A committee of ladies British Bechnanaland. pub fcnllv a list of all the b ehgible young women in ti Invites correspondence. w] M confidentially. from th tire husbands and wives. ,7 _-. O‘V‘ certain (“are for 11!! th If childhood. Mrs. Snyah-c. 0110.. says: :11 value of Baby’s 0 cure Ior several of Ihe fl‘ct young children. in case. indigestion and N Sold by medicine den as 25 cents a box In Eums‘ Medicine 00.. B n- v.-v.~ ('4. not qsk yet} to {Msâ€"we ‘givc you Gavrmmcn't anab‘s tannins no opiate is. equally good Baby’s ‘Own Tab divine 1n the warn llu‘fl‘lS_0! little ones There are many thousands of blades ’n the turbines {or such a great ship as the Lusitania, and each little blade takes a little bit at energy out 0‘! the 0') the several turbine rotors (it each in the 6.8.000 horse-power which is ne- cessary :to drive nme great ship a“: {5. knots. has; to baés as velocity and . mgre space. It passes 'to a second enlarged por- hon where the blades are longer, and so on to a ithird and fourth or more, the diameter of the rotor gnawing great- er and the blades becoming longer and Ringer, so'that there is a constantly in- erea<ing space through which the steam Lne In “a..- â€"~ A STEAM IN PLACE OF W'IND. Because of this. much of it can pass through amarrow space, and our crude and clumsy wind sails are shortened down into narrow stilt blades of steel or copperrnlloy set closely upon a cy- lindrical body of steel. '1‘th cylindrig cal body rotates inside a hollow cylin-‘ o‘er of iron somewhat larger than itself.l The annular space between the two is occupied by the little blades or hol- low-faced vanes. Numerous sets of these project from the rotatory cylinder, and between each ring of these projecting blades similar rings of blades, with their faces inclined the opposite way. project lrom the inside of the hollow enters the annular space which is so yearly hill of these two sets of blades ‘ and travels from end to end 0! the long cylinders. W! from Size'gin 188 path. and at C1"!- The energy forward velocity is â€ï¬‚ed into motion In a steam'turbme a Pressure 01 pe Pheres, and it. 55 v In consequence, ~ Food in concentrated form for sick and well, young and old, rich and poor. flak" -,- And it contains no drugs and no alcohol; Au. 030631373; 500. AND $1.00. - - “use “unmet“ closely spaced on the sun wxlh an equal number of mills placed between the m and with their blades 0pm ¢d_§omewhat. AIDS TO MATRIMONY. It keeps up the athlete’s strength, puts fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl’s cheeks, and pre- veyts coughs, colds and consumption. iikencd £0 611'. but (radial-:1; ï¬ne-'0 so that me A arms are del in a windmill there are arms or sails set last in rotating shaft. The face wheel is held smmmhr ’" be small atoms of steam automatic heat movement to 0! some 2,000 feet per second flair size, are endowed with p “My as much force or energy mm ball. men‘t anab‘st um‘i‘iiï¬; s no opiate or harmfu My good for the 1 ' the well grown child ("01“? [or a?! the minn- The The modern scientiï¬c vicw of steam and or all other gases is that they con- .51's! 0: an aggregate of invbible spheri- ca! or flattened sphcnicul bodies endow- eJl by heat with the power of rapid movement. Yet few people really have any clear idea of the mode of action of me steam turbine. It is mot. however, a difï¬cult subject to understand in an elemen- tary sense. -unm sister ship lhéuhiaureb the Marine Parsons Ste; world-wide prominence. An DESCRIPTION OF ‘THE LUSITANIA’S MIGHTY ENGINES. HOW THE TURBINES WORK SURE AND - ,,_. -....u. u 15 n for an the minor ailments Mrs. Andre Trombluy. 2.. says: "I have pmwd Baby’s Own Tablets as a 7110! the troubles that at- Hdren. including skin Gis- on and it‘d-{hing 1rmxwm~ " Ordinary Windmill May be Taken to Illustrate the Principles on Which Turbine Works. use some 0! its forward velo- ‘he energy represented by this velocity is not lost, but is con- Ito motion for the min. Now m 'turbme the working gas has ‘ re of perhaps fifteen atmos- ‘nd -it is very dense and heavy mpnno that the air atoms which strike a large number of windmills mod on the same shaft and Mud! â€"»- ‘ held squgï¬i; --|_ .-~ ~u.uul : it loses its energy and pressure and occupies . ...~...uu:g smn dis- ad tot-{hing "cubic-s.†dealers or by mail from the Dr. \Vil- Brockvme, Ont. um number of ï¬xed wind- belween the mow'ng blades eir blades oppositely slant- t {vould be compelled to tra- a mill to the othonin a zia "14 u 40': the gu-érgn'tco of r: t that this macrom- or harmful drug. 11 enough to load hm- c ('0‘, herself. But the ‘ kllllng. She and her have one lillle roan -"‘"z~y . publishes period- the bachelors and I in the town. and «'9. which Is treat- ‘m those who de- r set, closely upon a}; of steel. '1‘th cylindri- 5 inside a honow cylin- ‘Anrkn‘ 1_,, ‘ mm _is twisted}: :I atoms of steam have this It movement to the extent * feet per second, and. for * endowed with proportion- : force or energy as mean- A W‘I’NDMILL. vu u The {neg 611$?w-1nd- SAFE. at Vrvbnr'r - By 'A‘L , ~ Steam Turbine. Risa the moving '«in a zig few hroad The one bright spot. the c cording to the woman, t4 looks forward all week. is the church on Sundayâ€"the all. even the keepers of boa my. must-“leave the how church. ~ " ~...~..; jâ€Â£57131sz dccbï¬ding to the torture. But this is not all. The washingâ€"the washing to do for twelve men, some of “1mm work in the feriilizer mills, others in glue shops, still others in the render- inrr n‘nnl "A--.“n,‘ ,, . q... numl alA â€I Ihuve‘one ilil‘lle room, and ‘ txardors the oiher two roorr some of thorn are working always has two kinds of Dre [1“‘3 kinds of snnnm-c 9“ ma [some of thorn a ralways has two kinds of breakfasts 11w kinds of suppers to make. While carrying the hay which seryos the [warriors as beds and mattresses from me shift which gets up at. 5 (clock in the morning to go to work, she has to carry in other hay for the other shift,1 which has just had its supper and is go- ing to bed. ,,, flux \ wvua 1M“; m'L‘lVC men, Tour of whom had just arrived from Poland, made Meir home with me Lwidnw, paying the standard price of $3 a man“) fer mom. washing and cook- ing, which, meoni’ing 10 the standard 01 Prizes in Paekingtown, means that each man p-mvides his mm provisions, and the landlady is 10 (rack it for him. HAS ENOIIGH TO EAT. About the only advantage the woman†has is that she near-Iv run-ave h-J , ..... '\. nu lflL' IUIUI'I wn» mapped out. As soon as ‘the bur-in trust was ended, 'fhc virtues of the dent man recounted um! embnlmcd xvi“ ghlss upon glass of whiskey by his shop- mates and a few of We countr'ynwn. the {widow began '10 pack up her bclo ’Nightrau found her in another ba where, inst-cud of 1w 0 rooms. she had three, and instead-cf $4 she now paid ‘57 rent. Before noon or me next day the en'tire Polish neighborhood along Thirty-ï¬fth um) M'ood Streets 'knew That Widow Shpnkovsky 'had slaflod :a boarding house. Bcfcme the week was out h-rnhm n'gings. semen! But, unexpectedly as came change in her life. her plan fuiure was formed with :1 cm quickness. Befure her husbal in the 011th her course fm‘ “nu“...ue DeflVCCTI $5 and $7, she had a cheque for 34.50â€"1191‘ husband‘s wnms {or half a weekâ€"with which to slart in her new h'fe as a widow and mother of six children. GAVE HER $3 MONT H .EA'CH. ' Stern, almost brutal, is the fate of a P.llsh woman, in Chicago. Thousands of miles from her little Polish village by the watcns of the Niumen, she was left [without a friend or protector in lho world when her husband was almost. in- stantly killed in an explosion in the slackyards. Of her six children. all were below the age of 10, and‘in addi- llcn to her personal belongings, which a second-hand man would have valued“ somewhere between $5 and R7 «M “-1 L01; 3 Widow LIFE IS HARD IN BIG CITY _ “nu-u: w UANUDGIIUS ot sufferers who gladly hear testimony to that ettcct. One 0! these is Mrs. Elizabeth Dunham, ot' Welland, 0nt., who says: “For more than a year I was gently run down. 1 had sickening headaches and my heart would palpi- tate so violently that at times I fearcdl death was near. I was under the cane? *0 at a doctor, but instead of improving i' lost strength and ‘my weight decreased W from one hundred and forty to ninety in pounds. 1 was discouraged, but ï¬n- †ally decided to give up the dodtors’ I- treatment and ‘tny Dr. \V‘illiams’ Pink I‘il'ls. -'l am glad ‘I did so, {or after TIS- ing the Pills a few weeks I could see :1 marked improvement in my condi- tion. The headaches left me; 1 regained ‘ - strength; the distressing iheant palpita- 1 lion ueased and at the land of two '= months i was {fully mcstoredJo health and felt better than .I had for 'the past twenty years. Dr. Williams" Pink Pills i are truly a marvellous medicine and ‘- I cannot praise them enough." ’ lleart palpitation, amemia, ‘head- aches, loss of appetite, genera-l xii-enli- ness, backaches. weariness and a host of other troubles are all the outcome or "had blood. Dr. Williams’ Pink PillS' make new. rich red bloodâ€"the pure blood does the rest. That is why these pllls cure all troubles due to watery i‘looil or weak, shaky nerves. There lis not a nook or corner in Canada where you will not ï¬nd some grateful person who has been cured by the use mt 'Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. 0n the ‘-word 0! your neighbor we ask you to try this medicine it you are weak, ail- ing or run down. The pills are sold at 50 cents a box or six toxes for $2.50 at all medicine dealers or from The Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine 00., Brock-ville, Ont. CC [1. er fl l- Every dose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills makes new blood. Every drop of pure blood brings the m disheartened woman nearer to health and happi- ness. Dr. William’ Pink Pills have brought the glow of health be thousands AI annA†Made Well and Strong; by Dr. wnnazps' Pink Pills». Every dose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills makes new blood. Every drop (I! pure blood brings (he in disheartened urn-nun _- _~ m. she nearly: always has food hpr childmluon and to D... n†- 7 ,.__ Iavul H“ I keepers of boarders, can- WOMAN'S AWFUL GREAT CHICAGO. V.-_ v n-vulu “L- lhe “omfm to which she -11 mm! her in another ba-scmont (end of two rooms. .n. |w(. oiher two, moms. And cm and embnlmcd with 135 of whiskey by his Shop- Iow of h‘x‘ countrymen. the '10 pack up her belongings. a .. 'L.a.. :_. , for the other Shift: its Supper and is go- The washingâ€"the SUFFERING “'OMEN. by Stock-yard Explosion Wearing Out Her he rest. That is why (hiss: i] troubles due to watery ‘ak, shaky nerves. There .. the _one hour. ac. 1 mm a con‘esponding her husband was laid course for the future As soon as the burial no virtues of the dead n... l , ' ‘ . .1qu uunm, gunâ€"â€" housc and go to workâ€"the work is ' six lime children . _}'s the hour it as came the sudden her plans for the Ema Thirty-ï¬fth ' That. “Mow "1 a boarding was out helm { 11251 arrived home with me woman, is hour wheH the tux-2‘46 TASK IN P Maiority of European Rulers Have Cut- tings Made for Them. I The Emperor of Austria saves his val- , unble time by having a book of cuttings prepared tor him every morning by his secretary. These cuttings represent all t the principal news of the day. and the‘ limpet-or is thus able to acquaint him- tIseti with all the most important news ‘ I without wading throu rh page after page lot the newspapers. t is the duty of his 'Majesty’s secretary to slip the columns of cuttings into a daintily bound leather case, and the Emperor pergses this little volume at his breakfast table. in the event of any of the articles be- ing very long, however, the secretary has to condense them, and present them to his Majesty in typewritten form. The Princess of Wales possesses a unique scrap album, in which all sorts of cuttings from the society papers re- lating to herself and her Royal relatives are preserved. The title of this book is suggestive. for her witty Royal High- ness has labelled it: “ ords We Never Spoke; Things We Never Did.†“The majority or European rulers sub- scribe to Pressâ€"cutting agencies, and 5c ll0\\' MONAHCHS LEARN THE NEWS livery man or woman here who feels that [he kidneys are not strong or act- ing in a healthy manner should mix this prescription at home and give 11 a trial, as it is said to do wonders for many persons. Those who have tried this say it pos- ilivoly “vercmnes pain in the hack, clam-s i110 urine of sediment and regu- lates urination,especially at night, cur- ing own the worst forms of bladder weakness. ounce; Compound Kurgon. one ounce; (lrmpound Syrup Snrsupuritia, three ounces. A prominent physician is the authority that these simple, harmless ingredients can be obtained at nominal ‘cost from any druggist, even in thei smaiier towns. The mixture is said to cleanse and strengthen the clogged and inactive Kidnrys. overcoming Backnche, Bladder \walim‘ss and Urinary trouble of all kinds. if taken before the stage of Bright‘s disease. I Fluid Extract Dandelion; one-hall i Said to Overcome Kidney and Bladder ‘ Affliclions â€"â€"â€" Shake Simple Ingredi- ems Well in Rome. Mix Um follow‘ing by shaking we]! in a mum. and lake in teaspoonful doses aflermenls and at bedtime: PRESCRIPTION “'HICH ANYONE CAN EASILY MIX AT HOME. BEST EVER WRITTEN. ‘Uâ€" ... ya,“ 1’, was announced min he was discov- wrd 1;) be :1 Freeman 01' Sanquhar, and new it is announced that. he was aka) :1 burgess of Dunlfries. A arm-m- by profession. who got (‘0 day: at. Edinburgh for assauiting :1 xmlicoman. reminded me magisimfo that the whim of the assault was the t-Jgges't mlicemnn in Edinburgh. and that. ho 0011')an do him much harm. Possibly a thorough search might dis- dose the fact that Burns was made a Freeman 01' as many towns as Dr. Cary ‘ncgic has bcen. Only a few days ago i: was announced that he was disem- .n-mA 0,. L- , Fm, The Gavan Parish (T erred that on their qt Hawkhoml Asylum th1 cigars. 1131' cigarettes. 1 01‘s on (up. but tha lunchmn shall be onion Vthn the United Free Preshvtcry at Glasgow were discussing Sabbath do- secration one speaker duscrihf’d ice cream shops as perfect hells. A lady named Smith. who got a thirty days" sentonce at tho Edinburgh ‘F’o’lice Court for being drunk, has made ‘49 appearances before the magistrates. M Ila'ldington. where a number of young trons were planted to beautify the town. a lot of smashing and break- ing has been done. One of the trees was specially planted on Coronation ‘Day. ‘ The old Black Bull Tavern at Park- lxuuL Glasgow. is now rcpwsnntml by a small section of the old building. tamed in to hold the license while a new tenement, is being conslructcd overhead and around it. _â€"\‘.I-u\1n‘l Au. UULDI‘CU rty has assumed seriou s prop ln- Galstou sewage purlllc [‘5’ wave: 39 :bn opened on Um .- day a l’zu'sle [5- :took ï¬re and was onlirol ee Scdï¬ons 41f Auchenharvie ‘ k) :be closed. This will lhl idle. Scottish exhibitors wore no prize winners at lthe Londom Guecnack Parish Council gt pcmdmg £20,000 in extendil house, etc. The Sunday evening 0 lc-c'tm'm were rcsmned on I 8: Edinburgh. Aflm' klvkmg â€(he bull in football :1 "Brillgomn youl from heart disease. A shepherd in Iillriz'kd' slx‘c'loftm or 11 "body been buried rccnlux-ivs ago. While two wxcursimt-isls \‘ 'amuscmmt at Obnn milx r‘tlley lcll, and one broke a No fewer than nine 510ml discovered on :a slnnmm- - nlc l uliex' The question as In?" {01‘ the dun mng during the up. { A IS-nmnfhs-old Cla: Jutally burned by the up *of stewed meat through melding. Au elderly man who cakes and milk in a (1: mad, vanhoad, tell d0: the cakes. _....†Emblems-n, Mr. .1. Hun- for, ‘Lochfwt. some time ngo had a ughom cockercl hat-chad mm three legs. A ‘Dunlfrins gen!) fer, ‘Lochfwt. some , “um: um wxcursimvisls wrestled for 'amuscmtmt. at 0me 1-mi!wnyslu!ion r‘they Jen, and one 1)ka a leg. No fewer than nine slowawnys were (“Escovcrcd on :a simmer at (Iroonock prior to is ‘dcp'amx-ne Ior Gahcston. U S. A “II-‘llls IIHK. dairy show. sh Council proposes ex- in extending the poor- :pr.zc winners at Ithe Londnn Guecnack Pnri “mam: £20,000 house, etc. V The Sunday evening concerts and Ic-c'tm-m were resumed on me 611) inst. 8: Edinburgh. Kilmalcolm had 23 dry d3: temher. There is a great reduction kcnnes.s in Port Glasgow. 1 During last year 129 villas ‘erected in Cardonuld district. The diphtheria outbreak : as mssumed serious pmpofli‘ Gals-ton sewage purmcalic were: it» :Tm opened on Um 1511 The other day a Puislev 1 {lud- L‘ ' "w vuaoufllw serious pmpoflions. Gals-ton sewage puriHC'alion works were :w 3m opened on me 1511: inst. The other day a Paisley motor car :took ï¬re and was onlix-oly destroyed. See't‘ions of Auchenlmrvie collicry are 34) be closed. This will throw 150 men idkx What Is NOTES 0F .n Parish Council have de- on their quarkfly visit to Asylum there shall be no cigarettes. nor aerated wat- ). but that the necessary .1! 1., “It! the damage done fs Going On In “Ihc Highlands and [Lowlands ol Auld Scone. {calm had 23 dry days in Sep~ is a great reduction in drunm P01: (ilnsrvow.1 be onion dry. profession. who INTEREST mom BANKS AND mung. genllcmzm. Mr. .1 an who had born given in a dairy in Stirling , tel] dead while eating in Iillriz‘kd'alve 1 body luliex'cd IFe] i gious†uu n the upébtiing of to who is To GIUSf-Iow ch'ld all in a game 0! youth fell dead :1 go :29 villas have been S 70 my the 3 at. Kilwin- riots is now mcn quar- among the found the l to have Wife: “Well, I declare. Here's an old school friend of mine who has just made a fortune.†Husband: “All right, my dear. Go ahead. Tell me that you might have married him.†Signals of Danger.~llave you lost your appetite? Have you a canted tongue? Have you an unpleasant taste in the mouth? Does your head ache and have you dizziness? If so, your stomach is out of order and you 11(er medicine. But, you do not like medi- cine. He that prefers sickness to medi- cine must. suffer, but under the circum~ stances the wise man \muid procure a 10x 0! Parmeiee's Vegetable Pitts and speedily get. hgnself in heal'h, and strive to keep 50. , I “’38 a pot uuu L gl'OWI so owr 31mm breakfast," she said, smiling. “Norway is going to ‘tuke it. away from you." As usual, he complained that the buck- “-1an calms were heavy, the (-nl'roe weak, the bacon burnt, and so form. His wife. in the end, looked up calmly [mm her letters. ice It's what. you do that, countsâ€"not you um going to do 1c-morrow. THE JAPS did it. They found in the "D $7 L" Mo. lieves inktantly backache, rheumatism and sciatica. Many a young man after spending a day 1 Mother Gravcs’ Worm Extormina has no equal for destroying worms children and adult . See that you Ihe genuine when purchasing. 4 with you. “Don‘t growl so owr “It's a shame!" cried “Not a thing in the 110115 g<.ing home to pupa!†mind. dour,†said the h Mrs. Yolicn. of Portland. says: “My ‘hands were so sore and cmckod that I aruld not. put them near water. I seemed quite unable to get rr-h‘ef from anything: I .put on them until I tried Zum-Buk. It down! the big cracks, gave mr, ease, and In :1 wry short time honi- ed my hands cmnpletely.†szm-Buk hams all skin injuries and diseases. or all stores and druggisls at; 50 cents. or from 'lxuu-Buk (10.. Toron-‘ (C. for price. 3'bo.\‘('s for $1.25. KNEW “Would you on†rice a norm] table?" asked the inquisitive m: ‘_‘\V'cll. I have seen times who: cnnsidcr it a missiln," l-nnlinnl .L . A [UK mnsxdcr it a missile," Joplied the xvccnt 1y married man. “Yes. sir." said tho chemist. side, please. There’s an arti hlglny rrcommend. Tostinmnials from great mm who have usrd. It? makes the hair grow in (“Wily-four hours.†“Awml.†said the 9901.. “ya can gie the top 0’ your heid a bit rub WM. and I‘ll look back the mom and see if ye’ro Lenin'th truth.†"Step in- nle I can "Ell A Soo’chmnn. walking don street. noticed a bald-l :1! his shop door, and inqn :mv hair-restorer. _ , , ,7. .. Jun euuu ll'fln‘l stomach rulnrrh in any of its var-ion: forms. give I’m'una n fair trial. nvoid- In: in the meantime all such indlsm'o- lions in (lief ac would lend to retard :1 cum. and you will soon hr rewarded by a normal appetite and healthy diges- Han Hon. “Having had dyspepsia for a long lime and having trit‘d various other x'crrmdics. I decided [0 try Forum! 311.! with fho fuxrth Loffle of if. I was pvrfocfly cured. “Fur this reason I vecmnmond it to ’au (ham who are suffering with that lmrihfe malady. dyspepsia. “I hope that all who are afflicted in ’fhis way will take Poruna as I did." i The experience of Mdm Bcaudoin ought. to 1:0 sumrinnl prod to any om» nf Um value? of Peruna in cnsns of ca- fmrhnf dyspepsia. If you suffer from stomach (-ufnrrh in any of its var-inn: forms, Ein‘ Pm'una n fair trial. maid- in!" In 1k- .~__, .. , Mde. Jnsoph Beaudoin. 5 Olh'ir. Quebec, P. 0.. Cam, “Permm is wondm'ful for ‘ ImL whatever I want and feel any oppress‘on. 41" » HANDS TERRIBL ’ CRACKED WHAT \VAS COMING .. _vuu U . 7“ l ur,†said the husband, “I‘ll BHTAHHH flF STUMAUH _ HEUEVEH BY PE-flll-NII. MATTER OF PROOF. MDE. JOSEPH ’BEAUDom. DOGUKE. 1;: man is sorry he spoke a day pricing furniture. a! order and you 11(de you do not like modi- erers sickness to medi~ They supplied the Menthol Mthhol li’lmt tor, which re- anhn n-0,: HIM HARD ave usrd. It mako’s the ï¬lly-four hours.†10 Seat. “ya can gie the a bit rub WM. and I‘ll mom and see if ye’ro nogge m‘tofle'fu _-. - -~w In, wnlc r0. ', homo-he, neuralgia, -u... In ha k1 mended chemist and inquired if he had times whm I could â€I“ .meg wire Ill to eul.’ I'm maven don’t varminatar nlqng a Lon 50 Run 5!. , wrilvs: indigvslion. I no longer OI‘ V130. w ha t 'f in on TERM {One Man Attends to All the Details 0! 'l'ranstcrring Objects. In engineering works the «Metro-mm:- rmt is taking: a very prmninem place. This (tavire dispenses with hooks. slings. and other lifting apparatus. By thrm'- ing a switch controlling the t‘ttt't'tli. the magnet is onergizui and thereby attach- es itself to the bars. castinga scrap, or pig iron which it is desired to lift. 'l‘l. - ._ A Cuslonwr (at (Rpm-hymn stow): “Whore is your complaint «1(1)::erme 2’†Now Snlmgirl: “(hnlplnin?° Guess yuu’vc come 10 the wrong place, mister. This ain’t nc hospital.†110 NOT ALLOW gourself to hex because you tune 1m ymr afpatim Gosh, but cammonco taking '1-‘crrm tonic. ID will build you up quickly It Neds NJ 'l‘ml-ilnoninl.--All is a guar- }:mlce in itself. If loslx’nmnials Wt'l'u "c- quired they could be furnished in thou- sands from all 50115 and conditions «l men in widely dim-rent plum-s. Mzmy modicum (m.- pnt fm'lll awry yml' which have but an ophmncml (“Xistl‘lllft‘ and than are hcux‘d of no more. Dr.‘ 'l'honms' Eek-clue Oil has grown in rc-l pulzltion cwry day since it first mum: its appearance. MAGNETS LII-'1‘ TONS OF MODERN IiXt'jEIJJ-ZNCE. "Haw dc you likc your “CW hir'Pd "ii-l?" b“.‘Splondid. She lakes full charge at â€as children and I dwx't have to bumcr with them at all." seems to tear h Jon 1 your throat. A that cvan a. acubbmn and lung-new cured wizh Allen's Lung Balsam i Worry no longer. Teething Babie vuc uXCSZâ€"Wheu one uses N mas and Mothers’ Treasure are saved sufferingâ€"and mothers glven rcstâ€"-when one uses mum]! to become alarmed yvur arpatito and are Josing akin; 'l-'- r‘uyim " the best pun .n. your throat. Am y5i{'iw‘z~1r; and lul ' glecked gold is on" I)“ more. Dr. grown in re- it first mum: 10m place. (â€(8. slums, By 1hrm - (wont the cold sticks, and A A , METAL. u. n. ? (loud: and 1o look “Na.†suit! Kndlny. “} mwm' asmriniu \vilh my ink-rims. Do you?" "Really. I um't my," replied Mi.“- (Zur- "Wm na um" iujnml in ï¬rm. “I don't mink I over your infer-M's I" the mimuy mot any or “may Winn). â€M V (k gripe and Um} gin: ‘tubbu n cum-s The Maui I'mpu): tfu- nmst plzpuim- (1 mum and of p.511}: L" I‘ux'mc'eu‘a \l-gclu they dn \ximl il is 03:). and m..- no! :1 .11:thng Mums 10 :m‘ rmmmvl and (4:5in taken, Hum- 1‘ u unluï¬'b‘HK rootly unm‘ “\vJH 3m: 81"} H10 mini: I»! quite forgot, the w“ "Young mun." mm the .514 “ya. we Mginnmg early. I pm-(od you I‘m-k [rem your bf'lorc this ln‘guu.†{zuhmnih-Hiw «H many. I. mum THAT BERNS with eczema. And is. covered with oruptimm up»: dén'chgrgan. thin fluid, my be mgulo mumh and nightly wibh Weaver Comte. lam an, extol-nu} “mm- --I dam." Mrs. NI‘WI (mun-4- it in. Nuw t romgnize his style.†Ne-gu-rlod mlds nrc sufkring thrnghou n! which mum Imvr Hm nippiicntéun of ll (Hui medicinn. Tl brings 1:. “jihm â€1c no not [01 a Rvsut 10 I; “Hun “L 1;â€. km in â€2(- "1 “U!†l-{Idgu‘nv WIN: ' . l ' ncss.â€L ll ‘1†m up courage I’lighlie [0 mar by what is known as slinging pieces is saved by olectro-magncts. connection be- ing made instantaneously, and the weight liberattfl in the same oxpocutious manner. The magnet is lowored to the Objmt flooded with the current turned oil. When the switch is closed the mug- nct, lit-Mining active, holds the articles to be lifted while they are raised and transported In their destination. When â€H')’ are lawi-rcd, thg switch is opened innit the magnet immediately rotenscs thmn. As the operator or the crane con- trols tht: action of the magnet through Hu‘ switr'h. this one man can attend to :t'i the tlvtziils of transferring heavy mvtnl (lbjt‘tit'i No assistant is needed to attach ...vm to the conwyor or to re- lt'iN“ Hlt‘tn whon they reach their tics. tinatJon. H “(IN THAT BURNS w ._.. ._ u - NUT W] MT HE ‘c'l "V053 I’ve done it at. last :‘m I’OpUl-‘u‘ l’ill.â€"The will is :mpuim- of all forms 4,! medi- l «,2' pith: 11m most popular 1th- ‘5 \l-gclublc Pills. lxcuum: \ximl 1'! is assm'tvd they mm m..- mnt put forward on any «Runs to excellence. 'l'hvy hurt and pol'hxbk‘, â€HT un- _ ,, , ...... up...) wxm mt an? external muddy shoul‘ U'w rm: Weaver's Syrup. m- throat. and prevent disease Jim: in (he puhmnary orgnm. (~st nrc the cause of mnmd throughout the country. all, could have been prom-med -_\'l forgot the \wddmg fuc.‘ m." mm the Horn answer ginning early. I at least o.\ I ‘ ' ' IM Hwy dd t. a cold some on your lungs Buzklc‘s Anti-(kmsumpfi‘n w ï¬rst. intimation of irrita- uns one man can attend to Jails of transferring heavy w". No assistant is needed to to the conwym' or to re- wlzw they reach their dus- ’vo done it at. last. :1: go cnou 1,1) to I screw,â€" ask Mia's marry me Rather blame Shc: “Bram to uniï¬es»! *BIZEHI - mm wh'ch non-1.0. nu. in thanfwaMohrd am was Mo unlor no. hut-Me madman, It. Game Mamttnmowoddjmsuhomudpuuw. I! w of lh‘s simble In: The priu‘. 25 ; Hm much of a]! bridegroom to his not nauscuto new I'Chcf in the must MBA NT aflor the («Te “Humor {01' me? honeymmm Hwy hr} buf‘ pa “2- 1d 15.85.} the gyickest cum: to a pinning mil '2: 5 its ‘ What an- Univ 9’ [“1," (no Ihing you I phonograph next door.†Tum. Rubin. of Eglingion, says: “I huw romowd 1m cams from my feet mm Hollowuy‘s Corn Cure.†Beacen a; thou and do likchse. "You ncvor can 10".“ Allen Sparks, “what 135 Ln: acmmplishw] by an spokm air the right tim: has had the shape of h {or life bv czillimr mm†ONE OF THEM. "After all." said Rama-s. ‘ Buffalo make, number four, 9-inch ver' lice! discharge, 24 inches high: perms condition. Superintendent, Truth Build: ing, 73 Adelaide St. West. Toronto. 300 lights, first-Class order. Will be sole! cheap and must be gotten out or the W?! owing to coo-light machine Lakmg .113 place. S. Frank Wilson, '23 Adelaide Street West, ’I‘oronlo. 1’ husim-ssâ€"in the village of Jarvis; a ï¬rst-class business; the owner wishes to retire. L. Miller, Jarvis. «n a: the righi time. Many had the shape of his nose c1 life by calling another man a BEER* IS GOOD TO ENRICH THE BLOOD FAN BLOWER Put aside prejudice and learn just how good for almost every adult good beer really 15. Because beer, so drank, actually supplies the food ele- ments (hat make the blood rich. Also beer assiswtbe'stomach in getting all the good possible out of 2.11111: food the; enters it. MACHINERY FOR SALE. EOPLE who drink good beer with their meals can". be aencmicâ€"{hin-blooded. 'NCHS ALLEN. DYNAMO E- swam: tell." observed Uncle t lasting results may (â€an earnest word â€Â£911“. “living nc: its compensations cunt hes. 1m 1058 changed man a liar} “Thén she but \‘enus P. “Perhaps lb puts on pain! ï¬nds youm d‘ 62"hc‘Jng \vr- X"\ “ paim. penc; 'He. (\ Arhmdilc sho :1 Jn this 18! 39gb! of H: “Lu he (‘Ivcrgvihin )cung he one \X'ou Skipwi: “to: ma f‘vini: up a?!:or ye r656 “\Vha exchim stmlled m "ten he 1: 41» Stu voice, L11: 1m. H}: with ‘ It 5:60 fordoc V3018: ‘ 'Pcrlza extra fl 11y He‘ie immoij tin:- can sh: 53$ mm: rant “1 hon vt‘ armâ€;- “elk "And «- Rodrr tire-1 And f Ht?- fgï¬b+§+ Got“ 3: +7 nmm+maÂ¥525 ’8! VOL. 1.3. 43' U.