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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 19 Dec 1907, p. 4

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\\'hc~n l was km in California I know :1 Japanese who owm'd n llne fruit ,ptamnlinn nut far from Santa Barâ€" bara. He first wont to that plantation as. a laborer. working for one dollar and seventy-five cents 11 day. when while men \vern getting lhrec dollars and fifty cents. In a few years he learned all there was to know about fruit-grmving. bought. n small place of his own. and flourished. ”is former employer fell into clillicullies. and the Jam, by some sharp practice. got hold of a mortgage on his place. and fore- KEPT BY .\ (ZHIXAMAN. Th3 opium habil has caused the mor- al and phydcul 111m ‘1‘ counlless Am- emcuns 1,! 10111 soxc . and we haxe a very hillc: g111dge against the Chinese on [11:11. ac‘mum. But the Japanese 111-11 not the (:hinese, 1! may to objcclod. They ham: shown themselves 10 Don supexjox people. and hang availed themselws of “East- ern civilizali-o11.‘lrnc. But ”191. are still Orientals. Their code 0! 111011113 their s}stel11 of life than ~<lzl11dz11d of (1011111111 1. are different [rum cum. and “a think. loner. They can om}. (1mg 1‘s- (lounwaml. The opium curse was unkmwn in Anwn’ca until the Chinese came"fo liuIEfomin in the fifties and the sixties. The first. Anmricnn known to sumkc lhe (Ir-11;.r was :1 Sun Francisco gmnbler named lilcnamlinc. in 1871‘ who learned me habit in a Chinese den. The Vice spreml an rapidly that in u {my years sevsml Slates hall lo pass laws against 1'! Now many HIGHSRHCIS'O! Ameri- cans uro enslaved by it m every State of the Uni-an, and there is hardly a. small 2mm without its opiunHlen , , .. --_..,... was by Sherman‘s famous march from Atlanta to the sea. No people would lightly incur this terrible risk. The Californians fully realize the danger. but" they feel that. \vhill- their country could recover in mm from the dc-vust-aliun of war. it WnlllJ be ruined for ever from their point. oi View by unchecked Asiatic im- migration. The white man would be c'ubmerged by the yellow tlcod. .\'0 CHEAP YELLOW’ LABOR. Probably in no chilizcd communny do pcople curn highcr wages and live l‘etter than on the Pacific Slope. Ten dollars a clay is a common wage for a good artisan; a labnrer can easily earn four or live dollars a day in brisk tunes. Trad-c unionism is supreme in‘ all the Pacific towns and" cities. and the unions are defermiucrt to maintain the high standard of working-class comfort. at. all costs. “.\’~o cheap yol- tcw tutor!" is their motto, as it has been since the duy< of Dennis Kearney and the early anti-Chinese riots. in 'Frisco, when Chinaan were hanged tn the street lump-poets and riddled with l‘lZHCLs by an infuriated mob. Shannclnl, no doubt. but think of the prm'ucntion. Not only were the (Thin-'1- men alluring to, work for u tenth of the “lute man‘s living wage, but their colony mu a nest of such Oriuitul \'i£~ as and crimes as will hardly bear think- ing at. much less describing. White men and “when often disappeared: thereâ€"druggul and murdered. l ’ You may think the Californians vio- lently prejudiced and iliiberal. but. you cannot dwny them the «Image of their ccnvioti-nns. Their attitude deliberate- ly challenges war with Japan. and of that war they would stand t) tear the brunt. it tho .lupanece Navy obtained the mastery of the Pacific. as it probab- ly would do after a hard fight. San Francisco. Portland. Tacoma. and Se- attle would be at the nzcrcy of the Jups. liven if there were no invasion of the Pacific States, trade and industry would be ruincd by bIOt-kadc and oom~ met-(rial panic. At the worst, fertile Oregon and sun-kissed California might b: reduced to a wilderness, as Georgia Reasons for the Critical Situation at Present Exkting Between Japan and the States. 1! is impossible for Englishmen who have never had yellow man living alongside of them to understand the intensity of the feeling against. the Ja- pane» and Chinese along the Pucitlc Slope. in the States of Oregon and Washington. as well as in California. It is comprehended in a measure. per- haps, by the maple of Liverpool. who ltve near-the large and rnpidLv-gwm'~ mg‘Chineso colony of that city. writes a California corresp-ondvnt of London Answers. THL U. S. AND THE JAPS M'IIY COI'SIN JONATHAN DISLIKES THE BROWN MAN. .\ S'I'OI‘A' ILLUSTRATLVG \\'.\I{ C.\.\' BE FACED Farmmâ€"I thought yo said yo I to. “ork on a dairy Ian"? Helperâ€"I did. “\kln, w cant milk in mm." “No All I done was to pump”. Thu ungrateful liHIr) bras! nnwr own locked round. bul. wilh (he hum-[us given lo him. started at on a quest fur new oppor-lunitio; fm- xni=chiof. The “nurse" rejoined the party wilh what seemed to me a curious twinkle in her eye. as if she had ndminislemd chastisenmnt. while apparently only dis- charging hm‘ duties in [he most ortho- dox fashion. T110 “nursfl” Nwhunt wont. to the tree and clambcx‘od over it where. she had passed berm-v. Then she siowly walked to the path, leaking at tho Im- prisoned culprit. as she passed him. She took a mum» of shms up the. path. and then. 10\\'0rin,q hm- hoad. run at her baby, smote him behind with her fomhead. and sent him about lun‘f'wt down thn paih on the olher side of his house of detent‘mx. Ho squealed Iu:tily. His xmglhm' thumped her trunk on the ground" trumpeted in a wry high-pitched voice. and moved about in so ”118115)“ a way “mt. sh-o nearly threw hm‘ puxsongcx's of! her back. T110 baby was caught fairly by his film. He seemed to fit. lhv aperture ox- nct‘ly. his head out in front. his tail he- hind. and his body hold as in“a vise. We were very curious to we what. would happen. and had not. long to wait. Suddenly lhevo was a noise 01' scat- tering leaves and rolling stones. and the baby ambled down the steep de- cline at u really hazardous pace, made straight. for the do“ in the tree. dash- c:: headlong into it. and there stuck .- fast». All [he clephunh won! :1 little way along the tree. to whore lhn diameter was snmller. svmmblml over. and Him waited in :1 hunch (m the other siclo. We asked the reason. and mo drivers said that. lhoy were waiting for the baby, which had la~t been seen. higher n1, lhn hillside. chafing n lihinow cwlie. ‘ We lrivd lo peisuadc lho (h'iVOl‘S la gt cu, hut. eilhm- they could not 01' wnuld not. They said the elephanls wanted to see the baby past the chili- cuity. “ the slope leading into the Pox-n]: \‘ul. 10y. Malacca. we came to a gigantic {.ng tree which had fiallen right across the .pth. Exaclly in tho palh a great slice of the tree had been sawed out and thrown to one side. so that coolim carrying: loads nzlight was without having to get over 1110 obstruction. “’4‘ were travelling Over fl jungle track. which nocessitnlul walking in single 1110. As we .uoax-vd the foot of How a Mother Elephant Roloased Ilor Yuung One From a Bad Fix. In writing of “Tho Real Malay," Sir F. A. Sweltcnham In is how he saw u Luhy elephant disciplined an the march. There were ninelcon elephants in the caravan. Of thew. some wore too young to carry burdens, and (”1101's. fullâ€"grown. 1002ch after the young- sters. The hero of 11st story was about a year old. 2.: against them. Alieudy' there is a very cansidci'alile halibl'ccd clementâ€"- especially in San Fi-nncis'mx Tacoma. unzl l‘oi-ilumlâ€"mid we regard it as a growing peril. 'l‘lw ,pu'lly of the race is our first convex-n. To the true (tuli- forninn i2 ix‘ won more important than the econ-Julie danger. “California for the (:uliIm-x'iians!" is our cry. We are willing to concede that “:0 Japanese are a great people, adziiiruble in their own country; bul wc'dacllne. oven at lhe risk of war. to let them filcli from us by slaw degrees our happy Eden. Iu spife of tha strung American 60L 0" prejudice, Oriental immigration In- cvitably loads to a certain amount of intermarriage Lelwueu the races. This i< more Common in the case of the Japanese man the Chinese, for Ameriâ€" can women are naturally less prejudic- {1. California is now held by Japanese and they have gained possession at many \aluable businesses in the cities formerly held by white men. " It is generally conceded that their law methods are not of the inost. . abl . but they are certain] A YOU CANT KEEP JAI’. iN. 'lhere is hardly a trade oi- industrv in (.alilomiu into which the Japanese are not now pushing their way, to the detriment. of the white man. They tare not. content. like the Chinese, to stick to their own qugrters, and to the lowly task and sery'iJo trades allotted in them by public opinion. They will be waiters and servants at first, but they are there to learn. They want to reach the top of the tree. and they have the ability to do it in. lime. lL may be said that all this is very; much to their credit. Undoubtedly But it. is equally lo our disadvantage. Within a man'elluusly brief period white man have raised up a great ci- vilization on the {mute slopes of the ’ucitic Cons-t with u standtnd of gen- eral prospmitt unequalled elsewhere “e want to 1m 1) our line country for white men, and breed up a great whitn race closed. Many similar cases could be. mentioned. Some of the finest. land DISCII’LINING THE BABY. USEFUL LABOR. II.»\I.F-BREEDS. lh:\ drivers in COUU not UP the elephanls past the dini- 5'0 U506 .._v.. a» uv Aunuul megs}? Zr the horseradish his: etc. .. are 1 \111011 ho. a; afc most likelyloi W 2 Same M1116 . rudw‘fiflmh 1h? jungles ' mt?" whim-in.- tho limé- the‘gfl'gwus dak‘ bfirs't into fl-‘um Imohhohiccd alonrrsiix the r mi .1 huge mhaxa 1189 mm a hamhm ladder some fifteen feet long, leading up to the first The next few days I kept my :‘y-y; open and found several olhct' lrocs \vnl‘: holes containing water, but one in puni- culm' confirmed my cunjcvyluro that I had found another fuvorilo breeding place of the wily nwsmxi!ms."fhis was also a lun‘nnjn mm. H branch of which had hocn lapped all. In the slump was a shallow itavitg.‘ llllml with clear wulcr. in which was quite :1 number (If wry lively mosqniln lurvu‘. I drew the al- lemion of Colonel Gubbins. R. A. .\l. Another Breeding Place Discovered fur the Post. A short, limo {lg-D as I was gum': around Hm (Zulnbu (Imnclcry. which is In my chm-go. l Ilnticml what. is uf'mr' all a very common sight. in India. 1: small “pipfl” growing out of u huh: in the trunk of :1 lrev. n knrunja. writes lho Rm: II. Mould in Times of India. I pulled it out and found the hok: quiic a [not (1301). and clanmining some inch- 05 of waln- 1L the bottom. which was. hmvcvcr. out of Sight. I\'[0..squitoos also came out of Hm halo.‘ I had 1114- Imlc stopped up wilh earth. Really. however, ii is indifferent. what materials is used. 0])91'Iltul'3 nsnnlly .prcim‘ u hazel twig, but M. Prolmsl thinks whalabono or malaccu lwllm‘: but lzesL Of all is n illin rod of steel about an eighth of nm inch in ihick- .mws with lhc ends wrapped in line COppm- wii‘r‘. Ila comidcrs that the phonomo‘irm is one of magnetism. ’l‘ho (‘ill'lh nt- trncts the rod dillrravnlly :1cc<.»xwiing h) the hidden features of its structure. If the operator wean-s ruhhor snloq m- if ho. grasps the rod with ruhlwr or .silk or other nonconducling gim-os limiting! will happen. A nmgnctizod rod, on the otlwr hand, will give far more posi- tive results than a plain FOL]. He has. N, says, :nithcnticated this ls)‘ giving the iwu altormntcly 1+) :1 blindfolded operator. Though he never know which rod he had, the magnetized one always showed far greater activity. The {act that divining rod oxpolrls can operalc SGCcvssIully when ”11‘ ground is covered wilh snow Clintlunlly disposes of the theory that they are guided by surface indicnlions. It Would be possible for lhom, he lhluks, In llnd n package of bank bills buried in u ploughed field just as easily :15 if their mlnc in gold were ”IL‘X'L‘. Fur in re- nllly ll. would bu. neither llw paper lJiIl.< nor the gold that \wnld :Lllrzlul. llw rod bul. the piucr where “my wore hid- den. the place \\'hCl'l' lllo lmmngcnvily n" the soil “as disturbed. Ilc furlhcr holds llml' it. is not during lln' limo when ll is (“'0' a spring or u win of are that the rod is disturbed. but ul lhc moment when it passes {rum ur- (linary ground tn tho silo of tllu hidden porkct or from that silx- buck lu unlin- ary ground. Thus 110 believes; it would mulu: the jusuut 1-0.9me if it were curried umoss ltm line of u suhtm'rariionu \\'ttt(‘l‘Ciilll‘>f-, which had run dry just thv bitllle 11% if water were tluwing in it am; it would respond to deposits of oil or natural gas just as readily as to \Yiltl‘l‘. ore of precious metal or CUB]. He thinks that an important change in the earth's density such as is caused by u sublet"- mnoun rivm' may hr dvtf‘ctcd in puxm Eng ovvr it. in u carriage -n' even u i-uil- way truth. If n subterranean water- course crosses the hind of a Stlpt‘t'lit'iill one he thinks the line of tho hiddmi one may be traced with thn mzt by a person qpm'ating it. in a bout on the‘ surface stream. French Scientist Says Changes in Don- sity in the Earth Cause Its Action. Louis Pmbst, u French scientist. stu- tiomd fit more: Ste. Mario. in the [’yrenei‘s, thinks More is something in the divining rod. tlis tticury is that it does not point in WHICI' or ii precious metal. but that its action i.> controlled thy any change in the (imisily of the earth‘s crust over which UL“ rod is cur- l'iCd. Mi\ same and give it a trial. It cer- tainly comes hinhly iecomnmndod. 11 is lhe picscriplion 0[ :m emimnt au- ”101in whose cnlim wpulution it is said. was established by it. suits are simply surprising. the relief hung effected “ithout the slightest iu- jun lo the stomach or other orgyns The above is considered by an omin- ent. authority. who writes in u '11» Demo duily paper. as the finest prescrip- tion ever written to relieve Buckuche. Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and all forms of Urinary difficulties. This mix- ture acts promptly on the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys‘ enabling them to filter and strain [he uric acid and othvr waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism. Some persons who suffer with the afflictions may not feel inclined to place It uch confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried it say the re: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-halt ounce; Compound Kurgon. one ounce; Compound Syrup Sursuparillu, three ounces. LEASHA MIXED RECIPE FOR “Eu; '4 I'KIDNEXS AND BLADDER. Shake well in a bottle and lake :1 leaspoonfulvdose after each meal and at bedtime. Tolls Reader-s flow to Prepare This Home-Made .Mixlure. to Cure the Kidneys and Bladder. Get from any prescription pharma- cist the following: IS SAID T0 BE‘SIMPLE STUDYING THE DIVINING “OD. MOSQI'ITOES IN 'E‘REICS. “Any movonwnt in rm] «lain in this part of the country?" askvd Hm huurist. “Nu." :mmerea the aid f:u-zm‘1',“1;cl exon a landslide} A cold tmnpo‘ulur'v. exposure, In rain. sitting in u draught. unscas-onubla sub- stitution at light for hmvy Naming. :m‘ fruitful Games: at colds and the 1'0- sullantl «ugh 5:: perilous tn porn-ens of weak lungs. Among the many mfi- dicines fur )n'onchiul disorders so m‘ik- ing, thor-e is none holler than BiC’IxH‘S Anti-(Lcmsumptivo Syrup. Try it and lgvecmue convinced. Prim 2-5 com-s. _- --_. ... nu; h. fifeâ€"jot; Eclhfort than anytnil‘ilghz. Ethel (sobbing)-“()h, dom‘. flisuppwn‘t‘s of ammo. and Fm he will stw(:1fmljinully in dl'h'il away!" Maudrv‘filo isn‘t lu'uln him, B M?" lithe!â€"~“.\'u. 11-0 1; ammcy of him!" .\ wife may pay lilllc allantinn to her husband‘s x'mnm'ks‘ in general. In”. she‘s more Ihan alrcnlivc when he talks in his “(01). All women know what It is to have viulont pain: some take one thin" and some another. Our advice is, 'ca place “i‘ho D L " Menthol Player over the seat of the pa_.ip : it will do mm. a m..- ...\ . .......t__4 AL , , An Inheritance of weak rungs handicap, but Allen’s Lung Balsam first signs of a. cough will ensure in this dangerous defect. Don't trifle \ cure-ans. ”111111111111: ()131'11 (.1'110 i: 11 sm‘cific hr 1h11 11111101111 111 0111-11.: 11111! \1111L:.\\1\ haw 1111\1-1' 111111111 «1! ils 1111111111 to 111‘- 1110\0 men the \1015! kiind. Tho man who 1‘; :1 true friend, 'Er'k him all the I‘ills haw IX'GH k1101111 to 1111111f 1021M when all olhm- soâ€"wNed Ix‘mcdit‘.‘ 111110 failed. 'J‘hflso asserlmns can he s11bslnr1liatvd 11y mam \\hr1 haw mm! [m hills. and 11101110111 111011 spvuk 11igh~ 11 of 1111-01 qualifies. 'l‘hoy Never Know l-‘ailuvo.â€"~Ca['Pt'ul -JhsCi-\'ati-m1 of thc rtt‘cch‘ of t’urmeleo‘s \‘t-gotulsnlu Mills has shown that they act immmliutoly on tho dismisnd (Jl'gilli‘ uf lho >,\'stmn and stimulate them lw healthy action. Them may be caws in “‘hll‘h the disease has D9011 long SLflled and duos not easily yield to mv- diatne. but even in such also; thvsc “I give you :1 fortnight in prLeon." he snid to (h:) avcusod. “fur stealing tho g-«.<’n<u." To the pluianf he said. :‘I give you a fortnight in prison for not leaking uflcr yom' geese." and fuming Ln H1» wilnoss. “You shall haw a fort- nighL in prison for not. minding your own businvsa‘." Tho mngislrulc turned to the “i!- nose. “What him» you to say?" “Please. your high mighlinosw. I saw {ha priwnvr .SE-aul the muse." “Primnvr. wlml have you In say?" “l"‘.<'-:xs:". your high mighlinesm 1 did mt, steal 11w goose." The magistrate then delivered the. sentence. The maglslrulv. gorgeous in n mag;- nillccnl Magyar (.‘OslullK‘. rvcclved him cordially. and sent for any case which might li’ll‘ aux-ailing trial. A glgmnc gmdm'nm in an immense mvlmd hat ushm'ml in a prisoner. u plaintiff unu :1 \\‘ilnoss.' 'l‘hc prismm- was uccuwl n‘ Walling the plaintiff‘s gnaw. “Well. sir." said Hm) muglstmtn m the act‘usvr. “what have you to suy‘!‘ “l’lcusr‘. your high mighlinosx tho prisonm- stole my goose." Sudden [ransmissdan from a hot, in The working. of juslim as recorded 1") Maj. 1-2. (1. Johnsuu in his “Tim-k (:i the (irrm-oui" wow :1 ii'iiin crruiiv. An Englishman was travelling in u wild part of iiiuigur)’. and anxious in Sf't‘: iiic institutions. of [he country. iw made an application to u town “magi-‘- ii‘uto. asking to hear how justice was c0 11d 11 c led. Zam-Buk heals sores, cures oczenm, skin eruptions, ulvvrs. ringworm. itch, barber“ rush. blood poison. .hud log, salt rhoum. abrasions. abscesses. cuts. burns. sculds and all skin injuries and dismues. Of all siores und druggisis nl 50 CC‘HIS. m' from Zum-Buk (20., ’1‘0- ronlu. for price. 3 boxes for $1.25. Zuni-Bulk Cures Piles. That there is no end to the healing powers of Zam-Buk is being demon- slrulcd every duy. Mr. Julius Glacier, of Denbigh. 0111.. was tortured day and night with blind bleeding pilm, so bad that. he says: “i could iind no comfort. standing, silling or lying (10M). and was unable to do any work. One day my eyes rested upon a little sample box of lain-BUR. i picked it up and road the \vordm (IURES FILES. i started using lelll-Blih’ that, night. and before i could purchase a lm'gn box I was uirrudy cured. and HAVE NOT BEEN ’l‘llOUBlJ’ii) SINCE. You may publish [his if youwish for lhc licnoiit‘ 0! other Milli-revs.” This is only one (if im- nmny cases when} an-Buk has healed piles when all else lulled. Why do you go on suffering when such u splendid remedy is near at hand? water ma'y Remain in them. alcuu “)1“. nv - n...» i; was there I saw a man go up with 8. small Iota on a long string. which he lowered into the trunk of the-(ragjqnd which he drew up again 11111 'of water tn drink. He. [did- mezthe water was GUCCI mid {was perennial." I mention this to show to what depths holes in Inc-es may go and the lengm of Lime great fork. As I was wondering w_hy _A-.m TORTURE!) DAY AND NIGHT. [SS ['13 NO. STA'I‘IONARY. NO P.\H'l‘1.\LI'I'Y. .poinls out our faults yet. “1- would like to same. weak rungs Is a. seflons ,_._A, n . . gm; [3.1155131 tukéxxlt‘ tho xll ensuqe Immunity 1mm Don't tmfle wnh unknown 07. our. {nlhm‘ I Fm afraid driving him ln'ulzll milh Ho borrows .' oust: which A gigmnc mvked hat plaintiff unu 1'. “'1‘: mw‘rwork or dm nwcd lhmugh mats.» o: in living. '1le [equir- no testimo- nial. Their oxcollout qualities mo \\ c'l known to all those \Vlm haw 115ml them and Hwy mnmmml lllvnwl-lvml-n «lppeplics nml lllosc suhjod lo 1:111:11}: nvs< who are in quosl of u bvnuliciul modicint‘. A Purely \‘vgelublw l'ill.-[‘m-nmlcc'.< Vegetable P111: are cmnpuundm fmm mots. herbs and sum oxh‘uch of knuwn \‘ix'mo in tho l:'(‘:11111{31'1l¢11‘ liwr and kziJnoy complaints and in giving huw lo lha system whelmr onfeeMtxl by Misi ICnOxvâ€"“ch. 110 mm checks were )ikv Pussay [coyly dulighh Mow. that's Laying it w MN: Knoxâ€"“Yes. he 1 “mt loo." If n mun \\'anl,~‘ [u Cnm'incr‘ his \\'i That he is a genius he must do U dux‘ ing courtship. “3’s: a pity that tho \vun‘nn whn knows how to xmmugc :1 husband now:- lmd mm“ and 11m ‘1' will haw. Mirrors are a nuisance in the house of a mzn whose face is branded with eczema. His own reflection sham.” him. Let him :umnint his skin with Waivers (Serum and purify his blood with Weave x": Symp‘ ITCH. Mange Prairie Scratchns and NM)! [qrm of comugious _Ilch on human “1' animals cured in 30 minutes by W01- ford‘s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. field by all druggists. Pale. sickly children should use Mo- lhor Graves Worm lixerminuhur. Worms are one of the prim'ipnl causvs -.;! suffering in Childl‘i‘ll and :‘lwula‘l L-v expelled [mm the system. The mom]: is the part of the human body that has Hm groulast natural tou- deucy 10 hcul in «use of injury. Feverfilo Curse o! the Trogics- In the slow and tedlulhl rocqverie's frum t is and all other (Manse "Forronm" u the best tonic. Remem- bcr the name, “ FERROVIM." This (in-Insion was lxolmd Ir: Htc BIS!- iah uuiimritios. “in: paid kniir Mm:- rx‘u'l men and other \wrkvrs zf'unut double whui they mid Um w! I‘m-:1. ,\:_ 211ng from 111.95. the imimm F4'Ii13il!‘]\‘(1 that having I'ecoivml dulllfll? Hm unv of a while Soidim‘ 0120 Mack mm! h- worlh two 'l'hnmas' Aikinws I! is “my In understand in these rircmmluxu‘xs that the British authorities (H'v' quils right in regarding the silu'uim‘. :1: wry serious. a mark Hum, thc a9: many wm-k; themselves. When the Door War ‘1lrzt'lnlt; they leaked for it»; conclusion within u month at the what. but “hon the cum- puign h‘ngthened into thnm uais inn last re spect for tho “hih ”WM and snomvd at. him. using iinn’ (hi: ism logic. They i'omonmi that iwlhlq- \\l:-. [00k thrr‘c yours M (1.2!. tin/ugh with a “'(‘H‘k Hunt they, 00111;! hnvc- finished in or impis sent against H1r111. 'J'}: o Bums “on: 1erru1'lod I» lhv 11.111105 pur'licul- am» the 7.111115 as z1 11:1!11111 «11' 111115;- g:11‘ts.\\)10 \muld 1101 stand for :1 “wk bc'nrc thmnselws and “1141 \muld 111111 proxidc :1 mouthful {111 the British 1111111. owIi».f:;-- ‘ 7;;‘1‘ , ‘11. ‘ “Maw TORONTO 07mm 321-8 Chili; St: W. 11 Colhomo St. ‘23 Sum St. Tm years ago a black rising on :1 serious scale would have 12-01: lynx»;- slblc. The natives regarded Hm Ill-i!- ish us a race of invincible whites. who could pr:,unplly blot out any number The proachexi: came from Amarics. They won! first in Liberia! and ”11:21 spread 10 the torriforim south of the Zumba‘si River. They are doscrilwd us negroes who have absorbed most, or the vices and few of the Vil‘hlt‘s at tlw while races. The (-1196: of Ilwir wm'k ha: been that. tribal hmlililirs~ have almost disappeared. all the tribes unit- ing in one purpose. ‘Luu Jvu “u ubvu muse FIRE-PROOFâ€"liter- “Oshawa.” alvanized ally;nand “grid-groofâ€" e333; smges youtrggllg, actua y; an ig tningâ€" ¢ . ("PW “0 . proofâ€"positively. That’sthe hundred-yearroof! 31,3553 81mph“ dung 3°“ h” And that “Oshawa”-shin§1ed roof will be "Oshawa” weatherâ€"proof for a century. We’ll GUARAN- is practically one sheet of TEE in every way for a quarter-centuryâ€"from never needs Painting- now till Nineteen- Thirty-Two. Guaranteed in writing for 25 yearsâ€"and you needn’t ever paint it, even' That’s saying something, isn’t it ? - What would .your mill-man say 1f you “Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles ar e GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty-Five Years Ought to Lact a Century quarter-million digital,â€" gggrnnteed in plain bah, wzthout any ifs bats, for 25 long a: u, . e argument in - . '. anutshell~eostthme asked hm}. to guarantee Cedar shmgles for even 33 W°°d.' 3}“3‘3193? fi’e‘pmqf' water‘pr‘e 1“" ten Years? He certamly would make remark“ WWW“? my em“ to Put on; and evemflle best cedarâ€"shingled roof fiH'-’?5§’G1gflzpuh* FWD “1459:2wa ;?%MJ :1 ‘ . badlyJHSideof tenyeatg-fl'k'x"§-. ,‘t I .: ... J, ;. '.. e . . . fly: Wm it .W ,1 cost to :0: . ., ,. ,. ‘u . Wfifihefilak tféq“ “4”” It“ - - "‘ {gfigfies Sr‘orkandrorlm mqgey, I 1me‘ 1t rains. 0 W06 - ‘ _ z ‘1‘ "'P . 7 _ ‘ ‘ shingled' roof is fire-proof for 'a, ‘ 7 . .. lenty of facts that concern, your - . _ p‘ocket-book come t9 ofi £36011 mmute, and the first h1g1} wmd £9“ 381‘ for our free 1:, “8603:; thequesémiemaehmglg: do 0!‘ .3133,wa3‘5 “rd . Em ‘0 Ethiopian Moxement Stirred ['p by American Negroes, \lnrms England. , There is an American (nd to the threalen'ed rebellion in 7ululand “hick ‘L' (if co‘nsidcxablc inuxulzmco. IL is assellcd by those “1m lmou the slum. lion well that the uprising is part “I You can put on a roof that Will #A'Pi last a hundred years and be the right kind of a roof every mmute. Or you can put on a ten-year roof that will robably leak afterOthe first rain hits it, an keep leaking till it IS rotted away. Either roof will cost you about the same in money at the start. But the “Oshawa"- shingled ropf, will be AFRICA FOR THE BLACKS Could nut ho 1h goud as he actually suifi lilo,“ roses." MM ighlod‘,‘â€"â€"“Uh. (“l m‘. it on pn'Hy Ulirk.‘ ho lwnurkcl uloul ingl shlgfleâ€" “Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty-Five Years Ought to Lact a Century h'lvnd (:11 1w: om .ugh ‘ .g.~“‘-:r’// ’/ "" v9. - . .. ":1 .e *Pserahfl Peovfa: a. 0i Oshawa ageim A; the 0‘! Hubs In. Mm Pain Hubs Out.~.\ppliv~d to 11:0 seat of a pain in “NY part. of Hm body the skin abuts lhu walking MnEnu-nt under hrb'k Mr;- |34m and flu- Dzment ohiuéus almcst in- slant h-Iir'f. The results of the use of Dr. ’l‘homus‘ liclrt'h'ic Oi] have surpris- ml many who were unacquaintrd with its qualitins. and (mm known it will not 1w rejecied. Try it. Shiloh‘s Cure Cures Use Shiloh's Cure for the worst cold, thes‘narpcst cough --â€"1.ry it. on a guar- antee of your money back if it doesn't actually CU RE q uicker \\'hvn iL comes 1-) fishing for onxm'li- mems- some [maple have a good line of tuik. Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY The 1orx'iex' pluckily rmhod UPC-n ”“3 beast and worried it so much that. the lion was cumpellod. to turn upon us lalrmr-nloz'. This gavn [he Ina" an OP‘ [-m-lunily 1:) reload his gun and shoot. Um lion. dumd wilh a bullet through its hx'uiu. . Marsh was conveyed to a hospital in u svrinus condition. ' ~ cailunt. ii. the lion lvapcd upon 31:91::xnuuled knocked him down and 50““ . him. Heroic. Fox Terrier “Saws Lite oi Mas- m in South Africa. fl “3:: A story m; a “(‘l‘Oill Micrue‘t. smed its masters life b “attackmg a'n' maraged and woundvd lion comes from Rhodesia. While out. shooting at Lomaguhdi- 3 Salim-”panned Marsh. accompanied by .1 fax h‘ex‘rim', encountered a line male Ixm. A rifle bullet rolled the huge brute over, and/it lay. 10 all appear- ance dead. But as Marsh approached '7 27 different patternsâ€"from the genuine “ ACME” self-fastening skates, to the . 1. Made 111 a variet} of styles, from the plain ’ , metal to gold and silver plated. There are Christmas gifts galoreâ€"for men and women, boys and girlsâ€"in Starr Skates. Write for 'free copy of 1908 Skate Book so you can see all the new models. The Starr Manufacturing (20;, Limited f 27 different “ACME” s 2 ”metal to gold and Christmas gifts gal :.. c knxvc 01314 (Y1.Y'1C ““1"”. MW did you gr't on‘ at your «L iJI)]H‘Ill’212|C-+,".7" askvd :1 man «of a Wild win 1::111 jus! jninr‘d ‘Hzn thmh'i- x1 ‘1n'ulhssfml. “0h. 1 gut. on well mush." \\'u.~. Hm xw-nh’. “bu! l (“uldn‘t Central location. Abaut tez‘i thousand square feat In four floors and basement. Exceilent shlpp n3 faciiities Standard Fire Sprinkler System. Low insurance rate; BRANCH OFFiCE MURRAY F. WILSOE, 81 Adoiaide St. West, Toronto WITH Power, Heat, Electric Light, to Lease for 3 Term of Years. FACTORY Igh." \\'u.~. Hm r091): “bu! mff half quivk enough!" DOG ATTACKS LION. I’Ifl I Y. Fmdélléééndiaifiifi' 'E‘ §E%“"§;.pr9%whawa .. Galvanized Steel Shingles -ten feet by ten feet. Compare that with the present price of cedar shingles â€"- how does it strike you T And you canGput on these “Oshawa” alvanized Steel Shingles yourself, eaeily, â€"â€"with no tools smps. Simplest thing you know wrong. “Oshawa” ' glen lock on all four aidesâ€"whole roof is practical] one sheet of double-gflmued' am] never needsypninfing. that for @a-é than anything you ever tried. Safe to take.â€"-nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of sucéess cdmmend Shiloh’s Cureâ€" 25C-’ 50‘?” 51- 315 DARTMOUTH, N. S. CANADA. ya) Yet cedar shingles cost §ou just about the ‘ ‘ Osmuwa')3 'price ofth these guaranteed ~8~ ssnuud's'a wmfidsu Ear? Skaias For Christmas And GUARANTEED- don't overlook that. Gnar- anteed in writing, over the seal of a company with a quarter-million ‘cflpitgl’._ unrunteed in pl;in English, without any ifs 01' buts, for 25 long years. a léutshelw tie ' ‘ - ’00 . W3 ~pmo rust.- $8.830??? IEasier to yut on; _and I; ’Ehetié‘m Oshawa ' proposihon! W62 y,roo,adm'n ten y‘u digujnliat it.w 1 cost t9 roof 1 @5455 90:1: and for less mogey, EPlenty of facts {hat cchcem“ your " ‘book come t9 06:33:31an as 5332;; for_our free gook, “Roofing rocKeu-book come to of: as shonas ' ou ask for our fréé k', “3503,: light.” ‘14. (pas; card will do on. -. “'.‘ h.- 2 q 0'. ”nugget-r you ask m: M (“ed BI!" would look WWI-yo: If no u!- If mix: your Lou-u. 'riu dim Lreu. Balm An old bachelor says tha’. same wo- men mam; {or the purpose of «Mama ing a listener who can’t get away. Hoâ€"J‘I make it a rule to never speak unless I know what I am talking about.“ Sheâ€"“That's a sensible idea: but aren‘t you afraid of losing your voice from want of practice? Gold pens wei‘é first madc- in IS Their sale to-day is a million and half a year. - onaâ€"Jrâ€" but madman â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" for 111mm! book-fled. It m (an calm and direction! In- 1:1qu 1 a. WINDSOR S PPLY 00.. Window-.05!- General Amos tor m BRITIBI‘I AMERICAN DVEINO OO- YOUR OVERGOATS 23 TORONTO. ONT. (LYNICAL. ‘1 will name lurk he rcpcate¢af1m~ mg which ‘hesc 1h his; Maui. “and 1h was suflicicm gm stamped u, But fisheraxs dealhbed. n! 1.2::« for sohér reliv- back [mm a go: now manna; >0! tile “‘1". 'Nk' ' themselves. and the uflvr NEW" 0' eigbhi‘n 2L3: bacheh- c! if “MINT (‘43 then” hii ”1 eyes Inn «A. in jhe shaL-‘z' have .9: cry person; “in I am to do \' mongnls 9nd rétalkrs, :im ing grown 1;; ixnagLnodzi .~ {0 hi 5 for tuning y premix-0d 1.; likely k"; be : ‘1 “-3" Amy“ a few. hon dined to and time. mind .. :r. t then x l k sham uko he: i: J! léyc', ‘ Andcnts'sn s oortainly v Men car-r; To h-uw- great grid with mi- w- in: an ux: lady. seem. yet. what ‘ wok her r. sent quart' Iho 3;: m: (ion ‘ sudde until could suppos' so “'OL abrupm again 31 Ieve! (I house; nc not like A in” lad: mg reflex-aha: No' he cert Sort of gm! 3 table Lame} even his mot! by invitah‘on. icnh‘on 0! int: The naive war then gave him a finally brought h of the serious res Mrs. James. “You wouldn't your house," '1!- tbemsch'us in hi: km reflex-anon. Cwe um predomj increduxuy and 1.’ over her lace J‘ou will like u like a girl like CHAPTER His thoughts 1 Ike present by l __ “If”: have pro} H0; V0 twmnm T! It .9’ VOL. 154

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