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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 16 Nov 1905, p. 3

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rs already 3111' list of you Right. Awarded 'N DON YOU CALL ve a Nice ey you In- at Moore’s :ES brook 1311.33 ceries, c., i up, and see his ding the ‘oombe’s ote prices Shoes to. ealing. Eanmng OGS. Taste. Store. m to order The iollmung interesting numbers Wcrc ircdilalih giv-zui â€"â€" Solo ............Miss Parsons Recitation .......... Mr. Fisher Solo .............. ‘liss inidlcy Recrtation ......... Mr. Fishc -r Solo . . . . . . . . . . Mr. McPherson Solo ........... .Mr. Parsons Solo .............. Mrs. Br) son Reading .. . . . . . . . . Mr \Iitchcll Solo ............ Miss Parsons Recitation .......... Mr. Fisher Solo .............. Mr. Parsons ‘Efliis brought to a close a succcssful mining 5 entertainment. be a qUestion ofparamoum importance to new dairy farmer, and he believed it was. In Ontario WC have 126 mil- lion acres of land. only 24 millions of which has yet been assessed. He told the fathers and mothers to give their sons and daughters a good education, and to encourage them to remain on the farm. We want the brightest boys We hate, for a man to be a succex‘srul farmer must be a man of Intelligence. tact and good judgment. Mr. Somer- vnlle spoke for ow'er an hour, and held his audience spellbound from start to finish with his eloquence. nu 1 Cor. Yonge and Alcxandcr Sts. has received (en, fifteen, twenty, and even fifty times as many calls for stcnographcrs, lmokkccpcrs. etc, as; \ it had students graduatingr during! the same months. Some of the sal- aries offered were from $40 a month to $1200 per annum 7741's clearlyi imh’cates Me (in: school fbr young men and ”mum to gmtrom'zc. Enter now} Handsome catalogue free. I Curing Room, to addrcss the ncctmg. Mr. Somcn'tlle is no stranger to the people: ofthis vxcitxity, and all present were delighted to hear him again. He said he: was plrahcd to he prescnt. and that the patrons and their Wives were to be congratulated upon the excellent supper provided. He spoke of the succws of the: cheese season which was now closmg, and stated that thc sales of butter and chccsc totalled up to $30,ooo,ooo. The can ymg on and developing of this great Industry should Mr. W. C. Stwtzcr was charrman, and in his address spoke of the succass of the factory :incc it startcd. Ht: was phased to say that their ' chccsc had gone forward at top prices a” summer- Nc culogizcd Mr. Ward, the: cheese m;.kcr, on his good work and execllcnt management, and be achd thté patrons to co-opcratc \uth .\lr.\\’ard in’ supply ing the milk m but condrtron. He was sure that With united effort this itctory would continue to prosper. Ht: said he had a very izrtcrcsting program to run off and hoped :1“ would cnjoy themsercs. He then asked Mr. N. G. Somcrvillc. Supt. of Bruckriflc Cool An entertainment and oyster supper was held on Wednesday cvuning last, 'uudcr Un- augpiccs of the East Emily Cheese ('0. Over three hundred pm- .u us were in attendancv. " No medicine could be mate benefl~ vial Hum Dr. Hamilton's l’illu" writes Mn Mary E. Ayrton M Victorla. "l have {men ntrengtlzenml, my dint-allon in better, I have unmoved m color and tool considerably better since using Dr. Hamilton's Pillp." Hold overv- whelo,:.5c per box or live boxes for one dollar. A SBEBESSfE] Enter Simmer at East Emiiy Cheese Factory. From all weakness from which girl» and women suffer, no smer remedy exists than Dr Hamilton’s I’Iils. I‘hey nuimaln that bracing health every woman no enrnestly desires; they up. root dlumemud bring strength that last. Illl old age. BANK OF O'l"l'.\\\'.-\. Hcad Office Ottawa, Canada. Capital (authorized) $3,000,000; Capital (paid up) $2,500.- 000 ; Rest and undivided profits, $3,573,332; Total Assets ova $23,- 000,000. Savings l)cpt.â€"-Accmmts may bc opcm-d in this dcpartmcnt With a deposit of $1 and upwards, on which lllk'rcsl will be allowed from date of dcpmit. “'nidmuals may be made ‘ by chum: and without notice to the“ Bank. Fur full particulars. correspond ‘ with Mr. A. A. Hoilinushc-zid, Manager ~ of l’ctcrboro Bramvh, l’ctcrboro. During Recent Momhs the: the month of junc, 1905, 2 SOWS. Owner can have same: by proving pm petty and paying expenses. jOHN KERR. Omcmcc I’. O. Omcm‘cc. Nov. 61!), 1905. STRAYEI) into the premises of john Kerr, East !3 Lot 20, (:oxxccs- sum 4, Township of Emily, during the month of lune. 100:. 2 SOWS. Women With Weakness. DENTALâ€"Dr Inimc, cf the firm ofN:-cl:ux=ls Ir\'inv. Dem fists, Lindsay, “i” be at [11c ChOSrn Friends' Hall, Omcmee, on X'ucsduy, Nov. 215:. Mcssrs. Bert Cnurtncv, 0f Emily, nnJ jamcs ’l‘hurston, of Dunsfnrd, Inn-c aniwd home from their (let-r hunt. Each (mc shot two “ beauties.” We an: grey! lovers of venixon, boys. W. I. E} 5?? ". g. Umemee and Vicinity. . -vl Want your moustache or beard u H“; i M’s BWYE SLbeMOYflChbM?US¢ “melanomas-.1. 0mm]. The Mirror ..... Miss Parsons ........ Mr Hshcr ......... 'iss I uidlcy ........ Mr. FiShL'T . . . . M r. McPherson ‘. . . . . . Mr. Parsom ....... M rs. Bryson ,.. . . . . Mr Mitchell .LIOT'I‘, Principal: Lâ€"s’Thc above Will be extra good Sales, as the stock and in fact nearly everything mentioned on the bills are in good condition. See bills for list, terms, etc. NOTICEâ€"Persons (letting their sale bills printed at the Mirror Office, Millln-ook, will receive a notice similar to the ah0ve tree of charge, and then we give you posters that will please you, please your Auctioneer, an-l attract the attention of the public. Prices as low as any. Test us. 1: Mn; peeple in a tender spot and makes it mlghty hard to hrncs up. Nerviline takes that kink out of your spinal column In slmrtorder; 'it aoollxu that's why relief cnmes so soon. Ner- vlline penetrates, that’s why It cures. Flve times S'rnnger than ordinary remedies, Nerviline can’t {all do cure lune back, lnmbauo, sciatica and 119114 mlgia. Nervilina is lnslant death to all muscular pain. For nearly fifty years ll. has been the largest selling Huimont In Canada. Better try ll. E'sson Bond of the Toronto force is a brother.â€"'l‘oronto World. Farm Stock, Implements, c.â€" the p oputy of Mr. John San- derson. Lot 4, Con. 5, Emily, will be sold by public auction on Tuesday, Novembcr 28th, 1905, commencing at I o’clock p m sharp. This Will be a big clearing sale, :as Mr. Sanderson has rented his farm and lie 13 retiring. jamcs H. Gardiner, Auctioneer. Cold Settles in the Back. The dcavlh of Chief Bond recalls the Coatsworth cut mystery in Toronto. It “as thru him tha. \Iartin and his uffc w cré arrested and tried for the mmch of their child. Port Hope, Nov. r4.â€"(Spu:iul.).- News mum to Port Hope this evening by the receipt of a tclcgram from Hul- iburton of the drowning of Port Hope’s police chicf, Wm. Bond, and his sister in law, Miss (Ericc, formerly of Toronto. Chief Bond with his wife, [in]: daugh- rcr and Miss (irice lcft last chk for Haliburton on a hunting expedition. The message came From Mrs Bond to an undcrtukcr here to Send out two cofi‘ins. ' Deceased was formerly a member of the Toronto police force, which he joined on Aug. rst, 1899 He resigned about a year ago to ac rcpt the pOSition 0f chic-fol Port Hope. He was 3,4, years of age and was mar- ried the: years agu. and Wm. Bond. Formerly of To- ronto Police Force. Meets Death in Hahburtcn Woods. Mrs. C. II. Sluicld was a visitor to Toronto last wcck. Part Ham’s Pulica Chiaf Drowns with Sister-in-Law. Our skating ‘ “"c rcgrct tXCL‘cdineg to say Mrs. j’usiah Hayes is in. NH. Thus. Best has returned from I \‘cry pleasant mp to N. Dakota. An oyster supprr and cntcrtaimm n: m}! bc given in the town hall, under the nuspiccs of the Mount Pleasant (Shame and Butter Co'y. on Monday, Nov. 20th. A good time cxpectcd. Mr. Norman Russell. of Cubourg, was a vhimr :0 lim hum: of Mr. Wm S. Graham the past chk. Spuciul to the: Mirror. was largely attended The Scrviucs were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Spcpcu’. of Millfn'ouk. assnstcd by the Rev. 1.11 'l‘cncy, Omcmcc. Both part-ms, a brother and sister survive. Mr. Burgcss was a young man of'gnoxl principle and great promise, and syn:- pathy for the family is widcsmcad and ainccrc. The funeral took place: yesterday from the family remdcnce, Bethany, to the Church of England Ccmclcry and ".7.” ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ A Help was procured and the unfur- tunatc young man camgd to Kin- mount, whcrc Dr. EA White was called in. He was afterwards rcmovcd to the Russ Hospital, Lindsay, where he pass-.~d away without rvguining cunscmusncss. ‘vvuuu and looked into the barrel. qutthcn the charge cxpludcd, thc bullct enter ing the Mt rvc and emerging at [he baSc: of the brain Credit Sales. Son of Rev. Mr. Burgess Accidentally Shoots Himself. mung people intcnd making a "specialty’ this winter. Vegetable, liver pills. That is what they are. They cure constipation, biliousncss, sick-headache. "°""'°°" man u--- MT. PLEASANT. .mt riflc to. the ground The Salem-Emily few] supper, and cntcrtaimncnt, held on \\’cducsday evening last, was a grand succuss. Rev Mr. Johnston, 0t Umcmcc. delivered an cluqucnt address, and Miss Rosa Courtney, of Omcmcc, gavc two ex CL‘cht rccitations and sang a bcauliful 5010. Miss Courtney is quite a young girl, and her ability along the clocutiour ary and mud Him: in remarkable, and \w bgspuu'r; 1121‘ -h-r .1 grcat futurc. B; nourishing and purifying the blqu and by stimulating the actxon of the kidneys. liver and stomach. Dr, llauxliton’s l’nlls accomplish wonders- Try a 250. box, or five boxes ’or 81 at all dealers. or N. C. Poloan Co , Hartford, Cullll.. U.S A ,and Kingston, ”Lt. Don’t let sleeplessness drive you crazy; take Dr, llumllon's Pills and get well. You will increase in flesh yuur appetlm will be vigorous, fun-o and energy will be lllstaHPd into your nurvmis system. “No medicine I ever used gave such tellmg results as Dr. Hamilton's Man- drake and Butternut Pills ” " Dr. Hamilton's Pills braced me at once. After the first. night I got rehash. lng sleep, that extreme weullness lelt um: and I recovered very fast. The physical suffering and mental anguish that victims of sleepiesaners endure is indeed a sad story. But. tn Dri Hamilton’s Pillsthere is swift ro- lief from this awful condition. 'i‘hons- ands have proved the merit ot'thts grand inexiieine,among them Nrs G. ’I‘. Lyons, one of the best known tesi- dents of Geneva, who writes? "My health ran down and I was unable to steep. >1 had headache and pains in dzflerent parts of my body. Inthe mun ing I was weary and exhaustedâ€"- no rest: or comfort came from the snatches of sleep Igoc. Altogether. the Anniversary Services “ere most interesting and all who atlt‘nrwd were delight- ed and editied. Hie Lconuieuation and l’zistoxs of the Bethany Mcth odist L hur MC 1 mu to lie congratu- iiltkfli. i he pxucceds amounted to about $140. Weak, Llstless. Sleepless Men and Women Cured Every Day by Dr. fiamilton's Plus. HERE ISA CURE FOR 8190 plessness 7.. -<v-hv \L'I| ‘1K5‘HvLLUIIB. 011 .\101111.1_\ c1: 11111;; :11c 511 111-111 and concert “ere cxcchut. C111 \’21r11:1n11 Dr. 1’0111'rch1'e1111.111'c to attend. 1\11‘.\\'. S. (“21121111 11 .\1t 1’11.:1 s1:1,n1 \\ :15 chairman 111111 111c11L11ted :111 p1cscnt \1'1111 :1 511011 but intexesting address. st 11111111111, 1’101. G. 5111111 110 1.1' H1111 \1155 31111111 CXLIL‘11CL1 111 1161111111111 10c:11.1111111512111111’111'4111111510.:11111 the 1111111L-55L-s b1 111L'~.1:\s. 1)1cw 86131111111 111111 1):. Bishop were 11111110111111“, 1115111112,11\'e and 111-' tenscly1111L112511ng.1\1.111y11vrct-1 1c1l l1IC1l1-L11LLU111161\c\..131 \\11111:1 12111 111111 lx’ .‘IL'Cu110ug11,01 01111111110, 1111:11111111r11e1nwabsmt 011 account 01 11211L-111111. The aunh'ersary Services of the Bethanv Metlmhst Church, held on the 5th and 6th. were quite 2: success, notwithstanding the had rmds and unfavorable weather. Dr. Curmztn, was unavoidably ab- sent, nn-J Rev. Mr. Mountcer. oi Orono. (lormerly of (Iavanville) preached eloquent and imprchivc sermozxs mowing and evening to verv large conga-gutious. Excellent Fowl Supper-Good Programmeâ€"Large Crowds at All the Services. Anniversary Serfiéég n:\.n.. we ..u backache away. iuduccs mum-tile and lomw' up xht gem-ml system. I embidcr u a. fine rcmcz‘xy for young or old men. sure L: build up a run-down condition of 111: system." “ um. uumno. R onfing Secretary Impe- rial Knights‘ Fulcrum" -u L-‘aguc of ngston. "I have used it sv-wml (hm-s during the past few years and hrxv n! vrgs found 112a: it gave me mlmrfliate relief. I! u pels cxcessive uric acid in the syslcm. du'. to iznpropcx' digestion, relieves the kitlncyx {n-m congrstiou. drives )xcminche and backache awn . induces nmwlitc 3mg lomw' up xhc ECIR'Y'II s\'~ I ~ “ - * "I believe that it is gen Dr. Pic-rec‘s Golden 3' ‘n best medicine for a m: :1 1c indigestion, kidney tmnhlc. tiuus resulting: I‘mm .ccrv cold.” writrs j. Russrn Hill Kingston. Ontario. Rrrordi rial Knighls‘ Fulcrum" -u " . "I have used it sv-wrn] fix I ,V. v. .uu _ LIUH. good when: from u. in: Dr. Medical Discovcry 1:; :1: xx building up of the theta: sumplinn. wcakness or (m? toms of fever, nightoswe ctc.. disappear. xcucuea through the [ stomach. Happy the housewife who can please her husband’s appetite with we“ cooked food for the table. Many a man is grouchy, ugly. nervous, sum-ring {mm dis- tress after eating, heart palpitation, and all through the uverwoi’kcd ~tmuach. Dr. Picrcc’s Guldcu Medical Discovery. which helps the digestion of {nod in the stomach, assists the blood in taking up the proper elements from the fund. helps the liver imu activity. thercby throwing out thc poisons in the blood and vitalizing the whole system. This asqimiiatiml helps in the. oxidatimi of the red bland corpuscles‘. the poisnns in the system are clini’izmtrd the heart gas the right kind of blood and the pernon feds invigoru'ed and strongri in consc-qucnco. Ac: a tissue builder it is far prcfcrahlu to cud livrr oil or any alco- holic compounds or tonics, btmuse it given the blood and the tissues the food elements they require and maintains a person's nutrition by enabiing him to eat, retain. diz‘cst and aqsiinilnon ....4._:.:_.H ’ i ,,,_ I ..... y.. .um mvxgoru'eu and strongrl in consc-qm-nce. A: a tissue builder 2! is far prcfvrah‘x to cud liwr oil or any alco- holic compounds or tonics, btmuse it given the Mood and the tissues the food elements they require and maintains a person's nutrition by enab‘xing him to eat, retain. digest and assimilate nutritious fund. It overcomes the gantric inimhmm V. H. V. Mountier yea-shed Eloquent Serzmns. A! Baihany’ Gddcn Medical Discovery, the digestion of {nod in the ts the blood in taking up the Its from the fund. helps the ivity. thercby throwing out the blood and vitalizing the his amimiiatiml helps in of the red bluud c-qrpgscles‘. v'hn . ....Av pr<tinn. Pccmse of tlv tsi'vgr Dr Picrcc' 5 Golden ' tzgzm nutrition and Nu m :9: mes, catarrh can or dubilitv and symp {'11: sweats, headaclus. nutritious food. ix‘rnablhly and geaarnfly conceded that 'rg'lcal Discm'cry is the n 10 «Am Suffering {rum .hln‘. or any of the amic- .'cr\-.'ork or nr-giec'inmn PHI. of 332 Barri: Strcct. .. L’A , "\U 0.1.,» “than r. Iv VI: .3! Last year was our banner year, but we are determined to keep pace with our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us, {or office assistants, not only from I’ctcrboro but from other plums as well. We have not been able to do this in all cases during the last two years. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping or is a competent Stenographer and 'l'ypewriter is certain of :1 good position. Nothing Succeeds Like Success Office 2nd Door West of Com- ' meroial House, Omemee ' ._C. v â€"â€"v', I‘d-sv‘bdulu’ WU. Decring Hay Teri-tier, Cossitt Hay Loader, Dcering Light Draft »Muchmery, c. Your orders will have my best attention. Farm Implements, c. McLaughlin Carriages, Flows and all kinds Plow Points, Cream Separators, Deering Waggne, Sleighs, c. I EERI N G MEYESHNG : MACHINERY WILLIAM STREET AWAY BELOW THE REGULAR PRICE. WIN‘Q General Dry Goods and O L O T H I N Gr Right Opp. Benson House My“? - NEW STORE, £3 fig NEW WORKSHOP, '3 With a “:1. 9% 6y NEW‘GOODS, T45 LT NEW IDEAS. Try CLL RT The Tailor FOR A SUIT OR jOVERCOAT. You Will make no mistake in getting a Mr. ] Foster was in 1.1illbrook, Saturday on busmess R M. will please look out for me geese. ‘. e are sony Ixobert di m’ t “111': for the finish. We notice that Mr. T. G. 'I'ullv Mr. jos. Tully. of Mt. Pleasant, was a guest'of Mr. I U Thornton on Sunday. Mr. I D. ThorntOn of Omemce was in town Saturdav on busineSC. Apples will be Scarce after his \isit. Mr. \Villard Tippctt, of Ida, was united in marriage to Miss Ruby Elliott, daughter of Mr. \V. Elliott,of Ida, on the 16th ult., the interesting ceremony being performed by the Rev. Mr. Duv- idson of Pctcrboro. Congratula- tions. WM. PRINGLE, Principal, Peterboro, Ont‘ For I Mr. Sam Touuhburn has been getting in a lot of handsome new furniture. " Coming events cast their shadows before. Specml to the Mirror 1730 J anfiary Business Education. NEWS FROM IDA LENDSAY. WWritc for Our Handsome Circular This is especially true when applied to the 'cw Doors South of Maundcr’s Hotcl. AGENT FOR . Tully Mr. '1‘. ,lJckson is making big impxmements to his fine premises hole. When completed he will have: very pretty home. ”LINDSAY. a Specialty of horse-shoeing and general Macksmith rzpainng. You can depend on getting good work, excellent service, and most courteous treatment at Mr. T. G. Tull_v's. Prices reasonable. Call and give Tom a trial. He makes We regret to learn that Mr. F. Staples is unable :o attend to business on account of rheumatic trouble. We hope, however, that he wxll soon recover. Mr. S. Ferguson was in Peter- horo, Saturday, on business. Mr. Harx'v Argue, of Millln‘ook, was in this vicmity Saturday on buszness. progressing favorably. Us is doing a lot 01 bankingâ€"{u his shop. Mr. James Kennedy and Miss Kennedy were vi51t0xs to milbrook on Satmday. for 350, 5e times and is ably. Us isdoing I to his shop. A i I £§ ND medy and Miss ,, 77 Kent-St LINDSAY WATCHES, CLOCKS, jE\V. ELRY, SILVERW'ARE. CUT GLASS, NOVELTIES, c., c. The Popular Jewelry Store, IS a gem and a treasure to the recipient. And it will be all that it seems if purchased at Our store. \Ve have a notablyfine assortment ofrings, pins, brooches, necklaces clmms, charms, etc Exquisite designs in beautiful workmanship. Rare bargains in jewelry here now. Prices cut 13 or more. Every artlcle fully _\\'arranted. WP. S.â€"~I will be glad to see all my friends in Omemee, Ops, Emily and Cavan whc-n they visit Lindsay. Make our store your headquarters when in town. Highest Prices Paid 190 R D a ir y Butter. 3" AT RIGHT PRICES FINE W.f.McCAHTY’S. Did You Know Wedmémifisent We ()fi'cx a full years subscription to The a full year’s subscription to that greatest of a! and Weekly Star, of Montreal, including their andiin, Hcr (Erundchiidrgn and Dogs," and a and Veterinary (iu:dc."z:ll for $1.60. A samp can be seen at this ofi‘ice. The most complete Farmcrs’ Handbook and V'ctcr «Simple and practical Information of the grcatcst value Three: hundred and fifty-right subjects dealt with interest and many ofthcm Illustrated. Compiled by the Agricultural Editors of 'the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal at the Request of Hundreds of Readers It Call Be Had Free 2 B. LAEDLEY, THAT WE SELL ALI. GRADES OF THE FARMERS MANUAL and Veterinary Guide, ABaok That no FarmerGan Afford to be Without Mixed Feeds Wm. Curry Co. best goods that can be obtained from the biz Markets of the World. Call and prove our assertion. Our New Fall Stock of Dry Furnishings, c. The Riirror Office “VHS Eu Bensen Hausa, Lindsay. OUR ‘LL fl AND OMEMEE SPECIAL OFFER, MILLBROOK, ONT tion to The Millbrook and Omcmee Mirror' "mlth of all Weeklies, the Family Herald luding their beautiful pxcturc, “QUccn Alex- ogs," and a copy of ‘ The Farmer’s Manual to. A sample Copy of the picture and back Handbook and Veterinary Guide cverissucd . _,t.! A HOVIOUn'n ughozu flmhn NHNMHH. O!!!” I! 25c. Pipes . 35 and 40c.Papcs 15c Pipes Ioc Pipes corn cobs Trilbys \Vin ks Alabamas Scotch Reel Up-to-datc Specwl Vcncedora Bankrupt Stock of Pipes Toronto, Stoneh Wellington. Farmers-in cumming. Sccds and Grains. Orchargixszsâ€"in examinmg 'l'rccs for Insects, Gaming's-4n examining Plums for mSccts, Teachers and Scholars in studying Botany and Everybody in I. hundred different ways. Cut in Cigars F armcrs-‘ Wme for particulars, and sand 33 for our handsome Aluminum Pocl Microscope, (a little. gem) useful to START NOW at the bestselling season, and handle our NEW SPE- CIAL'I'IES on Liberal Terms. and surrounding country, which will be reserved for the right man. 1‘ TO REN'l'â€"'I‘hc North Half of ' Lot number Six, in the Second Cun- ] ccssion of the Towpfhip of Emily. A fi‘x -.~m At once for “Canada’s 6 Nurseries” for the town of Local Agent Wanted All the latest and improved branch" of dentistry successfully performed. (' barges moderate. 0 F F I C E at” Gregory’ 5 Drug Store, corner Kent M William streets. DENTIST, LINDSA Y. {19110} Graduate of 'l‘urouto U nivorl- it: and Royal College of Dental Burn zeons. 100 ACRES. About I}; m i let south of the Village of Omcmcc. A frame dwc-ng. frame barn and a frame shed on tlm premises. For particulars apply to Above to Tobaccos always fresh at Dr. F. A. Walters Executors of the Estate of Margarct A. Nelson, deceased. MILLBROOK. . COLYIN’: Fomhill Nurseries, (over 800 acres) value to cvmy farmer. ; every one of them of GOOdS. Gent's 6 for 7 for 6 for 7 for 7 {or 3 for 6 {or for 15 cents {or 25 “ for to “ Ontario. 35C.

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