Dr. Leach, and Messrs. Geo, Chas and Harv Leach affixed homc Sutur- y on account of the Illness of then- father. Mr Leaclucondmon 1-. some what improved, and under the skilful «treatment of l)rs. Tumcr and Mom gunnery it is hopcd he wxll Suon b: Mr. Ice lancashlre had a horse killed by a tram last week. ' Mr. I. H. jones, 9%: _l.ifl'ord, was a out agam. 1.0.1., No. 79 revular meetiu" Friday et'cmng. D a sry Hall. Every member of the com pany IS a star. Globe, Toronto. Canada. Town Hall, Wednesday Dec. 18th. Doors open at. 7 p.m. Entertainment _at 8. Admisston 25cm. ChiIdn-n x; gents. Under auspwcs of the Mcthd- dist Church. -.An entertainment that rs A r, strict ly up to date in eVery particular. clean \and entertaming. That Is the verdict of all who attenled the entertainment given by the Musical Eckardts m Mas- Mrs. H. Richards and Master iEddnz. and Mrs. C. W. Richards ‘were visitors to Pcterboro to-day. For Quality and Quantity ask your ,dcalcr for the new big plugs of “Bobs,†â€Stag" and “ Currency†Chcwmg 'fl‘obaccocs. A! the annual meeting of the East Durham Liberal Conservative Associ- atmn. held at Millbronk on 'I‘nesday afternoon. Mr. J. 1. Preston, M.I’.P., was unanimously dream as the Con- Servative candidate. There was a large attendance of delegates and the meetlng, was Very enthusiastrc and bar. monious. Mr. (1.]. 'l'hornton, candl- date for the Commons. addreSSed the meeting. yMr. Thos. Harkness and son, ‘Master Allie, were visuï¬ors to Pctexboro last week. Mr. ’and Mrs. Fred. Sowden, and son, Muster lack, of Suuns. Mam, ~yum: guests at the home of Mrs. A. {Wood a fcvi days this Week. Ibuy all my Harm-55, Robes, and Blankets, Boots Shoes, and Snag Proof Rubbers from '1'. J. Lang, Mill brook. They are good ï¬ucrs and wear We". â€"26tf ‘s'l-‘he many friends of Mr. \V. (I. ' Raw-land wnll regret to learn that his arm was badly Injured by a kick from a horse that he was shoeing. GIANT TRIPLETS “ Currency.†-“ Bobs†and “ Stag†Chewing 'l‘ohac .c0cs, in big plugs. Quality always the .samc. All Chm: at close prices at]. Steclc' s, M “brook; also Fountam Pens. WWANTEDâ€"A Good General Servant. Good Wages. Apply to Dr. :H. A. or Mrs. Turner, Millbrook. A lot of news unavoidably held over. Mrs. Wm O’Bncn was in Pctcrboro '9!) Iumday. , . Est aE the Home if Mr. and Mrs. }. _Byam ycsxerday. Mr. and Mrs. 1. Arthur Vance went 'up to 'I‘uronto for a couple of days the in“: of the week. Mulbrook and one other circle stand 15: and 2nd place for the prizc. Millbrcmk should get after it. Home Circle meets next Monday {tn-mug at 8 o'clock. Election of ofï¬cers. 82c. Bro. Walker as expected to be preswt. M's JV Steele was a visitor to Port Hope on Monday. BraCclcts. Necklcts, Rings, latest designs and Sctllngs‘. Gentleman’s tic Pins, fobs and charm:, at special priCcs, at J. Steele’s. Millbrook. Mr. E. S. Clarry. of Pcterboro, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Clarry. Wilbmnk News. 72 BRANCHES IN CANADA Bank at Turnnlu The Balance which grows from )Our deposns, and the interest paid on these, is kept In abso- lute safety until required. The Income from the Deposits is received quarterly by you, as this Bank pays interest on all Sayings Balances four times a year. Many Investments ads'ertisedin these days result in loss to the Investor, but Every Dollar of the many millions entrusted to the care of this Bank duringthe past half century has been safely acaounted for when demanded. Never Depreciates. OMEMEE BRANCH : I. B. L. Grout, Manager. \IIl.LBROOK BRANCH of :1 Savings Account in Capital - $4,00,0000 Reserve - $4,500,000 Assets $38,000,000 The Value H. A. Sims. Ma: azer. THE Mr John 1. Clarke and won IT): hen} t) approval of Mr. Lyon. ' The new window frame and all the necessary preparations welje made by \f, I I [LII A most happily appropriate sermon was preached by the Rector, pomting out how such gifts as this and the nuny other memorials which beautify the Hon 0 of God are acceptable to Hun. He showed how each gift served to pomt men to Christ as Well as to ï¬ll onen's minds with greater revertnce ‘and more devotion in His Sanctuary. The new window Is a work of art that does great credit to the N '1‘. Lyon Glass (30.. of Toronto. It re presents the scene of our Lord’s Ascen- ‘ sion as described in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. The subscription mentions that the late Archdeacon Allen was for ï¬fty two years Rector of this pari‘h. The window was unveiled by the: Church \\ ardcns, Messrs. J C Kclls and A. A. Smith during a short, special service conducted by the Rector, Rural Dcan Allen, assisted by the Rev. H. A Bcn Olicl. ' The congregation was not only large but rcprcswtatwe, as a number had come in for the serviCc from the other congregations in the parish. A most interesting ceremony took place last Sunday morning in St. 'l‘homas’ Church when, before a large congregation, the new Chancel wind0w, erected in memory of the late Vener- able Archdeacon Allen by the mem- bers of his family, was unveiled. H. A. Ben Olicl, and unanimously earned, was extended to Mrs. (Eco. Fair, l’rcmdcn! of thcjumor Auxihary, for her excellent work in connection with the Bazaar. I The Junior Auxiliary of St. Thomas church held a Bazaar on Thursday evening. There was a/‘sale of fancv goods and there was some lively bul- dmg and quick sales, the proceeds amounting to over $70. An excellent tea was served from 4 to 8 o’clock, after wlnch a program of real man was rendered. Miss Jessie Allen sang a solo in gJoJ voice, which was thor- orghly enjoyed. Plano selections were giVen by Miss Allie VanCe. Miss Mar ,raret (I'unpbell, Miss Annie Kells, Miss Ilem Fair, Miss Collins, Mrs. W. C. Allen, all being apprecmted. A hearty vote of thanks, moved by the Rector, Rey. \V. C. Allen, sec. by Rev Rev. S. '1‘. Bartlett prcached elo qncnt sermons m the Mcthodtst church last Sunday mornrng and evening. The male quartettc sang very accept- ahly. and the services all through were much enjoyed by the: large congrega- lions. Rev. D. J. Morris. 'I'own IIaIl. \llllbrOOk, Wednesday Dec. 18th. Doors open at 7 p.111. Entertainmcnt at 8. Adnnssion 25cts. Children xscls. Undcr Auspxces of the Methodist Church. The Anglican Young People’s Asso- cratron of St. Thomas" church, Mill~ brook, held their third program of a series to be held in r907 8, on Tues- day evening last. The debate “That the Franchise be Extended to Women†was taken up. ~For the afï¬rmative, Miss Allie Vance, Miss M. Brown. Miss C. Wood and Miss H. Dean; for the negatlye Side, Mrs. 'l‘hos. Camp hell, Miss M. Kells, Miss 1.. Vance and Miss A. Kells. The debate proved most interesting, many stroug pomts being brought out on both Sides, but the decision was In favor of the afï¬r- mative. Miss Margaret Wood gave a .mteaSely interesting paper entitled "'l‘ravel 'l‘alk,†which was greatly ap preCiated by the large number present. (laleshurg, Mich, Mar. 6, 1907 The Musical Ekharts. who appeared here before a lame audience, gave one ; of the best entertainments ever gnen I m (,alesburg We cannot speak tooI highly of these entertainers. I Rev. (2. W. Henderson, of Port Hope, ml] preach Missvonary scrmons in the Methodist Church here next Sunday. Thcre will bc special music as usual. AN UNVEILING. Into the premises of Lot 17>Con. 6, Cavan, on or alzout the lat Sept., 1907, a year old Heifer. The owner is requested to come and prove pro pcrtv, pay charges and take her away. Aldborough‘, Alnwick, Ancaster, Ar- mour. Asphodzl. Barrie, Bastard and South Burgess, Beverley, Bexley, Bea- verton, Blandford, Bracebridge, Bur leighand Anstruther, Brock. (Taistor, Creaby South, Camden East, Camp- bellford. Cannington, Chafl'ey, (Zulross, Colborne, Creeniore. Dundas, Dur ham, East Toronto, Eldon, Elizabeth town, Erin, Etobicokc Flamboro East, FlambOro West, Floss, Foley. Grand Valley, Gravenhurst, North ‘ (iwillinibury. Hagersville, Hamilton, Harriston, Harvey, Ilincliinbrooke, Holland, Howick, Huntsville Kenne lbec, Kinloss. Loughborough. McKel llar, McMurrich, Malnliidu, Mara, Me donte. Medora. and Wood. Millbrook. Minto, Mt. Forest. Mulmer. MUrray. Nelson, Newcastle, Norwood,Norwich. ()memee, ()rillia, Oso. Paisley. Parry Sound, Perry, Palmerston, I’ittsburg, l’lympton. Port 'l)ulhonmc, Port Perry Roxboro. Sallfleet, Scarboro. Sidney. Schrieber. Seymour, Somerville, South River. Stirling, Streetsville, Stephenson Sutton. 'I‘hedford, 'l‘horold, 'l‘ilbury West, Toronto, Tay. Wainfleet, Wal- pole, Wolford, Wroxeter. Yarmoutb, Yorlr . l J. STEELE’S, FOR UP -TO- l)~\"El JEWE] RY. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, MILLBROOK, The following places will vote on Local Option at the time of the Munl cipgl Election in January : We are pleased to hear that Mr. Blaney Winslow, who has been seriously ill for some t1'me_ back, 15 somewhat improved. His daugh- ter, MISS Iennie Winslow, is also recovering from her,_recent illness. The Counties Councilwill meet" on Monday, Dec. 9th, at 8 o’clock_ p.m., to pass a by- law" for the is- suing of $20, 000 debentures to complete the House of Refuge The next day the reguiar meeting of the Council Will be held. The second trial of Harry Thaw has been ï¬xed‘fOr Ian. 6 The “ Proclamation †Edition of the “ Daily Witness†of Montreal, publish- ed on 'luesday, Nov 26th, by Messrs. john Dougall Son reflects great credit on the publishers. It is a spec- ial industrial Edition. The unique transporunion lacfliï¬es of Alontreal. its ï¬nanciai and commercial interests, and its numerous impottant industries are described in conciSe and readable form. The information as to the Me- tropolis of Canada will be a sourCe of pride to every Canadian. \\ e under- stand that the demand for copies of this special edition of the Witness has been so great that the publishers have decided to run ofl'a second lot We take great pleasure in congratulating the “ Witness†upon their enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. [05. Burns, of Petetboro, are visiting friends in town. weather forecasts complete for the whole year, ï¬nely illustrated. The price by mail IS 35 cents, on News- Stands 30 Cents. Word and Works, the Rev Irl R. Hicks fine monthly magazine, contains all his weather fore casts from month to month, together wrtla'a vast amount of the best family reading The prtce is $1, a year and one almanac goes with each subscrip tion. Address, Word and Works Publishing (30., 2201 Locust Street, St‘ Louis, Missouri, Write for rate on almanacs in quantities. Agents wanted. Dr. King and Mr. Robert Fair, of Peterboro, were here today at- tending the funeral of the late Major Richard Howden. In Cmuan, on Saturday Nov. 30 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Ihos. “113011 a daughter. WITH A DOZEN nice photographs you can rcmember twelve of your friends at Xmas \Vc can please you. See our Xmas. Styles. Studio in rear of Nattrass’ Barber Shop. In Cavan,‘ on. Sunday, Dc-c. I, 1907, Jane Mufl'att, wife of the late David Reid, aged 76 years. In Port Hope, on Tuesday, Dec. 3. Major Richard Howdcn, aged 78 years. The Rev. IrlR. Hicks 1908 Almanac Is ready for delivery and excels all former editions m beauty and value. ’lhc cover is a bcautlful dcsrgn m col- ors the entire book ls full of ï¬ne half toncs, astronnmical cngravmgs and m- tcrestmg matter. It contains the Hrcks 'l‘. HARKNESS, Millbrook. P.O Positions." F rec Catthgué. 3' EVE RY BODY WELCOM E. Grezit 'l‘_r2_1imng. Small Cost. Good British Canadian Business College To Vote on Local Option. R. A. FARQUHARSON, B. A., ' ’or. Yonge Bloor Sts.. Toronto. at Low-est Current Rates Apply to R. RUDDY. Money to Loan S'I‘RAYED BURN DIED Ferrnzone as unruvelled ln curing stomach ailments, try it and he vnn~ vim-ed. Sold b) all dru" ngists in Me. boxes. "For ten years I suffered acutely from stomach trouble," wntes Mi- Mums†Thompson, 'of Toledo. "I al- ways had a hea-lclle and dull {leitzg after meals. My appetite was poo'r, and I didn’t relish food. It wasullduo to a weak, deteciive stomach. I rend about Farrozona and ordered slx boxes-1 how my druguiut. It wan no time a all befurs 1 fall. mucl. batter, and when all the Ferrozone “as used I really took a new lease of life I am stronger brightenand feel more like work mum helon trving Ferrozoue. It Is a spiel» dill tonic, the best. I aver aged.†It acts at once upon the dlgestiveand aaalunilnth'e organsâ€"it. {armies the stalnachwmakea the blood nourishing, gives it a rich. red color, the beat in i- dencc of henlfh. 'I he best. because the surest cure la Fen-ozone. The cause is impairment of nerve tone, arising from failure of the atom. itch to perform its work. These unpleasant lealings of men}.- ness and cullnpue indicate that the Iympalhetic nervous system is out 0“ order. Sinking Sensations " in the Stomach. Do Theyâ€"Efï¬e: You? ‘ Rev. Dr. Abraham, of Toronto. delivered a most eloquent and forceful address to a good sized audience in the Town Hall here on' Thurs lay evening of last week. The Rev. Mr. Clare was voted to the chair, and after a few brief remarks, he asked Miss Nugent to play the acc0mpaniment to the Singing of “All Hail the Power of .[esus Name," after which Rev. Mr. Johnston led in prayer. The chairman then introduced the Rev. Dr. Abraham and asked him to address the audience, who spoke fluently for over an hour 0n the subject ot “ Local Option," and showed that it was time that some stringent method was put in force to stop the ruin caused by the open bar-room. He gave ï¬gures regarding the revenue de- rived from the licenses, and also the enormous amount of money spent a'itnually ox er the bar. He stated that men who spent money over the bar received a very small return for their money, much less than from any other purchase. He gave thrilling statements of the terrible deeds committed by men when under the influence ot liquor these same men beingr gentlemen when not under the influence of strong drink. The speaker said that probably $18000 passed oser the bars of Millbiook annually, while the revenue amounts to perhaps $600. His ï¬ght, he said, was not with the hotemen of this or any other town, but against the liguor trafï¬c, that causes the ruin of so many happy homes, and de- grades thousands of men in this Dominion, who could do well for themselves andi‘families if the bar-rooms Were closed. He stated that the (Severnment has decided that bar-moms must be closed on Election Day, and that if it was a bad thing to drink whisky when attending to Government busi- ness, then it must also be bad to drink when attending to )our on n business. He gate many illustra- tions of the harm done by the demon strong drink. One instance was of how a drunken man went ,home after spending all his cash ,in liquor, and because his starved .wife and child had no dinner â€prepared for his lordship hethrew a stick at her and killed her, and then took his infant child and held it over the stove and burned it to death. '1 he speaker then made a streng plea to the good citizens of Millbrook to help save the boys and girls by voting for “Local Option†when the chance came in january next. Rev. Wm. C. Allen mmed a vote of thanks to the speaker for his able address, Rev. Wm. Johnston seconding the motion, which was unani- mously carried, both the mover and seconder delivered brief but forceful addreSScs. An excellent quartette selection was given by Messrs. Sandy. Byam, 'l‘hexton and Adams. Miss Nugent was the efï¬cient accompanist. Huston recovery bn ié'ép’ii13'77th3 «bowels regular wit Ayer's Pills. m be. O. A! A no mum; yer’s; This is one reason why Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is so valua- ble in consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more â€"it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about this. It Ozzie is the Cough Strong Plea for Local 0mm The best kind of a testimonial- “ Bold for over sixty yuan." SARSAPARILLA. erS PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. '0 have no More“! We pubuah the formula of all our medicines. VJ. O. A, or 00.. hummus. L-o mummmroru of quickest and The N rthmnberlund Papqr and Eéec ric ( umpany, oH'muphelll'ord. has made an offer to the Hydro-Elect: 0 Commission (as published in the " o ronto newspapers) to supply Believ "a, Deseromo and Kingston w‘th p0“ er. the prion, not including local wu-Ing or local distribution charges. Mr. Cul- verweii states Hmtthe houa tides nfthe otter arehut snhatuutld! and camwt be made so, as that (‘ompanv only mum rhoula quarter of Ranney Karma 11 (tampheiiford. the upper similar par. tinn of the rapids and lands, which cuntrol the development. of the whole, bezng owned by himself and his associe aux. The run “in: ataCHm-nt is handed to the Review for publication by Man- aging Director |. A. (‘ulvernelL of the Nwrthunlberland-Durham Pnuer C , LtL, lessees and owners of pants of 1129329: Razi‘lszâ€" Power Offer Made to Lake Front Towns Is not a Bona-Fide One. Mr. Culverwell Says the Propoaltion of Opposition Company is far From Gen- nine and Made Simply With Vxew to lnjnre the Norllmmberlane- Durham Puwer (.‘o You'll be delighted with dclicious dessert soquickly and with so little trouble. Price, ICC. The ROBERT GREIG 00.. LIMITED Toronto. 3 11 £5 an absomm fact In»; only aoux‘q The above meetingmvrll be of spe- cial value to all interested in agricul- ture. Bren boys will ï¬nd much of of value and proï¬t in the addresses At the evening meeting in Millbrook a joint meeting will be held when Dr. Annie Backus, Aylmer, “’1“ be present and deliver an address. Dr. Baccus will also addressa ladies meeting at Bailieboro. Dr. J. STANDISH, Mr. GEO. CARLOW, Dr. ANNIE BACKUS, Town Hall, Saturday, Dec‘ 14th, at 7.30 pm. The Following Speak- ers will address the Meetings, Meetings of the above Society will be held as follows: PONTYPOOL, ORANGE HALL, FRIDAY, December 13th. at 1.30 p.m. LUCAS’ HALL. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 14th, at 1.30 p.m. BETHANY, TOWN HALL, FRIDAY, December 13th at 7 30 pm BAILIEBORO, MILLBROOK, EAST DURHAM ' Farmets’ Institute. in :5 true fruit and wine flavors. It makes such a OF WARKWORTH. O I“ WALK E R'I'ON. Last year was our banner year, but we are determined to keep me: with our flourishing city and SUIW')’ the demands made on us, for ofï¬ce assistants, not only from l’etxrboro but from other places as well. We have not been able to do this in all cases during the last two years. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping or Is a competent Stenogmpher and 'l'ypewriter is certain of a good position. You Will make no mistake in getting a The Family Herald and Weekly Star (4)1.†U 0F MONTREAL. The Mirror will lurmsh you with everything of interest in this local terri- tory. Every home in this district should make the local paper. The Family Herald and Weekly Slur of Montrcnl is lit: acknowledged best family and farm papcr In Canada. Its magniï¬cwt news service; as numerous spc-cml departments; its intcrcstmg magazine fc-aturcs; its grunt s". 12:15 and popular short storic?‘ make it thcgrczztest dollar’s worth to be had. Nothing Succeeds Like Success The céxn-bination of the Mirror and the Family Herald and chkly Star provides the greatest amount of wholcsomc famxly trading and reliable ncws from a†parts of the world. wBusipess Education one thouund horse power is evailabie for tranar‘nieeion hy the said company, ï¬'bivh in controlled by Cecil B. Smith. engineer. of Toronto, end of recem Winnipe: Council celebritv, and rat ired member of Hydro-Electric Commissiun' J. G. Kerry, who re Dominion Govern. ment commissioner of Quebec Br dge disaster, and A. A. Mnil-olinnd. recent, ly defeated Liberal candidate of East Northumberland. Associated with them in their Canal‘surve)’ "I'd “8‘8? power manipulations are a Lakeï¬eld cement contractor, and also a retired canal engineer. Mr. Culverwell states that this so- called "power offer†is evidentlv made for the purpose of further malicious damage to organization of the Ear ‘lmmberlund-Dnrham Power Co , Ltd ' “ company endorsed oflicialh by elgn- teen municipal councils. the directors being composed oftlle leading manu- facturers and busines men of the South Midland district. - These same people have been hlock‘ ruling the North"mherland-Durham Power Company’s eflurts for two years to secure a lease from the Dominion Government {or their intervening por- tion of lieuly Rapids, the lower, large portion of which is held by lease from the Ontario Government Ly the con - puny, which also owns portions of H 0 upper rapids and patent for the land! for the lands required {or devolopmrnt works, the power rates being regulated by the Ontario Government Recently the Smith-Kerry Company endeavored, with the help of an assis- tant canal engineer at Campbellfnrd. to induce the ratepayers there to PM†Into their control the "MidHe Falla" power cnntrolled and now being devel oped by the municipal ty for speciï¬c use there, but Mr. ('ulver“ ell exposed the deal and the ratepayers endorsed his efforts. Mr. A A. Mulholland blamed Hon. George Graham, Minister of Ruliwhys 3nd Canals, for his recent defeat. (be cause of his etatesumnzike utterance at Campbelllord belore the election, that the canal would be cmnpleled whether Mr. Mullmlland was elected or not). but the general feeling is that 3er Send your supscription to WM. WIFGLF: friPQizét Fetezte‘rca (>9? A Newspaper Bargain Fomrr (usmmexs of wt Onmrio Bank Branch “ill be accommodatcd as hcntofmc. anann, CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,400,000 REST : $11,000,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS : 159,881 TOTAL ASSETS 2 $168,001.17?» £13011 MUNTREALE Interest Added 4 Times a Year 011 Branvhes at all important Centres in Canada, and in London England, Ncw York, Chicago, Spokane, Mexico, and Newfoundland. WEvcry dcscriptinn o! a Banking Business transactedï¬ â€œMANAGER. Millbrook Branch The Millbrook and Omemee Mirror AND WW%% %%%%%%%2% E?“’rite W 99? Havééo-t-es Circv‘ar-‘Ea This is especially true when applied to the Savings Deposits. THE MIRROR, Millbrook. Ont. Est. 1817. Mulhnlland’n connection with tho Smith-Kerry (‘ompsny's can-l water ynwer manipulations canned Inn heavy defeat at ('unphellford Ind 8e) moor t .u Inulnp pulls. SHE 18 WHITE AS A GHOST. In It a matter of pride to be p35 a . liLv.â€"(‘ertainly not. What every we... an wants is strength. color, \‘lgoio Buovaucy and health are the right of every woman. and these she need no: luck if she only uses Ferroaoue. B gives appetite, creates strength enrich- es blood, ghee vigor to Hm nerves color to the cheeks and brightneu to the e) on Ferrozone is at once c LYPP, table into health, beauty and strength. There is power in Fern-zmw,â€"|ry it. and know what you have missed. 50c‘ ‘at all dealers. Mv. ('ulverwell states that her In eon, tn ï¬nd it essential to nuke these ntate- menta, but in View M the {act that ht. company (n Met. in now developing Healy Rapids), has been innmcipally advised to stop work until they ï¬nd on; whether they can secure the Dominion Government intervening portions; and the canal annoys having delayed lit. company for oVer me years, he thinks that the company’n anemic. are eno de-ax-orlng to bring it to min by delgy, In fuel one opponent has been henrd‘to say that thuy will attempt to “an. out the company by obstruction. However, notwithstanding the char- acter of the 0p; omllr-n and ll e general ï¬nancial stringency, Mr (‘nlveruell states that the company has secured 25 new local stockholders, and besides New York capitalists have visited Henley Falls recemly. and are natluï¬rd will! the proposition. The? will relmn to llealy Falls next week. Messrs. Rupe Winslow and N. McGill. 02' Ballxcboro, were in Omemec )‘LSteIdaY on business. Mr. \Vm. Fell, of \Vhlle Fell Merchants, Bailicboro, was in town today on busmcss. 'lheu' business is growing fast. ': k‘ 4.5!; J: 1.0.L, n; met last ofliecrs and transact gr We hope to git: a :‘t Keck. along with a 1 ' Lit. James (‘ucmmgl Incidence In Ccdarv: damaged by ï¬re on 8121‘ Cause a dcfgclch «:himm: pni-e cannot ht given (‘4 the hand pad ï¬rc brigad: Company kept the ï¬amu In Cheek until the ï¬re rug work. undcr command v5 Ito-an. NH. and Mrs raided in the house. Em: tmc was all saved. Th;- mll be over $15c, COVc1 Mt. Hem? Stark we: ,cStctday on busmcss. Dec. :3. 2183‘- dccfln" Oï¬â€™m rx imperial? "i'; <::: rcqucstcd :- Sccrczar V. Little ME» F'r": "‘» been a gurtut' Mu _? me time past. in» u.- hémc in Toronto. Mr. Harry Snclgrowu a guest of his brother, X King St. “'oodmen medin evening. Election of other lusiness. Soul to be arranged at th Mr jas Dobson um and Pctcdamo Mondav Mr. 111’» P ‘.-n::r “- Lands-w on hand a}. Mr Joscp‘: the «‘(zmrat't - forh’r HJ?’ \ Rad “31365 1dr. in 1 notice Santa Gnu; and delivering Xmas. Good: Tow. Bon Bone. eta, 2.1 :hing necessary :0 ma hdpcd to save: ms Emu during the ï¬re uhic'n h the house I lived: also assisted in 5°31: 1n33 I also wish to thank them ly help. Yours Truly. JOHI serious accident. N1 the saiouanSS of the m“ “using, and this gem} givequitc so mud) of ti Indies in future. Hts. 1. Mchan am Donald. of Toronto. 1 M1. I. A “3-1:: on Tu The Omcmee peopi FowlSuppcr and cuta‘ :1 ML Pleasant last my To amide all to lean: ash or Installment 131:; teach a personal chm a: I month. (1355 Cum Tuesday of each mom: i amt-t teaches how In ( :1 together any garment {rut shirt waist suit, to zin- n dress. The whole {an Iron: one course. We Lm seven thousand dress I guarantee to give ï¬ve hu to any one that cannot l the ages of :4 and 4c. lam dress makm; 3\ 1M counc- teaches if \nu u for vents. Beam-r «:1 2m Cnl' thOV UC- l‘f‘.k \ ‘ 1‘ This :5 [EEC t x ' )1) your spare 11m: . Take a Personal Cou Lama; Schov! ;:A x b\' none in any â€:1“: c. at one: for paniculan, ; «It rate momma tor Adda-as :~â€"â€" Called! the mg to upset. occupant out. With gn mind one of the young out ,of thci: rig and cau of the other horSc and 1. might otherwisc haw: ‘. Saders'. .5923: 31 Eric 51.. Sit-41mm, W‘N'I'ED AT ‘ have «card 10 inslru t humus-O! Mum ya-unp lad cont-flu “rerun-stunt hm {Mar 3 nun-c1 town. w ï¬. Tboiv‘ rim #1 ‘ am or “to. An HF." I10 .01- )! r-ph v Moan your â€dough. Adda-w A gentleman of (h dnn‘ng along the m .young ladies also dnv very polite the gentlcm; went too near the edge During the winter and the oï¬ioe will be done evenings but mu rcma o'clock in the afternoon Mr and Mrs. P. Sam to Peterbm'o last I'm K. Mr Wm. McAduo, u! was in town today. the past season's bu.~m Pleasant Chem: [“3an of any'pm-ious year. % Mr. McAdoo mlcuds‘ During the last sum: .50: o! the Bank of '1'! open “ch Saturday c mos'emenu: of the far: much al‘prcdatcd the 4 tended to them of dwwxé'c . 31:, J D. Thornton born on busmcss Sam: Miss Irene Fee is vi: Paarboro. TostjJst izc A ~: Call and Sec Wylic': l» OMEMEE OF THAX as Ma: L-IMKF