may ‘Old Probs’ who was suf- bm rheumatics and entangle- ;he liver. speaking diplomat- xi 'Fatr and warmer.’ In the Mr. Ed. Christie happened in lmmd running: on slenahim Mr. Ed. Christie happened in :mlnd running on slevghing law’s Hill and remarked la ’s, ‘(Jom to snow. get your gut. luts of fun to morrow,’ and ~ ; unt up a rope for his slelgh. pug Comes Sid Fitzgerald and n ruimn a†day In Grand Val- ‘ 34:: it (om-flu. Sidney was i hen-uï¬cr Mr. Ed. Christie .):C as a wcathcr prophet. gas for Cavnn Conservaï¬ye we jmrvs was a visitor wk on Pruia)‘. tn: pleased to see a num- ' )lxmxrook Bank Clerks fatenainment here 135! d a good-looking lot of kn they are. too. as Jones is foreman at w mil} here which 13 do- -';:1)' business. Mnjones wikh the boys. mold Kukpamck has 3 [mt ofdruwing wood for 63? c3I4:AO(),000 311130013 00 I â€V: has: two years, lads Bookkeeping a: a good position. Tias Jones. Miss B. Har- Miss Oin'e Jones ware u Manbrook on Friday. tulcrc, Cut acres! in this 10ml terri- Ivca! paper. ml is the acknowledged :xicent news Service; us It.‘ icaxures; its great ser- nr's worth to be had. km“ and Weekly Star “King and rciiablc news 'd to keep pate 35th for ofï¬ce assimms, 322 222 ï¬g 221% n. 59,831 268,001.17 3 ‘iIIbrook, Ont. the Mm am! in London, ~, erico. Success transact: ( mm at Me annual the Town Hall. .IéH ‘rrnocn. are )oncs an V vo.s "H To enable all to learn we teach on cash or mstallnu-nt plan. We also teach a personal class at school ones a month. Class commencing last 'l'ub’sday of each month. 'l‘hcsc lcs sour; teaches how to cut, fat and put together any garment from El}: plamest shirt waxst suit, to the most cluhoratc drcss. The whale family can learn from one course. We have taught over Schn thousand dress making, and guarantee to give ï¬ve hun lrcd dollars to any one that cannot lcarn bctwcen the ages of 14 and 40. You cannot learn drcss making as thorough as this cour<c tcaclws if you work m Shops for years. Beware of mnntions as we employ no one: outsrdc the: school. 'l'lns is the only expcncnced Dress Cutting School In Canada and cxccllc-d by none in any other country. Write at once for particulars, as we have cut our rate one-third for a short tune. Address :â€" Smaers’ Dress-Cutting Schoal, 3: Eric SL, Stratford, Ont, Canada. WANTED RT ONCS.â€"We haw: dcculrd to lnstrn t. and em p'oy a nzunberof smart. yvung 1 â€has to rem-h our course in Dressmaklng, havi ngmw t: acher {Hutu-91x Imam-9V towns win I'(.' ch y liv» - ago a" to 35. Those who haw “or! ed at. ï¬rossmnklnz. or like-s drawing prvfn-rred P â€an do not a- ply unless you can devote y nut whole time. Addr. ssâ€" vr.-- Ln-un». The Mirror and \Veekly Globe and Canada Farmer to Jan. Ist, 1908, to new subscribers. any place in Canada or Great Britain for only ;2_5c. Farm Stock. 7m emer ts, «tr. t‘ e property of Mr Wil iam Skuce Lat 1, Con. 7, Ops, on \\'cdxw<dn\- Nov. 27, 1907, at x p. m. J. H. WILSON, Auctioneer, Mt. Hozcb I’.O. The funerJ to the Emily Ccmctcry on Fndny the St!) was very largely attendrd, Rr‘V. [I Reliever and Rev. R. McCuIlnch conduvtL-d the solemn and Impressch funeral scrywes. In your spare tzmc at home, or Take a. Personal Course at School. 8:51ch an affcvtxonate husband and infant son, her father and mother, one snstcr and ï¬ve brothers are left to mourn her Ions a“ of whom have the h arf'ch syn puthy of their many l'ricnd- . The death of Jennie Int. hf rr", be- lovel wife of Mr. Albert Archer, which sad et‘ent took Mac: at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. 11 latchford, Emily, on the 5th inst. re moves one ofthe best Knom and most hrghly respeced young women (J this community. Decemed hm! heer: suï¬'ermg for about six Weeks with her hugs an 1 degnte the he t of medrca‘. t'eatment she passed to her long rest on Tuesday, the 5th. She was an adhrrent of the Presbyterian Church m the 'l'uwnship of Smith. She was married about two years ago to her now sorrowmg hu~band, and they had just got comfortably sewed, and the outlook seemed Very bright for them until the wife £00k ill. 0:1 Friday, l):c. 13th, at 7.30 pm. a missnonary mectiny will be huld in Christ Church, 01131113.. 'l‘hc Rt. Rcv. W. I) Reeve, l) l). Assmam Bishop of the: Diocese will deliver an address. 'l‘hc sthop in one. of the: greatest Mzssionurv hcwcs l'rum the North, rcCcntly Bishop of [he “macs: of Mlecnzic Rnr-r {ll-d Athabaska and his at ‘Jress wnll b: rcplctc with informxtiun conccming th: Church» work in that great Ion;- lmd' EVcry one welcome. LEARN BE£§°â€"fé£f€é§€£ EY MEL eich service. 0:) Monday a Fun-l Supper will b: saved from 5.30 to 7,30 p.m., al‘tcr which an excellent programmc of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Rz-adings'. Recitations, etc“ will be: rcmlcrcd. 'l'hc execllcnt Ome mce Quartc 2c wxll also assist. Admxsslon 250' Ex'cryonc Come. The Anniversary Services of the Presbyterian Church, Mt. Pleasant, mll Dc held on Sunday and Monday, Nov. 24th and 25th, 1907. Rev. 1) I). McDonald, B .\, of Keene, will preach at n 3.11:. and 630 p.m. Special music and special Collection at hall ure elcct herwin your iadi†,. kels. E‘-’~‘T}‘5“~‘}' “’3‘"- anticipatc‘d- Hum-s- open at 6.30 pm Program at 7 3o. Arlmis:\inn 13 Cents. W M Geo “ills; Rec. Scc. AHan Case?- entertain mcnt My. “'m. Balfour paid a flying visit to Pen H 0pc last week. Mr. Thomas Newman, of Lehman, '35 in Pctcrboro on Saturday. The many hicnds of Colonel Sam Hughes, M ‘i’., Wcrc pleased to Sec bin) in our vzllagc on \\'udncsday. Mr. J. J. Lamb vi<itcd the Electric {‘in last wcck on business. Mr. J. J. Lamb vmtcfl the ElccmC City last week on business. BRIGHTEN UP Iâ€"Use Shcrwm Williams l’aintfilng V}{f$_li5l)uf_. e dr'iVa ' le‘: .caduvl Anniversary and Fowl Supper. E SALE REGISTER EV. H. PECKOVER, Pastor OMEMEE NEWS. Church Notes. CBHUARY W. H. CURRY Co c’li hich illiams’ HI TH E sumo L. aint aim aint aint WHAT ABOUI‘ YUL‘i: KIDNEYS. Yonrback aches and fairly «,zrnaus with the dxszress of kidney trouble, You’re disc‘ournzeai, bu: ynn mustn’t give up The iml'le cm he quickly Won when Dr. â€mm m's I’ilis get. to work. '3 hrs: kidney sps-uiuiists bring new health and vitality to yuun: and old alike. Even one box proves their marvcinua power. Continue this great healer, and your kidneys will become as strong, as VigorUUS. a: aide to work as new ones. REMEMBERTIHS Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are purely \‘egvmble; they do cure :iver, blmlder and kidney tumble. They will cure 3'1.u,vr \our money b.1ck. lr‘ce- â€' dc [er box at aildeule: s 02.5 man, but very absent-minded 01.6 morning ho u as going from home, a: (1 had his handbag puckezl and left in the hall, as he intended to walk to the rallnny siminn After he had left the h Anse his daughter came' into the hull and s‘ w the hm: still there, and said to her mother. ‘ Ull, moiher, father has g ne off and left. his hag behind. Inill rah a'ler him \\ ith it " Which She did and when she arrive! at the station she funnd the canon walking around with the cnul sknme, which he had taken up in place of his bag. A good st .r_v is told of a learned Canon o: the Angliran churcl. m (‘una- da. who is a very unnghtful and studi- I’ale people have pale blond. '1 11-9 strmach is wrong, assimilation is poor and food is not changed into blood The system lm'kB yimlity and recon- sLaclive power which can be supplied b Ferrozoue. It braces the appetite, digsslion is stimulate-l, what you eat, is Lmubformed into the kind of nutri- ment your system requires. Vital Me- giving [)11-0d that makes rosy cheeks, strength that deï¬es wearluess. spirit and ambition all come from Ferruzonei Nuthing in the annals of medicine 80 sure to build up and strengthen as Fennzmie Try a 50c bog. Sulglgyery- wham- \V. J. Taylor, W0m!>tuck, Out. :\3- 11 mg]: thr- October mmximr was ï¬lled \Vlih hunlii'g sturies thesnp; 1y was Mr in'IeRd frnm lmiu; exhausted as the Nnxemlucr ismm shows, and mingled a-mmg pYe-uszmt fishing amides will be {vunxd lunch to interest thnse who are now on lmxnting memhtsinteut. IIUNE‘ING and hunlim: tnph's at preseht nocnpy the miljnr punion u." the thoughts of th-se “1.0 i: dnlge in {he pursuit 0f hig «game. From all re- ports the season promises to he one of the bust in revent years, and hunters, full of high unticmmimm, have their prepvratinns me“ in hand. Included in them arrangements for the perfect enjny men: n! the own season nmst he the p »:ssessinn of the November Nun.- h r of “1:1:1‘: AND GUN ASD MOI‘OR SPORTS IN (‘AN.-\D:\,†published by LOOK (1171‘ FOR THIS MAN If he offers something better than Putnam‘s (Iorn Extmctnr, â€â€™5 the mhlw tionul proï¬t or interior goods that tempts him. Putnam’s is the 01ny one .suze um! paml‘css cure. Um: no other. WHY REMAIN THIN AND PALE? on TUESDAY Nox‘cmbz-r 26. 1907 at ONE o'clock p m. sharp, all hix ml unblc {-‘er Stock. Consislmg ofa num ber of we“ bred Hon-cs and Cattle. Lot 1, (3011.1 0 to sell by Public Aucmn psrmiscx, 3 Jam mum. :3 m: m 553 32 H, 53me a3. .1 r. b c. CREDIT SALE Both the above mcntionnd wholly mash up from the L'rlxc'. native. mmlivinul mom. Thu plush-d in tlwlx‘ mauufacmrc with Dr. Pierce. and “195' are skilled clu-mists and pharmu. aid vimamvara us and axmlim designed and built far 111:; n MR. LOUIS FALLIS (nu-mo: utornx‘ an ykir‘mm ai‘IL-r many other ad physlci- .35 had talk-d. s 2: Used ....., u'iu rays“: 'gn (“147m mun». is Dr Pierce 3 gm“ oritc ’x‘escr: ;:?\mns is amply attested vt‘uous '~ .' ~; (‘ï¬â€œ',m‘ii" \v teStimunials con- niLut;d b3 {chm-m1 pantry. who haw-been c1 Elihvi‘ oï¬t‘n‘afmmILL‘ «71mm, pam 11 pT'rnw xrr'gvv'nmies. “5141mm ndn m. '- ‘LW 1< runnml" .-- QM 5.3.4 unwrap mqurqu:n m, An Absent-minded Canon. nHU “U 1!... 1|... «:3 . ‘1 1.1L On» J H. $113392], AA __ ‘;'."" 3‘29 Lit‘tti‘zh‘t‘. em. or hunts-gnarl. torpifflwr ' . z: and even valvular and other afl‘u the heart. yield to its curative actir. reason why it cures: {how and ma afl‘ections. is clearly shown in a m of extracts {mm the standard medic which b: mam-d ï¬re to any address l V. Pierce. 0! 1:1: “0. l\'. 11. to all molest. for the 5;.1; n I have rccc m.†m __._-_a.n~. "7‘ ~ - JJ J,. ,k 1211,12 ‘ I» r: i . a ' "‘ :LX'DE-v: hrs“; {0'5 " 71-21:! avor fun-wk Hr g. l ‘ nsox kx___v_<__»\-:n m 'w- '7. u ) Dd < .1. “â€"â€"__‘ “AND“ Ix. . wizwï¬nn mm Eli's": £Y‘5'2y‘d‘hL V-...H‘a nun. L“. ests uhbtwd In most. valunbl Mime cu“ V M must. obstina ea¢ 5. ‘2 WP Would DFODQP})‘ i an 1‘1 kd-EYTZ‘WNH‘ n' .m That our American plants which possess medicinal virtues is a] by scores of the most writers and teachers. tored Indians had disc m‘ss of many native advent, of the white ra tion, imparted frock." the latter to continue it ten-day we have a rich 3 valuu bIe American med Dr. PIC??? bellows :h less nan-01¢ ICES m arm-1033,. :3 I-v ‘5 (“UL-L: .niig n: n- Amcrican forests abound in ich possess the most valuable virtues is abundandy (Lt-*ustcd of the most eminent medical 1:! teachers. Even the untu- ans had discovond the useful- uny native pimm 1M.†.‘n‘ed Instructiuns from ("WI-7"" â€"'\’§ ‘ CL. CL . Q '1’“) . . “u.- amnunru medical works rrr to any address by Dr. IL 0, l\'. 12. to all symlmg .c» max. our America: for .32. valuabm medicinal roots :st, obstinate and mm) 65::- properly investigate them: Pg of 1M; conviction. ho , k gum,“ r. 1" .- uve piants befuro to race. Thisinrc: 291;: to the whims, mo invos ’;\‘,EHV\: - ’31 “35‘0an ncdicmal lis large and 0f IumIcmmLS. atpfgr Am the unparalleled Mn: of woman's weaknesscs and L .. . â€â€˜EEIFCS. and Lknf‘sx‘ nicer- .“'. ‘ '1 3“ . H X_.u‘n.\. ()1an ' l' ‘\ ‘I m A" buck . l 1 many 0‘ a 1m Zane ion-.J s- cctious 0! 6L Ltion. The [his !nrcrm. - e whm's, ied gta! inns un ail mom of most. I roots. on rhc {5 Valuable :3- at’vustcd 1‘ modica} hO uum- the Miss Evelyn M. 62.612 of Kingston, writer. "I have had an attack of blood disorder which broke out in horrid looking pimples. They were ugly red disï¬guring Matches that ruined the appearance of my face: I tried all sorts of medicine, but the pimples didn’t leave. I was recommended Fer- roznne and gave it a trial. I nnticed an impruvemen: after the second horn and kept up the treatment which (in- ally cleared my skin. As the result of Ferrozmxe I have a clear healthy com- plexion and can recommend it all Toklmw how quickly, lmw sure?)- Ferrozone cures, to see hnw 1t rebuilds and matures, yuu lmyn only to read the following lettersâ€"read lluam care- fullyâ€"see†the symptoms resemble yours Just as Hrength is the natural out- come or pure Mood, 80 is debility and sivkness the result of impure blond Othe e x.†No blood remedy exists that has the povuar to cure, to heal, to restore like X-‘errozrme, try it, 500. per box at any drugstore, Another young lady well known in sixciety circles of Springï¬eld, wuo de- rived exceptional beneï¬t from Ferro- rczune says: “I felt it my duty to make knnwu the value of Ferrozmae My trouble was poor weak blond, and m a. consequence my lips “are palid, and my cheeks had no Cuior. I \vas’nt at allstrougmnd acquired a bracing tunic. Fermzone Soon brought color to my cheeks, improved my appexite and made me stronger man I had been for \eurs. lfuvor Ferrozone because i is so simple to lake and Works so quickly..†Just as we go to press we learn that Mr. Thos. Stephenson 15 ill. We hope that under skIIful medical treat- ment that he will soon recover his tmmcr good health. mamas Every Part of the Body. (3.3.1896 Org 'a Ric Disease. The old chap sighed,lumcl\e.l the ashes {mm his pipe on Us cane of many wists, and wum‘cred ufl' lvuvivg me to puzzle over it alone, so I leave tuthe reader to ï¬gure if dreams do come true. Aer ll set-ms that he clr‘pzlflï¬ll this trnu hlwl unrhl and “us varied to "l'ln- ; lluppy- Hunting (irnlxlul:"ztml altar at ‘Svjuurn there (how low: ho ('uuld ml. rr'cullccl), he expressed to the Gate- ketdper, St. Peter, a desire to have at glimpse of the spot (an earth where he haul livetl and labored, he was very courteouslv given permission and fur :xished with a Splrit Guide. Nuw us the two neared the earthly Sphere, mv friend decided to view the village from the top of old Nebo but as they drew nearer to what the gmde claimed was the Mountain, the old ‘ uurnnee, haxmened ulnnu. Alter bor- rhwing liberally from my stock ol ‘“ aml’ he related to me, as we wor- shiped together at the shrine of Nica- tixw, many interesting things of days L'One hy. Then by a casual remark ul' mine the theme turned to the Suhjvct of the mountain and it was born that the nld uenllmnun told we of a very rtsmzukulvle dreun» that ho had a few nighls prm‘im ‘ Iii? ERR BLQGB. logs the Kidneys Slows the Heart Fags the Brain. Some Day When Dreams Come True. young women siluiluriy :Ifl'cct- A Rnundubout Seer rneu to the suhj~-ct u! it was born that tom um of a very that ho had a few Are you going ldgivo a party for your children or for your friendol‘your own age during the (3“!) ing Christina: lmlilla)? Do you Wm: some ideas which no one has hat-l n chance to try before? Gel, the ilecenll'ler number of the NEW 1mm \Vmux’s MAGAer: and rvall "Mrs. Santa (Klaus at Home.†and ‘(Ihrislnzas Frolicu for the Youngsterflf Send your friends one cf the original i .\‘i:aliuns illustrated in un articul in the suljrct uml make the affair com- plele We publish this month words and Mush: for a charming (Iluisuuas carol which the children can learn, as well as four programs f.r amateur musicul eulerluinmems "Good lion 9 keeping†is full of good reCipvs, not only for the (luinly things such as Christina‘s mikes, su‘eellneuls null pud- dings, but. the method of cookingsleak and ï¬sl‘on a. woolen plankâ€"a method n It knonn to many housewivesâ€"la also discussed. "Marketing l'ormuall anilies†will help all (hose wholmve to make the best of a small income. Ihe dru ggists in this neighborhood any they 1321115111111†the ingredients, which are 9115in mixâ€! at home- There is said to he note-Llerhlood- cleansingugentnr 911419111 h nic Run“ 11. and cvrtniniy none mane harluluss or ulmple to use. A New York drzmgist v. ho 1.8.8 had hundreds of calls fur-11,0 e ingreuientl since the ï¬rst unnuumecment in the newspapers lust Ucluber sum-«l that the pimple who mu-e try it "swear by it.†espt-ciully Unnse u‘lm have Urinary and Kidney trouble and Bull'er with lilwlxn-mt"sxn. if neglected it \\ ill weaken the lhruat and ï¬nally reach the lungs. Nothing simpler than inhaling the healing vapor of (‘amrrlmzonm Its action is like magic, so helpful, so easy to apply, Be (lone \xilh lu-«mchial trouble for all time! Cut-.u-rhozone does cure the worst cases, will cure. you, too. Sold every where, 250' and $1.00 under abso- lute guarantee of sutlflfuctiog. 'lhls mi\tnre writes «ne authority in a leading Ihilueiehyhiu newspaper, husa pecuhnr tunic «Hut upon the kidneys; chmnsing the chgued-up pores U! the eliminulis'c tissues, forcing the kidneys to rift and “main nom the blond the uric ueld and other pois- onous waste matter, oven: ming Rheu- mazism, Bummer and Uri: any trouble: in a short VA hlle. THAT DRY ('OUUU IS BRONCIII’I‘IS Some renmrkuble stories are being told about town and amm g the Countty people coming in n!" this aim; 13 home- made nnxtnre curing rhe:.nxatism and Kidney troubie. Here Is the recipe mm directions {nr taking: Mix by shaking: we“ in a mum one hull'ounce Fluid Extract Dunde’ion, one ounce (‘ompmxml Kxugnn, three ounves Com- punnd S} rup Suvsuparilla. Take as a. duse one teaspauuful after nwnls and at bedtinm. No change me] be made in your regular diet, but drink plenty of good water. They lmgin to 54W, “What's the use,†and {rum ihe enquiry, "“hm’s the use.â€1iis easy to drift into a spirit 01 "Don’t cuie.†From ‘ Don’t. care,†â€.6 mnvenmnt (In-amvard is rapid. His- iurguiues not remrd a fuilure upon the part ui'uny youm_Ir man “11!) admits that nothing Cam heal Working and saw saving. livery [urtune begun In that way. The time to save is when times um gum! and the country prosperous. That time is uu-.v.â€"]'Ix. llareh' does a man win by luck (1' accident. 'l‘lm:mmds of vonng men think it is not. worth wLiIe to try to get :1. shut by timing: 1: izttle money every mmzth, hence they Hitter nuay ten or tifzecn years exgectin: some- thing to turn up, m;- ster’ously to bene- ï¬t. tin-Hr conditinn. They discoyer [hat nothing turns up. mines and stuck Companies, but there is nothing; that. 110nm \\orkâ€"p'-a'n. o'd- fashioned Work. Yuu Mar about the men whngruw rich 1w 9} eculuï¬ Â»u or by means of “patent rights." bu: you never hear of [Muse who fail in those enu'rprises. 50c. alarge box. At all dmggists, or sent on receipt of price. THE CLAPL!" CHEMICAL (30.. LIMIYED WINDSOR, ONT. 7! cures M1 5011.1:11' R11e111nr1‘i.‘m, I11- {1311111111 Lory 1\11 “1111121155111, Sci 1.1 1.11111111130, )bccr ;1151': it removes 1.111: CA ‘ US" of 111 311131111125. Your:c’s I’oxxM, I‘. O. “Havctric.1ym1r Biz-J11 K111 11:31 1 . , 111110111111 1111:.11 1.1-1), 1311115111111 for 11111211- 1113115111 31:11 min in 111.. 1 111.24. 1111:)" 11.111 1 certainly {111.115.511.11 1. 113.11 :11111 1' :0 I'CC61\111gL'!‘C£111J"‘1L.11. 1.111 Bu-Jaa. 11:: has 11311 {-rcat 111111 in 1111: 51111111 of his bac.:, L111. 1530 much bct‘. Ct 1101:. MRS. A. C. K1171). 1111211111: 15121, in any" form, 11 103115 irri- tatcd11cr1'e5, (1:1 11 1.; 011115011 by 1111c . Cid being 1191105113111 1 11112113001121.1'63111. The only way uric acid reaches the 11113011 is through “cakncss or disease of the Kid- neys. The 0111y 1.3}! 13 cure “e 1L 111's- eased Kidneys, and 111115 cure Rheumat- ism, is to take Bu-Ju. 1101.1 DA ‘1 CN'I‘ 1‘; R 1‘3. IN .\1 EUT. Ymn‘g nien may tell you almnt gold it’s 50 easy t0 . Cure Rhegsmaizga . (‘1 D1 >4 :«I |~1 N m l)OFTEN. Such a simple treatment. So ab; solutely certain to cure. Just take Bu-Ju. Not a few dosesâ€"don’t stop even after a few boxes. Give 133-!!! a fair chance â€" take it faithfully ; carry out the directions exactly; and [Eu-1:3 will cure you as surely as 2 and 2 make 4. H uw '1‘0 w 1 N. The farm is situate] within Three mlies of Mill'hmok, um] within 3-4 of 21 mile nfa gum] svhnul and grist mill. As prnpvrtv is fast udvuncinu in \‘zxme, this \\ ill he funml a mast dPsirable in- vestment in every way and can be had at a. right price if sold at once. For particuiars apply to WATCHES, CLOCKS, jEW- ELRY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS,CHINA,TRAVELING CASES, MANICURE CASES, NOVELTIES, c., 8.1:. SPECIAL LOVV PRICE A First Clo 35 Grain and Stock Farm in Cavan, containing:13.3;u2reh‘ more or less, about Mum; zu'res clear- eil and in gum! slate of cnitzvammâ€" clean and free from weedsâ€"balance good pasture and wood land. Good well, and running spring \vatervon- venivnt for Cattle the year round. ’I‘Wn gum] burns with stone rmnsdutirms and stables nmiernoauh. A Fine young orchard comm-new int; to la: U' Tl. e \Hmd lmd cmnuins d. quantity of Vail- uabie timber. it is Money Lost ifYnu Pay Too Much For Your Pump. DEEJEJIS (3:13: save you money If you consult him bcforc \‘C‘J buy. Every pump fullyguamllgcad, and the prices and terms are ï¬ght. Nohumlmg, no (le- lay, no large proï¬ts, BUTâ€"prompt dc livery and a square deal :0 all, EE.E HEM 77E {811E E-St LEEE J. DEENIS, Th3 Practical Pump Man, cramps, vmnitin; or indigestion, all you need is ten “(Inn-s in swee r-n-d wmar. erk or well 3 ou’li ï¬nd Pulson’s Nerviline invaluable In your house. (let a large 2.30. bottle to-day. Is what you want “hen smkne s happens at night. (,‘zm \‘on possibly ï¬nd the equal uf Nerviline? Nn, for it wands unequalled In curing pain, in ternzll nr ioa'ul. Eumuhe, toothache ‘unl Neurulgia disappear in a j if): Rub H on and away flies the pain. I‘or millennium will 16 ushered 1n xmmmli atelv a Luca] ()ption by-lzm is carried. â€"-'l‘he Pioneer. There is no question as to the benetil of Local Option. We nmst nut, how ever‘ laud people to imagine that. the 'l'hese things it. will do to agrealer or lesser extent as the 12m; is we†en- Inrced. It does not mqan perfection alunutheseliI-es. It. dues menu im provvmeul. Piesenis Sb EB flu i“. I u 2 n I f ._ . Dad I‘VE... Next the Creamery, LINDSAY, Ont. (he treating 5;. stem. lc \\'lll make il msv for men tn keep suleer and [mm fur mm) to gtcl drunk. It. will hem-lit business by diverting the money mw freely passing uyer the bar inn. channels of legitimate lrulv. It wul lessen the cousmnption ol liquur bull. in the bur-rooms unl in the humes n: the (:nuhzlllllity. It will lessen drunk mess. lt \\‘lll make (-omnnnmies rum-e orderly and peuczelnl. It \\ ill in: prove and purify the home life. You can buy Dainty Goods What Luca] 0;)! It will clnse the lmr public drinking plan ( he treating 5;. slem ousv for men tu kee: FAB his not claimed for Inca] Option tlmt it will stop all legal drillkll‘g and nrexent all drqueIIesi in the com- munity. It is not claimed that. it. III!I absulutely Incvenc all In“ violations â€or is it, t) be expected that, the best results of II e hm “ill be seen iIIIme Ilmlely after it has come into uper: [lull It is unwise to make extravagant statements or indulge in gloninu pro- phemes as to the transcendent good that vsill result from the enactment of L'IC'l! Option by- laws and to time ab- normally raiae llIe hopes and expecta- tions el the people to a point so high Hut ll. ey “I†be disapoinled in the ac- tual realms. Some beautiful lines in IHCLI’ What Local Option Does. at MCCARTY’S, 1'111. 3'11"" ‘1‘ OFFICE NEAR A'l‘ HAND Wm~w~,a TE: 2022:! C3313 with true fruit and Wine flavors is really good for you. Ask your grOn or for a pack- age. Any of]; differ- ent flavors. Price, 10c. BEEPJY’S Option will do is this: lmr-room its an open. pluca. It. will dmlm} It is not only deliciously deï¬ghtï¬ï¬‚ to can but 50., mm U} Over $2000 worth of Boots anal Shoes. and $I500 worth of Ready. Made Clothing. all of which wall be sold at ‘,\'lrt; Prices. These goods WLI‘U all bought before tlzc advance in prices and It will be a. ram opportunity to Secure BARGAINS. Every Department is now being ï¬lled with New Fall Goods. In Dress Goods and Millinery we Were never better prepared to meet your w;mt.<,z1ml we c111 assure you that Our Prices are 20 to 25 per cent. lower than either l’etcxboro cr Lindsay, in the above Lines, of Boots and Shoes, am} Clodxing, in order to Fall Purchases. In Our Grocery Department you wiH ï¬nd ail our Goods up-to-date, Give izsa trml and be convinced that our 00039 and Prices are Right. We pay the Highest Price for Eggs. EAS;_@@BSON. McLaughlin’s Carriages Wagons, all kinds Agricultural Implements, Harness, Rugs, Whips, Blanket-s, c. We now deal in all kinds of High Grade Flour Feed, Seecls,_ etc. Your Inspection Invitegl. Your patronage So- halted. Prices Right. ’PHONE 4‘56. 888 WATER ST. ’EERO‘LAGEJ: $3.8 0E K95 fl:- , bu CAL-LA T. NTD EST US. is very compiutc, and the best values possible. Come in and you mil be convmmd that this is the flame to buy. Our wives are as l-()‘\\/' as any in the Nude, and our goods are of the best quality, that's \my this store is termed In our Hardware Store “e haxe a magniï¬cmt stock for excry tequixcmenh Our Stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, C. 4 ~- EREES \_\"u invite all the Ladies to Our Ciand Millincrv Opening Supurintcnded by Miss Scott, {10m New York City. ()flxersa FGEEOVV 2 The Hub for Farmers. WATERS ., E E‘11-BORO, PROPRIETOR, OMEMEE. m (L ke room for out