ronto, took charge of the service at the Cambridge-st. Methodist church yes terday evening. Mr. Leddy, of West Ops, showed a ï¬ne team of carriage horses, which took second place in the Christmas Fair held in town in December last. The team which took ï¬rst at the fair, owned by Mr. Graham; of East. Ops, was expected, but owing to one of the animals having a lame foot, it was decided not to bring them to town. seen for some time. This horse was owned by Mr. McKinnon ,of Valentin. Mr. E. Stewart, of West Ops, also .showed a ï¬ne bay mare which, against its opponents Dr. Reed would not critip'ize. The other animals for ex4 hibition belonged to Mr. Brown, of East Ops. The hackney entire horse was of a beautiful build and one of the ï¬nest animals of its kind that the doctor had a crowded building of eager farmer listeners and the program was car- ried out and ï¬nished successfully. From 1.30 in the afternoon the stage was kept busy with harness horses, the ï¬rst being single dirvers and back- ney breeds, which Dr. Reed demon- strated and explained. The stock judging continued'dur‘mg the remaining part of Saturday after- noon in the Academy of Music before Close of the Stock and Seed Judging Courses SATURDAY SEES THE END OF VERY SUCCESSFUL EVENT. 'Dated at Lindsay, this 29th day of January, 1909. In my opinion the operations of the defendant are dangerous to residents, and should not be allowed to proceed. I do not deal with other matters argued before me, holding the plain- :tiff entitled to the injunction claimed by him and to damages, which 1 ï¬x at $20, with costs of suit on the Coun- ty Court scale. The township of Fennlon exceeded their authority, and grantee, the def- endant. is a trespaSSer upon the pub- lic highway and might, have been in- dicted for creating a. public nuisance. Brion: the Council of any township or county can take advantage of this ernaratizwnt. minerals must be found, and in this case there is no pretense that. minerals have been found when: the dofvndant is sinking his shaft, 0: any part of the highway leased him by the Council of the townsmp «of Penelon. m: 19, as amended by 4th Edward 7th, chap. 23. sec. 30, authorized the corporation of any county or town- ship in that. part of the provmce ly- ing south of the Thorah River, Lake Nipissing. and the River Muttawan, when: minerals are found, to sell or lease, by public auction or otherwise the right to take minerals found up- on or under any roads over which the township of county has a jurisdiction, if considered expedient to do so. 1 was reserved and was rendered on Saturday as follows: Judgment. Section 657 of the Consolidated Municipal Act, 3rd Edward, 7th chap- The suit was tried before His Honor Judge Harding on Dec. 2lst, Mr. F. A. McDiannid abpeared for the plaintiff Goodman, and Mr. Leigh R. Knight for the defendant, Parkin. Judgment Our readers will remember the trou- ble that occurred a couple of months ago between Capt. Jos. Parkin,‘ of this town, and Mr. F. J. Goodman, of Rasedale, as a result of blasting being conducted by the former upon a road- way with the permission of the town- ship Council. A stone propelled by a blast penetrated the roof of the Goodman domicile, whereupon the owner, waxing angry, entered suit for the injury, claiming unstated damag~ JUDGE HARDING RENDERS JUDG- MENT IN FAVOR OF THE PLAINTIFF. Goodman Versus Capt. Jos. B. Parkin JOHN FIJJREY have ever offered the Public Don’t Miss this chance to get summer supply. snap in Green and Black Tea. {he best value we Don’t Miss It ' Just now we are PAGE EIGHT. NEXT TO TERRY’S. ., D.D., of To- erculosis be introdu ci1.. 17. That the Gov 11. That there be communicated to the Board of Railway Commissioners for the Dominion of Canada, the opinion of the Council ently desired to at i of the 'County of Victoria question of providin that the Railway Companies should be indigent and other compelled to give protection to level the Province, and th crossings by erecting bridges or sub- tion Department to ways or by placing gateways and subject being taugh' watchmen. To the mind of the Coun- merits of our Public : cil it has demonstrated beyond a doubt and Collegiate Institl that even with the exercise of ordin- 18. That the reprt ary precaution perSons who have occa- County‘ in the Legi sion to pass over railway tracks c'an- be asked to urge “I gnot protect themselves, and no other merit the necessity 0 course is open than to remove the steps to provide insti source of danger by eï¬ectual means care of the large. m and thus bring about a cessation of cut and other cons the appalling toll exacted in the des- province for whom t1 truction of human life. of refuge. : 12. That the Government of the 19. That the sum a Province Ontario benrgedto consent to the National San to no change in the relations of the tion. English Land Oompanytotherv‘ii 20. Thatreportsas sional County of Haliburton and the namely: Children' s Province that will have the effect of North and Victi perpetuating the tying up of. the ter-Societies; F ponir‘A 10.‘ That a free pedlar’s license be granted to Mr. Archibald McGillivray for the year 1909. 9. That the sum of $100 be grant~ ed to the Lindsay Public Library, and the sum of $50 to each of the other Public Libraries in the County. 8. That the sum of $10 each be granted to the East and West Victo- ria Women’s Institutes. 7, That the sum of $25 each be granted to the East and West Victo- ria Farmers’ Institutes. 6. That a grant of $100 be made to the South Victoria Agricultural So- ciety, and a'grant of $50 to each 01 the other Agricultural Societies in the county whose directors ï¬le with the clerk and trgasurer a report of the year 1908 showing that the Society was in active operation. 5. That a grant be made to the Ross Memorial Hospital on the following terms, namely: The Hospital to be paid eleven-seventeenths of whatever amount may be required from mum- cipalities at the end of the institution- al year to enable the Board of Gover- nors to close the year without a de- ficit, provided that the amount to be paid by the County is not to exceea $1100.00. ‘4. That the sum of $50 be granted to the Hospital for Sick Children. The appeal of J. Ross Robertson, esq., has been read. 3. That tho sum of $100 lw granted tn the Children’s Aid Society. The application has been read and a dep- utation from ,the» Society haw: ad- dn-ssed the cmnmittoe. [VICTORIA Comm COUNCIL , ADJOURNED on SATURDAY 2. That the sum of $100 be granted to the Victoria Poultry and Pet Stock Association. The application for a grant has been read. 1. That the sum of $500 be granted for expenditure in connection with the Agricultural Department of the Lind- say Collegiate Institute, and that John 1. Michael, Peter Hawkins and Jos- eph T. Beatty, esquires, be a commit- tee to control and direct the expendi- ture. Mr. D. A. Mackenzie, the 10- cal representative of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, addressed the committee, and outlined estimates ot the year. On the general question of ‘the advantage to the county of the local agricultural department, the committee was addressed by Mr. S. J. Fox, esq., M.P.P., G. A. Putman, 0qu Superintendent of Institutes. C. A. Zavitz, esq., Professor of Field Husbandry, etc.. J. Lockie Wilson, esq.. Superintendent of Agricultural Societies, and William Channon, John 0:1er and Johnston Ellis. esquircs. REPORT OF FINANCE AND AS- SESSMENT COMMITTEE. To the Municipal Council of the ‘ County of Victoria: Your Committee have examined ac- counts as follows, and beg to recom- ck ‘ end that the same be passed, namely: County of Peterborough, share of repairs, Pigeon Creek float- ing bridge†.............. $55 65 John Carew, lumber 0% Scugog bridge ..................... 21 77 John Carew, lumber, (is Sugog bridge ............... 7 ........ 3 55 Edwin Brooks, cartage, Emily ; Creek bridge ................. 1 504 6. That a Petition to theLegislative Assembly be introduced to the Council in the terms of the draft transmitted by the Clerk of the County of Grey, for an amendment to “The Act for the Improvement of Public High- waysâ€, to provide for a. Township System. 5. That the communication from the Ontario Provincial Good Roads Asso- ciation be ï¬led. 3. That the application of the Town- ship of Ops for the use of the Stone Crusher be referred to the Controller. 4. That the communication from Messrs. Bowman Connor and the Ontario Bridge Company respecting bridges be ï¬led. 1. That the course pursued by Jas. Graham, esq., in having repairs made on Scott’s L.tidge, on the boundary be- tween Carden and Mara, be approved. The amount expended was $80.50, and a claim has been made on the County of Ontario for half the amount. 2. That the communication from the Clerk of the Township of Ops re- specting the West Cross Creek bridge be ï¬led, for the reason set forth under Section 6 referring to resolutions. I (Continued from page 5.) documents referred to them, and beg to recommend as follows: [get by effectual means 'care of the large number of indig- man be authorized t4 ug about a cessation of ent and other consumptives in the supplies and make th« toll exacted in the des- province for whom there is no place and repairs suggested. iman life. of refuge. - porch at the front ent 1e Government of the 19. That the sum of $50 be granted man is to have in min uio ,be urged to consent to the National Sanitarium Associs- oi the steps and platft in the relations of the tion. _ , event of its being fou Company to the Provié 20. That reports as follows be ï¬led, rebuild them to have ' of Haliburton and the namely; Children’s Aid - Society; ed of concrete with a will have the eï¬ect of North and South Victoria Agricultural extending to the escort: the tying up of the hat-Societies; Fenelon Agricultural So- ot a street pavement. 18. That the representatives of the County' in the Legislative Assembly be asked to urge upon the Govern ment the necessity of at once taking steps to provide institutions for the care of the large. number of indig- 17. That the Government be urg- ‘ently desired to at once take up the question of providing for the care of indigent and other consumptives in the Province, and thrOugh the Educa- tion Department to provide for the subject being taught in all depart ments of our Public and High Sehools and Collegiate Institutes. 16. That a petition to the Legisla- tive Assembly, in the terms of the draft transmitted by the Canadian Association for the prevention of tub- erculosis be introduced to the Coun- cil.. .1 15. That the municipal authorities of the Provincial County Haliburton be informed of the conditions existing in connection with the cases of two men and a woman who live on the boundary between the Counties and are in abjectly indigent circumstances. jThey have no claim on the County of gVictoria for admission to the House of ‘Refuge, and yet are a burden on the; community at Kinmount and on the Township of Somerville. The Board of Management have refused to admit1 these persons, but in the event of the Provisional County undertaking to pay one-half the cost of maintenance of such of them as may be offered for admission, the Board of Management is authorized to receive them. ’ 14. That the statement of cases disposed of by the County Police Mag- istrate in the December quarter, 19%, be ï¬led.. The amount of ï¬nes and fees payable to the County was $76.50. 13. That the commuication from the representative of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture with accounts he ï¬led. The claims have been paid out of the appropriation for the year 12. That the communication from the American Surety Co. respecting treasurer's bonds, be ï¬led. 10. That the list of exhibitors from the County of Victoria who won priz- es for apples at the Ontario Horticul- tural Exhibition in November last be itiled. Prizes were awarded to ï¬ve exhibitors ,amounting to $16.50. 11. That no action be taken on the request of the Clerk of the Township of Bexley for the adoption of the al- ternative ptovisionn of the Assessment Act relative to copies of the assess- ment rolls, under which a copy would be furnished to the County Clerk in every third year instead 01 annually. 9._ That gratiï¬cation be expressed on account of the reduction of the rate of interest on advances from the Bank of Montreal from 5 1-2 per cent. to 5 per cent. 8. That the registrar's statutory re- turn of fees for the year 1908 be ï¬led. The amount of surplua payable to the County is $30.07. 7. That the correspondence with the Board of Railway Commissioners relative to the Omemee station be ï¬led. 6. That the correspondence with the Board of Railway Commissioners re- specting the Lindsay-Whitby train ser- vice be filed. 5. That. no grant be made to the Prisoners’ Aid Association. 4. That in view of the cases refer- red to in the two preceding paragraphs the prOprietor of the Sanitarium be informed that in future the Council will assume no responsibility whatev- er, 11111888 at the outset there is a (11- rect order given by some ofï¬cial who has authority to act for the County. 3. That the woman of extreme old age, Mrs. Drain, at present in the Sanitarium, be sent to the House of Refuge temporarily, and that the War- den and the Clerk take steps to have the woman removed by her relations. There is no reSponsibility resting on the County, but humanity demands that she shall be cared for until she is provided for eleswhere. 2. That the sum of $12.50, the am- ount of an account presented by the Lindsay Sanitarium for the mainten- ance of a woman who was ï¬nally com- mitted to the House of. Refuge, be paid. 1. That the sum of $25 be granted to the Lindsay Law Association. Your committee have considered the documents referred to them, and beg to recommend as follows: to the County of Victoria by reason of the union. . ritory by the Company; thus prevent- ing the settlement of families on the land and contracting the tax-paying power of the provisional County. The County of Victoria is interested indi- rectly, but none the less practically, because of the union of the Provision- al County of Haliburton with the County of Victoria for judicial pur-‘ poses, and the limited power of the1 Provisional County to contribute its‘ share of the expenses of Administra- tion of Justice, the County of Victo- ria being in fact unable to obtain from the Provisional County the proportion of such expenditure which should be' paid, on account of the low assessed value of the Provisional County in comparison with the expense incurred place and repairs suggested. In erecting a porch at the front entrance the choir- ranted men is to have in mind the condition seociao oi the steps and platform, end in the event of its being found necessary to- rï¬led, rebuild them to have them construc- ciety; ed of concrete with a concrete walk Mural extending to the ascertained inner line So- of 3 street pavement. "' : Court House .............. 1 65 g Water Commissioners. service. ' Court House .............. 13 50 3 Your Committee have given very 3 full and earnest consideration to the a question of the improvements in the g Registry Ofï¬ce contemplated by the 3 decision of the Council in 19%. In 3 view of the large expenditure that 1 would be involved in carrying out the plans, and the divided opinion of f members as to the best method of ac- f , complishing the desired result, and the ._ apparent desirability that instead of continuing separate heating systems I in each of the buildings on the Court -, House square, a central plant should: , be installed of suflicient capacity for , the purpose of all the buildings, your 1 Committee beg to recommend that a committee be appointed composed of the Warden, the chairman of this committee, and Richard Howkins, Ro- bert A. Callan, John I. Michael and James R. Boate, esquires, with full. power and authority to modify and change the proposals of last year in regard to the Registry Office, and to instal a central heating plant, in the [event of the Committee being led to such a decision after consultation with George M. Miller, esquire, arch- itect or another competent architect, ' and so far as the Registry Oï¬ce is : concerned, with the approval and con- ‘ sent of the Inspector of Registry Ofl- 1 cos, to undertake andcarry out all the works on plans and speciï¬cations to be prepared by the architect. Your Committee have considered the report of the Inspector of Prisons on his inspection 0! the Lindsay gaol. and beg to recommend that the chair- man be authorised to purchase the supplies and make the improvements e l-m4.- ‘H I ing. Registry Ofï¬ce .3 .. .. .. 893 James, Brywu. work. Court 110019.. .. .. .. .. zoo demon, Bryson, work. Court House . .. .. .. .. .. 200 Thou Prestige. work Court House 50 A. L Campbell supplies, Court House .. .. .. .ll 59 E. Gregory, supplies, Court House .................... 3 20‘ Mch-nnan a: 00., supplies. ; Court House ............ .. 8 ll . Dundas Flavelles, supplies. ink wells .................. 70 John Carew, door, etc., 31101.. 2 15 Boxall Matthie, repairs. Court House .................... 15 so Boxall Matthie, work, etc.. Court House .............. 35 80:31] Matthie, work, etc., Court House .............. 7 90 Bell Telephoize 00.. work .eto.. Court House .............. 16 50 Light, Heat a: Power Co., lamps, etc.. Court House .......... 4 45 Light, Heat Power Co., llflht- inn, Court House .. .. .. 2752 Light, Heat Power 00.. light- furnaces, coal .............. 884 81 Canadian 0. 8. Furniture 00.. COUNTY PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT. Gentlemen,â€"Yonr Committee have examined accounts as follows. and beg to recommend that name be pau- ed ,namely: Boxall dc Matthie, :epairing eXpenses, Whitby .......... 8 8 00 St. John's Industrial School, p maintenance ................ 32 on :Victoria Industrial School, main- tenance ...... . .53 93 McDiarmid 6: Weeks, solicitors, services .................... 7 on W. A. Shouldice, 'bus to House of Refuge .................. 4 oo Expenses, representatives. Can- adian Conference of Charities and Correction ............ . 31 10, Your committee beg leave to intro- duce a by-law to authorize the War- den and Treasurer to borrow money. Your committee have examined w- counts and claims as follows, and beg to recommend that the same be pass- ed, namely.: Messrs. Graham and Hawkins, on December 313t., 19%, and the var- ious stagements of liabilities and u- Iets be subjoined to this report. Your committee beg to recommend that the statement showing the mon- eys at the credit of the Corporation - ciety; Lindsay'Law Association; Pub- : lio Librarie'g' o! Harland. Woodville, Manilla, Bobenygeon. Kinmount and Omemee 19m, and Omemee, now. Your committee have considered the report of the Board 0! Manage- ment of the House of Refuge tor the year 19%, and in connection therewith ’the report of the physician and the re- port of the Government Inspector, and the list of admissions and discharges. Your Committee beg to express their satisfaction with the terms of the do- cuments and would recommend thatl the report of the Board of Manage 'ment be re-introdueed to the‘Council. our Committee beg leave to introduce a by-law to give effect to the recon-t imendation of the,Board of an allow-y ance of three hundred dollars per an- num to the Clerk and Treasurer in consideration of his services. and that the question of a settlement with the Town of Lindsay in relation to the extension of the sewer from Sussex- st across the Park to Peel-st., be re- ferred to the Board of Management with power to act. ‘ WEEKLY FREE ............ 32 w I School, maln- ........ .53 93 Mrs. Corley was about a year a'go no; predeceased by her her husband, with out: whom she came to this country in the R’-’ early jorties, where ‘they heied out ‘a home for themselves in the woods. OJ 1 The deceased was A: member of the local St. Paul’s Anglican church since F its emotion in Lindsey. There is “1 lelttomoum herb-smardnons Icon and daughters. A n The funeral will an place from he: 2%." Into residence to the Riverside ceme- "' “.1 may tomorrow" This lady had reached the honor- able old age of 89 years, and was quxte well and hearty until about a week ago, when, through the enacts of a slight fall, _ahe quietly panned away. One of the oldest settlers of this district was removed yesterday mom- ing at. an early hour by the grim reap- er in the death of Mn. A. Carley, at Little Britain road. Your committee beg leave to intro- duce a by-law to give eï¬ect. to the- foregoing resolutions. of Examiners. 3. That George C. Byng and Tay- lor Parkin ,esquires. be apointed au- ditors 0! accounts for Administration '01 Justice. 4. That Alexander Jackson, esq.. be appointed a trustee of the Lindsay Colegiate Institute. 5. That Frederick Sandy. esq.. be appointed a trustee of the Omemee High school for the unexpired por- tion of the term of Thomas B. Laidley, l eeq. .. whose resignation be accepted. 6. That Thomas C. Ivory. esq., be appointed a trustee of the Gnome High School. 7. That James H. Knight, William H. Stevens and Thom A. Kit-icon- nell, esquiree, be appointed a Board 2. That. David Eagleson and John Kelly, eoquires, be Ippointed auditors of County accounts. REPORT OF APPOINTMENTS TO OFFICE COMMITTEE. Gentlemen.â€"Your Committee have considered all the resolutions of the Couan instructing them to report. and the communications referred to them. and beg to recommend as fol- lows: \ DEATH OF PIONEER SETTLER. Your Committee recomend that the account of Menu. Hut Rid- dell tor uutionery supplies, amount~ in: to 810.36 be pas-ed. «I. Thu the mm of 8%.06 be paid to the Board 0! Educ‘tion, Port Party, the amount (or which the County of Victoris is liable (or the muntcnance of County pupils in the year 1903. 3. Tim. the communication iron: the secretary at Cobourg Collegiate Institute relative to the terms 0! re- ception 01 pupils irom adjoining Coun- ties. be tiled. 2. That John W. Staples and Sam- uel Truman. eaquirea. be appointed to represent the inspectoratea of East. Victoria and West. Victoria. reapeciive. ly, at the annual convention o! the Provincial Association of School Trua- lees of Ontario. Net amount... ..: Equivalent of beginn- tive grant. â€81360 98 Further payment. De- cember 16. '(B 749 61 1. That a summary of the aettlement with the Board of Education of the Town of Lindsay for the maintenance of'County pupils in the year 19%, be embodied in this report as tonowa: Amount for which County be- comes liable .............. 82781 59 Leas lees ' paid to Board by Your committee have considered the document: referred to them. and beg to recommend as lollows: 1. That the sum of 825.00 be grant- ed to the Victoria Educational Aaw ciation. 2. That the sum of 350.00 be grant- ed to Union School Section 1m. 1, Laxton and Somerville. to~ be paid on the order of the Inspector of Schoola. 3. That a committee composed of Dr. David Gould. James Graham, eaq.. and the Warden. be appointed to meet the Boards of Educatim of‘ the Town of Lindsay and the village of Omemee {or the purpose of ad- justing the amount. to be paid for the maintenance of County pupila at the Collegiate Institute and High achool of the respective Boarda, and that leave be granted to introduce a by-law to conï¬rm the appointment ii the committee. County pupils .. .. 631 on REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION. Gentlemen.â€"-Your Committee have considered the reeolutione of Council. on which they have been instructed to report, and beg to recommend to follows: the chdmino be «W to “I" tenders end and contact! ‘0' M and other applies for “I. W Home end Gaol. Your Committee recommend N 13° chairmen be authorised to 93m {supervision of the Court 30'3ҠG“! and Registry Odice and “mm“ premises during the you. â€id to M such improvements “$1.8m. a ll myï¬ndtoberequiredforthepm" pose of keeping the bnildincl and Pm" mises in a 5303me condition- Your committee recommend “1“ “1°; Clerk and Treasurer be authorised '01 procure a ‘podreit of- the Wuden for 19m. to be hung in the Council chm» . .. ..8210059 32100 59 McLAUGHLlN. PEEL 8; FULTON, Bantam. Gandhi-u, he" Lindsay. Linda! WWW" Btnk WW“ 015.90 h (In. w, Ila-h..- _ , A McoIAa'mo a. weexs, Barristers. Selle! tors. 8a.. Limb- open every Mm" ""n â€" ' ‘ Honey to land on an to In. gnu-um. mum“: Barrister, w. v nut-5c In I' (Rectum-1 “NWT: A. n“)-.. Fonolon Fall. I m in 0.9.1. I. 8.. M. C P. k 8. Onuno. Ofloo ‘94 M61103. Whom;- St... Bridge Work. DR. SHARPE. DENTIST. Toronto. Will be at the Mansion Home Wed- neodny and Thur-d†every alternate CANADIAN PETER KENNEDY, "MONEY T0 LOAN. Fire and Plate Glass Insurance. BAKER. DRUGG IOT. BOBCAYGEON DR. 8. J. SIMS. DENTIST. Fonolon Falls. Graduate of Tomato Univenfly 3nd Royal Cong» of Dental Surgeons. wmanonthu-mod My to flag Lao-cm Dr. Shoop’s Night Cure Portal-mod. Cham- Moder-nae: Undnv omenâ€"Over Gmuory'u pm 3m. Honoanduto rrf Ontado Veal-(nu, I‘_II --A. adamant. mm and but Murat!“ Mgmwoo'a . m. sud cum. Dr. Shoo 'o mflblouorUQuM-‘n canon! totem Com-nun. lawnwmuuu won RUSSELL-ST" NEXT CREAMERY â€mmwl‘ï¬mmhuMm I")? MD-_ Pa; 5!: many. two we; Repairs of sll kinds on hand. But mute- on windmills and all pumping outï¬ts. I have no agentsâ€"save that commission: by dealing direct with me. Orders may be left at Creunory. Weak Women Bully the only Force Pump on the market. Built for any depth of we!) New Improved Double Action JOHN DENNIS 1lamina-dam.unitmtorllrpl'tlï¬tlto thelowutnotchinorderthntthme dentin: with us any beneï¬t thereby. Jm nowâ€"ntï¬he beginning“ m .. we invite housekeeper- '1†have not been dealing with us to giveuletrinltornmonth. Ween conï¬dent u to the verdict end the chnnoeu for future business based on thomhhcï¬onlmwbew T. BRADY East of Benson Home. DR. WALTERS. DENTIST. Lindsay. All Branches- of Dentistry Wally only with the but grade 0! goodn. OUR PRICES ARE MOST tothooeloctionolouramym beamematettothcmhofpu- We Give Careful Thought BUSINESS CARDS. on. _A. A. WILSON, “HOPKINS K â€C. Solicitor, Notary Public IANUFACTUREB OI" Fonolou Fans Acciuchcur. 07°" -â€"The Royal hotel stable“a â€â€5 one “meme-4138 5113t undergone extensive repairs. There is now was accommodation for come to 115 . BLAIR SON, We are anxious to re: éin our Stiffffor the busy season and this Is the only way we can do 50- These reduced prices meana saving of from $3 to. ‘5 0!! a suit of clothes or 311 overcoat. Isn’t that amount worth saving? If you thinkso we are turning out Suits and OVefCoats at a fraction over “08¢ price. This reduction will continue throughout Feb. iii-e“ t‘oflééii.‘ ' i ). - 0 88 us thods by u: v be achim‘m I "L, r~ Also apnt ifor MU‘ICAL MERCHANDISE. WIL- LIAMS SEWING MACHINES Don’t purchue anything in lb†linen until you â€certain what I on do to: you. P. J. BREEN. Ilolntzman Piano or I Kai-n organ ladies’ and Gents' Tailors 0:11 a Simpson House, Linda}. I write Lindsay P. O. ‘Music Hath Charms’ When the instrument used is I VI. I. “MESS, Agent. - - UNIS“. In over one hundn-d warn of mm- onblo business expurmnm- Hun Com- pcny hu pcid out in !irv In..." wiu Whey-haulers over 812;, The Insurance Co’y of Noni America, Founded 1792 These Dull Times FIRE INSURANCE. price we quote. Now that the holidays are over... have a number of pinces which 'e we willing to dispose of at moanâ€. gamble prices. They may bejm flat you have been wishing for. We invite a call. Don't tempq. be or someone else may secure {1) was you covet at the low cut THURSDAY, PHONE 20. Laidley N ewton’s old SW Opp. Benson Home. Graham Bros This has to do with family as well as u inc. Place a trial on We don't profess to be groceries cheaper than an the trade. but. we do claim article handled by us hasth of quality, and is the best of procmble. n.5,“ T. C. MA TCHETT Caaadlall Pacific Railway all CPR. Steamship Lines also Alla Bouillon and Donaldson White Star and Cunard Lines. l T. C. MATCHET Railway and Ocean Tickets Opposite Campbell‘s China Hall. William-st. All Information Maps. eta. fur. I‘M on application to 60 KENT-ST. . Ll NDSAY . HOLTORF, mu. on wurn: AGENT Hm trial order the “whoâ€. '18 momm- h the object “'1 “I results in the I may bUSin! \s ‘0 get eggs and C decided it the matter of for the mo 311 should a ' Of special c ;:‘ ' . '~' poultry livelihood rat] ‘ ‘7 ' or p10! line. , Don't Keep ‘houbly the l, been intrrvfl'"! Ind conduvt uf great credit m Object ‘ achieved in , Governmvn ‘18 sending out ions to addh's‘s ate thv 0th a! Bfldwin 1., m. We W. \\ w “aide (llll‘lll'; 1m ‘mt, Whit-l: hr 1 Watulation: In Opening. Mr V“ plt'flm‘tl t:« in a .831!) um» um†“She'd “IN: 1H (1 ï¬lmed on thv 1m in“ be H :mm- ., â€Medal “‘11? '0 the town m u.- “ ethibits \K':1~ 1 “d the blrd~ "XH' The object 0 me he was m. [Vin explained. . fulï¬lâ€: twin: 5' of vxhilm», er 1,0“) entri erul hundru-«i its a mmlw! h Vii'w “1 HI:- If. Mr!» â€hidden â€d bvst > The bit! "\ ‘linfl Hi 3 v.5 rvqu n It. MCLPHH I'vf: maul poultry an “on now in prom year. Its Hu'w ~:1 lurked m 2.. 1.. .- 800 to all 1-". H} {ï¬lly started h.- -p pophecy wm fulï¬ â€œed audionn “a as it. Doputy Owing: ‘ with inAso '3 hard to 2" â€ï¬‚y inter-ash (i we the PWP“ ‘naetinea ‘15 N“ W) saw I! wing right ï¬t Mr. BaHvu mwd to talk 14 thifl poultrv an be of imam proceedimzr- 1 felt like apolo ‘ for the smal .ldwin had “I“ Liana“ audience at of so or do not get hoiever, 1 t desired. 3 flock, let she lease: 1 offood “meat. and I“ in his line. m of 3 lat West manif , perhaps mm ‘me hall was} ‘-Reevr Jo The Pou in _ sum BY E) PRO phi