ton was in Pet- !av evening at- bytery meetmg; La) man’s Mrs- in George St. in the evening, the largest and ive gatherings of ry oi Peterburo ake of refresh- ' r two of Toron- yers, Mr. I. A. and Mr. David- crbqro pledged {e $6.09 per in- : Io 351553995, ll'x‘ures. :., c. )1 Pcumts. FLU..â€"The baskcl r. W!†be held m the amine, on Friday F under thcauspicrs ‘(Thmch Chain A ybeen arranged for ‘Psistmg of SongS, gs and Dialogues. N; . ‘NAGER. 10h: s: was one of the try of the church. w, Peterboro, sup- m. Revs. Adams Methodist church :an clergyman of v. M:- johnston alpful addresses. Qufality. Satisï¬ed my of the Presby. in Beiha nv last rd in Iondcn, erico, 400,000 000,000 159,881 3,001,173 . A cordtal invi- ‘o Ladnes to come Program to begin Idies with baskets Scncral admission Emu-s, \Vatcbes. AI will picase the ansactrd rate Pnees. ranch will} be om 1".“ Res, c. t have . Phone 13. EES SOD OPERA HOUSE, ()mcmse, Friday Dec. 25th, 1908. XMAS. NIGHT. Best Toronto talent: Bert Harvey. (‘omic Singcr. Mis» .B'catricc Lillie‘ Character Costume Vocalist and Im- petsonator. Harold Rich, Piamst and Accompamst. (Thmrman, Bro. W. R. (bitingham. ROM. Ticket Agent, Bro. R, W. Wilson. Door Keepers, Bros 5. P.‘ Mills and Thus: McQuadc. 'Ushers, Bros. L. Moncnef, J. .50- Quade, A. I. Williamson and 1'. Rice A EluiaSiOll, 30 Cents. Doors open at 7, ("umï¬n at 8 (70m? and have two hours fun. Committee: Every' mcm‘ ha of tbs Lodge. ,, .V , ~ n"“’ ... I pm. Evefybody welcome. A cordtai invitation rs extended to ladies to come and hrmg baskets. AH Ladies With Baskets free. General adnnssion :5 cents. be 'nez'vi at Bethel on the evening of 'l hursday, Dec. [7, 1908, under aus pices of the Epworth League. A good ptogram has been arranged for the occasion, consigtmg of Songs. (Thor- u5es, Readings and Dialogue»:- Doors open at 6.30. Program begins at 7 Orders for "HR: Home Journal, ‘Canadxan Dau’yman’ and ‘Farmmg “’orid,’ taken at L A. '\\“'yiie’s. Read 1113 New 81m in the Miner. 11 will 11132152 v03 Came and buv vour (‘hrislms presents earlv, oniy twdve more Cass in which to purchase. Come and get ï¬rst choice. Mr. and Mrs. G L. Rusk were in Ectcxbmo on Saturday. 'lhmts are brightemrg up for Xmas' f (0132c out and See the dlbl+$"s 0 Chmtmas goods before gnu urthcr to buy. \Vorid,’ taken at K, A. '\\"yiie’s. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mxtchcl! ware in Pcterboro on Saturday. Mrs. I. A. Wylie has rctumed home after spending a week wizh hcr parants In Toronto Several {ncnds from Mt. Pleasant were in town Monday. Mr. Michael O’Donncll and sts Mary Were in Pacrburo Saturday. Miss \\ attic-SS of Pctcrbcro is writ ing her Sister, Mrs. Rogers, Main St. town. I Mrs. j. \V. Weir :5 a dclegate to Me Woman’s Institute ( onvcnuon in Guelph, thxs weck. Mr. Morrison is gmng (m :21 extend ed tour to Pezcrboxo and Toronto. A meeting of Hoc' icy ent‘uzsiaits 'JS held a short {Luz ago and It is hoped 3 fl orginamtmn of puvk CriasErS’wn an be in pracucc. Ye undcrstaud the rmk mil soon be opened. Mrs. and \IIS: M tjfrca were vismxw Mrs. I C. Eaton, iorontu. last \scck. Mrs. Sutton and Baby and Maid are v1~itmg relations in 'l'ummo. the Doctor was also there attending the wedding of Mrs. Suttou’s brother last Week. The Public School will hold a con- cut and Exlï¬bxzicu’on Enday, 18th inst. 'l'hc High School ml! send out invi- tatxons for an “At Home†to be held on the 22nd inst. Sierghing is splcndld and many are enjoying it. Th: uecrcury dropped to 3 dcgrccs below cm Saturday. Mr Anderson has dispuscd of his imputed horses which hc kcpc m Mr. McLean’s stable and the budding ls Open for rcntaL the: Rev. MmrFurland {0 become their permanent pager. We understand a dclcgauou WI“ wait on th: Rcv. gcu- llcman at an early date. Mr. I. A. Wylie has «:03de a choice lot of hockcy sticks which Wcrc sclcczcd by a profcsszozml stick handler. Beavers im‘csugatc. Mr. Io‘lm Boyd was a vxsxtor to Omcmcc this Week. A matting 0t Gclcguws â€0m Inc Mere!!! appomnucncs m the Prcsby- (crian leCUIL of which the 0:: cmcc congregation forms one, mat on Mon- day and dcmdcd to formuKnte a call to Read R. ]. Mumgan’s new adv. Remember the Grand Orange Con cert in the Opera House. Umcmrc', on Xmas night. The best chr. Wylte’s new adv ml! Interest you, Wvlie’s for Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars. \V 'Iic’s for Xmas. Presents. The Rev. Mr. Ducknwrth of 'I'oron- to, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sabbath and a: a preacher. though young in years, he 15 :1 prudxgy. The news thathe Is to preach again Next Sabbath was very Welcmne t.) those who heard him last. The Presbyterian Sabbath Schoo‘x viii hold a. Chrhtmas Tree entertain- ment on the evening of the 24th inst. A meeting of delegates from the :31? -r , ANNIE W. IVORY, TEACHER. Piano and Theory. Pupils prepaled for Examination Moderate. Terms I Basket Social Basket Cod Sin.- T11: King. Sodal of the season ml! Having the largest assortment of Toys and Xmas. Goods, SANTA CLAUS has now decid- ed to make THIS his Headquarters for this season. J. A. WYUE,PE11:L R, If the girls and women with what. think is “FPm wmfld lo. k to their kid 8001- ï¬nd the source of the The kidnms are closely the female organs. and if 01' the kidneys is interfere. sufl‘uriuu occur. There medicire than Dr. Hamil! "my sfhnnlate and atra km'mv“, assist other New" "UF’S “‘0ka chars“ H50 "'“Whv nminhin purfw' '1 “""Fï¬! :11.) ('Prhlin cn-Pni.‘ !- r all women who use Pills. m .hnrthand or Busmr Yum 'umr "Hihk‘ if Yukt‘ e-sr'lhihizc-d and H imhlr s: lctr 'l'mm bvgn‘s Ian, 4th frcc. British .\:nvri(‘nn I legs. Ccntrui Y. 3'. C. :7 Toronto. [I \a i. ' dnwr hrnuk F€{}'H‘EC l\\o S's-1s, Mcssy‘s '1‘ C. and“’. G. Stephcnxou of ()mcmcc and fuur daughters. Mus» Stephenson. Mix: Annie and Mrs R. _[ Adams also of 0111cmcr‘, and Mrs. Dr. Smith ()3 St..:1:ï¬'v111c sun-1n.- 111'1‘ to mourn tin loss cf an afi‘rczuvnulc and dcvom' 11.0111:r 'l'hc {11221-131 took p‘um- from Christ (‘11urch, O “16.111113 on \\'cdn1c.~d::v Dec 211d at 2 p m . 1111 as 1112gv111111r11<1 On Monday evening, Nov. "oth, at hcr rcsidcnc-c in Oxnemcc thcrc passed to hcr ctt'rnai rest and reward Eliza \Vorrch, rchct of thc latc 'l‘hunmh Stsphcnsun, j l’., 1133! 78 years. For many years Mrs. Stephenson was a reaxdcnt of ()mcmcc, respected and hcluvcd by all who knew hcr Bum in thc north of Ireland shc preschcd those truly Irish characteristics of warm heartcdmss and grncrusiiy which cause their fortunate possrssur to in ichalcd by all with whom they come- :11 contact The dcath 0f such an on:- is always fclt to be :1 dhtillCt persona} loss to each lec :n the who}: can;- mnmty. _, For many years Mrs Sti'phr'nsnn was an :tchvc and dcvutcd munhcr (n Chriat Church, Omcmcc. and was up to 13m bcginmng of hcrhzst illness (Wm 21 year ago riusciy ith-ntiï¬cd With thi- woxk 02' thc thnnn's Anxihnry, having scri'rd for a long mm: in the: capacih of President with uhihty untizcal. Hur place as a “'13:: Cuunscilor and faithful worker in the church cannot math!) he [ï¬led 02-1 Mon by memng a Xmas. Tree and Entertaunmcnt Consisting of the follow:ngzâ€"Addrcmcs be the Rev. ]. M Wimclznv, Rcv. Mr. Quinn, Dr. 'l'hnmpsnn and Mr. Johnson of Onw- mcc. Aim) Ruadfny, Rccit‘zzi msand .\Iuslc mil In: gingn by the School. EVc-rybudy Wclmmc to put gifts on ChrLtmas 'l‘rcc. .‘\~']Hli35i0n 25 Cents CMklrcn 15 cmts W S. GRAHAM. Supt GEO .-\j.~\ MH‘ZSON. Scc-I'rcus. Christmas Tree and Entcn: will be held undcr the alh‘piCC: Mount l’lraaant Methodist School on Dec zoth and zlst On Sunday scrmum will he \m ounuay scrnmm will he preach Cd by the Rev. J. M. \V'hitdaw ()3 l'nrmxm, at 10.3oa.m. and 7 p.m (fullsrtions in aid of the Sz‘hool. On Mon by cxemng a Xmas. Tree THE .EELMENTS OF WOMEN. 3701‘: (NU \nwrimn Businm‘x’ (, V7 3'. C. A. Buiidn rs There is no UPLIer Dr. Hamilï¬on’s Pills,â€" a and atrmmtlmn the other organs to do Na luau-1w the vaem an“ nin purfwc! haul“: Grew h-in nn-P is "nanny-19m nd women who suffer nk is "P‘s-male 'I‘rouhle’ 0 their kidnevn,thm"ll mrce of theinin-henlth. are closely allied with we. and ifthe nmlitv is interfered with. great u There is no better ': “an . ’;ll~'l!1t'<s mil bring if fnkrn at Our “M imtyle- svhwx! “7n.- 'an, Cumhrune k p‘uco from Christ on \\'cdnc.\d;:y Dec 1 «a; largo-1y attend and Entcnaimncm (ha: klll\'})iCCS of the Methodist Sunday OMEMEE. Iu and good ha» wing us the in- va ugguiltun’fl PA YNi lat gest By a. spar-int nrranuG-ment. with the Home Juurlm! uf l‘orunm, we are In a pnslliml to nï¬â€˜er this high (slams home magazine in (to jlrnctlnn will] the Mir- ror a' a price that must amwal lh all lax-ms n? um-tl rémling l‘hn Homc Journal has nlremh .1 “Ida (circulation l-llrnnuhnnl (‘anatla and is fully dem~ mmtratizxg the {not that It (muht not. to he hex-esgur» In an nnmi'le nf this (mun. trv fur Ii'em'nn- ul‘ this class. It is wholesnnm, funrlvss and linen-sting “inâ€; fund of valuable infnrnmlinn, stories,1llnstratmns,etc., set forth in the best, If mpnuruphhml stvle. 'l‘he “nym- fur October " 'l'hP Little Apple Gatherer,†’5 l)’[|'0:ll nf atnrdv (‘amul- ian childhood In mlvlitlnn tn a swtal and a numbernf shmtstnriea. there are imeruatiuu articles on "The Milk Ques- tinn †"“nhWh‘s Wnrk at. the Fair" -- the W (' 1‘. U and its Work." Mam it! F2l"l|i0‘ 9. 9‘" “’9 an uh?“- tn ufl’vr this magazine with the 'M3R730R mr «me year (m â€,.“- snlm‘t'r-lre's Ulll‘) 1H â€10 pTlCH 0! 3| on, l’rmwnt snhsnrllmrs mav secure mp nnnw .lmmml lw paving: arrears to 'hp \lirrnr and $1.06 in allvanra 'l'hin nfl‘er will nnlv hold good, for 30 days. Send all «Valera to (v. ,w. lill‘HAR‘l)S, v _. MT {-1 Hyman 1h» entire Kninm and [’yvnMy ï¬rm-Hun. ml nitelnn' emulnes “,9 -. .5: (â€rum 0] Rheumatism In just i‘1.'la\'\?-‘IP Thin miXInre is said to pun-v» 3H anl dis-adv": and rum thr- Rheumatism by forcing the Kid- nm s m ï¬l'b» mm] mm" {rum the Mnnd and a Hem Yul uriv arid and me. (:e- «n mp Hr“? \\':I§‘,B mut'nr. which (‘ansa â€new "ï¬ll-stumps ’l‘r_'; it if \‘nu aren’t weâ€. \Uu'r 11.9 prr‘m-rfplmn Paris is Full cf Them. and Ne rly All U53 Earisian Sag-e. In {he Xmuutv R}: ow at the metro'. 01's twn _\ vars zgu * mm \leamxl's “en- a“ ard- ud to the different. Women, In the “(‘S‘. ltaunml Woman ['8- hwen 20 and 25; between '25 and 311; 30 and 33; between 35 and 40 and be- huwn 40w (1-15, A soc-x l)‘ ropnrter who interviewed 1!] ï¬ve \x'umen in the llllf‘rt‘ï¬ts of his papers, reputed that :1“ «1! them had hezunilul hair, and that each n! the the amhnmusiit‘ulh' attrihutml her luxur- mnt hair tn Pd'is‘HAll‘ S‘Lgn. A. Lew-h .w-H-s Parkman Sage for 50 cents a imm- imttle. He guarantees n. to cure Duznlrutf in tun weeks; to stop falling hair and itching ofthv scalp. ll‘ulkt‘.‘ zmv wmnan's hair beautiful, Suft and iuxuzicm. Hm: is “simple :rnme made mixture a.» giwu bx nu eminent authority on kuhwx' qllsmn-eu, \\ hm makes the 8mm mentthur it “'1†relieve almost. any case-m kiJney trouble if taken before me slaw of Bright’s disease He rtle‘S that such symptmnq as lame hack, mun in the side, frequent desire m nriv u'e eszmciulh‘ at night; painful and din-ulured urination, are readily overrun)" Hare, H “w recipe Try It: Fluid Extruvt Dandeliun. nne~half nnmr -; ('annpmmd Karc'm, one ounce; e'(,m;..n~.v-zi 8 run Suraap rilla. three num‘vs. Take amuspountul after each meal an! m bedtime. “‘6'! Sum“ n drumzist here in town ‘3 :{tflh rifv that [hum i-mrwlients are n†h-1rqu9â€"s an“. (Ensil‘; nï¬xwl at home lw shukins “PH In a hwtlhm l‘nifl IIHX' twro ' «q u pu‘nllnr hfla'iuu and Ennth. An Exceptional Offer Two Papers for $1.00 P, O. DraquS. The prosperitv of our ('unnLrv de- pends on the farmer and as in trndes, the akfo . man 1):- .dmes {he nwst: nd best, 80 the .4: mer, who studies tn know the uh}: :md \x'herefnre nfhis farm (:gwrutin-m, \\"H in time reach the Lip 11: Idrm pruduclinn. The value at“ r-nr Agricultural pro- dmrta is sv‘mn :lmw greater than thall- nf unr threats, eight times greater than that nix-Hr mlm>s,:1ml Milieu-en great- er Hmn Hmtnf wur Fisheries. Mr (‘. Free Courses in Agriculture, at Lindsay. . u “.4 unuvvuu surfaces and hence ares catarrh, no matter where loaned (21‘ what stage it may have reached. In N 9.531 Catarrh it ls well to cleanfo the passages with Dr. Sklge’s Catarrh Remedy fluid while using the "Diseover â€as a. mnstitutiuual rem. edy. Why the “leden Medical Discov- ery†cures catarrlml diseases, as of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic organs will be to you if you will read a booklet of extracts from the writ- ings of eminent mcdical uuumrities, en- dorsing its ingredients and explaining their cumlive properties. It is mailed free on request. Adam-55 Dr. RV. Pierce, Bufl‘alo. N. Y. This booklet, gives all aha ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce’s medicines from \‘Vlil"h it, will be seen that they contain not, 2‘. drop of alcohol, pure, triplereiined glycerine being used ins toad. Dr. Pierce’s grout thousand-page illus- trated Commnn Sense Medical Adviser will be sent. free. pzxpor-lwund, for 31 one- cent stamps, or (-lotiLhound for 50 stamps. ’ 8 Dr. Pierce as above. YOU MY E1}? NEEB IT NOW. JTIFUL WOMEN. Millbrook, Ont. m Commercial Hausa -- RESIEUW‘H OMEMEE. . .~\l] kinds of Soft Drinks Oysters, am] Nice Warm Lunches wm be Sel‘W‘d during'fthe Hockey Season. Svurcli over the whole glnlie and yun'll not ï¬nd the Pqnal of Nev-viline an aching tooth it relieves at lmUP. Fill the cavity with batting dippel in Nervilme and rub the Emma with Ner- viline also. If the lacs is swollen and sore, bath with Nerviline anil tlien hind mia lint flannel. 'l‘hib cm't fail liemuise Nerviline kills me pain out right Just as good for earnclie, lien ralgia or stifl' neck. A 25m. brittle mf Nerviline cures the aclr's of the wlmle family. in it. . PAINTS, OILS, HARDWARE DRY GOODS. “‘GROCERIES‘ W. H, CUï¬EY LEADER- IN ‘l‘h's ifw v... lwannful and sweet,â€" ln Memfllu ~ the-rs made annulment,“ “thug! slum, may lye n: counted lung Set I Mlm n thm of a Eunu; Nu unridly greed, no.\\ivke~lnpus, w sun ulai untes of lhankfuhneus, " .. mnvr Ugh! of love divine " be m rim-I aim slmll shine. In neuveful paths. or tronble’s strife, Amid the changing scenes of lite. l'he sunlight. ofa unulling face \\ Ill make this world a. better place: When love has taught in brutharhood I‘lm happiness of dning unnd, We’xe known the purest joy indeed If “e have blessed another’e need. 'l‘lmngh evn minds may wrong devise 'l‘o cloud with earthly spite our skies,' However others may lmnsgress They cannot lilch our happiness: ‘We pass this way hm. once," and an We’ll make lile’s transient pathway glow With laying kindngsï¬ â€œ Lile we may mll ane’a‘ inner light am! warms ma ennl; Filled with‘tlle peace baymld «animus The heart aces beauty everywherr; \\ llnin the. grace of hleesadneaa Will never leave us cuml'urtleas,- No nutwurd Influence can destroy The rudiunce of that inner juy. When paths are smooth and flies are bright, , ‘And happy hearts are gay and ï¬ght, Amid the almslune and me ï¬rm-erg How Mensa!!! is this like of nuts!- And yet. “a 1mm our nunny SEEMS May bend o’er homes where Boilow Rea; What ff): 1! we the art possess To Comfort othera' wretchedness. When c. ‘nnds and tempests round {:3 :3 1' others juurneyiug this “ uy. The Omemee Fountain Pen Writes Well, and Sells for $1.00. lll Ol'tlt‘l‘ to etit‘oziragv shopping at home instead of sendinay iwu) fox zt single thing. In .tdtlition we stand remlv to provide nnï¬hing 5p: ( ta! that m n he “unto l. anv vl guarant 3‘30u entire satisfaction. (Llos: Inning connections Will) the leading manu- facturers and importers enzthlc us to meet everv possible re qulrcment at rcasonal/le expense, and give prompt service Those who Scnd aw»); to the big mail order houses run the riskol disappointment both as to goods and deliveries with very little chance for rcdrvss if anything. is wrong. ‘ Quality for quality we can sell as cheap as am'one, and you know picciscly who you are dealing with. R. g. REE); 4LEGAL Courteous Attention T0 CURE TOOTHACHE :hiï¬lSiiY} 35 Goods Stick to your own Town and do youi‘ Shopping at Home. meanpriemr. THE INNER LIGH l' We are carving Larger SICC h Lhan ever of really M urea re! Scott Ha! I. WouH you like to hays a sample copy of The Farmer’s Advocate and Home.Magazlne?. ~ the Best Agricultural and. Berna Paper on the American (‘m-Hnent. No pre- grersive farmer cnu nfl'urd to be with- om. it. Only $150 per vear. Drop post card for free Iample copy. wageH'ts Wanted. A ddress: Or anything that requires the s rvices of an Auctioneer, Samï¬l’e " Copy Free. “TEE FARMER’S ADVOCATE,†Hemion tlus paper. London, Ont. GEYE J. H‘ WILSOE‘L Write or Wire for Open Dales. Prompt Service. SalLsfacti()u1 guaranâ€" tccd, J. H. w._‘ Hynmai (prononm‘ed HuzhvormP) is mwlimned and antiseptic air. You breathe It inm the lung! through a sum]! pocket inhaler and its soothing lllï¬llelit‘fl as it passes over the Inflam- ed membrane of the rcaplramry tram, stops the mucus discharge, alinya the inï¬mmnannn and the cold is cured. A complem Hyome! Omit. casts $1.00 A Leavh wiil refund your money if". fails to cure. William Guest of Ayr. Ont, says: 'Bnnth’a Hymnei has proven to be a most satisfactory lrentment for nasal cMnrrh and hrnnchlnl trunble I have. .lnclomd cnnsl‘lemhly {or these tmn‘ hlen and consciennoualy saw tlmv nnHliuL' «aver used has given me such quick and lasting beneï¬t us this relne~ M. l huvs lnmul it especially good Papal-inllv good fur cnld in the head and cough I am very glad to endorse Hymnal a: an article of uncommon merit.†Why nut twain all this? Why not reliava your mud in ï¬ve minutes? Why not cure it nver night? You can do it by using vanei, the sure and gnar amend vnre for colds coughs, sore throat, catarrh bronchitis and asthma. hem Coughs, Golda. Sore Throat!‘ and Hoarseness by Using Ryomei When you catch cold you want to uetrld of It as quickly 3- you can You don’t “ant to Ila around the lmnsefora week swallowing nausea- ting drugs _ \ f You Want to. Sal The Mirror and Family Herald to january Ist, 1009, for only Sâ€"PEEIAL A CHANCE; the Leading Auctioneer, 41 Ward St., Port Hope, IMMEDIATE RELIEF. IMPLEMENTS, FARM STOCK, A FARM, FURNITURE, MACHINERY, A HOUSE 8: LOT We have made clubbing arrange- ments with “ The Farmer's Adwcuxe and Home Magazine," of Lnndon,()nt . and are able to make a. price of 32‘?“ for The Millbrook and Omemee Ahrmr and "Tlxe‘lrmer’s Advncute." the twat agricultural and home paper on Hus continent. Toronto, Out This sn‘nnnl stands to-day without a ‘UMrmr m 111:: Dvmxnmn. Nearly all “Queues ("Wm to be the bust. but claiming to he so does not male me so. (icl Our Catalogue. Read H {mm cover m cover. See for yourwlfwlmt â€"5 COHege 1s doingand the advan- tages it offers. ‘ W. J. ELLIOTT. Prmmpal, ‘01 Yonge and Ah'xar‘dcr Sls‘ Our price to subscribers in the L' S. (M 'I‘he errur’ and "l‘he Adm-cate’ is $3 50.Owing to the increased poatage rate. ‘ Mr. Wm. Btcrs, 196 York St , Toronto, Ont., wrxtes: “I have ‘ great pleasure 1n recommending your Oxflonnr. \lhcn I ï¬xst 1‘“ the instrument I was suï¬'cnng from Smalica for about four months, and alter apl lying l! for ï¬ve weeks it left me all at one: and have not been troubled With it smcc. I can Inn ,4th recommend It a: a wood famlly docwr, and would not be wuhout it for double the pnch The genuine has the name of 1):; 1i. 5.1ncl2c 8: Co. plainly stampï¬d in its metal pans. , / 364 wiii curevyou. No medicine, drugs, electricity, mental science But a natural, rational method discovered by :1 WC“ known physxcian. ()nc OXYI)ONOR MU serve an entire familyâ€"one at a tune. It WI“ last a life time. and lhcrc Is no expcmc fllh'l‘ llic puxchasc price. You can apply ()X\"I)OI\'OR at home while you rest or sleep. No matter what disease you suffer with, nor how long 3011 have been sick, if no vital organ is irreparably destroyed. in all probnbiiity Winter Term opens .‘san’. 4th. Arrange now to attend the famous .lg‘rrtl. 5â€â€œ.an The Sick Made Welt EESESES Confectionery, Stationery, c. Hand Painted China, ï¬lm‘s? J. A. WYLIE, Don‘t waste your time an~l money (".1 clzcï¬p- ‘733:€T0VS~.CXP9Tiï¬â€˜Onta1 W Don‘t incrca~e at your own cost, your sudcriu, :; hy bung expcruucuicd on with remedim which they claim to have just. discoveml. But come to us In conï¬dence. We will neg: you eunscmutiousiy, honesu'y and skilifully. :mxl restore you :0 120.1111; [iv the 5110125: page. sxble time with the least. medicine, discumfnv-t and Firkin?" yumctxcable. Lech case is treated as the symptoms indicate. Our New method 45 o‘ gum and 1.5.5. stood the test fa- twenty years. . , H? â€â€œ3 mï¬s DR. H. SANCHE 7 34 ST. CATHERINE ST. West, MONT E1 We Euaranleela (lure all Gambia. 62:99 652 â€la-.9, Varicoeelo, Nervous Dehiliiy, Blacd Paige ens, ‘ééizzi Weaknesses, Kidney, Bladder and llri. .ary Elisea se_s, and all Biseases Peculzar la Elsa and '.z.:.;.:. Toys FANGYGOODS, CES'EWESQEE The Best Going. A NERVOUS WRECK Address Onlerneeg Ontario. Cor. Michigan Ave... and Griswold SL. Detroit, Mich. TOILET ARTICLES, Leather Goods, etc., ete THE .‘HRRUR, lmx 78. Milll:rouk, C .r'm. BEWARE C-F TE- ."ITATION S. WITHOUT MEDICINE. Write for FELL) BOOK No 9-6. OXYDON'OR for {Some Treatment SC: 843334.543: Quasi; RWOAISE‘. Treatmmt E E R .Icn 53‘“ Iï¬â€"s-‘u W‘ï¬ork Shap, New Won; and all repairs mil I). done satisfactory and at ramble prices. A share of the pUth patronage is respectfully 5‘ :‘xuizcd. Yours 'l'rvly, T. J. Parsons. OMEMEE, 0m; Mr. Edward (Brandy, 3 ï¬rst mechanic, is in charge of T. J. Parscns’StovM Tin E}? porium seam: L'SES R - BUST $2.1‘ NHOOD or faith cure. scxenctist and