Our stack is the best ever shown in town. \Ve make all on: EHeavy Harness and Guarantee satisfaction. ‘A full line of Fur Coats, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Valises, c 3 Bank of Tomato. 3 Your Patronage is Solicited. “Repairing of Harness and Boms promptly done. Boots 85 Shoes to Please A11. T. J. LANG, l dad to the râ€"this is the :_â€"â€"you in re- FOR UP-‘l‘O-DA'I‘E JEWELRY. Doxology ..... Prayer . ...... ..................... .. 1353111174."... ...... . ........ Reading ............. ........... ...... Solo ..... ..............Miu Pickup Prayer ....... . ........ .......... ..... Hymn 85 .................... ........ Reading ...... . Anthem ........ .... ... . Sermon... Rev. Jag. Wilson, of Toronto ()fl'artory ...... ............... ...... S:,nlo..............Mr David 0! Toronto Hymn 449................................. Doxolozy . Pray" Hymn 474. Readmg ,. B!e§l!u2 ..-... n..---o.-‘ouu.o;.na on. Anniversary Services in Pres byterian Church, Sunday October Ztst. Issuer ol Mntriage Licsnscs, - Ml-LLBROUK. ricc. ’Phonc orders promptly Kc Wines and Liquors at the dad to. A. LEACH. Millbrook. J. STEELE’S. EVENING SEliV'Ii‘E. MORNING SERVICE, ... Mr. and Mn. Johnston -ln'x is now starting a 'iano Class m ."1‘0wn for lums, etc. on application In \lillbrouk. .. , Recessions], Mr. David LJas. Wilson of Toronto lit-my Strength MENTV Iade without wioid is the rld um ‘orn â€Yer ion. In “’3 the H cure inn of ’and Thnl’s whv cutnrrh is invariably cured by inhaling " Catanhozono.†The healing vapor spreads to evory pm of the breathing organs. Germ- intectmg the tissues orthe nose, throat and lung: are killed Nothing 1: left to cause inflammation Spot: that are sore are healed. Discharge In cleared away and catarrh becomes something of mo pa‘st. Use "Cut‘vrrlmzmxev’j and your newer: is guaranteed. I‘Wu sizes 350, gum $1.90 #1 gal! ‘19“‘3’5- he Anniversary of the Millhmol; enln-dint (‘hli'cll' will he held .on unday,()cl 2m, 1906. Eernmns will be preached at 10 30 u. m and 7 p m by HI. Rev Win Galbraith M.A.,l. L B Plu. D.. of Torunto The Putt Hone Male Quarteue have been secured for the day and will render Mural selec- tion: at both morning and evening services. A Free-Will ()ï¬'erlng will be takon at both servlceu in aid of Tinst Fund. It Actually Destroys the Cause. Miss I}: :rriscn, cf Kat-m will sing a so!“ an boxh mommg and evening selvice m thc MillbrOUk Mclhmhst Chum]: next. Sundu). l‘he scuiccs will ccrtainly be a la! llcnt and blessmg. Mr. A. B. Smith, of the' Globe, gave the Mxrror a call )'este1'<._}ay. Mis; Lillie Cnthcart. of Spring- ville, “'21: :1 guest of. MISS Muud Port *r this weck. Mrs. James Dcycll and fuunlv :ue Vlsxting ï¬â€˜icmls in Lindsay and \Voodvzlfc over the holiday. The mnnv friends of the Rev‘ Dr. Arn:slrongr of Ottawa, were pleusm indeed to see his genial face and 1mm to his nmsszlgc last Sundm’ evening. The pastor o! the Church. Mr. Johnston, in a few well chosen words voiced the :wppru intron oflhc congrrgntion tovthe Dr. for consenting to preach and fox the very he!pful sermon he dclivexed. Mrs. J Richards is a guest at the homcof her daughter. Mus, A. W. Smithson, at \Varsuw. Mr. and Mrs. A W. Smithson, of \Valsnw. were viSXtoxs m town 'last week. Mrs. W. I‘leards and Miss I. Edwards of Olnemcz, were guests of Mrs. J. l’ortcron Momluy. Mrs. Ins. Potter 153 :1 guest of her Sister, Mrs. \V. H. Mitchell. Pcterl‘oro. Dou‘t fail to hear the Rev. W. Galbraith, one of the verv abicst preachers of the Methodist dc- nomination,at Methodist (‘hurrh Millbxookmext Sunday, Ocl.2I. OCT. 23.â€"l‘nin§r \Clll’ hens it chickens‘ulive on Oct.0 23, to W. H liyzxm Sun's. Mrs. G. W. McKim; and chil- dren, Wiilic and Eveline, an: the anests of Mrs. D. W. Mchm, at Napancc. OCT ..3 â€"Bxing "yonrhcns and clnckensaliw on Oct -3, to W. H. 133mm Son’s HEAR the Port Hope Male Quartette in the Mill-brook Meth- odist ('hurch next Sunday both morning and evcmng. Messrs Jas. and Harry Hunter Spent l‘hzmksgiving with then“ brother, Mr. W. Hunlur, Midlun i. Mr. G. MCHattie is the new Manager for the Bank of Toronto here.taking the place of Mr. E. W. Lamprey who has gone to Maissoncuve. AMontreal. While very sorry to 105:: such a gOOd citizen as Mr. Lumprcy, we jom m welcoming Mr. McHattIe. We have not the Space to give Mr. Lamp: by the write-up he deserves, but we wish him continued pros- perity in his new home. \h‘s.Ios.II1'ntcrand children l’ansic and Stanlcy, zuc "nusts at the home of 1: cr blothcl. 1:v. j H. Strike, at DL‘SCI‘OHIO. Miss Lena Sleeman, of Port Hope, is a guest at MISS Gex'ty Clarke. OCT. 23,â€"13xi11930ur hens 8c chickens alive on Oct. 23 to W H Byam Son‘s s, Millbxook Station. DIED. In Gavan, on Tuesday, October 17th, urielm Savage, relzct ol‘ the late Jug. plly, aged 05 yams. Miss Elvy Lack left Wednesday to visn friends in 'l‘uronto. That’s too had! We had no- ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per- fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft and smooth. Ayer’s Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. The best kind of a. testimonialâ€" “ Sold for over sixty years." 11.011151 Anniversary Services. Is Your Hair Sick? rJ'. c. Ayor Co. Lowell. Mus. .IO msnumctureu o! S A RSAPARILLA. ! ILLS. (JERRY PECTORAL. A Cordial Invitation to Disease. This is an apt description of Consti- pation. it's an unnatural condition to begin Willi, and it’s more, because it brings about blood deterlutalluii.illt0r- feral wiiln digestion, render: you sua- COptablfl to infection diseases and “use: nnnmia. Nut so much a pur- gatin u a natural nil-inland to the bowels in what you need. You get it in Dr. Hamilton's Pills \\ lucll increase liver activlly, restore the buwol; go perfect acuon and positively cure con- Itipntion and its attendant evils, lu- slut on only having Dr. llannl'on’a Pills oi Mandrake um] Lump-nut, 25c per bug; at all! dealers, Avery acceptable rum] Solo was rendered on Sabbath oyenmg in the Preubvturiun Church by .\IrmC. H. Slzicld. Scarcely one but visited Millbrook Fair this year and all “are loud in their praise ol'lhe increasing popular- ity at our localexhihitions. From early morn till about i p,m.. there were con- veyances of all grades and make-ups, carrying their loads of precious huumu itv tn the scene of their annual rovrra- tiou and proï¬t. l‘lmt the President ï¬nal Directors of the Show are desen- ing 0! ai-preciutiun is evidenced in the Luge crowd that attended despite the inmatening Weather of the morning. in the increased ï¬nances. l’eterboru and Lindsay papers praised their own local Exlaihitiuna to the ten notch and ierlmps ju-tly, but “here were they compared with Millbrunk She“ ? Would emmparismx: put them ï¬rst? A tabulated comparison 0! expenses, recuipis,ote., Would make interesting reading. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lowe are hav- inga pleasanl visit from his bruther and his brother's daughterfrom tho United Slums. Quito rocenuy, Dr. W. E. 'l‘illy paid lain ofï¬cial visit m our Public School. Mr. Bert Fee, of Toronto Bunk, Keene, was home {or ovar Sunday. Principal Jnrdine of We ()uiomeu [I S drove out. to service Sunday evening. M »\NY CHILDREN SICK. Get their feet wet, catch cold or ermnpa,and give mothers an unximm Hum. With the ï¬rst. shiver or sneeze rub the little one's chest with Nervi- line, gurgle the throat, and give (an drcps in hot water at bed “we. Next morning ullis well Nu cold, no time loatu: schoul. if Pulsnn's Ncrviline im’t. in 30m home get it there at unco. Dealers sell it in large 25c bottles. Special to the Mirror. The In ide was one of most estimable young hcr host of friends \\-ii the Mirror in extend congratulations to t couple. The choir sang the appropriate In mns and Psalm, and during: the :igning ofthe register Miss Mil- tired Allen sang ' 0 Perfect Lovc’ by Alba-rt Ham, in her rich, clear tunes. The bl'itlill processicm left the: Chumh as the chding march peeled throw!) the building. will spend a few duvs before leav- mg for their future home 111 Oak 1Jnd,(3ul. A Very Prcliv Church Wedding. The A-lerryGo-lx‘ound had lots of go that day. Mr. and Mrs. Allt-n left vbn the 12 10 Mail} forA'l‘m-Vonto “here they _ In crua‘ hurried “rite-up of the: Millincok Fair we faded to men- tion a {cw very impatam iIemS and with limited space this \xeck we can Onlv call attention to a couple of them : by the ï¬ve thousand peeple pres- ent. He was awardul three ï¬rst and two second prizes. This is a most creditable showmg. when there was such strong compen- tion Mr. Lock's works on King St., Mxllblook, were recently en. larged to meet the demand for his hamlsome and well made ychicles. The Millbrook Citizen’s Buntl, undrr the able leadership of Mr. McKim, certainly deserve great praiSe for their execllcnt mus'c that day, and manv compliment ary rcmax‘ks were heunl On every hand concerning tlmn‘ splcnllij appearance and high-class and well rendered selections. The" Dean Wave ’ had a drop Fair Day. Mr. George Lock’s exhibit of Carriages was one of the best we have ever seen at this big Fair. His up to-date rigs were admired ECHOS FROM THE FAIR M '1‘. PLEASANT. Millhrooks ladies, and ljoin with ing hcm'tv he happy Dan‘t experiment :again. Fern zone u know n on all sides to be a. cure that does cure. Why not got a supply n. day. The aoomr you begin Fern vae the quicker vou'll get. well. Price 50 cents, per box or six for $2.50, at all deulgrs‘ '- -‘ . - " Col. H. M. Raw, 0! Edwards, 8t. Law- rence (10., one of the flue old heroel 0! the Civll War. was completely tenured by Eerrozono Rwd lxil statement: Bo lenfliblï¬ 31mm your car. If your â€clout medicino In unlu- gin it up It is proved rmht zone does cure, 3 m. shal‘o; "When my doctor had done his best I got Ferrozoue. "Then cgme a quick change. ' Fen-rezone gue mo comfort at once, used the pain and took me silfl'uesa out of my muscles. '- I am well ko-dar. Furrozoua cured me eomplmely. lean jump and run like [did forty years ago." You must. ï¬nd buiLl up and get strength to ï¬gm ofl'tho disease. Fen-ozone cures because it builds up, because it renews the blood and dis- eolves the Uric acid and the poisons that cause rhouumttsm. " I couldn't go! arumn] mflaout a cane. and then only With dimeuhy. ' lihulnxmï¬sul took complete control of my limbs. "rho sufferings was more incomes Hum hardships on the lmlzletlold. Nothing Short of Folly When Cure Is Guaranteed With Ferrozone. Rhunmmism can: be cured m lung as your system is weak and run down, Pie. 'l'. E. l’ogu.‘ captured ï¬rst prm: for bust paints a“ mum! at Cohonrg (Jump with Omumcc Co. The prize was given by Mr. Hale Editor of [he Oriilm Puckct. \Vcll done, Tom. Mr. Hurry Hayes :mive 1 {1011) the West on Tues My . Why Stay 774nm?! 3.. a. 7:37 3a 3:7 :3: ;_.o<c â€c Z3363,“ 0: 75; 6292.5... Don't fail to nttuul Ivory's big ten day's saie commencnw mxt wm-k 'l‘hc greumst b u": tins cm» bend of. Reud the havguin list on 11):: ()H‘osm! page. a. full list of all its ingredients lit-ins: printed, in Lam English. on every but! [9. wrap er. n examination of this list of ingre ients will disclose the fact that it is non-alcoholic in its composition. chem- ically pure glycerine taking the place of the commonly used :gcuhul, in its Innke- up. The "Favorite rescription" of Dr. Pierce is in fact the only medicine put up for the cure of woman’s peculiar weak- nesses and ailments, sold through drug- gists. that. does not contain alcohol and .that wo'lulaz'je mmtitics. Furthermore it. is the only met icine for womzm’s spot-in diseases. the ingredients of which have the unanimous endorsement of :ill the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice. and that too as remedies for the ailments for which '* Favorite Prescription" is recom- mnnrlcd. 10,000 live chickens, 5,000 livc hens, 2,000 live ducks and 5.000 lwe geese wanted by Chas. how, to be (lclivech on NO". 6th at Omemcc. Also 10 000 Inc tmkqs and 5000 live ng‘St‘ to bc.‘ dclhe - cd m ()mmnve on Nov. .27- Note T\VO shipping days. Mr. H. Fec, of Cumpbcllford. and Mr.'l‘. H. H nguadc new here for ’l‘llunksgn in; Day. Rev. Mr. Whitcluw is inducted into the [)éLS'tUIRIt‘ of l“aixl»ank on 19th inst., Rev. Prof liilpatrlvk and Hon. St john. Spuukcr of the Ontario Lrglslaturc talking {ht principal addresses. Mr. R. Courtney has commenc ed to erect his 53w mm. A UC TION S.-\Ll£~ .‘Jr. Vitlcv Shaw hax‘ Instructed J. H. Wilson to Sell his valuable Farm Stock. hnplrmmts. «((2, on 'l'uesduy, Nov. 621:, on his premises, Lot 3, Con. 4. litmly. Sn": at I p m. sharp, and Without resarve. Mr. Roht. Gramly is home and tells svme thrilling stories about the Sudlnn‘v railway wreck. Ht‘ had only lt'ft Ill fated car abou! two minutes. The Presbyterian Anniveisax‘y in Omcmr-u 0n Ist Sunday in nrxt month. The Rev. McTaggm‘t, of 'loionto. will conduct smvicCs. Look for bills. ' ï¬n? M. 0. “6:2 ’1: 831:2 _v_r.mc.£n::: mï¬ï¬nnm H: 0:352. :aK Marti? Is not a. secret or patent mf‘dicine. against which the most intelligent puuplu are quite naturallv averse boa-:Lusv of the un- certainty as to their harmless churucm. but is a. medicrincyFAquwx cgm-cslfnpx, A little book of some of these endorse- ments will be Sent to any address, post- paid. and absolutely free if you request. same by postal card or letter, of Dr. B. Vt Pierce, Bllï¬3_‘.05_N.‘ Ya“ ._ “,,_A_!A._ .. . MW, .m. v, _.. _. Don’t forget that Dr. Plerce’s Favorite Prescription. for woman’s weaknesses and delicate ailments. is not a putontor socrvt medicine. being the "Favorite Prescrip- tion " of at regularly educated and gradu- ated physician. engaged in the practice of his chosan specialtyâ€"that of diseases of Womenâ€"that its ingredients are printed in. plain English on every bottle-writ per; that it is the only medicine especial y de- signed for the cure of woman’s diseases that contains no alcohol, and the only one that has a professional endorsement worth more than all tho so-called “testi- uvu'u. -n... .V.J.-- .V- 11' you suiTer from periodical. headache, backache. dizziness. pain or dragging down sensation low down in the abdomen, Weak back. have disagreeable and weak- lng. cumrrhal. pelvic drain, or are in distress from being long on your feet. then on may be sure of benelit from taking r. Piercc‘s Favorite Prescription. Dr. Plan-G‘s Pleasant Pellets the best lux- ative and regulator of the bowels. They invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. One a laxative; two or three a cathartic. oniuls" ever puiSI'i-sï¬Ã©Ã© ibrï¬tlier mod- mines. Send for these endorsements as atpvc. Thgy aye free {92' kne‘afkmg. J__I_- Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescriptinn, OMEMEE NEWS. v¢<°>o «-â€" Rheumatic? here that Form “lfeel it my duty†writes Mrs. S. Head, of FraserviJlo. Out , " to let you know ma: sometimes ‘previuul to me change oflife I suffered more than I could ‘8“. Neighbors Luld mo Furro zone \ms. the only remedy and no 1 advice was good Ferrozono pm a stop tn my pain and sickness, had a direct action (I! my tmubles that rahmed {mm the atnrt. lulu!) passed the turn, and now anjuy perfect I Md“: and rent, Nu womanly nut-Menu- mm lac- bom-r Hum Ferruz me." Instant relic! is 10mm! HI Perruzcum lur lemalr weak uess otever; kind, 50c. per pux at all dealers. Rev. Mr. Whiteinw then made an ex cellent and lilting reply, niier which rho remainder of the evening “as spent with numerune short eyeuchee expressing regret at the removal of Mr. \Vhitelaw and family. Among the meny who mumbled to bid {utensil to the Rev. gentleman was Rex. M: Mci‘nilociu path-r of the Omexm-e Methodist cimruh, v. in.» Spoke at con- I derabfe ie gth - n the friend!) rein tions existing beiueen him and Mr. Whitehur and expressed his sincere regret ma; 3110' friends siill, they were about to be separated. The closing hymn was "God be with you till we meet again," after which Mr. McCul- loch led in prayer, and closed with the Benediction, The chairs presented were two valu. able upholslered linsy chairs into which Mr. and Mrs. “'lntelaw were requestr‘d to take a seat Signedâ€"Members em] Adlmreuts of Moum pleasant and Omemee congre- gatiuns. IT DOES LURE WOMANLY ILLS As a shghl tangible evidence cf our love and esteem, we beg pm to accept these EASY chairs to suggest the “ell~ earned REST which “6 lmpe may follow .Vour labors in the Master‘s avinmn- d. We believe that your removal {rum our midst will he a distinct lnss to us as a church, and In tlm community at Inga. But our pra) ers zmd good u ï¬shes go with you to your new home, and We hope that God \vi.l bless abundantly your labors In your new mom. DEAR MI: Axn Mus. “'m'rnmw â€".-\s the “mo of your departure approaches your ï¬uvk in Ummnee and Mt. l’leJSant feel that they are about m )use 3 faith, ml pmmr and friend, and thev behave this to be an oppnr'nue Season to «x- press their esteem for you and )our family. Alter the meeting was fully assem- bled, a (-lmirmau was appointed and the meeting was 01“" 9d lvy thesinging of a hymn, “All hail the power ofJesus’ name.":n:d prayer by Mr. Wlxileluw. The chairman than annunnced llm‘.,cn the eve of Mr. \Ylnitulan’u departure the meeting wnuld largely luku the form of an experience meeting. and called on MrJienry Lamb, 'l'rensnmr of the church to perform his part. After a mean little 81139611, he read the following address : On Wednesday cu-nmg. the mm mm.' the Presbyterian (-ongregation of Omemee and Mount Pleasant assem- bled in large numhers in the I‘msemeut of the Presbrterian church, Umenzce. to bid farewell to thvir 3-:xstnr H 0 Rev. 1.31. Whilelaw, LA. 131)., and his fan-ily.\\lm are Mum: to remove to Fairlnmk and Fishexyille, suLnrbs of Toronto, TheHoï¬Se of Qualit5r CALL AND TEST US. In our Ha'lrdxxare SlOle m: have a magniï¬cent steel for cury requirement. 0an tack cf Dry Cacds CTCCGIif‘S 8w. is wry cmnplctc, and the but values possible. Come in and 3011 WI“ be: yonvmced that this Is the place to buy Our prices are as LOW as any in the trade, and our goods are of the best quatity, that’s why this store is termed ma AW 0.“ Farewell and Presentation “3%: A; 1‘293 4.4 $2â€; 3-2:? 5“}? i335? at any time widmut notice, am] full interest allowed up to day of withdrawal. \Ve make special inducements to those opcning SAVINGS BANK accounts. CAPITAL $4,400,000. - REST $10,. UNDIVIDEI) PROFITS $922418 31. liberal terms, and will be pleasrd to forWard Special Sale Notes on appï¬mtion. Millbrook Branch. F. R. HOWKRTH, @LMANAGER A genexal Bszing 31:5iness trzqnsacttd. Any mont'v (hfositcd with us may be withdrawn “'9. hand]: FAIxMI‘lkS' SALE NOTES on most SAVING-S BANK DEPARTMENT. SUCCESSORS TO THE ONTARIO BANK. . Garmy 66’s, [LOT :4, cox. is. J. 11'. WILSON, Iv} t. Horeb, Ontario. The undersigned begs to announce that he: has taken out an Auctionccr'c Liecnse in the Counties of Victoria Durham, and ht: will be plcascd to have a call or a communication tron: those \\ ho intend to have auction sales during the {all or winter months. 'I'chnS very reasonable, and may be had by applying to the undersigned. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address Notice to the Public. :U the Ortnhur meeting 0! the ‘L F. M E in the l’n-shgtcziau c!.urch,()mo- mee, they p'Psentud Mrs Whitelnw, president, «m the eve at her departure. with an nddrees am} a lnmdrome Silver Janiiniure, also two cubzlass 1mm. restfl, 'I‘:.e follow ing is the ad.iro.u: hum Mus. \\'m'n-.L.uv-â€" We 1| a mom. bers of our W. F. M.S.hesr with sorrow and â€QTCI that you are about '0 loan us: l-‘ur nearly three years you Intro been our faithful leadvr and guide m the work we were cuHed to «In: and you lune always shown yuurnuif MIL in: to do your 0% xx part, and Jan randy to hslp others to do theirs. At the clam uf the Address 8: d Pru- entalum, M rs. Whitelaw, lhongh taken by surprise, made a suitableaml Im- pressive reply. finpinu that you mav m4 forgvt uv, we be: to present you with {Ms ru a“ token of on: respect and esuem, and “e pray that ï¬nd in his nwrcy may make you and us faithful unto death that «a may receive a crown of Mo. Address and Presentation. Dru/b us a postal (ard' am! me In†snub-cu frra of clung! our levy: allu- trated catalogue. dumb ' bell shape, suitable for monogram; and our Cat: alogue pages show many others. Articles are sent post free, of course. Beginning at 84 Diamond Hall hasa vast array of solid gold Cufl“ Linksâ€"made by the store's own skilled goch smiths Notable value is found in our $5.50 pair of Mk. Gold. Gold CufF Links, $5.59 Rwflrmém markec ï¬gures. {:1} . g prices. price to Gigantic C} Hg I10 pa to 2‘ uua' uzzm'a: We awure e: and every p chaserabsoi satisfaction We guaran every garms every p r i ‘ 62 every sta men: heremz ani will ta back, eXC' tax or refund Innds or hand am any! newest stock need the goods. high «0'11 here . . . . York cm, wort OUR ItN DAT is SHO Owing - .'7 er Dam I): (:nc 11) pi ’TC \'( '3 WC