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Lindsay Weekly Free Press (1908), 17 Dec 1908, p. 7

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pfl0N5_2o. Laidley Newton’s old Stand Opp. Benson Home. Have you lost anything. found any. thing; do you want to sell or want to buy. A 31:41! classified :dain {h}. paper will help you. Braham Bros. orings, Spices of all kinds. Candies and Nuts, everything for the holiday trade. and save 6 per cent. on all your gro- ceries at Graham Bros., dealers in choice Groceries. New Raisins, Cur- Save Your Coupons Opp. St. Andrew’s BELL PIANO OR ORGAN, ALSO KARN PIANOS and you will dispense real happiness in the home, because all will enjoy xthe lovely music and the refining in- fluence thus engendered. The home will be immeasurably happier. THE BUSY MOTHER OF THE HOUSEHOLD, who perhaps does not receive the full consideration she meritsâ€"what for her ? Let us suggest one of our High Class Sewing Machines. SPECIAL PRICES DURING THE HOLIDAYS. You can do it in many ways, but perhaps there is no plan so effectual as by catering to the love of music that is inherent in all young people. Give your daughters one of our high- grade Make the Home Merry F or Christmas TRY US WITH AN ORDER. PROMPT DELIVERY. I]. cinnamon Our Stock of Champion and Pen- insular Staves and Ranges is complete. Skates, Razors, Guns. Gar- pot Sweepers, Sleigh Bells, Outlet-y, Silverware, floc- key Supplies. You may go where you like for ordinary goods, but when it comes to Christmas buying be sure of your store. We make it a com- fort for you to shop here by tell- ‘ ing the precise truth about every- thing we sell. In Pays to Buy at Cinnamon’s.‘ Speaking of Christmas, why not give something that is distinctly worth while, and that will be use- ful as well as sensible? This is more of a Christmas store than ever this year, with such attrac- tive gift hints as 57 Kent-st, Phone 52. PAGE EIGHT. . Warren Prizes. Prizes will be: let, $1.41); End, 60 cents; 3rd, 25 cents; except in classes where there are 10 entries or more a fourth prize of 25 cents will be given. Classes With Twelve Prizes Each. The following classes have first, sec- ond and third prizes each for cocks. Peng. cockerela and pallets at the‘ ‘try expert, will be the judge. May Have Birds Scored. By paying 10 cents extra any person may have his bird scored by score card after judging is over. For white eggs two prizes of 50 cents and 25 cents respectively‘are of- fered and similar prizes for the Brown variety. The entry fee for this class is 10 cents only. Judging By Comparison. The American standard of perfec- tion 3113.11 he the guideuof the judge. Dressed Poultry. For drawn poultry a first prize of $1.00 and a second prize of 50 cents is offered for the best turkey, the best duck and the best pair of chickens. . This year the event promises to be bigger and better than ever. Over 87! Prizes. There are over 800 cash prizes of- fered and more than 80 classes em- braced by the prize money. In 55 classes twelve prizes are ofiered for each class and in 20 other classes six prizes are given. ‘ The fourth annual winter exhibition of the Victoria Poultry and Pet Stock Association will be held on Jan. 26th, 27th and 28th. TO BE HELD JAN. 26TH, 27TH AND 28TH â€" OVER $300 WORTH OF PRIZESâ€"6! SPECIALSâ€"OVER 870 PRIZES IN ALL â€" THE BIGGEST EVER. Lindsay’ 5 Poultry and If you, sit, with your immense influence, are prepared to back as up in this agitation, as I feel satisfied you are. we will not. have labored in vain- We only want what is right and a square deal, and, if I am any judge of mutterings, the people of this town are going to have it. Yours truly, Another is the outrageous rates charged for small quantities of power. A firm using 50 horse-power gets it for $20 per h.p., a very reasonable rate, but a firm using 2 hp. pays $45 per h.p. The excuse given is that each has to have a transformer. Well, let us see how it works. The smaller man pays $50 per year extra for his 2 h.p. What does the transformer cost? How many times a year does he pay for it and still not own it? Suppose it costs the full $50 (and $15 is more like it) what a splendid investment transformers must be for the company. I see Peterboro, that has power right at its door, is asking the Hy- dro Electric Commission for rates, if necessary from Niagara. What is the matter with Lindsay doing the same?‘ I believe the mere asking of the question, officially, would cut the small users rates in two and take a shaving off the big ones. The user has to invest from $150 up in a motor. He must neces- sarily get a motor a little over what he actually needs, so that if he re- quires six, seven or eight horse~pow er, he would buy a ten horse-power motor. But instead of only paying for what he uses, he pays for the limit of the motor; and if he closes down for a week, or a month, or a year, unless he is disconnected, he is compelled to pay the limit, even if the company knows that the pow er is not being used. I have heard it dubbed by people in this very town as highway robbery. and I do not know that it is very far from the truth. The company absolutely refuses to sell power by metre because they know that the users here are “easy” and must have it, and can’t get it anywhere else just at present. This is one feature of this business that must be righted. “What are You Going to do About it P” asks L.H. P. Co. . It is in the power part of the programme, however, that the com- pany fails to do justiceâ€"J would say act just on the edge of sharp practice. They own’t sell light other than by metre, but they refuse to sell power by metre. Why? The reason is plain. His parting shot was that if they would take some of their profits and improve their system, instead of putting them in their-pockets, it would suit the users better, and all users will agree with him. THE INJUSTICE OF THE POWER RATES CHARGED IN LINDSAYâ€" OUTRAGEOUS RATES FOR SMALL QUANTITIES OF POWER â€"QUALITY OF LIGHT POOR â€"- LET LINDsAY GET NIAGARA POWER. --more like candles than electric light. He went on to 58;} thth they had tried every thing, but to no pu rposeâ€"the company simply grinned and, paregorically speaking, asked “What are you going to do about it ,9 The complaints about the quality of the light are more to the point. I happened in one store on Saturday night; where they use a very large quantity of light, and the proprietor called my attention to its miserable quality; and it must be confessed that it was pretty bum The Editor of The Free Press, Lindsay: Sir,â€"â€"in regard to what might be termed the "eccentricities" of the local Light, Heat and Power Co.. with your permission and that of your readers, I will take up one or two points that. to most peoples’ minds, require some explanation on the part of the company. 1 might say that there is lots of advice and bushels oi neWS coming our way, so much so that several lawyers could put up a pretty good brie! from the material. There are a lot of complaints made, however, that, to do the company justice, will not hold water. For instance, a great many. complaints have come to hand of the excessive charges for light, with a suggestion that a flat rate would be preferable. I am not in a position to say whether we are paying too much for light or not, but I am strongly in favor of every thing of that nature being sold by metre. Some years ago when we had fiat rates, it was no unusual sight to see lights burning all day and all night, summer and winter, simply because the users thought they were get- ting it for nothing. The fact that they were burning out more lamps than was necessary, did not seem to cut any ice. A flat rate in any- thing breeds looseness and waste, and most people will be wasteful if they are not held in. We see that amply exemplified in the water sys- tem of any place, where a very large part of the revenue comes from metre users, but all the waste occurs where there are no metres. '._ the_ well-knoan p031- V _ w- â€"‘ -vâ€"wâ€"nl ’ ““9 Ducks, Ayleebury 19w; Ducks, Indian Runner; Ducks, Indian Runner 1903; Geese,’ Toulouse; Geese, Toulouse, :1, so 19m; Geeae, Embden; Geese, Embden, use; 19%; Gem, Chinese; Geese. Chinese, re a 1m; Geese, African; Geese. Atriun, iven. 19m; Turkeys ,Bronxe; Turkey, Bronze .5, 19%; Turkeye. White Holland: 'l‘nrk. Pct Stock Exhibition 1908; Turkeys ,Bronxé; Turkéy. Brain: 19w; Tm'keya, White Holland; Turk- eys, White Holland, 19%. Put: (In Pain.) Fin}: and‘soicondiprim Vin be giv- Rouen; Ducks, 1903; Ducks, Pekin; Ducks, Pekin 1908; Duck. Ayleebury; Ducks, Aylesbury 19w; Ducks, Indian Runner; Ducks, Indian Runner 1918; Geese, ' Toulouse; Geese, Toulouse, mos; Geese, Embden; Geese, Embden, vet duckwing; Game, Indian ; Silln'es, Bantams, black red game; Bantams, lbrown red game; Bantams, S. duck- mng game; Bantams, Pyle game; Ban tams, silver Sebright; Bantams, gold-. en Sebright; Bantams, Buff Cochin; Bantams, white; Bantams, black, Bantams, black rose comb, Classes With Six Prim Each. The following classes have first, se- cond and third prizes each for males and females! of the following: Ducks, buff; Orphingtons, black; Leghorns. S. C. white; Leghorns, S. C. brown; Leghorns, S. C. buff; Leghorns, 8. C. black; Leghorns, R. C. brown; Leg- homs, R. C. white; Minorcas, black; :Andalusians, blue; Spanish, black; Polands, W. 0. black; Polands, gold- en; Polands ,silver; Hamburgs, black; Hamburgs, silver 8.; HambuTgs, gol- den 8; Hamburgs, silver P.; Ham- burgs. golden P. ;Rhode Island Reds; Red Caps; Game, black red; Game,; barred; Plymouth Rocks, white; Ply- mouth Rocks, bufi; Wyandottes, sil- ver laced; Wyandottes, golden laced; Wyandottes, white; Wyandottes, black; Wyandottes ,bufi; Wyandottes, partridge; J avas, black; Orphingtons, J AS. P. DONALD, Secretary Board of Trade. Lindsay, Canada, Dec. 14th, '08. few hours. They were on their way west to Kirkfleld lift-lock and Beaver. ton, and from thence will proceed to the north countty, where they will in- spect the Gull River chain of "ten inordertoueertainitenydefective dune on thoaestreumiarelpomible tor wute of water. The intention of: rthe8tmerintemiem:istodonllinlain1 powernextmontoheveamfllclent qnmtityol wnter Itoredinthenorth conntryhkesnndrivmtoemblethe levels of the £3me chip to he hunpwtpmwmintmit'tn- otherwonu‘dtyu “all“ Trent Canal, and Mr. E. Clu-ey. chief clerk in the Superintendent's office at Peter_boro, war: in town lately for a While these prizes are quoted in the list published the gentlemen named ‘wete not credited there with donating the prizes, and the management of the Christmas Fair desire in this item to thus rightly place the credit to: these splendid prises. Mr. John Maunder has donated the two prizes for the best lady driver \(single horse) at the Christmas Fair on Dec. 22nd. The first prize is $3 and the second $2.00. Mr. E. 0. McCrohan has donated the first prize (85.00) for the best single driver, open to all. Mr. Albert Ashmore has donated the first prize (5.00) for the best gen- tleman’s single turnout (must be ac-i companied by a lady). 1 SOME PRIZES FOR THE CHRIST- MAS FAIR. 25 leg bands given to best Black Leghorn, cockerel. . - ‘ Best Black Cochin Bantam, p'nllet. best Bufi Cochin Bantam, oockerel, best White Cochin Bantam, cockerel, best Silver Sebright Bantam. hen; best Pyle Game, pullet. best Golden Sebright, pullet.. 5 leg bands given to best 8. C. Brown Leghorn hen. Best Houdan pullet, best Silver P01- ‘and hen, best Silkie Pullet, best W. C. ‘Black Poland ,best R. C. Brown Leg- ‘horn cockerel, best Red Cap cock, best Indian Game pullet, best Black Wyandotte pullet, best. Pyle Game Bantam cockerel, best Pekin duck. (drake), best Aylesbury duck, (drake), Bronze turkey, Tom, goods to the value of _$l.50 donated by B. Kennedy. A. J. Morgan, of London. Ont... don~ ates package Morgan's Roup Cure on tho following: The Zenner Disinfectant 09., of De- troit, Mich., donates one package Lice Ktller on the following: Best Houdan Pullet, best Silver Po- land hen, best Golden Poland cock, ‘best Silkie pullet, best W. C. Black ‘Pullet; best W. C. Black Poland; best R. C. Brown Leghorn cockerel, best R. Cap. cock; best Indian Game puiiett; best Black Wyandotte pul- est Pyle Game Bantam cockerel; best Pekin duck, drake, best Ayesbury‘ duck, drake. l ON TOUR 0F INSPECTION. The Zenner Disinfectant Co., of De- troit, Mich., donates qne package of Lice Killer on the following: The Banwell Hoxie Wire Fence 00., of Hamilton, donates 10 rod poultry fencying to exhibitor winning most prizes on White Rocks. The Pittsburg Wire Fence 00.. do- nates IO rod improved poultry lyesden fencing to exhibitor winning most es on White Leghorns. The Model Incubator 00., of Toron- to, donates goods to the value of L50 for best White Wyagdotte cock. ‘ Best Bufl Wyandotte cockerel; best Black Wyandotte cockerel; best Black Wyandotte pullet ;best Bufi Leghorn cockerel; best Bufi Leghorn cock; best Toulouse gander; best Embden gander ; best Roden duck; best White Holland Tom Turkey; best Brown Red hen. The G. E. Conkey Co., of Cleveland, donates one 50c. package of Conkey's Roup Cure on the following. ington cock. the same; heat Silver Grey Dorkin hen. the same; beet White Rock pnllet. the same; boat Sil- ver Wyandotte hen. the me; best Golden Wyandotte cock. the same; best Black Minorca cock, the same; heat Block Minom ullet. one 50c. package Pratt’s Lee K er; best Black J Spanish cock, the some; best Brown Leghorn cockerel. the me; best Blue Andalusion hen. the same ; beet 'Black Rose Comb Bantam cock, the same; best R . 1. Red cock. 25 lbs. Beef Scrap. donated by the Harris Ab- ‘bator of Toronto. Best Houdon cock- erel, 25 lbs. Blood Flour, by the Har- ris Abbator 00., Toronto. Beet Black Hamburg cock, 25 lbs. Meal. by Her- ris 00., Toronto. Best Silver Spangled Hamburg hen, 25 pounds bone. donat- ed by the Harris Abbator Co., Toron- to. ‘ Beat Light Buhmn hen one 50c. package Pratt’s Poultry Regulator; best Duh Brahma hen. the some; boot Bufl Cochin. cook. the same; but Partridge Cochin. hen. the same; boat Langshan cock. the some; but Block Java cock. the some; best Bun Orp- Gooda to value of 8125 donated by Jordan Myles. for best Barred Ply- mouth Rock cook. The following special premiums have been donated by The Pratt Food Co. of Canada. Limited. as and 90 Tetanu- st.. Toronto. Ont: ‘89.an Prints. Silver cup to be traded to exhibi- tor filming most prizes on Plymouth cock; best Black Red Game THE WEEKLY FREE 9 “Fin: 33. 5‘ same: beat me; best Sil- ume; best the same; . the same; w; day at her home in Bonn. We at glad to here ml. mum Kl! i8 Mm to the inn... Birtha.â€"-To Hr. ind In, (3.11...- and Rev. Mr. may, of Woodvm I changed pnl‘pih on Spud,” “6' ex If! ~ n, , q- â€"- ily, also Miss Bu evening with Mr. â€"â€"v deceased was eighty-eight. and had been seriously ill for the last few weeks. The funeral service was con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Man in the Pres- byterian church. Mrs. H. Grnnt entertained a num- of friends on Tuesday. Miss Mary Burns, a one time Wood- Ville girl ,i‘ miting he! mmv frinnlln‘ -v_v_ vv‘fly $69. We hope to have another op- portunity of hearing another such a programme by home talent. We were sorry to heu- ot the death of Mrs. Currie ooTueaday last. The J_-A, M1 for was in every way. Th; gendered was the best. we The concert on Friday evening aid of the Public Library was a Miss Jessie Bingham, of Canning- ton. spent Sunday at her home in this place. ' Mr. Chas. O’Leary. of Brighton, DR. WALTERS. DENTIST. spent. Tuesday last with Mrs. Ellen Lindsay. Campbell. All Maximum, emu, Mr. V. D. McPherson spent Thurs- Mm Chm “0‘81!“- ' Linda a G ' 8 dayiin Lindsay. ' “-0"? MOWER-u: an. MI” §. .fi'i :4 v “many. ‘ m- ----“ 1‘“ 11111114111” (Correspondence Free Press.) 6 Dec. Nthâ€"Miss Ellen Campbell and MONEY TO LOAN. } MUSIC “3“] C Mrs. Burgess, of 8319., Muskoka, paid A , r. m flying visit. to friends here on Wed- fire and Plat: mass Insmnce- When the 1 nesdsy last in "curly-nan Dam 1 Rev. Mr. Best. Beaverton; Rev. Mr. McCrae. Beaverton; Rev. Mr. Hamil~ ton, Lindsay; Rev. Mr. Wallace, Lind. say; Rev. Mr. Munroe, Oakwood; Rev. Mr. Smith, Bobcaygeon; Rev. Mr. Ross. Kinmount; Rev. Mr. Mann. Woodville; Rev. Mr. Ferguson, Glen~ arm; Rev. Mr. Hodgins, Oshawa; Rev, Mr. Finlay, Cannington; Rev. Mr. Wessely, Sunderland; Rev. Mr. Mc~ Eachren, Zephyr. The following are among the many pastors present: The Lindsay Presbytery Opened its sessions on Tuesday in the local church with a full attendance of the Presbyterian pastors in this district. Edward Glaspell, of Fenelon Falls, apeared before Magistrate Jackson Really the only Force Pump on the on Tuesday on the charge of Int-jury market.Bu11t for any depth at we” preferred against him in connection 3993‘" Of all kinds on hand. E315 with statements made in the prelimi- Egg: on! Vl‘iiaiimriigsagggtsan 13:35:? nary proceedings relative to costs in . . _sa .‘ the libel suit against The Free Press. commissions by dealing direct '"th me. 0 d ' ' 1 ft Magistrate Jackson committed him for r em may be e “ Creamery. trial at the next session of the jury Rm'ugr NEXT CREAMERY sittings here. On Tuesday bail to the amount C of $1,000 was arranged for by Oliver omti fionm Glaspell and Mr. Rutherford for the pa releasing of the accused until the trial m m ”’1“. mm memo would come on. Mount reliellor IorCtmsflmdm With EDWARD GLASPELL WILL COME UP FOR TRIAL ON PERJURY CHARGE AT NEXT JURY Fenelon Falls Man Committed for Trial 'i'he Englishman who has disappear- ed is about. 19 years old. LINDSAY PR ESBTERY MEETS. aux TALBERT oavaosou. or FLEET- WOOD. IS IN TOWN LOOKING FOR ENGLISHMAN AND MONEY. Youth Disamwd Holiday 30 has Farmer’s $28 Groceries . Grant spent Saturday i Burns. a one time Wood- Visiting her many friends In. Will Moore and hm- rs Burns. spent Botnrdny ‘. Mr. end Mrs. Ju. Cor- WOODVI LLE. SITTI NGS. proceeds were r home in evening in was a sue. programme have heard Mr. [BAKEIL DRUGGIST. BOBCAYGEON G. H. HOPKINS. K.C.. Bat-vista. Solicitor, Notary Public Phytician, Brian Work. PETER KENNEDY DR. 8. J. SIMS, DENTIST. Fonolon Fnlls. Lax-ets 7 _ ._ v“â€"â€". â€"w ”win-“w Bumâ€"cactus“ excellent dd now. But. combined with n Benin. Blip. mmdem anegeec..thb but 1.; given its W aquibh M.” 61- A.“ md_-u,~ Repairs of all kinds on hand. Esti mates on windmills and all pumpinp outfits. I have no agentsâ€"save thei‘ commissions by dealing direct with me. Orders may be left at Cremery. JOHN DENNIS .IArriving {Daily . . . prompt delivery. In every department our stock has been treehened up in enticipetion of the holiday trade. and housekeepers will find it profitable to purchase her in order to get these choice new lines. We guerentee courteous service and T. BRADY EastBemon: growing demand for our N ew Raisins, Cm rants, Figs, Peels, on. SHARPE. Deans? on. a. A. wuLsoi: BUSINESS CARDS. in Phte, Crown Spices, etc. HANUFACTUREB. 0F I! you can deliver the can and the custom” wood. hastily glued made to last and v place. We offer 3'0“ PARLOR SETTS. EA?! If you are lookinc for "“8 at far prices. you “in find FURNITU gocxeas, When the instrument useiié I {Hointzman Piano u j Karn Organ Also agent for MUSICAL MERCHANDISE.w LIAMS SEWING MACHME Don’t purchas~ anvthing in! lines until you asmrta in what! do for you. P. J. BREEN} Call at Simpson Huusel Mom write Li 5d~ay P 011 jam“ Clflldiln Pacific Rail") I CPR, Steamship Lines 1150‘“ Dominion and Donaldsol‘ Star and Cunard Lines Do not mi» win: our fine of Hand-paimmi (71:53 more}, your Christmas gifts â€":'~s La: thing new. Big rv fuction on e’; of Chinawarv. wafvt Ems and ner Setts. \Vw :zrw E.~aiqua:~: ‘Groceries. Fruiu mi all 1‘ng the Holiday 2:1,; Uri," a steps off Kan->1. .~ «3112 92‘ New Hotel. A. G. B33000 Rail way an Ocean Ticket Attention Everybodl G.T.R. Grocery and China TELEPHONE IM. In over om in arable busiuvsg t pany has pat: on policy-holders mu W. R. WIDDESS. Agent. = - The Insurance M of America, Founded l] These garments shoulders, overlap} pockets. and high, collars. “Earn-rs coats look and feel BLAIR 80 STYLISH FULL ROOMY AND All Information Maps. etc-l nlshed on application (0 Among the 5 coats endorsed ing the stamp val, we wish 1 ticular~the PRICE FROM 1 now FOR FOR XMAS- THURSDAY 60 KENT ladies” and Gents‘ him ‘. MA TCHE (‘A U SONS. AGES'I' F0!- MATCHE" 3 together will be aw; m WRITE overlapped Id high. sn aarvrs nf Senna] ten-bl? have ‘5' V my. .1 0f the '88 he? leorcross: Iekllomed hp 3MB I hit were the‘ Hire or M years JODVILLE WINNERS “he brick [to 363le he!!!“ fe‘ W05 ING

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