0f Toronto, vunmg. Each h. but as on: so dry that he the meeting msr (Em-cm- or any point:- rJ or deluxe y of gmft, 01:5 and wait- )s‘crvanvcs. t 8 p m. with csndcnl of thc ksociation, 'm :w thIy tuncs ml! before the: :n this did not I!) to make the lather to gain as then: was vsparc.†The old County 0‘ > bcncï¬l them- Simpson. the , on the 26m. Pr- «ton. M. l’. 31):: cumhdzuc, .r Brand «I the Comet- incsday CV6!!- f‘uszn was dis- hacl no real honel3. Mr Prcstnn, Ea»! Durham, 1, 'm which he manning hum ms, the: usual 331mg. ne Slabs. Lime. A ial pri c es, L0"!“ Mr. (310 Grifï¬n and party are enjoying life down thq river. A large attendance is expected to greet the mmstrels on Friday eveninU. The Salvation Army appeared on Hm suufls whh muyc and Spiritual help a week ago Saturday and Sunda} , siiiCe WhK‘h we haw not heard them. Let it be hoped thev “A†contuiue their earnest and beneï¬centlabors hi our VH- Inge. Mr. J. A. Vance, of Millbrook, repr85cntativc of the \Vilson, L)tIc Badgerow (‘0., Toronto, mulc a business trip to our town a few da}s ago. Mr. A. P. McLean, of Peterboro accompanied by his mother, visit- ed Mr. T. W. Mchan on Friday. It is circulated that Rev. Mr. Pauli", 15. .-\., will occupy the Presbyterian pulpit next Sabbath and will be folfowmd by Rev. Mr. l’ogue of Petcr! oro on the follow in: sabbath. hem the results of the meeting about a local telephone system. it Seems probable that Omemee will soon have its own local 5. s- tem, which it is proposed to ex t~nd to some of the surrounding earby villages. Mrs. Bnce of Toronto, is the guest of her daughter, \hs. (Dr) Snelgrove. Mr. j. H. Knight, of Lindsay, paid a visxt of inspection to our public schools recently. Mr. Beatty took a party from Brantford down the river this “‘eck In his trim littie launch. Rev. Horace Peckover preached a very edifying farewell sermon on Sabbath arternoon and on Sabbath evening occupied the pulpit in the Methodi~t Church, whose Pastor sub>t ruled for Mr. Peckover at Mt. Pleasant. The gay hunters are unloading a numbez of old stories before they proceed north to the land 0! the deer and bear, expecting to return thh a prime loadâ€"of yams. An epidemic of colds seems to be prcxalent. Mr. J. Anderson has for sale a nuulbcrof horses xuxported from) Scotland. Yes, Joe Haves has returned to Omemee after a trip to the land of his lorefathers. He looks well and feels as spirited as customary. He says the islands of Great Britain and Ireland surpass Grenadier or Muskrat and the shipping of the (Tlvde beat our river hollow. Mr. Hayes visited England, Scotland and Ireland, and feels much im- pressed with what he saw. Your correspondent forgot to ask him if he Visited Blarney Castle but infers that he did. OMEMEE PHYSICIAN. Dr. Mr. Hubert Gardiner, of Mount Pleasant, was in Omemee last week and so were Joseph Lowe and Harry Bland ot that south eastern suburb. Are we to have the station down town 2 The present arrangement mnddles things a little and seems somewhat of a subterfuge. If the G. T. R. owes us a station or $2000, should we not assert what is our nghts and that without delay 2 A; NIE W. IVORY, TEACHER, Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Examin: Terms Moderate. FARM FOR SALEâ€"The. North Half ot the South Ha“ of Lot number 12, in the Second Concessnon of the 'l‘ownshtp of Emily. containing Fifty four (54) acres, more or less. «t-Sttuate about 3% nnles from the thlage of Umcmec There ï¬ne on the premises a Brick Drag??? $32.39 ft. With ’large frame shcc'lcit'l’l'i'; 1'2! A frame Barn and Stable} 3“:§“hf-'"§g3unldation 30x60 ft. A" in fï¬â€™vï¬tewï¬dltzon. The prem- hes hre waz'éu. ' thh flowing springs. Water conx‘if'er-‘p into dwclhrjg. For terms and m'ï¬â€˜culars apply to the ,o‘mer (Mrs Duncan G. Blaylock) on the prrmiscs, or to R. J. Grundy, Dmcmce. ‘ - British Canadian Business College Cor. Yangt- OMEMEE NEWS. at rcusonablc prives. s'rAR'r ANY TIME. chmec, Oct ii'sr BIISIIESS manuals Frederick J. Snelgrove l;..‘\.. .\I.B., M.C.P.S 0., SICIAN, â€" SURGEON. â€"-â€"â€"()BS'I‘E'I'RI(IL\N~â€"â€"- Bloor. Sts , 'I‘nmnto for Examination. Moderate. 5th ONTARIO. Height of )ignr is pastâ€"nature’s power slowing dnu'nâ€"Vinity ebbing anaV, endurance decreasing. Stop the progress of decay, tone up the weaken- ed nerve centres. Impart vigor to the tiring bodyâ€"prepare for the crisis Best means fur rebuilding is fnuud in Fer- n-z me; it brighzvns lip the whole be ing, imparts pnwer. strength, \‘iunr Old zuze i:2) xmshed bank twenty years, the radiance of \ onth is restnred vigor, mm and new life thuMiHth. You‘ll tr) F: rrozune. 50c. at all dea‘ers. Specml music being pmpared for the occasxons. Mr. Isaac Richardson, assisted bv Mr. I. R Eakins, had an int mense stock day here on Tuesday. Farmers are pleased with prices of 5t0ck and getting rid of them before winter as feed is scarce. The annual Church events in Anglican and Presbvtcrian Chmx chcs are. now being prepared for Sabbath. 25th Oct. Rev. Cannow] Grecne.of0nllia. will conduct the Anglican, and Rev. Mr: Poquc, of Pctétl‘lvOl‘O, the Presbyterian. The flag station and platform is proving a great COm'enicnce in good Weather, but some better and large: building will be needed in cold weather. Havc you seen the beautiful Hand Painted China at \VYLIE’S? If not it is worth going to scc. Nothing more suitablc tor \Vcdding Prcsmlts. at a rrasonahlc price. Just the thing for China Wedding (lifts. It must be seen to be apprccimcd. 'Farmers are verv busy plowing and saving their very poor root crews and corn. " On Sunday, Oct. 25th, opportunâ€" ity will be gin-n us of nmnifcstmg our .nppxcciutlon of our .spccizll blcssings us a parish. in the schlCcS of praise and thanksgivmg, to bc hcld, (l).\'.) that day. There will b: a L'clcbruuon of holy Cummuhion at 8.30 :1. m., Elections matters are quiet and good nature and good humor prevaii. Run]. H. 'l'cncy has issued his usual Annivusary Pastoral, which says In part : in tin.- aunduy School at 2.30 p m., and EVcnsung at 7 p m. In these serviCCa' [:1 us rcio c.- in thc t'uzï¬uncn: cf 11):: Saviuur's promise, “ Lo 1 am with yuu always, um) unto lhc cmi of the World." Anniversary Services at Christ Church, Omemee. Murnmg Praycl and Holy Commun- io: at 10.30 a m., (,‘MIch :3 Sade: janxca’ Church, ()rillia, humonscntui to conduct the ssrvices on this occn siun It \xould bca ' cause fur grt-at rcurct should any bc: prchntcd, tlm.’ any unf. [Sccn circumstu c: {mm 01) mining the l). ussmg which his message of love is sun: to convey You will, u grcat privxlrgc to mukc Lhcxu bright and hearty. 'l'hc uffcrtory. as on former occasions is for thc rcducliun of the Chulch dch I am sure, make chry qur[ to be present at \hcsc Scrvxccs and individ uully considcl it a duty no lcs, than THIN BLOOD MADE STRONG You will bu glad to k: ow that thc: Rev. (fanon Urccuc, Rector of St " I admit, because I neglected early treatmentlam entirely to blame for the condition of “eakness that for near- ML and Mrs. H J McLean, of Wt. Hus-«m, callcd on his urother Mr. 1‘. W'dltcr McLean, the ï¬rst of the Week. Mr and Mrs T. I Plrsons were visnors to Pctexboxo over Sunday. ly two)eurs made my life ll. real mis- ery,†writes Mrs. Huzen. of Bennpurt "At first i felt sort ui Ii lt In the in. m- ing and unnid do no more than pick a‘u‘ my breakfast. Later I remember I") sleep was disturbed. that dreamy, rest- less slvep, from which )on with ana- ken. ieehnu :t: if y: n vo-dd never get. up 'I hen I hecmnet.i1n,1-;st‘my coiv r, gut nervous and tearful about nothing, and kept. thinking about. In) self all the time, and “as irritable. ruSflHnd easily made cry What med have become of me if i had not. taken Fern Zane I can’t imagine. Fern-Zone put new life into me from the start It sre gthened my nerves and Draught luck my mint and in a little while,1 less than three mnhths, nn heaithbm and brighter Woman mum hp .‘My (1 anywhere i highly‘ praise Ferrozme and advise sick people to take itch-an. tare of its health-ennfernng pin-pr: ies ’ Fan-c zm-e qumke’ns the powers 1:! both bndv and mind, simph‘ because it {urine hns of hmod that’s full of life and Vitality. Fe'rnzune creates appetite, gives strength, vim and endurance, its good tor old pewple,gnmi for everybody ‘ that needs better health 'l‘honSnnds ‘ 01’ men, women and children use Fer- rozone every day and all sav its the best'nonrishing, strengthening tonic made; try Ferrnzone yourself, 50¢. per box or six boxes for $2 50 Sold by all dealers. l flhe property owm d by Mrs. S Lamb. m the V illagc of Omcmce. be- ing compmcd of Lot- number 3, south of King Street and east of Sturgcun Strec t in the said Vi' lags. There arc cn said Lot a Fram; DWdIing, two stori 5 high, 22x3 0 ice: and addition 14x7 lect a frank: slmp about 12x16 feet and in Frame Lnery Stable 25x42 feet, \uth frame sheds atrached. l‘or price terms and pJI‘UCU] 1T5 apply to the owner, or to ' R. J. GRANDY, Omemee: Ont. Omémcc, Oct. 2nd,. Lgcflt Tiredness and Weakness Overcome. FOR SALE. 57-62 the Critical Age. A Joyous Letter. J C.Roekwell’s New Sunny South Co The perfnrmatu‘e \\ hlch Will be given hy J. (‘, HULKWL‘H'B New Sunny South company, America’s greatest col red shuw, in the ’l‘unn Hull. le lm‘mk, Monday (Welling, October l9th. provid- es a. clean, lix’elt, laughuhle awnings entertainment There is no prvtensim a â€(any plut or stnry, but it due - pruvide th'ea hours of prettv scenes, Mich}- and frisky music and unusually l¢tcn i: g «lam-es 'l‘he churns cuntmnn :1 number (-f ï¬ne looking ('nlurell girls n ho can sing and dance It is an up tn date shnw fur up-to-dnte penplv‘, freely luternpersell with several spec- lultiva m the better clnsa, that will makethe audience sit. up and listen '1“ e musu: s bright and (‘11'1'hV and all new. The lh-seruntu 'l‘rihune had the follouinu notice of thPir perlurtnanco in that town Under (late of Sept ‘25 ’US, it said “ Standing Rnum Only mm a.‘ a premium lust 'l'neaduv night at Naylor’s Theatre, when J (7 Rut-luvells New Surnr South company male its secmnl appearance in this town This Cnmpauv is cmnpusr‘d of the heat (ml med perfmmers that ever appeared in this tun n, and us on its furnwr visit. it nI-~re than Inn ‘9. unnd Among the features espuclallv Wurthy of mm mm new t .e- R thr Skating act. of the Tur- ners, the Uticle and fur (:V Bicycle net of Wenthwrn and Gwen. mid Happy Bill Briggs, n 1m :8 a cmnvdian of un- usual merit, helm: a twill» hatter than any even here in the 1 ast " This (‘wmpnny ml] also appoar in Nut (lpera â€on e. Umexueu, on. Friday evening. Oct XGJL. The â€II-es of admission have been p’uved at 25, 35 and 5'! came Reserwz! Spats are now on sale at Imach’s Drug Stnre Their? are days uf (Hun-mas, spells nf drmminess. headache. sideucne, buck- aclm. Bunting Kidney Pills cure all Kiil- ney llls Mrs George Turner of King St, Mill- bronk, azu8; “Mr D: mk was vvrr tendernn'l woaln lcould nnt stoop nr lift an} tllllh.’ \\ iil. mt suffering \\ ill: tlnll, limlring-«lnwn palm: across tlw mull nfit and extend mu around my sides "he urine was lllL'lllV (-nlnreil and conlulueJ mncl: sedimenl ofas and like nature. While the kidney Heuraiimm “era grnutlv (lisnrderevl and mused me llllH‘ll incanâ€" venienco and sulfaring, liewlaiclws \\ ere alums! constant and mrmwiniial dizzy spells “'nnlil leave me l‘l awe-(1k and miserable cmulitmn. Spots appeared lieforP mv Eves. leaving: me unable to see. Horttli'n Kidney Pills obtained at l'macln’s pliarnm'y Cur-d me qu'ckiv and comp'aie and I lime had im re- turn nf any symntnm of the trouble since." mm by allilastlers. Price 50 cents. The E 1‘. Bo .tlu Cm, Ltd , Fort Erie, Ont , Sole Caliaullzil Agents â€"- Tbn above question is oftr-n asked enn- cmuingrbr. Piercu‘s two lc-zlding 11106.“- cinus, "Goldpn Medical Discovery†and “ Favorite PMription." The Vaxnswcr is that "Golden Medical Discowry “ is a. most. potent; alturzmw or blood-puriï¬er, and tunic or invigorutnr and acts (especially favorably In a cum- tlve way upun all the mncnnsJining sur- faCeS. as of the nasal passagw. throat. bronchial tubes. stumuclx, buwcls and bladde . urinz a. large per cent. of catar- rbal ca. es whotherflisease affects the “9.5:“ pa ‘ang. the t. mt. larvnx. bron- Sometimes rlmunumc pain after urinary mmh'e. You are plainly told that the Kid- neys are sick. An Exceptionai Offer Ry a special arrangement with the Home Jnnrnall nf 'l‘nrontn, “e are in a position tn uï¬er liiil high class home nmgztzine in up junction will: the Mir- 3 ror at a. price that must appeal to all ‘ love 8 ml good wading l'lic Home .ihllrual has already at Wide (-ircnlatmn through nt (‘unncla and is fnlE)’ dem- onstratirg the fact that it. ouuht not to be necessnn to gm nniside of this (-nnn- H’Y fur literature of this class. It is w' O'emxllie, {unless and interesting with a. fund of vahmhie infnrnxalinn. stories,illustrations em, set forth in the best of tmngraphicnl stvle. The over for October “ 'l‘he Lit-Ha Apple G .Lherer." is typical ( f sturdy Vanad- ian childhood. In mililmn to a. avriul an l a number uf short smries there are in erunting ar'iclos on "The Milk Que-s ti'u'l†‘\\'¢.men’s “"1ka at. the Fair†" lee W. 1;. 'l‘. U and its Work.†Mns- " [‘he W. 1;. 'I‘. U ic. Fashions, etc n“ - nu..u,.~ Lâ€, We are nhlé in nffer this magazine with the 1V?! RROR for one year (to n WSubsvtheus only) at the price of $1 | 0 Present subscribers may 390nm the Home Journal by paying arrears lo the Mirror and $1.00 in advanra "Vi‘lii’sï¬Ã©frér’wil{only Imld gaud for 30 days. Send all orders to 0. \V. RICHARDS. Have You Stomach Trouble ? Whenrynn wake up with headaï¬he and bad taste in the mnuthmom ething to settle the stnmach is needed“ 'l‘hut dull, heavy teeling must. be lifted, and appntile must he created; Get a hymhv- ler of water, some sugar and men pour in a sufl‘dnse 0f Nurvlliue. You’ll feat tip Mp m a few minutes. Nerviline ivvigomteél, braces, tones, puts vim and swap imn ynnrmrwemnnrs You’ll be ï¬ttm] fnr a hard Jav’u work hv taking NerViHnPâ€"fmthilw hem; . He. 25c. eve»: \\ here} ‘ P. 0. Drawer 7S. Com: 'ro MA“ MILLBROOK Pawn: TWO Papers for; $1.00 What Do They Cure? DAYS 01’ DIZZINESS Mxllhrook, 0 1t. 82: GROCERI E 3‘ PAINTS, OILS, W E. EUEEY LEADER IN The Rev. Mr. Pr vkover is one of the ï¬nest ministers and pulpit Orators that has cvcr been sut- ioned here. He W!†have charge of on: of the Toronto Chukhes, where his labours w111 not be: so hard 0.1 his health. The irrer$l50 HARDWARE DRY GOODS If You keep posted in upâ€"to date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive which appear in THE VVEEKLY EUIL The Sun‘ is the Farmers’ Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for The Sun to lst january, 1910, in combination with There Is Haney iii. Farming M389 9, 300d deal to the gygglass userâ€"this in the idgél we aim atâ€"you are the judge of our success. gtggptatibn of lenses te- cgivn the same attention. SHERWW-WILLMMS FloanLAc K A. Turnvr Mlllbroou Get it from us. MARK. REPORTS in THE Viv EEKLY SUN NYAL’S Wild Straw- berry Comp., the Only Reliable Remedy for Dysentry. Once tried, Always kep t; in the home. 25¢. a BOTTLE Do You Get Blllous ? ’l‘hls trouble arises lion) torpldlty of the liver. Nothing acts so nicely as Dr Hamllmn’s l’llla 'l‘hev stir up the liner, rid the system of bile. tune the stomach, giw- appetite and sound di- gestinn, 1f 3" u feel drowsy m.d had tempered, Dr. Hamilton’s Pills will lelp you M once,â€"Laken at. night, ynn are well by mmnimz. Don’t be» afraid of Dr. Hamilton's l’ills, they are mild â€"don'lgrlpe nr nnnaenle. They jnsl at; VVylie’s Pharmacy. I ’ Write or Wi : Prompt Scrvic tccd. Address a1} Orders to G. W. Richards, MILLBROGK. or- The Mirror and Weekly Sun for Balance Qf Year for 25c. " ('Ixreâ€-;ll{ats aâ€. ;\ full report .of the Millbrook Central Fair wa appear in the Mirror of Oct. 8 15¢. will bring the MH‘IOI' to your Post Ofï¬ce [ill NEXT JANUARY. or The Toronto Daily News and the Mirror to Jam. 15!, 1909, for only 00c or any other paper \‘011 mav prefer togctl‘wr \x'lth thc Mitror,ut about the price of one, to the. year-end. The Mirror and Family Herald to January Ist, 1009, tor oniy 25 Cents. This isa Golden Bunni‘mniw to secure good reading. and now that ihc date of the Dominion lilcctions are announced for Oct. 26th,†isn good time to subscribe {or your local paper and a daily. SPEEIAL THE (‘ohunn $5M H'nlumn 2’) ECOIumn If) ls pnhlmlwd every 'l‘hursilny Morning at m Ullhtu, King Street, Millbruok. ,l'rm‘pss mm! Farms. mu- Inch mud nude-r, saw-r yvm'. 53 In:' six months, $I lnr one month. [maul Imlivw-z vants pm Hm: than. inmr- ‘iun 2 Mills per line cm In subsequent in- 4-1lion-‘Nmuuuh-l Int-usurcmcnt. 1'...’ lines 'u the illrvhJ [\dvvrllseuwnts such as lost. strayed, waulvvd, Mm, will he lnserte-d three tlmus tor 41,011» insmtlun 5" cents, «:u'h subst-qnc-ut imwrtiun25t-vnts. liirt hs. ln-uthJtud Mm‘rlngvs are inserted l'retn AdvvrtlsvnH-nts will lu- continued and vhf: rgctl mu- nnt.ll lurhlduen. ‘(‘lmm:~s or atlverliscnn-nts are to be lu Ihe name nut later than Monday. 'I'l'l‘llh‘. $1.5“ per year. or $1.0(Iper year .1 paid in advance. C. W. RHJHA KIDS, GIVE J. H. WILSON, Or anything that requires the services of an Auctioneer, f You Want to $8 the Leading Aucrioncér. 41 Ward 5L, l’urt Hope, A CHANCE, .waaa-zm I" a.» A “V ER'I‘I5E NH HATES: (-311 P.8d '1“ PT I ( )N HATES FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, A FARM, FURNITURE, MACHINERY, A HOUSE 85 LOT MIRROR 61m- ’1! :- '5 J! ~.‘. 3 mo. lmo. lwk. 3; l5 $6 $2 8 3 l a 2 600. COME and. SEE No matter “but disulsc \ou suffer “My, nnr ho“ Ion" if no \ital ortan is irrc al'ulLv doftufld. in all pmbabiiii)‘ ‘vAn will cure you. No medicine, drugs. clectricuy, mental science or faith cure.‘ But a natural, rational method dleUVCrcd by a wcll known sucnctiat and pliymcian. ()nc OXYl)ONOR \vxll scrw an cntirc family-one at a Illllt‘. It ‘wnll last a life time. and there is no expense after the pm‘chasc plies. You can apply ()X\'1)(')NOR at home while you rest or sleep. The Siek Made W31 Mr. Wm. Bcers, 196 York St., 'l‘nmnm, 01m. wntmz “I 12.1w: great pleasure 1n recommending your ()xydonnr. When I ï¬rst got tin: inmtrument I was suffering from Sg‘lalica for about four months, and after applying it for ï¬ve: \vccks it left me all at once and have not been troubled mth it snace. can hlgluly rccomuwml It as a good family docwr, and would not be wnhout it for double the prim.†_ __ -_- . mâ€"Aurn The gvnuinc has [1): name of Dr. 11. Sanchc its metal parts. 364 ST. CATHERINE ST. V7951; MONTREAL. ] argpsx and most popular Business Sch 01)} in Euskcm 0111110, U. idcly c-xpuricnccd, {1.02111}, cducucd, .\ 11111.1- Umtic, 1111;. 11mm staff The 51110111111 cf success, Graduates cnzmumiy suc- acssful. The very essence (1f umdm‘n. livmg Business Systems, Stcnugraphy. 'l'cic- gmphy and Comnwrcml Courses. l’rvpamtory (bursa for thus: whose earl): education lmc been neglected. individual insuuclion. Enter any day. Write for handsome calalnguc. Increase Your Salaryâ€"rr-Proper Preparation Doés It. Attend A ELLIOTT fl ,- And the time In (‘onmwm‘v 1s RIGHT NOW. One hundred and unc «ludcnls from (Mn 1‘ buqncss CUHUgcs M \‘c p11: ronized this‘ Cullcgc withm on: wax. WHAT DOES THIS PROVE? 's\'c butt. Xv<u1'..'ll'-;_v c‘m: ".‘011‘41 mthhï¬ L-lsc should smmry ‘;\.'1‘F..\‘ READ†\' SECURE \‘mhué‘or ruialuguc. ["1“ Prmmpnl, 1 ;\‘.rx:mdt-r Ru. give the . ‘OUR Grand Display GEO. SPOTTON, Mm Business Cnllege FOUNDED 1885. DIRECT FROM VIENNA. Toronto, Ont BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. rpm; ,. 38., VJITHOUT MEDICINE. Write for FREE BOOK N0 96. . SANCHE CO, Principal. XYDONOR Mr. Edward Grundy, a ï¬rst class mechanic, is in (‘hmgc of , _ i‘. J. Parsens’ Siege Tin Emporium. New Won; and all repairs WI“ be done szuibfuctory and at reasonable prices. A. .. v. A share of the publxc patronage is rcspcctfulh solicncd. m Shop Anyonegending a sketch and 1 Quick)? ascertain our opininn the it other Invention ls probnbvy pauynnhle. mmunl uommricflyconfldcntml. gAND 1?an mm. free. Oldest agency to: securing an Patent. taken thruuflh Run: a; m upsgalw gateway“. lathe ely mun-mu: 1 weekly hm' ‘. (ugï¬xiï¬ngï¬ any scientiï¬c mm I Terms} Canada“. .a a year. postage ma. em n‘J as“: “omen. Em a are mm gemâ€, 54? mm m__\. You rs Truly, '§C§éï¬ï¬‚ï¬Â§_.flm$flm ’ F81“?! .L’:. M.» $0 .».c ~»v- a- 31:2. ‘0. plainly stamped in 30L: have been sick afSGT.-; -~'\.\ï¬ (mu-:31; 02511: .1