9.00 0.80 Suit .YS for vuyu Whubs HTS C. Bur o e, Mrs. E. A. M beenunc' Arthur and 11833}. Austin attendetl thopedie the Oakwood Fair to-day. A meeting in the interests of Col. Mt. ll :1“ Hughes the Conservative can- eept 115.3 date tem- West Victoria in the com- NW 1113 elections, will be held in Dick- room I. M 111111 next Wednesday evening d Gill W i°°100k when the electors will M10, ’ '. ClTIZENS HAD THRILLING EXPERIENCES FAST TO CLOTHES LlNEâ€"LIVELY PG lN PROSPECTâ€"PERSONAL ITEMS C U‘Ul‘rl‘xptnuth‘llCQ‘V Free Press.) Fem-Ion F3115, Sept. 30.â€"-Don’t for- ‘a'et the Full Fair. to be held in the Park here on Tuvsduy and Wednesday of next week. Special attractions are b‘ting procured for the occasion, and 111': committrc in charge are sparing “‘0 Pains to make this the best F81! that has ever been held here. Harry K‘) the wonderful fast horse “I“ races, in Montreal this week, will be back for the Fair, and show those W119 gg/ggï¬gzsgs 33m 5% New Fall Bonds L L “LL, uuu un-v -- mvâ€"- areflihvtérested in fast. stepping in“ “133% he can dc in that line. Miss McKayâ€, of Creemore, arrived in town at noon on Wednesday, and ‘5111 take charge of the fourth class in the Public schvool here. Miss McKay comes highly recommended. Mr, Arnold Rea, who has been in charge of this department, will leave shortly '0 resIlme his studies at the Ontâ€)? Dental College, Toronto. During a†511°“ tin1e he has been here, Mr. Res 1‘“ SiVen excellent satisfaction in the ":11 hekhas been doing. Satin ('lnths. Poplins and Venetians, in mm k Brown and (he-en. value 60 to 65¢, mu spvciulpxiu- ..... . ....... Navy and Black Panama. regular Iii-.scllingzlt ........ anry Dark Tweed Dress Goods in checks and ,n-ilws. gum! weight for fall winter wear. 39 n-gulm' .34) and 59c, selling at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 'l‘lw ncw Vzmdyke Stripe DPtSS Goods in wn and Navy, suitable fox-ladies dresses .o-ou' (h't or suiIS. specml at ...... ,. ZU'UnIy Ladies’ Skirts in colors, Black, Brown and Sun: trimmed with self s:rapp- 65 $4.50le(1 $5, for o in: and buttons reg. . ,. ‘ d 1.; Only Ladies’ Black Sklnps, vyejl made an nin-lv trinnm c1. Regular Price $2.00 $1.95 ‘IVHI N.: {N} St'lling at .................. 1 unit .x Skirts of Panama, Poplin and Mohaix, in “rims 81 u k and \avy, made m a. number of the â€â€œqu “3195. Regixlm’ price $500, $3 95 \--U1rn';|t . .......... . .............. chases. You are sure to be delighted, both with our large and varied assortment of Merchandise as well as the attractive prices at which it is selling. ' Ne v Fall Stocks are now ready. Stocks thatwe are glad to talk about, p «0111 to show you and willing to guarantee. Every department is bristling with the nee est and most up- -to-date goods at prices the lowest, quality and workman- $7111: 1 considered, and we know that if you should favor us with your patronage that 3 on m ll be a ï¬rmer friend of this store and its methods than you have been. You 1;;‘1111nd it to 3our advantage to look through our stock before making your pur- Some Unusually Good Values in Dress Goods. Vlérjy special Bargains in Skirts. [)ross Goods in an assortment of patterns for thildren’s wear, very servxcable 25 )undlï¬c.sellinga.t................ c ?ERIENCES â€"- YOUNG LADY HELD LIVELY POLITICAL MEETING AL ITEMS OF INTEREST. improved. Ur. dunno“... _,, attendance. and Miss F. Potts is the nurse in charge. Miss Marjorie Demill, of Mrs. Oakley, o: Toron , been visiting Mrs. W H. Robson, returned home .on Saint,- day last, accompanied by Mrs. 301†‘ will reâ€" son and Master Donald, who - :. a... city. Lake, , ents, Mr. an ers. Mrs. Oakley, been visiting her daughter, H. Robson, returned home .on 11.88 W- dreadful GXPen'ence. be eon); da§s _§efore slxe will have fully recovered from the eï¬ects of her In the butter factory Mr. McIntosh and 111‘. Still. man had rather an exciting time, the machinery in the factory having been highly charged with . electricity. While attempting to move a lever Mr. Stillman was thrown from his fleet. and Mr. McIntosh eiperienced a pecu. li‘nr sensation when he found M be thOpedic Hospiw ‘ ed home on Wed“ Mr. ‘M. T. McE sept. his holidays Montreal this W9d resume his 3W“ Mewcu.wâ€"' Gill University- A-..‘ any Reformers who 1k for themselves or Ladies’ Coats of heavy Blue Chevoit. with two rows of self stm ping and silk braid down front. and ck, special at... . . . . $8.00 Dl‘Uduuxuvu. uncu UMQV‘I "w..- ing. collar trimmed witg velvef 36d 3 rows of nar- row bnid and one of wide, and cuffs with two rows of narrow braid and one of wi'ie, very handsome and dressy $12.00 \Ve are also showing an exceptionally ï¬ne range of Girls and Misses Coats. styles and colors suitable for all ages. Colors are Navy. Brown, Green, Cardinal and Fancy Tweeds. Prices rangâ€" ing according to size. We invite your inspec- tion of these lines as we can assure you of designs, variety and value never shown heretofore. Ladies’ Cents, of Brown or Grey Mixed Tweeds. dark colors, regular $10.00 values. sell- inzat........'. ...................... $8.00 Ladies’ Mantles. lain Blue and Brown with Vandyke stripe the attest weave, double breasted. self-strapping down back and from: collar and cuffs trimmed with velvet: and braid, ï¬n “n extra. special at ...... . . . Ready with the Lovely New Fall and Winter Mantles. Lndies’ Coats of Navy Blue Chevoit. self strapp- ing down front, collar trimmed with 7 00 braid and buttons, special value ...... o Ladies‘ Mantles of Navy, Green and Black Broadcloth. lined t_hrou_ghout with mercerized lin- - â€"_-â€" A: n. .m ing at, ...... adv for Your The severe electrical storm which passed over our village on Monday evening last, will not be forgotten in a hurry by a few of the residents of this burgh. While the storm was in progress Miss Ethel Wilson, who is in the employ of Mrs. W. Northey. was engaged in hanging out clothes. The clothes-line, which is attached at one end to a sheet iron building in which is situated the motor uwd in the manufacture of the ice cream, ap- pears to have been charged with an electric current, for when Miss Wil. son grasped the line with both hands her body completed the circuit and she was unable to release her hold: Her screams attracted the attention of Mrs. Northeygwho rushed to. her as. sistance and managed to release her. She was carried into the house and a. doctor hurriedly summoned. who found her to be suffering greatly from shock. She.is slowly improving. but it will __°1I k-“ McLean are spending a few days this week with friends at Bury's Green. Mr. J. J. Nevison received word one day this week that his fourth son. Arthur, who has been employed with one of the large lumbering ï¬rms of New Ontario, is ill at the hospital at Kenora. ‘ liar sensation was unable 1: a pail of ws1 plunged it,u of; the came: rested. AThe t ctory Mr. Mcmtosn uuu an. mm- an had rather an exciting time, the achinery in the factory having been ghly charged with . electricity. 'hile attempting to move a lever Mr. ;illman was thrown from his feet. 1d Mr. McIntosh eiperieneed a. pecu. 3r sensation when he found that he ï¬ï¬‚ï¬iï¬mggï¬em My?“ heat {arms in the county. ' In con- was in attendance. venetian with the inmates they were .___ toned to be generally utinfled with was A. HeFADYEN. their coming: tf’he keeper and ma. - » Min tron are e en diechargins their me3: 30:11, teatime; onerous dutiee in (I! aï¬cient men- from theumilyreaidenee'etmo’cloek w- , 4 1mmmywmmo.r.n.m 3Tbflh‘nflnbdthonoune- 'tnBeeboro whae‘theremunemm Emit-L T0 the mints conveyed “homolva'mmh‘nndm‘nW- . it! 9‘ m the W it in am ~‘ 0, which to ruin my professional character. and he put into every home in this constituency circulars for that purpose entirely false, one serious charge-be- ing supported by an alleged letter which was afterwards shown to have 'been a fabrication. The people 01 Fenelon Falls and the rest of the county will remember that I placed $100 in the hands of the chairman of the Fenelon Falls meeting, Mr. Thou. Robson, and publicly challenged Col. Hughes to establish the truth of any one of these slanderous statements, offering to accept the secretary of the Conservative Association as referee, and if he were to say there was a word of truth in any of these sland- ers the $100 was to go to any charit- abe institution he might direct. The money lay for months in the hands of Mr. Robson. No reply could ever be obtained to the challenge. AN 'Expuunlou'ro THE PUI no as THE HUGHES' LETTER _ (To the Editor of Free Press.) Dear Sinâ€"There has been “bibli- ed in the pubic pms of the ton a letter by Col. ' Sam Hughes, address- ed to me. The letter is so you!!! insuting and indecent in its terms that it will receive no answer from me. The public, however, deserve an explanation. Four years ago 001. Hughes made a _de!iberate attempt Until Hughes takes up this chal- enge I shall not attend any meeting of his. I would be pleased to dis- cuss political quotations with any- one, but to enter into a contest A vituperation and personal abuse is a thing I certainly will not do. - In 1904 I took occasion to reply and refute the slanders circulated against myslef. and I went no further. In the present campaign I have taken occasion to criticize the address that he is circulating among. the people. In my humble judgment the Liberals of Haliburton and Victoria have no right to be called, either 'directly (or by insinuation. “boodlers. personat- tors, repeaters. bogus voters. election crooks,†and have so stated. I per- haps stated it strongly, but I think you will agree with me. I believe the general character of the district of Victoria and Haliburton, with com- paratively few exceptions, has been I have stated to the electors that if they take that address and read it. and consider it an honest, fair, truth- ful statement, by all means to vote for Col. Hughes, but on the other hand ,if they believe it false and scandalous. it is their privilege and duty to do otherwiseâ€"Yours truly, R. J. McLAUGI-ILIN. The marriage of Miss A. E. Ander- son to Mr. Marshall G. Lake was sol- emnized by the Rev. G. Munroe, of Oakwood, at the home of the bride’s parents, 12th con., Mariposa, on Wed- nesday. Sept. 30, at 3 p.m. The bride, who was gowned in white silk, trimmed with Limerick lace and folds of white satin, entered the parlor on the arm of her father to the strains of Mendelssohn’s wed- In no case have I interested myself in Col. Hughes' personal character or personal affairs, neither have I com- mented on him in his business rela- tions. He may serve his employers well, for all I know. The bride was supported by her sister, Miss Maggie Anderson, \who was prettily dressed in white organ- die, trimmed with valenciennes lace. The groom was ably supported by Mr. Wilfrid Short. The esteem in which the young cou- ple are held was evidenced by the number 0! presents which were both numerous and costly. ding march, played by Anderson. of 'Boronto In Ennismore. Wednesday night. Sept. 30, there passed away to her ro- ward a respected lady - Mrs. Owen O’Connor, sister of Mr. Cornelius Cd- laghan, muket clerk. 0! this town. The deceased had reached the m d uâ€"u-v- ' _. _, After the wedding dejeuner. at which 80 guests sat down. the happy couple leftfot the West on a. short honeymoon prior to settling in their future home at Oakwood, much re- gretting their inability to partake ’n the further festivities, which lasted to the wee and hours of the morn- to mourn net 105 . The tuners! took place Saturday ct 9 3.2m, interment takmg place ct St. Martin’s cemetery. Mr. cal-dun was in attendance. OBITUARY NOTICES Lindsay, Oct. 2nd. WEDDING BELLS '- ‘hort service m held at the a by Rev. M15 M MR8. OWEN O’GON NOR. ANDERSONâ€"LAKE. Last week the grand jars after inspecting the public buildinfl nude the following presentment: FARMS AT HOUSE OF REFUGE WELL MANAGEDâ€"R088 HOSPITAL THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED AND EFFICIENT â€" COUNTY JAIL UNSCRUPULO USLY CLEAN. The Grand Jurors of our Sovereign Lord the King assembled nt the High Court of. Justice and general session: of the peace for the County of Victo- ria. be: to make their presentment 1. Thu. two cases only have re. quired their consideration. a one o! subbing and one renting to the" ob- struction of a highway. 2. They hue inspected the Home of Reï¬ne and have been favorably impressed with the 9.13qu o! the as follows: Two pieces only. extra heavy Table Linen, 02 inches wide.. Beec- Undonkim of extra good 'qual- ity, black sateen, with plutod flounce and frill, regular â€.25, 3333c- Ladiu' Homstitchod and Embroi- dered Handkorchiofs, lovoly pat- terns, worth 20 and 26c. spociaLnt at Men’s Underwear in wool fleece lined, all sizes, extra va spoqial at ................ . .. . . Autumn Suiting, 44 inch†wide. pure wool, in navy. groan and brown stripes, special at ...... 50c. Ladios’ Fur Lined ats, with navy, brown and g on shade, beautiful sable collars, with rat ial at Five dozen Window Shades. green only, good rollers. special at 26c. iining, assorted sizes. special at McCall Paul-n0 Nos. 2206-2221 the . W. WAKELY $50.00 LINDSAY’S NEWEST STORE. 98¢ 00,-.00000000'IO'0 250 29¢. 500 15c 500 LINDSAY, ONTARIO. value, '87, .mortod cola ...EOc._spocial gt ..... IlboenwiththeCnudimGenex-almeo- manta-pacts. Thereareaixprw charm-Jingles. onenndercoing_§en tence on n conviction of subbing, cud one uniting trial for 3 like of- fence. Two boys convicted of theft. no uniting roman! to Provincid institution and the other: ore held (or trivinl oflcncu. The observa- tion of the until number 0! crimin- cln has bed the elect of deepening the impression on the minds of .the juror- thnt the Incoming “the num- ber of jaw court- m n wine and commendable not on the put of the m Andvhichhhlnbbmbmitted. 00an to express themulvéa in favor of the present system. under which only'two such courts are heid in been pnid to the well-furnished Pub- lic Library 0! the town of Lindeey. 6. Consideration he: been given to the question 0: the holding of jury each, your. â€bet m» 1m' W! LL STUDY TELEGRAPHY. Ladios' suits in navy, brown and stun. some ï¬tting 34 inch coat. with silk trimmings, and nine gored skirts. opocial at ............ NS.†Six only. American Sable Ruï¬s, with ten full fun-rod tails and silk ornaments, 70 inch: long, tpocial Three dozen peir Lace Curtains, regular “.26. 8 and 3% yds. long, 56 inchee wider beautiful patterns. special at Ladia' Fall and~ Winter Vests. Ion; alcoves, but we've over sold. special at ............. . ...... . 25c. Linda-skirts 0' black, blue brown atom, with two frills, Pun Linen Towoling. l7 inches wide, rod border, spocial'at ....Bc It Men's Print Shirts. tiles l5 to IOZ .mortod colors and pitta?!» Store News. Values bigger than ever --;Pitch in at once and have an equal chance with the others to obtain some of these truly remarkable values. DIOOQOOIOIOUOOOOOOUCOOQ anon-noncouuo- $6.00 250 850 89c 98c r’cou. Linduy. Sep- egos-uncool-no Ladias' all wool Jersey Coat, 47 inches long, neatly trimmed, with silk strapping on back and front. axtansion shoulder affect and lined in black, navy. brown and myrtle, spacial at ............ ...'....$l6m Tapestry Curtains in green and cardinal, good sizes, beautiful pat- terï¬'s, fringed ends, special at Men's Tweed Pants, with neat stripe, all sizes, well made, Spec- ial at ......................... SI.†Pure Wool Blankets, colored bor- ders. size 50x78, weight, ï¬ve lbs, opocial at .................... 83.60 Lsdios' Black Astrschsn Cost, 30 inches long. very nest, wool quilt- sd lining. assorted sizes, special at ........................... 83).†Ladios' and Children's Pure Wool Hm. in plain or ribbed, all sizes, special at . ............. 26c. STAMELEN The latest de- signs in up-to- date Millinery. A new line of American ’ Hats at the ___.____ , ._ we Comm 19r~wmeï¬m§z enrolls? '__v v -__‘ i, m,“ finduywith ELLE. Nah. ptincipal of the National school a mum Telemnhy _u a Millinery Millinery Parlors ‘Kent-at. East. $30.00 $15.00 $3.50 $2.00 $1.00 250 ‘. Mr.’ Paton has a PAGE THREE.