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Lindsay Post (1907), 10 Jan 1908, p. 12

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‘ “, 1’f1::!ltl8‘.3l‘ili 3"» “i - animal " ' «our, “a“... 5.11 :1 Some Work Which Will be Done on Trent Canal During Winter The Lift Lock at Kirkfield Formally Taken Overâ€"Stony Lake Clainsifor lligh Water Settled-«New Dam at Gooderham. winter considerable on the During the work will be carried out Trent ‘Canal system, which will give employment to a number of men- A new Wooden dam will be built at Norland, seven miles up the }uli river from. Coboconk; it 11111 result in raising the water in the Gall r11 er, and conserving the high level. The dam 11111 replace an old one and 11111 be seven feet high: The work 11111 be carried out by Mr. George Littlaton, under the direction of Ovirseer Samuel Clogg, and about fifteen men will be employed a1- winter Ion”- i SE“ GATES 111‘ EL CKHORN Cement, gravel. sand, timber and other supplies are being conveyed to Bunkhorn, where new: look gates with the latest modern Opening appara- tus will be installed. About. 20 men “ill be employed and the work “111 be in charge of Mr. Alex'ftichar'lson, under the direction of Mr. Clement. Gordon, 01 erseer. ' DAM COMI‘L EIED \ wooden one. The cost of the new structure is $3,500, and a. fine 'job I has been done, under Mr. Alex Rich- hrdson. LIFT LOCK TAKEN OVER Supt. J. H. McClellandl was in Kirkfield New Year’s day. where the lift lock was accepted from the con- tractors. the Dominion Bridge Co. as I a finished work. and handed by them Ito the canal officials- The adminis- tration and control of thcilift :02! at Kirkfield will henceforth be under the direction of Mr. McClellan. 1 )11'L. . Sherwood was the engineer in charge of the work at Kirkhold under the direction of Mr A. J. Grant, 51 perintending engineer. CLAIMS SE‘I‘TLED It is understood that the Stony Lake cottagers, who have claims against the department of railways and canals by reason of the high 11-:1t-3r. have been settled. with. 0: at least "a majority. of them have. It is learned that. about thirty have agreed to accept certain sums â€" in l mam instances smaller that the c-ri- ' The new dam at Gooderh 1m on the I ginal claims put inâ€"and the outiay Burnt ri1er, ‘WCC'k. It is a concrete structure on the site of the old wooden dam, but considerably higher than the ‘Stroller’ Stirs Up A Ouebec Writer .Denies the Statement That Mass Was Linden Valley Friends Present Iler Offered!“ Bourassa’s Success. was completed last [from adjusting the damage done by high water was about $4. This is ? considered aWery satisfactory setw: ment. ISaid Farewell to Severalwreeks ago “Stroller”, in his columnfllwd occasion to refer to tho Bourassa-Turgeon election in Quebec. and quoted a newspaper item- to the .effect that the priest. of a. certain church has offered mass; for Bourr. assa’s election. «The statement has “0115811111111. ire of a Post subscriber, in Sherbrooke. 'Que. He writes as follows; ' “Stroller” is quite a contrisautor. and some of his anattcr is 3:1th 111‘ tcresting. I noticed recently a comment .re Bourassa. ear-313., of La- .oelle. .As you know, 1’tis. the 5101- icy of tho narrowâ€"mindedpress of On- tario, particularly, to always mix the church up, to its disadvantage, in poi: litics. patriotism, etc.. ”Now, as regards. Bourassa 5 recent contest. and previous- speeches, there 11 as a lot of {01: in the papers noout priests saying mass for Bourassa’s in- tention, etc., etc. iToron-to “papers and others, of course made much of this, .and hence these falsei opinions swal- lowed ‘70); ‘Stroller” and; others. ”As regards the Bourazssa incident .in the recent election and charges preferred. against the church, 1 the ia-ots are these; ‘lThe 1 customs in ahis province are. different in many avaysfrom Ontario. The population is almost all Catholic, therefore there are .Catholic churches everywhere. Now, one custom is, wvhen sheriffs’ zaalsstuolic sales, political meetings, or events of anyi kind, are to take place, they are always announced at the most convenient Catholic church in the interested section. “There is not a sees goes by but what these events take place all over, andSun- day is the general day of announce- merit. as then all the people come to mass, hence greater pu’ liciis; This service is performed for Prot- estants as avell as Catholics. “In the Bourassa case, he. did.as any other official or politician would do, and does doâ€"arrangod a meeting, notified the. priest ofrthe parish, the arncunee‘ment was made, and , that was 2.11 1there avast to it. 1 ‘ “Of course. _I remember at thorium. seeing on a Montreal ; paper liow' Bourassa :had had a: mass said, etc. The “'esiern and Catholic :_ papers“ ccpied it :with 1013 headings, butthey took good care not. no copy, the stator- ment given out after toy. Bourassa and others refuting the. charge re masses. etc, as the thing had. become. ridiculous. This was the! only coni- rcction either Bourassa of (Eugene bad with the chalrch service.” "Apart from his remarks .of this hard. and an occasional 'hit’ at the Irish. “Strollers" comments are. good. Bour‘assr. in this province by :acu'i par ties is considered a hotâ€"h -.ad but to. is also :9. Never and educated man, as his wen proven.’ Make 3 Frame House A Look Like Stone Blhmfbumctdunbie moufiahll‘rcuuido Eaflxkuyhomeâ€"mkaitvmwinu. WW-fiwfi itâ€"hdpc mob: it PEDLARS ~11 Detent- Melbourne. mmfuideuyouhue.â€" perfect mmdbnck to! none, none. costumes...“ when 0' T a ullkmcboictxucuirec. ltsFREE. Addre- :12 V PEDLAR p.191. (Ext?! 1801) . 0th.?“ “antral Ottawa Toronto 1.011 '01: Winnipeg Popular Teacher With Writing Desk and Bookcase. Evening Post of Jan 3rd Last Friday evemn‘g the. home of. Mr. and Mrs. E. 1R. Rogers Was .tho' scene of an immense.- gathening. conâ€":5 sisting of the (parents and childrenl of school section No. 6, afar-111053. WW had met for the mess of laidimg'lr farewell to Miss. Coppletston'e, ._.w.ho:' was severing heir connection with tho schcol. sine having toughtherc for the past eight years 1 Aflter a proâ€" gram consisting of readings, recitaâ€" tions. dialogues, vocal and instru-; mental nusiic. sateen, Cullis stein- vrod forward and read the following address. Miss G. Biirchazdl making the presentation of a handsome polished oak writing desk and bookcase com- ioinod; . - l,‘ ' Dear Friend and Emotionâ€"We, your so halars and friend-s, have met here to-night 'to express to you our apprr elation and gratitude for -your untiring zeal as a teaflor in aiding in encouraging us in our studies. “/0 know you have had our best inâ€" terests at heard; Every, scholar co- le.m’-~Iy and individually, not only as a school teacher have: you taught us. out from your christian character we have learned. lessons, the. imprint of I «which will ever remain in our lives. We realize theirs is. nothing that: 11' we can say-or do that...will convey to you our feelings alt ltlJifiulzimse in bid- ding you farewell as 011' teacher. and: [tier d, {out we would ask you to ac? cept this bookcase as a slight rcn momioxanco of our love; for you and? to show our appneciatiomi and hope! it still Joe a. reminder: of the happy hours me have spent together. “Wishing you very much? happiness in your new sphere. 10f life, and may God’s {blessings ever rest Upon you and yours ilsrthefrrayer of your scho- lars and friends in :Linden uValley. Although taken by surprise, Miss Copplestonie made a suitable reply, thanking them for the gifft: and for all their kindnessgas to her while in PERFECTION $10111 5815” “ nae-1v am: .It 1:1-21 11 When “ sweets ” lose their sweetnessâ€"- and ‘7‘ substantials,” their charmâ€"there are always MOONEY’S P E R F E C T I O N CREAM SODAS to coax back the appetite. Do YOU know how good they are? 105 Newsy Letter From Raebum, Manitoba Country Roundabout Has Been Settled for About Thirty Years. (To The Editor he]? The Post) Sinâ€"You will find: enclosed 81.2 for The Post and Weekly Globe for 1908. Th. every weekâ€"we like to get the news from Lindsay and country around. Raeburn is about eighty miles from Winnipeg. on the main line of the C. N. R. The town is made cp 0f one store. post office. grain elevator. and asiding for loading grain. and a few plank on somerold lies to form a platform for passengers to get on and off the trainsâ€"a disgrace to any community. This part of Manic-I :1 Ias been settled for thirty yeais .It is not a clean prairie. being Intruj 11'1tlt scrub. The land is goodâ€"not so ' heavy as Portage Plains or the 112.1 River Valley; it 13.0. good deal easier- to work. and grew :1. good crop this past season. The spring was very late andcold. The first wheat. sown hart- was on the 12Lh.of May, and after that we could work only half time for a week. The wheat in this part. turned about 23 bushels per _1('l'ej oats and barley were a good crOp. We had no hail or frostâ€"it froze up here on the 12th of November; no plow- ing. after that date, but the weather- has been fine. On the 26th inst. we had it 2.0 degs. below, that has bgen the coldest up to the present time. “Te have no snow of any account. Any teaming has to be on the wagâ€" gon.‘I may say more about the coun- try some other time. \V'ishing' you a happy ‘New Year, '~ALFRED LAKE. Raeburn, Mam. Dec.. 29th. They Honofed- Friend of Old WestOps Citizen Presented With a Fllandsome Easyi-‘Chair. On (‘liristinas Eve the neighbors of John B. Graham. csq.. assembled at his home, .West Ops, to express their sorrow at his leaving his old home to take up residence in 'Lindsay. Thir. Samuel Wright-read the follow- Post is a welcome lette 1' gig!- Vicious Bull- 408 2â€"4.... Young Lad Attacked_ and Untied C: Wednesday of_ Last Week.“ 1' Eyening Poe-t of Jan '..‘.. ’1 Percy, the ten year old son of Mr. Jerry Sheehan. had. a shockmg 11'- perienoe last evening as a r1sult of which he lies in bed. under med.c1' care, and mdy have to rennin there for several weeks. 111111 9. couple of companions Peru- wns passing down Ridout-st. about. 8.50 unlock, and when opposite 111' Blanchard's residence they hear/l 1111- ,bulldog in ‘the yard. B-.ing afraid of him, the lads began to run, but 1h:- nnima! managed to pin l‘crcy by ill" coatâ€"tail. and he was thrown to the ground. Immediately the 111-111.- l‘t'gaf: to worry the lad. wild Ht 5.1:- gicd to his feet only to be again thrown. the dog hating leaped for the face and fastened his fangs i1. 111-: boy‘s 11p. Fortunately the sccon-I fzili broke the beast's hold. and the lad. who seemed to have retained some presence of mind. lay quiet. striving to protect his face from the ray-3n ing beast. He was dreadfully bitten, and if help had not been summer-ed by his piercing shrieks before the beast fastened upon his throat. :1 {:1- 181 tragedy might have been :11: 11',- suit. ‘ ' The lad was rescued by Mr. Frank Forhcrt and Mr. McLean. neighbors, who found it a difficult task to :lciv: the dog away from‘his victim. Tb» boy was driven home by Mrs. It'or- bert. CI-ief Vincent is taking steps to hue the dog destroyed. An action for damages may also follow. The Cooderham Stabbing Affray Injured Ian Out of Hospital-«Assail- ant to Ask for Speedy Trial. 1 ._ Evening Post 01’ Jan. 1.. Roland Madill. the young m.1n who was staiobod at ('rooderhom on Christ; mas eve. has. madof :1 vmuzid recovery. the 1wound in the lungr fortunately turning out to no less serious than at first anticipate-.1. 1 .' Jos. Morrison. who is said to have inflicted tho iniurics r ct-ived 01' \1-1- dill. is Still confinrdi :anrsfflo. Jack- son, out his soli:itois, 1) essrs. -11:- McDiarmid 81-. \Vee '<. intend to grass for a speedy trial. Int-fem Judge llardiâ€" mg. and will ziak that the accrual mallowal'outt on lull in the inter- val. ' )Iadill's wounds 11 are inflicted with a common tooacca knife. it is mid. and 11cm not at 111 dangerous. 1:. looks as if thei aff 111' 01 is out the-.3115!- mination of a 230111111011 nrawl engen- dered by Christmas cheer. Morrison did. not escape unscathed. â€".he nears the marks of some severe handling. Ice Skating vs. . R_oller ”Gliding Capt. .Jos. Parkin Again III Charge of Lindsay-st. Rink. Evening Post of Jan. 2. Manager Sheridan was busy 10-day packing up the roller skates fo- 1e- moval to Midland. where he has an- cllther rink Mr. Liec.Coomi1s .3t1't- :d making ice on the' floor 111:: night..and 10-day had a thin (3011!.- mg all over the rink. It will be :1 day or two. however, before sk-itozis W-_â€"â€"â€" i FARM NOTES l (THE SMALL YIELD COW. Dairying in the United Stalks is depressed toy one elemend that must forever stand in thef way to unlock the daixymen from success. (that clan ment is the small-yield! {cow than costs $40 or $50 a your for keep, and returns her owner $25 to $35 for milk. Many a milktprodwcor, with a herd of 30 gush cows. representing an investment of $1000 .or $1200, is losing money regularly. and must lose as long as; .112 insists on 0;.i-rat- ing with suzh cows. 110 can invest his $1200 in, my, 12 cows that cost $11.0 apiece. and these. cows will give him more. milk than his 30 NZX'UOS giro him. He would! save the ffcd of 18 new s. with all the hard lusor and other costs of .lir-ir kcop. and 11: would be in the way to make. money. There I.‘ in right. no change. in farm and market sondlfiolm that promise (as (-ch' to put a profit into dairy'irig carried on with cows that average. ICUU 1500 411:1rts 0f1milk milk 4111' head per year. and producers may as well Open their eyes 110 this truth. The proiiosition to make .milk 111111 such cows is an absurdity. because it is proved beyond all possibility of done: that they put more money inâ€" to their milk tlianlthey can hope ever (-1' to gut 01111 of it 111'11911 it is’ sold in the. market. fl‘hc student of milk production is surprised every, day to OOFCI'VC what :1 large. number of Lords he will find_ that averages. loss than 1800 quarts of milk per head for year. The owners of these herd~ say that thr-‘v "31111110111 afford vettur - cows". The truth '1.» ftllait they can' no: "afford" these sows. One coriâ€" res-fondant says that last summer. in a tour or over 390 bio-Called “dairy, farms". he found 10111111111 :20 hard: whoso average yield was lnrgc enough to oring the 30ml of production in- side of the not trot‘urns from their milk sold at the average. price of the yen-1r. The. twenty who owned thoso herds were making money; The othr or 180 owners were. losing money on tlzcir small-yield herds. The. ilgson is plain. I'f‘ho conclusion is inevitr :1ol(-.â€"-.\'cw York Farmer. Till-I DRAINING INCREASES. years towards Just try it v The nor]; that oeg'in two ago :11 the Guelpli Colic-13'“ atol‘dlllg farmers in flu-1111111111111: of their lands. has filled. :1 d(CI’.l(-(l 11 .lllf. An extra 1111111 had to m- addcal 10111:- s’tafi and now the wosk 11.15 “oven to 11: that mice 1111.11 are urgently 111--1.11~.d $11.". \V. 11. Day. 3A , .1111) has the. work in charge. 3.1,“. in nth-111113} 112:1 winter. so popular UNIFORM KEENNESS KO IIONING-NO GRINDING. You want comfort and seduction of clean smooth shaves every morning. The Garbo Magnetic lo we caly razor UNCONDITIONALLY . GUARANTEED to give this. The secret Electric Tcmpcring positively merges every par- ticle of carbon «be life of steel) into the metal-- giving , diamond-like hardness throughout the blade-«ome- tblng absolutely impossible with fire tempered steel used in making all other razors. But test this razor in your own home-oar have your barber . mitonyou. Secure one 30 '- DAYS TRIAL with N0 OBLI- ~ 0A110N 1‘0 PUR- OglASB. 12.0 year's work: "“33 11:11".- ‘PL'K'II surprised. to 11‘ 1rd that 111' have laid our erlnrl of gin-1- to: or less extent on 0111' liundrcdand [illfftll farms during: 1111. 5.1130111: summer and that some fifty 1111;111:1- tions could not «cc. anti-mind to." \\ utl‘t‘b'f“ the work of 'he di';'.l'l men has been Called. satismction has been the. r'osuk. and-.in-n1any caci'c' more calls I11 the immediate nciglldm' hood an. extended. Iti is a well- In own fact that many farm are ren- dered sufficientzy unproductive 0y tho lack of drainage. The gutting: in of tile drains means all the difference between success and failure on many a farm. In many places, the drain has 1: 11d for itself in one. year. in the extra r-rop harvested. from the ground. 1' The department have filled :1 want in many :1 [311111. Their work costs the farms-r vpry little in immediate outlay and their reports are ate. It is ‘gratifyirig: to the lovers of u:1'~ rteultural education 1:1:1t the utter.- danee .it Guelph this year is nigger man ever Jeforc. 'I'hz'i frgshrna '1 Clara numoers one hundred. and. {ifâ€" tech. The MacDonald Institute is full to overflowing. W. G. DUNOON. Local Agent ti: no to time. This not only ensures the holding of the ITI'OIKX' tern; Kra- tuic, out prc-1ents conditions .11 111.11 {.111 or the grow th of _XIIOUI(15 and funâ€" 1:11.»; in the. collar To. grim-11L mould. it is a good plin 10 L‘ijlrll\ the «mills :1'1d the interior of .thc cellar With 111110 whitewash. Big Bill of Costs Faces the County nliCCh I'- “ M ad: in Ontario FOR :1 practical, Book-keeping and kindred subjects. For a thorough training, such as produces the besr Stenogrnphers and TypistS. ATTEND BUSINESS SYSTEMS COMMERCIAL SCHOOL LIMITED svsrems BUILDING. 52 SPADINA AVE. TORONTO, CANADA CLASSES RE-OPEN THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd. Ontario fall what supplies What Manitoba spring Wheat lacks , What Ontario fall Wheat lacks, The right é/md of the two maka the only perfect flour for all bread and pastry. and prove it. 7’ up-toâ€"date course in ‘999009000990090606 Pictures I Pictures I #000604 You will be surprised how much a pretty frame WOuiC improve a picture. Now that the Christmas and New Year rush is over we have more time to devote to your order and can en- sure perfect satisfaction. IIIMII BROS. [:3 Blackwellmook - Ilear lurker lQQOOOOCOOCOOOOOOOOO 999009999990999.090909909090999 O O O O 9 O O O O O o O O O O O Q 6 O O O 0 § 0 O O O 6 O O Q Q You cannot possibly have abetter Cocoa than EPPS’S A de. icions drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and Ionaut’s the section. :The trusltiees.ex:p1ressod ed their satisfaction in'lthe work she had done and in L-her methods of teaching. The older scholars! . and those who had :3mduatedfl-from her. school spoke feelingly of ltheir.affec- tion for her as alteacher. 1 . After a dainty lunch; was served. {provided by the. ladies and the thanks of the pointyf M'en‘eIIprespniT-ed to Mr. and M334 Rosetta. they. sahgr 'GOd be with you.".'a.'md1 dispersal to their homes. 1 .. ‘ - A MEMORIES. You .die, old year! your sun is set : Your :knell tolls in the midnight Sky. 11.1w linger o’er you with regret. Milly watch your, passing with ' a 1 Sign? You never with your funeral pall Dear joys that cannot come again? You take fond liOpes. dreams, plea- sures-mall; But, ah, the memories that remain! --George Herbert Clark. in the Canadian Magazine. Ocuhr‘I-llusion. . (Chicago Tribune.) 1 “,What town is that a few, miles to .119 north f" shouted the aeron- aut. leaning over; the edge of the ' basket. 1 . “Oshkosh !" yelled the 11111111111111}. ist o1e1' whose farm the balloon 11.13 passing ; , 1 1 "What?” . .1 5. 1:5‘ “Oshkosh I" ‘. ‘ ' ' " W, but did" he say i" askcd the 1191-. . companion. . ‘Ee didn’t say anything. He swore lat me’. I i 1 . . -. 1 . 1 " ' . moulding aloqg right mg address. and Mr..Herbert Granam pnsentcd Mr. Graham with a bean- tifully npholstered' Morris chair. To John. B. Graham, esq.. Grahtm’s étltlcmcnt. Ops; Dear Mr. Graham-fin behalf of your many neighbors, some of whom have been associated with your sinsc childhood. _1t isour desire to express to you the deep feelings of regret. ex- perienced by us at your removal from our midst to reside in Lindsay. For thme score years you basic to- I Isided in 11.11;: locality where you .were born In your boyhood. youth and ma. turer years you have ever beenchar- ncterized by what vigor and. starting manhood and adherence to ~mitt-fps . which. inhenitcd from your splendid :ncrstors. has so greatly assistel in lines those with whom you have ceon assmtated. Ever foremost in all good works. ever firm in your adherence to the right; always kindly considerate to- ward others. you have won a place amorg 115 Which cannot be {111:1. It is our sincere and earnest wash- that your remaining days, and lot us hope ”(y may be many, may be passed in the enjoyment of that comfort and rest which your' hard labor has :0 richly. eat ned. To gssist towards that object: we respectfully, ask you to at- ceptf as a slight token 01' our regard for you, this easy chair. Permit. us to hog-e that you may long be soared to enjoy pleasant hours therein. flu behalf of the neighbors and friends; 24th Dec._. 1902'. . Mr. Graham. though , completely taken by surprise. made! a very {rel- {pg imply. and mnnkcdhis him. .3 for their kindness. After enjoying an oyster Brpptr. 1N7 WM 1.‘ - will be allowed on. It will be news to many, that Mr. Sheridan. who has the Lindsay rink t'nder lease, has decided to sub-11:: to Capt..Jos. Parkin for the ice skat- .n(: season. for the reason that the Midland end will-occupy his full time. Capt. Parkin. who :took possession last night, is experienced. in Cht:ln'lll- negment of ice rinks. The “old reli- able" George Coombs, will. of course. be retained as manager. PROFITS FROM ALI-ISLE 1 Here is whit one farmer-Rude As xcrâ€" did with tllll‘LLCfl acres of alfalfa on the D. l". Deck farm; The. thirteen acres averaged five bushels to the acre. or a total of 65 bushels. This he sold at $8 :1 bushel. or $5221). BC- sides this. he sold the bay for $50, re- alizing *570 off of thirtew acres. or a little better than $43 an acre. This in itself is remarkable, fun when it is remembered that this was done by Rude Aspcr. who adzmts that he is the poorest farmer in Osborne County. is little liss than mira- culous. If the entire 160 acres con- . taincd in this farm were sown in (l- Sends Creetrn' gs I falfa and made such a yield. the value of the crop would be $G,bbU.â€"llowns Christmas Iassagc From the Vice-Ile- NE“- gal Lodge in Ireland. sronixo DAHLIA Roors. , Dahalia roots may he. stored in a The Countess of Aleutian. “110 is 'cellar much the some - as potatoes. AdViSOI‘Y President of the National' :says Prof. Butt. 1:4 is a good-flan OWN-3“ 0‘ Women 0! Canada 3’9“ recâ€" lwhen digging up the roots in the. mourners tho SisterhOO'do 80‘- annual- fall to leave :1 ~11an (y of canth adi- 1y sends: to flag dim 0‘ each Lo boring to them. and to place. the roofs 081 Council a W“ 101 107° and in a. dry place when tho earth dries ”Whim- out gradually. If they are star or! 'w8 have been shown by an Office" in a collar with tan earth floor, the. of the Lwalcmmel"1m mum! soil will likeyl retainf 11.11 the. moisr interegtfing Christmas “1'4 bearing turo necessary to keep the tuners the followinc lanes: ' . fresh. but if stored: op 11 bememt floor .What better rwrsh 1931 own“ or in any placow when they do not 10m} scold. Md" '. .l' come into contact m the earth. (Than. “In“! it 30M 33““. . ‘ there is a danger: of the rows dryi- Food W “and?“ 1111... '3.Lngout'._1toomuoh Insuoh conceit °A===__â€"-â€"â€"='â€"â€"â€"=B 1.1; may be my to moisten than I;- o :51. . once or twice that the wi . .- unsettle-lb! 3‘ storing acou- at 3111.11.11? «I: w. ‘ visoobtohovatheoollarnonrrnnat 1 ad that It you a mum; from economical. This excellent Cocoa . . maintains the system in robust Equalization of the Assessment an health, and enables it to mist . Expensive Luxury. winter’s extreme cold. His Honor Judge Hardin: has 1111 ad- od out his decision in equalization of the assessment of the 1311-10113 mun- icipalities composlné the WWW- HIS Soldby Grocers and Storekeepcrs Honor’s report is a WRIT VOIWDO‘” o in }.-Ib and f-ul TIES. document. It is altogether'ltoo'oml that the County could not have been 'â€"_"‘"’ “Do You Want Male or Female Help ? .â€".â€"-â€"â€" saved the expense resulting fromthis investigation. .50 detailed state- ment of the amine connected the re- with is ootainable as yet. but comf qrclcnt authoriities estimate the cost to the County to 1:5: upwards of $6. M r r. M r a a a. (‘00. Judge Harding's feel for holdâ€" 0 g n JOhns’ C n . f‘ ' . mg the investigation nmotmns‘to over 5 J0‘ emment Emplo1 men: A}: ‘ 5700-1111...” 1 will take applications from 11¢ ~- M’: Diarmid A". \h’ceks g {' solicitors for the Count\. mill haw: requiring farm help 01‘ dom .. The help is €Xp€1i cl Dill amounting {0.111 alplLroxlmJCLr lser‘vantsb 11.151700 while the stenog'rmi. her‘> lfO come mostly from Eng l 'and Scotland. «cill :will amount to. about $500. The Canadian Magazine. Any person wishing to adl‘. It is gratiftinb to 111.111 Ipart fare for respectable >10 The Canadian magazine . as, a literary .or English girls will please 1: ;, iroduetion. has for some time new vise Mr. Johns, at his resides-‘1' holding its own with the lxigllwlass '99 Lindsay-st. magazmm, it is now showing a mark: 1 ed advance artistically. (The; Christ: I mas numoar gave emphasis .to this feature. and again tho January num- ioer contains some. partictnarly. at- tractive illustrations I'l‘ho n-uinocr contains a very valunlulel and illum- inating article. enfittlal "Metal Man- fog in Canada,"loy1.BmIphStoka, an authority on training. and: construe-u. tions by Dr. Louisa Frechobte, Virna Shard. A. 8. Cam, and other well knownw'xim. 1111:11. Wood’s Willie, English Ran/(ilk Tones“ nndinvigorawsthe 11:11 6 new ”manual“ Cums .Vv'o- Wand Brain I! arr]; 1)?! Wm Emo'cnbns SP” ea c: mailed I! New pomp“ panda-c1. mm ecu fiflwgbongm fiffimm «5”! mm IN rm BAPBB PAYS-

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