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Lindsay Weekly Free Press (1908), 17 Sep 1908, p. 5

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n new ,t terns, 250 you ri bbed 49c 69c for. g at :ock 75c We sizes, 10c sizes, for ‘ an: :ear Chm; phga‘vy shipping ‘7.” F9550: buichers :7 ”= to s7 50; light, $7.06 3° $71}. Ch0vce light. W:- 30 [0 a 45; M‘ mm" ~1"suotoss imlkor Pkg :1; ‘r C“ ‘ -v." _v'--r, â€"v, [R'- {wing S’- .4 :y f0' best steers, Wm 10' medium and common grades dressed ‘bfif in fair .ie-mmd: Texas beet 7c to 1 ~- Shipmeu s :oâ€"uay, none. 3W eerip 5236; very little doing: Wand (nomhph was steady; other 03-17% “31k: Door (0 gm”! veals. $4 to $; 811-83- h-a M-A Hogsâ€"Receipts, 5700 head: 8006 awe mime higher: (mnmon slow and steady: he“? and mixed. $7.50 to $7.75; yorkers, $710 31.60; mg; $350 to $6.40: roughs, $5 :50: Stags. $4 to $5; dairies, $6.75 to Sheep and Lzzmbs-Reoeipts, moo head; W:- yearlings 25;: lower; others steady: YEUKmES and Wctners; $4.25 to $4.50. New York Live Stock. QB? XORK.Se;-;. 15,â€"Beevwâ€"Receipt8. East Bufialo Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO, Sept, Iiiâ€"Cattleâ€" Stgady: prime- steers. :5 to $5.50. ‘VeaISâ€"Receir-is, :50 head; slow and 25c Boga. ' Receipts light am: pm higher. Mr. Harris reporzs sdeczs at 37. led and mt‘ ‘md. and lights a: $5.75. ‘ Drovers r9907: $6.65 to $6.75 3-8 the P11“. ‘tob. cars :11. country points. Sheep and Lamb. Prices for Lu: ;bs were lower, the ave- rage price bei mg about $4.60. Prices for Imbs ranged from 34.5 to $4.75; 9190“ ewessold at $313 to $4; rams at $3 to 35 per cw; [with a few lead: Feeder- xnd Stockerl. Not many o: either class were on sale. Feeders weighin: from 900 to 1000 lbs. are mama: an?» to $3.75, and .‘1 the qual- itym extra good. 84. Stacker-s sell at mg: no to $3. Milken. and Springer; All offered ma: could be called good were readily picked up at firm prices Good :0 choice sold at $50 to $5; medium. “to 845; common. :25 to 83). Veal Calves Veal calves sum a: $3 to $6 for the bulk, ‘ha’m' Sept. 16.-â€".A tfollpb-y "wish a 1°aéasof St. Cathy-maze 16:18 ills, bound far the Layne: With i « 133312 Falls’ 00111de pied mm mm 'r. 3325121 and his 0W {1a mygggelim Townsenqgesfi I by jumping, but the n rechad. Butchers. Good butchers sold fairly well. but there were few of than. McDonald Hamgnn sold - ix weighing 1200 lbs. at S; stew more sold at $4.75 ; loads of the beat $4.25 to $1.60; medium, $1.75 to $4; ammon. $3.50 to $3.75; cows, $2.50 to 8.80; [tuners .but, as usual. there was little doing ned as being sold at $5 to 35 per cm. inLhis class at this market. cgbles Unchangedâ€"Hogs Are Firm at 1 Buffalo and Chicago. rLONDON. Sept. 15.â€"London cables for “we are steady at 11350 to 1254c per pound. dressed weight; refrigerator beet :gquoted at mac to 11¢ per pound, Toronto Live Stock. TORONTO. Sept. 16.â€"B.eceipts cf live stock at- the City Market as me- by the railways, were 76 car- Joads, composed of 1205 mttle, 1019 hogs, 2416 sheep and lambs, with 1150 calves. we: may, 615. ‘ matineâ€"fipnritS steady, 21: 3d. "Baton-Cumberland cut, as to 30 Tbs. ; short rib, 16 to 24 lbs. mug, 5,53 5d: long clea- middles, light. 3 to :4 lbs.. strong, 53$ fid; long elect 112164195. heavy. as to 40 1115.. strong, 52;; short clear backs. 16 to 3 lbs. strong. :41. 6d: shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs. Toronto Dairy Market. separator. dairy 0 22 c a 33%;. store lots .......... 0 21 o 22 Butt”. creamzwry. Eb. rolls.. 0 25 o 35 Eggs new iaid. dozen 020 021 Cheek. large. 1b ............ 0 13% o 13‘ cheese, twin, 1b ............ o 13% o 14 HOM- extracted ...... ..... 0” 010 Liverpool Grain and Produce. I LrVERPOOL. Sept. mâ€"Closingâ€"Whegt No. 2 red western winter, Spot firm; 7,; ; No. 1 California, 7: 111,56. Futures quiet; Sept. 78 "393. Doc. 73 m6, Hatch 7s fid. .. A -HM- m‘vnfl 7- ,‘ A.-A.1... Exporters. There wer~ a. few exporters that were wmnipeg 1 Wheatâ€"S Liverpool wheat futures closed m 55d to and higher. than ywterday, and corn futures {ad hxgher. , A: Chicago. bemembe!‘ Wheat closed go ' yesterday, september corn higher than ‘ 55c lower. and Deptember oats “c 10.". Winnipeg Options. re the dosing quotation: on unitnwing a â€"G. T. Bela gen- """ Wm. 16. of the on“. Dmepgerisagem and “a: 1.1,: d 3%,wm be 0 ’? tune limestk: and Foreign Markets; «‘lUU. Sept. Liâ€"CatflebReceiDtS- {Ed at about film: market weak; >11 10 Drlmé- steers, $4.60 to $7.70; 35 to 333.5: heifers, :3 to $5.50; :3 13 $4.50; calves. $3.50 to 38.“; m-_; - Follow [Hg ELiprime western, 1n flex-cw, strong, American refined, in pails, strong, keâ€"(‘anadian finest white, new. 613; Canadian finest colored, new. :Lspot Steady: American mixed, 7: {fixtures quiet: Sept. Ge, Oct. 53 sud. xsâ€"Short cut, 14 to 16 ~lbe., strong, Chicago bid nd Lambsâ€"Receipts estimate?! 32000 market steaGY; 8 4.35: yearlings, $4.35 to “-75. 35 to $5.5. munsoAY: were OI Wiley Bumps CATTLE MARKETS. gs at 84.50 L Rudy Foirr Opening. westvm calves, 84.25 11078435 - : bushel bushel . Toronto Grain Markets. . ;. spring. bush....... 1, tall, bush..... ...... $3: to t 1, red. bush ........... 0 . bushe1_ ......... 0:48 :5 b w» - I-Sep:ember 38¢ bid, Octobu; 1 De( ember 95c bid. ‘september 3883c bid October 38c pt‘s, 3150: 18811118 my; mi nigs sold at 37-25- Eran) futures : Jiet refused this. ‘D- Sepi 11â€"194 a. meet- board held here £04133?i f1;ered 103030111 3 rs, $2.60 to “‘40. about 10,000; market :7 79. the highest price 1g, Du:n.......w w bush..... ...... 0 $ bush ........... 0 Q ......... ...... 0 8‘ bushel .. ..... 070 ..........m.. can :1 ....... . ...... 0 57 0 44 Markets. , SEPT. nth, at' 35.5 and 8150 o... I... has received a 'wl from the. north- urauu .I. 1 uun ".Ov'v _, that soon 8 lm‘ we-eksâ€"dm. P number of good raiIWB'IY 029nm)?“ will While playing 0-1â€"7~ , There are low 0f nice good pay for ladies ~i TelegraPhY- ’,W9 M 1 Call and inspect W", NATIONAL SCHOOL OF TELE- GRAPHY. If you attend Lindsay Fair, visit the Railway School of Telegraphy on second flat ’over Wonderland. In addition to Telegraphy, the course includes Tickets, Freight and Baggage Work, also instructing in Typewriting. ' ' Enroll now, and by spring yonwill have a. businees which offers more chance for promotion, ,more oppor- tunities and better pay than any oth- er known line. ' ~ ' , The General Superintendent of the Grand Trunk writes MT. PStPn" E . daily. Try and 'pany’s representa come this and next] 1 Wu 3“ mu m P. J‘. Brien to can hit of Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines.-d2w2. , bronght up a conple loads Monday. Mr. Frank Gart- harge of the workâ€"Minder: of Minden, of men on shore has c -â€" of. Randell, i‘oronto, is expect- ed to give a recital on the Heintzman Co. Pianos at the Lindsay Central Exhibition, afternoon and evening, hear him. The com- tive, P. J. Brien. saye all are we] 1. A There were very few present at this morning’s market, and very little was done. Up to noon toâ€"day 20 loads of hay had been weighed and many loads of hogs. Mr. McIlhargey shipped a carload of hogs this morning, and Mr. D. H. Scully a carload of cattle. Flour, best Manitoba, $3.00 per cwt. Flour, Manitoba, $2.80 per cwt. Rolled Oats, $2.40 per cwt. GRAIN AND PRODUCE QUOTA- TIONS FOR OUR READERS. The Prices Ruling on the Lindsay Market Pork, mtail, Hay, $14 per fiatéiey, 46o.-52c. her bush. Rye, 70c. per bush. Oats, old, 38c. per bush. White oats, new, 38¢: per. bush. Potatoes, 50c. per bush. Eggs, 20¢. .per doz. ' Butter, 25c. to 2% per 1b. Chickens, 50c. to 90¢. Ducks, $1. Hogs, $6.25 per cwt, Live hogs, $6.50 to.§6.60 per -cw1 Beef cattle, 2c. Fall wheat, 84¢. per 'bush. Spring wheat, 79c. per bush. Goose wheat, 79c. per bush. Lérge peas, 90¢. per bush. Small peas, 80¢. per bush. Buckwheat, 50¢. per bush. , To meet the increesing demand, we import each year, and this year, a. much larger quantity and a greater variety 'of sizes' and pat- terns than any former year. Every one of these many lines have been bought under very. favorable couqitious' and represent some of choicest weaves turned out by reliable makers. We can promise you a. wonderful lot to select from and also can promise to save you money on every purchase you-’make. _\ Rugs continue to grow ‘steadily in famr. The ease with which they can be taken up and cleaned is a strong point in their favor. Then, again they are woven so as to permit a greater unity of color- ing than is possible in most cases. be spic and span when he can buy Sutclifi’e’s Clothmg at such low prices. We have done all the - style study for youâ€"you just select from the collection. Materials, making fitâ€"all have been given the expert attention you could not possibly give such details. 011*: care- fulness has made your selection all the more' easy. Every man owes it to himself to be at least average]? wel‘ dressed, and strives to look “just a little more presentable” to use an ordinary expression. There may be difference of opinion as to what means being well dressed, but there 18 no excuse for any man not to SPECIALâ€"Tapestry Rugs in rich colorings. new patterns. size ' 3 yards wide. 3 1-2 yards long. extra. quality, regular $10 . Sufclifie 6 Sons,‘ Fair Week Special. Men’s dark and mid Worsted and Tweed Suits. latest styles. well made and perfect fitting. Your choice only $1 0. ,.Y2é to 3}; c per 11’- :1, BC. to 18¢. i1, 10c. to 15¢. per 113 each. Special $8.69. Splendid Rug Showing Oshawa and Lindsay. OF TELE- ,. t 11151 This will be the most interesting time to visit our store and see the productions of the world’s best makers. See the weaves . and styles just as you would were you right in the foreign markets. 9" m Transportation companies have been unloading cases and bales at our store during the past few weeks. Now these impor. “tations are opened and on display, so we say, “he sure and come” and meet your friends at Sutcliffe’ s. OUR ANNUAL EXPOSITION ‘ - September 23rd and Afterwards. 'Y‘A‘v vJâ€"» _ ually getting down to their old run. Many of their employees were absent this summer and are now returning. â€"A friendly invitation is extended to viBitors to Lindsay Exhibition by P. J'. Brien to call and see his exhi- bit of Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines.â€"+d2w2. , _ â€"A large two-storey white brick house is being erected by Mr. M. Dovey, Lindsay-st. north. â€"Mr. Geo. Smith, Colborne-st., has I improved his residence by the erection it! a new cement verandah. roof. --Mr. Robinson, cornerv William and Glenlg-sts., has had his home improved by the addition of a new say Planing Mills, has just received a large carload of lumber from points north. â€"Mr. Primeau’s butcher shop‘ on Kent-st. is being improved by having the front brickwork painted. ' â€"â€"The 45th regiment was one of the largest bodies, of red coats "182 has been enciunped at Kingston for some f TOWN TOPICS â€"Inspector Bradshaw says that a large' number of ducks have been shot already this ‘fall. â€"Nowadays we think in headlines. 'â€"-It takés _time to acquire bad habits. â€"Mr. J. M. Chalmers, of the Lind: The Sylvesper Mg. .00.. â€"The Keys Stove Co. have {flyov- to their new premises on Lindsay- ile playing at his home , in ', Mastgr Jggkigz «gen yegra old, A k-- 1“-) No Excuse. Mr. Jose Bell. . “The learned counsel for the de- -.â€"â€""'""""â€""â€" fence," eeid the plaintifl’e “homey. ~ Getting RW- “eppeere to be emit! of losing his The Victim-“Help! Help! I'm cue. Otherwise. why isn't. he raedy drowning.” ‘ ‘0 80 on?” Would-he Howâ€""0mm. my breve "I‘ve M e good new.” replied menlJnetweitnnm1_getempe.e ’ Townspeople, and especially the amerchants, should help the fair, not only by exhibits of fine arts but by their hearty support and c'o-operation. ? The fair 18 mutually helpful to country and town alike. Let town and towns- people together boom the fair. The merchants and citizens general- ly shoulddecorate their places of busi- ness and homes for this annual event. The speeding in the ring events.‘ while not yet fully arranged for,are * iarenoughaheadwwamnttheu- sortion that they will be of greater interest than in any former. year. A committee of citizens hss this branch of the attractions in hand and pro- mise something spocitl L SUTCLIFFE SONS and it is generally conceded that no other township in Eastern Ontario can boast of better stock or more produc- tive soil than the townshif) of Pene- Ion. The conditions therefor are good for the success of the fair. All that is needed is for each and everyone of the farmers to join hands and work together year after year, and by so doing not only will the fair be a suc- cess, but the entire township and sur- rounding district will reap the bene. fit. This fair has been making good progress from year to ‘year, and this year everything points to a bigger and grander exhibit than ever. The object of the fair is to encour- age agriculture and fine arts. The farmers should make the annual fair not only a success, but the best in the district. They can do so by exhibit- ing their stock, grain and vegetable/s, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 6th and 7th, will be the next days of special importanCe to the peOple of Fenelon Falls and Fenelon township. Arrangements are in progress for sev- eral interesting special attrgctions, and those who attend the fair are as- sured of a good time. A GENERAL FEELING THAT THIS YEAR’S FAIR WILL BE THE BEST EVE RHELD. Fenelbn Falls Fair To be Held 01 6-7 THE WEEKLY FREE PRESS. Fall Millinepy Opening LINDSAY AND OSHAWA. Wednesday; September 23rd, ~ and Following Days. Store Open Until no p.lll. Saint-days up to “may at. Other days until 6 pan. W .Rowland, on Wednesday, Sep- | tember 9, 1905. Mr. John James S Reynolds and Miss Eliza Jane Davis, dang Me: of Mr. and Mrs. James Davis, all of Minden. DEATHS. FLETTâ€"In the township of Vemlam. on Monday. Sept. 7th, 19%. James Flatt, sr., aged 73 years. DORAN. -In Lindsay, on Monday. September 1401,1908, Nellie Donn. 90 years. BALL. â€"-In Ops township. eat a! Rev. S. Lloyd. on Wednesday, Sep- tember 2, “19%, James Deacon and _Miss Lily Cooper, Jaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm; Cooper. REYNOLDSâ€"DAVISâ€"At the Metho- dist parsonage, Migden. by Rev. E. IMEMILLâ€"HENDERSONâ€"M Carnar- ‘ ‘ van, on Wednesday, September 9. 1908, by Re'v. W. E. Honey; Durlen Demill, of Stanhope, to Elizabeth Henderson, of Guilford. REDNERâ€"COOPERâ€"At the residencei of the bride 3 parents, Boskung, by: Rex. S. Lloyd, on Wednesday. Sep-. tember 2, 1908, Samuel Redner and! Miss Alma J. Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Cooper. DEACONâ€"COOPERâ€"At the residence of the bride’ 3 parents, Boskung, by] Ellwood } sum-Is. jWETHERUPâ€"At Mount Horeb, on ' August 27th, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. I W. J. Wetherup, a daughter. MARRIED. ‘ HEARDâ€"BURTCHAELL. â€" At the ‘ Church of the Ascension, Toronto. by Rev. Mr. Vance, on Wednesday. Sept. 9th, 1908, Mr. Wm. J. Heard. of Feuelon Falls. to Janie, daugh- ter of the late Archibald Bunch- aell. of Toronto. EVERSONâ€"MARK.â€"~At the residence of the brides parents, by the Rev. ‘ W. J. M. .Crasg. on Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 19%, Mr. Obadiah Ev- erson, son of Mr. Chtrles Everson, of Fenelon, to Minnie 1L, daughter of Mr .Elisha Mark, of Penelon Falls. :, Louis McGregor, aged J. J. ’WAL We clams the famous “langmnix” goods admittndly the hat in Canada. mm measure/cum on these MWM ' nesuouronwonau In Trunks and Valises the leading lines of Men’s Heavy Plow Boots, viz., the Ames Holden, the VIII- Iiams. the J. A. H. Cole. FOOTWEAR When buying furs at this store there’s a satisfaction for you knot that the little points that cannot be seen in the made up fur, have been properly looked after by us and a high standard of excel- lence demanded from the makera so that your garment will be one. of splendid wearing qualities as well as stylish add perfect fitting. Come in and let us tall: furs with you at your earliest opportunity. Thivz will In an interesting collection for you to spend some of your day viewing. You will bewme better ucbuainted w tla many of the furs of this country as well as those from foreign lands. It’s a nutter of being well informed so that when buying you will be better able to judge for qualities. The styles set forth in our garments for this season are smart and most attractive, enjoying an unusually large scope. They are adaptions from the newest and most popular models shown in the world’s fashion centres. The materials have been can-fully selected with a View to presenting the most harmonious efi'ects, the tailoring fully up to the Sutclifi'e standard ; the garments are popular priced. Can more he said. Your inspection of our line is cordially invited. . You’ll_ find our Fill and Winter showing of Women’s Garments bnmful of unrest. Every exertion has been put forth to have it ecgip-P all its predecessors in point of style, material and correct wlonng. . SPECIALâ€"halos. Sable Scat-ts. real well tuned. nicely nn- lshed with tells. rich ln appearance. Very special '. Su-tclifie 6 Sons, Fair Week Special. Ladles' all-wool Kersey Cloth lambs in black. brown navy. self strapped and corded. Very special $12. 88.01) s‘ 2050’ THAT YOU CAN BANK 0N N. HOCKIN'S OLD STAND. Superb Fur Collection w M on an Railways and their Connections to mm. Sept. m good Returning Un 11 September 28th. ' Oshawa and Lindsay. Ladies’ Garments We handle the lnvictus, Gu- A. Slater, Humanic and As- toria fat man and boys, also We ate sole Agents for the Dorothy llodd a nd Empress Shoes for women in all up-tu- date styles and colors of leather. We wish to remind the neu- nle of lindsay and surrounding district that our stock of Foot- wear for Fall and Winter is now complete in all lines and re- plete with bargains and grand PAGE FIVE.

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