‘4'» ‘Ga your clothes made like new . .jl ' ‘by having them dved bv Parker's D}. Works. Peterboro. Harry Racharus. Millbrook agent. at his .storc, D. Lbambcr‘s old stand. l 'Yunr patronage is respectfully E solicited. I am also agent for ‘, V ; the Peterboro Steam Laundry. H. Richards. :at 3 o’clock on Thursday ' n 2, Nov. Iï¬th, when an > ‘will be delivered by Mrs ofCobourg). bearing on , Refreshments will be the close of the mcctmg. W Mrs. G. W. Mckim and Miss Maye, were visitors to today. . v. Jas. Allen, M. A.,of Superintendent of New ' Missions, \Vlll preach yscrmons in Millbrook Church on Sunday. la. There will be special . n this occasion. want“! :- Familics of boys and girls to work in Cotton Mill at Kingston, good wagcs paid whil: learning \Viilguaro ,lanxce steady work to the father and all Workers OVcr 14 years nfagc. Will ad- vancc and arm ngc all mov- . - Eng txpcnScS if necessary. Apply the Dominion Cot Rev. D D MC Donald B..-\.. Moder -3Ior of Pctcrbom Presbytery is to be the [uachcr next Sabbath, we under- stand that Mr. McDonald isa clear ,and Mccful speaker, those who are 'ulv-ged to hear him will doubtless :2: beneï¬ted by his message. Then: 3.1" bespecinl music bv the choir next :Sunday. (h â€unday evening at Oak Hill "£551: nan Church the Rev. Mr. BlisofMdl St. church, Port Hope, cm an an]: and mstructxvc gun-eon “Crawlers and Grumbicrs" ti ’crowded house. everybody was ï¬lmed sts Maud Pickup sang I :sdemions in goad voice, and Miss M (Stay contributed a solo m a manner. Mr. Harris the ‘, charge, sang a solo in a way ‘ bled everybody. He has a We, well under control, and is 77;; ï¬lhnga large budding and ‘a mrica! andicncc. Rev. Wm " ms the cï¬icient chairman. Mr. J. E. Adams, of Lindsay, was in tovm yesterday on business. fIThe servzces in the Presbyterian (,‘htm‘h last Sunday were of an especi any helpful character. The pastor preached a companion sermon to the «We of the previous Sunday, In keeping 'Wllh the sacrament. There were six who united with the church at ihis :Servtce. The singing by Mr. C V LPym was very appropriate indeed and "heartily enjoyed by those present. At the eVening servnce he sang a selection 3213: gmn: to the audience an idea of 1 ï¬le aluhty and ease with which he can 1 interpret music. He IS a good addition .to thw already good choir. FE’Ktnd reader please tell your {ï¬ends of our big oï¬'el', of which full 'paticulars are given on next page. Lcksmithing Work > Wesgside of the 1, white on the East 'f the $treet his 3 MELBROOK The funeral took plaCe on '1 uesday, when, as had been already intimated, L purchased 1; h e the body was removed from the Rec- "Wiu and businegs tory to St. Thomas Church and plach '- am in the chanCel, so that all who wi had 5112:: hand 511181113? might look for the last time upon the 0 form of him who had dWelt so long wksmithing work among them as Rector and friend, and I 3 W83§Slde Of the whom they had learned to note and hwhflexonthe East honor 'lhe cofï¬n, of polished oak, ,f. the street his was left open from lo a m. until 1.20 u... m - uuul IO a.m. until 1.30 honest) -. - au'ceb D18 ‘ â€V‘" . lithe " p m., and a constant stream of parish For 5 “AGE WORKS ioners and fxiends entered the sacred Mr. I 081'?in 0D mare Cdlï¬Cc for the above purpose. most of Wm reg . them remaining for the reading of the seiiotisi‘ IVSly than ever' simple but beautiful order of sen-ire he WI“ gigs in’ prices. for “ The Burial of the Dead," timed i I Dr Jan . . to commence at 1.10. . of M t l ib Stronage IS moat “71131) the clergy who had gathetcd i Mrs. W $My‘éojicjted. imam tn my their law respects to . gr'OVe .3, \ ï¬illigan, on 'I'ucsday attendmk the f Flue late Archdeacon Allen. t! Mrs. W. K. DeLong arc in ing been called hcre on ac~ :he illness of their son. cNachlanoi Cobourg is the lt$'(Rcv) lulmstonfwhilc in ii»; to address the‘ ladics of ï¬gï¬an church thxs'aftcmoon get-of missions. L Preston, M, Winn letters blur glasse- lre required. Dues 1: ever . to you when reading flat the object appuzs a waplele mist, blink your 0: test them a moment .31 is right again. That means ghsses ue required. 9.133;: «e endangerons to ()nt. H. 11. Turner "Illbrook. fum.- Co , Kixmon, “'35 In r850 Archdeacon Allen married Miss Jessie McClellan of Black Craig, Kirkcudhrightshire, Scotland. and she, with eight sons, survives lnm. The ‘ sons are: Mr George Gordon, collector customs, Emerson, Man. ; Rev.Wllliam Cartwright, Cavan; l)r.'l‘homas Hubert of New York city ; Messrs. John and Henry, engaged in farming in Cavan ; Rev. Alex. Proctor. Memorial Church, Springï¬eld, Ill.; Mr.Walter McClellan, hamster and master of Chancery, Springï¬eld, Ill._. and Dr. Norman of Toronto. i The late Archdeacon Allen was a Conservative in politics, and an elo- qumt and forceful speaker. His m- dustry was remarkable. As a church- man he held moderate views, and was 3 member of the Executive Committee of the (House. He was also represen- titive to the Provincial and General Synods. In 1867 he was appointed rural dean of Durham and Victoria and Archdu- con of Peterboro in 189:. Hisjubilcc was cclchratcd sen-n years ago. and ï¬fty of the clergy took part in the event. For many years the Archdeaccn was superintendent of public instruc- tion in Durham. He was a tram-Hing missionary in the Midland district for several years, and became incumbcnt of St. Johns, Ports- mouth, near Kingston, in 1852. The following year he was appomtcd rector of Cavan, which position he held for 53 years, the parish becoming the lead ing one of the diocese, comprising ï¬ve churches and requiring two curatcs. The Venerable Archdeacon Allen I was the third son of the late Recorder l Allen, Sligo, Ireland. He was educated ‘at the high school there, and studied classics under Mr. Quill of 'l‘rmity 'College, Dublin. Arriving in New York in 1837, he studied theology at St. Paul's College, Long Island. acting also as :1 tutor for some time. In November, 1846. he came to Canada, and studied Divinity at the old Theo logical College at Cobourg, under the 1 late Dr. Bethune. He was ordained}l deacon July 30, 1848, and priest in1 September, 1849, by Bishop Strachan. i The Archdeacon was cschiahy by! loved bv his parishioners “ith whom * his clerical ofï¬ce brought him Into wry ; close communion. His gentle dispos-i ‘ irion and genuine christian charity “as known to hundreds of other denomin- ations, and the Influence of such a life has left a strong impressxon on the people of this community. I The following is a brief history of! Mr. Allen‘s hfc: He was a man of more than ordinary ability There was no aï¬'cctation about thrs noble. true hearted man He loved truth and nobility of character, and would not countenance anything else. His was a mode} life, full of content- ment and happiness as this world gOes. Hus fulness of years were due to a robust constitution and stnct attention to nature's demands. His Me has been devoted to the best interests of his fellow beings. The Archdeacon’s death was due to pneumonia. He would ban: com~ pictcd his «.ighty-fourlh year on the 16th of December. Mr. Allen was present and spoke at the funeral serviCcs of the late Thomas Grandy on Thursday. Nov. 2nd. There pass<1d away on Saturday, Nov. 1 uh, at 8 a.m., one of the most highly esteemed and best beloved citi- zens of Mlllbrook, in the person at the late Vcncch Archdeacon Allen, at the: age of eighty three years. Had Remarkable Ability, and Had the Courage of His Convictions. Was Rector of Cavan for Over Fifty- Three Years. The Ven. Archdeacon Allen Passes to His Reward After Long and Useful Life. Bfllhreek and Gavan Home the Less ef Bee of Their Meet, Nehleet and Meet Respected Citizens. cders. w J. Puixcock’s, Blobmél to a grow Avenueâ€"PW â€0}â€; Times ! Dr ,amicson and Miss Needham of Mullbxook, spent Sunday at I‘- LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS." Messrs. Augustus and joln â€"-The local Stationers now have Roach are erecaing a. ï¬ne house stocks ofthe improved ‘japanese’ for Mr. 1. Powell, and no d0ubl brand writing ink and mucilage, underthc snpervisionol two such which is made in Hamilton, and noted mchitects and builders we is as good as money, skill, and will soon see it completed. honesty can produce. For sale byAllred Leach. 'Mr. Chas. Lunn has taken a huge contract of cutting and Mr. R. DeLong's many friends i Slsltltling logs at Oak Hill for Mr. will regret to learn that he islAbe Jackson. of Kendal. Scliouslv ill. We hops, however l . . . . . . h - . . ’ Miss Minna Rusk IS. ylsitmg e W!“ soon rechr f1 iends on the line. Willie 15 all P1: ~Iamieson and Miss Needham , Smiles. The manvfrlends of Mr. Maycock will be plcaSed to that he is able to be out lus long illness. Mr. T1105. Hunter knows how to feed pigs. He killed a pair on MOndny 6% months old, which weighed Over 250 lbs. each. Tom says the Yoxkshire White is the best. As usual 21 cons’ideraliic number from this town and Vicinity went north for the hunting: season this year. Amongst those \\ ho Went from here was that veteran Deer Hunter and genuine sport, Mr, William Mclvor, who never NUSSCS his trip to the north country and never returns Without his full complement of deer. This year Mr. Mclmr was accompanied to his customary hunting grounds, iiearrlizn‘k Laxe, Haliburton, l'y his son Charles. 1 a young man about i5 years of age, 1 ‘ who proved hiniSclt' a ‘chip off the old block' by bringing down with his own rifle two line lHJl‘k, a {cat not often performed hy a young man of that age. Needless to say Billy al~o bagged his two deer, “lilt‘ll surprises no one, as it i< pretty \vcll understood a deer has practically CeaSed to most when Billy gets his eye on him. But we must all congratulate Charley on the steady eye and steady nerve displayed on his ï¬rst hunting trip. Cavan Township Council meet- ing next Mondm at IO 30 a. m. MISS Bertha 13. Kelly, who has been visxting at North Bay, spent a fcw (in) s with her Pctcrboi‘ough. Toronto and Czu'an friends this week, and will return to Norm Bay to prolong her visit there until Chnstmas. To the bereaved widow, the suns and thmr families, the sincere and heartfelt sympathy of the community IS extruded. ‘ rs. Nubian 'q MISS Bertha B. Kelly, who has been visnting at North Bay, spent a fcw (in) s with her Pctcrboi‘ough. Tomnio and Cavan friends this week. and will return m Nnrfr. Om: son. Dr. 'J'homus Hubcrt, was unablctobc present on account of illness. Numerous [ck-grams of sympathy and apology for absunCC wan: rcccxvcd rom many who wvlc unable to attend the funeral. jr., F. J. Lynch, and I. \\. Summcr hnycs, rcpz'cScnxing the .r‘. of l‘crcrhom. chdcm: or. cf) Langtry. Canon Farncomb and Rev. J. Pitt Lewis, {mm Toronto: Rev. Rurallkan W. I. Crclglnton. Rev. Rural Dean _I. (I. Dzwxdson, Revs W. Majnr, E. A. Langfcldt. j H. 'l‘cney, (Ico.\Varrc-n, L. B. .‘hafuc, A. J. Fidlcr, Ii): foilcming clcrnuncn “cu: pres- ent (u the Ceremony . \ :n. Archdcamn Langtry. Canon Farncomb and Rev. J. Pitt Lewis, {mm 'I'oromo : Rev. The hnnorary palihcarcrs were Messrs A. A. Smith, _I. (7. Krlls, 'l‘. SISS‘OH, W. H Lough, R. Wood, W. ] Luau, W. Kinsman and 1.. Wood. . a...†mm .1 cnecrmg word hr '1 he servrce was conducted thrunut :lll. To Mr. Nattrass the blow I‘- ‘ phclty. The 95th Psalm was rear] by x (‘ct'c svmuatlly of the entire com Rural Dean Creighton, tl.e lesson by: mumty m “l5 53“] ltelt'ich-ment. Rural Dean Davidson, and the prayers Mr. hutnusx ‘5 a cousm 0f â€1‘: by the Ven. Archdeacon Langtry. The! M .5515. lr-HH and La haunts: . and .\l U. E. Ii ‘ ;: 1 followrng three hymns were sung :l I“ mt h n ’ ol tltts . _ ' . t )\\'n. “Allelma Z The Sll’lfc IS over, the battle ; done," “ Now the laborer’s task is o'er,†l D cnt SC]! andep YOUPMOE'ey and “ For all the saints who from their l , . ‘ Ch wortlxlns cures fur mtturrh. labors rcst.’ .-\t the close ofthxs ;.or-!‘ '1 1M9 13.11" ,,, 9 MWâ€, that's :Hw tion of the service. while the Nunc' (:uemllâ€" " (manhozone "â€"I: cm... Dianttis was su-tg. the bodywas home “I "l â€I? dnch-r aars your case in from the (‘hurch on the shoulders of "'"eless‘ 3“ “7““ ‘0 ““0: “9 atom- six stalwart sons of the departed, and ‘2†to mu.†NH" ’0" Simply mm“ A ’ ‘ ‘ tle fragrant “pogo! this unfailing taken to 3t. John s (,emeter)‘. where ll. tune and L,†“a“ quickly. "we, i. was commuted to the tarth by the: lnshutt, cure is guaranteed so you mu Rev. (I. H. Marsh. l "0 '"l‘ “m' """“"““‘ h ' 1 With the greatest snlcmnitv and sim- J Severe 0.- e. and he has the sin thcir departed Archdeacon, entc Church, 5mm aftcr the hour nan was ï¬lled In (n'cxï¬owing Our $1.00 Fountain Pen is a popularly favored ! specialty at Diamond Hall 5 enl-aru ed Stationery De- fpartmen t. Samglcs of note pager, embossmg and mgravmg are gladly sent on request. Ryn'e “ Steady Flow†Fountain Pen BYQIE BROS. UMRED 134-133 \‘ONGE 5T. TORONTO .. ONT. The point is of ï¬nely ï¬nished solid 14k gold with iridium tip. The name “Steady Flow†is accurately desxiptivc, And the pen is guaranteed hr 3 year. $2. 50.‘ sizes '52 .oo d to hear out after ntcrcd (he named, 11 Mr. Sam Morrow, Vancouver, ie visiting at [MS brother-jn-law's. Mr. Kohl. Blakcly. Mr. ROM. Blakely and Sergeant Thowas Sver have gone to the north woods on a deer hunt. No doubt they will bring home the full numlncr permitted. We hope soon to know what a steak of venison tastes ltke. A mong the new neighbors who have moved to {his hnc are Mr. and Mrs. llobt. Lunn and family. \VclcOmc. -â€"~l-u<°>0-~vâ€"â€"- LONG SWAMP BUDGET. Ania-w Special to the ntirror. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Syer have returnm home from a two months pleltsam Visit with friends in the North \\'cst,and both spuai. very highly of that country. orgy Into the body that deï¬es we Hess or exhaustion 1mm any cause have virulily and healthy v‘gur Ferrnzmm \\ hich all dealers sell in boxes. v I body u‘chOMIE. (loud time is antic ipatcd. I H. Fee, l’rcsidcnl: S. ]. jamicson, Sccn-tary; George Lmr, Checsmmkrr. WHY THAT WEARINESS A grand'Oystcr Supper and Enter- ‘tainmcm, undc-r the amplms of the Muunt l’lcasnnt (.‘lwcsc and Butter Co., “ill l): held on MONDAY Kat. Nov. 20th. An excellent Supper will be scrvcd m the New Hall, next door to the Foundry, Mt. Pleasant, from 6.3010 8 [n m., after which Stirring Addrcssn~ W)“ b: deliver: d by Messrs. (l. (i. l’ubluw, of Kingston, 1). ]. Cumcron uf Cninplwllcmlt, and othcrs. There will :xlsn 1):: 2: good program of Vm‘al and lnstrunwntul Music, chd ings, Rcvitutions, by best fort-5g!) and local talcnl. Admission :50. livery-i ‘ . ._,__,_. n’mmmm'zmgwm. no risk u ith (‘atarrhotono. Don't ex- periment, don't put off, getfutarrh- . 2m e from yum druuulst to-day. pure and 2H “all quickly. Relief is inshmt, cure is guaranteed so ymv mu .3 Severe 0: (e1 (‘m'c svmuat! 'l he Gainsborough, Susk , Post of Nov. 2, speaks of the 5sz death of Mrs IJ \\'. Vattrzms which took pluc: on the: 28th of October. Mr. and His. Nuttrass had only b: en maxried all: t'cov'cx c 'we!) months .md had St ulcd m 1.:cir neu h 0.1 4 5110†uh. tame soutlmest of Gainsbmough. Since that time vâ€"uut ‘ er’s books for the town of For Hope. for the townships of Hope, Cavun, Munvcrs, and the viilages of ()rono, Nc\\'castle,":m-J .\hH-' bxook.--l‘olt Hope Guide. she: 11v Mr. I. B. Lang, Ontario Pro~ vincml auditor was in town On Thursday examining the 'l‘rcasur- Mrs. A. Hunter, Millbrook, has been visiting Mrs. .-\ jauncson at Quays. M r. joswh Chnsto. brxcxmakcr of Kincardiuc, who had thc contract of maxing brick and tile fur Wm Wright, has fun hcd his work thcre. He: has made Mr. Wright 900,000 of ï¬rst class bricxzmdulc, and he says that Mr. Wright has one of the b:s: and must up-m-datc yards north of;'x"oron:o. joe Is‘un old Mniibrook buy. Rev; J H 'l'cney was a guest of Rev. Mr. Spenccr while m town attcndwg the obscquics of; tin: Vcn. Archdcacon Allcn. 7 nds, n: smile Tr) .' lat! MOUNT I’LEAAN'I “'0" §.Ilt . Since thm :1 Jump; circ hm} always a :1 chewing wou inttr us; [hr bk deï¬ea wearis It: HRS tht' 5'†1c entire com belt-aVc-mcnt. cousin of the Ira szltInSs rx hum, of tlus -' \"Enr use sell in 5%. (ASn'I-é'sw‘ went {0' Now h. HI. '“S'MILLERQOE 50 YEARS' hn '36 EXPERIENCE bl , : ‘ -‘-' .~j,;,.uzq;<>\ :h ' ' ' ve 3 TRADE MARKS Id DESIGNS , ' Cowman-s c. ' - Anyone lending a sketch and deacrl tlnn mny quickly ucomxln our opinion frog w other an Invent on Is probably grant-Me. Communica- tions strictlyconndém Hmdbookon Puenu lent. froo. Oldest ace 7 for securing menu. w Patents taken th -h Mann Co. receive 5 train: notice. without cbnme.‘in the ] o“““1:‘. 1"... ...2. A†'1“ I time h: u. «Man of any sclomnic our-xinl. 'J‘ cruxs, $3 a ï¬ll: font months.$¢. 50 d by a." nowadeaiers. NM co 3mm?- New}! ark 13--....L I «1-- 3 an: an n. n. A handsomely flhutmted weekly. Lnrccxt (zir- cnlaflon or any sclentmc numm. 'J‘cruxs, $3 a our: four months. R- 50 d by u; pOWldeaiers. 'wmmvrmxc must be drarcd out In the gNext few weeks Chairs Tables, 2 Show Cases, Scoops, 8w. Stiéï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬iï¬iéï¬casa. "Erik-h (ngofgï¬ F St, Wgshinm on. D. C. East End Restaurant pastor, a<sl~itcd by the Rcv. l) A MacKcnzic of ('cntrcx'xllc. _l 1151 ï¬ftccn years ago this Week her mob-Jud passed to his reward, and now thc- survivmg family m then sorrow haw (:GUSC forthankfuhwss For the: influenc- of parents who \vcrc sound to them so loug, and whose interest was am for nghtcousnrss. Thu Mirror joins no sympathy wnh the bereaved. humor is set!) in her family; "vex, until quhc rcccmly .shc had a unï¬t. and :1 kind word, and an original joke i I’cw wmncn unjuyal the ministration: I of her pastor more than she. cz'cn until ‘ the East shc was intcrcstcd in â€It comfort and \vdfurc (:t‘ :31? mound hcr. The large gathering at her home on Tumduy the day 01' the: funcz'ui, 1 shown! {he estccm in which she‘ um WA Number of . ucbuu) an (my m It): mmmi, shmvcd the esteem in which Sh: ua> hcld. The scrviCcs at thc hnmc- Were conducted by Rev. \\'n:. johnsmn, hm CLEARING S A L E J. STEELE’S, FOR UP-TO-DA'I'E JEWELRY Issuer of Marriage Lia-uses, MILLBROOK. The Wrnhh of iz‘tL-rt-sl l to 1!): wurld in her family i many and szxrpasscd by Night disposition, and 1h the .\IiIII1rooI1 I’rcshyzcrian Church 11111] 1111c cf the oldest residents of (31111111 'I‘1111'11sI1II1. Sh: Ica1'cs Ihrcc 5351115 and 1111' brothrr, Mrs. (Icn, 1314151111, of HamiI- 101111111'115I1ip, Mrs. I11I111 HamiII c1 ’I'o1'111:‘10z1111I .\I1» I. .11111str011u. 11'I11 I suII IIng 'rs i1: :1 I101] 11fs11II1r1113I11-11L' .1 11113111 11f 1211:1111111iis111 {111' 111191 51:11:11. yearx' the gchIcr part 1:I [he timr conï¬nz 1I t11I1c.1I ()I I111' 111111 {111111I1 she 15 sunivcdl .1) kn \‘ . A.II1111I:1’. M.A., I’h. IL, of I)1:111'cr, (11I 111111 quite r1-L'1.111I1 1111511I11111i11tcd Modem tor (I the S)11(11Ii111h1 I11111111I~ in which I19I11I1111',s R11 R .I A , 111 (1recI1, (11I , 11I11: 191111111" :1111-11 1"(11'I\ in thc 1111' 11 11I1(1.~1:11.'1111r: zs {1111111115 II:- “orId (11'1'r. I)111'I1I 11I111 1114 111211 I’ctc'1l101'11.:111 I. ‘(I-1r111 5.1 I’ 1111I 3 I’m-s I131cr111111t'.I1u11I1 : I1.\.11I (1112111 :11. cIdcr 111 Miâ€! 111011 (I:111'1',I1 :111] 8111111 1111 1I1c I111n1ustcad,11I1<1 111111I 1'11'-:11 II\ 11115 11111 m the managers 11I .\I11II11011I: ‘:‘( I11111: I1. II11: daughters are .\Irs. I I‘1~I111 11if1- of the 1:11- Reeve 0f(-:11an Mrs. 1.111225 I311-1s 11f 8:11 'Iicbom, and; Mrs. 1111111111 51111 111 ()11111'..bcc Mrs. II)(11:1_\11I (2:11'1Icn II1II a111I M15 I)11I; I111: 11'I10I111~ I1c12 Ihc I.:11I1 Iul attendant 11pm: L11 111111111 I111 years. 4 ï¬Wâ€"W (Met: M Valley mun-d Lhc M and m' Death of Mrs. Hunter Health demands daily aétion of the boweis. Aid nature “nth Ayer’s Pills. ï¬ï¬ansumptien I»: 254213?“ L-W Give nature three helps, and é nearly every case of con- E sumpu‘on will recover. Fresh .- arr, most important of ail. Cherry Femoral " 1’ fun: need 4701': Cherry Pectoml 3: you: :20. I have seen terrible ca-u of lung dis- .“ cured t-y It. I am never without it." wam‘ G. HASHâ€"Tux, Alumna, Ohio. ï¬niï¬ï¬‚c" £530. .17. C. ANYBÂ¥ICOH . I turn 1 I. â€W? . A 3“. mm for In t..: 6913;?! and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. Nourishing food comes next. Then, a medicine to control A Besa Miss \- :c dcazh o iss Annie Inst Sun one of [In AT THE 2mm Life EEHEG. the cx-Rcuv: of (lawn. er.» of Buzlicbom, and i0†u! ()1 u n z: b c c. of (Sm‘dcn Hiâ€, and he hm hvcn Ihc {.ch upon hu‘ m v.1:cr for of Mrs. Wm. : Armstrong), : "day mm'ning ' 0]ch Presbyh oldest :c.c‘.‘e{1121:1i1§0n all lines we Wm. Hunts l cquca 31rd is equal t kW. ’11“: kw 1hr : Spuzn’m mug was members H can Has his New Premises will be pleased to have ï¬ne stock of Fianna an. nréigcna ‘Eke§?CKLfEEï¬;§"nfug 3mm. TC CHOICE CONFEC'IICNEEY Our Riotto: Fair D4 On Each Purchase that you have a Nice Surplus Left Over from t‘: e Morey you In- tended to Spend; that Shopping at Moore’s is a. Pleasure. If You are not a Customn of ours already we wiil pieasea to add you to our hat of Patrons, and Guarantee to Treat- you Right. Sin-ciai Attention to c UNIO.\ MI! I on First Class Outï¬ts :iéileGOé’i, 011 my 3;}. One Door West of Mr. Coombe’s Grocery, Millbrook. Repairing of Boots and Shoes Promptly Attended to. I WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL Beam and Shoes. EL? Ifwe can't suh ymx in Rendy-madrs, we can make them to Ordcl. ‘EAS to Suit Every Taste. Try Them and BE CGE‘YINCED. 03.31 and we Will b 8.1] “hon “TD nanny-r e pleased to quote prices FUR COATS, 5 of Pianos and Organs. i ‘Sherlock-Mannirg.’ T. J. LANG, Opp. ToWn Hall I‘olns, (Hon-s, Blankets and all Harness Supplies, at chsona blc Rates Fair last Month car ry. MILLBROOK. Tommcrcialmen UNION-ST. TY LIVEBY 'cBride tastefully ï¬tted up, you call and see Slzerluck-Manning Manx-om station Part ana .......... (‘nrnnulle XIII .................. M t. Plenum Future-vim- . I-‘nmknn I‘ontyphol (hm-mm- l‘clerbnro Mauve rs s thhnny ...... Bnlflcboru .. Garden “131 DISTANCES From Millbrook T0 muss titted up, and and see his including the Dealing. Recitation .........\1 Solo .............. \i:. _ This bruught to :1 dose a muing's entertainmcnn bcn question ot‘pamznou: n ézt: to cvcn' dain mind. a .x. 3.; it $215.11: Ontario nc hau- lion acres of land 0:“ - 2.; m: which has \ct been asstnciu the fathers and mothers :0 3; sons and duughlch u u mt u and t0 :ncouragc them I r 11- th:: farm. \‘g ‘ “3.31 the “Hg: we lune, for a nun la b- y; famlcr mu»: 1): a man u! 1211c tact and good judgnu-m. M “11:: spoke for orcr an hour. his audicmr szmlltmuud mm ï¬nish with his cimguvnua The iollowmg inn-r013: vac (“suitably gin-n :w to he congramhucd upuu 11:1 supper prondcd. “c Hui sucuss of the chccs: ms was now clusmg. and and. “la of butter and 1:. 1 1‘s; 1., to $30 oco,oco.l!1c (sun: dcs'clupingof this «rm: 1 11.1» to $1200 per annum 7742': r Micah: (/36 (mt! school ï¬ir yawn and women to Infroml'r. Entc Handsome catalogue free. 1:...xlagcmem, am LC 14m. :2 10 co-clxmtc mu; Mr.“ 32C in; thc imik m bu: (mg: was sure that wuh united c {Actory would comich tu g3: said he had 3 \‘cl‘_\’ iTIICY~t‘\:;E;:_ to run at? and huch .2†uâ€; UncmScIVcs. He the†mind I Somcrvillc. Supt. (It. lira-gm Curing Room, to addrcaa :i‘w Mr. Somm-xllc is nu 5m. 5" people ofthis weiniu, a in} .12 were delighted to hear aim 9.5 Mid he was pleasqd 10 x,c; Kk that the patrom and {fail «I Cor. Yonge and Alexandcr f has I‘eCcivcd Ion, ï¬fteen, (mm!_ 1‘ can ï¬fty times as many (-33} Stellographcrs, ixnkkccpcrs, (I it had students graduating c the same months. Some of If arics offered Were from $40 a a Mr. W. C. SWKZU' and in his addn-s; « kc ‘ of the faczon :imc it~ phased in say lha! their gone forward at lop lyric: “c culogizcd Mr. “End. unzkcx, on his goud work An cnlcluimncm aim was held on \‘lâ€"dnasda; Uzldcr 1hr auspices of 1 Chem ('0. Our Ham :4 us urn: in attendaxtcv Recitation . . Solo ...... Rccnmion $010.... 5010.... {{gadmg A 832cm} E :15: 3:: foe] coneiderxlniy better a Dr. Hauamoh'a I‘zib." b'. wheno,25c per box at he one dollar. From :11 weakness {rum Illd women euï¬'rr, no 3: exists than Dr llamillon’s uwiutuiu that bracing he woman: no earnestly desires mot dice-.59, and bring an lut- UH uld (go. " No mediviue could be u‘ tiai than: Dr. Uuml‘hon’s 1‘4 Mn Mary E. A: flu!) n! Y: hue been ntrenglhenhd, u] in boner, I have lu.1Jo\‘o-u 1; with .' of Pt: :z dept Ink-rc- dCIKFi b) ('h: Pauli. During Reecnt Monks : 32.57}; 000.000 ma \' in: ‘ Ottawa $3.00c, Women S'I’IL‘A'EU inm thd John Kerr, tin-.1 y; [j sum 4. 'l‘ownship of thc month of jun-s, l Owner can have $3"ch bj party and paying expci KERR. Omcmcc I'. ()L Owe-met. Nov. 61h, u‘ w. 1. ELLIOTT. 5: m o!\ relans’: 8; lists. Lin‘isa' , “i! Chasm: Friends' H on l'ucsduy, Nov. 21 Messrs. Bcrt Court mJ .lame-r Thurston, hare anivui home {n hunt. Each one shot t “I: are grcal lovers of ‘ BA N K OF OTTA \\ 1 EM}; L‘ 000,000 a ; Rcs‘ Omemee and DENTALâ€"Dr -o -7 ~61.“ ‘ --.-~w v-.. Want your mom alumni bran born I of S! will be opt-nu} ()f ( Zanada‘ iH Ix: Wu}. The nd ‘ u" I With W CapiL-u and 1.038} things H0 HIK‘ mus Hg; in [his (it: and upwa align-ed f .....\1r. 1 Mr. MCI’X mil Mk“ !’ HMr MISS l '3". .Mr M Mus I’; EESB mcu Minx.- Ht< ICCS 'zl r‘ Il( M 2'. H :‘sw rrix‘ ,. v pit