The exhibits, 140th m quantity 1n [quality Wet: away ahead of fan Previous para-ad was most wi~hv9nvv.1"~é"§m‘ers bf M u; tats, Luau, bum}: Muuaglmn in†ï¬nited in the workuof pmmbtigé the mletï¬ts of the Fair. The Presxdent, Mr. W. Lunch, .is still weaxmg " the smile that you can't chase 05," He has a wbblc ‘lot ot conï¬dence in the Mimuook Central Ex, and is delight“! _at it having scored another big success, anucl igjer; ptoud_ 9f his colleragues who all With the following energetic ï¬n-l painstaking Ofï¬cers and Dis‘ rectors in charge of the Mlllbrook Centr.rlExhrbition, one 7 hard- ;ly wonder at its gran uccess, .and to these men the peeple owe their thanks for their untiring efforts in making this Fair such a ,strong attractton tothousands of people from year to year, and“ some of these come from a long distance: President, W. H. Lough. 'Ist Wee-President, W. Hanna. ‘2nd Vice President, Col. Sutton Sec-Treasurer, C. H. Winslow. Directorsâ€"R Vance, R Walsh. MI 1‘ Donaldson, T A Kelly, 'l‘hcs "-erth, C McNeil, D5P‘8nl5‘ Ioseph . iarmlton, L Staples, \V 8 Given, Geo Berna] L Fair, I W Walsh, 33:0 Svet and Len Sn:it_l’1.~_ ‘ Honorary Directors, Iohn Tait; ’1 1! Susan, Wm V ance, I Martin. Auditors] R Fitzgerald and A A. Smith. - ‘ The President Still Smiles. B F1rew,Thos and]. McQuade, pf Emily and Omcmee, Mr W. A Sherwood of Toronto. and many ,others whom space forbids us to. mention. ‘ 3mm Has Went 0mm.†' . G..A McQuade. Wm. Dcyell, G. B Fee,AHan Casey. C. E. Mitch- ell, T. B. Laidley, A. E Buson, R. J. Adams, 1.1). Thornton, S. On Thursday evening and far into the night, the ruin came down in tonems, but bv Friday mom- .Ing the ram had ceased and the -sun cam» out bright and warm, .dchghting the hearts of the thou- -s‘an is who came to the big Fair. All daiy on Thursdzn, and in {fact up to 10 a m. on Friday the .exhibitan w-re busy getting their .exhibns to the- grounds In many da55:.5, and collectm-ly, there ‘Wg‘re :1 hr greater number of en- hics than un any previous occa- sic" in the lustorv of the Society. Some of the prominent visitors _at the [pair were , Mr. Preston, _M. P. P. Mr. \Vurd, M. P, Mr. EMulhoflfuxd. Port Hope , Messrs , EARMERS' 7! BUSINESS 5The exhibits of stack at this Big Falrdehghts and does credit to the many‘competitors. The. new budding for horses proved a great ICOnVemencc and comfort. and imuch credit is due Mr. 1‘. Leith for his excellent services in Over- :SCeing the erection of these build- ings, and the mechanical part of the work is a credit to Mr. john .Clark, the contractor. The Millbrook Central Exhibi- .tion of (907 has been favored with good weather for the annual Fair Ashich was held on Thursday and ‘Fndayr last. ‘Was a Magniï¬cent_ Success in Every Way. THE MILLBHUUK CENTRAL E X H I B I T I U N. J. B. L. GROfJT, G. L. McHATTIE, CAPITAL $4,000,000 RESERVE 4.500.000 ASSetS : $38,000,000.00 Every courtesy extended to customers and strictest 9%! observed Wlth regard to all transactions. We give particuiar attention to the business 91’ Farmers We cordially iuvxte them to make this their Banking Home. Bank of Tomato Prominent Visitors. Manager. Manager, Omemee Branch. Millbrook Branch. THE NOTEâ€"If any errors. kindly can on the Secretary. Major Winslow, Who will do anything in his power to set matters right. _-_ _ HORSES Carriage and Saddle Horses Brood man: With {ml at her Sldc. R Touchbum, T A Kelly, Nelson Sage. PM! 09' 1907, Jas MvKinnon, Nelson augc, Rubi. l'iwmd) kc. )'1‘ UN geld Prize Winners : 2.18 Class Harry Direct, ] Cottmg- ham, Queen's 13.nov, Dr John- [Ul'l ...... I 3 3 3 Hach Bell, Dr Johnston 3 2 2 2 Billy Cg} W Leith" 1 1 City Queen, L Bennettaae'†g 2 Hofy Lhimes, 'l Mclvor _3 3 3 Trials of Speed: There were two events in 1115 trials of spccd. and they were perhaps the every strongest at- tractions at the Fair, as everyone enjoys good horse races. There were several entries'i'dl gbod ’uns. and the events proved Intensclv interesting. The following is the result : riagé COnSisting of {our steel tired buggies, three rubber tire runa- bouts, one with ball bearings, and rery light, also a democrat, a ter, and a lumber wagOn. made cry ï¬ne display, and shows iii-3Mcssrs. Tinney Bros. are keegjrig up to date in the manu ; factgmpfgxgellent vshicles. The) I Consxsted of samples of GALT STEEL SHINGLES, Siding. etc., also \Vire Fencing, lines in which Mr. Payne has a big run and no wonder, as he IS alwws obligmg and attends to all orders promptly, and the goods are the best pracurablc. ton ..... . Consisted 0" seven top buggies, steel tires, with extra ï¬ne trimm- ings; also a rubber tire runna- bout, and a rubber tire Stanhqpe with English whip cord trimming. Altogether the display was very creditable, and the vehicles showu could not be beaten in Canada or any other country. They were much admired by hundreds who inspected them. Mr. Lock is to be congratulated upon his grand exhibit. In Fancy \Vork the Ladtes had a larger and even prettier display than ever before. The Ladies do much ï¬t the Fair by thequueen- ly presence and lovely exhilnts. We cauld not get along Without the Ladies. Where would be the fancy work, the ï¬ne arts, the domestic manu£:c:ure, the plants and flowers exhibits. etc.. if the Ladies were not interested ? Hope, have the reputation of rais- ing the best in stock. vegetables, grain, etc., and these were in evidence In great number, and were admired by the thousands present. Alharl Payne's Exhibits Timmy Bros. Exhibits. George Lcck’s Exhibits 2.30 Class: 3’ at their lug (la mat Cavanvillc. flir- S WINE Improved Yorkshire In this class F J Cole carries off the following prizes: Boar Och 1 year Ist, boar over 6 and undu' 12 months ut, boar under 6 months I and 2, sow that has raised pigs this Year I and 2, sow 6 mos am} under 12 mos xst,~ sow under 6 mos Is! and 2nd Improved Berkshire Boar over one year, S Snowden. R Vance it Son. Boar over 6 mos and under I: mos, S Suowdcn ist. Boar under 6 mos, RVanc: 8: So“, 5 Snow- den Sow that has raised pigs m 1907 R Vance Son. 3‘ Snowdcn Sow over 6 mus and uu‘dcr :3 months, S Snowdcn l and 3, R Vance 511591) a, In this class A E Meadows carries off the following prich: Aged ram 1, shcarhng ram 1 and 2, ram lamb x, 2, _..'_-....D u“... a an.“ -, «nun lulu†I, 3, aged ram 1, 2, shearï¬ng cw: x, 2 cw: lamb l, 2, 3. Aged ram, W] Westhngton 1 and 2. Shearling ram, W] \Vcstington. Jas Wood Son, Wm McKnight. Rim) Lamb, W] \Vcstington I, 2, J Wood\ 8180:: 3. Aged cwc. \V McKnight 1, W] Westingmu 2 and 3. Shearling ewu, \V J Westington l and 3, Jan es‘ Wood <51 Son 2. Ewe lamb, \V j1 Westington. W McKnight, 1215 Wood Son. SHEEP Cutswold Ag ,d Ram, R Vance «5‘ Sun. Ram lamb, R Vance ti Son 1, 2, 3. -Aged eWc, R Vapcc 5‘ Son j, 2. Shearling ch, “ “ x. Ewe Lamb, McCamus I and 2. Fat steer or'heifer W H Staples I and 2. 'l‘ \V McCamm I yr old steer, j Whitï¬eld 1, T W 1‘10 Camus 2 and 3. Cow m mi'l: or call, J W McCamus, R Richa"dson, R Matchctt. 2 year old heifer; [as McCamus, r R Rich- ardson 2 and 3. 1 yr old heifer. W H Staples, R Matchctt,'l‘W McCamus. Heifer calf, R Matchctt I and 2, 1:15 MLCZUUUS. Bull calf, jas Baptie. R Matchctt, Robt McCumus. xyr old bull, W H Staples r, R Lowery 2. 2 yr uld bull. Moses Sutton rst. Bull over 2 yrs, R Mdtchctt tst. G ra L] (‘5 Cow in milk or call, R Matchctt, r 'l‘ W MCCamus 2. 2 yr old heifer, 'l' \V Mchmus r. 1 yr old heifer Cyril Moor, W H Staples, J Whitï¬eld Calf. h Ifer, R Richardson, R Matchet, 'l‘ W McCamus. 2 sr old steer, las. Cow in milk or calf 'l" [1! )skins Son 1 and 2. 2 year old huifcr “ 1 2 xycar old lzcifcr...... “ 12. Hcifcr cult... . “ [-2, Bull mlf ...... . ........... “ 1-2. 1 yr. old bull ........ . ..... †Lst Bull over 2 yr< old ......... . “ 1st. C A T T L E Jersey Cow in milk or calf, S Grand}; Steelc, '0 Wallace. Imported nr bred from Imp. S‘tvnck. Broad mare with foal at side, \V H Staples Foal of 1907. W H Staples I year old hlly. ] Baptie, |.)r. Hassard, 2-3. 2 year old ï¬lly. J Buptie. l)r. Hassard. 2 3. 1 year old entire colt, J L Fair. 2 year old entire colt. Dr. Haï¬sard, 1-2. Pan horses m harness 1590 lbs. each or over, R Shaw. e Grafton (30’s Special. for 3 hest teams of general purpOSc horses, under 1300 lb each. J McKnyzm, (3 Sunder- son, J Porter. ,, , , 77-,r., -~ J 3v Iz-vluavll, l Conan, W. J, Hunter. Si 'gle Pony under 14 hands, Dr. Hassard, G M Brown, H W johnaton. Reynold’s Special, Silver Cup for Pony under 13 hands, Dr, Hasmrd Hassard’s Spe- cial, Silver Cup, for best foal of 1907 sired by a registered Hackney Stallion, 'l‘ A Kelley’s 3 months old foal srred by “Borrow Moss." Lang 8: Maher's Special, best combination harness and , saddle horse, J C Dean. Agricultural Horses. Brood mare wrtlx foal at side, '1‘ A Bowles, (I F Clarke,†W H Staples. Foal of1907, J R 31530:), F Bent. W H Staples. I year old :gelldmg or ï¬lly, R Winslow. I R Sissou, ] McCamus. 2 year old gelding or ï¬lly, I R Sisson, 'l‘ A Bowles, J R Sisson. 3 year old gelding or (ï¬lly, R Shaw, F Ward, 125, Porter. l’aivr horses in harness, C J Lcms, G Sanderson, J Porter. Heavy Draught Horses. Canadian bre-z'. Brood mare with foal at side, S Braitliwaite. Foal of 1907, S Braid)- waite. 1 year old gelding or ï¬llv, \V H Staples. 2 year old gelding or ï¬lly, 1 N McGill; H Halilghan. 2 year old: entire colt. ] Hutchinson. 3 vear old :1 gelling or ï¬lly, H Preston, ] Porter.‘ J W McCamus. - Hcavy Draught Horses. Imported or bred from Imp. r 2, j I.) McIntosh P'airllxgrsce m harness, 15 3 find ovcr, J C Dean, W Hallowell. Single horse m harness, 15 3 and oven] H Davidson, C Mc- Nell, W A McIlmoyle. Roadster Horses. Broad Marc with foal. A Hngg, I F Staples, \\~'~ l) Lcach. Foal of 1907 A Hogg. R Edmunds, 'l‘ A Kelly. 2 year ,oldv gelding or ï¬lly, I Preston, Marrow Bros., W H Symons. l’alr Horses m harness, under x 5 3, 'l‘ Cow an, \V Halloxycll Single horse in harness under 153, N j B Davidson, JMcKmon. H McGilL 3 year old gelding or ï¬lly, in harness, l Nar‘rass, G Hanbrldgc. W 1 Hunter. Best Lady driver, single horse. Mrs «Cownm Miss Fitzgcralld. Miss Davis. Gentle lnan’s 'l‘urnmut, W} 1'3 Davidson, '1' ing or ï¬llv, R Thorndyke, L F Staples, Leonard Snmh. 2 yr gelding or ï¬lly, 1. F Staples 1. 2 yr entlre colt. rcg’d pedigree, L. F Staples 1. 3 yr gelding, or ï¬lly, In ‘harness, W N :ll, W D Dave-ll, C J Lewis Paix horses in harness, H J Hall, G Brown. Smglc lmrses in harness, J S Thompson, R B McGill. Saddle horse, I (3 Dean, I I\ n Letcesters and Lincolns Shropsh 'rcduwns ‘Q Durham Holstein COAL STOVE FOR SALE 'MnLess than t'fxé'present \Vhé}€§§i§ (Edsâ€"t i’hce _NC\:BFA_1;JI;WTII£ Shingles. North Country Shinglcs, HARD SOFI‘ COAL. A!so mzer Oak and Birch Dry Wood at $4 00 a Cord. _,V_‘_ ___ â€"â€â€" ....... l' _ Iv“ call and see it if in med of Lumber. We have a full stock of Shingles that we can recomnjend, and which were bought bel'ore rCCenl advancesâ€"OUR (ZUS'IOMER'~ will get the ben'cï¬t. We are selling ’Red Cedar Shingle} 15c pm Yl ml ___ .1 .s .' , .--. . _ - _- A Fruit Sncxal, under thc- auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Church, Millbronk; will be held in the Schonl Room pf L’hg- church on Ll‘ucsâ€" day next. Oct. :15.‘ "An exec-Hem pro- gram wl†be rendered, consistmg of choruses, solos, rc citations. and the: HR}; Quartette will also be plescnt. Rcfrrshmcnts wxll Le served at close. Dnors open at 7 30. Program at 8 p.11). Admissmn 15c, children we. The Redueed Sale 0F LUNEEN CEMENT NEILL CONTINUES Mrs. Wm. Collnis and childrcn and Miss Ada Snmh sprnt Sunday at Bcwdlcy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith. present. For Qmiit) and Qurntity .13.: )our dealer forthc new big plugs of ‘Buhs,†“Stag†and‘ Currency†Chcmng "Io- bacco’ .8 Mcssrg’v'F. 13. Collins, W. S Given, H. \V;}'ofï¬stou, A. A. Smith. I C Kclls and \V. \V. E (hllutl attcndcd he Formal openmg of the New \\ half 1: Hall’s Landing, on Mondm. Mr. E. S Clany of l’ecerboro “as also MISS Millie Richardson. of Toronto, is vismng friends m" town. Rev. Bcwrcly Smith, Rector Of St. Iohn’s church, 'l‘omnlo junction. WI†speak on “'l‘cmpcrancc and Reform" in the Town Hall, h’lillbrook, on Thunsdny, Oct. 17. at 8 p.111. This will be a splcndid opportunity to hear this subject disctisScd Luciligcnliy. Everybody Welcome. Mr. 'l‘aut, of anm'mville, was in town Friday and took m the: Fair. Mr and Mrs. A \V. Warsaw, \isitcd friends and Balllcbmo last week the Fair. Miss Edith Hutchinson. of Ash- burnham, Ls a guest of Mrs. Wm. Turner. In this section Thos Hoakiu 8: Son wins the following : Boar over I year 15!, boar under 6 mow: and 2, 50“ that has raised pigs' in" 1'907, 15:, 5â€â€œ over 6 and under 12 mo'nt-hs 1 and 2. 50" under 6 months 1 and 2. Bacon Hogs. ‘ Special by George Matthews Ci, for best pen of three. hogs suitable f '1 English Bacon Trade, 151 \V. HSmpk‘S- POULTRY. Rocks Barred, Goat‘s Shoe-den. 0 McGill. Rocks Barred, Hen â€".Oecar McGill. (Jackalâ€"O McGill, e Snowde‘n Pnllet â€"S Smmden. Sam Fleh-r. Rocks Hufl‘, i’nllet â€"W H Lough. Rocks Whine, (‘m-kâ€"F Oliver, W H i Lough. Henâ€"W H Lough, FOliver. l (‘ckerlâ€"W H Lough, F Oliver.| Pullet ._ «W H Lough, F Oliver. Dorkiu 3 any : color.Cockâ€"-J Bnptk‘.’ Henâ€"J Baplie, S Snow-den. Polande, (Jockâ€"F Ol.ver. Henâ€"F Oliver. (ock‘erIâ€"F Oliver. Pullet-FUliver. ninmurgs; Golden, (‘ockâ€"J Buptie l 2 llenâ€"J Baptiel 2, Cockerelâ€"J Baptie. 1-2. Pelletâ€"J Bepue. [-2. Hemberge Silver, Cock-- 1 Bamie, 1.2. Henâ€"J Baptie, 1-2. Cockerelâ€"J Baptie. 1-2. Pullerâ€"J Baplie. 1-2. Hamburge black or white (‘ockâ€"J Baptie,'1-2. Henâ€"J Binnie 1-2 Cockerel--J Baptié,‘ 1.2. l’ullel--‘ Buplie, 1-2. Lehhorns white. (lockâ€"l- Oliver. Menus. Snowden, 1“ Oliver. Cooke-reluF J Cole. F Oliver. l’ulletâ€" S Snowden, .F Oliver. Legliorne brewu, Cockâ€"S Snowden, S Fisher. Henâ€"1- Finher. F J Cole. Cuckerelâ€"-S b‘nowden S Fisher. Pnliet-B Snowden, S Fisher Wynndottee Silver laced, Cock--J Bnp- tie, 1-2, Hen-«J Baplle, 1-2. Cockerel -J Baptie,l-2. Pullet-â€"J Baptle. 1-2 Wyamlouee golden, (Yock‘Jâ€"S Snowden ‘ l Hemâ€"S Snowden. Wyandouee whit. ‘L‘ockâ€"F Oliver. Henâ€"4“ Oliver. Foch- erel-O McGIll. Pellet-4) McGiil. Wyandottes black, Uenâ€"w' Baptie, l-i’. Minorcae white or black, (‘ock--J Bap- tie,h‘Stmn~len. lJQll--J Bax-tie, Sum Fisher. ('ockerel-â€"S Fisher, l-2. l’ullel «S Fisher, J Steel. Orplngt-m bnfl‘ Cockr-S Snomlen. Henâ€"S Snonden. Cockerel--S Snowden. l’nlleh-S Snow- den, W 5 Given. Or‘pingmn any olher color, Cockâ€"S Snowden. Menus Snowden. (‘uckerelâ€"S Snuwden, FJ Cole. Pelletâ€"S Showden, F J Cole. Turkey bronze. Cock, F J Cole, 1-2. Hen, FJ Cole, 1-2. Turkey white, Cock, F J Cole, 8 .Snowden. Men, S Snow-den I F .l Cole. Ducks Ronen, Drake.SSnon. den, .1 Empire. Duck. .1 Baptie. SSnow- den. Ducks anv other variety, Drake, F J Cole, [-2. Unck. F J (Vile, 1-2. Geese whim, Gander. F J ('nle. S Snow- deu. Gnoee, F J Cole, S Snowden. Goose 'l‘onlonee, Gander, F J (‘o e, 1-2. Goose, F J Cole, [-3. ' V - J- RL'JA .I. UJN , at†ï¬our. mam: win b.3 ’Phone‘13. Millbrook Station. lists of both paws I Sow under 6 months, W H Staples, 5 Snowdcn, R Vance 6; Son. Concluded Naxt Page Our $12 oo‘i’me Lumber is a pcach for the money. Plea e FRUIT'SOCIAL. nu.“ I'v-I-v ' 4.] ul- .V-I-U UL-I-Jâ€"Ju YVNEARLY NEW, ’MillbrCOk. Ont . THEXTON, a“ h" “3'“? W1“ bient'ered oAn’thewmaili muak ï¬ï¬ews. 'l'amwmlh Snithio‘x, of In Milllninnk and :lthndcd ITEM. FQRquAyson, B.A , The Mirror and \Vcckly Globe and Canada Farmer to jun. Ist, 1908. to new snlmcribcrs. any place in Canada or Great b’ritain fur (nly 25c. Mr. jnsc'ph Newman, of Mt. Horch, has purchased a [arm in the vicinity of I’ctcrbm'o. He: Is a ï¬rst class farmer and an old Cavan boy. We “'1st him every succccs. Mr. Frank Merritt. one of the lead ing merchants of Marmara. was In t0wn for the Fair and Visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Merritt. Mr. W E. McCann, honor graduan of 'l‘nrunto Consavamry of Music and Organist of Gcnrgc St. Mcthmlisx Church, Pctcrlmmugh, WI†be m MIâ€- lmmk, at the Methudist Parsonage. 'l‘uusdny. Out. 15th, from lo a m. tn 3 p.m., fur the purposc- of receiving pup Is In “pmnofurtc. yoxcc culturcaml Iheury." Mrs. \lfrcd \\ ard, nf loronto. is visitin" hcrparcnts,\1r. and \1rs_.l )~ Burnsl.a Mrs. W. H \f!l(‘h“â€1fld(klIII'htcl‘S lht.‘ \lisxes l’caIl an 1 Nr llic, of l’cler bum, WcIc guests at the home (If Mr and Mrs. '1‘.) Lang, Fair Day. The: many friends of Mru. Harry Larmcr will regret tn learn that slu had the misfortune to fall and Injun- her arm so severely that she will not have the use of it for Some tinze. The Minor has rccwxved an im‘ta- tion from the Town of Port Hole, through’~ W. H. Giddy. 15%}, Mayor, Chairman lx’cm‘plion Cnmmim-r, m atlcml the Civic Reception to His Excellcm' the Rt. Hon. the Earl (hey, Governor (len'm'al of Cangya. to h. held at Port Hope on 'l‘ucsday, 14th 1115!. MISS I‘lllian Merritt, of Mnrmmn. was a visitor in town last Weck. Mr. and MP3 F. If. Mm‘htll and danghtcr, Miss Lizzie, \Vérc: xix-Elms a'. the home or Mr. and Mrs. 'l’. j. Lang, Millhronk, I’mr Day. BUSINESS NOW FOR ’lSil with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P \Icrrltt. They Were cycwimusScs ()1 he I'CCcnt trouble in Vancouver, but Icclarc llm: It was not nearly as bad 5 report, d. Carmel Mcthdest Church have up pomtcd Sunday, Nov. 10th, as thc (in) of their 'l'luml<-()fï¬:rin},y Scrums. Rev. As Mr. Lon Lanna-r was drwing 1m team ofhorscs up KIIIL’ St on Mm day evening abhut 9 30, one of his ï¬ne black team of Inrscs came m contact with a 1ch ware hanging from a pole opposite the Town Hall and it was killed almost instantly, Mr. \Vm O'Brien had awry narrow csc.1p:, as he, did “not Know what caused the horse to fall, In: caught hold of the iron on thc harness and was knocked back sexeral fern 'l‘hc dcath of tin: valuable animal rs Ccrzainly a sm‘wus loss to Mr. Larmcr. Cavanvillc Methodist Church Anni versury and 'I‘lmnkuffcring will be held on Sunday next. lx'cv H V. Moun tccr WI†preach at no a m. and at 7 p. m. EVCryonc welcome l‘rllhh Cunudiun H. |'., 796 Yonde-St" Ton-onto. 'l'hc nuws of the dcath of Mrs. Richard Hmwll, came as a shock' to ncr husband and her many friends on \‘lomlay. Deccnmd Indy had bccn undergoing an operation at lhc Pctcr' noro Hospital and she: was apparently rccmcring, and her uncxpcvtcd death was cast a gloom (n'cr the community. l‘hc Mnror extends heartfelt lo lhv bereaved ones. Mr. E. H. English of Omcmec gave the Mirror :1 call on 'l‘uesday., Fallis line Methodist cliurt‘h intend holding lhcir Thank Offcring Scrijcs m Sunday, Oct. 27. Rev. M. 1‘). 4cxsmilh, M A , 14.1.. 15.. will watch at [0 30 mm. and 7 pm. \Ir<.]os. Hall,ofLmdsa\,1\1r. am. \lrs. Hm». McQuadc. Mr. _Iim am. \1issj.Mc()uadc. of U.ncmcc, ucn rursts at the home of Mr. E. Christie, m Friday, and took in [he FAir. Mr. S. Perry an] Miss L. Murgan. »f l’cterhoro, Wen: vimors in town or Friday and attended the Fair. Mr and Mrs. Albcrt‘ Mc-n‘ilt and clr txxu bright children. lcl't for To on“) on Monday, aftcr a ph-asam OLLEGE. lmn't deny. Hot. \\ frne cutalogua at, 0mm. Bean «0119;: nu] lust tense. and bat results. U' F: 1-1:: :2 '9‘ to J an. 1st, 1908, for only 250. To IIQVV Subscr l hers TQ-DAY ! The Family Herald and Weekly Stat of I‘v‘ientree'. end The Mince TAKE ADVANTAGE Single Team Harness. EPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Your Horses are Almost Sure to be PRIZE WINNERS if FITTED WITH LAICG‘S Q STYLISH HARNESS, /-;’.> Hi5 Robes, Blankets, and W001 Pugs. are '1 BEST that can be obtdi: ed, He has a. full ‘xi of Men’s Heavy Rubbers. Also a good ._ UL) L I. .1 V6 (p (p . I Em all my I] g BANK UP WEE THIS SPECIAL OFFER Send your Address and â€ï¬mmmwm , 119% BECAUSE THEY WEAR WELL ya. wgégggéméégeée Fun: er Cusumcrs of the Ontario Bank Branch will be acu mmudaud as heutofurt. G. DEAN, CAPITAL PAID U1? : $14,400,000 REST ; $11,000,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS : 159,881 TOTAL ASSETS : $168,001.1'73 Branthcs at all important Centres m Canada, and in London, England, New York, (hiuzgo, Spokane, Muico, and Nexxfoundland. Interest Added 4 Times a Year on “7 MANAGER. Millbrock Branch Every description 01 :1 Banking Business traxtsactcdfï¬ l1 MN ILA?G, WHY? Sax: ings Deposits. Est. 1817. a entered on the mailing Dona; delay, do it NOW! 25c. to MM". 13!... ".2. 3:413 r‘ {7.3% .5- â€...B; 1. I... 53? i also complete asmrtmcnts Onl- «\Nl) ORNA M ENTAL T1 ‘SHRL'BS. Write us bcï¬ your order 'lhc THUS. “N 8!. SON (30.. Ltd. ‘ a. fcadon Hulk, is the ugs jamcs Banuan. I have Optnui up a 1 mg Department in (he 1 ï¬rst of Mr. I’ursons' ï¬torc, and am preg'ared promptlv to all ()hlcls summits, dX'cSSt‘S. suns. ¢ satisfacuon guamntu-J reasonable. Ap;-rcn:iCc The \Veckl‘. Sun, tit Farmer's Busmess Pa; Mirror to new subscni tst. xgoSJ 0: only 25 orders for {Lew t“ u i“ Mirror Ofï¬cv. MAM Good. only for xcsuiczu and Great Bin-in. Creig‘s White Swan Jelly Powder We haw thv largcst an); RAN'I'S. BLACKBERRI BERRH‘ZS and GRAPES Brown Bzoa.~ E‘VUA series. ()nt. Canada [0 mil-n A press paid. Agcz‘b u'gzut duc: this ucw mania. IflissMhaiM BOX 57. writrs Prof. 3'; heavxcst )‘lcitfcr' ; hurries," writ-cs “’e have tips while the stock lasts. or the Mirml Uï¬iCc. Something mm‘ “The bewt Ru} {Lb A 3min (INN (2? at thirty miles an Emu! 22 and was u 22.11“: 5 .x; line aislc of a car and u the (1.qu .‘n-z hm «1'5 2%.: moth was aimus: «.75 she learned uf Uir‘ â€cw : could not hc paciï¬cd 11,: Of her ï¬nk: 02k: a withâ€. wasqunc natural but u rom- would mvc Er-cn \ mother bccn mm: and a. in the sun mm 1m. anenfly foliows the] can: nukes end war-tern i (he be“ In! 1‘ 31’s '1 and gas 5 record of ï¬fty war} {no subs mates for ' I - :1‘ cost! 25c. in every drug 31‘ “’c are .‘\f:r‘2:t~ or V Inscct Destroy-crâ€"mc or: known to annihilam the 1h: Toronzo I) ‘x and the Mirror H“ J to new subsuibczs. . is the Jumcc ofa i: not miss in 1k. Irvmc and u- Spam of Lindsay, v.1- aud Mrs. Bark- ox‘cr >1 . "rs. T. I. l‘arsm:$ : Amy and inu Pars" â€ending :1 {cw d :_\'~’ '4' fetcrboro. The Pmsln'cmm ‘ Scf‘wiCtS Sunuax 3 Oct 20th am! 21~1J blfls 91“": MJ ;)JII.1 grand anuuai m: It. GIANT TRH'IJ ‘.‘ Bobs" and “ Sta! goes, in lug pinga. t Special services in mi; neck and on Su M Thescwcr on K21; W101! MU soon Mrs {anus Baunan Pddbom on Tuu‘dr. _\~. CHAIR'S CLDE 51' EU}; Alocal wedding IS (bismuth. Watchli; Particulars of this hay; 11x: Presbyerians W music for th‘ services 0:: 0c: 2 :h M Kznuawin, 3.1)., v. sawed»- Grand cul Ilouday cx’cmng (0210i Dr. Snugrm it [:2 .. -n his :1va h. um: “tic fzadcno: is in 0!!! bu M Co‘lvcfllcut 7 ms Paints and ‘ “data W H We ham a wry I 3min and handwm undmg oux high and J DRESSMAKI I. A. WY FATAL BLOOD Pt Muss HERBERT RASP BRIGH'I‘EN L' iv =c. berth your grocer age. Any (7 cm flavors. it}: true ‘ inc flavors nod for 3‘ deligh ‘Il delici‘ Ecru