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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 9 Nov 1905, p. 3

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Tumcss Supphzs, u have a Nice Money you In- »pmg at. Moore’s ATS, 1‘ Dealing. fitted up, and and see his ncluding the and Shoes :ded to. am make thcm to 0:ch all, l'ANCI-ZS Hillbrook f ours already to our list of Heat you Right. 'ery Taste. FIN CED. to quote prices Tr. Coombe’s rook. mg Stole. 'ERY. Ocu.‘ VE YOU CALL Groceries, a, hoes. 331.58 Many friends attended the Thanks- SiVi'Ys fowi supper in Omemee Metho- dist church. much the mcczing was adjourned. Miss Came and Harmony Balfour ””8 a duct very acceptably") the church last Sunday. Misses Annie Jones and Um Brown spent Sunday with Bethe] fncnds. What’s the matter With Lebanon. It’s all right. A husinc ss mccting was held in the church last Thursday. It was decided to build a new shed in the spring as the old one will not last much longer. A committcc of Messrs. A Iang. W J jones, 8 (Ionncll. with R Poast as con- v-:ncr, “21$ mganizcd to look after “it: timber and lumber lor the shed. The organ was the next item of importance Mr. S Conncll proposed having it rcpaircd while Mr. R l’oast wishcd for a new organ. The subject of having a sexton was then brought up aftt‘r which the meeting was adjourned. :fivcrr" cw \ “m-{l. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. has received fen, ji/tem, twenty, and ”a" fifty times as many calls {01" stcnographers, bookkcepers, etc". as"? it had students graduating dunng‘ the same months. $0111: of the sal- aries ofl'crcd were from $40 a month to $1200 per annum This clearly iwlicales the best school fbr young men, and women to Intronzlze. Enter now Handsome catalogue free. | l At the conclusion of his address a hearty vote of thanks, on behalf of the audience. was tendered the Lecturer by the chairman, Rev. I. M. \Vhitelaw, wi o predicted a large audience to greet the Rev Dr. on his next appearance here. During the evening the chorr rendered one of their anniversary anthems, (by request), and Mrs. (Dr) W. B. Rogers delighted the audience with a solo. with violin obligato by Mr. J. I). Thornton. \%E§ \ x“ Seldom have the people of Omcmec cnjoved so great a treat as was gin-n them on Monday rvcning. Oct. 31, in the Omcmee Presbyterian Church, when Rev. Dr. M:nc1{a_\',of Toronto, gave his Ccichruted lecture on “ Pictures and Picture: (Julicries." The Rev. Dr. pretaced his addrrss by sawing he was no artist but enjoycd Scc- 3 ing beautiful pictures, and toldj how oftrn he had sat for hours and stxzdxed great masterpiecs, He also showed how the love a person has for poatryand the love for cat go hand in hand. As Dr. Mach'av has trachIc-d much through the \\ orId he: was. in a position to tcll of the many beautiful "u'lcrics he had vis: ted and of many}; rcat pr-Ccs of art he had seen. 'He mad-e his audience acquainted it ill) different ".11ch 1M of the world including those of England, Scotla n d, F r a n c e Italy, and his great abxlity in describing these plum-s was won- dcriul. Raw 1111 P 111311111 1111881111111. B.. WI” conduct services at 10.30 a.m.,and Rev. Dr. Marshall, of Toronto, at 3, and 7 I) m. Amxiversarv Services wiH be held at Mt. Picusxnt Presbyterian Church On Sabbath, NOV. Izth. The Rev. M. E. Suxsmith, 1.. L. MLJOlm Sanderson, of Emilv, W!” hold a big credit sale of all his valuable farm stock, e-tz. The sale will take place ahout middle of November. Watch for bills. BANK OF O'l"l‘.\\\';\. Hand Ofi‘icc Ottawa. Camda. Capital (auxhorimd) $3,000,000; Capital (paid up) $2,500.- 000 ; Rest and undivided profits, $2,573,332; Total Assn-(3 ofcr $23, 000,000. Savings l>cpt.â€"v:\ccoums may be opcncd in this department With a deposit uf $1 and tap-«aids, on which :mcrcst wiii be aliuwed from date of deporit. “'itltdrawals may ht: made by chrqu: and Without notice to the Bank. For fun particulars. correspond with Mr. A. A. Hoiiingshmd, Manager ‘ of Petcrbom Brunch, Pctcrboro. I S'lU'R-HFD into the prcmiscs of John Kcrr, East ‘_4 Lot 20, ((mCes- sum 4, loxmsbip of Emil}. during the month of Junc, 1905, 2 SO\\S. Own" can have sann b) pmving pm pony and paging cxpcnScs. IOHN KERR. Ozncmcc I'. O. Omcmcc, Nov. 6th, 1905. Mr. and Mrs. Iiilis Loyd returned on Monday from a pic-35am visit with 1 Hahburton friends I The Rector mil be absmt from the parish for the first two chks in Nov cmbcr. Am one nccdixw the minis (rations of the thumb during his ab scncc will kindly communicutc \xith the Rev. C H Marsh of Lindsay. The man) friends of the Rev. J M “ hitchw will rc'rrct to learn that he Is I“. “6 Join In \ushinjr him a speed) .‘COV Cl”. During Recent Months the - i Hall“ Renewer Renews the hair, makes it new again, restores the freshness. Just 'f our hair is faded orturning gray for it always mr’égghfiglér? Stops falling hair, also.“ "mmwnrr- W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal; Umemee and Vicinity. Renews the hair, makes it pew again, restores the fiesin'ess. ' RE: what you need if your hair is faded or turning gray, for it always “‘A‘-- AL- -A.-- c.‘-- ‘AI':-- k-2- -I-- Dunâ€".44....4_, LEBANO) The Mirror rcting was heki in the rsday. It was decided shed in the sprmg as not last much longer. Honors in attendauceâ€"Fred Clubb Ida'l‘hcxton, Hcrman McLean, jean (Rubb. Average attendance :7. Sr. IIIâ€"Melville Handle-y. Bert Fee Mabel Boyd. Bruce Lowc. Jr. IIIâ€"Ethel McLean, Percy Handley, Stella Handly, Annie Shield, Tommy Shield, Fred Clubb. Jr. Iâ€"-]ean Clubb. Willie Hunter, San Easton, Bertha Lowa.Is:1bclla Handly, Harry Jamicson, May Ma- haffcy. Class IIâ€"Ida 'I‘hexton, Newton Fee, George I’crritt. Sr. I.â€"â€"Hcrm:m McLean, Elsie: Perritt. Must be more than asthnulnntâ€" must be a. food as welL» There is one medicine that is ‘both a food and a tonic,â€"lt aids digestion, promotes assimilation. converts food Into nutriment that builds up nerves, blond, Drum and b~)ne. Th“ tonic is Fen-ozone which contains just what a run down system needs. Ferrozone supplies oxygen to purify the blood, phosphorous to develop the brain. iron to harden the muscles. No wonder it makes such \‘lgoruna men and women You’d eat, sleep, think and feel better by eating Fern-tune; try hâ€"nuw, Flny cents buys a box of finv choco- late coamd Forrozone tablets. st all deniers. Jr. IVâ€"Ida Shield, Flnra McLean, I Axmzc 'I‘hexton. David Mordcn, Percy l Brown, Stanlcy Lowe. I Chss Vâ€"Calvm Clubb, Mabel ParKcr SLIVâ€"(Jladys Fee, Jamcs Fee, Maud Handlcy, Mabel l’crriLt' Mt. Pleasant School Report For Month of October. 1‘ mmcrmrv services of the Bcthcl ( hu ch, Emily, Sunday, Nov.12th,to be conductcd by Rev. Dr. ’ishop. All are welcome. and Family Herald aiid Weekly Star to January 1815, 1906 nearly everything mentioned on the bills are in good condition. See bills for list, terms, etc. NOTICEâ€"Persons getting their sale bills printed at the Mirror Office, Milibrook, “ill recvive a notice similar to the above tree of charge, and then we give you posters that will please you, please your Auctioneer, and attract the attention of the public. Prices as low as any. Test us. @The above will be extra good sales, as the stock and in fact Farm Stock, Implements, «52c.â€" tbe prOpcrtv of Mr. Emery Fullis, Lot 16, Con. 8, Manvers “ill be SOlll by public auction on Thursday, Nov. 16:11, 1905, commencing at I o'clock p. in sharp. \‘i'. I’ortcus, Auctioneer. Farm StOck, Implements, c.â€"â€" the popcrty of Mr. John San derson. Lot 4, Con. 5, Emily. will be sold by public auction on 'l‘ncsday, November 28th, 905. commencingr at I o’clock p In sharp. This Will be a big clearing sale. as Mr. Sanderson liZlS rented his farm and lie 15 retiring. james ll. Gardiner, Auctioneer. No blame is attached to the won thy \xai‘dcn in connection with the escape, 0n the contrary loud expressions of admiration is heard for the brilliant manner in which he oxganized and conducted the pmsuit, and some of the citizens an: senoasly contemplating a verv handsome remuneration for the ofl‘icml. going train. as travelling on foot was out ol the question, he being in a vcrv Weak comlxtion after long months at close confinement. He was immediately taken to the Square and executed in (he prcs~ cncc of thousands, more or less. were Securing the surrounding country. After a short search the renegade “as found hIJing near the (3. '1‘. R. tracks. whcre he was widemly waiting to board an out When the Warden and Sheriff Went to conduct him‘ to scaffold the Watch was found bound and gagged. and seemed under the influence ofu strong drug. The strong iron bars were wrenched from the window, and all that remained of prisoner was a bat which in ms hurried departure he haul dmpped. The Warden at once gave the alarm. Special constables were sworn m. blooxl-hounds were se- cured, and soon a strong party] Little did the spectators, v. ho from far and near gathered mto ‘ the old, loyal and lustoric town, ‘Omemee, to wttness the public eXecution of that natorious crim- inal, ‘ (iuy Fawkes,‘ realize the bold attempt that was made to effect his escape from justice. It seems the p!iS:)ntr was in charge of \Varden Peter Stinson, who pEaced hun m Woodshed Co. ; jut], and, as is the custom, placed a death watth over him. The Tonic of Health. Escape cfa Nutad Criminal CECIL II. BES'I‘, Teacher. redit Sales. 04°»- At Ocean View is a. bath-house keep- er who ls remarkably profictent in ll 0 way of keeping his bath-house clean, and in judging what sized luit to hand our. to a patron. But. he is continually loosing patronage through making tho most foolish and inexplicable brenkl. For instance, a yoang woman wanted a bath house one morninz. and he told her she would have to wait a while, as all the houses were occupied. Thou he came from his little office pooped through a knothole in a nearby bath house, and fluid: " It will only be a moment. though, mm. This lady in here in almost dressed.” Two young men who had left their village {or the first time mere walking on the straet ofu largo town. Whilst they ndmtred the beauties of it lhoy saw a watering cart pass by whlch wu watering a rather dulty street. One of them, thinking it wu dolng It by acci- dent, cried out, "Driver. driver, you are locslng all your water.” Illa com- pnnlnn pulled him by the sleeve and n M; pered ln his ear. ”Hold your ton- gue and dont show your ignorance llke thul; it is an invention to prevent the boy: from riding behind." The English merchant and the AI)- oncnn merchant were talking. Each was fully conscious of his own self- oItimutedpre-eminenco. ‘Why,’ said Jonathan "in my firm the clerk: nu 30,000 gallons oflnk a. year. I guess you will understand what “large nu m- hor orclerks “a have ‘3" "Oh," said the Englishman, “your ofllco is evi- dently nolhlng compared with name; u lay us actually saved that much ink In a year by ordering the clerks not to «lot their i’a." To protect your system against the further inroads of kidney complaint rely on Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They g’ve ixvslant relief to the backache. those dragging sensations, desne to urinate too often or too seldom. You'll feel lnvluoraled and braced, your ap- petite wlll improve, sleep will be rest- ful. No medicine on earth Will do you more lasting good. Price 25¢. per box, or the boxes far SI, at all dealers. or by mall from N. U. Polson Co. Hartford, Conn , U.S.A., and Kingston, Ont. Read the foliowing symptoms-41m)" tell if your kidneys are sn-k or wellâ€" u hether or no you require a mediviue such as Dr. llnuniiton’u Pills; Look Well to Your Kldneys~KeeD Them Healthy and Thus Avoid Ineurable Dla‘oetes and Bright's Disease, If you would avoid Bright's Disease lake l)r.‘llamlltou’a Pills at Oncewnu delay about their action which Is swift and thorough. In every case complele cure attends their me TRY TO ESCAPE BRIGHT’S DISEASE. A visitor of noble birth was expected to arrive at a country house in the north of England, and the daughler of iho house aged soyon,wu receiving: final instructions from her mother, " And now, dear,” she said. "when the duke speaks to you, do not forget always to say 'your grace." French“) the great man arrived, and «(Ker greet- lnz the host and hostess he Hold to the child, "Well. my dear, and what Isyouc name?" Judge of his surprise when the little girl solemnly closed her eyu and with closed hands exclaimed, 'Fu what we are about to receive mny “e be truly thankful, amen." _ , _-.._ “u...” uuu. name:- in the digestion and assimilation of the foodâ€"so that the blood gets its elements from the products of digestion. the liver an the same time is started into activity and. there is perfect elimination of waste matâ€" ter. The germs of grip. malaria. catarrh or consumption find a fertile field if the body is not kept in perfect order and the blood pure. Because the stomach is diseased there in a. diminution of the red corpusclcs cf the blood. . This is why one is sleepless, ianguid. nervous and irritable. Sensitive stomachs groan aloud at the irritating cod liver oils, but they will get all the food elements the tissue-é require by using the "Golden Medical Discovery." The "Discovery " is absolutely a non- Ilcoholic and non -narcotie medicine. There is nothing elm "just as good." Dr. Picrce’s Pleasant Pellets, the best laxative {or old and young people. They cute constipation and biliousucas. , , :j" After years ol‘expcri- 1:213ng (no: in an active pmc- "" nee. Dr. R. V. Pierce, 9! Buffalo. N. Y.. discovered a remedy that is a. blood-maker and tissue-builder, at the same time :mcviiues a couch. He called it Dr. Ir‘ic-rce's Golden Medical Di» covcryâ€"an altrrative cxxract that assisfi in the diqcstion and “gemamau at w- A visitor The Toiler s in our Factories. fl“ ..-_. ...- uvuA “- : time is stark-d into activity and. perfect elimination of waste matv c gcrms pf grin. malaria. catarrh ...-.. ._ _ .. u \nnv. Nature's great disinfccâ€" taut is auniight. It i. in the factory. the work- shop, the am“. that men and women suchI from diseases which a in the dust and the ba air. Such disease germs enter into the blood in two ways, either through the lungs or stomach. . "yen-u; the world in manufac- tures; all due in the brain and muscle of our Yankee mcn and women. Unfortunately where (here is smoke. dirt and dust and little sunlight them also can be found the gcfms of disease. Last year was our banner year, but we are determined to keep pace with our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us, for office assistants, not only from Peterboro but from other plaCes as well. We have not been able to do this in all cases during the last two years. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping or is a competent Stenographer and 'l'ypewriter is certain of a good position. Nothing Succeeds Like Success Office 2nd Door West of Com- mercial House, Omemee. Farm Implements, c. McLaughlin Carriages, Flows and all kinds Plow Points, Cream Separators, ‘ Deeripg Waggns, Sleighs, 8:0. . v -â€"<: -- "pr-“i “wuuvww Deermg Hay Tedder, Cossxtt Hay Loader, Dcermg Lxght 1 Machinery, (Sac. Your orders will have my best attention DEERING HARVESTING : MACHINERY WILLIAM STREET, For the past few months I have been searching the best market for vhoice things in Clothing and Haberdashery and now while my stock is at its best, I ask you to gin: me the pleasure of showing you the latest things in my store. (tome and look and buy at your pleasure. l‘)uring my business experiezce last year, I have endeavored to treat every man, woman and child fairly, and I feel confident that this invitation will be cordially received and accepted by everyone. The freedom of the store is yours. OUZER, AWAY BELOW THE REGULAR PRICE HIUZHH’S HH BARGAINS CLOTHING Right Opp. Benson House, A teacher in one of New York's Public Schools, In the course of a lec- ture on Natural History} was explain- xng to her clue of bnye the harm that had been done to the trees in the city by worms. and then went on telling how the English sparrows had been Imported to kill the worms, and that sparrows had Increased so in numbers that they had become as bad as the worms. Noticing the boys were not very attentive. she said to one of them. ‘ You wxll make no mistake in getting a Some doctors go so far as to say that indigestion is the national disease of America. There is but one national ‘ remedy for indigestion and that rem- edy is Dr: Hamilton’s Pills which no eeiorate the action of the gastric glands and give tone to the digestive organs. 'l‘hey strengthen the kidneys and liver, cleanse and purify the blood and thus add general tone to every organ of the body. Flesh and strength are fast re- stored and the patient can eat and 2 digest any food he pleases. 'i‘est Dr-i Hamilton's Pills yourself,â€"-25c. per box or the boxes furSiOOat all dealers. . WM. PRINGLE, Principal, Peterboro, Ont‘ An American Disease. Business Education. LINDSAY. [3'Writc for Our Handsome fireman?) This is cspccially true when applied to the Fmv Doors South of Maundcr’s Hotel. AGENT FOR When Seven Men Dte. You know at least one of them had Consumption. At first it was only catarrhnbut it was neglected. When ‘Catnrrhozone" cures so quickly We foolish to unmetâ€"it’s a. shame to keep on snlfl‘llug and hawking. Catarrhon- one goes direct to the cause the dieeaee , â€"that's why it is as dead certaln to cure: It atom the cough.prevente thati ldllguetlns dlscherge. clears phlegm‘ ' out of the throat in five minutes. Very pleasant, and late too; get Catarrh- ozone from your druggist to-dny. J. STEELE’S, FOR UP-TO-DA'I‘E JEWELRY. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, “Tommy. wh‘ch do you think are the Vorat, the worms or the marrow: ?” "I don'tknow." 881d Tommy, " I never had the sparrows," MILLBROOK. , for 850, Premium'Pic;ture included’. LINDSAY. Draft ,, 77 Kent-St LINDSAY WATCHES, CLOCKS, paw- ELRY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, NOVELTIES, c., c. The Popular Jewelry Store, IS a gem and a treasure to the recipient. And it will be all that it seems if purchased at our store. \Ve have a notablyfine assortment of rings, pins, brooches, necklaces chains, charms, etc Exquisite designs in beautiful workmanship. Rare bargains in jewelry here now. Prices cut 1-3 or more. Every article {x'lly warranted. Q‘P. S.â€"â€"I will be glad to see all my friends in Omemee, Ops, Emily and Cavan when they visit Lindsay. Make our store your headquarters when in town. D a ir y Butter. ‘3' AT RIGHT PRICES. ' ‘ 1 ! T0 RENTâ€"The North Half of 11 u u u L; I 3 Lot number Six, in the Second Coll. , .. ccssion of the 'l'bwnship of Emily. Dld Y 011 Know! loo ACRES. About 1}§nzilcs [south of the Village of Omcmcc. A THAT 1 frame dwelhng, frame barn and a fume WE SELL ALI. GRADES OF ISM? °" ”‘F P'¢"“$°5- I‘or particulars apply to FIN E FLOUREWHL Earl and B. J. Brand]. AND I Executors of the Estate of Mixed Feeds : Margaret A. Nelson, decusod. We offer a full years subscription to The :1 full year’s subscription to that greatest of all and Weekly Star, of Montreal, including their 1 andra, Her Grandchildrsn and Dogs,” and a i and Vetennary (iutdc.”all {or $1.80. A sampl can be seen at this office. '1‘ he most complete Farmers’ Handbook and Veterinary Guide ever issued â€"â€"Simplc and practical Information of the greatest value to cvety farmer. Three hundred and fifty-eight subjects dealt with ,' every one of them of ,nterest and many ofthcm Illustrated. ' W. LMCCAHTY’S. Wedmfisent Compiled by the Agricultural Editors of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal at the Request of Hundreds of Readers THE FARMERS MANUAL and Veterinary Guide, ABook That no FarmerGan Afiard to be Without B. LAIDLEY, Highest Prices Paid F0 R Wm. Curry 85 Co. Every Dept. of both Stores is full with the best goods that can be obtained from the biz Markets of the World. Call and prove our assertion. Our New Fall Stock of Dry GoodS, Gent's Furnishings, c. CALL AND The Mirror Office, E Send All Orders for Above Hanson House, Lindsay. OUR SPECIAL OFFER! OME‘MEE Ibscriplion to The Millbrook and Omcmec Mirror. that greatest of all Weeklies, the Family Herald :al, including their bcautiful pxcturc, “Queen Alex- and Dogs,” and a _copy of ‘ The Farmer’s Manual MILLBROOK, ONT. 25c. I3ipcs . for 15 c 35 and 4oc.P1pcs for :5 [SC Pipes for 10 me Pipes for 5 corn cobs 2 for 5 Tobaccos always fresh at rob-014.1 Pal-Ion: ii": urn-n. out”... WM. COLYI N’s Fonthil! Nurseries, (over 800 acres) Toronto, Ontario Trilby s \Vinks Alabamas Scotch Rcel Up-to-date Spccral Vcnccdora BankruptStock of Pipes Stone 8: Wellington, v Grains. Orchax'dlstsâ€"iu examimng Trees for insects, Gardmcrsâ€"in examining Plants {0! insects, Teachers and SchoIars in studying Botany and Everybody in a hundred different ways. A sample ébpy of the picture? 30630;: Wnte {or particulars, and send :5c. for our handsome Aluminum Pocket Microscope, (a little gem) useful to Farmersâ€"in examining Seeds and START NOW at the best Idling season, and handle: our NEW SPE- CIAI 11155 on Liberal 'Icru.s. ; Farm to Rent. and surrounding country, whtch will be reserved for the right man. At once for “ Canada's Greatest N urscrics” for the town of Local Agent Wanted DENTIST, LINDSA Y. Hone} Gridnate of Toronto Uninvi- ity and 1103:! College of Dental BID- goons. All the latest and improved brunch” of dentistry successfully perform“. Charges moderate. 0 F F I C E on, Gregory’s Drug Store. corner Kn: ml William streets. Dr. F. A. Walters MILLBROOK. to 6 for 25 7 for 25 6for 25 7 {or as 7 for 25 3 for 10 6 for 25 15 cents

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