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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 7 Nov 1907, p. 3

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{traxrsaru-d. T3 £400,000 000,000 159,831 58,001,173 arness. ONE. Ilbrook, Out. Grade Flour ‘nd in London, erico, :3! in this local leni- ul papcl’. ’15 lb: acknowkdgcd m news scnicc;1t$ hum-q its grral ser- » worth to be had. IM and “why Slat 'g and reliable nuts eary "rigs. are the 1:21: a. full line L good :tL-ck to ksep pee Success . be PRIZE lAI5G'S Year en gain ‘, all kinds ugs,Whips, ‘CVELL. rcnag‘e Sc- EAL E GIS. Knowiltg. dear fncuds. that your surmw will be hard to bear. we {ccl i! y.” carry it thc “ Mm of Sorrows," H.- will not only Comfort you, but will gin: you strength to any, " Thy will be d 111:." judgment has been handed out to Mr. Ruddy, Solicitor for Mr. S. B. Carcw, by the Board of Railway Com misaioncrs of Canada, in the case 0( Samuel B. Carcw against the GT R..‘ directing the Railway Co. to provide and construct a bridge across their railway, whcre it crnsses his (Carrw’s) farm, at the: point known as the “ big cut ” Mr. M. K Cowan, K. C.. of Montreal. Counsel for Railway; Mr. R. Ruddy, Millhrook, Counsel for Carew. c-bpy of same to Bro. Wilson. Several of the mem crs spoke t‘cclingly of the great loss Bro. Wilson and his estim- able wxfe had sustained by thc death of thcir bright littlc boy. They aLso referred to the many cxccllent qualities of 8m Wilson. He had been a very faithful and beloved member : To Bro. John H. Wilson and Wife,â€" Wc, the officers and members of I: O. L. N0 :14, Omcmce, wish to con \v'::_\‘ to you. our most heartfelt sympathy in the: lo ‘5 you have sustained by the (1.:th of your only son. Again a~surmg mu of our dcep 5; mp. th) in your area: loss. We remain Yours fraternallv, W. R. Cott‘ngham, W.M. , I. G. Benny, Rec. Sec. The Anniversary Services of Christ Church. Omemee, will be held on Sunday, Nov. 11th. Thcrg will be three SCIVICCS. Holy Communion at 8 a m.; Morning Prayer at 11 am. with Holy Commumon. and Evensonu at 7 pm. The Rev. (2. H. Marsh, Rector cf St. Paul's church, Lindsay, will conduct the Anniversary. Welcome u» all. A: :1 rcccut mccting of L.»U. L. 1 l4 Oncmcc, the following kttcr of con dulchc was unanimously passeJ and 1h: Secretary was authnnzcd to send a Er. S. 3 Cam Gets Judgment 0.: Friday, D‘c. t3th, at 7. 3o p.m a missxonary meeting will be held in Christ Church, Omcmce. The Rt. Rcv. W. l)‘ Racec, 1H). Assxstant Bishop of the Diocese will deliver an address. The: limbo}, is one of the grcatcst Missionary heroes from the North. reacntly Bishop of the Diocese AUCTION SALE.â€"john ll. “'ilson. Auctioneer. has received instructions from MnEli Dancy to sell by Public Auction, on Lot 5 (ion 9. T0wush|p of Ops. and wnthout reserve, on FRIDAY of 1HIS WEEK, Nov.8. at ONE o':;locl< sharp. the valuable farm stock and Implementsâ€"the goods and cha‘tels of the late Spencu Dancv. Twelve Months Credit. See bills. Everv‘hing first-class. L‘UI Lu. I»\.\.u‘-J .,...._V, of Macsenzic Rive-trand Athabaska. and his address ml! be rcplclc with information concerning the Church’s work in that great lone land' Every "’1! - welcome. . J" ’ ML Tho; Hr Fee, of EM“); states that Mr" Martin, has thl'a year thrashed 15‘0“, bushels of wheat. and 2,000 bushcls of cats. Mr. Martin is a con ductor on the C. P. R and owns uvcral hundred acres of land, and thmks the North West is all right yet WINK” l-L-c’s many friends Will be pleascd to hear. that be Is enjoying good hcalth, gettmg on WC". and ex- pects to Vlslt thc old town shortly. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Wilson and daughte. Miss Hazel, of Mt. Horcb were vi<itors to Port Hope and Mt"- bank this chk. ‘- ’ - Richard- - CAR LOADs Mr 1. TN) d a car load of porkers {ram ggefgl’cand another carload‘from “151ka on Tuesday. Don't forget the Credit Sale on 1’ :dm' NOV. 8, on Lot 5. Con. q, OpS, 3r {Junk-es of the late Spencer :51“ J, W. Wilson, Atxctxoneer. A GOOD Shunâ€"Mr. Wilbert Fee, of VI 0:: law, in a letter to his father, '1 0..“ .J' L‘milu c!n§ac Miss Hclcn Gertrude McCall has returned to her home at Fenclon Falls, akera pleasant visit with Omcmcc and Cavan friends. and ii]: Mirror t!" Jan. tst‘next . ‘. nvw subscribers, for 50c. This 1: tin; chance of a life time. Do nvt miss it. Miss Hattie Courtney of Mill- brook is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Courtney. The \Veckly Sun. the Canadmn Farmer's Business Paper. and the Mirror to new Subscribers to Jan 15!. 1908, for only 25:. Se 1d all orders for the .e.two papers to the Mirror Office, M illhrook, Ont. Gmd only for residents in Canada 2 WI Great Baltzlin. LETTER OF CONDOLENCE. BRIGH I‘EN UP !â€"-Use Sherwm \\ Illiams Paints and V amishe: W. H. CURRY 8; Co "The funeral will take placa from “h: res dance .. f her father, Mr. W. H htchqud. Lot 5. Con. 2, Emil). on Tndav, \‘ov. 8 at [0. 30 am and "new!“ at Emih Co'mctcry Spnice 3| 2%: house at 10 o clock. In the Township of Emiiy on Tues day. Nov. 5th. 1907, jennic L'uchfurd. b loved wile of Wm A. Archer, aged 28 years. "('32: Toronto DAILY \Vorld OMEMEE NEWS. hall ure elect herwin Church Notes. .1) l E I). 5 â€"â€"Mr. 1. Richard-3 c’ll hich illiams’ Use Sherwm aim aint aim aint In returning to my native town, Om‘mcc, altar u Icnglhy sojourn in oxh~ r parts, \ un g “Inch cm: of the “111'"th (-f uur prmcnt age, Electricity had bcrll Installed, I was much im prcw-d by unfamiharity and apparent rlw Iat'un of the strn'cte and comes of [Int dear ul R spot which rs the: cur tr: 0! the world to so many, and it was nnt until I had attempted to up hold unc and had ahnmt been placed in :1 homzunml attitude. owmg to its 1h~cm‘r. 1 (ii cw.er thy uh! :rn.i tum: honored lamp pnfil h firing thv na ks of knivesthat have ‘u u; ngv- Cc;.scd to carve, had hccn rcmovcd h\ dcsccratmg hands. Mr. Editor,â€" After sca2c31ing about In mm FO‘ many hours I diacovurcd a sohtary in din 'ual kccping watch at qulct curncr, md its um‘lcnt face seemed to wear a smile of scorn as its nu re modern brvzh r amt his rays upon It. Pmm;mt . ntso w m: x is Unicorn root, or Helonias, and the medical properties of which ‘28 mas}: [11]!qu mproscuts. Now SH‘, [ hm: ulrcaal)’ taken tnc: much of your valuable rp-(w but th- inroads of modcm ideas deals cruclh «1th old laml marks am! very :“tvn ened con i .--_.- g . um» \v .5 wtill' tion of the reproductive “stem: 3 r rcsscd or absent. mommy period ' g from or accompanying an lbno l conJ‘mon of the digestive organs and comic (thin 1110011))“: bit: dragg‘nz sens ons 1n the extreme lower mm of Lao Ibd It meg}: or less of the above svm tom chills the hear“ of 0M mcn llkc wm' (torrcsp‘m’k-m. u'lu) will not remain 'l‘haukmg sou for \‘our kmd consul- cranon. An exile from home. splendor dazzles 111 ram, (th me back, give me back old Ome- m c again; To watch liter Glcnw the sweet old lamps fill, Count the stumps in the water ’lch Stcphenson’s Mill. Far from walks Granolithlc. when by slumber oppresssd Tn sleep ’neath the l.amp(on the)l’ost, Supremcly blcst. A Roundabout Seer. We rater to that Loan to weak suffering \\ 0mm: known as D; Favor-kg Prgscription. Dr. John Fyfr: oneof the Editor' ‘ 017m; Ecucc'rxc MEDICAL Bung: 3:33 o! Unicorn root.(f1cluniusDiuicu) Whig}? is one of the chief ingredients of the "Fa.- Vorite Prescription ”: “A remedy which invariably acts as amt:- melnvlzorawr '_‘ ‘ mnkvs fur normal ac- tivity of the entire wpmdurtivu system.“ He continues "in Llelonlus we have amedicl- men: which more fully ansm-m the am" purposes than any other drug with which I am minted. In the treatment of diseases Do- ur to wuzm‘n At Ls acluum that a. case is neon which does no: prosont sump “mutation for this remedial 'nscnt." Lu; 1"5‘fe mm!" says: “The fullowm: art‘pmong the lending Indications for llclumas (Link-urn root). . pam or ncblnz In the back. with leucorrhma; ntonicmenmcondltlw of the reproducuy. orznns of omen. ment: depression and tr. fltabmty. :soclated wn. chronic diseases of the reprod' tive organs of women: comm“ Iensauon heat n the'roeion of the kid- neys: me rrhazl (lioodmghdue' to a weak- nnâ€" 20h.â€" Af 0 \ -..__« ~tatiwht-d mm! thcy acquaint the Lzujyliy wnh [hexr grievance-s, [i‘z‘rL‘fUlc I’hnve used your (:qu-nns for thls purpose. Of Goldon Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of “Favontc l’rr-suriptdnn.” Prof. Finley Ellingwme \I. 1).. of Ben- net} Medical Collage. Chip-ago, says: -‘K'I“ .iv-;\.-i.u. vi." :tr.‘ v-u; “5U, magai s u mpunan . rcmouy in disorders 2 the womb. In all vatun'lml mmdiiions ' ‘0 in}! 312110531. cufgym‘gmc ‘ g. it. Is useful.” .__. __V -fi- . .fi.»v... .. ... u.“,.u., Prol. John M. Scuddcr, M. D., late of Cincinnati. says of Golden Seal root: “In relation to its general efiects on the system. there is 110 mm] cine in um: about which there is such yam-ml unammitym' (minim), It Is universally :‘czaz'dvd as the tonic useful in II] debilitated srntm." Prof. R. Burtholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, says or Unldmx Seal: “Valuable it; dtcrine hcuxdlrh-igc. n-xénor rhagla. (flooding) and commstivc dysmcnor- rhg‘a. (mun {u} mpnstmat 19m.” S'I‘EPH ENSCN ~â€"â€" MACPH ERSON. be yer ‘th‘ih Dr. Pierco‘s Favorite Prescription f aithâ€" ful] represents all the above named in- £( ionts and euros the diseases for which , ey are recommended. GIANI‘ 'l‘RlPLE'l‘S “ Currency." f b “ Hobs" and “ Stag” Chewing 'l‘obac ' cues, in big plugs. Quality always the I :amc. Quite a fashionable Wedding took place at the home of Mr.'l‘. A Mac Plierson, Melchant, of ()meniee, on Thanksgiving Ila. Oct. 3ist, when lll> only daughter. Florence lrene. was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. (l Stephenson. 'l‘he C'ercmt ny was per formed by Rev. R. McCulloch an. the Wedding March was played by Mr George Norris Mr. '1'. A. MCCLa, of Toronto. ably acted as groomstnan and Miss Ethel Clarke performed the duties of Bridesmaid wtll. Mrs. Ste phenson w;5tlie capible Organist in the Methodist cliuich for a long time She is a very fine young lady, pop ilar and beloved by all who knew her. Mr. Stephenson belongs to one ( ftl‘e best old fannhts of the town and is Very popular among his compatriot». 'l'he sumptuous Wedding supper was l‘given in the large dining room and twenty-[Ive pouiiur. is shown by the modern walkers â€" Springville Correspondent Peteihoio Examiner, No Appetite Your Food Disagrees. You’reTireoluLifeless. 'Skin is Yellow. You'll Feel Worse Every Day Un- less You Brace Up Quick. The Best Treatment is Ferrozone. Every day comes the good news of wonderful cores with Ferrozone. lii Peterhoro it worked marvels for Louis Meelian, “if had the Grippe “'35 everything that could be dVSerd ' which left main 9. very run-dint n con- Mr. and Mrs Macpherson have ”“1 iditioii that finally developed into Hys- tlieir gUests‘ feel happy art of making Pleasant (,‘tmg'ra perfectly at hOiiie. tulatory'addresses Were given by Rev. Mr. 'l‘eney, R. J Mulligan. Geo Norris, John McCiea, R. J. Adams, 'l‘hos. Stephenson. John M McCrea and '1' A. McCrea and Mr Worrell of Toronto, Dr. Smith of StouffVille and Rev. R. MrCulloth who prequed Mr. Wm. (‘x Stephenson made a very l appropriate reply The preSents Were more than usually liulDHOUS, valuable and useful. The happy young couple . took the evening train to 'I'oronro ‘ainid shovi'et's of nee and the hearty . L'OOd Wishesof their numerous friends. M r. F. E. Wilson, w ho tells this story believes this record Is a better one than pepsin. l was unable to eat but a. few things and had a craving for acid. I ? gave up treating with the doctors be- cause they did not. help me and on the advice ofal'riend used Ferrozone. It' not only cured me at Dyspepsia and Blllousness, but has built. up my strength to what it was before I had the Grippe. I can recommend Ferre- zone as an ideal restorative.” Forrocone gives you lorce, energy, vim. It strengthens the stomach, cures indigestion, prevents headachesâ€"â€" guarantees good health. Thousands use Ferrozoneâ€"they all The Mirror and kalv Globe and (‘anada Fafmer to Jan. Ist, 1008, to new subscribers, an) mlacv In Fanada or Great Britam for only 25c. Cures Woman’s Weaknesses. Impressions of an Exile. WEDDIhG BELLS. take Dr. Herc-073‘ w..- ., _.. ..,. , nervous '. Pierce'r fin yun nee-.1 it, )onwantitlmdly. Our drugglsts here {my they “ill eithar supply these ingredients or make the mixture ready to lake, if any of our readers 50 preler As Rheumatism is not only the most painful and tortuous disease, but daugeroustolll‘e, this Simple recipe Will Iln duuht be greatly valued In- many sutlerers here ut home, \vlm slmuld at once prepare the mixture to get this relief. h is amid that a. persan who “ould take this prescription regularly a dose or um dailv. or even afew times a week Would never have suriuus kidney or Urinary disurders ur Rheu- manem. John Huffman’s Walking Exploits Discuum Those of Alleged Record-Breakers. ' (‘ut this out and preserve it. Good Rheumatism prescriptions which real- lv relieve are scarce, indeed, and when Fluid Ex‘mct Dandelion, (mp-half ounce: Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Svrnp Sarsaparilla. three ounces. 'l‘heae harmless Ingredients can he obtained from our nwn druggists, and are easily mixed by shaking them \\ ell in a bottle. Reliefis genemily feltfrum the first few doses. Aconrdingto a story tended here, the exulnits U! the famous lung dis tancc walkwa, Ix'm‘nolds, l.a'~gfonl and Harm-v, have been diucuautml bv .‘I r. John [[ufi'zuun, u! .‘tlillhrnnk, who has a reputation as u successlul hens:- mover 'l‘n yeliove the worst forms of Rheu- matism. take a teaSponnfnl of the ml- lowmg mixture after each meal and at bedtime. This prescription states a well known authority in :1 Cleveland morning paper, ion-es the clogged up iii-active kidneys to filter and strain from the bland the poismmns waste matter and uric acid, which causes Rheumatism. A quiet wedding on account of the Illness of Mrs. Sanderson took pIaCe at the home. of Mr. jno. Sanderson, Omemee, on 'l‘hursdav. Oct.‘24th. when his adopted daughter. Edith, was united in marriage to Daniel john New, :1 Captain in the Salvation Army. Capt. New has just returned from the Klondske where he la‘bored two years, Mrs. New is (1‘30 an officer in the Army and has hee'n nearlv a war in New Ontario. Rev. R. McCulloch performtd -.h: ceremt nv and Melville Earl played the. wedding March. The happy couple took the evening triin for Montreal, where they would take the steamer next day for the Isle of Wight, England. They expect to re turn to Canada in January. They have the heartiest cougratulgtions of their many friends. Mr. Ilufl'mau’s \mlLiug stunt was performed about eight or ten years since, but. it is interesting neverlhe less. When the sxmw wan from eighth: tun xrwht's deep, “1' HHfi‘mav left “ilb five Campaninnfl a. point. about lift! on Milefi n ~rth nf ApPle to wall: on l'ewrbnrn a distance by tlm rnute they wm-e takingâ€"a rmmdmhout mmâ€"uf seventy limes. A! Apt-Hey one (if tha men he- came thausted and had to stnp; at Bunkhorn two more dtomied out ufth» running, and at. Ynung’s Point the other two left Mr Hufl'xnun. whn cun- tiuned on hisj uirney‘ reaching Peter- bnro, his destination. at. midnight. started at {our o’ch-ck In the morning. Tins is a most remnvkahle record to he inaae even on good nmlu, hut under the ounditions described, a heavy fall of mum to plmlg'll through, it. becomes 4” the more creditable In addiLion to this handicap there was whither. .\ir. Huffman carried baggage weighing twenty-five pounds. ' ' { Ed tonâ€"0h, yen, If it hadn't, I would throw \ on out of the window. Bu! it is good enough to permit you to steal quietly down the hack stairs â€" I Life ‘ It strengthens the stomach, cures indigestion, prevents headachesâ€"â€" guarantees good health. Thousands use Ferrozoneâ€"they all Improve-met better healthmlouk bet- ter-Jae] better; try it yourselfâ€"«sold in We boxes b" all druggiuts. merit? "Who gave you permlsalon to fish hare?” ”Who? What. n sde question! My WW», of r mrav!"-Tranolaj.ed Irom flieggude Butler, Contributorzâ€"Has that poem any ASKS US TO PRINT IT. NEW.â€"SAN DERSON. MARRIED. A man whc enjoys his soda} glass - should take Bu-Ju. William \\'hi‘.ele‘ , London’s "unl- versul prnvlder," was an optimist save on one pnin'â€"nmrriage He was con- tinually relating an incident Ctncern- imz marriage that had happened to a me licnl friend of his in Dorset. "Why, Jim," he said, "what. are you eating out here for?" “I'Ir -c..inmcy smoke‘l, sir," the man Mammal-9d The uluysican was practical, a handy man, a jnvk “ran tradva. “ v\‘e'll have a Innk ul llmt (-Inimney, Jun,” he said. And 1:13-19,er the duur, andâ€"bung! a hrmnwticn fell on Lia filmulders. and a \\‘o:|.ah’.~ \mu-e shrieked in the glonm: "Haul; again, rl‘t‘. you, um uh! rascal? \VMLerm c'var out again! (‘lear out with you, or I'llâ€"- 'i lw ph) 32: iau rc- treme-J Inublily. Jim MU on the curl-fiche. shaking his beau! 1n sor'row and emlzgrrasl ment. 'kuphysirian hen! over‘him, and [and hm hand in kindly fashl mmn his arm. ".lim.’ lze suid,"onr chimney Smoke-s sometimad too.”--Saturday Night, THE CLAFLIN CHEMICA‘L CO" LIMITED WINDSOR. ONT. '. Ont Milking one surnmqr evening. this physician auwucultager eating his mapper all ulmm on the sidewalk lwfnre his HUI? lmnin'. O! 'The stoiy goes that, charming to look' one nmrn‘ng at. the house umu site. into which a family had recently mov- od, Mark Twain saw eezm-lh'n; H at made him cross the slrc-el quickly and deliver this speech to 3. ur up of ne“ neighbors who were SI and on ti o verandah: ' M3 name. is (‘Imx PHD. My wife and I have been intending to ‘uii on you and make innr..cqlm|nturce We owe you an apoiugy fur not duing n before nuw. i beg \‘flllr pardon for intruding 0n ynn in ‘this informal manner, but your house is Mire!" 'l‘l-atau this [mint the meeting sud- denly adjourned it Is unnecusury to sapâ€"Saturday Niul t. \\ HY BURN YUUR 'l‘OEb‘? Stop nfiimz Avid Curn S:Il\‘68, use utnam’s Y‘a‘nless Extractor; it. ('ns‘s iittlo nwre, but it's far the best. Uae An Irishman who hadjust united with the (‘utholic church in a small town was wireless enough to let the priest catch him coming out. of a mlonn with a jug under his an». The priu st “mud fur him to come by and «aid: Jug? com! man. "'10 me and ne brudder Moiko sor.” ”Well, say. PM, pour your; out. 811d re a good man.” " 1 can"! sor; mine’s on the button) answered Pat.â€"â€"Satnrday Night JUST WHERE THE DANGER LIES In many (‘atarrh enufi‘s, cocalne in ‘ the largely used ingredient; in consev ‘ quence the drug hahit may be formed 'l‘o he really cured of catarrh, to do so quickly, safely and pleasantly. doctors sav Catarrlmzone is Superior to any other remedy. It heals sore places, stops discharge, prevents hawking. (milling and bad Irealhâ€" does this by firetdeulrnging the cam-e of thedls- ease. Catarrlnvzone II no experiment, it is a. med and 1noven cufe that 13 guaranteed fur hrunchml, throat, nose i and lung ('alarrh 'l‘wo sizes, 26c. and |$L 00 at all dwlcrs, ' 5' ‘ Putnam‘u"â€"25v. at all dealers. “Pat, what. is it you have in Hunt "Whisky. sor." unswerei Pat. “Whom does ll. belong to?” asked ”I. an is the finest remedy in the world for all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Neutralizes the effect of alcohol on the Kidneys. Bu -J u is nor a. cure for drinking; but Bu-Ju does protect the steady drinker against Kidney Trouble. Bu-Ju cures Rheumatism, too. 50¢. a. large box. At druggists. or by mail. 72 He needs Bn-Ju if he wants to enjoy health and his favorite drink for years to come. All Alcoholic drinks 1rritate the Kid- neys. A man, who drinks re- gularly. is almost sure to have cloudy urine, brick (lust deposits in the urine, headaches and pains in the back. In ti me, if neglect- ed, Serious trouble will result. ..,‘~‘-.- A ~ ~ :fny‘vé‘T'A' YOUR “ ls‘Esl‘ COURSE. If you are caught in the wet. get sore tlxruuLâ€"ueumigm ur muscular pain, dou’. wait for worse troubles. Begin. prompt treatmenl with l‘olaon'a Nervi- line It drives away all traces bf cold eases Rheumatism, neuralgia and pain, saves um lrom a la; mp in bed, No 25". purclmse can brim: n or cnnfort than a home If Poison's Ne; viline; it’s the cleanest, strongest Imi- neI-t made. Suld everywhere in large 25c bottles. The play w I: scoring a tremenduus Pnf‘fl-‘SS, but the spectators seated In the first few rows were unable to enjoy or appreciate the thrilling mumehta 1)» cause of the frantic actirms of an en- thusiastic man occupying an and seat. When the hero made a brave speech or did a little rescuing the Iranhle tonerentleman would stand up, and wildly s'uttér: G-g-gne, b-h-lmt HM]:- that’s z-z-g rent!” thee, with the requesl Ihut he dimin- ish his eunhusiastlc onthnystsz but the request was nnheedsd, and the enth 1- Hum nmra annuying. Then the flamr manager rupeuxmi the request a lmle nmre cmplm umlly,and pnlllely em: gamed that the gmvnemnn mutter in- “ar'llg , If It was uhsolme'ly tum-mean; hm lhe suggestion wan fruitless th-th-this {of-t-for?" ‘ You’\e been annoying everyhndy In this part. of the theatre during the past hour, even Harm: you have been requested to desist," replied the man- ager, "and you will lmye tu leave im medinlelv." , “l r-r-reallv um v-v-very e agony a-u and I Ammo"! c-c’t-ure l-tn Iruve: PM) but u-o-u of course I M! )nu i-iiiu- SiHlâ€"â€"" At last the hunse nmnngerJhI-r ugl- ly 9xus1wnumi “awed dmnl Hm aisle and stnpping at the seat of the entimai astio per-«m, handed him one dnl'nr and fifty cents, which was accen'ed by the recipient thh the querv: W-what "l verminlydo insist,” invorrupted le mzmugvr. V Very w-w weH;j-j just as y-v-ynn ”sway,” was [he muttered lesprvnm up the giro w 41km] up lhe aisEP: ‘ p p-par- 30"".le i7 d-d don’t c-carn m-nmcn" (and he tucked the one fifty imo his vest purket) (e-c-cauae 5-y0u know, I c-c Cums iâ€"iâ€"m n-w-on a. p-p-pâ€"p-paea " â€"|‘nst, P ll'advlphia. An usher was sent to him, after a complhint had bven Induw‘ at Um hnxr Greatest Female Strengthener on Earth. Thousands of women are wan, palid' run-dawn and dispirited. What they need is that nourishing tonic Ferm- zoue Soon they retrain their laughing eyes hrtght epiri e and may cheeks. F- rr zone does this and more as Mn. L l“ Adr ausnn of Whitney Pier, (LB . testifies, ' My daughter was very m zuh ruu IlUWll and had considerable tranblt‘s at times 0mm lwae atalose to km w what to do. 1 was advused to give her Fen-ozone and 1 did so. Fer. r zone cleared up all the trouble, made my daughter healthy and well. Fern . tone gives good appetite, regulates. strengthens 1 consider it a. medl- oine every wauian should use regularly if she wants to led her best.” Re- build with Ferromme. it is the king of all cures. Price 50¢. per box at all dealers. ”Brown Bros,'â€"-P.O. Brown’s Nur- series. ()nt. Something new in a Raspberry ' ‘hc he-t Kctl Raspberry tested hare" .nitrs l’rof‘ Macoun, Ottawa. “'l'ltc tctmcst ytcldcr among all Red Rasp )crrics," writes Prof. Hutt. Guelph. Wu have the only large supply'in Canada to (ATM. 6 plants $2,00, Ex \ “655 paid. Agents wanted to intro‘ lucc this new specmlty. We: have the largest stock of CUR RAN'I'S. BLACKBERRIES. RASP 31$ RRHL‘S and GRAPES In Canada, [ISO complete assortments of F RL I I AND ORNAMENT Al TREES and SHRUBS. \\ ritc us before placing your oulcx 'lhc THUS. W. BOW- MAN 8!. SON C0., Ltd. Ridgeville. ()nt In )uur 31mm time at home, ur Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn we teach on l cash or installment plan. We also teach a personal class at school oncel .1 month. Class cmnmencing last 'l‘uesdayol each month. These les sons, teaches how to cut, fit and put together any garment from the planrest shirt waist suit, to’the most elaborate dress. The whole family can learn from one courSe. We have taught over seren thousand dress making, and guarantee to give five hundred dollars to.any one that cannot learn bretween the agesof14 and 40. You cannot learn dress making as thorough as this course teaches if you work In shops for years. Beware of nnittrtions as we employ no one outsrde the school. This 15 the only experienced Dress Cutting School to Canada and excelled by none in any other country. Write fiat once for particulars, as we haye cut our rate one-third for a short ttme. Address :â€" - Sanders’ Drug-Cutting School, LEARN MESS-MARINE BY MAIL It is Money Lost if-You Pay Too Much For Your Pump. DENNIS Can save you money If you consult him bcforc you buy. Every pump fully guaranteed, and the prices and terms arc- right. Nohumbug, no de- lay. no large profits, BUTâ€"prompt de livery and a square deal to all, CANADA’S OLDEST NURSERIES. 31 Em: St., Stratford, Ont, Canada. HERBERT RASPBERRY. cht 1111.: C rcazm: ', LINDSAY Ont. 2 'STOP, STOP: DEIHilS, Tho Practical Pummn, ’QV Last week's meeting 0! the Peterbnn. Board shnwod tl.e highest price paid for cheese this wasnn: Keene ...... 1H! \Varmiufler ...... .... ......l‘ 0 “lemon...” .... ......lnv (.‘rntrnl Smith ...... .......... . . . . ..l(!4 <elwyn ..... ... ........ ..............HS vulners.......‘........... co Warsaw ...... ...............115 nestwood .. .135 Oakdale ....... 75 Daisy l).......... ................. ..... 33 [.akeucld ....... ............ .. 70 Pine Grove...... .........ll(: Otonabee Union......-................ 4 \laple Leaf 85 \lyrtle .......... ....... ...........00 :rmonde ........... ....... ...... ......140 in 9... door i‘ (In-:gmvely, Young’p Point.... ........ . 65 “You poor man.'enid m. old hay, Lang ...... 95 c1 guess you'll be glad when your time l’rnserville .... .... .... .... ..... .... 62 Ii“ 8 '8 up. WON" you?’ indiun Riven... 65 u '\"all, no'xn. not particularly! North Dnnuuer...... ......... 43 Jacob Smithers ansnered. I'm in In: Fuel. lely ........... ...... 60 life’" l‘rewern ............. ..... ......lll6 ....â€" Benal‘ort ..'.... ........ ... ..... llT FARM FOR SALE. (fiederdnle ...... ....... 65 ._..._ Cavanville ........................ 110 A First Class Grain and Stock Crown ....... .. ....... 9.» Farm in Cavan, containing 135 acre-a Mount- Pleasant ...... ...... 30 more or less, about Ninety some clear- Norwood ........ .............. 90 ed and in good state ol cultwmnmâ€" Fleelwood ...... .........l40 clean and free from weedoâ€"bnlanm Oak Leaf ......... . ...... ............. 23 good pasture and wood land. Good Buckllorn ...... ..... ................ “ell. and runnlng spring water mn- South Burleigh ....... ... .. 24 venient for cattle the year round 'l‘uo Brickley _ . ‘ , .. .................. ...... 7. - zund burns \\ illl stone foundation 3 and Kil'arnev . .100. zombies underneath. A Fine your: M ,- . ' f" lorchard commencing to bear 1": 7' (“meme 05’9““ t '6 b‘dd'm‘ at “nod land contains a quantity 0! val-1 l2c.:-‘.\lr. \Vllitton ralsell to 12 1-8, Mr. uable timber. Weir to 12 l 4, Mr. Wllilton to 125-16. The larm is situated within Three \lr. Gillespie 12 3 8, Mr. Weir I'll-1| unies of .llillbrook, and w ltlun 3 40! at Mr. Norton 125 8. Mr Wllltlonl2ll-18l The of a go'gdfsc:m<(>11 and, we! Uzi”- . . , , . s propertv 18 as a vanclng to Yuma \lr. (Wk 12 3 4’ “I‘d Mr. “8" 1213'16' 11115 will be found a most desirable ln: :elling “’0 UNL . : veatment in every way- and can be laud He.look at that figure. Lakefieldu I at a right price if sold at onee. Otonabee Union,Selwin, Young’s Point I For particulars apply to Lang,.Cent:-ul Smith, Oak Leaf, Pine: 1m; MIRROR OFFICE, In our Hardware Store we have a magnificwt stock for can: requirement. Our Stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, c. T118 HéfiSe of Quality Come in and See our New St 001:. New Store, and New Goods. One Door West of Bank Toronto )f Boots and Shoes, and» Clothing, in order to make room lo: our Fall Purchases. Over $2000 worth of Boots and Shoes. and $1500 worth of Ready. Made Clothing. all of which ml! be sold at VVholesnle Pri'es. 'l'lme 'goods were all bought before the advance in price; and It Will be - '- -â€" -4-.._4 DADIEAIKTQ ';UUU5 \VCIC an Ilvufius uu1\ruw . ..... , ........ a rare Opportunity to secure BARGAINS. Every Dc-partment is now being filled with New Fall Gnods In Dress Goods and Millinery we Were never held prepared to meet your wants, and we can assure you that Our Prices are 20 to 25 per cent. lower than either Peterboro or Lindsay, in the abuw: Llucs. is wry complete, and the best values possible. ome in and )ou m“ be convmccd that this IS the place to buy Our prices are as LOW as any in the trade, and our goods are of the best quality, that’s why this store is termed PETERBORO CHEESE BOARD. In: In our Grocery Department you will find all our Goods up.to.date. Give usa trial and be convinced_that our Goods and Pncvzs are Right. We pay the Highest Price for Eggs. Now in Pttogrtgass. MELLINERY ~ OPENING Others Follow ..." ....................... I“! met ...-...HI ..... ..... .... ......Hh 5mm. ...... ................m4 f ...-.. ....... ..............118. mm. ....... 60 ...... ...... ”...... .... ‘15 Id .................'.... ...... .135 ....... ...-culiuvloo-ool- .... l) mu .... .... ............. ....'. at! 1 I ‘1 - ....... .............‘........ 4| ‘ new... .........1m 1 a Union......-................ 4 leaf ...-»:- ..u- no...n-..... .... 85 ‘ ........... ...... ......'....00 ‘ a........... .140 Point.... ........ ......... 65 ......... 90 He 62 River.......'. 65 “lumen”... ...... ......... 43 4in ........... .......... ...... 60 ...... ”WW ..... ......lhfi ..‘........ ........ ... ..... 117 1e ...... 65 He ........................ 110 ...... u... .... .... .... ...-ooo-a 9|, ’ieasant ...... . . . . .. . . .. 30 l ........ .............. 90 0d ...... .... ..............]40 31' ......... .. 23 m ...... Surleigh ....... ... .. 24 .... .................. “n... 4' ' :v...... ........lOU _ GROCERIES .. \Ve invite all the Indie: to Our Grand Millinery Opening Superintendcd 1w Miss Scott, from New York City, . McCaffrey, OMERz/IEE. CALL AND TEST US. PRO‘PRIETOR, OMEMEE. DOBSOF" LEAD! Farm in Cavan, containing 135 am». more or less, about Ninety acres clear- ed and in good state 0‘ cultwmumâ€" clean and free from Weedaâ€"bnlam-a good pasture and wood land. Good well, and rmmlng spring watercou- venient for cattle the year round 'l‘uo - mud burns \\ ith stone foundation 5 and ' atabk‘s underneath. A Fine yon-.3 | orchard commvncing to bear 1!. wood land cunluins a quantity of vulo. uable timber. 'l‘he tarm is situated within Three M. Weir hid I2 8 l {or human some. tiona. taking Mcum Peeuav: t and :40th Burleigh. Mr (01k at 121316 wt»). she-Mgr: Beusfurl,”lre\1’,rrn ‘v‘ifiifi'8, “re-ta and; Or'monde. Cavauville Eneotuqmd, M, :- Ve, Wavc‘aw, Warminster.fi-dim.‘ finer Haisy h , Brickleg, Km”. hammer and Fed Irdnie A we.” known politician recently. illustrated his Idea of: bad and mu:- iugly hnpeiess “union! situation “in: this story: "Jacob Smithers. criminal. an in In- ceu making paper boxes when} dear old ladv looked through the pee; mote in the door i- qniaitively. ' The on rr factories named above were culledsexera' Iimm but winged I2 13 16. and vemuined uv’onH. Grave refined. ..-9 ..... .â€" .-

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