stopped falling l' G ‘ out, and it has been restored to Its nat- ‘lro‘SI Ural color. I now recommend your he cor- Parll‘mtn Sage to all my lady friends. 5 long. â€" .ome Realnlll Mt. Hope Ave . Ro- to â€w cheater, N. X. to the WWdC-J’s'smm A 20'Year 9 o \ mam->352 For Room 5 We have a 1 (mm. “’eh ’rrunks’ SH“ VVhlps,1'{ngs the lowest. and Harness \ 533353;}Wafl Paper. “'HICH “'31 men. 'Fh admirer o J. 170 R Ul Issuer O ss‘s‘q u-___v-J, 4.1.1.. U. Physician and Surgeon, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO. Ofï¬ce in Turner’s Drug Store. :. ‘\sxmssss~sssm . A THE LADIES' FAVORITE. WHEREVBR PAR-lglAN SAGE IS KNOWN 1T ms THE CALL use. - qutgomery. 171735 You cannot afford to be Without a LITTLE HUDSON APPLE PARER : and a Russwin Food Cutter is a great money saver. ' «1- LANG 'Ots. Shoes and Harness. â€â€˜1: 3.1arge stock to pick Shave a large stock of . 6m: Cases, Club Bags, Rugsand Dusters. Prices (11“ u > Millbrook Branch: The AMMUNITION, AXES AND HANDLES ,._-v-..n â€" - uuuv Regï¬irmg .of Bovts while vou wait. ASSETS REST AND RESERVE FUNDS DEPOSITS I’AI D-UP-CA I’I'I‘AI. 86 88888889, nvites Personaland Business I to place at the dispoml of gained during more ‘thuu growth and successful bankiu ACCUUnts, and is pleased â€'5 CUstnmcrs the facilities balm-Century of continuous g Scmce in .Canada. .n the Savings Dcpartnmn aCL‘Ounts may be opened ,er small .or large sums at an . )’ ï¬lm; and interest is added to all balances “Vice an )‘ear , Millbrook. H. A. SIMS, Managua tpecial intention givm to .F; ale Notes supplied free of onublc rutcs. oint Accounts- may be Opeucd {tom may be withdrawn Wï¬ith er of [W case of the death 0! 011m ’3' the sm GENERAL HARDWARE M ILLBEBOOIK. I Incorporated I, IN \M «3mx""11n. Highest iMarket I'iPIne Paid /W W. Evans For the Most Beamifq! Designs m IE\VELRY,CHINA. CUT GLASS Go to J. Steele’s. “â€â€œ$Qp§$â€sï¬ï¬mm BUCIKWHEA’I‘ MILLBROOK. /\ Phone 42‘ FLOUR 8; FEED MERCIIAN'L . “--“.s“ssams.s“ . I . wh Ich w A wife, one son, Nelson, and (me daughter, Mrs (KL-v.) Friuell, hum of \Vuslnngtun, arc lcl‘t to mourn his loss, and to whom the lwurlfclt Sl'mpathy of the entire (‘ommunity IS extended. The funeral on Tuesday, the 2152, to (Zunlincr's (imnctcry, was largely attcndvd, the SL‘l'VlCCS hung conducted by Rev. Mr. Rogers. (By request)I Miss Ethel Richardson rsang a 'solo, l ._,l,, W , ,A WOOL WANTED, Late Wm. Williams To knuW Mr. Wllhams was Vt‘o'love hm). “,5 stirling honesty and high ideals was cxznnplcs for anyone to follmv. On Sunday, there passed away at his home here, one of the oldest and most hxghly rcs;.~ccted resxdcnts of Millbruox, m the person of leliam \Vilhams :11 lhr' age of 88 years, 7 months and Jo days. Deceased was a faithful member of the Mcthodxst Church, .md, u'zaxl wnhm a few \VceK'; ago, hc uucndt-r? the mormng servxccs, walxmg if) m Church and home. 'erc: ’s Ul’ V , “'1 was appropriate for the occa- 1‘1w me Mr. \‘xllhams was an 7 of Miss Rachardson’s singing. CROSS CUT SAWS Charia'ï¬, and Loans made at reas- FOR SALE. Omemee Branch : ’-'1‘()-l).l'1’li jliWELl of Marriage â€(senses MILLHRO.()K, STEELE’S cm which the money two pcrsons. and m sundvor of .lhcm. J. 1:. L G 1855 .Btlsiness. IROU 1'. Manager. $4,ooo $39,000,000 $ 4.727,000 $ 4,000,000 WELRY Bert Harvey. C. LeROY Kenny, Dickenson, of Toronto, in the Town Hall on Friday, Oct. lst The Biggest and Host Exhibition ever he] conclude with the Society’s Annual nlgn stepper In IIarnessâ€"â€"Ist $.09; 2nd $6 00. 3“} $4 00. rFarmcls‘ Turnoutâ€"mt $8.00. 3m! :0 00 3rd $4 00_ Heavy Drau;l:t Stallion and 3 of his 2x 15 0(1909, 1 $3, 2 $6, ,. The Nï¬litmmydvvfhgeâ€"lL Transporlt of the E Cavalry, compose o earns. Wil parade ; inspection by Co]. Young, D-AIAG. 0 “MQM§‘~s$“sҤ 0 Q sys‘ g“““ “.5†stepper m narnessâ€"-Ist 5‘00- 2nd $3.6 Fannels’ Turnoutâ€"lat $8.00. 3m] 56 on 3rd Heavy DraUglzt 8121113011 and 3 of his axis of 1909 High Stgpper in IIarnessâ€"-Ist $9.00. EX’ERQA ‘ FIRST-CLASS BAN IN ATTENDANCE ERAND CON $“‘ms\s‘s‘s‘\s§ss%s ss‘s- that has ever been Shown in this DISTRICT. and others, have been secured to furnish the PREMEUMS ’$"""$"'$:"" ’t'""â€"â€"""§' TROT OR PACE. PURSE $75 00. 181; $40. 2nd 820, 3rd $15. TROT OR PACE, PURSE $50. lst $25. 2nd 3315. 9...: 1n “‘%““‘~“““‘Q§‘~‘ The services of such wmld renowned MILLBROOK, EXHEEITION in the Agricultural Park, FINE ARTS, etc “have . twat!!!“ SHEEP, POULTRY pl‘Ogr dmme Ill 3rd 10. "“ss‘ss . Mtllbx‘ouk will 1989. [23mm] 3rd for 3'50 a buzuu'ully rcudcrvrd numb “It quarLct. The Church was, an the doors \vxth an apprcmativc cu 9.3502, The collections and on} “'¢'¢ liberal. ~ . Lent. Dr. McKinley. of â€esp Visiting at the Methodist Pinsou‘ The Harvest Home Thanks Services “'cfc held L13! Sablulh Lebanon Memodxst Church. Booth, of CrcSSWc“, preached cla sermons, mommg and cunning. Misws C. and H. Balfour sang sweetly a: bum scrum. The Endqu succual muslc Then Micp‘xcrsou Co’s Dress Dell. is replcte with selections "CW6“ and stylish goods. Mu dUSou IS head of this departmc shc will b: pleased to have her lfieuds call and inspect these date goods. You will savc am buying here, ()ur Baking Dept. is under :1; iem management of Mr. F In! and as upâ€"m datc. Mucphcrsou Brad, Cakes, etc.. have a wide ntion as being equal If no: sure any in the may. 'l‘hc great d‘ for our our bread from all the c Side proves that ifs quality is xigl that Mr. johnslou undermu. business thoroughly. Miss Eva Lamb has ta psition in the T. Eaton soxc. Towmo. \Vc Wis sucuss. A bus 1c: d of the 30mg .0! the town drow up to L on Mondzu cscnmsz Io " Faust." Mr. T. A. Jackson of F r. IS Calling on his Omcmcc f .\lr_ \\ . Miller, of Pctcrbo was In Umcmce on Manda! Our town offers great ages to a S'ctcrmary Sm slut: and applicanon. '1 no Opposmon and a sum aural district which offers Mr. and st. James 1 . visited with Mr. and Mrs McLean on Thursday. ï¬eld. Dr. Snelgrove has mov the Lesidence on Sturgeon lately occupied b ,- Princi; .dine. 1155 (Dr. ) Sutton Ictw 1 ..da awning how 3 vi: ’1 (1‘0 no friends. The Cox emment has a; Mr. I. A. \V'xlig, dxuggisl 9f den licenses {or this di Messrs P \IcAulzf’ .e, and and [aim Smith 5 of last neck 111 Toronto. On Sabbath aftcrr 00.1 pit of the Presbxtum. was occupied by Rex. Mr. Mr.Rohe.rt.\u15c-.of «Corners, “as m [out : exening. Mr. J. AJVylLe made tripto Toronto, and returned with him 01 evcmng. iss I. Bleasdcli is the guest of 11:! (Dr. ) Sutton. 9' -u’fl wear no oxhcr. Ca Macplerson C02. Om bcc sau pics and the mics: Those who wear “ I! M clathcs appreciate [In s: vu for: and st\ 1c. “av; 30! made by me “ HubL Mr. and Mrs. H. La .ed on Friday ex'cnin: f: MI. and Mrs. B chat l-‘axrbuix'n, of Lindsu. crs on Mr. and Mrs. T Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Amie! :gausmu, spent a 1cw Mr. and Mrs. Joe H1: The best stock we haw .Ury (30011., Rcauiy-na BJots 8: bhzus, (iwvui. \your servicc. We will 1; show you our gouds wire: .or not. '1'. A. Man-pin: Mrs. j. Morrison an‘ Miss Muriel, alc hoizd. Omcmec friends. Rev. MLEarle has «zed Rector of the On lately left vacant b) L ‘Ofkev. J. 11. Term} t4 ’loromo. We are makmga s fladtcs'. Miss‘cs and ( -h ales, whi (‘11 we are sching yrices. T .1....1r5:i: 10n1emcc.,t Mrs. Drinuan is sisiu‘ , iood hot meals wm‘ xthclhumg Hall at 1 Grounds. Millbmuk, 0: ast. by the Ladics Aid .bytenan Church. at 2 5 C Ivory's Grand Mil :ncxt Tuesdayaind folio â€"OBS'I‘E'I‘RI‘ ‘OMEMEE Dr. Frederick J ‘ B.A.. 51.3., M PHYSICIAN. Pupils prepared for, Terms Mo< OMEMEE ANNIE W. TEACH Piand and of