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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 23 Nov 1905, p. 3

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IDhCS. quote prices k-Manning 11, fitted up, and and see his :ncluding the ‘urs aheady our fist of :1. you Right. ’oceries, 81.0., Shoes to. oombe S ave a. Nice Ley you In- r at, Moore’s 'Illc mu no! .. OBS. 1 0531 fans ‘TANCES Billbrook Dealing. Hie CU CALL s Awarded ONDON mg Stare. nt. Taste. an!) orda S'I'RAYED into the premises of John Kerr, East ”5 Lot 20, Conces- sxon 4, Township of Emily. during the month of june, 1905, 2 SOWS. Owner can have same by proving pro pyrty and paying vex-muses. JOHN KERR. Omcmee P. O. Omemec. Nov. 61h, x905. .~\n Organ Recital and Sacred Song Service will be hcld in Christ Church. ()mcmcc. on NEXT Tuesday evening, Nov. 2811). 1935. at 7.30 o’clock, by Prof. Chas. E Millncr, of Pcterb'om, assisurd by Miss Kathleen Jcnkins, Violinist, of I’ctrolca. Out. Silver of- lcrtory to be dccotcd to the Organ Fund. All are Welcome. Rev. ]. H. Tcncy, Rector. 'l’lzc Miss-s Sumov, Lila and Winni- frcd Benny, Gertrude McQuade, E Howdcn, ani Messrs Harvey, R H Williamson, A!bc:t Jones, Willi: and A1116 CaScy. J Magee, W Howdcn, and Dr. Keith of Omemce, Sam Council a! d 'l‘ R Lowe of Lebanon, attended the Oyster Suppcr at Mount Pleasant on Monday. BANK OF O'l"l'.~\\\':\, Head Oflice Ottawa, Canada. Capital (autliorich) $3,000,000; (‘apital (paid up) $2,500.- 000 ; Rest and undivided profits, $2,573.332; Total Assets ovrr $23,~- 000.000. Savings Deptâ€"Accounts may be opened in (his department With a deposit of $1 and upwmds, (m which Inn-rest will bc allowed from date of dcposit. “'itLdmwals may he made by chcquc and without notice to the Bank. For full particulars. correspond with Mr. A. A. Hollingshcad, Manager of l’ctcrboro Branch. Pctcrboro. TA: Farmers’ Manna! and Vctcrin- ary ( uidc is the title of a bunk just issued by the Family Hank! and chkiy Star of Munmal It is safe to say ti at no book has chf bccn pub- lishcd giving in such a clan and con sis: form just what faxmcxs want to know. It is publicly recommendcd by Mich authorities as the Hon. A. Mon- The Ladies ofthe Institute were pleased to have the two Mrs. Hand- bys of Mount Pleasant :t Mrs Cot- tmgham's mccting. mm, Minister of Agriiulture of On- taro; l'rof Day, O.A C., Cuulph; ]. A. Ruddick, Dairy" Commissioner, 0t tawa; F. W. Hodson. Dominion Live Stock Cr.n.missionc:r, ()ltnwa; M. (Tcnzmons, Prin. Agr. Coll., 'l'ruro, N S , and others. '1 his book is not sold for Girls at any price. It can be had absolutely frtc. Full particulars can he had at this cfl‘irc, or by writing to the publishers The Family Herald and Weakly Star's ntw picture tlns season is a grm, and is in great dc- maud. A unplc (-f it can also be scen at this office. The: Family Hcrald’s offcr this season is the biggesz offer We have sccn. Our farmcr readers should see the book bcfore suliscrib mg to any othcr paper. 'l'he Nov. mmfing of the Woman’s Insurutc was hcld at the home of Mrs. (Iotrmgham. the subject being "Nursâ€" ing m the home.” all remedies were called to mind. The meeting was brought ton close by sirgmg ' (icd Save the King,’ aftu' which Mrs‘ Cot~ tingham served refreshments. The next mccting will be held at Mrs. R. 'I‘oolc's on Dec. 14th. All Ladxcs Mrs. Rogers goes to (Inclph, as de. Icgatc for the Woman‘s Institue of En): Victoria. Mr. Gc02gc Henderson has re turned home from the North West. Mr. R. J. Grandv was in Limi- say this week on busmess. Mr. Will Latchford, of Buffalo, IS visiting his sister. M rs. Andrew \Vilson. Mrs. T. A. Macpbcrson returned home after a pleasant visit wnh Toronto friends. Messrs. Robt. \Vxlliamson and Albert Jones attended the Ovstu‘ Supper 3} Mt. Pleasant on Mon- day evening. Dr. Cameron and Messrs. T. B Inidlcy, H. Beatty and George lingmh hzgv; retu_med home after a successful and pleasant deer hunt. Mrs. Kane has returned to her home at Bobcwgeon, after a pleasant visit with Omemee and Emily friends. Miss jennie Latchford leaves next Tuesday on an extended visa to Omaha, accompanied by her uncle. umemee and Vicinity. Mrs. David H. Dick is visiting frir'nds in Bobzaygeon. ’ â€"â€"â€"â€" _ Always restarts color to y hair, all the darkrfizhzoiori'tugai :t0 have. The hair stops alhng, grows long and heavy, and an ”:19de disappears. An cigar dressinggfwmmeo, 7;? '°" » v "VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer A Valuable Farmer’s Bock. Wmfl? mnb nan-fin lam Cor. Y onge and Alexander Sts. I has waived f6”, fifteen, twenty, and 1 even fifty times as many calls {or‘ stcnographers, bookkeepers, etc., as it had students graduating during the same months. Some of the sal- aries offered wcrc from $40 a month to $1200 per annum This clearly {zulicates the first school for young men and women to patrvnize. Entcr now. Handsome catalogue free. The Miridr and Family Herald and Weekly Sinai; £0 J an‘uéryll‘St,‘ 1906, for 350, Premium Picture included"; During Recent Months the TORONTO. ONT. \V. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Keep Your Bowels Regular 'l‘hc singmg of the szohal Anihem brought to a close :1 plcnsant cV'cning’s entertainment Proceeds were $30. The Mount Plcasant Bum-r and Cheese Company and its ofiiccrs arc to be congratulated on the succcss of thclr first cmertaxnmcnt If your bowels didn’t move for a week you would be prostrated. If more than one day goes by you become lax gnld, blnod gets bad. breath lzorri ally offensive; you feel sick allover 'l'o reznmly this take Dr. Hamilton's Pills “inch regulate the bowels and cure Caustiyation. Taken at night you are well by morning. They purify and cleanse the es stem, prevent head- ache, biliousuess and sick stomach. prompt and certain are Dr. Hamlllon's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, 25¢. per box or five for $l at all dealers. Mrs. Herb Shield sanga solo in good voice, and was compelled to respond with an encore number. Mas tcr Hubert Gardiner and Miss Parker gave excrellent recitations and were greeted Wllll due applause. Miss Gladys Fee captivated the-audience in her beautifully rendered solo. Miss Fee has a sweet soprano vorce. Mr. Cameron, of Garden Hill, gave a stirring address on ‘Butter and Cheese making,’ and gave much information regarding the same. Mrs. W Shield and Mrs. Herb Shield were the effi- czent accompanists of the cveningi Mr. Quong Sing gave his Ome- mee friends a call last week. The President, Mr. Isaac Fee, took the chant at 8 o’clock, and dchvcrcd a short address. He was plcasad to see so many present, and hoped they would all enjoy the program as Well as the cy’stcra Messrs Fisher, of Brulgc- north and Hanuy of Omcmee delight- cd all with Well rendered rccitatmns. Thes: gentlcuwn are certamly forcmOst among the clocutionists of the day. A_ most intercuting Oyster Supper and cutvrminmcnt was held at Mount Pleasant on Monday cvcmng last un- dcr the atlSplCCS of the Cheese Butter Co. ‘ An excellent ~uppcr “as served in t‘ It: new hall next: to the foundry from 6 to 3 5mm , after “hich :1 program was gum in the '1' cmperance Hall. Rev. F. Lungfeldt. M.A.,Reclor of St. Luke’s Church. Peter-born, is an enthusiastic and highly esteemed member of our order. He is one of the lending olergyxnen in eastern On- :ario, and possesses a bright, energetic disrositinn “ hich makes him popular, not oulv with the members of his own faith, but many otherclusses In the community. Dntten Sennet Entertainment. Sov. Langfeldt was born in ('ustrow. Mecklenburg. Germany, some thirty- aix years ago. Sov. Lnngi’ehit had charge of the parish of Omemee for three gears and was called to his important duties in this city over ionr years ago. iie is on interesting personality in that any thing he has to do or say is instantly carried out He is a man of fearless utterance, high principle and splendid Ideas. tie speaks from conviction, and as a preacher he is fluent, strong and impressive. Sov. Langieidt in his ser- mons touches on many lave subjects. and is unaparing in his denunciation of many besetting sins and ems oi’ the present day. He is a tireless worker and in addition to being a Woodman, is a Mason and a member of other organizations. He also takes a keen interest in municipal matters, and is a. progressive public spirited citizen.â€" Canadisn Woodman. A Memphis, Mo , man has d13- covored a new way to get. rid of mos- quitoes. He says to rub alum on 3 our face and hands. When the mosquito takes a. bite it packers its buzzer so it can’t sting. It sits down in a damp place. tries to dig the packer loose, and dies of pneumonia. Wouldn't This Pucker Your Buzzer Sea to It “23!. your wife 13 kissed and c u-essed. even if you have to do it yum-self, says an axelmme. ?arm Stock, Implements, c.â€"-â€" the poverty of Mr. John San- derson. Lot 4, Con. 5, Emily. will be sold by public auction on Tuesday, November 28th, 1905, commencing at 1 o‘clock pm sharp. This Will be a big clearing sale. as Mr. Sanderson has rented his farm and he 15 retiring. james ll. Gardiner, Auctioneer. :B’The above will be extra good sales, as the stock and in fact nearly everything mentioned on the bills are in good condition. See bills for list, terms, etc. NOTICEâ€"Persons getting their sale bills printed at the Mirror Office, Millbrook, \\ ill receive a notice similar to the above tree of charge, and then we give you posters that will please you. please your Auctioneer. and attract the attention of the public. Prices as low as any. last us. REV. E. A. LANGFELDT. Credit Sales. Sanderson Xs publlslu‘d every Thursday Morning M. Na and hp 1: ', Utflce. Klng Street, Millbrook. - One of the oldcst residents of this part passed away last Sunday in the: person of Mrs Hunter, at the ripe age of 84. ycars. Slit: was very highly rc- spectcd, and was the mother of a large family who are now all holding impor- tant positions, two being ministers of the gospel. The funcral took place on Tuesday to the l’icsbytermn Ceme- Icry for interment. The Rev. Mr. Johnston Rev. Mr. Mckenzie con- ducted the services. The pmvcr of Dr. Ilzunlltnu’u Pills over the complexion is marvellous: As if by magic ull blemishes, humor-s and pimples dlsappear. A clear, ruddy glow is quickly mnnifeat on the checks and looks that delight the eye come to slay. It is by purlfying and enrich- in: the blood. and thereby building upthe constitution, that Dr. Hamil. ton’s Pills accomplish so much in a short time. Mr. Samuel Roddy hm returned home from \‘xsning in Monaghan. Quickly Acquired if the System is Regulated by Dr. Ham- llton's Pills. " I can hardly recommend Dr. llam- llton’s Pills fur the complexion writes Mrs. E. M. Porter, of Clear View, lo Before using this medlclnel haul a pulid. mu'ky complexlun, uLdtlwre was no redness or color in my cl.eeks. But Dr. Hmnlllou'u Pills changed this and my look! have been much improved.” great deal of'the an. happiness of women is a story of lost health. W o m e n wonder how it is that little by little the form loses plumpness. the cheeksgrow hollow and aallow, and they feel tired and worn -out all the. time. In a. lzirge proportion of cases when women are weak, rim-down and falling 05 in flesh and looks, the root of the trouble can be traced to womanly diseases which under- mine the general health. The proof of this is that women who have been cured of painful womanly diseases by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription have recovered their general health, gained in flesh and in appearance. $500 Reward Sor- Wcmen the Ganaot be Gus-ad. Theproprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription now feel fully war- ranted. in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United Slates for any case of Leucorrhea, Femal: Weakness, Pro- lapsus, or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. VD}: Fifi-E: s 1" easant Pellets invigorate stomach. liver an}. L- oweis. In every case ofdnll, Hallow Com plexion, whatever. the skin is blotclny and rough, Dr. Hamilton's Pills quickly provetheir merit. You'll look better. feel vastly lmprored by relying on this great medicine, “Men is instant ln effect. Price, 25¢. per bcx. or five boxes "for $1. at all denlars, or by mall from N. C l‘olson Co , Hart- ford, (301111., U.S.A .and Kingston, Ont. sic ) (award rcco'vcry. 1:: nine weeks I was a di‘xercnt woman; my flesh which had beta fia‘n‘ay bccame firm. complexion clear and my eyes bright. It was simply an indication of the (rent change within from pain and suffering to .mn‘dh and happiness." “ I suffe'cd for three year; with ovarian trouuic" writes 311-. Ann Quinn (Treasurer Wznm-zi‘ 5 AU icxic Chit). of 60'.- Svcamore St.. Milwaukee Wis. " File treatmcu: I took did not do me a flick oflgood. until a good neigh- hor whn ha been using Dr. Piercc‘ 5 Favorite I‘ (can indon advised me to 5in it a trial. Th: next day took my first dose audit was _my first Some married women not only In.“ the last word but an the rest of them. A man dosn’t enjoy being ‘anghed xlt by a cmnd unless he gets paid for it. No man can master others until he has learned to master himself. The pe:simist forgets all about to- da: ’3 sunshine it rain is predIcted {or to-morrow. Knights ofuld feared nothingâ€"but n woman's tongue. More Deadly Than Famine Neglected catarrh sooner or later causes consumption which destroy: more human being: than famine and “ar combined. The way "Catarrh- ozone” cures camrrh is very simple; lt firsts kill the germs that cause the lrritatlon; than by soothing away the c mgestinn and inflammation it cure: the discharge. hawking and dropping in the throat.. " Isutfered so contlnn- ally frmn naanlcatarrh" writes Earnest R Dakin of Rose-mom, "that I scar- cely knew “ hut. it was to be free from headache and pain over the eyes. Uzltarrlsozone relieved me at once and made a thorough cure." No other remedy cures like "Cutatrlnozone"â€"lry it far your next cold. EXQUISITE COMPLEXIUN Millbrook and Omemee Coinmn $50 $25 $15 $6 $2 it‘nlnm n 23 )5 8 3 1 Column 15 8 5 2 600. l‘rnt‘oxmonul ('amts. nne inch and under, 31:3 pL-r year. 53 mr six munthu. $1 tor one month. Imgnl notices intents per ”no first. Inser- tion 2 ct-nts per Hne each subsequent In- scrtlonâ€"Nonpu‘rivl measurement. )2 llnoa to the Int-h. Advortist-mcntn «not: as lost. strayed, wanted. <-tc., win be inserted threw times for $3.0m) Ins-cation 50 cents, euch subsequent lgxavrtdunzfi cents. Births, Deatlw, and Marriages are Inserted free. ' Advertisements will be continued and t-lmrged tor nntll forbidden. , - - I.......:.......nnlu a... (A In: in "In" gcu un u". .. Changes or mlJé-H'tmufié'lits are to be in the office not later than Monday. SUBSPRXPTION RATES Terms, $1.50per year. or $1.00 per year .1 p lid in advance. U. W. ICIUHA RDS, humor and Publish" §~MIRROR FRASERVI LLE. ADVERTISING RATES: lyr. 6mo. 3m". lmo. lwk my mum l5 Gfllflcfl. of: Try 0 LA R K, The Tailor, ‘ FOR A SUIT OR OVERCOAT. Tue fellow u ho gets what he wants generally feels that he might Just as “all have wanted more AND N NW WENNNEW READY g-éréfi‘a Right Opp. Benson House, It’unmbe stopped qulckly. Not!» In: so sure as Nerfvallne. Give it in- terlmlly.aml r'ub iten chest and throat vâ€"crou p soon vanishes. No doctor can write a more efficient prescription than Polaou'a Nervillne, which reaches the trouble and cures quickly. The mar- velous p0“ er of Nervlline will surprise you; it's the best household remedy for coughs, coldst sore throncmroup. and internal paiua ol" every kind. Large bottles have been sold by all dealers for nearly 50 years at. 250. HUUZER’S FUR BARGAINS Get your Sale Bills printed.- at the Mirror office. AWAY BELOW THE REGULAR PRICE. For the past few months I have been searching the best market for choice things in Clothing and Haberdashery and now while my stock is at its heat, I ask you to give me the pleasure of showing you the latest things in my store. (Tome and look and buy at your pleasure. During my business experience last year, I have endeavored to treat every man, woman and child fairly, and I feel confident that this invitation will be cordially received and accepted by everyone. The freedom of the store is yours. J. HOUZER, WILLIAM STREET, Farm Implements, c. McLaug hlin Carriages, Flows and all kinds Plow Points, Cream Separators, Deering Waggns, Sleighs3 8pc; , DEERENG HAMESTING . MACHINERY Deering fiawyiTeE-ijer, Cossitht’ Hay Lbader, Dez'ring Light Draft Machinery, c. Your orders will have my best attention. Office 2nd Door West of Com- mercial House, Omemee. Nothing Succeeds Like Success. no: )uul uuu u... u.- """ J “"1 ' ' . - our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us, for office assistants, not only from Pctcrboro but from other places as well. We have not been ablc to do this in all cases during the last two years. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping or is a competent Stcnographcr and 'l‘ypewriter is certain of a good position. You Will make no mistake in getting a 7Business Education. Q Group is Deadly. Last year was our banner year, but we are d‘ctermincd to kccp pace with (AA. -m-- -psn:!¢g\fu WM. PRINGLE, Principal, Peterboro, Ont LINDSAY. [3"Writc for Our Handsome Circular. This is especially true when applied to the AGENT FOR Withoul sleep tlfere can be no bodlly or mental vigor. consequently sleep- leeeneea is a dangerous oonditlen. Nothing so surely restore; sleep as Fenczone; it’s harmlessâ€"jolt a. nour- ishlug. strengthening conic. Fen-clone vlmllzee every part at“ the body.mukea the new“ hardy. completely rebuilds the system. The cause of sleepless- neas is tenuredâ€"health la restoredâ€" you can work, eat, elecp,â€"-feel like new ‘aller using Ferrozone. Don't put off-â€" Ferrozone coals 50¢. per box at all dealers; get it to-day. Every man should bea critic of his own actions. NEW STORE, NEW WORKSHOP, NEW GOODS, NEW IDEAS. Not Sleeping Well. LINDSAY. The most complete Farmers’ Handbook and Veterinary Guide eve: issued â€"Simple and practical Information of the greatest value to evexy farmer. Three hundred and fifty-eight subjects dealt with ; every one of them of zntercst and many of them Illustrated. ABook That no FarmerGanAfiordto beWithout Wm. Curry Co. Compiled by the Agricultural Editors of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal at the Request of Hundreds of Readers We offer a full years subscription to The Millbrook and Omcmec Mirror' a full year’s subscription to that greatest of all Weeklies, the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, including their beautiful picture, “Queen Alex- andra, Her Gr;mdchildr.~n and Dogs,” and a copy of ‘ The Farmer's Manual and Vctcnnary Clinic." all for $l.60. A sample copy of the picture and book can be seen at this office. THE FARMERS MANUAL and Veterinary Guide, It Can Be Had Free 1 Every Dept. of both Stores is full with the best goods that can be obtained from the bit Markets of the World. Our New Fall Stock of Dry Goods, Gent's Furnishings, c. CALL AND C CCSSIO" Ol [[18 1 (”VHSal 0! nuuly. Did YOU. EZDOWI 190:}CR125. AboPtAxfimilo! D a. ir y Butter. @P. S.~I will be glad to see all my friends in Omemee, Ops, Emily and_(_3a‘van when they visit Lindsay Make our store your headquartexs “hen m toxxn. ‘ W.f.McEflRTY’S. . 77'Kent-St LINDSAY is a gem and a treasure to the? recipient. And it will be all that it seems if purchased at our store. We have a notablvfine assortment of rings, pins, brooches, necklaces chains, charms, etc Exquisite designs in beautiful workmanship. Rare bargains in jewelry here now. Prices cut 1-3 or more. Every article fvliy Warranted. WATCHES, CLOCKS, jE\V~ ELRY, SILVERVVARE, CUT GLASS, NOVELTIES, c., c. The Popular Jewelry Store, Highest Prices Paid FOR B. LAIDLEY, Send All Orders for Above to The Mirror Office, WY Weddinglfigsent Call and prove our assertion. HELLE! AT RIGHT PRICES. a Bensun House, Lindsay. 0U R SPECIAL OFFER! OMEMEE MILLBROOK, ONT. 1 Farm to Rent. TO RENTâ€"'1‘hc North Half of Lot number Six, in the Second Con- CCssion of the 'J'ownship of Emily DENTIST, LlND§A Y. @1990} Graduate of Toronto Univ”. ity and Royal College 0! Dual 8. zoom. N All the latest and improved bra-oh- 5f dentistry successfully performed. Charges moderate. O F F I C I: out Gregory 3 Drug Store, corner Kent and William streets. Local Agent Wanted At once for “Canada’s 6 Nurseries” for the town of and surrounding country, which will be rcservcd for the right man. season, and handle our NEW SPE- CIALTIES on Liberal Terms. Grains. Orchardlstsâ€"iu examining Trees 5: insects, Gardmcrsâ€"iu examining Plants for insects, Teachch and Scholars in studying Botany and Everybody in o hundred different ways. Write: for particulars, and send 13:. for our handsome Aluminum Pocket Microscope, (a little gem) useful to Farmersâ€"in cxamming Seeds and Stone 8; Wellington. ‘ Toronto, Trilbys Winks Alabamas Scotch R eel Up-to-date Specml Vcncedora Cut in Cigars BankruptStock or Pipes 25c. Fipes - for :5 cc 35 and 40c.P1pcs for 25 ‘ 15c Pipes for 10 me Pipes for 5 com cobs 2 for 5 Tobaccos always fresh a! WM. COLYI N’s KING STREET‘ 03:23:33. START NOW at the bes: selling Dr. F. A. Walters, MILLBROOK. 'l‘ohnox-lal P“! Fonthill Nurseries, (over 800 acres) 6 for 25 cent: 7 for 25 “ 6 for 25 “ 7 for 25 ‘ 7 {or 25 3 for 10 ‘ 6 for 25 “ Ontario. for x 5 cents for 25 ‘ “ for 10 “

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