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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 10 Dec 1908, p. 2

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OCTOGON MILLS. MILL- ‘BROCK. --â€" Having leased the above Mills, I am p epared to d0 "Chopping and Kollmg; also bxan and shorts and co ”5:: grain ; teed 'mr sale. A mal solicited. Sat- 3a'sf'action guaranteed. W. , \V. EVANS, Proprietor. . Mr. Robt. Ruddy, K..C,, of Mill. ii'rook. has purchased the law practice. librarvaml good will of‘ :Mr. George demson, K.C.. who; Jms for many years conducted a );w 056: in Pcterborough. - . .l er. Ruddy will continue the prac- filec formerly carried on by him had at the same office. He wxll be \- alcomed In local legal circles and plso as a citizen of Pcterboyough. I P-RCVICW. we understand that ‘ix :5 the intention of Mr. Ruddy to Tkaepa competent man u: charge a! his Millbrook practice and will letsomiiv visit here, on cex£ain days") the week, The Mirror joins in wishing him every success imhis new fieid, and no doubt with his many year’s experience he: fi’if‘ralain the large practice 'pfqu. E‘emnson in the (hry of Boxes Magic Lanterns -Collar and Cuff Boxes Teddy'Bears {Gloves , Toy Banks j Bibles Such games as TenPins Methodist Hymn Books! Table Croquet. Los i.‘ Presbyterian “ Heir, Dominoes am Fancy Baskets all kinds others. ,. Playing Cards PERFUMES 3- Ladies FancyNeckwear I Picture Books i ZMens Ties and Scarfs Mouth Organs ‘ Picture Frames Xmas. Cards ',.‘W.r_i‘tiing Papers Xmas. Post Cards “Remember GRANDY’S ' when ChOosing Your Gifts. 0‘. 2.111111 111- 1111111 1 1111111 111 THE LITTLE FOLK ~ Beautiful Chinaware ‘Dolls at all Prices Manicure Sets fi’x/Ius?:oal instruments ‘ Work Boxes 112301111 Furniture - l 1 o Carriages . 1.91.16” Sets ’Mechanical Toys - Mihtary Brushes ’Toy Pistols "' 010th BPUShGS 'Pop pGunS ‘ Glove 85 Handkerchief Pocket Knives Boxes Magic Lanterns Collar and Cuff Boxes Tedg'dy Bears fGloves Toy Banks - j’ Bibles Such games as Ten Pins Methodist Hymn Books! Table Croquet Lost _‘ Presbyterian “ Heir, Dominoes and Fancy Baskets all kinds others. . Playing Cards PERFUMES Rev. \V. C. Kelth, of Peterboro,who ‘5,ch g mad the I’xcsl))1criaii congrcga «ions on the occasion of their recwt ‘ amchrsary schICcS, chne’red an m- lgirrcsting addrcss on “India,” itx‘ life ,customs, and II! ust tratcd Ins rcmarks by appropriate and beautiful Views. Mr :gKeitb was a Missinncry to India and 1 is We" up in his subjcct. The church _ was comfortablv filled. The proceeds wtfl be devoted for the cause of Mis- Dr. T. H. Hassard, formerly of 'Millbrook, now of Markham, has fixiled from GlangW with a big :shipmeut of (,lwiesdale stallions :anJ fillies. They me said to be a very >uperior lot, and horremen generally are mtcustczd in the _shiplucnt. “It Will pay any ambitious young penon tr) read-em page 73, the now advertisement of the oid establighed. ('onmcrcial Subcol. located myths nty of Pclerboro. The \\'|}lttr‘tcfln .opens Ianuary 4th. Help to make it a happy Christmas for your friends by giving gifts that they will appreciate. Our stock comprises all that the heart could desire. Below is a list of a few, but by no means all : A MERRY CHRISTMAS '! Millbmfik flaws. Savings Deparzment of The Bank of Toronto Head Office, .Toronto, Canada. Omemee Branch : J. B. L. Grout, Manager. Millbrook Branch : H. A. Sims, Manager. Every Branch ohhis Bank ._ ~_‘____~_ Aw“ 7 has a Sav- ings Department and the managcr at any of these Branches will be plcaSed to assist you in arranging your banking. YourAccount SO} Therg is Hg Delay (1?; ficuity about opening an account and the money may be withdrawn whenever required. Accounts mav be opened for sums lalgc or small and interest IS added to all balances every three months. “CitCLL Incorporated 1 8 5 5 ACCIDENTâ€"Mr. Elms Jones, of ’ Gaxden Hull, met with a painful acci- dcm about two Weeks ago, which laid ,him up for a few days He was re- } turning home on hmscback With a par- '86: :11 each arm, when Ins horse was 'frightcned and stumbling threw Mr. ‘ jones (if, Hz: 15: on his shoulder which was pretty sore for some days 1 but we were pleased to see hlm able to 1 com: to town last Week Wednesday is the day to get yoiir I yhoto taken at the Morton Studio: fMilwmok. Do it now. Delays are‘ I dangerous, 1N ”HIE Mr. J R. Fitzgx-rald has moved into Mrs. Gunn’s Imuse, which was recent- l)‘ vacated by Mr. Lon Larmcr, The Local Optima By Law, which was passed by the 'l'pwnship of Hope about thrcc years ago, wiil again some Up before the eicctors for its cndors men: on the 4th of January, x909. Christmas and the holiday Season will soon be here again. just two wceKs from to-morrow. Advertise your Christmas goods m The Mirror and watch rr-mlts Wmter has 5": m m earnest. The first good sleighmg being on Friday the 4th inst. Mr. E. Dodds 1ch for Port Hope on Monday, aftcr a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. l‘cudry. Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn Thoma, of Lindsay, arc spcnding a few days With Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. \V. 'l'homc, Mill- brook, The many friends of Mr. Robert McMahon wnll be pleased to learn he is 2m; rovmg m hcauh and was able to come domx “:uwn on Molndny Mr. R \V. Clarke was in Toronto, Monday. on busim ss. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pue, of Fraser- villc, WC c guasts of Mrs. jas. Fair and the Misses Fair, Sunday. Reeve MchII and .Dep.-Reevc Kelly, of‘Cavan, and RCCVC‘GIVCH .of Mxllbrook, are attending County Coun< Cil at Cubomg. Mr. Harold Horner,.osznds;1y, was .in town on Tuesday. / n a Miss' Lee; of Bethany, .whs avlsnor in town last wcck. "Mr. \V. E. Pearson, representing The: _[as. Acton Publishing Cc», Lim- ited, Toronto, grwe The Mmtor .a call on 'l‘ussday. .Mlss Pcznl Bell returned to her home in Pctcrboro on Monday, after a plcawnt \iSIt with Mrs. 'l‘hos. G:llolt Picture Books Mouth Organs Xmas. Cards Xmas. Post Cards and banking business IS Try T. J Lang {or Snag Proo.‘ Rubbers. We are the sole agents for Berlin Rubbersâ€"the BEST Rubbers made. We have a large stock of horse blankets and robes to pick from. \Ve make all our own harness and collars. Anyone I having trouble in getting Collars to fit their horses, if they bring their horses we will take their measure and guarantee perfect fit or they can return the Cullars. {Good stock of Boots and Shoesl lalways on hansl. Repairing will l lbc pxomptly done. Communion, and the otTcrtory. Anniversary services wrll he held in ’St. v'l‘homas’ Church, Millbrook, on Sunday next, Dec, 13th, at 10 30 aan. Land] p.111. A special feature of the occasion “'lll.’ be the dedxcation of the beautiful chancel flurmslnngs presented b) the congregatzorl wasa memorial of the late Re tor, the Venerable Arch- deacon Al e-r, and consrstlng of ‘Altar, l'e eJos Bishop’s Chair and Scdllla for the Clergy. The choir will render <nucxal nunic at both serviCcs and will be :.ssrsted by Mr. Sills, Tenor of'l‘rin- rty College, Toronto. At the evening rew'lce :1 Serum of Praise Will be given, in which Mr. Fred Waterman will also take part. The Venerable Archdeacon Warren wrll preach, and th-.:re Will he a Celebration of the Holy Great preparations are going on- for the'Ncw’ Ycar's l‘lrncrraimncnt, 10' he held under the auspices of the Mill- brook Mcthodist S S. on the H'ening of'}an. I, 1909. The program willbe the-best they have ever given. The reports of ulficers and trustees showed the arch: to he in the Very best shape financraily. ‘With 145 members on the Roll. paying a month- ly premium of $165. The average on a $1.000 policy for the past five years at the age of 34 has been $8 16 per annum. Insure ynur life in the Home Circle if your want the best. Mberook Home Circlc, No. 6, bald lhc‘ll’ regular. mccling on Dec. ,7lh,‘.at which {he followzng officu's were elected: Bro. J N Hicks. ....... Past Leader “r (Eco. 1.0%.. .. . . . . .. .. Lauder “~\\’altc~r Mitchell. . . .Vicc Leader -‘“~ (I A Duncan . . . :Rcc. Secretary “‘G E Burnlmm ........ Treasurer " ~W-m Archer. . .. ”Fin. Secretary “ R EStanmn ........ ¢.Cl):mlain " "i‘ W‘ G Wlliiamsvn . . . .‘-Marshull --“ P McKnight ........... Warden “ Ruhr. Nurse ......... . . .Guavrd “ C R Lowery .......... Sentificl Bros. Dr. 'l'urntr and I)r..Bumham Mcdiral EXM‘DIHL‘I‘S. ' Cavan South? Circuit. Decemhew x 3, “ 'l‘cm pen-ance and Moral Rcfmm” Sunday. 'Carmcl,~SLmday School AH- mvcrsjary DcCcmhcr 14. A large number of our citlzem have installed telephones rccesmvlyv .Thcrc are over fitjty in town now. Mrs. \V-m.‘»Sne1g-rove and son, Master Kingslev,c£ Peterborolugh, were guests of Mr. and Mrsé'W. G Pendry, last week. 'Mrij. 'A.".‘Vavnce,r- (5f the ‘Nilson, Lytle, Badgcrow (Io , ~15 takingT his vacation. Mr..Vnnce does not go on the road again till after New Years. Mrs. (Rev) \V. P. Rogers and son, Master Raymond, returned on Thurs" day. alter a pleasant \‘lSlt 'witl) hr! parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson, at Dcscronlo. Buy your Scnbblcrs at H. Richards’ Read Byam’s and Grand)’ s :1st Mr. Tom Allen 15 holidaying .m town. . Rev. W. P. Rovers, B A, “'1" preach In the \[cthodlst church next Sundm cvcmnu taking as his subject “God 3 Gentlemen." A” “I” be made \qu- comc. A spccml Invitation rs :34than cd to young men. St. Thomas Church Anniversary. Mr. an 1 Mrs. Elias Jones, of Garden Hill. were visitors to Millbrook on 'l‘hursdaw. Mr. Kcrgatf Brown’s numemUS fxicnds will be Named to learn he: 1s Improving in health Miss Becca Fair, one of the popular and successful tczaclmrs of the Mill brook Public School, was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Puc, Frasu‘villc, on Satur- day Mies Ircne Raper in Kclls. Fowler 8: (In After the election an excellent sup per was served, and a number of Brcthrcn‘gavc short but Inspiring ad- dresses. I M lectlng (u' [0.1. N0 70, in 1d on b May last. the followmg offi- cars were lectcd: Bro. L‘Russdl, W. M Bro 'l‘hos Lcith, I). 7M. Bro J L Byam‘ Rcc Sec. Bro‘ijas Fraueey, Fin-Sccrctary Bro W D‘ Lcavh, 'l‘rensurcr. Bro I Richardson“ D ofC Chap. Bro \V P Rogers. l.écturcrs--Bros G Fowler and] Coats. Committeeâ€"W Rus- sgn, \V Dmmélly. W Lelth. '1‘ john- ston. N Olen. Bro J Coats. 'J‘ylcr. Scribbler; for ONE CENT at Richards’. =0. c. R McQUAnE. Pastor. r is now clcrkmg {0’s usual specml 'Ect Officers. . $8.90, At J. STEELE’S. A 20oyear, goldfilled WATCH, with Ameri- can Movement, for Nice selection of Cut Glass. Silverware and CHINA. Wedding Presents, And a. bunch of good Luck goes with all of them. The Rev \V. H. Vance. Rector of the Church of the Ascension, 'l‘oronto, will deliver a lecture on lonpl‘csswns ol the Pan-Anglican (‘on‘rrcssx in St john’s church Cavan, on Thursday evaning the 17th mst:, at 7. ,o o'clox: k and m St. l‘homas’ Sunda) School Room, Millbro‘xk, on Friday, 18th inst, at the same hour. There wxll be a collection to dcfray expenses. The Rev. Mr. Vance was a delegate to the great Anglican gathering In London, England, and many mll be pleased to hear the impressions of an old Cavan boy and one so well and favorably known in the commumty. Lecture on the Pan Anglican Congress. In Millbronk. on Wednesday. Dec 9th, 1908, to Rev. and Mrs. Alcx 'Allcn, a son. 'In 'Cnvam on Monday. Nov! 30, 1908, to Mr. and MD. _[as. Hutchin- son, a son. a DeCeased was born, on the 14th Concessxon. of Cavan in the year 1836, and in 1857 was married to the Lite Thomas Shield, who passed away 18 years ago. and since his death Mrs Shield has resided with her son, Mr. C. ll. Shield. 'l‘wo sons, CounCillor ‘W. R. Shield and Mr. C. H. Shield, and. two daughters, Mrs Jos. Best of ~Em‘iiy and Mrs. l’orter Gray ol'l.inden Valley, are left to mourn the loss ofan‘ affectionate mother, .and to them we extend heartfelt sympathy. “'l‘here fell upon the 'hOUSe at sudden gloom, :‘A shadow on those features fair and thin; ’Andsoftly. from that hushed and dar- ‘kened room, "l‘wo angels issued where but one Went in.” (l‘he mineral on Wednesday to l Shield’s Cemetery was largely attend- ed. Rev. +1. 3V. Mounteer, of-Can nington, a former pastor and Rev. Mr. Quinn, conducted the servrces in the Methodist Church and at the grave. The casket was covered' Wit-h beautiful flowers; one wreath with the word “‘inother,” placed there by the sons and daughters, conveyed their sorrow better than many verbal expressiom. Mrs. Shield was a faithful member of the Methodist church. She was al- ways ready to lend a helping hand in time of needâ€"both in acts of kindness and in words. l "‘50 He givcth His beloved sleep." ‘ Her children and her gramichildrcn shali rise up and call her blessed.” On =Mcndany0v. 30th, there paSScd mm): at the home of her son, ‘Mr. C. H. Slucld. Mount Pleasam, in the per- son ()f'lilizabcth Rutherfordyone of the oldest and most highlyxcspectcd resudcnts of the T0wnship of Cavan. The qiidtll‘l'nihfl'd virtuns of poor (‘zuurrh remedies slmuld read the statement nf J. R. Smuh, of Lake Stu-nun, NB ”In (Wurrhr-znne hp {mm l,.an-aban!ute cure and am 5: "Law -\\‘imer~nu' little girl of eight cangh cum u-hivh luduml In her ears in tin- fnrm of Untarrb. Sim l-ecume sick and deaf and nuthinu helped. Bx inhaling pamnhnzuxm sham): relief and gradu ally the discharge «en: auuv She was cured 'perfevtly 02 (‘amrrlu Per- smmllv [can recommend Cratarrlzumzne for coughs and throat irritation: It’s a wonderful: medicine.” Sold everywl ere 25c. and $4.00. Engagement Rings, WEDDING RING S, Several neWs letters are una- voidably held over txll mxt Issue. 'lhe anxar on indav last, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid was a lug success. the pro- ceeds ammmtingr to $170. Full repout next week. Messrs. Brown. RevnoMs and Benny, 0! Port Hope, were out fur a rabbit hunt on Thursday. A number of our leading sportsmr n accompanied them on the chase, after Whfl‘h our local hunters were entertnmed by the visitors at the Queens. Mr. R. Graham. of Mt. Weas- ant, gave the Mixror a friendly call yesterday. Mr. A. A. Smlth Barrisrer, was in Port Hope on T hursday. Messrs. John Tlmrne and \K m. Little. of l’cterboro, were in town yesterday attcn imu Mrs. Slum’ 5 sale. A new departure was YM'WMGCI in the work ml the Mlllmnuh 51271361787 Sundav School when early In the fall a 'l‘enrhers 'l‘rnlnmg CLxss wts crgamz- ed by the pastor. The class has grown until it nnmbum ‘almut thirty mem bers It IS taking up the course m’ <tudyauthnr12ed by the International assetriatlnn and recognized bythe asst) (:iatinn in a diploma granted on the completion ofthe course. On {\lnn day eVenmg last thirteen candidates wrote on the first part of the worK. Hurlbut Parts I and II We wish them all success in the enterprise The LateMrs. Thos. S‘meld. PROVED BEYOND DOUBT BORN. W. R. N. SEARPE, Vice Presldcnt A. J. FALLIS‘.. Ladms (specially mvncd to attend the evening matings. ‘ All \\’clcome. No Charge. Meetings ml! brgm at time announ- ced. J. ARTHUR VANCE. An effort Will be mad; to have am nais at the aftcrnoon uuet ng' lenonstration purpOSc-s. ,_ -V “ Clove-r a: a Fcrullz::r.” 'Manurc, Its care and application.” “ Cattle Rais‘ mg ’ "The Bleeding of Heavy Horses.’ ‘ ~log Breeding and Feeding.” ' Stable Venulmi In.’ ‘Houschold Convenienc- es and Bcautlful Surroundings,” ‘Farm mg as an Occupauon. DUNCAN ANDERSON ml} speak on any of the followmg subjccts : ‘Suil Cultivation and Rotation of Crops.” “r‘ll\1'uu~ n. n la‘.,.u.l... -5? .n1 Disc-asc.’ and her of Cattle Homes ” SUBHCCTS : I)R.I*1.G.l\{Cll) “1H dehver an addrus: (m an) of [he [ullomnu sub- jectsut cmh n cun‘g “J‘Dhc Influ- chc and Natural Laws on the Breed mg Of 1.1m: Stuck.” “Humc Brecdmg.’ "(,‘arc and Feeding 0! Homes.” Dr. H G. Reid. Georgetown, and Duncan Anderson, OriHia. 'Ilicsc "Liillcnieii rank high among the best men in Institute work HM) have had a Wide and vaiicd tXpL‘HCHCL‘. in work of this kind. IHKCFC'SIHI“ and iiislructnc aJdrcsscs may be expected. llic above mtchD'VS will bL of spLCial value to all iiitcicstcd iii Af'iiculuiir. EVCH boss “ill iiiid iiiiiLli (if value zii: d pioi'it in the ziddicsscs. S. S. Hall, 'l‘ucsday, Dec. 15 Orange Hail,1\lundzly, Dcc‘ 1.30 p.11). l‘own Hull, 'l‘ursduy, December 1511), at 7.30 p.111. l‘own Hull, Monday, Dec. HQ ”Md 3... till; “hit.â€" U 15' {W .n H3143 3 [MERE-13 (ill. To have his tuvnnto (-nrn rtvmred on Dun’t have c0;nn,â€"uure tin-~11) wit!- I’mnam’s ('nru Extractor 'lakes 2-5 Inn’s-4m painâ€"00525 at (planer l‘r} will be held at tlu: fullmving places: Putnam's SPEREKERS : 1'! at Dar-hand. S. Monaghan, ‘n (:0: Toys fm X37: Pontypool, Hones Foot in Hcahh and ” “Care: 0f the Brood Marc Foal.” “ Parunicnt Diseases :"’ “The Training: of Young Milibrook, Bethany, All kin H. 31831311951 Sccrclary 'l‘rcasurgr :35 at Presldcut. 14,:1t 7V3 at 1. Ln I4, live {01 at You are flawlessâ€"no energyâ€"had digestion-irritable nervesâ€"everythix-g seemes wrong. You‘re getting/wow“ Stop it to day. and u-urmiae'y bv building up wim l‘v‘erroznne. It’s a fond tonic-suppliers nutriment and Immune matwiaIâ€"qive \vs-ak organs und exhausted nerves me fitrength they require. With Formzmm von . at. more, digest more, get falter. Vitality courses through yuur veins, the fevlinu ofynnth predommates. vim. strength and heairh returns for good. Naming rejnvinales and rnfltores so quickly and nurmanen'lv as Ferrnznne Ynu're try it to day. .300. at. all Centers. l “Umll three years ago I was the pic- ture of health -t.hen I {wanna what ’penple call Nouraslllenlc‘ lurvw sleep Eras, Wurried.‘ lvc'ku] wxll power, {aft great physical t‘migue exper enced fears and lelt nlvav s in dun-” of s nwtlnlnu nnlnown All the time I grew thinner an d weaker, felt no net vons that I felt the vnd must be near. 1 No medicine helwd. em'h one avenwd ‘u new disappmnnnent. Then my duc~ tnr Pugun'ed "FurmznnWâ€"it um a furtmmte ulmloe lwcunsel imprmed at once. lgaiI-ed “eight, enjnwd my meals got a better culnr, forgot my nervous fears, Hm “av Ferrnzmw built me up 18 Eur risingâ€"H nm 'e a new man of me and no“ I lupk furuaui for manly \ Pars h. m mw " ‘ J Y. “10110sz ("lav-chant)l \\'131nln';:ton- I Ferrnzone is a nourishlnu tonic that strengthens, lane: 6, builds up, ra- stmes sickly mmple to lwall‘h. If you feel pnnrh‘, let Ferrnz'me help you get wull. 50c per b~»x, or six buxeszur $2.00. at all dealer . Astrong man almost died. grew thin weak and Rervous A. rcmarkabie recovery. LGST HIS NERVE Because of 1ts guperior Quiéditfir. Try it and join the Tm‘ong of Satisfied Cufitomers. Tth, is a; Raason CEE‘TW” Ems; 23a for SEER?“ Seeded K; (Zmrzmtsâ€" i’v e: â€"-I\'ev Tt'il ‘ pL'C Coff â€"â€"A l’xck‘cs, C Milk Chocolate, Choc Fu'ige, Walnut Crc-un;, .‘sl?x‘xxres, 623., c{ \Vulnuts, 81::le Nuts. Almonds, Film-r15 anJ i’mnuts. Phone Orders attended to promptly. Phone 13 YOU FEEL BLUE AS INDIGO FOR SALE ONLY Richly D«comtc<., Ne 5: Designs. Modsrate Pnccs Fomu-r Customcm of ll.c Onlalio 13:11.}; Branch will be accnnmmdalcd as hrnztof'mc. @DEAN, W CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,400,000 REST : $11,000,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS : 159,881 TOTAL ASSETS I $168,001,173 Branches at a” important Centres in Canada, and in London England, New York, (Thivagn, Spokane, erico, and Newfoundland. fi'Evcry description of 3 Banking Business transactedfgfi Millbrcck 0138:1011 s'nsâ€" hc st 76 rteul‘ C stmk {0' QMANAGER. £11113: C C k E ran ch MILLBROOK STATION select ‘x’alv‘ncias. 3 lbs. for 25 Cents. -â€"-l:cst qnuhtv, nvw steak. 1-) .::. 3:5 4 pm' age. 'ctl\ clr-zm and frrsh. lnc ‘k {0! the (‘hristmas cooking. 30c. vnd of Iz-x’ira an] (‘ex'km at 25c. bended (0:11!) at 2553 . jam, Cunng a! Goods, Toasted Corn Fldkes, c. h -»â€":9 w Us » 35H? the people would rather have \7 '9 A \nrierv BOYS AND cums] Est. 1817. $r’ég’9? %%-$%~75% €15 Rev. Mr. johnston was in Pet- nrhom on 'l‘stdax’ evening at- tending the Presbytery meeting; He attemlwl the La man’s Mis- s10nary Banquet in George St. Methodist church in the evening, where one of the largest and most representative gatherings of any in . the history of Peterburo gathered to partake of refresh- ments, and to hear two of Toron- to's leading lawyers. Mr. I. A. Patterson, K.C.. and Mr. David- son, K.C- Pcterbqro pledge-d themSelves to give $6 00 per in- divulual annual}; Io Missiqgg, % BASKET SOCI.»\I.,â€"The basket socifl of the Svason Will be held in the Town Hall, Cavanviiic, on Friday awning, Dcc. nth, undrr thc auspices ofthc Mclhodist Church Choir. A good program has been arranged for the occasion, consisting of Song, Chormec, Readings and Dialogues. Everybody welcome. A cordial invi- tation is extended :0 Ladies to come and bring baskets. - Program to begin a: 8 p in All Ladies with baskets admitted FREE. General admission 10 cents. The {‘1 nmversary of the Presby- terian church in Beihanv last \Iondm' evening was one of the best in the history of the church. George St. Choir, Pcterboro, sup- plimi the program. Revs. Adams and jones of in.- Mcthodist church and the Anglican clergvman of Bethanyand Rav. Mr Johnston -;avc briefan'i helpful address“. Doils, ( V Knives, \Vatches. mt wxil picase the Thursday, Ike. «7, 1998, 1 pica of the Epworti: Lcague progmm has been arrang‘ oomsion, CORSisIHI: of 501‘ uses, Readings and Dialogue open at 6.30 Program 1) p m. Eveq'body Weicomc. invitation rs ¢xtcndrd to Want! hnng baskets. .‘ with Baskets frcc. chcraé :5 cents. OPERA HOUSE, ()mcm Dec. 25th, 1908. XMAS. N Best Toronto Kaicnt: Dc: (‘omic Singer. Mic» Beam Character Costume \‘ncahs: personator. Harald Rich, P Acoompamst. Chairplan, ii Cottingham. ROM. Tick Bro. R, W. Wilson. Door Bros 5, P._ Mills and Thosf!‘ fishes, Bros. L Moncrlr! Quads, A. l. “'iihamson am A Imiwiou, 3o Ccnls. Donn 7, Curtain at 8 (‘nme amt huurs fun. Committee: Ev: be! of the Lndgc. I;O.L Na Annual Con Mrs. I. A. “'xlic has rclu} afterspendmg 3 «ed; «M: a In Tomato OTdt'tS for (rht‘ ”on ‘Canadlan Hairyman‘ um “'ofld,’ (:1ka at L A. “W. 'l kings arc- bnghtmm‘g up Come out and Scc the Christina good: bad: g} to buy. Come and buy _\01:: [resents early, oniy {th'c in winch to purchase. Cox first choice. Mr. and Mrs (7. Much Pctcrbom on Saturday. Mr. Michael O‘Hunntn LIary were“! Yciczhzno 5;: Mr. and Mrsli L. Ru fascinate on Sazurday. A mcctmg (If EI\iIL'C}'< '45 held a sizurt 1i;.: 3;: V' hoped 3 g or damn I chasérf'wll .42. b: in, t-r‘a‘ understand the ma}. {:32 opened. - , Muss “'auicsc u.’ Pctcx‘nm Ing her slsicr, Mrs. lingers, Mrs. J. “I “'65! {S a dd: Woman’s Irsfilutc (Tom Gnu-19h. this «eck. Several fncnds from were in town Mundav. Mrs. and “15: Mdirca m Hrs. I. C. Eaton, Torouiq. Mrs. Sutton and 833::- arc Vl-itmg thaiious i2: '1 Doctor «as aiso mac 3: wedding of Mrs. Sutzc-n‘s L Mr. Monica is gmnz 0:: ed tour to I‘clcz'bozo and 'f The High Svhoo! In” St! tattoos for an “A: Home” A on the 22nd inst. The Public Schoo! wE cutand Exh'buicz. on inst. The Presbyterian Sabbl till hold a Chflvtlllas (to! meat on the turning ol the: A media: of delegatd (115de appoumucncs m :1 win" cucuu. of mind! m congregation forms ouc, m1 day and dcadcd to formui the Rev. Mactariand (u b permanent pastor: \1'c uzl dale, auou will! ugit on [11: dcman at an all} date. j Mr. I. A. “'3'“: has choice lot of hockey stick; aclcaed by a. [tofcssmual 5'. Beavas imcsugatc. Mr Anderson has disp. imported hOK’SCS which I): I McLean’s stable and lb: open for ran-J. Slctghing is :plcndxd am enjoying it. The uzcrcury 2 dcgrccs bck-w on Suturds Mr. {01m Boyd was Omcma: this chk. on $1th and as a prcac young in years, he as a pn ms that be {S to prcach Sabbath was very wclcUz; who hard him last. onEMEE " g yHYSIClAN. ogs'rm'mcu TEACHER. Piano and The Pupils prepa'ed ‘°‘ 5" Terms M043“: Read {he Nfi'fiSifii‘ m: 11 win pie; OMEflEE N Basket Soc at Bethel on the

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