then-vat. ' 5i Wasn't ans. 1 . .~. 1 an.....~.o."£mas:Mama t‘ sewaamï¬ . THANK YOU †We wish to extend our thanks to ï¬rm who contributed to the success that we have had with our holiday stock. We had some fears that in view of recent c: nditions we had provided more goods than we should, but the râ€"nlt shows that the character of the stock and the reasonableness of the 1““ .. Warsaw =n£thsfll “Trade was fully satisfactory in vo - use and was made doubly satisfactory by the manner in which our line was 39pm. 'eted by careful buyers A. HIGINBfl'l‘HAM Hourly Opposite Post ofï¬ce, Lindsey muou e 111118011. Proprietors. l"lill)‘.\', J.\\'. lUth. ’03‘ L11 Vi“ \\ ’ leNDSAY POLICE AFFAIRS 1 \Vi- .1r3 conti nu1lly en quiries from our readers why the po- lim- court pro: endings 118 not pub- lished in the Post as they occur and to oar correspond: ms and the pullic an QVplanatron is due. . I’olici Magistrate Jackson and Chief Constable Xincent are adopting a course that has never been practis- ed. by't‘ne police of Lindsay before. or by the police of any other town or city we know of. viz.. only giving the press the most meagre 1nforrna' tiorr. concerning some cases before the court. and suppressing all first ofirncc cases and special cases that they apparently wish to be particu- larly .lcnrent with. Naturally very little â€police news filters through to the ’press. 2 ‘M'e believe the publication of the gol‘ce court proceelings has :1 great at in- 'iuence upon offenders than the magistrates almost private court. {with a small fine. and we know we are not alone in our opinion. ' .~ The police court is held. at 1rregu- lat intervals. and it is is not aliv'ays convcnrerrt to have a rpeorter at every scss1on of the court. it is the duty of tllt' Clucf of l‘olice to turmsh accurate and full information of th-r 0850s before the court. particularly ashes the police books are not socce- aible to the reporters. { Here is a case in point10n Cl11ist~ Inns cve a load of hay was stolen al- most from under the night constahlc's new. clone to Kent-st. Each day since then our, reporter. when ask- ing the Chief for police news. has second the same replyâ€"â€NOthin; do- ing." “"3 can draw only on: much.- sion. that there is loosens-15 some- ywhcre. or the hay or its equivah-nt woull long since have been returned loitr'. Owner. There lll'lPStl‘Ct‘t rumor-1 in 1(‘fcrcnct‘ to the matter. but we are not supposed to pay any, atten- tion to them. ' \ KIRKFIELD. ‘ i (From Our Own Correspondent) .With a 1111‘": :rou l: 111 town Mon- day night. M '1'. Gilchrist. teacher, golt quite a good reception on his re- turn her-o after his; lived-ding. 13011;: More: in use-hand 'oelL‘. «cow bells. cos. ll‘hsrs was also a large supply of tin drums. Hal «was met a“; the train lay a .rocdl qrcuvd. which ' was greatly reinforced oeforc reaching the hotel. Rod lights rwarexlin use. and guns fired. .The bankers. {were in cvi-dc-mo amount the crowd. also Bass-k King’s smiling face. ..t the hotel 'Mr. Gilchrist ran into a storm of trim: and confetti. Dentalâ€"One of the firm' of â€Neel- unds , Irvine. denï¬lstS. Lindsay, will (as at the Queen’s hotel. M'oodville. on (fucsday. Jan. lith. and Camqioell’s hotel. Kirkfield, on M'ednesda)‘. 15th. Call in fonenoon if passableâ€"“'1. __.____ ZION. . -. (From Our Own Correspondent.) A. nurna‘er from here: attended the Swank-1.211001 «invention at 11-Mtltle . Brita-in on Tuesday afternoon and ev- «suing- - M, Mr. E. Rodman had the misfortune to lose one of..hi1s valuaole horses dost wreak. , . Mr. George Danni-s, who†has been engaged'wi‘th Mr. F. Bread. for the past summer. has returned (to his horn-c in Lindsay. ,1)- A family gathering enjoyed their {New Year‘s festivities at ltho home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark.~ . Among their number aver: Mr. aners. H. Mark. -of leazayglson. Mr. an‘dt Mrs. .VV. J. Badman. of Huntsville, Mr. and Mrs. .A. H. Emerson and family. and Mr. and Mrs. Loans medland. ' It is need- less to say. a {good time rwas enjoyed. Mr. ‘Austin 'Dorwnler is. visiting triedns at Brighton. 1-. ,’ Mr. Oswald 1Va1rcoe met’ \‘With a painful accident .while working at the (an. in Which, he sprained has ankle" ; Mr. .William Stokes was presented (arid: a baby bozT-on Christmas day. Mrs. J. Valmoa. of. (Toronto, visited her mother. Mrs. Broald‘. an; on New Icar‘s‘lda'y. : a ' 1 l. .1‘.‘ j 1_‘\ ‘ Mir. Dinm.‘ after spending. this Winn-as holidays at "1101mm Bao- m Myatmmstl to beach school it for; 18mm: former" 7361313 . .Mi‘s‘s Sadie. Correspondents Newsy .ilietters ' .IWOODVIlLlLE. 1 (Special 'to {the Post.) DenltsLâ€"One of this flamed Neel- ands Irvine. dentmslbs. Lindsay, 12-111 loo at the Quepn’s1Mbel. Woodvillc. von musedâ€. Jan. 14th. and Dumbbell}: hotel. Kirkï¬eld. on Wednesday, 15:11, Call in fonenoon if (possibleâ€"w)“ , ...â€"..â€" ‘ LGLENAIRMLr 't‘lr. Wine: g £11m Imago“. he on‘is ' n 11:11 its [111: had fowl supperséarot‘u :).: New Year‘s day 11 lvb'onfln'g match .was held inlc'ulr village. and: 9311' livcned the afternoon. Our. community was represented at Kirkfield on New Year’s even-111.1: tuwo sleighloadls having journeyed. thither. and all report an enjoyable time. Mia-.21 May Spouse. .of (London. is visiting her “1111er ' ‘ 1 Miss Fowler 11:11.1 resumed her duties at S. S. No. ,9. Fonslon. \ Miss Annette Brown has returned to Moulton College. .Toronto. ,. 1 Mr. Will Spence has .roiturncd to Lindsay Collegiate Institute. also Sinclair. . Mr. John Spouse oh the far-famed “fast. is the Erug-:1 .of his parents- ...â€"..â€" ISLAY. . _ (From Our Own Correspondent.) Mr. Rosier-t Christian. of il‘rmer- ity. Man, is visiting friends in our midst. , Mr. George Buroheessl. formerly“-~ of Islay. but now of' Mimirobai. visited. in our 'neig‘lroorhood this yet-ls. It is somewhere armind thirty" . ,years since Mr. 'Burchetss left. Islay to seek his fortune in the; great‘ «vest. and settled near MinnedOSn. where he has since lived. 1Hll51 many old friends and acquaintances of this place are glad to see him. .~_ ' Mr. Charles and Miss .Lily Gil- christ. of Alberta, are visiting our der the parental roof. 1 ' lThe Misses Rose and Lena Elfohd’. accompanied lay Mr. and Mrs. Vice and daughter. of Solina. spantChris-‘t- mas at the home of Miss Elfomd. Miss' Jane Graham and Miss Lizzie Green. of lI‘oronto, spent ,Chrla‘ltmals at their respective homes. \ Miss was accompanied by her Mrs. McKay. of (tomato. -â€"-â€"_._._ '- KIllKFIELD (From Our Own Correspondent.) Our schools reopens-1.011 Mon-Hy. with .1 large number of pupils. , Mr. John Gilchrist. principnl‘nf the putiic school. was rriarried on Christ- mas day to a young lady of Colds-.1- ter whose name we have. not learn- ed. “1 wish Mr. and 111-3. thchrut happmcss and pl‘OopL‘f'ity. 1 Monday was un cxcmnz day here owing to 111-: municipal ("rcuthfH and vote on Local Opt1ou. The Immer- ucc-3- people '(Zvon inc 1133' for Inca] Option unll it now‘ remains to be seen win-tar the pilot: be benefittef. 01' not. . ‘ Mr. 'R. llowkuw. of Wcodvhla. wrs circled room: for the township 1.11:1 Mr._ A. McFarlinc by a small ma- jor1.y. The Counc1llors for 1911': w‘rc re-r-‘ectcd with the exception of Mr. Ross. who was defeated by Mr. Mr‘ Q1.ar1'ie. We must cougratuhte M‘. T1203. 'lloLinson on heading the poll. A jolly dance ..was given by the Kirknc-lu. Club in the team h1l. last Finally. “ll-:11- about sixty guests dam-ed 11111 made marry the horns 1.1111! after midnight. To Miss “‘K'LJSLF and Miss Mitchell and Messrs Chas. )l11cm.l and Will Mcszief is 111.5 the (rt-lit for the artistically decorat- cd lull room. 'iic colors red. white and l.l.‘e {reJ01uinatmg. Inc 11111311; was under the direction of )1". M1- S1ll'1v1-ay. and the floors were 5-21- feet and aultogcther the evening we voted. the best yet. Mr. Philhps, C. E.. of Toronto was the ng'st of. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Slit-p- Mr. H. E. L11"iu and Mr. - Mr. ll E Larkru and Mr. Chas. Moguire. of St. Catharines. more here over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. San;- star. . Mr. A. 'A. Sangster left on; Monday .for St. Catharines. .i Miss Fraser. who apenb' the holi- days with her parents (1101's.. r1.- - truued to Detroit on Thursday of last week The many friends of Mr. â€\V. _A. Gr..ham,of Bobcaygeon, are glad 111- deed to hear of his recovery. from a serious illness. ' ' The annual tea and. entertainment in connection with the Preslbyteriu‘ church was held as usual on New Year’s night. and was well attended. J H. Cameron, entertains r, of Toron- to r‘ cave the program in a very, pleas- ing manntn The proceeds amounted to $1.10 The ladies in charge of 1h-3 tables are to be congratulated on the sneellent bill of fare. ' >~ Mrs. Mosgrove entertained a few friends last Thursday evening. Mrs.$l'1ephe1d gave a‘ delightful dance on Monday of last week and also a dinner on Friday night 111 honor of herguest. Mr Phillips. ‘ Mrss Sadie McKenzie has return- edd ‘to Toronto. after a pleasant holiday with home friends. Miss Bell Campbell visited Turns- to! and; .Port Perry last week, at. tending a 3 f4 (lam aunt. Argyle for another year. Miss M. Truman has been engaged: by Palestine school. and takes charge there this weeklo 1 - Mus 13563130 Benetton. 211:1. (once in the latter plan.- ‘ Miss Campbell resumes her school in ' All“; brief v1sit amongst her friends here last °week. 1 ‘ Miss Viola Mackenzie. of Tot-ant )- spent a couple of days with tho Misses Mackenzie, of “Lakevicw.†The village Council is compose! of Mcssls Lacey. Fraser and Staples. # . FENELON FALLS . The enclosed paragraph Mugs ipad» verten'tly omitted lay you. mom the cadence sent ml Tuesday, Jan. It belongs 'to lt-he mnti-cle on the and on the :prostmmz Mrs. Wm. Bur.- goyne uontriloubdd a. humorous Md- ing. 1.thng the: audience imi- mm méhï¬a swim on Monday night. Jack. where were you! Oddfellowa' meeting! Oh. yes! but tlthwt 11111an in it sit toll. ml. all. You should have lawn there me bye among.“ all those: 'brightroyed daughters and mandâ€"dmughtera of culd Oi'rc land; that Msnttho place: fa ‘ou. - Shane I wouldn’t. .have missed it mcs~lf for all the Oddicllows ever made. We". to main wid' the first thing to hit with |the eye .wh¢in yo “int in was the desormtionsu 'ltwould rejoice the heart of St. Paltrick him- self to see them. ,"All across “an sido of the loig front. room was “Erin Go Crash" in icig green slac'tthsm on a 11. hits background. 111d the dear little shamioalm scattered around. 1Thin all around the roe-meand hulls more M‘hite and g‘rsczi. audiover. the doons and ovindys the Girl's-h: flags in all their glory wane hanging. .Faith. whoever did it all had murtherin foine taste (aural-rely. Fimt .of all rwe hard 3. sepalsho from the Rivercnd Mr. Frinlch's himself knows he is talking sinse when he sets out .to tell us about dear oul Oineland, or. any other land for fthalt mmtter. Af- ther he got through: spakin. we had a. song by our host. (l‘hos. Cashore. esq. fl‘orn song â€The Little Ould Log Caloin on the Hill," and he: did it Moll‘ After that came a (media! '0! Geo .W iggins, as] The name! of his mead:~ in' eves ‘fl‘ho-Oir‘ilsllfl 1Lettbelr" and. many a good laugh... he gave us. Miss Bertha Austin played a fine. inâ€" strumental 15010. which delighwdt all layers of music. Miss Alice Hand sang one of thd good ould songs. "Come loslck to Eriry’ It made man feel a loit lonesome» .but when Miss Fanny Brandon came out wid her rc- 13itahion all about lthel Widdy McGee and Larry 0‘ Dee and the pig‘sâ€"share if tlere was a. loll: of a. tear nnnn- .11 here it was soon chalseld away. for eVerywan had to laugh. It's a aw ate voice Miss Fanny has: -to as share. Mr. Frinloh then gavel‘qa 1: along. "rl‘he dear little shamrock." and I river heard it sung iaet'telr. Miss Hand gave a. ueadin’ about. a. coup lei of Oir- ishmin frirsh from the ould sodâ€"it fairly brought down the house. Mus. Frank Rutherford sang that multi- ful song â€Killuzrneyâ€. which can nivâ€" er loe hash-1d too often. especially 1w hen sung are this lady sum: it on Monday mght. She did full justice to the song. 1w hish is sayint a great dole. Mrs. F. MacDougall played. the accom- paniment. Mr. Frinlch then. sang au- otber song. “I‘m waiting. Authore." If there hadn’t :osen‘. nnotMu‘ bit of programme. shure to hear that song would have mean well worth going to hear. lThorc is just: one word that can express that song as Mr. h‘rinch rindcred it on this occasion. and that 1.1 ord is may, rnifilcent. He: was accoun- 1c-ornpanied .oy Mrs. Frlnch. ‘ Dr. Sims was called on for a tpachc. oeing. as he was. one of the successful candi- dates for councillor. He spoke brief- ly, lent to the poinlt. touching on the :ooathouse glaciation. one of the burn- ing questions of the day. He thank:- ed the friends who had supported him one and all. (1‘11;r doctor is all right. A hearty vote of thanks M83 tendered Mr. and Mrs. Camhorle for the .warm welcome and hospitality shown the society. I forgot to mention it was the St. Jam-es Lithery. Susi-city got it up. 1W0 had irefrishmelnts. and cake and toy and. coffee and thin we agint a. rwhile in innioont diveimion, afthor which we went home do drone of shamnoclns. bright eyes. etc. etc. Mr. Jack Austin. in, left Tuesday to attend Business College. (The mink is well lpaltlronizc'd here this season. Notwithstanding the cry of halrd times. the depression). felt V A quiet wedding took place on New in other lplalrcs duets not seem: to cult any ice in our little town: The members of Trent Valley lodge. No.71, C. O. 0.. held a. martini; on Monday night. Jan. 6th. Impontan-t latch-use tmnsmcted and officers in- stalled for ensuing yam. 1, - Miss Elva Maylaee law on ‘Monday, to attend Lindsay Collegian/s Justiâ€" tute. :¢\ .3 . Miss .V‘mola McIntosh left on Mon:- day for a tarmi at Central Business Coll-ogre. Miss Dorothy Frenl'ch returned :to Lindsay on Monday to attend the Col- legiate Inshilt‘nlba. L Mr. Gavin Koyle. who has been vis- iting at Mrs. H.M1cDougall’s. return.- ed to this homelin Limits»: on Saturl: day. (7 Miss Gladys Preach left on Mon- day for “alluvcr al Halli: frou'omto. Mrs. Goulais. of Lindsay. spent New Year’s day nvilth her. daughter. Mrs. 'M. W. Brandon. 1 it, . Mr. Qrattan' Graham left. on Mon- day to resume has album all: Lindsay. Collegiate Insï¬tdtd. " 1 ' Mr. *Wm. Heard" ‘hsb returned from 1T0 rontO. when he menu the holiday season. Mr. George some time in H ery. Minuteman†.4 Mr. Ellsworth Austin left on inner day for :Bclleville Business Camac- Mr. George eel-£11. or LindssY. sow" New Year's day land. are visiting friends in town friends here- Mr. Frank Adkins. of Burnt River. spent .‘Dhunsday last visiting Islands in SW 1:. (, Mr. Ernie Boype «vent to fl'oromo on Monday. Messrs.1W.Bu‘olnetBhire. W. Qui- bell. E. Little'ton andi A 807‘“ ~03 their 110mm lune for. Cornwall on 1‘ 1'.- dis last. ' ' M'r. J. ll. Brandon Nacivad' a 'c1111- ing’ on Christmas morning at the lznds of his employee t’l‘h: cauo man a tour 11111111190111», gold-headed one. so Jack did‘ not mlindl it much. Messrs. A. A. Camdsndï¬. L. Carson. teachers. returned on. Satur- hurdrod and fifty-six days loftumd \ou in out how time Ilia-1 If you only know how anxiously \sc bashful 0.1511010†have been Wining for 190% to come round. you would not let your chances go my. rrherc are so 11;: 11y charming maidsâ€"to say. no; ‘1- inf,r of the dashing 11 idows. to choose tumâ€"that ‘we cannot ..mikc up our minds. so come to the rescue and. help us out. ll‘ .. . â€"_.â€"..â€" PENIEL (1 ton: Our Own; Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. 1\V.(J Wright. Mr. Henry and Miss Alice Odoorne. Mr. and Mrs. .Will Phola ani Mrs. Pcter Kinnee spent some days :in Toronto last rweell: fl‘hety nit-â€" “edi lthe wed.- ding of Miss Flord Osmne to Mr. E. 1LeLcng. loath of (Toronto. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dori (McQueen and two children, of Rochester, ï¬rst J. Coons and Miss :Wellingmlnu of Man- illa. and. Mr. andiMrs. Gibson. of Sm.- grave. spent New» Year‘s at Mr, Clarke Smith's - Miss Lens Wright is spending some days with her sister. Mrs Aloer: E. Wooster, of Oalnwood. Our schools have command. at.- tcr the holidays. mild-ctr sthe mole mani- aglement of Miss Eur-l Mayoeo and Miss Jean lBullooh. at Black' a and Co dar Girove rasnustively. 1 Mrs. Strickland and BIL-11 Valeria Strickland. of Cannington. spent Sunday rwith Peniel frie‘ndâ€"s- s - Mr. and Mrs. Alpert lTrctheMay. of Pcterlooro. have refund to pheir home. after having spent the holidays vicinity. more moccrnlpsnied by Miss L11- ~ (‘ with their friends in th's They otta Odoome. Mrs. L'dreyt . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chests. of Kim mount. are visiting their 15.1.1: rr Mime Rich Osoornc. A large number (run: here attend- ed the S. S. ronv untion at Little Briâ€" tain on Tuesday of Ulla- weak. and re- 'â€" port an exocllclnt time, _: . .1 . ~ Boot. Stone is .visiting alt _+. 1 OAKWOOD 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) . Mr. Walter McPherson ms in Tor- onto recently on business. Mr. Frank Bolton and Mr. Horace Coad left on Thursday last for train- ing at the Stanley Barracks. Toron- .to. 1 Mrs. George Pearl Thorndyke. of Cannington, are visiting at Mr. W. Thorndykefs. . Mrs. (Rev) Barrett. of Castleton. is at her home here for a visit- . Mr. Courtice is visiting his sister Mrs. (Rem) Brown. ; 1 1 Mr. .Will J. Cunnings. of Fargo. fRusland and ‘Miss North Dakota. spent a couple of days here last ween . 1 Mr. Arnold Coed. of the School of Telegraphy. Toronto. has gone back to resume his studies. 1 Mrs. Gadway. of Toronto. Friday last in our village. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Perrin and Miss Ger- nldine are visiting relatives in Pe- terboro. Spent; Year’s Day at the. Presbyterian 11111238. when Miss Letitia: Amitag daughter of ,Mr. and. Mrs. Amos Amitage, was united in marriage to Mr. John E. Robeson. son of Rev. J. Robeson. of Greenwood. The cereâ€" mony was performed by the Rent. Munro. The happy couple were 111:- _lattendede and left on late evening train for a trip “est. On Tuesday- ewning a reception was held at the bride’s home and a; very enjoyable time-was spent. 1 Mr. Arthur .W Bcsll. M. A.. of Fe- -terbor conducted the services in the Methodist church last Sunday.» ask- ing to the children in the afternoon. He also delivered an' excellent ad- G dress to a large congregation in the evening a Miss Zelma Patterson returned to Toronto on Fritz After: spending the holidays with ‘her‘ mother. ,.. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dayna are visiting at Mr. Penrone‘n. . On Sunday morning‘s: MLWilliam mine and 11‘s Minter wore driving to church his horse became unmarri- sgcable and ran away- Fortunately no one was hurt. - ' Mr and Mrs. William Hearst and {family left last week for California. ( The Women's Institute will hold citadrresulnmhmnm 911 day last. Miss Gray. of Lindsay. has accept.â€" rld a position as teacher in the south word mhcol. ( Miss Helen MoDougall left Mon.- day for Lindsay to continue her studx of music at 8t,Joq1h‘s Convent. Now. girls. get lousy. lcdp y-‘ar is here area more. Take time oy [111‘ fovoluzk.1horc are onlv woou'.tl1rt‘e 1.!‘3 L“ ship were yer! keenly contested. and 111311.; 11.0mm. . I‘m.WEElLL1 POST, LLIillSAY. FRIDAY. JAN. 10th, (a â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"‘â€" OOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOE Last week we gave you a full list of prlces for nounce that the sale is Again we an- In full swing. this great sale. Prices have been marked less than you expect to abundant par. pay. The stock of goods is and the quality away above Each department contributes it’s share and as the inventory goes along new lots the sale. of goods are being added to Reductions on all these lines listed below : Furs Mantles Suits Skirts Blankets Dress Goods Silks Millinery Pillow Cases Sheets Cloakings Undewear Car- pets Hosiery Blouses. 9m 1m LIN DSAY. ________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" .“cdncsd‘ry. the 151b, at the hon." of Mrs. G. B. Rennie. All members ‘nd other ladies interested are cor- d1ally invited to attend. Sc.ool Opened on Monday with 11’ good attendance in both dcpartnnn H 1 Quite a number from here attend- ed the Sunday school convention :11 Lilil: Britain on Tuesday night - Miss Luella Nesbitt. of Darlington. usilsd her uncle. Mr. \K'. J. McCul- lough. last 11 eek. _ __â€"+â€"â€" ‘ COBOCONK (From Our Own CorreSpondcnt.) D C. Mchan transactcl business in Cobooonk last \1 uk J E. Jackson. Geo. llichman. J '1'. “'crkins “ere business netor at l‘cnelon Falls on 'lucsiay llS’, Althu .\\ atson. Mabel lMillig in, an! £11m Stcxens were \1sitors at forum- to over \ew Year' 3. J. L. Cooke transacted business at Fem-ion Falls on Tuesday. lev. A. 8. Choice was a business visitor at Lindsay on Tuesday on last a. :3 m‘ ‘ . Carnegre. M. P. P.. was 111 To- \ .11: .l wclk. . Jas. . writer at Coboconk on Fruit 1.151. 1 F. C. Ficlzling and J. A. Ham 1..rc visitors at V ictoria Road on Friday. Mr: A. Breaw and Mrs. “.- Simp- son spcnt Tuesday in Lindsay. G. 'W. Stevens transacted business in Lindsay on Wednesday. Bowcrman. dentist. of Beaver- 1 visit to Co- boconk on .Wednesday last . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carnegie. Miss 1 \ Frances Carnegie, and Master Jack left for Uforonto on Saturday. w-lnrc they will spend the winter Miss \‘linnie Callan left for Albert. College. Belleville on Tuesday, to re sum: her studies after the Christ- mas holidays. . 1'. R. Graham. of Lindsay. was a visitor in town on Monday inst. Thu municipal elections for Barley township. held on Monday lass w~rc very exciting and also: close... The Local Option by-law for Bexley Mrs defeated. the temperance party lack- ing 5 votes to give them their 3-5 majority- 1 F. C. Ficldinfl m returned Reeve of the township hymn: msjori'. 5' of 10 over his opponent. G. T. Mr:- McKasue. The Council is as rollowg; J. A. Blown. Jon. Lytle, J. 3. Black M J Agï¬un. Tin dogma ï¬n Somervillc town- the tram for the put week bashed: LA. «Coho south! been returned Bee" for rank- ONTARIO. _._______.â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-_-â€"__â€"__- ._ a .- :1no.l1cr 3c1r. and has score-(1171110 {1- there 1-, i111 11;. Jrother. Mould-unarâ€" tr great v'1ctor3 over his oppon'n rive d horn: on D1: 3â€. ll.- ..llN. Wilson. of Kinmount. Mr. ( ll- 11 tll of the country as a. ; lace of s.- .â€" l.‘1n‘.-' majorit) being 73 T“0 or 3'1“ int < and for speculation . 3'. 1.- councu. “'81‘0 rC-CICCt‘lilb \1'111' home. 11 hich was )t‘ th= 51:1;1 Davis .and CJTQW‘ Tm ““ “ he s; ..lll. [aur day s in Chicago on 11.1.- 1nd alro [our days in Tor o: â€o ...1. Nlh'lrv' _\'1a1".-' ' r11 intly. 111(1‘. for the 3:08.11 will be Fell and 1H: ISkins mew. Ca nor will return to his ranch 1:. 1‘ “'45 9\PCCt°d~ 140031 Option cu" ‘11:: ~11, r-nr us he think: it l.) K's-- Vritd 1n Somerville. but the major",- ‘ rountrx, and ha- done CXCx'Cdlllc., i was not as large as was first expxb “Cu in 111;- past. ., Ev'cryone seems to 1.72- “ell 1'1: :1 .1 us hear that Mr. lames Court 11.;\ 1...- teen elecud councillor. right man in the right place 3 Mr. and Mrs. D131d \\ Kenncdv have r turned home from (h: ir hor - (VIDOOD. 11 such was spent in Pet..." . - re and Lakeï¬cld. (’1 . Miss Maud 1‘0“ lcr. of Toronto. 1: visiting or Mr. John \icGahes .- lilrs. John Davis. of. Brussels. present visitmz Mr Jam l.,11.1- aid) c.d 1hr- Temperance Part3 securin; only 8 votes over their necessirn 3-5 majority. A very large vow w as poll: d in the township. perhaps the largtst in years, due no doubt to the iocalOption by-alw, and the SLppOSt“. close contest between 111 :two aspirants for Reeve. _â€"â€"+â€"â€" l 1101 NT PLEA? m: (From Our Own Correspondent.) ‘ C Ta3lor. of Toronto 1.121s :1 \‘1si. â€" ‘ or .11 his former home in Mount l‘lta- lsant la1e13. 1 Messrs. A. I’. as h.- is::. \ l.‘ Jr'- McLean and Maurice llusenburg. of l’etcr‘boro. made :1 LOCAL WIS. flying visit to the parental 1101111: Eggs. fresh, 1;;21‘ doz... 0‘28 lit-re latel3. ‘ Butter, per ‘lo. 028 Mr. Lane. our former cheese Inak- lLard ................. . 014. er was in the village last week Cream 3-. , __ 0.13 A number of new members “3‘0 Turkeys. (per lo 1,... (114 been added to the Canadian Foresters pm --< ... ...... _. _ 930 ' .Cbiclcns. per pair 050 Gross. met 1) ... ...... 0 ll) Ilorrs. {er 1b .. 007 Best Manitoba Pat- .znt flour 305 \ u â€o h..- l‘cre. Elliott and wife of North Da kota. are here visiting relatives and cnjoying the refreshing air of Ou- tario during the winter season. Business has been very good in Stronght rolled flour... 265 the village this season. Apples, pen‘bbl ........ 250 1 Mrs. J. F. Gill. of Pembina. N. D.. Potatoes. “a. mi ________ 060 I has improved greatly since he: reâ€" 'Am {ï¬r '08:; “ ... 040 1turn to the home of her par ems Goose “heat .. .1 075 . here. The pure air. water. choi e S;ring when; ........... ) 080 fruits. and good medical attendincu .. 085 llzas b°cu the means of putting “'3 :03ts .. (X40 life in her. An absence of 1b yea: alliarlev \‘J 1 _ .. 055 from Mount Pleasant has 11111- .1 ..Barl-v V0,. 0 ' 053 change in her appearance. "Barley \‘o 31: p 050 Pat . No. 3 0.45 \\ IL-BERSMITHâ€"NiRTlll ~EMU/1. Buckwheat... 055 ' (Speual to Te 0M). Peas. Canadian Beau- Everyone seems to no. enjoymg the loo-ginning of the erwlllfear.» " con- l ' certs. loadings and partials are the or- der of the day. l’ on Friday last awï¬ 0‘ Duns- ltRye ...C...... 970 ford and Emily (people joined and Alsike. ""‘m‘ “00 Strumâ€! but... ... 300 spent 9. very e‘njoyalole waning at Baum cow ...... ... 150 Mr. Norman Kennedy's ' ’Export calttle ... 500 Quite a number from!!! here (were down on Manley night: ‘to hear Mr. “Marsh's lecture. which «1119.111~ yery 115-" (aerating. “ l1“ ‘ .- Mr ad Man. gm 1Elliotl: spent Dressed Hogs their holidays at Min. i'. 3035. 32' w :‘I' Mr Gcnu' Kennedy of Davidson sow hen .. 1...... â€him in loans machine out. inn-5'"... 3.1.... 3-... Peas. Prime Amt... 'Pe.’ s. small. nbush ......... Bod clover 961...... 075 900 on on .....- ... Lambs ... nuanHHuHNu-anuuuuuu v . -,.