Fancy China Suitable for ; AXmas. Presents. T‘s ‘GiftS in. “ China, _A}so Mexican and California Naval Oranges. Mama-a Grafvcs. Figs, Dates. and a full assortmcnt of Bon. Sons_and Fancy Candies. ' ATHE TWO PAPERS YOU For $1.75 a copy of “ The Farmers’ Manual†or “Handy Home Book†will be included â€"â€"_‘ _ _ n7 , -...., “m, “nu unc raumly herald Star win givc vou a combination of the greatest weekly newsp ing awry portion of the Globe. a great family magazine, far any hi the English or American magazmcs in interesting fun) and vmhuut doubt ihr best {airmcr’s paper on the: (-mmncnt. priuzxi in the Englzsb language gives its readcrs such big v; Faun!" Hamid am! \Vcckly Star. Sample values of th» lwautitul picture may br stem at this ,Call or send your subscription to ‘Tae Family Herald and Weakly Star. ' 4nd ml: the l'amil) Herald and W cckly Star \\ most beautiful picture ever given to neuspapcr made] 22 x 29 inches, cutitlcd‘ A TUG Ol‘ \\ AR. †It 15 dollar bill. The Millhmol: and ()nIcmce \Iirror will suI markets, social hapIx-nmgs etc, etc, and the anih- m . ‘Cho: OYSTERS ALWAYS ON A Call Solicited. With the SAVINGS on Goods ,, . ........ , J-‘LLUD' vxaugbs, 05 Pure :xSungemaliy for the Holiday Trade In {563 M113 13 Santa Clang nQaAHV‘GnI-Aun a" the 'rage’ this year} and to meet the de- mand we have placed in stock a. complete assortment of beautiful goods at close prices. Call and see our Display. wariris. Canned Goods, Teas, Sugars, c., ~always fresh andgood J. B. L. GROUT, G. L. McHATTIE, Manager, Manager, Omemee Branch. Millbrook Branch. and that Best of all Weeklies. Thad necessary that you should have a large busi. maturesufmke to keep a large balance. Small ac- ,Your dinï¬are welcomed here, and all have equal Iï¬egcs. W. RICHARDS, The {vii mar Ofï¬ce, Milibwok Ont . Burnham. OI I. CAPITAL, ........ RESERVE FL'ND.. ASSET S, ova ....... [ions and fuil information will I; at your own couvcnience. time to [me to give yourself the convenience, the ,general satisfaction to which an account in help 500. CASE OF San ï¬ U a. Claus ï¬eadqaarters. HAND. .u; munly mngazmc, mt surpassing azmcs in intcrcsung family reading, paper on the: c-ontmcnt. No paper '. its rcadcrs such big value as the ..........$4,ooo,ooo ......... $4, 500,000 . . . . . .$37,ooo,ooo rill supply all local news, Family Herald and Weekly twcckly newspaper cover- .. W130. 'Phone 23. seen at this ofï¬ce. will be included the purchased from s. It is a gravurc easily worth a two ATIUFJ :6 given you [II â€I 3110‘ inte com tron rexm prm Spcc Qu us at “We: Sam! the met : Rood, the m A]! tlw tr good with E 24th 8 Ram 80mm] nunfln â€news The {actor abolit. as well mer av 3 are do indeun r ' should [ e lmrnac may ‘1‘ D The t = with : distSu: E ful. 'l‘l‘ pastor aâ€, prea alone a: persons] Conclusl n! extra __!2 n Many “on phased to ofl’nr of notcnn‘o ‘back to Miss ‘ critic, aflor a pleasant soj‘ â€lauves In the Noun-Welt. A loss 00 the trad. inure“: In M: In Hm rumoul a! Mr. Robert Brown, to our sitter village, Ida, where h. has begun bnsiuou ï¬nch we hope may be at n mrgoninl Nu! "numeral!" (hammer. Y MI’. W, J: McLean of Toronto, wuli “ C also carry a fu tho guest or his pnronts the ï¬rst ohhii; “ e lmvf,t,hï¬â€˜idm.85t wnk. \ " “‘ ‘ Messrs bum, of Sammy. The Sabbath servireu in conuecnon with the Anniversary of the Metho- dist Sunday School, were very auccen- ful. The RH. Mr. Mounlior, a late Ipastor who had endeared Mtnlelftu uH,preachod excellent, eloquent, di- dactic sermons, full of uober thought persuasive reasoning and Intelligent“ emacluslous. There was an abundance «.f extra and we†executed Vocal muair “Mr-h added greatly to theintercst and pleasure of the serku Katalin) era are dlrcusslng the per- sonnel of next year’s Council†and tho number of asplraml that will proacnl Hwnuselveu {or the pcuplu'a sufl'ragel. The Swamp Drain will he a groan factor In the contest nu sb-Iuld also the about-on of lhe dug tux. "l'wero about as well to tax cuts a: damn. for the for- mer are one" us great a nuisance. Why are dogs taxed if there he no sheap indemnity? ’l‘lxa pruuparonfl times ‘ should keep taxes from becoming a] lmrnacle on every single thing a man I may praise-u ' Although pant old Sam: was stuck on Mar trackut North Bay, we expect tho good sleighing will assure his arrival with a heavy load of presents on the 24th evening. “ Quite severe spell of weather struck us about 8 or 10 days ago. The Quick- lilVer Went below the lowest fence-rail! Sahmlay gave us a. chance to exhale the {rigidity and inhale a iiule sum- mer air and moisture. The roads are good, nevertheless. and cheering by the [music of the sleigh hells. Am'mlflh DON†old Sam: was stuck on â€w track'xt Nmn. n... _.- _.__ .. Special to the Mirror. We beg ot'you to accept this alight taken of our remembrance, not for its intrinsic value, but as a more tangible mark of our appreciation than more words can express. Signed on behalf C. W PICKUP. of _Ut0 School, {EL HANDLEY. Mr. Hampton, in reply, stated thatl he could not. ï¬nd words suitable to ex- prels his gratitude or the kindness shown him by his pupils, lie was proud nftbe class. They had always shown tiwmselves bright, cheerful and inteiiigentmnd luul exercised such sell. control that there had never been any trouble between them. Their token oi remembrance would always be highly prized by him. ........<-u . "Live for something, Do good and leave behind you a monument ofvirlue that the storms or life can never do- ‘slroy. Write your name ln kimlueSs, love, and mercy on the heurtsyou come in contact will: year by year. You will never be forgotten: your name, 3 our deeds will be as legible on the hearts, you leave Lelllnd, as the1 stars on the brow of eveulng. Uoodl deeds will shine as the stars of! Heaven." in A. P McLean and M of Peterborough, drove heme..." Alru. nun, 1300, we pupils at! Mr. Hampton‘s room present- ed hlm with a handsome present. Howard llnndly made the presentation while Clarence Pickup read the uccmm ‘panylng address which was as follows: Dear Mr. Hampton :---It is the desire oftlxe class of 1906707 In express our gratitude to you for your 93‘ vrts in our behalfdurmg the time we have been under your Instruction. We feel than in your career as teacher you have reached the ideal set before us in the beautiful words of Chalmers: Methodist Chvuxvth NEW’ Year’s Night. On Wednesday Dec. mocunomst; Mr. A. E. David, Welsll Singer, assistcd by best local talent will rcmlcra program that will please all. Doors open at 7, comm! at 8 p.11). Admissmn 250. (.‘lnldrcn MC. f Mrs. John Rébinson has gone to Peterboro to spend Xmas. with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Moore. Remember the Presbyterian Concert m the Town Hall, Mlllbrook, on Xmas night. Miss Elspeth MacDonald, Elocutxomst; Mr. A. E. David, Welsh Singer, assisted by best local talent will remlera program that will nl-«w» Rev. W. Johnston was in Port Hupc lart Tuesday attending Presby- tcry nutciing. A public meeting was held 3:) St PauX’~ church in the even- ing, where thc suhjc-ct of church union was discussed. Mr. johnston spoke on the “Advantage-s and Disadvantages of church Union.†Presematinn and Address. A Merry Xmas. to all. Mr. C. PpWilcox was in town last Week callirg on friends. MT. PLEASANT. cased to of!" the hand 2): to Mm l'nnie Sut- pleasaht sojourn with ur remembrance, not for 118 'nlno,lu1t as a more :mx’gible our appreciation than more gratitude or the: kindness I by his pupils, He was _ï¬ â€œw-.. .N your at? rrts in our me we have been on. We feel that teacher you have men. I which out on! 19m, [906, the , Millbrook, One Door East of ,IVi'r. J. gt-egle’s Jewelry Store. . m. lut'LilUUlSl mmdny Schenl An- niveraary Servrces Will be held on Sun- day and 'l‘uesclay, Dec. 30, i906. and jan. I, may. On Sumlnv, Rev. R. J. M. (ilassfnrd, Pastor of (Ihalmer’n Presbyterian church, (inelph, will preach Sunday School Anniversary sermons. and as the Rev. It‘ntlemzin is very much interested~ in Sunday ‘School work his sermons will he :\ proprmte and interesting. He Will :ilm address a mass meetingplthc Sunday l School in the auditinriuzn rrfthc chun h l m the afternoon. Miss .Amy Duty is ' here this week to lay out the program tnd train the children for their Enter- tainment on New Years' night. .- Eiss Duty is an expert along this line and entertainments gotten up by her have tlways been very Interesting. Part1 eulars lute-r. l Your Patronage is Solicif'ed The Mc-thodist Sunday Schcml niveraary SCI‘HCC3 Will be held on day and 'J‘ucsday, Dcc. 30, 1906. jan. v, 1907. On Sundav, Rev. M. (Elassfnrd, Pastor of (Ihah Presbyterian church. ‘(hlt‘hfll Heavy and Light Harness felt is guaranteed. If anything goes wronrr xt will be re 15! Millbrook Station. Mr. \V. Grifï¬n, leading livery- man of Bethany, was in town on Wednesday and gave the Mirror a friendly call. â€you want a new fur of (my klml call and sec (lranly’s. Their (‘upermc and Fur coats tor ladies are c-xzra value, also Men’s Fur coats and l"ur lined coats and collars, can not‘lx: surpassed for value or quality. CALENDARS are all very uscful, but we are givmg our Christmas Souvenirs this year In the form of premium: wnh cvm'y cash pur- charm. W. H. BYA M SON right and also carry a full line of Men's and _ --.h\ Luxon, agcd seven months. which sad cx’rnt took place on Saturdm- ,last. The funeral on Monday to GarJinei’s Ccmc‘cx'v was qmte large showing ihe high estee'n in i which the fnmih' zirc'hcld. 'l‘hos: from a distance Were .‘ Mr. and Mrs \\'m Luxnn. Mr R Luxury. Mrs. Ins Burgess, Mr and 3115 I Mercer and Mr. (3:0 Macdonahi, Clarke ; Mr and Mrs. \\'m Byers, Mauvexs; Miss Etta 8-. er. Garden Hill,:md Miss Essie Kiikpatrick, of Carmel. - " 1 ‘zvx'lnï¬ LL we the largest stock to choose from ever offered [0 the of Millbrook and surrounding Townships. Prices right uuu nus. znos. Luxun and family have the sympathy of thcir nnnmrous friends in the great 105$ they have sustained by the death of their only son, Thomas George Luxon, agcd seven months. which Mr. and Mrs. Thoa I. family have the svmnaflv Rev. Wesley jonc's is a guest at the home of his Mother, Mr. Ellyjones at Gardgn “Iâ€. Miss Clara Reynolds of Bethany was a visitor in tom} last week.‘ Mr. S. H P kup, B. A., Knox College, Toronto, will c duct the services in 1’ x‘csbytcr Church next Sunday. For your candics, ' nuts grapes and othcr‘ï¬'uits yo your wants supphcd at C your entire saltsfuctmn. grapes at 20¢ a pound, these you. d â€NV: .....q AIL l CLCIU this -w:ek on business}, Read Mr. G. A. ‘Duncz'm‘ adv. in this issue. Besides ( ophones he has a Splendid of mouth organs, and other cal in‘struments, suntablc for Prices very reasonable. Ca see his stock. - guaranteed not to crack full line of Robes, Blankets, Rxlgs‘an all our own Clinic: Wines right price. ’Ph attended to. A. Mr. T. T. Lamr Mr. 'l‘lms. ]. Robinson has cured a pair at thoro'brcd‘ l’l) outll Rock Cocks, which took prize 'at Guelph Fair on Thurs: last. Mr. Robinson was afraid I Byaui would get the start of h With his hand raised fowl, but now feels suré he will be able knock ’em all out next fall. Customers and othcl Xmas.. and they are you call and Select cuts from their stoc will apprccxate them and sec their OPAA they give with ct‘crv 4 Mrs Larmcr and son, MI Luring-Heme to day for Ncw We th them a pleasant wsit Mrssrs. W. H. Bya'm 8: S brook Station, wish their 1 \Ve have just opened your candles, nuts. orangrs, sand othcr‘ï¬'uits you can get Wants supplied at Grandy’s to NI‘fIl‘u -~-‘ rc Wines and 1,1quors at the ice. ’Phonc orders promptly l to. A. LEACH. Millbrook ‘. J. Lang was if) {‘étcrborough k on business. ...v.-.- a _ lll't; this 15506.). licsules Gram- , ' I ")k place on Saturduv mew] on Monday to .Icmc‘crv was qmte g {he high estee'n in \cars niUht. Jiss along tins line am. en up by her haw: Interesting. Pam satisfactmn. 'I'ry If anything goes wrong, FREE OF CHAERG a Splendid stock [rand Mls,’ Macdonaki. _ \\'U) Byers, 3; er. Garden Kilkpatrick, D uncz‘m's big 1, Mr Herbal: Miss Jones has Ictumcd; for Ncw Unmiiu. gto Galden Hill after thu e Week 5 imtwsit. ,picz.suut VlSlt with nu .ium, Mrs. :im Son, Mm_,K.15uikci', Bailiei..010 l their nunm‘ous.l CHRISTMAS SOU\ ENIRS “ill .5 a. ‘3'} Mcr'y be given as prcmiums with cvery Cï¬Sh I samï¬tfd that If purchase from Dec 101!) to 3151. your Xmas. Prcs- \V. H. BYXM SUN. Miubrook, k, the recipients; Station ' 0. mu con- x‘csbytcriun Ikets, Rugs, and ‘,Vhipi. W our own ’I‘rv their “‘1†â€16115:: er mus:- for gifts. Call and m has 96.. cd. Hym- 1 took 15: Thursday up a splendid Stock of of him but he mw M r. I0 ' Notivc is hcrzby given pursuant to R. S. U. 1397, Chap 129, that ail creditors and othcm having claims jaguinsl the. estate of the said hate James Gibson 'i‘rcw, who died on or about the 8111 day of Now'cmhcr, 1906, are required on or hcforc the 30th day of Jnnumy, 1907, to send or dchvvr to A A. Smith, of Mi'lhmok, Sol‘CItor for William 'i'rcw and Martha Strong, :1 imini-tmtox's ofthc propvrty of the mid deceased, the full pairicuhtrs of (Mir ciainn duly verified. and the: na- ‘ turn: of the sccuntics, 1 any, he'd hyi thc-m puny m Sulld go’d and partly in gold ï¬ilnl and guaranteed to wear ten years. The lcnsea rest on patent concave caps, which minimum breakage. FOR UP-TO-DA'I‘E jEWELRY No loose screw annoyaneu in exp:rienced with the Royal Ajax Eyrghss. All parts are ï¬rmly riv t-cd. They are made partly in sulid go’d and partly in gold ï¬ilnl and cuarnntonfl M NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of jamcs Gibson 'l‘rnv, late of UN: 'l'uwnship of Hope. in the County ut‘ Durham, Gentleman, de- (‘c:ls:d. *'-""',,' u, ‘Ilal LUUIIS Girls: motion SOngs and choruses bv the school. Recitations anti special music My best home and foreign talent. Admissxon 25cts. children 15ct5.; children of school free. Doors open at 7, chair taken at a. Outsiders are invited to bring their presents to the hall. In'the list of ofï¬cers of I..O.L. 70 we had \Vm instead of It]. Ingram as llep. Muster. The anniversary services of the Garden Hill l’resbvferian church. will he held next Sunday, when lx'ev. \\ m. johnstcn Will be the special preacher. Mrs. [113. Durham was Visiting friends in Lindsay the past week. Issucr of Marriage Licenscs MILLBRUOK. . The Xmas. Tree and Entertain- ment of the Bethany Methodist Sunday School will be held on Tucs‘lnv evening next, Dec. 25th, in {ha l‘mm Hall, Bethany. 'l‘he pi'ogznm will consist of the follow- ing: Tambourine Drill by eight young ladies (by request): Mother Goose Reception and Drill by 16 bays and girls; two dialogues, “ The Census Taker,†and “Old Heads on Young shoulders†:11 Christmas Lulaliv by Six Youngl Nolivc l5 hum Boyjs Boots Shoas J. STEELE’S, Etc. Etc. will be repaired A. A. SIM H‘H the_ people a make dxaxiluairmur by Six_ Young The minister-3‘ here are working hard for Local Optlun and think It will I'urry with a big majority. Buy your Granite Ware trmn W. H. Bmm Son, MIllbrook Station, and get .1 5m. ran of Art Baking Powder free. All goods as repre-smneri, and uH- gnzramccd the best; ’l’hnne 37. Goods delivered In any part of (Own. Mr. John Hamilton last examination for a. I can hang out his “ahm John has a taste for ought to be successful. boner than precept. Mr. Hurry R310} ’5 stare in a or the village A great dis, Ian 01 presents decorate the Cuunters. On Monday evening as Mr. Robert Hootan, of Gavan. was leaving our vil- lage he was suddeniv stricken down with paralvsia and had to he carried iu'o McKinnon’s Hotel, “here Dr. C. H. Breretun was quickly on hand and attended to him. Mr. iiootai: snifered great agony for a few minutes xiii the medicine took «fleet. A: groeeut hi9 has no power of one side. His family ' “ere immediaiely sent for. H i resiiy hope that he may Hugh {and enjoy good health again. The nnmml Village Bail ofTun \\'e.:inesday hi2 time is antivipaimi. '9 Gar- iecover is to come hi and a plenum Miss McDonald, our miiiner is doing a rushing business this seamm. We nutice Stuniey’s â€at trimmed toapeak Mr. S. Hadrian‘s More i0 beu u i in) i iy decorated [or Xmas. ' B l-I'l‘llA N Y NEWS. Special to the Mirrnr. The farmers annual Insiilute meet- ing was held here on \leues-l-xy even- i g, Dec. l2tl1,tlm hall was ï¬lled to “.8 duos, and all enjmed the meeting ven much. The speakers were hem-r and more interesting than any we have had yet. Between earl: speaker Master Harry Preston. Sun of our worthy Cuunty (Jonncillnrmave a sang, much to the pleasure of the meeting» Hurry is a enncert in luv-self Miss Myra Ilreremn and Miss leay also, gave a splection or um and were heart ! ily encorcd. which also gives an inï¬nite v: iety of splendid church music. The maroon ~coloured, hard, flat Victor Records last ten times as long as other makes. And there is a $reater purityâ€"ma singular freedom from harshnessâ€"a asting sweetness and clearness about the Victor-Berliner. Listen for it in the smooth legato of Earnes’ lovely soprano-â€" or in the flute or violin which rings out in orchestra] selections. You can have the Gram-o-phone play with the piano or organ in your home. Ask {or free booklet describing the 3000 new records, E when you come to our place, to hear the Victorâ€"Berliner. 6 Prices, $12.50 to $110.00. 5‘. For Sale by Geo. A. Duncan, mirth on.†~,u,.- . g: %BA%% 0% MUNTHEAL 5 D: pwsit your Savings in 1 Bank on this continent and the nodal, \xhcx'c )Ou are guarantt \ our nu ncy'. Hamilton has passed his Needn’t 57% :9 ï¬ne" msaia'e4he r Aftists W321 Comgto You. 3 Plangon, Gadski, Caruso, Pattiâ€"the great singers of thedvorldâ€"will' all come. Besides minstrcls, bands, orchestra and the people who tell funny stories. They’ll come in Victor Records and entertain. you in your own home, through the for a. medical Dr. and “ah-nglu" any time a for medicine an! We give A general Banking I? 171’ AN AG 4 it. 3 fl , n , «a? wï¬agémemaggwg 3% ‘ A Merry Xmas. ‘fme mans-s valet" fur example 15 iner is doing I seamm, “‘8 led to a peak 3 bemmtuny in a credit to 33‘ OI'Xma. tern. I named Mn . your Savings in the oldest and str:. Continent and the third largest Bun}. 3ou are guaranteed absolute SCL‘!:::‘ particular attention to farmers’ ‘3 Perhaps t1 tare is: no form of enter- tainment, when properly girth, that gives more pleasure to the average to the average man or woman than when: the programme ii Cr-rricd out by children. Such an enter-ta nment was given by the children ofthc Metho- dist church on Monday night, under the able dm-ctitm of Mtss Amy L. Doty, who fully sustained the reputa- tion whtch married her as directren of <uch work There “a" not a bite): or break of any kind front start to ï¬nish. and the programme was pro- have Seen as vcr given In hmg was so V, hard to sm- crahze. ’l he drills by the children,_ young ladtes and men were all good. and the grouping and banking of the school on the platform and around the organ made a very pretty sight.â€" Aylmer Express. Methodist Church, Aitllhtoolw 7' New Year’s Night, ; I 3 Victor- Beriiner Gram-o- phcne Millbrook, Ontario -_"'â€""’ .‘V'. v .«\ . 1 Mr, Signed in behalf“; SMITH. of the thOOIJJM. CHRISTO. Mr. Phem" replied in ï¬tting terms. Such Kindness on the part ofhis palpits he had not been prepared for. on account oflhc short time he had been tcachmg the ronm. He did not know what he had done to deserve such generous treatment 1: hands. He appreciated wry hxghly the appropriate gift. Hc candudrd by Wishing all a wry picaszut Holiday season. usmess transacted. Dntn’nhttnt Entertainment Prasentaiian and Addrzss :ud $14,400,000 E 311,000,000 3 $145,887.704 @ :ronm. He did not had done to deserve treatment 1: their 'c-ciatcd wry hxghly gift. He: cuncmdrd cry picaszm Hohdny Side note; ‘9 u... . '1‘. o“! 8911110. we hope you won‘ tom 5. w. l). 15 ha mint your buimngs ne LHO LA o “f. Omenzu hold agrand cancer: in zize bans: on .4: nas Sign. {‘ the host prugmz us r \u ;>:- _¢ to an Ouxcmcc audxcmc v. Ianlcred on tin-t canafl s‘ rung commixme “as a; tub; last regain: xnf"!i7.;; wall: such gentleman m 10 :x the cancer! It cannot Eici; i: ugxaud success. \\ ; :z r 000'! wall til! nearly Xmas 2% those Photos taken. you mfg? : t3 appointed 5:: (0-day 2: 3h Studio, Lindsay. flew year, Remember the Pz‘es'tr; Concert. jan. Ist. 2:107. \‘ .“P to ail preu'ous cf'orts :: in}: lo suit the ta<tcs of 251. who attend. \Vatch 101' 02'] Now is the tame: to have vou “dos taxcn :1 1h: Morton the undersignu. * Lot :5 ( Mann-rs. on or :iboul :1 n November. IQVO. a Ill-.1 " ‘ “tr is requt-fled :0 prove: prim: (3'11ng and take her away “CC“.L Omcmcc P. 0 â€"-3: ! indsav. Methudiï¬ ( ha}: i“; 5:- :c-. h and dcin’ucd :‘uzc 51*: mars urn: attenln'civ Eistc‘m-d long: congregations. hi: .‘ 5:00: of ablest g'trwhv . the mag men of the x :u. ht'. H- is a arc-u tau-ohm M. and The 513:, :- r;;;:15 u “tiltgirf “ (,"2‘m- f; 241/6 3a.; "wanna implant-d -.x"1";n.-I shook tho rafter. "' 15“- trim: hunk-d“ ex‘ 3 \rr \ r “Ic- u- Cans-tie "lid Q..- 909w“; church concert, I“ duic-l cuteruinmenu :1 Vi!“ cud cum: places He 3. «or, c {cw open datumi Wain-d by cunmnuxu â€may Loyd. the Tornn: In "ï¬ned fun," is much {I this season. Ha ha :1 his . 3 «root vsriod repetory 0! col ode. continuum! songs an ‘9‘ .BtOI'uiuing (mask-g3 It. LloYd has to ï¬il 1.1.. {0124 gray-wont. . Labor (Soccer: 3111:8011. of Scotland our: Presbyteri Concert STRAYED-r Mr. Thos. Henderso‘ thumb badly smashed was loading lugs. 1 NHL G. McNeil \Vright Tenor. and pupil of Prut'. Toronto. :5 open for as during the winter. For n addrcss. G. McNeil Wright It lrem want to solve the Xmas gilt: just all at Mon Linda? and so: the l; Nodlwg 11kt 131cm shown 1 Posters will be out announcing the grand Entertainment in 0111: House on Tuesday, 12 program will be by {:4 ever held undcr the a (ï¬e Presbyterian Chan Put County Master. Cl DOS "1' MISS 11'. Rev. Mr. Lindsay c Presbvtcrian Church Sunday. and his sex glcudy appreciated. en: costumes; Hafdld pinata“ of'l‘oromo. W. Bro. Col. Sam â€can lgflw Kenncv Comcdxaus; M 755 Eva Cut Bud Ins}: Dancer. appear! The follow mg Imtcflll‘ the programmc at the Of Christmas mghl: wish yen An energetic man K: {at Wat“ pa pers an meriues. Sample free of charge. [ America. Paper ban; Amen: can 5601113 1 by showing Our samp knee not necessary. Empire Wall Papa 56 ng St., TOKC m 5:}? it. OMEI‘t’iEE Merry Xmas. Ga: WAN WIDE Into New Year' b when the {acr 1 WC