.., ............. “ 71m Turvy" .................... 12 Boys m Concarr, . .“L'iltle Orphan Annie†.......... 7 Little Gills n‘ and Chorus . ..“.1(r. I'alunteer" ................ Our Boys .......... u The Hamming Fail†...... Miss Amy L Doty ‘W'ith ï¬VINGS on Goods ufrchased from ‘ ‘_ _ A l yum .......... “Lead Kindly Light†. ...... 12 Young Ladies ($010 by Miss Nugcnt.) Ducu. . . . . . . . “ 31th Ride". . Mrs.W. Gillott and Mn: Nugent Clients, “Little Turk“ Turin†, (Eben-m, “Glory to God†...... ‘ -A- D-LA1_“, March ............ «I Anchor !, .......... .... Wm,“ .. . moScholar: JF- Clot-us, “1330“â€...1 ..... .' $52: TABLEAU. wanna 1619.011; ACCOMPANIS’I‘. ‘ M - - Concert at 8 Sharp. 6111an Under 12, 15 Cents. 7‘ PART II. DER THE DIRECTION OF ...... ON...... ryi, 1907, New Years Day mnle Gag). Start ank Apct. in “ China ’ Candles, Nuts. Oranges, c.’ cially for the Holiday Trade. Santa. Claus Headquarters. L. DOTY, OF LONDON. [e'thodist Sunday School \ I‘HE ...... 011111011, Millbrook, i...OF THE ...... “ L'hihlreri‘rPï¬y," . . ’3’ Entertainment PART I. is year, and to meet the deâ€" placed in stock a. complete eautiful goods at close ‘ d see our Display. (:18, Teas, Sugars, c., h and good. me Naw Mr 5 ........ LL. . . . Rev. (3. R. Clare . . :6 Young Ladies . :oo‘ Scholars ...,....‘7 Boys ...... so Girls . . loo Scholars Clare Belleuhem. Myra Moore, 0. W. Harmer, Sydney Lee, J Lebar. Peterhorough. Dec 20th, 1906. Mine Clerry we: genuine}; surprised by the turn which evente took, nnd, In afew earnest nerds expreeeed her pleasure at receiving each s handsome gm, end her appreciation o! the action of the members of the rholr in than honoring her. To her. she said. the war): had ulwaxe been a. pleaeure end ehethoronghlv enjoyed her ueociu- ‘ lions n uh the chainâ€" Examiner Dec 21 With this rim: :0 our best wlnhel for a Merry Christnma and a llappy New Your; May happiness wait on your days, And all bright blessing- willu you ' linger: May God’s strong arm fence In you! ways, Even as this ring surrouudl'your ï¬nger. A On behalf of the members of we Charlotte at. Method“: church choir. We have had the beneï¬t 0! your in. structiun as a Ionr‘er, and we all can do most heartily bear Witness to the con-neienllous and capable fullhfulueu wl l1 whlatn ynur Work was always done Therefore, we take this oppor. multy 01 ten daring 30:: u alight ack- nowledgenmnt of our ulnllgauon Much we ask y ou to regard as an emblem of the esteem .md allecliou m which you are held. Your gentleness and tact, conjoined with kindly ï¬rmness have served not only to keep us alert m the discharge of our «lnlios, but have made the work of training under your direction a. pleasure as well as a proï¬t, and estab- llllzed profeaaloxmlund personal rela- tions thatjnslify us in regarding you with respect as n munical mentor and will: nfl'ecnon as n fnend. If our work has been effective in a mullcnl sense, and Imisfnctory to the cnngrogatlon, a very large share of the credit. for this condition is due $0 your Ikllful and patient training. Dear Miss Churnâ€"AI members of ii:- Clmrloue street Methodist choir permit us to recognize the faithful and efï¬cient manner in which, during tho past three years you have struck the keynote of harmony. in relation to both the musical services uhhe church and your relationship to the personnel of mo choir and all )ou have done in these relations. ' There I‘ll a special Algmflennce at- tached to the practice or the Charlotte ltreet Methodist church choir last night. other than the fact that It was the last before Christmas, After the work for the evening was concluded the members spent 3 social hour to- gether and enjoyed refreshments which the ladies hm] prm-lded in profualom The feature of particuler Interth In the gathering. however, was a presentation of wtnch Mtge Clarry. the efï¬cient and popular organist nnd leader, use the Iuhject. Uh behalf of the membere of the choir Miss McCoy presented her with a pearl run: Introductory to» the presentation or which was the follow- Ing address. ‘â€" Miss Clam-y Presented Wxth Address and Pearl Ring by Members of Charlotte St. Methodist Choir. Mr. Art Curtis, 0f Chxcagn. wasm town zhxs WCCR. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Burnham, ol Toronto, and Mcssrs. Herb and Ted Burnham, of l’ctcrlwm, spent Xmas. with Dr. and Mrs. Burnham. Mr. (2. L. McHattic, Manager of the Bank of'l‘orouto, spcnt Xmas at l'ctrolia. Mr. and Mrs. T1105. Luzcon and daughters, the} Misses Lottie and Reta, spcnt Xmas. with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 1215. McDonald Clarke. Messrs. L. F. flurry, Barrister, of Hastings. 1‘). S. Clnrry, of Pctcrboro, and Miss Blanche Clarry spent Xmas. With their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Clan-y. Mr. and Mrs. French, of Oshawa, spent Xmas. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .A. A. Smith. Mr. Burt Nugcnt, of 'l‘oronto, IS visxting his father and sister in town. Mr. Walter Collins is visxting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. '1'. B. Collins. Mr. I". R. Howarlh, Manager of the Bank of Montreal, was in 'i‘uronto {or Christmas l Many of our readers will regret f to hear of the death of Mrs. Wm. lBrown which took place at her l home in Bufl'alo on the 18th inst. Mrs, Brown formerly resided in Millbrook, here her family, One ' daughter Miss Ida, and two sons, William and George, attended 1 school and grew up till the time {came to take up the realities of 1 life, when they removed to Buffalo l'some ten years since. Mrs. Brown's death came suddenly, ailing for several years, she was taken seriouslyill on the 17th inst. and (lied next evening. Mrs. Brown and her family were much respected here, many will be sorry to hear of her death and general Sympathy is felt for the family in their bereavement. Mr. 17.. W. lamprey, Manager of the Bank 0! 'l‘oronm, at Montreal“ was a guest at the lmme of Mr. aml‘: Mrs. '1‘. li.‘ Collins, Christmas. i The Un on I'urmex’s and \\ 0an s lnstitutes' meetingV'a as held In the 1mm 11:11], Millbrook, on the 13th inst. and “as the most successful that lms'evcr taken place hcxc. There was a good aktenduncr. execllcnt Speak- t~rs and ï¬rst-class music In fact it was :1 program of real ment', and full 0! uScf'ul information to all. EA HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. One DQor East of Mr J. Steele’s Jewelry Store which is'guarantc'ed. If anything goes wrong, It will be repaired FREE OF CHARGE. We also carry a full line of Men‘s and Boy's Boots 6: Shoes. We have the largest stock to choose from ever offered to the people of Millbrook and Surrounding Townships. Prices right. _guamntced not to crac . Also a full line of Robes, Blankets, Rugs and Whips. We make all our own . , Mans Heavy Snag-Prod Rubbers Prepared for the Winter Trade. Perhaps there is no form of enter- tainment, when properly given, that gives more pleasure to the average to the average man or woman than when: the programme is carried out by lchildren. Such an entertainment “as given by the Children ()l'thc: Metho (list church on Monday night, under the able direction of Miss Amy L. Dory, who fully sustained the rcputa tion which prCCetled her as direetress of <mvh work. There “M not a hitch or break of any kind from start to ï¬nish. and the programme was pro- nounced by all whom we have seen as the best of the. kind ever given in Ayhner. Where reverythmg was so exceptionally good, it is hard to spe- cmhze. 'l'he drills by the chlldrenw young ladies and men Were. all good, 1 and the grouping and banking of thel school on the platform and around the l organ made :1 very pretty sight.â€" Aylmer Express. Methodist Church, Mngrook. New Year’s Night. LOST- In Mlllbrook, a Chatelaine. cnmammg :1 purse and a small amount of cash and :1 l’. 0. Key. 'l-‘mdcr Will be suitably rewarded by leaving 1: at the Post Ofï¬ce. Mrs. W. ll Russell Mr. John lluï¬'man completed a job of moving a large building at Cohonrg We understand this was done after other building mm'et's gttVe up the job. Mr. Jason Smith the gentleman who employed Mr. Huffman, IS highly héltltvllcd With the Work, and he says that he DCVCI' saw his equal as a build mg mover. Mr. l'lufl'man is CCFlfl‘lllly a good one, and WC doubt if he has an equal in hts line. He has never been found to give up a job that he undertook. He would almost take the contract of'ntoving the Toronto City Hall if he reached orders. Your Patronage is Solicited. attended to. A. LEACH. mnméuk' Road Mr. G. A. Duï¬can's big :ulv. in this issue. Besides (3mm- olnhones he has a splendid stack of mouth organs. and other unm- cal instxumcnts, suxtublc for gifts. Prices very reasonable. Call and see his stock. Choice Wines and Liquors at the right price. ’l’honc orders promptly attended to. A. LEACH. Millbmuk Buy your Granite Ware {mm W. H. Byam .5: Son, Mulbrook Station, and get 3 50C. can of Art Baking Powder free. All goods as rcprcsmxtcd, and all guaranteed the best; ’l'honc 31. Goods delivered to any part of town. Mr. Walter Williamson, night opera- tor at Lorncvillc, spent Chnstmas with friends in town. ' Christmas Tree and cntcrtuinmcnt m the Sunday School Room of St. 'l'h‘onms Church at 7.30 p. 111. Friday Dec. 28111. Good program. Everyone Welcome. Admission 1111‘. Mr. W. McKnn spent Christmas a: Napance. Mr. J. ].(‘.l:1rkc 15 home from Mt:- lilta, Mun. His many tricnds Welcome him ho me. but axe sdrry tn notice that he has to carry his arm in a slim“. He mcidcntally sczatchcd hunsclf “ith a nail which cauScd blood poxsoning. Mr. Sam Hunlcr, cartoonist for the Toronto World, spent (.‘hmtmas with his father and mother, Capt. and Mrs. John Hunter. “ Mr C. O. Phcrrill, tcchcr, has gone to Brooklin, Ont., for the holidays. The leading features of the second part of the programme “'ch the drills given by the young ladies. “The Rainbow EXctrciSe†and “Symbol March†“ere both Well receiVed, but the hymn, -“ Lead, Kindly Light.†illustrated in puntomine by 12 young; ladies, was, Without doubt, the most highly appreciatcd‘of all the numbers, and was pronounced by many to be alone worth the pnce of admission.~â€" l’arkhlll Gazette Rewcw. Methodist Church, Millbrook, NE\V Year's Night. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smithson, of Warsaw, spent :1 Raw days this week callmg on friends in town. Mr. J. Steele has an elegant stock ‘of Jewelry, Silverware and China for the holiday trade. In fact it is the handsomcst line of these goods ever shown in Mill- brook. Call and be convinced. Dr. F. Leach, of 'l‘ogo, Man, and Mr. Archxc Leach, of Toronto. spent (.‘hnstu'nas \mh their parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Leach. Mr. Wes. Armstrong, of the Acknr- man Harness Factory, l’ctcrbux'o, was here for a few days helping Mr. 'I‘. I. Lang through his rush. Dettnnttnt Entertainment tlll UUL UV ‘11 Heavy and Light/ Harness T. J. LANG, “’6 have just Opened up a splendid Stock of And furthcr take noth that after such last mentioned datc the sand ad mimstrators wxll proceed to distribute the 355cm of the deceased among the panics untitled thereto, having regard only to the Claims of which they shall than have native. and Will not be liable for smd assets or any part thcrcof to any person of whusc claim they shall not lhcn haw: nmicc. Dated this 15th day of Dean: her. 1906. A. A. Smith, of Milllnook, Solicxmr for William 'l'rcw and Martha Strong. administrators ofthc property (If the said (lvc‘cascd, the full particulars of thcxr claims duly veriï¬ed, and the my turc ot'thc securities, If any, held by them County of Durham, Gentleman, dc- ccasul. Notice.- Is lwrcby given pursuant to R. S. U. 1897. Chap 120, that all creditors and other» having claims against the: estate of the said lutcjnmcs (libsun 'I'rew, who died on or about the 8th day of Novunbcr. x906, are required on or before the mill day of January, 190;, to send or deliver to NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR Ul’-’l‘0-l).~\'[‘E JEWELRY Issuer of Marriage Licenses, In the Estate of jnmcs Gibson 'I‘rcw. km: of the 'l‘ownahip of “apt. in the PROGRAM Hymn [08. 'l‘unc, Coronation. l’mycr. Singmg, chuir, “ (Jud kindly kcepcth those he lows.†.-\nnunnccmcnt5. Smgmg, class of httlc girls, " jcsus wams me for a Sunbcam.†Address, Rcv. G. R Clare. Solo and (Thorns, Miss Nugent and Choir. Addrcss, Rev. R. j. M. Glasflurd. Offering Singing, Chair, “ Pence, I‘cacc,\\'un dcrful l‘cucc.†H ynm, 889, tune: ‘Old IIundrcd.' BCHCdICUOH Th: Platform Mccting in the: Md!- brook Mctlmdm Church on Sunday cvcning next, at 7 o’clovk. Messrs. W. II. Byam Sun have had 1 record breaker Xmas. Trade, and no wonder when you comidcr the excullcnl stock of goods they had spec iallysccux‘cd for the occasion. You should see thcir flock of premiums which Iht‘)’ give thh every cash purv chase. For rush orders ring up 37. The many friends of Mrs. (Kc-v.) \\"11).jnlmstun will be sorry to hear that owing to a scvch' attack of la gripper, shc has been (:mnp:llcd tn kccp hcr bcd lhc greater part of last week. 1 Dear Miss beamâ€"On behalf of your pupils We have been asked to present to you, in their name, this cream and sugar set in remembranCe ‘ of the coming season, also to Show our 1 appreciation for your most faithful and steady work, and for the deep interest you have taken in us during the past session. Signed on behalf of pupils, Lizzie Jackson, Georgie Dawson. The work of these teachers has involved, not merely teaching the sub- jects on the curriculum, but also, what i5 more important. instilling into the child mind those moral principles ‘ which qualify him for true Citizenship. ‘ Such a course on their part has elevat- cd teaching from a mere businesx, to the grandest and noblest of profes>ioi:s. In the earning year a still higher honor can he conferred upon the teachers by the pupils hi; earnestly endeavor-int; to follow the ideal set before them, and the parents can do much to ascist the teachers by their hearty cooperation. On Wednesday, Dec. 1911:, Miss Dcan and Miss Brown Were prcscntcd with handsome presents by the pupils of the†respective rooms. Miss Dunn’s pmscnt was accompanied by the following address :-â€"- Elccnon of Oï¬icers. reports 0! Audo iturs, and general business. A. 1‘ ARMSTRONG, H. S. GIVEN President. Scc. MILLBROOK HOR'I‘ICUL'I'URAL SOCIETY. The annual meeting of Millbrook Horticultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Mlllbrook, on Wed- ncsday. jan 9111. 1907, at 7 pm WREM l'ZMBI‘LR J. STEELE'S, Pmeniation and Address. Sulicimr fur Administrators. MILLBROOK. A. A. SMITH, Mr. and G. A. Duncan wvrc guests at the home of Mrs. Melville, Pctcr- bui‘u. for Christmas. Miss Luci): 'I‘hcxton, of Benn-mg? The M is spending the holidays With her par 3 had 3 ch: cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tlxcxton. ’ I they cxpc Mr. C. Walsh is home from Toronto 1' “it‘d-1Y- for a few days. Mrs. T. Mr. and G. A. Duncan “we guests UNCEC‘I‘L M r.Ceorge Gerald Fitzgerald, of the Edison Electric Co’y, Chicago, Ill, spent a few days this week calling on his mother and other friends in town. George being an old Millbrook buy. his numcrous fricnds here have watch- ed with interest his carccr since he lcï¬ town some ï¬fteen years ago, and an: glad to learn of him vomiuued success. The Misses Ida Stewart and Sadie Hopkms, of 'luronto, arc visitinglhcir cousm. Miss Cnstal Stcnart. Methodist Church, Sunbmuk, New Years’ nght. W. H. Byam Son, Mllllmmk Sm- tion, hate dccxdcd to gin: prcmhxms on every cash purchase during l’cC Their host of customers are grcutly pleased with the beautiful and useful articles they secure free. Call and be convinced that you mm get good goods, good values. and courteous attcmion at Byam'ï¬. A really dellghtful entextainmcnt was given in the Town Hall last u'cnmg. The quality of thc numbrrs and thc slull with wlnch they Wcrc gn'cn spoke eloquently for the get (1 judgment of Miss Duty, and the success of the methods which she employs Where cvvry number on the program possess cd snmc spccml merit of its own, it xs a difï¬cult and perhaps ins-idioms task to particularlzc.~Ormxgcvillc Sun. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. E. (hllmt spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Breckrn- ridge at “'cstwood. Methodist Chun‘h. Hillbrnuk. ncxt Tuesday, New Years" Night. The church was crowded to the door: long before the hour for cum- mcm‘ing thc prugramnw. The: last mnnbcr, “ Garland the Cress," was a splendid spccmcular number, and con- cluded a programme at om‘c hcmxtiful. unique. quit-naming and inserCUVCx'" Allistun Herald For Sale by Geo. A. Duncan, §BANK UFMNTHEAL g Nearly Everybody Likes Biggie 1â€""- in Same Form “fl Millbrook X'Lcms Page: 3110.00. $12.50 Gram-o-phone gives each his 0 her desire. EVFW' thing Worth hear'ng in music Song and stoi'y Is at the pleasure of th owner. ousa's Band W1“. play or Patti will sin You an hear a banjo or whistling 3010, the 1 ’es: hr}x in popular song, 0" 3- gem from the Opera. ‘ ’ ‘ t iiike any other instru- anvoneâ€"and never The Gram-e-phone is ment. It can be played . has “ a cold "â€"nevc: gets t red. How different people are in their tastes! 1" music, for instance. Qne likes the violin, 350th" the mandolin or piano. Grand Opera appeals to some-folk songszto others. Good Church Music is welcomed by nearly everybody. Stirring marches set the young people’s feet tapping- while some would ratherlisten to a funny story. The $$§3$§§5§EWW€ A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. ~~‘:â€"7‘.’h "m- uufu'l V0006“ Millbrook, Ontario. The many Harris of Mr. “KS. I’ivknpmr‘ plrzlstd m w: home lnm home {tun the \‘\¢Sl Iain. M r. Roht Rosculmrough. of I‘dcr- horn, 1s a guest of his Sister, Mrs. '1‘. Hunter. The: MiHhrOUk Hoc had a challenge from they expect In play at Messrs. Howard F itzgcrald. of the 'l‘raders Bank, Toronto, and Percy Fitzgerald, of the Traders Bank, Guelph, Spent Xmas. at the home oftheir mother, here. Mr. I“. Haney, of the Bank of Montreal. spent Xmas. at Dunviflc. ,ï¬ _ ...... v". v. Bullcwllc, sang twice, and her many frie-nds were: pleased to see and Imur her. Mr. l’ym conni- butcd three 50305 in 1115 usual gm»! style. As all know oHns excellent voice It is unnecessary to make further comment. M rs. H. VN'. Johnston and MISS Flussic 'l‘hex- ton were the efï¬cient auompan- i525. The Only regret is that there was not a crawled house to hear this one of the best programs ever given in Millbrook. Perhaps her selection, "I'he Ston- of the Violin," was her best num- her but all were so good,ami tastcsdiï¬'er so much that cath and all had something to please them. Miss MacDonald is al- W2!) 5 sure of a hearty welcome to Millbrook, as is also Mr. A. E. David, the \Vclch Singer, “ho favored the audience With â€nee beautifully rendered vocal selec- tions. Miss Luella Thexton. of I) H The l’rcsln‘tcrian concert in the Tom: Hall, Millbrook, was not as largi lv attended as was expected, but a fair snzcd audience greeted tlxosc who took part, and all present were delighted with the (-xn-llrnt program; Miss lispctll MacDonald, lilocutiomst, gave Several Scltctions, which called forth the plaudits of the audience. Hunter spent Christmas at Hockey Club have III next MLSam Ruswll. .mi 3! s ‘ H. Russell Visitc i 1713".) :2) my: this week POOR MMHERLESS GER THE EIBSST OF A FAMILY OF S Poet-hm mum 0! your readers hM‘ “h the fullmring earuml stab-uwn 5†Dr. lawn-n09 1". Flick‘s val-.1111 M. “Cunmzmptiun. u Prom-mu! .lld (Wï¬a Dismuu-"z â€Could 1‘ 0°anva of (my givvn cmmnuzzi; h “‘1‘“ II»!- Om- thm- or pass in pan! Mt Man the pouple public can Mess of the magnitude of tin-1:353 ““0 might he Amused. A physiv dimmer-hacks the world and his 1m *3†â€mutiny of millions. A {.5 ï¬lm“! deaths are nothing as 00111 Mr. S'anlev Pickup preach doqurnt and nnpxessu'c Scrzm to large congregatiuus m 1 I'n-rlnytcnau chuzch 2:45! Nam: Mr. Arthur (‘znng‘Jx-IZ, To :::‘. spent Xmas “"111hisxxgoiizcz‘. 5-1 (in-0. 3am; beâ€. “5'. and Mrs. G S. .\?c"-:t:z( of i'cterboro, were gu-s‘n' AI 1 home of his mothcr, ~‘:.s. Iciaztney, Christmas. A Teaching Story as Told its a to Thu Toronto Globe. TO the Edimr 0f Tho (Hobo : Sir.â€" .Hk for .9366 in your volumns [0 gm: {mm a latte-r uxrivrd m this 02‘1“. Freobrious reasons I do :10: giru 1] time. The lam-r ï¬nds: "I han- “I we m prey-m to yum. 'l‘wci y-m 31:0 3 nxulhrx' died. Earning 8i mall children. [he vldv~l night you! «'4 and Ute. yuungcwx an waant. M lastly-r hook {hr «Mod and kwpl 111 ha!" my mulher's d-‘uth. Thm 12 y-vung girl wvnt Pit-rung m: sma ‘7 but your \hu mmmme 0 6! whivh 513- [Ian m-xz-x' in-cn {raj “she has b.3en unahlv in wurk .xim hot Jmuary. She- iï¬ just uinvh-l gnu-s aid. Kindly 1011 Im‘ how 1 noted [a gr! 'ln-r imn {how Muskul UNI "(Npihd for (‘uxxsxxqumn-s." ‘ Tho m! purl nf i1 is this ivuvrls on «no of many-«nine- patnvtic and a; {dingm are being reocin-d dai‘ Hue writer. Fifty-57¢ patients are in rosid.-m “I "I. Mllwkokn Frvc H‘mpital [0-de 3"": hnudn'd and :hiflyw'ight ha! b-au rm! for siln'l‘ (he lanspital v.1 â€Mid in Apr-EL “NZ. lu plum nf ï¬fty «a «mid can‘ f «on hunch-w! if Uu- Inn-(1rd umneyf mwiulcuauce was at Un- dix‘pusnl 0! xi Auction Sale Bst will fu- ‘ week Innouncmg Mr. B. ('(1: Big Sale This poor. mother-loss air} “lung! annex-era of “911‘!“ “‘1 MW A ï¬mialinn. ' 5 A ‘ï¬hidn‘flreet “1:4, 'l'nrnntu. ‘1 "'Wrih‘ltious mav he mm! In .8! W4":- a man. KL. own.» my Wont". or In W. J. Gage, 15%, u If “(I-cat west. Toronto. Numinau'on Dav next Mom}: “'1.- umlcrsiand thattherc is 33k. in be hot contests for both Ktc‘ ships and for thc Councik Chum. Millbrook. Sum}: .‘s'u: than. Mam-us am! Hunk. The Orange Concert Xmas In“ a grand SllL‘Ccss‘. \‘s c " sin: a in“ account a; z: {.511 “‘0 of the trustees of {M .V. W iurium Association i~ ( Wdthoconsumptives of the [I mon. 5“) of whom die in Tumni â€an!!!†a.“ in Ontario, 8,000 in ii. The Boys of Bethany he} must sncccssfu!“.â€"\t Home." Waincs-iav cxcning oflnst w: Then: was a lag: anemia: the musac f1: rnishcd by the Pa bum Orchdtra was cxcdicnt,z 1hr supper was all that could desired. The floor was an g< dupe fortripping the ï¬ght fan: tic. md all present emoycd STRAYEDâ€"Imo the premise. the undcrsigned. Lm 35, (Ton Mauve“. on or about the 20th November. 1906, :1 HEIFER. ¢ net is requested to prove pmpcny; - chum-s and Lake hcr away Ll-J LICGILL. Omcmcc P. O.â€"â€"3t ‘7. :fl’air very much. Mess}.c 1; Burton and Herb Armstrong Nilibrook,attendcd and rcpor delightful time. Mr. S. Wrslcy Loves, of (rum Mam. is home to spend the Chm: 1~oll~éays with his parents. He has i. in ï¬zz/W61. sxtccn years. Mr. Bdlfoï¬rflns a good position the Merchant’s Bank of Canaua, cola Branch, and we feel sure 211.2 mil nCcixc npad promotion. U luck. Ernie. WANTS THE MIRROR. Mr. A. E. Balfour, writing f1 Atco'm, Sask , says 2â€"“ There is n! hag I look for so much as thc n “on: the ‘ old lown,‘ I tlic-rcfore dc to be added to your liq of \ubscrih 1 can't get along without the Mirr This poor. Father-[ass g “Faking you in anticipation for 1: "ton «JR-lie“? me son Lrui "Ian. I. .Socra- rv Na EMILY COLLECTOR'S (2R1 SUCCESS.â€" Mr. (Iimrlcs Comm} pupal“ Coilcctor for Emily. pct holds the championship for ‘ gathc an lam. \Vc have ivccn infonnm good authority (not the Coucc MMI. Corned has collected a pen: on 1h: roll. and he has done tune for the last ï¬ftccn years «1% eve: pumng a single tax payer 1 cent of costs This is certainly a «editable record. We cmxgruu “I. Comcil upon his success. Swen! items from Omcmcc caved as WC go to press. Hr. C. MCXciI “Tight, COT Tenor, and pupil of Prof. Wlllu Toronto, is open for (215::ng during the winter. For terms, address. (1. McNeil Wright. Omc: OMEMEE NEW A HAPPY NEW YEAR '10 With tha dmhs from bonsum MILLBROOK