. {IL-41:3" “ Alwnls Bought 5 mandkstconnins neillln' iMorphine nor mm. or NARCOTIC. A ecf Remedy forComli dohagour Stomach. Diarrhopé‘i. , Worms, Convulsions, Feverish- ness and Loss or SLEEP. Par: Simlle Signature of “I swoon company. “I. "II cm. 1 Satisfaction When you buy a “ Progress Brand†Suit or Overcoat, it is a big satisfaction to know that you could not have done better. ‘Progress Brand’ Clothing is the best value in Canada. And “PROGRESS BRAND†value means style, and ï¬t, and service. LOOK FOR THE LABEL TIL-1T Pnorncrs. 113 Cresswell and Jordan, DEALERS IN 111111111: nolluurll'rs, HEAD- STONES, PLUIIBERS’ sur- PLIES, no. class. ness and satisfaction our motto. Nearly Opposite Public Library. FOR A GIFT HIGH-GRADE ART SI I-VERWAR E. Though a cheap article of Silverware' 18 out of date and unsuitable for a present we do not hesitate to recommend any of the following pieces of Art Silverware as the correct thing for a gift, being modern in design, ornamental and useful in any home'â€" .â€" Table Mirrors, Coffee Setts, Tea' Setts, Fern Pots, Olive Setts, Nut Bowls, Ben-hon Dishes, Servers, Candela- Bra, Jewellery Boxes. LlllllSAY’S BRITTON BROS, lEAOINO Foot of' Kent-st" 1. JEWELLERS. LINDSAY. - ONTARIO- ‘1' en- 1111 l A "‘1’ Jl-wy-mwuemu Wood and Iran with Brass For any Depth of Well. we are prepared to supply first-claim pumps promptly. Repairs will receive careful attention. SYLVESTER BASTBBIA W The Kind You Have M J.CARTER, - 4o Kent-St. fllTARIfl MARBLE WUHKS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GRANT! AND All Work and material strictly ï¬rst Being a new ï¬rm our stock is well selected and of modern design. Prompt- Ofllce and Shop 147 Kent-st, W. W. JORDAN. Cylinder, Having secured a ï¬rst-class experienced Pump Maker, YM’F’G CO .. "i.“ . 429445 -'~ 141- ..:~ 1‘1â€â€œ "91' .1- v «oesoo'oouaoofcoo059.60.900.00».999090‘0’0: '1 , ' 1 . .. . . . 80F THE H R . . I , . : 2 no Ichbllahmellt of coal. lung-t ’ dam on larfllâ€"Artlolec scarlng : f on oliuroli Work at llonio and t t Abroadâ€"carefully woman»: ’ '.. ' " ‘ trlllutlena will be ' Resolve or . ï¬ninuiliiiiiu': Publication In this column. : 001000090¢OGOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOO000010006 SELF! HERD Q5“ I‘LOI‘LE 1 not. can JlVO no weight to bill 1:111- (Kingston W his.) 'dollcc. The apostolic condemnation " 1 . ' '01! persons in. the sum» 11111 The Archb1sh0p of Montreal- annut of lreryur be r. garded all :1 religious cealot. He as 1116 must alasndoncd and wicked a“, like a great, leader. and does mucus tau 11.1 (11'me 111,011 him." not hesitate to act his '11an'-P""| , _ _ , 1. . "' 7 1.1 ulnar-1 menu- which are not elel'allns l _ '11th -IuSLRRIICIIf‘JXK t or in thcir character. Besides. he is not l“' (“'0' 1" Rated. m“ L" cur1f' l to note what others an) or 11â€â€œ “‘0†COWS“- “â€5"“ â€â€˜0’“ "W‘W . 1 . milllnrcrs are educated into m-11111 '1 es ouch lubllc 111an .1: . . dto bl “um ‘ lrtlblrgy. Ihelr training is too much 1 .ll'lf‘ts “ h1n the mill was affected '1, the duozul to books and 1.1.1 lathe 1.1 l mt‘n. "Illry talk 1110.11. huvmg 1111111.“! 1 ovemont â€" and '.t w .13 .. l:"'P£|:;n§9 ii; an all too endclit “115 1W1 111.11. and taken [ml-4Tulul" 5 11111 c . ‘ , . 1 1. rbusc 01' the license system â€" 1111 did C0“ -“‘-'-“ I“ w" 10|0§}---111d‘:...l:t 111.“. not mutate to involgh uaninst it. A“ L-HS 11" dons-1:1»-.- 1'.. L-i ul.‘ \\‘ 11 some of the theitres \V1~r.:in- 31101111 1100“ is on to 3-111 111.11 and how to know 11:111. 51:11, .1.;1 not clinul to giVe p 'ays in which the (Lot 1113 oi lhe people were not sufficient.†Stbtlr‘d. he pronounce-l. his drug-glo- t1 1L to L1 15‘ book's, shoull 1: known. 1'11' r-':1<11 m: n that th: gospel is p11: ' .. val. Now he 11:13 for'mddell the 11c- 01.‘ I!“ L'hnkjfhlbr '50‘-:1~‘1I'â€"‘:1l. 1:11 ll ['8 le-YS which have the U“. 00 mun 1.- prune 11' â€001.1 .1).3l 1.). [voted to b- .1 lflOh agent. 111.110) FORUM“ “‘g‘u'l‘ . . ‘ . , v~unv collulor. CliUlCl‘. 1:1er agent. l1.-.J T110 :imuscmcnt mdnlgtridjp, 5. church bazaars and Less. 11.111- 01.2. dcnakvn U) .lcfy 111111. R b 11.1 c and, in fact. do almost (11-01:.13: W11: 11 the‘ urchb1sh0p speaks it is with Sumo ity. 11111 his pr'oplc hive too teapot: for him 1.0 do luutt L'uL .'.'.|=;1'. he shell-l tie is (‘XllrLiPll in do so much lrut he should not 111-1: mach 1.1 .. re lvuulstcr hlrdli 1115 an 11-11. in use hlzn The “"1“ .. 111a? WM pr'e n indeed. :1 llflitsb‘ the week to study the woi.d H - [11- b‘â€â€˜Â°p has â€n ' 01's a 1llinlstcnu: "llisu1'1'1.';til.o11" for 11113 touch to the 1.111;; heresy that when one has done his mum: he is free To di\crt himself. a s the good of the profession. Born in the church where for 40 The church does not (“ml-(41° “I yC'lrs he has been minister. Canon make the diversions of Sunday pailt‘ William ‘aector L) on. the blind vie-11' able. ;: aims at making ..his 3 “5" of :llerbornc. England. has resigned. da . free of care and folly .at givma 1 _ ' . . . toy the soul of man the uplift {11'1“ “0mm†5°93†of 990"?†Missions of the Christian Church has are devotion. and “16 only “1‘3“ . . . W 51011 is :1 freedom from every. oumuro e: tabhslled tenchurches 1n‘ten years 1nflu111ce4 The average 81111114: 111311 [in the mountains of the State. tre does not give effect to the. ser- 1.,†Evangelistic Committee of Vic-3 of the church. New York city during the summer """‘ held 1.6236 meetings in tents 1nd. ,1, SENTENCE SERMONS. th: men an. the illneanuC-J being A 'high ideal is ahelml to high life. 473 .906- The ideal the bible 19185303 before us 151 he pa '.Mention of the character of Christ. ' L‘x . . 1 Men of the noiolelst (disposmons think themselves happsea 1w hen othâ€" 015 Share their happiness with them. â€"J'I‘a y lor. ‘Ihe I‘rcsbyterinns in (‘oreu 1715: year 11.111 6.28 places of worship. \llere now they have 767 each wOrl - er superlntending from.’ .1 10 50 con- .gr: ga etions. A new charter has been granted the I have often had mansion to 0,). 1 Proxestant EpiscOpul church of the serve that a rwmrm (olund'ering man 4'10““ 0'- Georgie. "‘9 domicile 0‘ ' V rid the bishop being chinged fraui A'- does more for: thdrwol‘ld thanâ€. [Ila . . _ . wise maulâ€"Richard Cecil. 1 111111.. 1° â€â€œâ€œ"â€_‘_‘:_ Many. indeed, think of 10911118 hap- R'v. Thomas Spurgoon. the famous 'py with God in 13:41vcn; lout the Deâ€" Enghsh cl~rgyn1an is now in T311129, 111g balppy rwith God: on earth never but is so much better that he will enters their thoughtsâ€"John Wesley. probably within 1111: next. year on- Everything hard or painful. in a tirely regain his health. christian'd hf? '5 another opportunty Tile big Rescue Mission at Milwauâ€" for 111m to 3'5ҠMammy and 03‘ k-ze 1': now out 'of debt $3.71)) cul- come a little morn of a man. , lectcl in one day. when workers from l'I‘he simplest road ‘0‘ knowledge LS all over the country aided in the JIWGFS the surest. '~ work, having put it on its. feet. Being. knowing. doing â€"- are the three fundamentals of success. It isn‘t hard tel find ltrouiole if a fellow goes on a blunt for. it... If your circumstances don’t fit you. you fit the- circumstances. The measure Of your capacity is £111 measure of your renï¬lonsiioility. _ This old. world is sad enough witbl out having to hear the story of your wees. ' ("Q If no heavy rain clouds ever drifb- ed across your sky and shut out the sun for awhile. some «day you will long.r for the 3531114511 .0! the rain in false». » / Experts have d-cided that the ."1m- cus St. Paul‘s Carliedral in London is safe so long as the buildings around it are not distur'md. and thus ends :1 long CODLTOVBX‘S)’. hillâ€"EWE â€CHINE [EZEMA Skin of Whole Body Covered for a Yearâ€"Awful itching Kept Suf- ferer Awake Half the Nightâ€" Tried All Kinds of Remedies but They Had No Effect. CUTICURA REMEDIES A PERFECT SUCCESS “I wish to let you know that I have used one set of Cuticura Remediesâ€"- one cake of Cuticura Soap, one box of Cuticura. but two vials of Cuticura Resolvent Pills -w11ich cost me a PREVALENCE OF I’ERJURY. In an address on the evils of fer- jury, Bishop “form“, of Halifax, reâ€" cently made the. follcrwin; state- ment; \. . "A right cones; tion of God and His word. and a due reverence for them. (would make perjury al-xsolutely unâ€" known. fl‘he growth of perjury is a terrible thing. and theme nan be no doubt that 111: is tglrolwing. The othâ€" er day Judge :Riddlelll. of free-onto. stated ‘t‘halt i": twat: {screaming 11; most n ,! . . dollar and two at -ï¬ve cents in all. For serious problem in thel conduct of the I earl have what they call bodmd y. en courts, and I have heard 1:1 well- lrnown police magistrate of a, large city 1in Ontario declare that if: is imi- ad an itching all over mzebod when I would 8retire for 1. night it would keep me :1qu half the night, and the more I Would scratch. the more penal-ole to believe word-31,011 their. ggï¬lgtiigilldl t?;%a£1§?asftn:l: oaths. [The argument made by a of mine told me to try the Cnticura Remedies which I did. and am very glad I tried them. for I was completely cured. If any of my friends should be troubled with they same disease, I will cheerfully recommend the Cuticura Remedies. and if I know an one who wants to know how I m self. I shall be glad to tell them. W oer W. Paglusch, 207 N. Robey St.. CW. 11L, Oct. 8 and 16. 1900." CUTICURA witness in a recent glelgralted elec- tion trial thalt he advised his agents. with sworn, 'to kiss their thumas in- stead of the loook‘n and lthen they, 11 ould not are guilty of perjuryshows the utterly .umvorlthy idm push a man has of Him nvho reads the heart of the man, and Judges. not by the outside of the plantar as :01 the. cieanf- lininsls of it. t “The wholesome dread which the story of Amnm and Slut-phira mm TheGreetSkinCureend Finest and Sweetest of Emollients. exerted seem to have {out little pow;â€" er todayâ€"especially in a liquor tnial or a contested election. Affidavilts are taken and oaths administered 01!- ten in euloh an “movement manner that the solemnlty which is attached to them is lacking. and the awfulness of invoking the nann1e(9fG0d. in attest cation of man’s lwor'dlia but liltltlea'ea- Cuticnra Ointment is. beyond queec tion. the most successful curative for torturing.disï¬ gurin humors of the skin ecel . - and pligcluding new. .yetcom anointing " 8p“; ceded bynhubathwlthCutiounSoap, andfollowedin themeseesbyadose of Cuticnra Resolvent (â€fund or Hill). is oftenmflcienttoalord mmedlatere- lief in themoetdistnessingfamot itch- lized. 111111111111 should. either on 111mm 1' ï¬â€˜ggï¬ggm mm officers for the administration 1 of potato aspesd 1 l matanotall other andeven hynclanllriill’. oaths. or the fame thalfl in now. so of- . 1 9% acted Should. be donlel way with. 10 l “a, , m me†In swearamanmonlaiaibledWMh‘mm ' be has neverlreerh‘amnd. of which†hemashcardbnthbflsbemimmhmh ‘1 homoerothdmm'mï¬em_ «Kw “W mad-5%.... ‘ ~11. ‘ and looked 5w eet ’Mr. and Mrs. say. played Mendelssohn's Wedding ..Iirrh. as the bride. who was given , 1am by, her (flier. entered the pit- l‘lilnomo nus Familell-«floneybollrne. The marriage was solelmnized on Dos. 241h. in Toronto, of Miss Flor- 01103 Honeytoourne. formerly of this town. to Mr. Chas. Fmrnficld. of Al- luzldale. 1.)) the Rev. Beverley Smith. of St. John's chumh. fToronto. The bride 1601104 pretty in her travelling: eui‘ 01 crown brmdleloth. .with lat t; much. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Farnfield have the best rwinliham of a circle of friends. '11» young couple will take up their residence in Allandele in the aprlnz. -â€"â€"+â€"â€" Rogersâ€"Wells. Port Hope Guide; On Christmas Day a quiet wedding took place in St. Jcbn'a church. when the rector. Rev. E. Daniel. unit-11d in marl-age Milan Edith R. Welie. of Port 1.101112. and Mr. Fred Rogers. of Lindsay. The 1:11 idu-maid 'Wal! Mina Grier: Brush. and the groomnman 2111'. Walter Roâ€" Alter partaking of lunch :11. the home of the 103240.13 mother. )lr'x “'clhl. Durham‘s-1L. the happy cou- ple left on theL4.3ll train for Lind.- my. After visiting for :1 dmv days in Lindsay and Belleville they 'wml 1.1110 1117;: their residence in Port 111511' for :1 time. gels. nurch. played by Mrs. (Rev) Phelps the bride entered the drawing l'o-nu. which was tastefully decorated ani was given away by her father. After the ceremony. the guests re- pall‘(l to the dining room and 111:' â€" took of .1 dainty repust. The happy coup-h left on the eight o'clock 111.11 for pomts east. Many costly all! us.- - ful presents were receivei â€"_._.___ licElroyâ€"Schnrdfager. A pretty home wedding was :zo’eznn- ized at 1111: home of the bride‘s p.1r- enst. Mr. and Mrs. E. Schwardfuger. {bird the parlor on 11111 arm of her father. to the strains of the wcddin' march. played by Mia's Gertie {$1110. The bride was becomingly -1tlir:l 1n :1 pretty brown skirt. with .1111' l110(.1dcd Silk lllOUS': and \1 is 1tlâ€n'l- ed by Miss Emmd.‘ sister Of 211:2 gloom. who were .1 11:11.1 blue .«kiit and white silk blouse. Mr. - \111 Schwnrdfager. brother of 1111 1111113, pi'y d the part of groom'sm in 2111.- groom‘s present to 1111 hrjl “:11 :1 black Persian lamb c0111 111' ll mirk trimmings. and 111qu to more: to 111-:br1'desn1111d :1 gold hr 1.1120111 :11 with pearls. and :1 pearl 111 pin :0 1h: groomsman..kf1 r 111: 11111-111011. :lll rLlerd to the diningroom where .1 sumptuous repust .1111110'111'11'111 .nL .111 drink to the h alth of bride and groom T111: happy couple left on 111" (1.; trait. for Toronto and \\ 11111111.. :11- Lcr which they will riside in .. ‘31:) River. “'8 wish Ihcm every success. ..__*_.â€" Kennedy-«Gilson. A very pretty \udding w 1~ c.1111 bra-.111 at the 110111.: .1.’ Mr. 11nd 3115 Weslty Gllson. Ops. on \ew 111r> 1333'. when their onlx' din-gator, .‘Om M11ud. \\ :13 unilzi 1:11'1111-11': Dund Ktnnedy. lll ., \Lrll US 0 Aellrnore After the congrltulations 11 suuip tuOus wedding brc ukfust was ".111- AL live o‘clock. 10 111 i the wedding march. pl1y1d 11; .[1x5 Vaiaxw Vick-cry. of Lind.‘.,1;.' Ll:0b1"-l: beautiful arch of evergreens 1:,'.")\1- ers an" b;lls. The impressive cor:- mom was pox form -d 111' L1 1e iiev. McCul och. of Omemce. 1n the prM «.52 once of about seventy guests "the bride was handsomely attired in 10.115- ilnue 311k oxcrlaid with point spirit, with bridal veil and oranu2 cream roses and ferns. She 11:19 at tended by Miss Eva. Kennedy. 5151- 'r of the groom. who was attire! 1n fan: y mull trimmed with lace and chiffon. and carried a boquct of 111111; of the bride. acted as [lower gL'l in embroichm-a muslin and lace ovc-r pale blue silk The groom was support-.2 d by Mr Jeff ed in the dining room. which w as 11-:- coruteu wrtll evergreen. “Owen: 3111 bcils. After an enjoyable evening via.) spent the happy couple were com»)- the train for Peterboro . Inc esteem in which the b: 1.112 was held was shown by the rainy useful and handsome presents of ._.__.._._ Thompson-Copeland. A very pretty wedding took plice at. the home of the bride‘s pa. rents. "Fnirview Farm." Mariposa. on \2w Ytar's day. when their ewond daugh- ter,Eether Jane. was united in mar- riage to Mr Bertram Thompson. of was escorted by 11:1 f.:11‘1 er 111.11-1 blossoms. and C(II‘I'ICd :1 bonnet roses. Irttle Alma Ring land cons-1n cd to Lindsay. next morning .auiug which she was the recipient. John D. 00921111! Nalcntia. Bills Edith andae. of Lilla!- ‘ ’D | I id church. day at 3 1.2.111 Christ editing a paper that man-3e ‘? narvd table. the A1mor1es ? or questions more 35101311 by a 13-331 minister in the soured (fl 9. nenmon on Sunday on â€The Devil of Sport". fl‘t-ey suggest other questions. Would Christ lae found editing 1 a modern. church paper f modern would inc His attitude'towandls modern church institutions and modern e5“- '3‘“ Soap 101' .11 '..'.;.1 o‘clock, lookmz :harm- ing in 1 1 my blue suit w'.‘lt1 w '11. 1' silk \l 11st trimmed with chiffon u!' l ribbon. >11 carrhl :1 bouquet of [lrlnll(hL‘-"i 1nd ferns. and wore U... usual conwntionul 1'.-1'1 caught up with â€nil-'15. and carn'riions. TH.- brilln \'.'.1~l .‘lltf‘fldf‘d by 1:1-r sis- 11.r, Miss Alice. who wore 1 arm #1er with cram silk waist our 1111. hire. trimlnrd with blue ribbon and Sluggettu-Geach. (unit-d :1 'lmu:1u1't of pink r0~._‘:1nd .1 pictxy. hul 11111;! “141111112, w),- {arr}, 111111.- 311. Harry Thompson, t-OllleZC‘d on New: Ymr's day .1: brother of the groom. acted .15 1.31, Your O'clock, .11 11101101111: (11’ Air. :ml mun and 111111' ME.» >.1dic, sister of Mrs John ll. (larch. of the ‘1'. )1. the l)lldl‘. looked 1211.1r1111ng 111:1 C. .\.. when their (‘ldit d.1u__'htu' crqln. :ll‘1\\. :11-1111; :1.~ llmu-r girl. g:.llll. “.13 unlit-'1. in holy tsï¬ler'k 3111:4111 frell 3‘ersz .lcll'll .ls pigl' to Mr. Geo. A.Slugg1'1t.of10wn. The carrying the ring in .1 bask.. of Rev. H. L. Phelps officiated. To 11.9 flown-1s strains of Medelssohn‘s weddin: Allu' 11m (“rememn perfornu i 11 \lr. T. Brown. or 0.11.11( .11, proccvvled to the 11.11111; 5.11, down to .1 lllL 11t1 the pin. room, 11 lzre they . 1111111101111 repaer. 'Ih. groom's g1ft to the bride :1 1101' watch and 10 the bridesmaid a mamcure set. and a ring 10 the “Curr 31“. 1'11 2 couple left on the six turn for Toronto ..nd points west. The many uncle of Mr. 101'1 testimony of their good l0\e and 115119111. by the many and good wishes. “'35 will. ~~omr gum Absur sixty nu‘~fs were present. some from ' l’cter‘oro Lindsay. Linden Yale; “ El 'n-st.. on New 1‘ ar‘: 11:11', 1 ' , _ if“ 3“ “'alluce fwhcnethgir didci.‘ “11d L1ttle Britain. Alier January 1.. d-‘iugllt-;r Bertha on united 1:1 '6; \1r and Mrs. T110n1p50n will residu .1. ha). 111111.111 of matrimony to “11“" lburns Island. Mun) h'ippv dl:>. . . ’ â€"+â€" >1mo¢l )lcElroy. of 11:11ny 1.1121: At the hour of three the bride on- Houâ€"Hnygarth. {uiet out. 1111):; 115.31ch “(’dr lane in Collegeâ€"st. Metho- Toronto. on; 5e“: hear": The contracting pur- tics were 311'. Junie-.6. llillyard 110,31» and Miss Vivian Gertrude. llaygarthu oath of Toronto. 1 - Miss Mabel Mitchell. 01' Lindsay. flayed the bridal chorus. an the bride, who was father. )Ir.J:11ne.s Ilaygarth. of Abernathy. Sahsk. entc rod. lllL‘ church :1: clock. looking charming in a dress of 1; (1111i d'osprir our white. 1.11111. 5113 -.11 (led :1 large sheaf 31 white ro 1's and lillies _of the valley and more 1111- A 1 en ding Look; given away_1oy her 3 o’- usual oridal veil 3:.1urhr. up: M’llll a f valley. i of lillies of \tlle Bella 110.12. slated of the groom. who ruined as .rrridCsmaid, was attired in :1 drew. cf 5.0211: 11'- or; 11L ouâ€"r pink silk. and carried cheril’ of gink res-3:. while Mr. E. Cun- ningihum. cousin of the oride, :lclud as groomsvrnun. 1 *1; 121) M Lens .1 The .2ride's .roilirJâ€"uxl'ny suit , \Vlls myrtle ,:r'e:-11chi[1';n oroazrl 10111. 111111 (1117- lined 30:1. to 111313.111 the g'iI; of the groom and. hat: of “hire th {'1' trimmed 1".1: 1 rlobon and 1111113. lumen. (The happy couple l.-f: 01:. 111e- 121'1'11111; 1111:1111: for . ' 2:1. 111;. 'fl. .,- .‘lu- ... ml '14? Rev. 15611 their return will 1. Gl:1d<ionr.- :-1\"... Toronto. 1 It. J. Fi.all~ of Col‘...‘ thodist church. officiated 11111]: 1131015. were Manure. Aer-New. Cun- nirglhnm and llays. ‘r11q1orid; l1.1~1 many friends 111 town who “â€1411 111:: ovary o'.,. but; 113.; pl lie-Ho, Annotated ills Own Finger. Excning Past 01' Jun 4111 Mr. Put Leddy. who woxks :01.‘.Jr John Cougnlin. :1 farmer near 1.12.1 in Ups, met with .1 rather unforiuu- ate accident yesterday. He was :uu- in; a stake for some purpose. and 1‘11}. instrument he was using slippe'l 11.111 cut the first finger from his 1 1" i band. He was driven to town w"? 11:1 1'.? the hand dressed. lf Christ Were Here. (“'oodstock Sentinel-Renew). ‘ Would you find Jesus Christ :11 1h. ring. 'whcrc crowds foasemrfle. to 141-9 two men hummer each other till 11..- OIOOd flows? Would you find Jew: rwould aunt of .s'u: 11 11 3'71: ,1» “'ould Christ :1 it end 1.11:. the whist mournamen: .' Would he attend the opening 101111 at Those and. many othâ€" giie a full no: Would he attend a prayer. - meeting 1 What Satisfaction follows the surprise of every housewife who use: surprise You wonder how it can make the clothes so white and oleï¬n. with so little rubbing? 11 is just SOAPâ€"perfectly pure with peculiar qualities for wash- ing clothes. Try it the next wash. and 31:5,. Thompson . lldud- . I, l l Z: Constipatlo halted sweat apples u pron. pt r 111’ for Com: ,.. coam a}. .l'bv-at bread u ..111'. Natureumlouhterlly has 11 1'11: 21;. I'vllew' evvryhllmont '1. 11.111: 11. our can ‘I‘di. 1'.: 1 Sam r1 sway 1 l '91 ctr: k1: rly tru.n with r14'11rcl 11 l 1: »' ; Tho- bnrk o. :1 our 1.’ 2: 1;. earn Siirratiaâ€"Of‘ :\' :1. 1711»: 11x11. end. 1511!. ('01:;hi111vi 1'" :. 1.2;. p' :1 very Elm Bark, N11,“: 1; "1:11:13' earn» (Axum bark ;: g 11 MT“ '1'†or .01 ll 1 it: gnu pouwr in curb-('1 1-r.:..~t:;1atin:.. Candy Tabla, mlio-d Lara-tr. l> mm 4 Dr. 51100;) laBl/lmi/)ril'>. from thin 1' ,1 most efler'tive preacrjntzr‘n. lt> vflw' pa’: 011, Blllf‘IUS'l ‘3 >01; 1' \ln' Hawaii. 1'- l Saliow Complexion. etc.1. 11nd nailsfymg \‘o gripi ng. no unpleasant s’wr 1†' . 'po nenm4‘.. :m‘. Laxâ€"«J ~' ar- pl: ‘. 1;: , ithogmphcd mel4l bone. at .1 Gent: :1: po-r box. For something 119w.nl@. 900302; eflective. try a box of Lax-ets “ALL DEALERS†CATA R R H 6c DEAFNESS CAN BE CURED T0 COIV’XNCZ YOU we '11] Ind voc nascent 1.11.; ggaalpxs A081}; LIAN CATARR 1 an 14-11 darn trial. I! benc- me fitted widen the morn-y. We knww 1.. . rv-mtdv huno can. in canal my 11 Foul Caurrh. Dame-I and Cold new. 1mm: T0 1111 The F. LXI-tn 00.. Limited Crrm'r Qnre: k “fauna Sire: 1.: -‘ 7151111111, LIB. 1). (11. L 1 . ELlcrllo-cnnllcli Rheumatic Rings . . .. Are Guaranteed to Cure Rhonmotiun ans; Neurallrm. also Female Disorders arising $121.7. L'ric Acid. The Electrochemical Ring is 1.11: an “mount charm ortaitb cure. but a «longs. medium {01' the elimination of uric and f’ '2'. the blood. The secret. the power. the {10:21 5. this ring lies in the combination of 11.1: 1'nr111 - metals of which the ring is made. No man-- what the trouble is, if it is caused by ciicmu 11.’ uric acid. the ElectroCbemical Ring wil 1 a cure. books)" uh: like any other ring cm worn day andJ night. \‘l e guarantee rim“ to do all we claim. or will relax: money. Send s as of ï¬nger w hen ord1r Mailed to any addrr an on rece p10 0’ 5 HM The F. E. KARN 00., Limited COR. QUEEI 81. VICTOR“ SIS. TUE!) ll; .11 ... An Infallible Cure For Sprai n5 Ringbone Sp 11'. Cu Swot-fit} anencss and Soft Bunc ie Kendall’ 5 Spas in Cure has not; .. M1.1.\':'1<1'..'.L, P,Q.. Sept. 1:, ‘.'. “I have the care of a number of 110 CW“ and have used your Temtflltk. u": '. .. always proved infallible." D [Band/{gr Be preparedâ€"keep Kendall‘s aiwny- . the stable. Our book "Trenuae oz. ‘. Horse “ free from dealers or $1 I batheâ€"6‘ for $5. LR? ("C C r .- 4...â€" Df.B. J. Kendall (1.. Enosbnrg Falls, 1 Vermont. L' .S.A â€" -..n~. .. Plillless Eyesight. MANY DON‘T KNOW IT. Many people really need Glasses “A don’t know it. Others know they z-«d glasses but neglect wearing them "' 1 present neglect means future tron Avoid this by having us careful; thoroughly examine your eyes an ' proper glasses if necessary. if yer: treatment by a physician we will r so. Examination free. charges 11:0 11r- M. B. ANNE, Oph. D EYESIOHT SPECIALIST 92 Kent-st. ( Over Neill’s Shoe Lindsay. .6 51111 3114.1 Sb Eyeglasses repaired. Broken N ~‘ replaced . M’s Gotten Root Compound. The great Uterine 'Io only safe effectual Wonv'hicbwor. 1 depend. Soldin three 1... 11; «strewnâ€"30. L $1: f‘ " Edam-eon stronger 8.. \'1- cases. Sold 11 vâ€"-â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-‘â€"" stems of government ? ‘Towaz' 1‘ Lord’s Day Alliance? Would 11? lead ,a modern army, to .:,.:;.e. 1 fi‘g‘lf‘l’Jl' . \X'ould the lee a .modelrn , W'onld He favor Japanese CIClumm. 1 Would Be loo a madam; politician? Aniline-1.. "1111. " ~14.â€